Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 159 - Konosuba Side Part 44.

As the surroundings glittered with a dreamy emerald light, the easy-going atmosphere vanished, leaving a stern and solemn silence enveloping the group.

It might have been Whitebeard razing everything at front or Vanir, who kept telling jokes, that eased the situation, but it didn't take them long to recall the dreadful nature of this forest. The prolonged silence only made the creepiness worst as stillness became a terror by itself.​​

The cold sweat broke out of Kazuma's forehead before it slowly rolled on his cheek. His c.h.e.s.t felt stuffy, his heart began to pound loudly, and his body fixed in its place unable to utter a single word.

{What is this? Why… Anger? I want to scream... why I'm shaking… Run… Why… I… I… Just what is happening to me?!}

With every leaf falling from a tree, colliding with stars like emeralds glow dotting the dark forest, Kazuma felt his c.h.e.s.t tighten further as his eyes shook violently while looking around.

Behind all the bright lights, the dark side of the forest started expanding in his vision like a monster crawling. It didn't matter if those circuits illuminated the place. The ominous darkness soon engulfed them, giving them an unceasing terror.

As the pain in his c.h.e.s.t increased, Kazuma tried to gather the last of his reason and calm down, but it was completely useless. His body isn't listening anymore.

He desperately wanted to open his mouth and breath, but his lips won't budge at all. The only thing that filled his mind was ragging with intense emotions that suddenly appeared as the loud beating of his heart was like a drum hitting his head.

He can feel it… it's watching… it's hurting… it's angry.

Soon, his vision became slightly blurry as a wave of dizziness stroke his head. 'Am I suffocating' the thought flashed in his mind, but his lips didn't listen despite how desperately Kazuma wanted to open his mouth.

{Is this fear… I'm afraid?}

He felt his heart almost exploding as his lungs were getting crushed slowly and painfully. It was like something very heavy is squeezing his c.h.e.s.t tightly and almost smashing it apart.

From the dark forest, he almost could sense its gaze. Its wrath and anger… The mindless hatred and resentment… The reason why it wants nothing more than destroying him and shredding his body apart… piece by piece…

In the middle of dizziness, a weird iron smell hit Kazuma's nose as his eyes shook slightly down.

Just near his feet, a dead body suddenly appeared. Twisted and torn to pieces, the arms and legs were bend at a very disturbing angle as blood was oozing from every part. The image was so vivid and real that it froze Kazuma's gaze.

However, taking a glimpse at the head, terror-filled Kazuma's heart.

His face… The unblinking bleeding eyes staring straight at him… his own body ripped and torn… Kazuma's eyes winded as his c.h.e.s.t almost exploded from pain before something grabbed his hand.


The scream slammed into Kazuma's mind, pulling him back into reality. As if water splashed on his raging emotions, he began to calm down slowly before his body finally responded and opened his mouth to desperately inhale air.

"*Cough* *Cough*…"

After a few heavy coughs, the blurry vision quickly recovered as the pain vanished into thin air like it never existed before. Kazuma looked around to see that was no darkness extending from the forest.

Everything was completely normal like all that happened was a bad dream. Well, an emerald forest filled with glowing circuits isn't exactly 'normal', but it was much better than what he just experienced.

However, when he finished looking at the surrounding, Kazuma quickly noticed that everyone around was staring at him. The expression varied from worried to frowning, until a blank look from Vanir.

"Kid, are you alright?"

Being put into the spotlight like this made Kazuma a bit frustrated as he couldn't think straight, but hearing Whitebeard's voice, he nearly panicked and refuted immediately.

"Me? I'm completely fine. Just my head was a little dizzy, probably because I lack sleep…"

"Wow, did thou become worse liar than he used to be? Looking at thou terrified state, I suggest you start thanking whoever who that you didn't piss your pants"

Vanir snickered with his usual tone. Despite that, Kazuma still got the same irritating feeling of being seen through. The face under the mask might be laughing, but who knows what going inside that guy's mind.

"What up with you now? Your face still looks annoying as ever…"

"Kazuma, can't you see your state?"

Looking behind him, Kazuma found Leone catching his hand. She was the one who just pulled him to from the previous state as the frown on her face made him swallow. Not only her, but even Misaka also had colors of shock and worries mixed on her face.

"… Who are you trying to trick?"

Pale face, bloodshot eyes with faint tears, heavy breathing, and panicking. The more Leone looked at Kazuma, the more she frowned. It looked exactly like someone who just almost got strangled to death and terrified as he couldn't think properly.

