The next day, the left-hand side had an urgent meeting. The agenda is, of course, a matter of fifty elite Wenzer kingdoms, led by Count Aubin, who will be raiding Lake City in a few days' time.

Daniel told me about the raid, the head of the inner bureau, Kiyoshin and Kerstin, and the head of each Knights regiment, were outraged.

"Wenzer? You're superior, let's do it."

So it was Amiria who slapped her desk and vandalized her voice.

"Well, calm down, amily.

So, my lord, what did each country tell you to do about it?

And it came to pass, that Elias was listening, as he deceived Amiria.

"I was told to repel, get in reverse, and let them pay compensation.

And His Royal Highness Kanbai of the Ruthai Empire told me, "To the king of the kingdom of Wenzer, strike fear, and let the name of the Ruthai Empire, the Eastern Union, spit blood and die." And finally, he said, "This is life."


It was clear that Kiyoshin, who said so, had changed his face and was full of killing.

"What is it, Brigadier General?

It was Amiria who said so.

She may have thought something of Kiyoshin, like when we first met on the battlefield.

And Amiria's word was answered, slowly, with purity.

"Death... an order that can only be given to an emperor in the Luthai Empire or to his deputy, Kanbai.

If you fail to obey or fulfill your life, you will be guilty of death, all the way to the parents and children of those who have been given them, and their relatives.

And, of course, the Luthaians can't refuse this. "

When I heard the words, I understood how important life was, and my face changed.

Hey, that's it!

… Let's study the laws of the Luthai Empire next time.

"Well, if Your Highness doesn't tell you, and I was going to, don't be weird and nervous.

Well, for that reason, Viscount Lafond and Viscount Lavio were to be in exile to the Luthai Empire and to belong to the coalition forces.

I'm going to be assigned to the Knights of the Holy Guides. "


Elias stood up surprised.

"On my father-in-law, the Knights' replenishment has only progressed on the Knights of the Holy Guidance on my father-in-law.

When you decide for yourself, they say, "Who hasn't been admitted to the Knights?"

I know what His Excellency is trying to say... but the Knights of the Holy Guidance must not be the Knights that can make it easier for anyone.

Because they are important knights, whose dead companions and captains have protected them with their blood, sweat and tears.

"No, let's see who it is..."

"Viscount Lafond and Viscount Lavio were the exclusive brave men of the Kingdom of Wenzer, so working on the battlefield would be fine.

Good, Father-in-law. "

Neither was Elias able to argue, when he said so to the left or near.

"... Yes"

"Viscount Lafond, too, is that good?

"Yes...... but what is the Knights of the Holy Guidance?

"The Knights of the Holy Guides, the same Knights of the Holy Guides who were in the Serenity Empire, are always the Knights assigned to the front lines.

The captain is Colonel Elias Neumann, my stepfather. "

"Elias Neumann… the name had also reached the Kingdom of Wenzer.

But who's the colonel?

"It's about class. Well, around there, you should hear it from the captain's stepfather.

The ranks are, Viscount Lafond and Viscount Lavio would be good in Major "

Well, we've solved the problem of the Knights of the Holy Leadership's understaffing and the handling of the displaced once and for all.

While I'm at it, great wickedness. I didn't know I would push it all against my father-in-law... my brains are horrible.

"So, next is the operation, what do you want to do?

If His Highness Kanbai tells you to do something quite bold, His Highness Kanbai won't be convinced either. "

In the head of Kiyoshin, who said so, was how to strike fear into the kingdom of Wenzer.

Sure, you do... do something bold... yeah.

"If the enemy is coming with fifty, let's get this one in from the front with five"

"Dear Mr. Kwon Dae-sen! That's reckless!

Nearly 2,000 soldiers are on guard at all times at the White Ya Palace in Nabos, Wangdu, and even closer to Wangdu, 3,000 troops are on guard near Wangdu.

If you get in, those 3,000 troops will come to the king's capital. It's too reckless to fight a total of 5,000 soldiers and just five!

So Daniel advanced to the left.

"Viscount Lafond...... no, you're a major now.

It's okay, I'm not going to fight without a chance... so this time I'm going for five. "

"Dear Mr. Kwon Dae-sen!

When Daniel said so, Elias took control of Daniel and said,

"Major Lafond. There are those in our army who don't have to worry, and can't beat even 5,000.

