Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 158 - Konosuba Side Part 43.

After screaming to the sky, Kazuma laughed dryly before he went completely silent. This gave Misaka shivers as he moved again.

His steps were messy as a low whisper was heard from his mouth, and coupled with the weird atmosphere around him, Vanir wondered if this human was a zombie all along, but then he denied it.

{I must still be in shock. A zombie would definitely be more competent than this guy. I'll not insult the undead like this. I have standards!}

Slightly ashamed to compare the hard-working undead to such a person, Vanir shook his head before he noticed the target of his insults was right in front of him.

"You...tell me everything you know."

"Hmmm, that could prove to be a problem, because after all, I know a lot of things, but-what are thou doing?"

Without giving Vanir a chance to complete his words, Kazuma caught Vanir's collar violently in an attempt to drag him over, but the difference in strength made that impossible.

"Look, a devil or'll tell me everything you know about what happened inside my mind."

"Did overcoming moi once made thou too comfortable at raising his hand at moi? In any case, move away! Thou breath stinks more than an earth dragon!"

Vanir pushed Kazuma's face away before waving his hand to clear the bad breath. However, Kazuma recovered instantly and caught Vanir again.

"Thou… I hope you understand that I don't swing that way. At least, let me transform into a great beauty to make your despair and shame more enjoyable-"

"What? Screw off! I'll not leave until you spit out everything! You must know what happened inside my mind, just tell me...please...just tell me..."

Looking at Kazuma falling slowly on the ground in complete despair, Vanir blinked his eyes before he looked at the others. All of them gave him a blank look while some just turned their heads away.

" thou okay?"

"No, I'm not okay! I found out that the sadistic angel did something in my mind. You have no idea what that guy can do, and he actually accessed my brain! How could I be okay?!"

"I have a general idea after witnessing a glimpse of his excellency's strength, but aren't thou overacting? I don't sense an ounce of malice from that power. On the contrary, it only carries goodwill. This makes moi interested in how thou could achieve such a feat."

"Goodwill?! Hah! You don't know a thing about the terrors I witnessed...Rick...Rick is still haunting my dreams!"

Kazuma stood up from the ground instantly as he described the terrors he faced. Seeing this, Vanir only shook his head and sighed. He lamented how some people could be so ignorant of the blessings they have.

"Could you have a breakdown later? We need to hurry, you know?"

"No, I'll have my breakdown here and now, thank you"

Kazuma fell on the ground again and refused to get up as Leone looked down at him.

"Vanir, could you just say what you know? This guy won't stop until he can understand what happened."

Kaguya appeared next to Vanir suddenly as the latter flinched a little, before returning to his normal pose.

"Ah, the rude lady. You make sense, but it...hmmm, never mind. I have a better idea."

"Thou don't wish to waste any more time, right? So, how about you follow moi in the meantime?"

With those words, Vanir lowered his hand and presented the path behind him, making a polite gesture of inviting them.

"Let me guess, all of you will accept the invitation of a devil-… yup, called it."

Kazuma stood up from the ground with a blank face, wiping the dust away from his clothes.

"Well, at this point, it isn't a bad choice. Also, aren't you curious?"

"To be honest, my curiosity died a few days ago. Now...I just want this to end..."

"Well, too bad for you."


Leone shook her head before she followed behind, leaving Kazuma alone. He shook his head, sighing before he chased after the rest of the group into the forest.

Deep into the forest, the group was walking under the leadership of Vanir the moment they entered, which was a few minutes ago. Still, this small period was abnormally and tensely silent.

In such a big forest, you'd expect to see birds and animals, or at least small insects, but it was so quiet. There was nothing in their sight except for the endless rows of trees and plants.

Whitebeard frowned as his Haki was scanning the area. Except for the trees and plants, no living creature was in the vicinity. Not even the smallest of bugs and insects. The feeling was exceptionally uncanny. Not only that, but the devil at the front was also acting unusual than his normal self.

Vanir didn't say a word from the moment they entered this forest. For someone who appeared to be very talkative a few moments ago, this was indeed suspicious.

"Hey, are you..."