"Ha? Are you playing a new trick on me? I'm completely fine…"

Kazuma quickly pulled his hand away and tried to act as calmly as possible, but his current look wasn't deceiving anyone.

"Vanir, what just happened?"

"Oh? The creature that thou seek has been here from a moment, then it departed for some reason. But art thou really asking me this? I feel that the great Vanir has been reduced to a mere telescope for thee, but it must be an imagination caused by my humble nature"

Kaguya ignored Vanir, who started talking to himself, and scanned the surroundings, but she couldn't see anything past the emerald light.

{PE-SS was here. Is this caused by it? But the other one didn't show any ability to induce fear… did it change? The mission didn't mention any new thing. Could the mission's information be wrong?}

Looking at Kazuma, Kaguya couldn't find any good explanation. Did PE-SS-26-13287 change in this period or maybe the avatars have different abilities? In any case, why did it only target Kazuma, and how they didn't sense anything.

Although it isn't her specialty, Kaguya is absolutely sure of sensing something like illusions or any malicious intent near her, especially at this small distance.

"At any rate, we should be more careful now. Keep an eye open at anything that might jump at us. Whitebeard, you might want to increase the space you're clearing if we got caught in the middle of a fight…"

When Kaguya began to give some instructions, Kazuma's mind drifted into completely different thoughts.

{PE-SS was here…}

Recalling the vicious anger and hatred he just sensed, Kazuma's body shivered a little. It was so real. Despite how much he told himself it was just a dream and hallucination; the vivid feelings were so much impactful to be just ignored like that.


'Maybe we should run away' this option began to circle his mind as the horrifying images flashed in his head. This feeling was the worst like he's completely confused and can't think properly.

"Kazuma! Are you listening?"

"Yes, this is Kazuma! Eh, what do you want?"

As his thoughts were running wild, Kazuma awakened by a sudden touch as he found Leone's arm around his shoulders with a bright smile on her face that gave him nothing but uneasiness.

Kazuma raised his head to see Kaguya speaking to him, but a frown flashed on her face before it vanished.

"Listen carefully, if anything similar happened to you, quickly inform us. Leone will keep an eye on you to prevent any similar attack and if it didn't work, then Misaka would give you an electric shock"

Kaguya stated while looking at Kazuma, who seemed to be in a trance. A faint frown flashed on her face but was quickly hidden.

"Oi, why are you planning everything without asking me?"

Kazuma glared before he pushed Leone away. The touch and sensation might have been very nice, but that was the last thing he could think about now. Unlike some retards, his safety comes first before some teenager's hormones.

"Do you prefer a small electric shock or whatever you just witnessed?"

"…. Fair"

"Don't worry, Kazuma. If ever felt scared, remember that this big sister is always near you. I can also hold your hand if you're afraid of the dark too"

"Shut it"

Kazuma's eyebrow twitched as looked at smiling Leone with irritation. Should this be a correct time to use steal?

"Guhahaha! If you're feeling better, let's move on"

Whitebeard proceeds to demolish the dreamy emerald forest without caring about any artistic view or nature protection with the help of Vanir. Although the progression became slower, the result was worth it as the path size increased and provided a better area for the battle.


Kazuma raised his hand and wanted to say something, but the words got stuck in his throat. To be honest, he didn't know what to really say. Run away? From what, PE-SS-26-13287? That's their entire goal from coming here.

"Are you fine?"

"Eh? Ah, yeah, I'm fine…"

Kazuma waved to show that he's fine to Misaka, unaware of how bad his pretending was. But his face immediately changed as his eyes widened.

"Oh, it's here"

"It's coming!"

Vanir and Kazuma said at the same time as they looked at each other. Although the situation seemed a bit awkward and this devil's red eyes were irritating, Kazuma swallowed his dissatisfaction, no, he was forced to.

The feelings of anger and resentment pressed on his c.h.e.s.t like a heavy object, but he was far better than earlier. Holding his c.h.e.s.t, Kazuma was able to feel it approaching from the depth of the forest. It was like he's standing on an empty road and a truck is racing towards him.

"The front"

Hearing Vanir saying one word, Kazuma tried to look at the front, but a sudden gust made him squint his eyes before his entire body shook.


As an explosion blew off at the front, Kazuma wasn't able to see anything except a giant shadow clashing with a bright silver crescent, shining like the moon in the sky as the blast waves brought sharp ringing to his ears.

The shadow and crescent moon collided again, sending a blast in the air. The pressure from the clash was so intense that Kazuma wasn't even able to observe it. However, sensing the familiar resentment made him f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y open his eyes.