Now, in the last war, there were 80,000 opponents who won by just two. "

So Elias saw Pandora.

"My father-in-law, as they say, I'm fine.

Well, I'll go with the negotiators and the commanders.

All escorts and the annihilation of enemy soldiers are left to Pandora "


"Next, a witch orchid would be good with a telecommuter.

Chloe, I need you to make arrangements. Orchid gear is what we used to do when we went to the dungeon. "

"Yes, sir."

"Next, I'm going to take Major Vishuk to get some torture and information.

Major Vishuk can retrieve information directly from his brain with demonic threads, and can inflict pain.

And above all, we need to have that bad attitude, that intense intimidation, that's exactly where the Mafia woman boss is. "

When the left-hand side said so, everyone was nodding, but Daniel was the only one wondering if there was such a person.

"Yes, Father.

Sonia had a broken arm and rib bone in her father's operation the other day, and the bone magically caught on, but it still doesn't seem to be working. "

Is there a paralysis or something?

"Well, you'll be fine. In the fight, in the direction of not participating, consider the operation…"

"You can't, you'll have fun in Norinoli"

Right ~.

Besides, they're going to charge you an awesome amount later... right.

"Brigadier General Kruger, in getting in, can you give Major Vishuk a special allowance?

Make sure you don't let them take part in the fight. It's important to cure your body now. "

"It's weird how many people in the Ravens have changed their mind about not letting them participate in the fight, so make arrangements."

Brigadier General Akan, the way you put it... Look, Chloe's depressed again.

"I'll stay, there's another one in the Orchids' escort, but this would be better for the Luthai"

Oh, now Chloe, she's about to cry. I always want to come with you... but all this, I can't help it.

"We must remind the Kingdom of Wenzer what this operation will do if it angers the Luthai Empire.

So this time, it's best to go in a Luthai-centric formation... Chloe, you know what I mean. "

"... ok"

"So, Brigadier General, is anyone there? If you're not there, I'll let you out of Pandora's place."

Somebody... yes, let me go to work, let me do my martial arts.

"I have one. He is a former Sanho family member, and he is now with the Lake City Guard, who is called Superior Private Uejo Heavy Industries.

His father was the son of Uejo, who worked fast against the Knights of Witches (Night Witches), and I guarantee his strength. "

"Um, Uejo's son..."

Amiria, who said so, had a complicated face.

Hmm? Amelia, do you know?

"Amelia, you know what?

"Yeah... when I fought in the streets near Lugonne, I killed about 50 knights of the 3,000 Witch Knights (Night Witches), and he died standing, like a monster."

Was there such a stiff man?

The Luthai Empire may have a lot of digging to do.

But even if the father is such a man, the son is not necessarily the same... but would you like to hear the Brigadier General's opinion here?

"Okay. Then let's say there's five of us with Private Uemjo in, and we're going in.

The operation, if at all simple, will intercept with these five men, talk to the boarding king, and rescue Viscount Ravio.

In doing so, I would like to ask Major Lafond to transfer the space to the Kingdom of Wenzer "

Copy that, sir.

But every time we fight like this, everyone's hearts come rough... shall we do it at the festival?

"And finally, it has absolutely nothing to do with what I've been saying. On the first Saturday and Sunday of April, anyone is free to come, I'm going to do a cherry blossom festival."

Is that it? Everyone's reacting badly... right, you don't understand.

"Well, there are a number of gardens here, and in April, the flowers will bloom and be beautiful.

So, let the public go, let the merchants open temporary stores, and have fun.

Of course, this headquarters will also be partially liberated to exhibit equipment, etc.

Security is... Hey, Amiria. Why are you turning away?

"'Cause absolutely all women, they'll let my Knights guard them.

Because she's a woman and she's in good shape. "

Right, did you have that hand?

"Well, did you have that hand? But the Knights of Witches don't enjoy it either, because it's pathetic, so get security out of five places: Pandora, Brigadier General Sancho, Brigadier General Kruger, Colonel Gudduan, and Colonel McGregor."

So Amiria conceded reluctantly, and so did the others.


And on the evening of February 20th, in front of the White House of the Kingdom of Wenzer, in front of the penetration troops, Brian was speaking.

"Look, listen carefully! From now on, just us, we will go and get the neck of Admiral Left Kingsguard of the Luthai Empire!