"There's no point in asking moi, thou with the crescent mustache. I feel that thou know more about the cause of this than moi anyway."

Vanir waved his hand before he changed directions and took a turn to the left.

"So, you know something...about what happened here, not the cause behind it."

"...That's right. The cause of the change in the forest is because of that creature."

"What does this have to do with the thing in my mind?"

"Nothing. Are you an idiot? Ah, sorry for my obvious question."

Kazuma was grinding his teeth as Vanir looked at him apologetically. This guy is really getting on his nerves the moment he saw him.

"Then what are you doing?"

"Hm? Guiding you to the creature. Isn't this what we agreed on? This is also an urgent matter for thou and his party, no?"


Kazuma was speechless. This devil isn't saying anything wrong. They did agree to play Vanir's game so he could guide them, and it was also rather urgent for them to find the PE-SS-26-13287's avatar quickly.

{But what about the bomb in my mind?!!}

"Stop antagonizing the goodwill that you received."

"Can you explain why we are running in circles all this time?"

"Hmmm, what do you mean?"

Pulling the map in the chat, Misaka found that Vanir was guiding them in circles. The marked area was chaotic and changing, but they didn't step inside, not even once.

Vanir was taking them around the edge of the location, taking detours each time, they get closer and about to enter.

"If only thou were more focused on important affairs than desiring to strike my lovely mask with a lightning bolt. But thou could try it, I don't mind death once again for a change. However, I don't think thou can revive themselves"

Vanir put his hand on his chin and looked up and down at Misaka before he shook his head. This gesture made Misaka's eyebrow twitch. This devil is using every opportunity he gets to make her mad.

"Die? Is this place dangerous?"

"No, I just said that because I thought it's funny. Did thou like moi joke? Be aware, thou might die from laughter"


Misaka clenched her fist and looked at Kaguya, but the latter just shrugged. She doesn't care if Vanir got hit by lightning, neither know if it'll affect him. Kaguya is oblivious to the effect of Misaka's electromagnetism on Vanir's earth body that is infused with mana.

"Ah, this is the farthest I can go. There's no helping it"

Suddenly, Vanir halted his steps as an ominous smile surfaced on his lips. Despite that, he resumed walking slowly until he entered deeply into a darker area in the forest. The group looked at each other before they followed Vanir.

The forest continued to darken as the thick plants and trees made it hard for the moonlight to illuminate the area. However, after a few steps, the group found the area suddenly became slightly brighter before they felt a bizarre numbness on their bodies. It was like they have touched or passed something very thin, giving them a slight goosebump.


Misaka exclaimed as the whole forest changed into a brand-new place. The darkness was dispelled by an emerald green color coming from lines like circuits, illuminating the whole forest.

They extended everywhere at sight. From ground to trees, they filled the whole place. Under the emerald light, a few particles of green light were floating here like a swarm of fireflies, sharing the same glow with the circuits, and adding a touch of mystery to the area.

Gradually, the green particles will fall gently and slowly from the air, leaving a small trail of glow behind them. Landing on the circuits, they melt like snow on the ground, but once they land on the outside area, they leave a green glow.

The green glow will dim slowly until it becomes new circuits, attaching themselves to the others if they were close enough, and forming the huge network that filled the forest.

"So, are you sure this was here all along?"

Looking at the dreamy fantasy scenery, Kazuma wondered if his eyes in playing tricks on him, or maybe that devil put him under a spell.

"No… at least we couldn't tell"

Kaguya observed the emerald network of circuits extending as far as her sight could reach before she spoke to the only relaxed person here.

"Was that a barrier we just crossed? Are you the one who made it?"

"Hm? No, no, not a chance. It existed before I arrived here, but thou are a bit wrong. I won't deny I also had that same wrong reasoning"

Vanir shrugged his shoulders as Kaguya frowned. She has a weird feeling the moment she set a foot inside this area. It was like the whole area is separated from the outside, not just visually, but even…

"Thou can feel it? I also had moi doubts at first, until I realized that this shift reminded me of the difference between hell and the human world"

"….. A different reality? A realm?"