He was able to see Whitebeard in the front as the crescent moons were flying all over the place like a sickle of death, giving Kazuma that nasty feeling. But Whitebeard waved the giant pillar and left a shadow while blocking the attacks.

The situation continued for few moments before the crescent moons turned into a flash of light and disappeared into the forest, leaving no trace behind.


Whitebeard lowered the pillar and looked deep into the forest, but his observation haki couldn't extend properly like something is blocking it. Despite that, the winds finally subdue and made the vision possible again.

But what appeared was something surprising. Whitebeard's body was filled with small wounds and cuts, oozing some blood.

The ground beneath him had scares digging deep into the ground, even the green circuits far away were cleaved and vanished slowly.

Kazuma stood in a daze looking at this. In the previous battle, even under all those attacks, Whitebeard wasn't injured at all, but now, only one clash did this.

"It's stronger than the previous one… and much faster"

Whitebeard didn't stop and returned to clearing a path as fast as possible while Vanir just whistled and joined the regular work with his earth magic and pointing directions.

Kaguya nodded before she floated as high as she could in this area trying to find the device location in the middle of this forest.

Seeing how fast those three entered their positions and began working, the trio of Misaka, Kazuma, and Leone felt they are useless. They could only follow as the heavy feeling of Kazuma's heart made him hold his c.h.e.s.t and take a deep breath.

However, behind them, Misaka was following closely, but each of her steps left some electrics arcs before they dissipated.

At the front, Whitebeard continued to demolish the green circuits network while keeping an eye at anything that might jump out. Although he couldn't say he has many experiences in dealing with creatures like PE-SS-26-13287 after one fight, he clearly noticed how different this avatar was from the previous one.

The silver spider with a height of 130 to 150 centimeters and thin legs-like blades was on a whole other level than the previous avatar. Its speeds and power got a huge boost as he could barely follow its movement and had to rely on instincts and prediction to block most of its attacks.

But what worries him the most is this one has better instincts, unlike the previous one that only knew hunger and fear. This avatar is definitely playing a hunting game with them. First, it tested their fighting capabilities, then it'll strike again.

{I have to get used to its speed and fighting in this limited area quickly}

Whitebeard is almost sure that the next attacks would be more vicious than this one. But on another note, not everything is different. Glancing behind him, he looked at Kazuma, who had that gloomy face since the previous accident.

{Despite it changes, that creature is still aiming for that brat's life… this kid sure is unlucky.}

Shaking his head, Whitebeard resumed his work before he heard Vanir and Kazuma's voices again. So, he raised the pillar and jumped to face the dashing silver light heads on.


As the bright light was about to fire off, the crescent moons clashing with Whitebeard vanished into an afterimage, leaving the area immediately.


Kazuma cursed as he canceled the skill. It was pointless to use it if the target already escaped the range. However, this didn't lessen his anger because of how many times it kept repeating.

After the first attack, PE-SS-26-13287 didn't waste a single moment not attacking the group. The silver flash of light was coming and going as Kazuma lost count on how many attacks happened for now.

The attacks got more frequent and vicious as time went by, not leaving them any chance to get a breather. Luckily, Whitebeard seems to become more comfortable with the avatar attacks as the number of injuries he got became less, even if he already received some nasty-looking wounds.

However, as long as it doesn't affect his movements, Whitebeard doesn't have any problem with how big or how many wounds he received. The ridiculous speed wasn't that big of a deal after he got used to it, especially if PE-SS-26-13287's offense is rather simple.

What made Kazuma frustrated the most is the fact that the avatar runs away each time it faces him. The moment he attempts to use Steal when Whitebeard was fighting, the avatar would just retreat immediately which made Kazuma furious.

He even recalled the times he used to wave away those annoying flies that didn't stop coming back to annoy him. It only made him feel how useless it's to have this power and not being able to use it at all.

Not to mention, the situation isn't promising. The last attack has proven this as PE-SS-26-13287 used its speed to dodge Whitebeard and change directions mid-fight, launching itself in the direction of Kaguya.

However, Kaguya teleported in a blink of an eye, dodging the sickle-looking legs, and left Vanir to take the hit as his body was cleaved in two before the avatar retreated when Kazuma tried to activate the skill.

This is clearly some irritating tactics to consume their energy and leave them vulnerable despite this avatar isn't supposed to have intelligence, but something like this could happen? However, something weird occurred… two m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.ts began to enjoy this.