This is a crusade. Shall we show our strength to the countrymen of the Luthai Empire?

Let's get out of here! "

Having said that, Brian tried to leave the space transfer in the Allied headquarters room, but was not activated, but had no choice but to open it in front of the main entrance.

Brian took the lead, and when the penetration troops went inside at once, it was coalition headquarters, wrapped in the darkness of the night.

When Brian, who confirmed that everyone had moved, closed the space transfer thinking something was weird, the bonfire lit, and Pandora stood, near left in military uniform in the dark and in a battle dress and a cape with wings.

"You, General Left Kingsguard! Why are you here?

Brian was surprised when he said so, but he put the spear on his shoulder near left, and said:

"Hey, Count. The action you're about to take is that you're selling a fight to the Luthai Empire, but is that okay?

"Hmm! After all, the mountain monkeys of the Luthai Empire have nothing to say.

Just the two of us, willing to deal with this number?

With that said, Brian opened the space transfer to the sword tip he had.

In this darkness, you can't see the smoke of space transfer.

He'll stab General Left Kingsguard in the back from behind.

"Hi, I haven't had enough exercise lately. It won't be such a number of people, nor a prep movement, but it'll be good, I'll deal with them."

That said, the proximity left, looking in Brian's direction, deflected the spear he had and stabbed him in the back at once.

The proximal left pierced spear fell Brian's right arm through the smoke of the space transfer that Brian had opened, slashing Brian's shoulder intact, and the sickle of the cross spear.

"Ghah! How did you know!

So he held on to his shoulder, which was dropped, and when Brian said, the left-hand side was a clearly overlooked face, which he said.

"You're stupid, aren't you? Without suppressing the killing, we're going to attack now, aren't we?

Is the profession just for the brave, the miscellaneous fish? "

If the warning sounds of danger perception and the lines of pre-reading skills were coming out of the back, you could predict.

Near left thinking so, Brian was angry and shouted.

"What are you doing, there are only two opponents, take them away quickly!

With that multiplication, fifty soldiers were simultaneously slashed by Pandora, near left.

/(n) time actor/

Near left and Pandora stopped time, slaughtered and killed the soldiers one after the other, and moved time straight to Brian, where Near left stuck the spear.

Suddenly, a spear was poked near the left that appeared in front of him, and behind him, the soldiers fell one after the other, raising a blood splash.

Brian had no idea what it was like to see such a sight.

"Oh, that's silly...... yes, this is a trick or something!

"That's a trick... now taste it for yourself"

When he said so, he stopped time again, severed Brian's remaining arm and legs, and moved time.

Docha, Brian said, fell to the ground and the pain of losing both hands and legs struck Brian at once.

He shouted a voiceless scream, and said with cold eyes, as Brian was suffering, his left proximity stepped on Brian's head.

"From now on, you'll live like a potato worm for the rest of your life. Looks good on you like a bug.

Hey, Pandora. "

"Yes, Father"

Pandora, who said so, took the burning tree out of the bonfire and pressed it straight into Brian's wound.

Brian's, voiceless screams stared at the sight in the darkness of a resounding night, at Allied headquarters.

Yes, they are heads of state and coalition soldiers.

In it, Ashra, of the Allied Kingsguard Knights, put those six arms together and said to the soldier next door.

"Your Excellency and the princess are the strongest."

"Well... did your lord see Pandora's movements with his father-in-law earlier?

"Absolutely, I didn't see it... but it was some skill, skill alert sounded for a moment.

I'm guessing, my lord and princess, we might be able to stop time. If only His Excellency and the Princess can move in a world that has stopped that time, then this move is convincing. "

"Well, that's funny.

Pandora and what I felt the first time I fought, maybe that's it. "

"Your Lordship... isn't it horrible?

And Ashra, who said so, stared down at the armory with a face like that of the boy.

"Horrible... but the emotions I said I wanted to fight more than that come forward, I am"

That said the Hyogo, with his arms around him, was smiling.

"Your Lordship...... that's funny. Colonel Ashra, Commander of the Kingsguard Knights of the Guild Devil Nation."

"I'm the Sakura family, Yanagi Hyogo as the swordsmanship guide, and the rank is Major."

"Major Willow, would you have seen me from the second floor of the building during a parade in the Luthai Empire?

"Well, have you noticed? What do you say, tomorrow, but why don't we work it out?

