In a large room with a warm, large fireplace, Guillermo Wenzer, king of the kingdom of Wenzer, was having dinner with the queen and the family of the two princes.

As if to destroy such a moment of bliss, a soldier of security rushed into the room.

"Report! It's a raid on the Ruthai Empire!

When Guillermo heard the words, he quietly placed the wine glass in his hand and said to the soldier:

"What?... how many?

"Well, I don't know exactly, but they say it's small."

"Then kill them quickly or catch them!

So Guillermo, furiously, threw the glass at the soldier.


So said Guillermo, staring at the soldier leaving.

"Totally, always these guys, they're all useless."

Guillermo, who said so, had cut the meat with a knife as if it represented his anger.

Speaking to Guillermo when he said this, he knew he was coming, and Guillermo's family kept eating quietly, without saying a word.

After a while, in silence, the moment Guillermo put meat in his mouth, he heard a voice coming from in front of the door.

"You guys! What..."

At the end of the voice, the moment the human fell, the door was opened, and the left-hand men came in.

"What, were you eating?"

That said, the left-hand side, sitting straight across the street from Guillermo, dokah, her mom bungled the wine from the maid, sat next to the left-hand side, put her legs on the table, and drank the wine intact.

"... who are you?

"Whoa. Aim for your life, and you won't have that word.

The Empire of Luthai, the previous Admiral Left Kingsguard, Sakura Kuen Daiichi Kiyohiro... is a gift from me to you who have declared war.

Hey, Uejo. "

Near left, when he said so, he urged him to put Count Orbin on the table as he was.

The family, who saw Brian without both hands and legs, clearly had a tight look with fear, but Guillermo was flat.

"Well, with this kind of crop, let's surprise the eagle, etc..."

"Do you want to try? Hey, Pandora."

When Pandora said so, holding the wine glass, Pandora placed it in front of the prince and put the contents straight on Brian's face.

Then Brian noticed whether the pain had struck him or not, screaming and hovering around on the table.

Then near left, when he stabbed Brian with a spear, he threw his cheek straight into the fireplace and said to Guillermo against the background of Brian's screaming voice.

"Now, king, how do you put this drop on?

"Drop it?

Let's give him a compliment for only five of us. But you think you can get home alive from here?

When Guillermo said so, about twenty soldiers came in from the next room.

"Well, did I say Kwon Dae-sen? Let's hear it again.

You think you can go home alive against this number of Kingsguards?

The moment he said so, the Kingsguard, who came into the room, was slashed in the throat one after the other, and fell on the spot.


"I can go home. Even children of the Luthai Empire can win."

The moment he said that, when the maids screamed, the left hand glanced at the maid and said,

"Hey, the next time you speak up, I'll kill you"

That said, I glanced at the maid, but some maids were still screaming of fear.

"Hey Uejo, kill him"


By order near the left, the weight of the work remained faceless when it approached the maid, slashing and killing the maid.

And when she saw the sight, the queen said unto her left hand, Behold, her teeth rattled with fear.

"Hey, Baba there. You shut up too...... if you can't, why don't we shut it up forever?

So said the queen, in tears, in a small, voiceless word, close to her left.

"Ya... help... ah..."

And when the word was heard, the left hand side gave Pandora an eye signal, and Pandora disappeared from the sight of the Guillermos, and, at some point, was behind the queen.

And when he pulled out the sword as it was, he slaughtered the queen with one stroke from behind.

"Well, now you're quiet. Shall we continue?"

And when he said so, his eyes, near left, had a ruthless eye.

"Hey, give me a minute. I don't know anything. The Count did this on his own!

The Kingdom of Wenzer has no intention of waging war on the Luthai Empire. You know what I mean. "

Lizard's tail cut?

"I didn't ask you that. The superiors take responsibility for what the subordinates have done... this must be normal.

Besides, the Wenzer kingdom is the descendant of the Wenzer super empire, right? We are the enemies of the Luthai Empire. "

It was when Left Near said so. Pandora noticed something and said,

"Father. There are a lot of soldiers coming straight to this castle from outside the walls."