With a wide grin on his face, Whitebeard began to enjoy fighting this monster in these unfavorable conditions while Vanir was humming songs and observing everything like it's a very novel thing for me, even when his body was split in half.

Kazuma found himself speechless and couldn't say anything like the heavy feeling in his heart increased, but it was much more bearable after he got used to it. To be honest, it isn't all that scary after you face it tens of times.

{Even so, why are we still doing this? Maybe we should leave and return later, after coming all this way and Vanir said this circuits network will only spread further with time}

"It's here"

Despite how reluctant he is, Kazuma couldn't bring himself to say it. He didn't know what sense he should make out of this. It was all messed up in his head from the get-go. But then, the terrifying feelings of resentment descended as it was a clear sign that a new attack is coming.

However, what happened was something different than what Kazuma expected. Kaguya, who was floating above them, raised her hand and waved forward.

In that instant, a huge amount of spiritual power traversed the distance before crimson red magic circles manifested above a dark area between the trees. The raging energy was like a volcano about to erupt, increasing the heat of surrounding as sparks and flames flickered in the red gleam.

Nevertheless, the flamboyant magic circles dimmed down quickly and became unstable after getting in contact with the emerald light in the area, leaving them very frail and almost dissipating.

{Even magic loses its effect here, huh? Then I'll just use more. Spam one move until it does something}

With a wave of her hand, Kaguya continued to produce more spiritual energy and launch explosion magic over and over. The crimson circles stacked on top of each other giving a very uneasy and disturbing scene.

The red gleam became painful to look at as the heat began to distort the atmosphere, even the trees began to ignite on flames, faster than what could the emerald light negate. Forget about the volcano, this thing is about to transform into a tactical nuke.

Whitebeard had to block and destroy most of the green light particles that flew here because of the magic. Eventually, some of the magic circles minimized into one point as the explosion magics are about to take off, however, from the depth of flames, a silver light flashed.

Like the moon suddenly became too close, a silver crescent flash passed through all the explosion magics, cleaving the intangible magic in half. It was like death waved its scythe as the magic cracked into reduced into sparks that dissipated with the wind. Even the trees and plants surrounding the area got sliced in half.

What followed was a gust of wind that blow all the flames around, giving the emerald light a chance to extinguish them all. The previously dark and thick forest was instantly cleared and turned into a wreck of charred ground decorated with green circuits and cut-down trees.

"Like the previous one, this avatar is also dead-set on protecting its life source"

Kaguya began to prepare more heavy attacks as the group finally saw the result of her previous one. The thick forest suddenly became a clearance as the emerald light seemed to be more intense here. It's like the whole network is leading to one point.

At the center of the clearance, a lonely pillar was standing tall after all the trees fell. Compared to the one in Whitebeard's hands, this one was much different as it opened up some sort of hidden mechanism and attached itself to the ground very firmly.

The ground beneath the pillar was a bright spot filled with emerald radiance akin to liquid from distance. It was so intense that it lightened up the entire clearance with uncomfortably bright light. Without a doubt, this was the source of the forest change and their goal.

What attracted Kazuma the most was the creature in front of it. A single silver giant spider was resting on top of a log, facing the group without any movement. Unlike the previous avatar metallic color, this one was reflecting the moonlight. It was like a piece of art, very beautiful, and looks like a lifelike sculpture.

However, Kazuma was clearly able to feel it. This creature's eyes were completely focused on him. Contrasting the previous avatar that filled with feels of hunger and thirst, this one was conveyed one message 'I'll murder you'. The anger and hatred imitating from it hit Kazuma like a storm, but he quickly composed himself.

"I'll get it attention and force it to protect the device. Whitebeard, stand at the frontline and prevent it from advancing while pushing forward. Kazuma, you… Kazuma! Are you seriously in a daze now?!"

"Get hold of yourself, brat! Keep your eyes peeled at the front and wait for the opportunity to strike!"

Awakened by the yelling of Kaguya and Whitebeard, Kazuma coughed to ease his embarrassment. Although the strange feeling still haunts him, he did his best to calm down and keep behind Whitebeard.

"Good, the goal is to destroy the source of this corruption and weaken PE-SS!"

Kaguya announced as she launched several explosion magic and Whitebeard followed quickly by taking his naginata out of the Chat Room and wreaking the green circuits network.

"So, are you two always this useless? Even more than that brat?"

As the trio went to battle, Vanir took a few slow steps and said to Misaka and Leone. Despite not showing any usual ridicule, his words still caused Misaka to clench her fist and Leone to sigh.

However, Misaka didn't waste any time on him as she dashed towards the trio at front.