And it came to pass, that the armory turned to Ashra, and smiled.

"Good. It's been a long time since I've been a major."

Ashra, who said so, smiled as innocent as a boy and told the Hyogo.


Eventually, in the dark, Pandora peered into Brian's face and said, as he could not hear Brian screaming.


"No, I guess I just passed out. I burned the wound because of it, and I stopped the bleeding... well, okay.

Oh, it's time to go. "

When Left Near said so, from inside the building came the weight of her mother in battle clothes, an orchid with a spear in military uniform, and an armored body.

What, the bullshit strength of this lord and princess?

Are you sure you needed me? Somehow, I can see the idea of letting my kung fu go up and make me come out.

That's what he thought, and he said to his mom.

"Is that it? Mom, what about Major Lafond?

"Over there, it's solidifying. Hey, Daniel, come on!

That's what my mom told me, and Daniel came in a hurry, but even close, I didn't think this miserable situation was real.

"Then put a collar on this earl of potatoes, Uemura, as planned."

"But if you can't be a little finer, you can't fight with it."

Sure, Uejo's right.

That's what Pandora said to me.

"Okay, let's lighten it up"

When Pandora said so, Brian's body floated off the ground only slightly.

"This is amazing. If you put a string through the collar like this, it's easy to carry."

That said, he was surprised.

It's... I'm dealing with things completely, but I'm human for once...

Calm down, look at it this way, you're a totally psychopathic bunch.

Even so, the left-hand side moved to the White Ya Palace in the Kingdom of Wenzer with Daniel's open space transfer.


What the hell is this place?

Unexpectedly, the White House reflected its pure white appearance in the darkness of night with countless bonfires.

But is there a castle on a small high hill?

So came the soldiers of the gatekeeper to the left and the nearest ones who thought so.

"What, you guys! Where do you think you are?

"You live in a pig, don't you?

That's what Mama said when she lit the cigar.

"Hey, what is it! Where are you from? Name your name!

"Luthai Empire, Sakura Kwon Daihan Kiyohiro.

This soldier came into my mansion, so I dropped him. If you stand in the way, come prepared to give up your life. "

At that moment, the soldiers were convinced that Brian and the others had failed.

"Not with just five of us, good courage!

Yes, the moment the soldier said, and pulled out his sword, it was when Pandora saw the blood on the sword, shaking it as a bun, and flying it, and at some point his flank was slashed, and his bowels spread out on the ground.

Stupid...... when...

So Pandora said with a cold eye to the fallen soldier.

"Hung, the miscellaneous fish"

Oh, that I'm a mutton fish...

With that in mind, the soldier's consciousness had vanished.

"Princess, it's too much. At least you have to leave my share."

That's what Mom said, unfortunately.

"No, Mom, this time, it's no show, because the injured can't force it. Just pull out the information."

"Hi, that was Brigadier General Kruger telling me that your ears hurt.

... Near left, did you say something?

"... I didn't say"

"You, there's only been a little while now! You mess with your brain miso, we'll find out!

... go.

"Okay, let's go."

So the left-hand side went on, and Mom followed the left-hand side, complaining.

To His Excellency, I say things so plainly, I wonder who Major Vishuk is.

That's Raven, so I know he's strong.

With that in mind, an orchid slapped him on the back and said to the weight of the trade that stared at them.

"Look, Private Uejo, what are you doing? I'll be there."

"Oh, yes... Um, Ensign Yasaka, may I ask you a question?

"Anyway, what did your Excellency and Major say about the relationship?

"Do you understand?

"I get it. Because everyone thinks so.

Your Excellency and Major have known each other since before the beginning of the previous war, who ruled Nassau together and replaced him.

Major Sonia Vishuk... you were originally a fairly famous mercenary who would never enter the determined army.

That's what it looks like to be joining the Knights of the Princess, cozy and staying put. "

"Me, too, because childhood training is in the army, I think I know what it is.

After all, it's a pleasure to act with a companion who has no identity and feels comfortable. "

Having said that, he overlapped himself and Kiyoshin with his mom.

And when the left-hand men entered the castle, they were suddenly surrounded by large numbers of soldiers at a wide entrance.

"Those there, stop! I know this place as the White House...... Luthai!

When the captain-like man who said so was surprised, the soldiers on the guard ran upset.