Kaguya felt this situation became more complicated. Unlike the first PE-SS-26-13287 avatar, this one seems to have more tricks. This raises the question, this is a new reality separated from the previous one? Maybe the circuits on the ground are making it?

Without a good answer, Kaguya was in quite a dilemma. How she should deal with this? It not like the circuits and the barrier are just fancy decorations?

"What are you doing to do? Rush inside and deal with it like the previous one?"

Misaka asked while observing the whole area. She is amazed by how the area was tattooed by green circuits, especially the flying lights. Noticing one of them, she wanted to extend her hand and catch it…

"Thou don't have to seek death this much, have more confidence in yourself. You can still grow up… I think"

Without knowing when, Vanir already appeared next to Misaka and caught the emerald light particles before they touched her.

"You! Just what you-… huh?"

Before she exploded from anger, Misaka froze as she noticed that a green glow started to spread on Vanir's hand before it started crumbling. Slowly, the green glow reached his whole arm, decaying it into dust, but Vanir sliced off his arm before the glow spread further.

"This is a bit of hustle. Last time, I stepped on the glowing lines and almost died, then the spider killed me. Fuhahahaha… I wished a more entertaining death"

As his arm recovered quickly, Vanir laughed for a bit before his tone shifted into a deadpan one. It was like someone insulted him very badly.

{So, this guy doesn't mind dying as long as it is interesting? And he's in a bad temper for having a boring death? What a mood}

Kazuma found that this whole group is becoming more concerning. Having one of the people don't die when they are killed is already too much, but two of them? This only screams trouble.

"Is this whole place a death trap?"

Whitebeard wanted to test the green particles with his naginata, but he found it isn't worth it. He didn't feel anything coming from them, and this just makes them more dangerous. What happened to that devil just confirmed it.

"Hm? Thou can say that. The moment I arrived here, the animals and monsters already evacuated this part of the forest, leaving it deserted. Such occurrence has called moi sense of curiosity, so I went to explore and died once. It was very disgraceful death; quiet with no excitement at all, ahem"

Clearing his throat, Vanir took a doll from his suit and tossed it inside the emerald field. The doll didn't even make it to the ground before it turned into dust, but it cleared some green light particles.

"As you see, I made my Vanir's premium edition dolls and scattered them around to contain the spread of the green lines. Thou should have seen how fast these lines multiple. I remember seeing a pillar in the middle of them, but now, it's nowhere to be seen"

Shaking his head and spreading his hands, Vanir expressed his helplessness about the situation. He already did his best, but he couldn't find anything.

"You contained the whole area by yourself? Seriously?"

Kazuma found it hard to believe that this devil would do something this… good? Despite it been few minutes after their first meeting, he can see that this devil is someone that feeds on the suffering of others like that sadistic angel.

"*Sigh*… Th-… Thank you"

Struggling to say it, Misaka thanked Vanir, who just saved her life. She had no idea that something so pretty is a death trap. If it wasn't for him, she'll be… The mere thought of it made her shiver.

"Do thou found it hard to believe that I held off this place? It is rather simple. I, Vanir, wanted to protect the humans that live beyond this forest"

An amused smile appeared on Vanir's face when he spotted the puzzlement on Kazuma and Misaka's face, and smiled, even more, when it became a shock.

"Why are thou too surprised? As an all-seeing devil, I could easily see that the humans in the towns outside this forest won't survive this disaster, especially if the spreading speed increased. Despite being a devil, I know the value of human life very well. Human… human life is too precious to be wasted like this."


Misaka was slightly moved. She never thought this insufferable devil could do something like this. Her thoughts about him might have been wrong all along, but she didn't notice Leone shaking her head and shrugging.

"Wait for it"

However, Kazuma wasn't fazed. He knows this script very well.

"Human life… should be preserved because it's a precious and potential meal for moi!!!"


Burying his mask in his hands, Vanir raised his head before he said very passionately as Misaka froze in her place.

Yes, this is the goal of Vanir! Every human is a potential target that will produce the best of shame and despair that satisfies him. And if they couldn't? Then their future children will do! Human life is just very precious for him to waste! He'll never forgive such a waste of resources. As a devil, he has great morals that he'll never betray!