"Keep up, I have a plan!"

Not explaining much, Misaka continued running as Leone noticed the electric sparks on her feet before she followed her, which left Vanir, who had nothing better to do, walking casually.

Meanwhile, under the offense of hundreds of explosions magic, PE-SS-26-13287 didn't show any particular movement until the attack reached its peak. Flying at an imaginable speed, wind resistance didn't seem to affect the avatar as one of its eight legs turned into a crescent moon, cleaving all the magics.

Even if she saw it before, the speed still gave Kaguya some goosebumps. She even tried to use her time stop, but it didn't show any difference!

PE-SS-26-13287 didn't wait for any new attack as it vanished from its place. The silver light speed was almost like teleportation as Whitebeard found himself facing an assault head-on.

Blocking the attack using the pillar, he waved his naginata to block another. The spider legs were like sickles flying all over the place at an insane speed, not giving Whitebeard any chance to rest.

"Stea-! Dammit!"

Looking at Whitebeard holding PE-SS-26-13287 in place, Kazuma tried to use Steal on it, but the avatar leaped back immediately. However, a vibrating naginata fell on top of it almost at the same time, pinning it down.

"Do it now!"

Kazuma didn't need any instruction as he already activated steal and aimed at PE-SS-26-13287 on the ground.

Despite the tough situation, PE-SS-26-13287 broke out from under the naginata. The force almost sends the weapon flying out of Whitebeard's hand, but the avatar was already under Steal range. It was a clear hit as a smile flashed on Kazuma's face.

However, the two back legs of PE-SS-26-13287 quickly scratched the green circuits behind it. The legs sharp ends left sparks flying in the air before they waved forward, sending flickers of the emerald light forward.

Under Kazuma's astonished gaze, the emerald light collided with Steal's light as they both dimmed down instantly. Steal was blocked just like that as Kazuma couldn't process the situation quickly, but Whitebeard already took offense.

However, PE-SS-26-13287 quickly retreated to destroy Kaguya's magic once more, giving Whitebeard a chance to back away.

{If that avatar is using the green lines this way, I need to lure it away from them.}

Whitebeards needs to think of a new plan and quickly because Kaguya's magic won't hold it for anymore.

Maybe using the fact that this thing is aiming for Kazuma, but it also retreats whenever they try something. Whitebeard wasn't able to find any good solution before he saw the silver flash launching itself in his direction again.

"Move away!!"

Hearing the sound from behind, Kazuma was startled a bit before he saw Misaka flashing with bright blueish-white electric arcs as the ground started to tremble.

It gave Kazuma the feeling of a light earthquake before he retreated behind her, only to see the entire land that Whitebeard cleared began to crack open and iron sand flying in the air. The dark cloud of iron sand gathered tighter until it became an entire wave of small electric drills, crushing everything at front.

Whitebeard quickly saw this as he jumped away to avoid the attack and the iron sand wave flooded everything in its path, even the green circuits were covered under the massive attack.

The wave continued its advance despite getting smaller and slower with each moment it got in contact with the emerald lights, but its momentum was still crushing enough until it reached the device.

However, the silver light flying towards Whitebeard changed its direction mid-air, leaving a bright arc, and reached in front of the wave almost instantly. The sickle-like legs flashed forward, splitting the wave into two halves immediately.

"I made a path, go quickly!"

Whitebeard already noticed that the iron sand has already covered the entire area and made it safe to cross towards the center near the pillar. However, the emerald glow seems to be corrupting the iron sand very quickly, so he dashes straight towards it.

Looking at Whitebeard crossing a large distance with each step, Misaka raised her hands slowly before she clapped them.

The two waves of iron sand split by the avatar quickly changed direction and surrounding the pillar from both sides. Controlling the magnetism, Misaka skillfully made the two waves return to the original trajectory, aiming to collide with the pillar and stop the spider movements.

At this moment, PE-SS-26-13287 opened its mouth and released a terrible hoarse screech as the moonlight on its body seems to be brighter.

"Don't think about it!"

Misaka smiled and used all the iron sand she collected in this journey to surround PE-SS-26-13287 and force it to protect the device until Whitebeard arrive. Kaguya joined by using multiple explosions magic as the crimson flower magic-circles manifested above the iron sand.

PE-SS-26-13287 screeches echoed all around and they were more terrible than the last one, but they didn't care. As long as they knock away the pillar from its position and remove the irregular change, the fight would be much easier.

