Anna Lu

53 Bai Sheng........Blushed?

"Ahem!" Bai Sheng cleared his throat and took the glass from her lips and returned it back to the bedside table.

"Are you feeling better?"

Anna nodded, although she still felt light headed, her throat felt better.

"I'll call Angel to get a doctor" Bai Sheng said as he got up to leave.

Anna grabbed his wrist and looked at him with pleading eyes "Please don't go....."

Maybe it was because she had stayed in this room for so long without seeing anybody else, Anna suddenly felt lonely hearing that he wanted to leave.

Bai Sheng stared at the girl before patting her head, she looked like she was about to doze off. He sat next to her and sighed "I'm not going anywhere Anna"

Anna snuggled closer to him and hugged his waist.

"Why won't you tell me how you feel....." her voice was low and hoarse but Bai Sheng immediately tensed.

'Why couldn't he tell her?....he isn't sure if it is because he is scared of getting hurt again or.....because he is afraid of hurting her'

Bai Sheng patted the girl's head lovingly lulling her back to sleep.


After the doctor checked on Anna, she prescribed some pills for her after making sure her fever had gone down.

He put her on a drip and gave both Bai Sheng and Angel a few instructions before leaving.

Angel stared at her brother's worried expression and smirked "I told totally like her..." She said whispering into his ears. Bai Sheng suddenly found his sister's constant pestering annoying

"You think I don't know that!" he snapped, he realized Anna was still asleep so he lowered his voice and repeated "You think I don't know that?, I never denied it" He said shocking his sister, she soon pouted and turned away

"Geez! you don't have to be so loud"

Bai Sheng sighed and apologized to his sister.

"Why don't you just tell her?" Angel asked curiously.

Bai Sheng's eyes wandered to the sleeping girl's face "I don't know....I feel that, I'm just not right for her....."

"Rubbish!" Angel interrupted "Says who?. You're a freaking general!. You're good looking.....sorta...."

Bai Sheng's brows furrowed. Angel coughed awkwardly and continued "And I am sure she feels the same way I mean.....why delay what's meant to be any further?"

Bai Sheng nodded listening to his sister's words. Maybe he really was just delaying things.


Anna woke up with her throat feeling itchy and dry. She noticed the man next to her who was busy reading some files. Anna's heart softened as she stared at him 'Did he take care of me through out?' Anna looked out the window and realized it was already dark. 'He must have been here for a long time' Anna thought as her brows furrowed. 'He must be tired'

"Bai....Bai Sheng?"

Bai Sheng turned to look at the girl "You're awake"

Anna nodded weakly, before she could say another word he had filled a glass with water and handed it over to her.

Anna thanked him before drinking.

Bai Sheng stared at the girl lost in thought should he tell her?

"Bai Sheng?''


"I'm hungry...." Bai Sheng smiled at her before going our to call his sister.


After eating her fill, Anna felt much better and could finally sit up properly. Although, her face was completely red as she stared at the man who fed her. She though he was actually calling his sister to help, she didn't know he just wanted Angel to get the porridge.

Angel left immediately leaving only the both of them in silence.

Bai Sheng who was thinking of what to say tapped his fingers impatiently on his lap.

Yes! he thought as he finally noticed something to talk about "You....kept this photo?"

"Uh?...oh, yes" Anna stared at her most treasured possession. A warm smile appeared on her lips as she thought of those times.

" has actually been two years since we took this, it seems like just yesterday....." Bai Sheng stared at Li Chen's face and a hint of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Yeah.....time went by so fast" Anna sighed with a down expression.

Bai Sheng suddenly felt like hitting his own face, he just ruined her mood.



''I..." Bai Sheng remembered his sister's words and took a deep breath 'just tell her!' Things were never this hard for him even when it was June!


"Bai Sheng will you be my boyfriend?" Anna suddenly said. Bai Sheng choked and began to cough.

"Are you okay?....." Bai Sheng shook his head telling her not to worry while Anna was smiling secretly.

Red always told them "that if seduction never works, then you become straight forward."

It seemed her plan worked as she got the reaction she wanted.

Her question kept repeating in his head and cheeks soon turned red.

Anna looked at him in shock. 'Bai Sheng.....blushed?'

"Ahem!" Bai Sheng cleared his throat and looked away.....he didn't know if he was feeling shy or embarrassed. Maybe it was both?

"So...will you?" Anna asked but this time was met with silence. Anna parted her lips again "I get it that you don't trust women because of your past experience and you feel that I will betray you but.....I swear it that I won't do something like that, I really, really, love yo....mph!"

Anna opened her eyes in shock as she felt his soft lips on top of hers....what was going on?

Bai Sheng seeing that she didn't react continued to deepen the kiss, putting his hand behind her head and pulling her closer to him.

'Whatever' Anna thought as she hugged his waist and returned his kiss.

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