"Human life should be used to spill tears of blood made of shame and despair as the finest meal that could exist!! This is what I, Vanir, live for!"

Saying with a deep voice, Vanir was more serious than ever, but Misaka was completely fixed in her place, speechless and lost.

Leone just patted Misaka's shoulders while Kazuma gave some half-assed claps for Vanir's speech.

"Oh? Thank you, thank you. It appears that thou aren't as blind as I thought. What a surprise"


Noticing Kazuma clapping, Vanir gave a bow before he said a combination of an insult and a compliment. Kazuma just doesn't know anymore.

Ignoring the shenanigans happening in the background, Kaguya was wondering how is she supposed to do find PE-SS-26-13287. After a quick test, she found that her time stop is ineffective against this whole area.

It's like there's a force in the air rendering her time stop into a slight slowdown. It was very annoying, to be honest.

"What do you think? We can't enter this area at all, and even if we wanted to go from above, only I can have a stable air battle"


Listening to Kaguya, Whitebeard shook his head. He can't find a good solution to the current problem, especially if it involved leaving the ground. Air battles were never his strong point. It is kinda his weakness. Not to mention, he has to carry someone or two during it. This will make it more difficult and he can't take chances.

{Maybe we should switch to the next target and come back to this one later? But according to that devil, this phenomenon is spreading. It'll only get worst if it is left to be}

"Can we somehow drag PE-SS from there? I can't even see it inside at all"

Kaguya covered her mouth with the sleeve and wondered, but Whitebeard frowned. It might not be impossible, but he has no grantees.

"Hey, Vanir, was it? Did you say you saw a pillar inside there?"

Pointing with the naginata, Whitebeard asked Vanir, who was laughing maniacally at Kazuma's deadpan face.

"Indeed so. But can thou tell his companion to keep their death stares to themselves? This isn't polite-… Are thou listening?"

Having so much pride in his previous declaration, Vanir didn't understand why Misaka was so mad, but Whitebeard didn't mind him.

"Good, I think we will be able to lure that creature over and drag it to a suitable battlefield"

"Oh? Do you mean the other device? Are you sure this is going to work?"

Quickly understanding, Kaguya pilled the huge pillar from under her sleeve like a magic trick before it dropped it on the ground near the circuits.

The pillar dropped on the ground with a thud sound, even cracking it for a bit, showing how heavy it is. This made most people here wonder what Kaguya's sleeves are made of.

"You never know until you try and this is our best chance for the moment"

Taking a battle stance, Whitebeard focused his whole attention on the emerald forest at the front, preparing for any sudden attack or change.

PE-SS-26-13287 showed great importance for the device last time. It was almost like its entire life depends on it, which was true. The moment it lost connection with the pillar, PE-SS-26-13287 started to become weaker and weaker. Maybe if they left it for longer, it'll die on its own.

Whitebeard was betting on that relationship to get PE-SS-26-13287 out of this death trap, then drag it outside. However, after few minutes, he shook his head. It was an utter failure.

Nothing happened at all, not a single reaction as the forest was completely calm. The only thing that changed is that the circuits are advancing much quickly without Vanir's dolls that were supposed to block them.

"Was this thou attempt to make the creature appears? Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work"

"This location already had a planted device, maybe PE-SS didn't want more and it's satisfied with one. This is very weird"

Hearing Vanir and Kaguya's voice behind him, Whitebeard started to think of new options. Should he use his fruit power and create a shockwave big enough to destroy the whole area?

No, it is too risky. Although Whitebeard got enough strength, the consequences of using it in such delicate situations are devastating.

Assuming launching a strike with all his force, there is no guarantee what would really happen. Every object that shines with a green glow is deadly according to Vanir. What would happen if his attack made them fly everywhere? Is he assisting the spread of the green circuits or worst, maybe a fragment will make contact with people behind him?

Unlike Vanir, who can make bodies and recover from the earth, most people in the chat are still mortal. The green glow is very fatal for them, including Whitebeard himself.