{No, something wrong. That thing isn't focusing on the pillar… No, it doesn't care at all!!}

Looking at the spider under the combined advance of Whitebeard, Misaka, and Kaguya, Kazuma focused strongly until he felt it. The spider's eyes were still on him as his expression sank into the bottom and became pale like a ghost.

As if someone threw few ice cubes in his blood, his entire body felt cold as ice unable to move an inch. The feeling that he thought he got used to, exploded inside him as his c.h.e.s.t felt a sharp pain as his thoughts filled one word, 'run'! But he almost bites his tongue and forced himself to speak.


Screaming at the top of his lungs, Kazuma's cry reached the ears of everyone as they all flinched in shock. Whitebeard halted his steps and tried to retreat while Kaguya canceled her magic and attempted to teleport.

Misaka forced all her calculation power to push down the iron sand and drown PE-SS-26-13287 and prepared a Railgun as the device was torn away from the ground, but looking at Kazuma's expression, Leone rushed to push her down.

The bright emerald forest suddenly lost its gleam as the circuits began to dim down. However, it was too late as everything came to a halt.

Despite his eyes wide open, Kazuma couldn't make sense of what he is witnessing. PE-SS-26-13287, uncaring about his screams, opened its mouth wide before something flashed from it.

It was like a tiny point growing bigger and bigger until it became a line. However, that was just an illusion of sight because of the speed.

Kazuma's eyes just weren't able to capture the attack that was faster than anything he saw in his life. If PE-SS-26-13287's previous assaults were almost like teleportation, then this one literally teleported forward in his eyes.

Clenching his teeth as veins exploded on his head, Whitebeard's muscles enlarged and f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y twisted his body to wave the naginata.

Whitebeard used all his fruit power to slash at nothing in the air before the naginata suddenly collided with the silver line that traversed more than 100 meters like teleportation.

At that moment, a terrible sound passed through the area as Kazuma felt his ears wet followed by a stinging pain. His ears began to bleed before another sound followed.


Like it didn't meet anything in its way, the line stretching from PE-SS-26-13287's mouth continued advancing in Misaka's direction while Whitebeard's naginata's blade was broken to pieces, even his arm was almost blown off by the huge force.

Unable to blink at the upcoming flash, Misaka only pushed her thumb and shot the Railgun as Leone reached her and pushed her slightly away.

The orange laser flew in space, vibrating the air, and left an afterimage from her finger like the silver line from PE-SS-26-13287.

The two lasers stretched in the space before they collided head-on. The rumble rubbed faintly before the silver line pieced through the Railgun coin, leaving an orange burning circle in the air.

As if it possesses unstoppable force, the silver laser reached Misaka and Leone instantly before it passed rig through her shoulder and the hand Leone used to push her, or else it would have hit Misaka's head.

The picture lasted for an instant before Misaka left shoulder and Leone's right arm evaporated. It wasn't even an exaggeration. The flesh and blood were blown away by an extreme force before the pain hit their nerves like a train.

Kazuma witnessed everything as his body was fixed to its place. The silver line didn't change its trajectory from the start. It was flying in a fixed direction towards him all along.

As the blood in his body seemed to freeze and the pain in his c.h.e.s.t was tearing him apart, Kazuma screamed internally to move, but his legs gave out. Suddenly, he felt someone tripping him as he felt on his face, exactly at the moment the silver laser passed above him.

"Did thou wish death? Too bad, why don't thou wait for a bit? But I have to say, this is quite unfortunate"

Listening to the annoying voice of that devil, Vanir, next to him, Kazuma forced himself to stand up immediately to see the result of PE-SS-26-13287's attack before piercing cries hit his ears.


Misaka screamed fell down in a pool of blood as she clenched her left arm that was dangling without any force. Her entire left shoulder became minced meat as blood and crushed bones could be seen clearly.

Leone's entire right forearm vanished, leaving a gory scene of flesh dripping with blood. But she was much better than Misaka as she clenched her teeth and held her arm before her Teigu started repairing the damage.

"This isn't over for thou to be in a daze like this. *Sigh* Sadly, I don't have much chance compared to you"

Kazuma, who was looking in disbelieve, flinched hearing what Vanir just said before an explosion went off in the front.

*Boom!!* *Boom!!*

Throwing his broken naginata away, Whitebeard raised the pillar before he clashed with the raging PE-SS-26-13287 that didn't stop screeching. The few collisions left the area in instant ruin as a massive earthquake hit the place, even the pillar was blown away as the emerald forest suddenly lost its bright gleam.

Whitebeard was going all out using quake-quake fruit, but despite how many hit it took, PE-SS-26-13287 didn't stop for a moment as it pushed him back further and further.