From outside the castle?

Right, 3,000 soldiers outside the castle! But how do you know?

... Well, that would be good. More than that, I'll definitely smash these guys to death.

That's what Guillermo said with an uncomfortable grin.

"Well, you've reversed your position. What are you gonna do, beg for your life?

"Begging for your life? Are you stupid or what? Hey, Pandora."

"If you take it a little seriously, you'll kill the people, too, if you don't mind?

"It is not what the people of Wenzer found out. I don't care, do it."

Near left, Pandora put her hand on the wall and adjusted the direction, and the light gathered in her palms, and the walls of the castle melted with heat.

"Graviton Buster!"

At the same time Pandora screamed, the walls evaporated and a glimmer of light came from outside the castle to the soldiers, who, as they descended, instantly evaporated every building in the vicinity, scarring as if they had dug the ground, until far away.

Having seen the sight, Guillermo saw a different strength on an overwhelming level and understood why the Super Empire could not crusade the Ruthai Empire on two expeditions,

Or you can't win. There's no way we can beat these guys.

The Count said it was a trick, but even a trick, isn't it so overwhelming in strength?

So Mum said to Guillermo, who was so deeply afraid.

"Mr. King, we also think it's a waste of time talking to you.

So, everyone in this country, including you, will be tortured to death, apologized for, or whatever you want.

What, with the kid there... that torture, you want to try it?

So she lit the cigar and stared.

"Ma, wait! Okay, I apologize... this time..."

"Nobody's listening to your apology.

How much do you think your apology is worth?

I'm telling you to show your sincerity. "

Totally, this is a yakuza method.

Give me the money in the name of sincerity... if you say so, I'm saying "Money, Kinko" far away.

... I wonder if my mom would tell the king of a country this, but from the king, it might be her first experience.

"The Kingdom of Wenzer, then, belongs to the Kingdom of the Ruthai Empire…"

"King, let's talk about something more realistic."

And he said unto the left, as the boss of the mafia had said unto him.

"So, what do we do?

"So much for the Eastern Union, where some far-off landlocked country belongs.

So, in this case, Eastern Union claims compensation from the Kingdom of Wenzer in the amount of seven trillion shillings.

And the handover of Viscount Lune Lavio and Viscount Daniel Lafondo. "

"Stupid! There's no way you can pay that kind of money! Besides, if I give you two brave men, there will be no brave men in my kingdom!

"It's none of our business if you can pay or not, and it's none of our business if you have a brave man or not.

But we're not ghosts, either. Pay for anything now, I'm not saying it's impotent.

There, I come to take it up every spring, so pay as much as you can.

However, unless the apostle is satisfied with an amount… part of its flesh, he is asked to pay the missing portion.

Oh, yeah, yeah. Though, as you may realize, my daughter, Pandora, has skills to stay on the spot and see everywhere in the world.

If you try to escape, you will have to pay the price, and if you self-determination, both of these kids will have the same eyes.

Of course, if you refuse, what will this Major Vishuk say earlier?

No matter how much they give me, there's nothing the messenger can convince me of.

So Guillermo, who was told near the left, was dismayed, and said:

"... acknowledge that condition"

"Now, if you want to make amends, it's decided, but the sin of taking over the Luthai Empire and attacking my hall, will you let it fall on you?"

"That's included, isn't it!

"Earlier was the punishment for declaring war on the Eastern Union, the Ruthai Empire"

With that said, the left proximity, when he sent Pandora a a signal with his eyes, Pandora went straight behind Guillermo, and when he pulled him down, he stepped on Guillermo's head and said:

"I will engrave the sin I have committed into my body."

Pandora put her finger in Guillermo's right eye and pulled out her eyeballs.

Hearing Guillermo's screaming voice, he stood up and told the children.

"If this guy dies, you're next, you get it. Well, shall we go to Viscount Ravio?"

That said, Pandora followed the eyeballs removed from Guillermo as they were placed in the wine glass, looking pleasant, near left.


"My lord, on that condition, won't this country collapse?