The more he thought about it, the worse it sounded in his head. Especially if the green circuits are advancing…


"What are you doing?"

Whitebeard didn't answer Kaguya as he went over and grabbed the pillar. Unlike a smooth pillar, this one has a lot of weird additions to it, which made it look like a machine.

Finding a good place to hold it, Whitebeard raised the whole pillar with one hand before he stared at the green light particles and circuits on the ground.

"Oh? Is thou planning to smash his way through this? Fuahahahaha! How amusing! Thou violent approach is interesting, but unfortunately, I have to tell thou-…"

Vanir stopped his words immediately after Whitebeard swung the entire pillar forward and cleared the entire area of the swing from the green light.

"… it doesn't… work?"

Finishing his words, Vanir stared in confusion as a grin appeared on Whitebeard's face before he swung the pillar again.


Making a whistling sound, the pillar stuck the ground at the point between the newest circuits and big network behind them, leaving a deep mark on earth and sending the dirt flying.

Despite its weird shape, the pillar was like a knife cutting down the network of circuits as sparks flew in the air before the green gleam died down. The newest circuits didn't last for a moment before they dimmed, even the traces on the flying dirt vanished into nothing.

Confirming that his idea worked, Whitebeard's grin widened before he raised the pillar again.

"I'm keeping this"

"… Sure"

Kaguya said with a monotone voice as Whitebeard rested the pillar on his shoulder.

While watching the green circuits crawling their way on the ground, Whitebeard noticed something uncanny. Near the pillar, or at least its edges, there was no green glow.

Instead, there was a very faint green glow that shone on the end of the pillar before it vanished instantly. This happens each time a green light particle falls on it… does it gets absorbed?

From the look of it, it works just fine. The pillar was absorbing all the green glow that land on it, even the circuits on the ground. This reminded him that this pillar had the same green glow when it was with PE-SS-26-13287 avatar.

Just like that, Whitebeard repeated the process and cleared the front as Vanir stared in astonishment.

"This… this doesn't make any sense"

Remembering how many dolls he used just to delay the spread a little, Vanir shook his head and felt a big waste while the group just watched the show as Whitebeard cleared the area.

But little do they know, there was someone else in bigger confusion than all of them.


As 'his' face took the shape of O.o, Konosuba World's Will stared in wonder at Whitebeard violently clearing his path through the wild origin power using the device like a club.

Although those devices' job is to drill into the weak points in reality and draw origin power to change it, using their absorption aspect as some fly swatter is unheard of.

Just thinking about how many World's Wills and Outer Gods are still trying to figure out 'that guy' technology and devices way of work and Whitebeard here using it as a fly swatter, made Konosuba World's Will feels bad… because 'he's' also one of them!

"… This is bullshit"

Floating in the emptiness, Konosuba World's Will didn't find more fitting words to describe 'his' feelings as 'he' continued watching.

Under the watchful eyes, Whitebeard cleared the whole front from the circuits and light particles, so they don't make any more problems in the meantime.

But this wasn't enough. There are too many light particles in the air and circuits will recover, even if he cleared them all. So, Whitebeard decided to focus on clearing a path rather than the whole area. At least until they can find PE-SS-26-13287 or the source of this phenomenon.

Of course, Whitebeard took in case the chances of their escape route get closed from behind or the green glow surrounds them, but all the particles that the pillar absorb never come back.

However, he also never saw the green circuits making those small light spots, maybe the source is only the other pillar? Not knowing the truth, Whitebeard focused on making a path while Vanir, who shrugged at this development, made more dolls from earth to watch their backs and not get trapped.

Misaka wanted to help, but she found that gathering iron sand from the land under the green circuits is almost impossible for some reason. What makes this worst is even if she brought iron from behind, it'll just pass through the green light and not cause anything.

"Oh? Thou don't have mana? Interesting"

Throwing more dolls to die heroically, Vanir smirked as Misaka got more annoyed. She could easily see that this devil is trying to see through her, especially if she used something like magic in this world without any mana whatsoever.

