Anna Lu

54 Li Chen

Anna began to feel dizzy after a short moment. She almost forgot she was sick. Bai Sheng didn't seem to have any intention of stopping.


Bai Sheng quickly parted their lips. He couldn't believe he actually got carried away and forgot she was still sick.

"I'm sorry..." he said panting slightly. He suddenly realized what just happened.....he actually kissed her!

"Ahem!.....I...I have to go and run some errands...."

Bai Sheng said hiding the blush on his face, he walked to the door in a calm manner but in reality his heart was beating faster by the second

'I kissed her.....' Bai Sheng closed the door gently before increasing his pace.

Anna stared at the door dumbfounded...."What just happened?" Anna tilted her head, she suddenly felt like everything that just happened was her imagination. 'Running errands? who would the general be running errands for?'

Anna got startled when the door suddenly opened.

"Bai....Bai Sheng?"

Bai Sheng smiled at the girl "I'll be back in thirty minutes...."

Anna was in a daze before she suddenly recovered "Oh....ok...ok" Anna nodded. Bai Sheng closed the door and left with a sigh.

Anna subconsciously placed her fingers on her lips...'That was easy' she smiled and buried her face in her pillow. She felt on top of the world at the moment.





Duan Residence, 2 years ago....

'SuChen' stared into the distance after Anna left. He didn't move from that spot a long time. His fists clenched tightly as he stared at the car.

".....I'm sorry little brother..." Both brothers always had had a different way of dressing, apart from their hair clout their clothes always told them apart.

Li Chen couldn't bring himself to tell Anna how he felt so he decided to switch identities with his brother.

He sent his brother into that fire to save the woman 'he' loved just so he could impress her...things got out of hand.

He was the closest to Anna at that time and his brother kept signaling him to play along.

He decided to claim his brother's name till the time the bullet hit him.

He stared silently as his brother's body dropped to the ground.

The bracelet he made for Anna was given to her by his brother. Even at his last breath.....he still tried to earn points for his brother....

Li Chen couldn't bring himself to tell anyone this, he couldn't bring himself to tell anyone how much a coward he was when he saw that gun.

Everyone always thought that he was the strongest one , that he was the smartest but in reality.....he was the weakest, he was a coward!

"Su Chen....." Bai Sheng walked up to himand patted his shoulder.

"It will be better if she doesn't know for heard the general, you can't tell her!"

Li Chen nodded and tried to force a smile just like his brother used to.....unfortunately now, he could never see that smile again.....

Li Chen went back inside and quickly headed for his room...Li Chen's room.

There was a man who was deathly pale on the bed, his eyes were closed shut and there were all sorts of machines connected to his body.

The man could be mistaken as a corpse if the monitor wasn't there beeping slowly.

Li Chen walked to the bedside and grabbed a chair and sat down.

"Little brother.....I'll be with you till you wake up okay?...don't loose hope just yet....don't die because of me...."

Than didn't seem to hear as his eyes were tightly shut and he showed no signs of waking up...Su Chen had been diagnosed a vegetable. The chances of him waking up was slim.

That was why the general sent Anna away, she made his son as good as dead! this was even worse than death!

"I can't tell them just yet.....please wait a little longer....." he couldn't tell them who he really was....everyone would look at him in disgust. Everyone would hate him....he couldn't do it....he couldn't lose his family.


Back to present...Eve island

" brother?" Angel's eyes were wide open as she stared at the both of them,she looked really surprised.

Bai Sheng fought the urge to roll his yes at the girl's acting. She was the person who told him he was delaying things now look at her acting like a saint.

'I shouldn't have sent her here' Bai Sheng shook his was a bad idea.

Anna nodded at Angel "Yep, we're officially a couple....right honey?"

Bai Sheng faked a cough to hide the blush forming on his cheeks.

That name she just called him.... "R...Right" Bai Sheng replied before looking away. Before today he Didi t even know he was capable of blushing when he wasn't around that woman...that woman he gave all of his trust, that woman he gave all of his firsts to...

Thinking about her, Bai Sheng's eyes turned cold and he clenched his fists tightly.

Anna got startled, he looked extremely unapproachable.

"Ok.....I won't call you honey don't have to look so scary" Anna said poking his shoulder.

Bai Sheng sighed, he really needed to get that woman out of his head.....even in death, thoughts of her still bothered him.

He still sometimes had nightmares about that night he took her life with his own hands...that night where it all started...

"Bai Sheng?....Bai Sheng.....hellooooo"

Angel waved her palm in front of his face startling him out of his daze

"Are you daydreaming about you and Anna?

Should I gibe you guys some room to show your love?" Angel winked.

Anna blinked her eyes continuously....her cheeks were burning from the girl's words.

" guys can go now, do not worry about me. I will take my medicine and sleep early"

Bai Sheng looked puzzled "Are you kicking us out?"

Anna nodded vigorously "Yep!"

Angel shrugged, she winked at Anna one more time before turning leave and dragging her still confused brother with her.

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