Close to the left, I accidentally said it was heavy duty.

"You'll collapse, like it's a cotton, neck tightening, with a wrinkle."

"So why?

"His Highness Kanbai was given his life, engraving fear in this country.

Now, not only in this country, but rumors call for rumors, and the surrounding countries won't want to get their hands on us... Hmm?

So he lifted up his hand, and gave the signal, and stopped.

Anyone left yet?

Though he thought so, he was vigilant, and when his left proximity turned around the corner, an elderly man, dressed like a cleric, and a wounded, well-fitted old man, were kneeling before the door.

Near left, as he approached the two, a man of the clergy came to speak to the near left

"Be the first to see you.

My name is Rolf, a Greek high priest, and I also do IDCU representatives.

And next to you is the mercenary guild commander-in-chief, General Lars.

Viscount Ravio will sit in this room. "

You told IDCU you were the head of the mercenary guild? Looks like there's something behind it.

"Um, thanks for the guide.

I am Kun Sakura of the Luthai Empire.

And to my daughter Pandora, Major Vishuk and Captain Yasaka, Private Uemjo.

First of all, what about confirming Viscount Ravio and saying you'll hear the story later at my mansion?

"Yeah, that's fine."


And when they had said so, the left-hand men opened the door, and went in.

When I went inside, it was dim with a slightly glowing candlelight, but what bothered me more was that for days like the beast, those who had not taken a bath, smelled unique.

Are you sure you're still alive?

Even so, when I went to the deepest chamber, Lune, connected to the wall, was like an abandoned man.

"Viscount Ravio, are you alive?

Reacting to that near-left word, Lune said slightly up, near-left.

"Dear Mr. Kwon Dae-sen...?

… I've never been so happy to see you. "

"Well, if you can say less, you'll be fine."

And it came to pass, when he had pulled out the sword and slaughtered the cage, that he slashed the chain of the lune as it was, and held the lune that fell.

"Excuse me......"

What, this lightness? You mean you weren't given a satisfactory meal?

"It doesn't matter. This one has a beautiful woman, and she's good for it."

"If you said that, your wife would be mad at you.

But why did you come here so soon? It's not safe for you to do this. "

"Viscount Ravio brought my father-in-law, for his grace.

And with the words of Viscount Ravio, I just did what was natural. "

"Lord Kwon Dae-sen... who are you..."

And it was in the eyes of Lune, who said so, that a great many tears were spilled.

First, we're going back to Lake City.

That said, the left proximity opened the space transition and tried to move, but Pandora was staring in the direction of the wall.


This feeling, this fluctuation of the soul... well, in this city, are you there, Johannes? No, it's Purvel now.

"Hey, Pandora?

"Oh, excuse me, I'll go"

I wonder what it was? Is there something on the wall?

Even so, the left-hand side moved to Lake City.


The hour was a little back, when the left-hand men came to the White Ya Palace, in the corner of Nabos, the king's capital of the kingdom of Wenzer, there was a small bakery, in which the young man, alone, was eating dinner.

The man's name was, say Dan, so much so that he lost his parents early, then opened a bakery by himself, became a reputable bakery in Nabos, and delivered it to the nobles as well.

But every time I eat dinner alone, it doesn't taste good.

With that in mind, when he dipped the excess bread in the stew, a silver-haired, white-skinned child sat in the front chair at some point.

Yes, it was Purvel.

"It's Ver. I didn't make your share."

Dan, who said so, did not change his expression, but said it as if it were the usual thing.

"Oh, my God, I wanted to eat Dan's baked bread because of that."

"I've been telling you this for a while. If you want to eat, tell them to come before you cook dinner."

"It's really just you. Even I, the Demon King, am so flat."

"I don't care if you're a demon king or a demon. If they kill me, it's when they kill me.

What are you doing here? I thought you said no. "

When Dan said so, Purvell said to the child, shaking his chair and playing.

"But come on. I already promised another demon king... a war game."

"Hmm, to the leisure time of the gods... in this case the leisure time of the demon kings? Anyway, don't get me involved.

