Anna Lu

41 Happy BIrthday!

She stood!.....Anna was on her bed with a face still full of surprise. She just finished taking a shower as she was so exhausted form all of today's events but at the same time she wasn't exhausted rather....excited.

"I stood!" Anna said to hers again making everything sound real to her.

Anna remembered that she was still in a daze when Dr Joon left her to stand on her own.

She only realized she was standing when she had opened her teary eyes.

"I..I..." Anna raised her head to look at Dr Joon with a surprised expression only to see the women smiling like an idiot.

"You have it!" the woman suddenly said startling Anna. She quickly held the bars for support "Wh...what?"

Dr Joon's smile grew wider, Anna had a feeling that any wider, her lips would touch her eyes.

"You have the spark!"

"The spark?"

"Yes!" Dr Joon nodded excitedly. "The spark that one needs to become an exceptional barrette. I don't know where you came from Anna Lu but, I have high hopes for you!"


Anna stared at the ceiling, remembering the woman's words she couldn't help but get confused again "What spark?.....what is this, Monster High?" Anna laughed.

She turned to look at the picture at her bedside, she missed her brother. She wondered if he knew about this....if he was looking for her.

"Ah...." Anna sighed, this was going to be a long and hard road but she was sure she would pull through. One of her greatest inspirations.....that awesome red army uniform, she was sure she would look awesome in it but she knew it wasn't going to be that easy.

3 Horrible Months later.....

Anna woke up feeling sore but happy, today was the last day of her therapy with Dr Joon. She was especially happy because today was her birthday even though she had no one to celebrate it with...oh wait, she did!.

She got down from the bed and walked to the bathroom, though her steps were still as slow as a child's, she was getting a hang of it.

Anna brushed her teeth, took a shower and trimmed her hair. She realized she preferred her short hair.

She stared at the photo frame at her bedside for a few seconds before taking a rag from the last cupboard and cleaned it thoroughly. It had become a daily habit of hers as it was her most treasured possession.

"I did Li Chen....not very long now....I will avenge you" Anna stared at Bai Sheng's forced smile in the picture and giggled. She wondered how all of them were doing.

Making sure her room was neatly arranged she looked at the electric wheel chair staying at the corner "Goodbye old friend..."


"My spark!" Dr Joon rushed over to Anna the minute she saw her. Anna had already grown used to that name, she actually liked it, it made her feel special.

In just a few months Dr Joon or Ms Kim had become a motherly figure for Anna. They had become so close to each other that Ms Kim offered to adopt Anna, she quickly refused though.

"Anna....we have come a long way" She said wiping imaginary tears.

"Come on Kim, you promised me there won't be any drama today" Anna chuckled before she hugged the woman emotionally "Thank you..." Anna said holding back her tears, because of this woman....she had finally overcame one of her greatest challenges in life.

"Don't thank me yet.....I have a surprise for you" Dr Joon said with mysterious eyes.

Anna raised her eye brows "What is it?"

Dr Joon rolled her eyes at the girl "If I told wouldn't be a surprise now will it?"

Anna shook her head and just followed behind the woman, what ever it is, Anna was sure she was going to like it.

When they reached the visiting room Anna was surprised as to why the woman brought her here. "Happy birthday and you're welcome!" Anna looked at the woman confused till she felt a slight tug on her leg.

"Aunty Anna!" Anna heard that sweet voice and the tears immediately rolled down her cheek, she turned around almost immediately and scooped the girl into a big hug.

"Ella! " Anna got on her knees and hugged the girl as tight as she could afraid that the girl might just disappear just like one of her dreams.

"Aunty were standing" Ella said in Anna's embrace, she didn't seem to mind.

"Okay the hugs for me as well" Sholana said as she joined in.

Anna quickly raised her head and as she expected her brother was standing there as well.

"Are you waiting for an invitation?" Anna raised her eyebrows at him making him chuckle, he knelt down and joined their group hug.

"Happy birthday Anna" Nathan said with a bright smile, he was happy that he could finally see her. She had no idea what he went through trying to see her in this place.

Anna sighed, she didn't hold back her tears as she felt contended and happy. This was by far, the best birthday of her life!

"Ah.....Family reunions..." Dr Joon sighed looking at the family enviously. "Yeah....I should probably call that son of mine" She said fishing out her phone from her purse.

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