Whitebeard didn't care about extra injuries as he smashed PE-SS-26-13287 using the pillar at full force.


The strike detonated the ground like an explosion as dust flew everywhere and the avatar finally flinched a little, but Whitebeard didn't stop as he let go of the pillar and raised his two fists. Two massive quake bubbles manifested on both of his fists before he strikes forwards.

The attack generated a colossal shockwave that engulfed everything in front of it. Despite that, PE-SS-26-13287 screeched very loudly as it made Whitebeard's ears hurt before it pushed against the shockwave and raised his sickle-like legs.

Whitebeard widened his eyes before he poured all ounce of his power into the strike as the world seemed to be shaking and cracked filled the whole forest ground. The scene was a true natural disaster before the shock wave detonated again.


This was the biggest explosion ever as the storm almost threw Kazuma and Vanir away despite how far they are. However, when they regained their senses, they saw two things flying out of the dust cloud.

One of them was full of malice silver light as for the other one… Kazuma couldn't blink one he saw it. A bloody arm spinning the air before it crashed into the ground.

Staring in disbelieve, Kazuma saw Whitebeard's right arm on the ground, dripping with blood as the dust cloud made it impossible to the situation inside.


Kaguya suddenly teleported in front of Kazuma and Vanir before activating teleportation magic.

"W-what are you doing?!"

Kazuma could barely say those words as the colorful magic circle appeared under his body.

"Shut up!! If you want to save them, then listen to me and prepare your skill!! Only you can do something now!!"

Kaguya silenced Kazuma instantly before she activated the teleportation magic as the surroundings were becoming blurry, but PE-SS-26-13287 is about to reach them.

Despite its body already decaying and the silver color fading, its speed was still a nightmare.

{Teleportation magic already activated. Even with this speed, that thing can't catch up. Now, we need to att-… Eh?}

Kaguya wasn't able to blink as she saw PE-SS-26-13287 sickle-like leg reached her neck. The avatar spider's abdomen decreased in size as the front leg's length suddenly increased, reaching Kaguya's neck in an instant.

{Ah, so this is how it got Whitebea-…}

With a wave of its leg, PE-SS-26-13287 left a silver crescent moon before Kaguya's flew off her shoulders and the blood-stained Kazuma's face, who was behind her.

The heedless body fell lifelessly on the ground with a thud as Kazuma felt his leg gave out, but someone held his shoulder and threw him backward.

"Although I hate to admit it, the rude lady is correct. You have the best chance, good luck"

Vanir gave Kazuma a small bow with a smile before his entire body with the mask was split in half by a slash from PE-SS-26-13287's front leg. The earth's body scattered into dust before the mask hit the ground and crumbled to pieces.

"You… you… AHHHHHH!!! Dammit, dammit!! Steal!!!"

Kazuma screamed at the giant spider almost taller than him before he raised his right hand and activated the only thing he could use, Steal Skill.

"Dammit!! You were aiming at me all along!! It was because of me!!"

As his eyes became bloodshot and his left hand was dripping blood because his nails dug deeply into his flesh, but he didn't care. The only thing filling his mind was blood spilled on the ground and horrific scenes around him.

He didn't pay attention to the splitting pain in his c.h.e.s.t or his weak legs. The fact that everything happened here was because PE-SS-26-13287 was only aiming at him pressed on his mind and made him unable to think properly.

"Then come at me, you motherf.u.c.ker!!!"

The skill light fell on top of PE-SS-26-13287's body as the metal began to boil suddenly before the interior black substance was exposed to the air, but Kazuma didn't stop as he kept screaming the skill name in an attempt to use it multiple times.

"… Eh?"

However, Kazuma found his point of view suddenly shifty upward as PE-SS-26-13287 became shorter than him. It didn't take him long before he felt a sting in his c.h.e.s.t on top of the previous pain.


PE-SS-26-13287 front leg pierced right through his c.h.e.s.t and raised him as the pain followed up like a truck. Coughing intensely, Kazuma puked blood violently before he looked at the avatar under him and the flaming hatred in its eyes.

He wondered why it hated him so much that it would throw its life just to murder him as the Self Steel dripping from his hand.

Strangely, under this doomed situation, Kazuma felt calmer than panicking. Maybe because he finally realized that there's nothing more he could do. A pitiful excuse of some kind.

{In the end, I tried, right? Yeah… this is just the worst}

Kazuma's vision began to darken as everything became blurry. His body started to lose strength as his eyes closed slowly. But then, his vision shifted again as he violently opened his eyelid.