I want to end up like this, just a baker... but why me?

There will be other heroes, kings and emperors in this world. "

"That's right. I can see the soul of a creature.

Dan, your soul looks double... don't you have memories of your past life?

The laws of this world make those who say this very strong. And the smell of this soul... the smell of those who know the battlefield. "

"... are you a dog? Ridiculous."

So Dan said, Purvell reacted with Pickle, and looked in the direction of the White House, and said,

"Dan, it seems like a great time has come.

Do you want to live alone and end your life like this? King of this country...... no, will you be emperor of this continent?

It's time to make a choice. Of course, I'm here to help you. "

Emperor...... Surely in my previous life, I wanted to be emperor.

But to the Scottish and Irish officers, assassinated… anyway, Ferdinand II's, would be the offer.

This guy could betray you at the end of the day... you better say no to this story.

"Ver, I'm sorry..."

And it was at that time, when the sound was made, that the light enveloped the boulevard.

"Hey, what the fuck, that!

So Dan looked out the window and said,

"Apparently, here we go. This country will be over by now.

My plan is trying to get my eyes on it... What do you want me to do, this is my last chance.

Destroy here with your country, or you will rule. "

... I can see that this country will perish if they show such light.

Probably put a war on another country and they did something. This country is expensive only for its people and pride.

... Dream again, shall I?

"Hey, Ver. What if I win the game you were talking about?

"Well, I'll get the Gard Demon Nation and you'll be the emperor of this continent... It's simple, it's a story"

If we go that far, we won't have to worry about assassination.

"Okay, I'll get on with your story. But on condition... you, be my friend"

And when he heard the word, Purvel held his belly, and laughed.

"Hahaha! I knew Dan was funny. Can we be friends? To me, this demon king? Hahaha! My stomach hurts.

... Dan, I already think of you as a friend, didn't you?

I'll tell you a secret in that evidence. [M] In my previous life, I was the king of this country, Johannes Wenzer. "

"Um, you're talking about a fairy tale... that's funny. I'm honest, no one believed me.

In my previous life, I was betrayed and assassinated.

But this time, you're the only one I trust. Come on, buddy. "

"Oh, please, buddy."

That's what Dan and Purvel said, fisting together, smiling.

"If you say so, what was Dan's previous name? You know who I am?

"You don't know. The previous name was Albrecht Ventzel Oisebius von Valenstein.

I wonder if Albrecht von Valenstein is more famous. "

"It's been a long time."

"It's good with Al. Quickly, Ver, you need to gather information on this country. I want to know what's going on right now."

"Okay, but then, Al, what are you going to do?

"Everywhere in the world, it's the gold and the woman that moves the world. Get both of them."

That said Dan's face was filled with confidence.


Back in Lake City, the left-handed men, after reporting to Kanbai and Beat, examined Lune to Luogne, where they themselves were taking Chloe and holding talks with Rolf and Lars.

The absence of a confession is because when the left-hand side reports, it ended with a word of "leave it to you"

"Well, you were talking about some adventurer guild and wanting to reconcile?

So he said, sitting on the couch in the office of confidence.

"That's right. Honestly, if four countries leave IDCU, they will not remain in operation.

Therefore, I would like to invite the five countries that have also included the Ruthai Empire to join IDCU. "

I see, I know what they're saying... but the point is, they're not in there.

"So, Gard, what happens to the demonic kingdom? It would be contrary to the Charter of the Union to exclude only the divine demonic kingdom, and the emperor of the Ruthai Empire would just not be convinced, or more and more disgusted with IDCU.

Besides, the Emperor of the Ruthai Empire is also a best friend to His Majesty the Demon of Freia.

The IDCU and the countries that subscribe to it will be told that they are enemies. "

"So... what's your opinion, Lord Kwon?

"I, too, share the same opinion as the Emperor. In the first place, in the last two expeditions, you'll see.

If another country attacked and repelled by the Gard Divine Demon Nation and the Megid Demon Empire, it should normally be pursued, but the Divine Demon Nation attacked the Demon Empire to prevent it.