Kaguya on the other hand tried to throw one or two energy bullets there, but they caused more harm than good. The bullets got mixed with the green gleam and made it scatter around the place, so she decided to stop.

As for Kazuma…

"Steal. Oh, it really worked"

Using steal, Kazuma saw the light of skill extinguishing the green gleam around his hand easily, even the circuits on the ground dried up and vanished. What left were some harmless sparks that faded away quickly.


"Ouch! What was that for?!"

Getting hit on the back of his head, Kazuma turned quickly to see the culprit was Vanir.

"Stop wasting that, do you think it's unlimited?"

Scratching the back of his head, Kazuma suddenly remembered something. It's very important for his mental health by this death glowing forest took all his attention.

"Then can you please tell me what is it?"

"Tell thou what?"

"About the bomb that has been planted in my mind!"

Vanir appeared to be confused for an instant while making dolls as Kazuma facepalmed himself.

"*Sigh* Thou has reached a new level of annoyance. Fine, thou deserve a proper explanation after all that I pulled you through. Even I felt bad"


Kazuma's face brightened as Vanir smiled gently and said the following.



Kazuma pulled his gun again and loaded a bullet before Vanir stopped him with a finger.

"To be frank, I don't have much knowledge about what his excellency gave you, except it's a blessing of protection and guidance. Hmmm, it's also a third-party limited ritual according to his excellency"

"The what?"

Kazuma blinked his eyes as Vanir sighed. Maybe he should just ignore this guy?

"Listen well, brat. I have no idea what thou did, but you clearly participated in some ceremony and made offerings. The result of that offering was thou receiving a limited blessing. When thou were able to use Steal on my mask, or when thou had the absurd idea to use Steal on moi, it was the result of that blessing"

"When Thou are lost, truly confused, and really d.e.s.i.r.e it, the blessing will act to provide guidance. That's it"

The more Kazuma listened to Vanir, the more confused he became. But in another case, he kinda understood what this devil meant. Especially the guidance part.

Remembering the weird feeling he had facing PE-SS-26-13287, Kazuma wonders if that is also guidance. It was a strong feeling of confusion that made him make the risky plan of using Steal on PE-SS-26-13287 with no guarantee it would work, instead of running away because he won't be able to help.

But… did he wish for that?

"*Sigh* What about the third-party thingy?"

Kazuma shook his head and continued asking, but this time, Vanir was silent for a moment before he spoke with an unsure voice.

"That… moi eyes can't make sense of it. Skills have two steps, thinking about them and channeling mana or stamina, but for thou, you have now three steps. Your skill, Steal, seems to be passing through some form of spirit left within thou before activating"

"That… doesn't make sense, to be honest"

Kazuma scratched the back of his neck in irritation. Things have gone much complicated, but at least his head won't explode, right? Whatever thing left in his head wouldn't go berserk at any moment, right? RIGHT?!

"… Why are you calling that sadistic angel, his excellency? No, why did you decide to help us in the first place? Don't tell me because that guy told you so"

"If you're referring to his excellency, then yes, I'm only doing this because his excellency outplayed me"

Vanir answered casually as Kazuma blinked in disbelieve. To be honest, he didn't expect to be correct.

"Thou should have been in Elroad to deal with a similar event, then came here only to find moi in the process. It didn't matter because I would surely fall into the trap and become an ally to thou and his party. This all has been calculated by his excellency so I, Vanir, the all-seeing devil, would join and assist. As I expect from an all-seeing devil like moi, count moi impressed"

"Hold on, calculated?!"

As Kazuma exclaimed, the rest of the group looked at Vanir with a color of shock on their faces. But before they asked him what he truly meant; Vanir's funny smile vanished.


Suddenly, Vanir looked in a certain direction before Whitebeard quickly stopped clearing the path from circuits and took a battle stance, startling everyone.

Kazuma and Co fall silent as they observed the emerald forest around carefully, but they didn't see anything. Yet, the creepy atmosphere that appeared from the silence wasn't promising.

While they were alarmed, at the corner of the emerald circuit's field, a faint shadow was flashing here and there at astonishing speed, leaving more green particles in the air with each movement.

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