It was the same dark space he saw at the beginning of this journey, even the terrible feeling of coldness and malice was exactly the same.

{Shit! Is it planning to torture me even at death?!}

Kazuma couldn't move or open his mouth as he stared at the dark space before a change happened. From the dark ink ground, several figures rose slowly. They were silhouettes of hundreds of people varies from old to young.

All of them were transparent and their facial features weren't clear, but Kazuma felt it. The source of malice. Even so, they all had fatal injuries in different places before chilling screams filled his mind.






All the figures suddenly began to cry and scream as if they experiencing massive pain and their form became distorted and hideous. It was as if they got the body parts of each other's and merged tougher into some revolting shapes.

Kazuma winded his eyes when the scene suddenly changed into a horror movie, but all the figures turned towards him.

"IT'S YOU!!!"





The entire horde suddenly charged at Kazuma, who couldn't move his body. He could only watch them in horror as their claws and teeth trying to rip him to pieces.

Kazuma was screaming internally and couldn't even blink or turn his head away as the horde reached him, but then, he noticed his body started glowing. It was strands of platinum light twisting around him before it gathered at the front.

The platinum gathered into some fragment-like form before it slowly changed into the shape of a closed eye. The 'eye' was more like an old drawing from Egyptian history as it floated in front of Kazuma's c.h.e.s.t.

{Wait… what? Why?}

Looking at the horde freezing as the 'eye' opened up slowly, Kazuma's mind was screaming. Usually, he should be jumping from happiness to survive such an event, but now, only 'why' kept repeating in his mind as he looked at the horde and the 'eye'.


As the 'eye' opened more, the horde began to slow down before faint light began to imitate from it.


Some of the figures tried to strike it down, but they were blown away by some sort of barrier. Some of the figures just curled in fear before they sank into the ground.

{Why it has the same feeling as all of them!!}

Minus the hatred and anger, all figures gave Kazuma the same feeling like the 'eye' before the 'eye' opened up completely.

Kazuma was unable to blink as the bright light swept the whole space before he heard a 'crack' sound and the platinum light went dim.

Then he found himself in the same position. Hanging from PE-SS-26-13287 front leg as blood was dripping from his mouth and c.h.e.s.t.

Feeling the pain from his c.h.e.s.t, Kazuma gave a wry smile.

{So, I wasn't able to survive after all. Why did I have to go through all of that then?!}

Kazuma's conscience became weaker, but before he passed out, PE-SS-26-13287 released the worst scream ever before it slammed its front leg.

Kazuma's body's right side got torn by the front leg and launched like a ragdoll before it slammed into the ground several times. He stopped after several rolls as he lied down in a pool of blood.

*Boom!!* *Bam!!*

Like it lost its mind, PE-SS-26-13287 started trashing all over the place, slamming its head on the ground like crazy. The metal on its body was already decaying, especially the black substance was flying into ashes with each moment.

Suddenly, a giant shadow appeared on top of it, but PE-SS-26-13287 continued to grind its head on the hard rocks before a vibrating fist landed like a meteor on it.


Whitebeard soaked in blood and missing arm appeared next to PE-SS-26-13287 and began to deliver punches at the exposed black substances area. His vibrations are working properly now as the avatar body got more cracks with each punch.

PE-SS-26-13287 strength began to weaken, but Whitebeard didn't stop until it became a paste on the ground.

In the end, the avatar raised its front leg weakly towards Kazuma's motionless body, however, Whitebeard's unchanged expression became very furious before a fully charged quake punch fell on it.


Under that strike, PE-SS-26-13287's body crumbled to pieces before it turned into dust and ash, flying away and disappearing.

[Congratulations for extinguishing PE-SS-26-13287's avatar (Main/Core)!]

[The member of the Chat, The Strongest Man In The World, received 100000 points!]

Whitebeard didn't care about the announcement of the Chat Room as he rushed to check on Kazuma, who was motionlessly on the ground.

"Ahhhh!! I have infinite respawns, you motherfu-… eh? What happened?"

From the back, Kaguya, who just got her head chopped off, stood up completely fine. Her head recovered to its original state, even her blood-soaked clothes returned to their clean form. As for her old head, it became dust and vanished.

Taking a quick look at the battlefield, she quickly remembered what happened as she flew up and grabbed Whitebeard's severed arm and cast teleportation magic on all the group members.

Under the colorful magic circle, all the chat members vanished into thin air, leaving this previously peaceful forest in a wreckful state and stains of blood here and there.

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