"Correct, it is Sakura Kuen Daihan Kiyohiro of the Luthai Empire.

I came all the way to the kingdom of Wenzer to enjoy myself. "

That said, the left hand side used the Time Actor to stop time and instantly slaughter anyone but its captain with Pandora.

My lords are amazing. It's not a battle like this, it's a unilateral killing.

Pandora has made a surprising suggestion to the weight of the work she thinks so.

"Father, it's time to get tired of it. So why don't you leave the man to Private Uemjo there?

What if, if it's done beautifully, I say we raise one rank? "

No, no, that guy, he'll have a pretty big body.

Left and near said ruthless words to the occupational weight who thought so.

"Well, maybe it's just right to identify the power of Uejo. Uejo, go."


And the orchid whispered unto the weight of his work.

Private, there's no way out here but to fight.

"... OK, let's do it"

So he pulled out his sword and came forward.

At that time, Brian, who had no hands or legs, was unconstitutionally placed behind the weight in the captain's eyes.

No way, that's Count Orbin!

... No way, those guys... It's possible, that strength isn't normal.

At the moment I thought so, I felt that fear engulfed the captain's body and that the armor, which I should normally wear and not feel heavy, weighed many times more, was heavy on that body and hung on it.

We confronted each other for a while, and the weight looked to the big iron shield that the captain had.

But this shield is a pain in the ass, it will limit the direction you attack.

Then this is...

That's what I thought. I killed the captain with a temper, a horizontal slaughter.

Good fat muscle, but slow, that one will be prevented by a shield.

That's what I thought. As the nearest left reader said, the moment the captain tried to prevent the attack of the heavy duty with his shield, the trajectory of the heavy duty knife changed and he shook the knife down every captain's helmet.

With the full force of the weight, the sword that was swung down stopped there when he slashed it to half the captain's face.

And the captain's body fell from his knees without strength, and the weight pulled his leg out upon the captain's head, and looked at the sword, and said,

"... Shit, my hips are stretched"

The hips of the knife grow. It was a phenomenon that occurs when a hard object is slashed with a knife, and the opposite of the knife is stretched.

If this happens, the knife halves the sharpness and is useless.

It was common to hit a few times, or a mass-produced knife.

"Lend it to me."

That said, when the left-hand man put his hand on the weight, he handed the sword to the left-hand man, even though the weight questioned him.

Near left, the handed knife was stored in the item box and removed again to confirm the inversion of the knife.

"Okay, you're fixed"

So when he returned the knife to Occupy, Occupy confirmed the knife half-heartedly.

Then, according to the words near the left, the sword was the original opposite, and the blade was perfectly repaired, even where it was missing.

"Hmm? What, Uejo, is that weird?

"Yes… it feels like a fox is stuck, I do"

"The Brave Item Box also has restorative features.

But with that number of hits, I won't forgive you for working in battle... when I get home, I'll say to Nassau's concurrent peace, wave a sword, and I'll do it to you. "

"Huh? Is that good?

"Oh, it's a promotion celebration from me"

"Thank you, Ujo. I'm ready to crush you more than ever. I'll work for you."

So he turned to the left and bowed his head.

"Encourage loyalty."

When the left-hand side said so to his business weight, his mom put her arm on the left-hand side of his shoulder and crawled her finger on the left-hand side of his jaw, telling him to seduce him.

"Hey, close left, give me a knife too, like two or three, will you?

Mom's, this behavior... there's something behind it.

"Mom... you can't resell it."

"Chip, did you find out? Just give me one."

You did what I expected...

"Mom, did you do swordsmanship?

"No. But if it had magic absorption skills, it would be easier when using Demon Yarn.

The princess gave me this flying swallow, but it's easier to have it. "

Sure, you do.

"Well, when I get back, I'll be at Nassau's concurrent peace, and Calicia will make it.

It's my new building celebration. "

"Calicia? Isn't that concurrent?

Right, doesn't Mom know Calicia?

"Calicia is the princess of the kingdom of Dwalbahu, Calicia Reinbach. Now I'm running away from home and living in Kuhei's place.

My King of Spears Killer was also made by that Calician. "

"Lord Reinbach's knife. It's rare, so it's going to have a good value."

"Hey, don't just resell it."

"I know, Your Highness. Now, check the king's position, suppose to go"

That's what Mom said, she put the demon thread in the soldier's body to explore his memory.

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