Anna Lu

55 3 Months Vacation!

Duan Base, 2 years ago...

Despite his own wishes, his father had sent him back to the Duan base. Apart from the fact that they needed someone in charge, Bai Sheng seemed to have disappeared, no ome knew where he went and it bothered the general greatly.

Li Chen for the first time came to the Duan base alone, without his brother's. Everyone gave him a look of sympathy which he hated. It made him feel more guilty. He wasn't allowed to tell anyone the real state of his brother so he had to lie and accept their sympathy, making stupid jokes like his brother when necessary.

So far, no one actually suspected a thing. Not until after the night of the third day when Chesa returned from her family house.

He only spent one day with her but...

That night he sneaked out of Base to an unnamed hill. He and his brother used to go there whenever they were bored. The hill had a perfect view of the night sky and it was especially calming to watch.

Li Chen lay down on the grass deep in thought. It was only a matter of time before someone attempted to wash his brother's hair, if they kept doing it continuously.....they will probably find out everything.....

"Li Chen?" Li Chen turned around out of habit and answered, he soon realized his mistake and stared at the woman in horror.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone..." Chesa said sitting next to him. She knew he didn't believe her, how could he? She was always very close to Su Chen since from high school. They became as close as best friends so she could tell right away.

"I isn't a secret for me to tell...." Chesa said as she lay down as well and sighed.

"Does your father.....or Bai Sheng know?"

Li Chen who was still recovering from his secret being exposed, shook his head in a daze.

He almost forgot how close Chesa and Su Chen were, right from high school till now. They were both known as the inseparable twins.

"Su Chen was a good man you know....."

Chesa forced back her tears and smiled instead "But I don't blame him.....he got tired....really tired of life. He tried to hide his hatred and guilt.....from both you and Bai Sheng"

Li Chen looked at her in confusion "Guilt of what?"

"Ahhh...." Chesa stretched her limbs arrange herself to a much more comfortable position.

"Do you know...he feels guilty because.....he was in love with June as well, since from the time he first met her. He felt guilty because, Bai Sheng was like a brother to him and that he felt like he was betraying him having those feelings..."

Li Chen was beyond surprised, he actually thought his brother was not even capable of feeling love for a woman. But, it seemed there were somethings about his twin that even he didn't know...

"And as for his hatred....he hates Bai Sheng as well, for ending June's life. For not giving him one last chance to see her even though she was a spy.....Even though Bai Sheng got sick because of her betrayal, he still couldn't bring himself to stop." Chesa patted Li Chen's shoulders "In the future.....if you want to impress a girl.....try being yourself. If she doesn't accept you for who you are?....then she isn't the one for you and she isn't worth it." Chesa said those words and stood up to leave. She really couldn't stay this close to him for long with feeling like a teenager...she had a secret of her own. In all the 9 years of friendship she had with the Duan brothers.....she has always been in love with him, she has always been in love with Li Chen.....


Present time, Eve island...

Anna felt much mire better after waking up that morning, her fever was gone and her cold as well although, her face was still as red as a tomato

Thinking back to what she did yesterday, she began to feel embarrassed...'Did I actually ask him to ne my boyfriend? o even called him '"honey'".....ugh!'

Anna didn't know what to do now...should she tell him it was under the influence of the fever?

Anna laughed at her own stupid idea and went to take a bathShe silently accepted the fact that, she was now with the man she had been fantasizing of for almost 3 years now...

Anna sat in front of the vanity mirror drying her had gotten longer. Anna stared at her reflection for a while "I'm not really that pretty.....can I surpasshis ex?" Anna sighed. She was depressing her self with obvious questions.

She took a pair of scissors and trimmed the hair to length she always loved.

She took her pulls and decided that she was going to have a talk with Eve.

Because after everything that happened yesterday, she finally felt like doing it!

She finally felt like taking a three month vacation.

She wanted to visit Li Chen's grave, she wanted to visit the Duan Base. She wanted to stay with her brother for a while....she wanted to meet her birth mom.

Anna's fists clenched.....she wanted to put that man in his place!

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