This is about helping another country you attacked, isn't it?

"But maybe he tried to occupy the demonic empire, a weakened state."

"The idea is undeniable.

But normally, it would be a stone to attack the same attacked country.

A losing country is easier to occupy than a winning country, and it has a big name...... I would think so.

So, I ask you, why are the Demons enemies of the living?

"That, if you look at that magic, you'll see.

And they are the enemies of God. "

Stupid, this guy.

"If it's magic, do you have elves? In the first place, there will be humans, magicians, etc.

Besides, they said he was God's enemy, but did God really say that?

Anyway, you want two countries, where gold and silver are produced, and you make them enemies of God. "

Rolf was stunned by those close-left words.

Long before the IDCU, the bond between religious representatives at the time of formation was conceived.

"Hey, why did you..."

"You know, you want to hear it, don't you? You'll see.

Gold, silver, etc. are barely produced on this continent. However, gold and silver are used for currency shillings.

The only way to get shillings is to take down demons and get them, so you can't freely get money.

Therefore, even if I want to substitute it with a different object, people will want the brilliance of gold, silver, etc., so I can't substitute it.

Then those of the time thought that they wanted to occupy countries that could produce gold and silver and create their own currency.

I thought that would solve the financial problem. "

This man is too pretty... Wait, Kwon Dae-sen said the only way to get Shilling is to defeat the demon.

He said he didn't make money from business or taxes, he just had to defeat the demons.

I mean, maybe Kwon Dae-sen knows the secrets of this world that we couldn't possibly know?

If so, isn't it really, God's use?

One hypothesis came to mind for Rolf, who thought so.

Yes, indeed, the Luthai Empire had gold, silver, platinum, etc. in its specialties.

So, it's called the Kwon Dae-sen word, it's called the elucidation of the brave man's vocation... isn't it true that the Ruthai Empire has the right to make money in this world?

Thinking about it, everything is convincing.

Made and circulated the world's currency with gold, silver, etc., which God is a specialty of the Luthai Empire.

Even if you don't bother to take it, if you sprinkle it somewhere on the continent, the currency will be demonic for a while and you will move freely throughout the continent.

If whoever defeats the demon there buys something with that currency, from there, it circulates to the market. Isn't that easy?

And it is true that in the south of the Kingdom of Salz, there are few people because demons appear frequently. However, the funds of the Kingdom of Salz are luxurious and the IDCU contribution ratio should have been quite high.

Given the state of the Kingdom of Salz, on the eastern edge of the continent, it seems that the Luthai Empire is increasingly responsible for the making of the world's currency.

And to say, isn't the whole of the Luthai Empire the kingdom of God, not just Kwon Da Gong?

Then came the possibility of God's use, too, of the Emperor of the Ruthai Empire, who said he was one of his best friends, King Freia.

If the Megid Demon Empire had deliberately invaded and truly held the Demon Empire hostage so as not to destroy another country, there is a possibility of God's use.

If that hypothesis had come to pass, we would have told God that we had turned our blades for our own desires.

Isn't this invasion of the continent by the Ruthai Empire God's sanction?

To that thought, Rolf, who had gone, gradually turned bright blue in his face.

Oh, well. This guy borrowed the brave men of the Luthai Empire to start another war.

Yes, the wrong left-hand man told Rolf.

"Well, that's why, as the Ruthai Empire, you will not be allowed to enter IDCU. If you can't do it, this is the idea of not quitting a fight.

Well, the Adventurer's Guild, I'm not a delegate, so I'll take you to Nassau, where you're headquartered, tomorrow, and set up a meeting. "

"Okay. So, please."

... That, wait a minute. Can you talk to the Dutch guy?

The first time I saw him, all he did was blackmail. I was so weak for someone stronger than me... I'm anxious.

Yeah, if Chloe and Mom stay together, it won't be a problem. He'd be strong if someone strong was with him.

That's what Lars told Rolf.

"Hey, Grand Cleric, don't you have to tell me that?

"Oh, you did.

Lord Kwon Dae-sen, in the story of Viscount Ravio, was there indeed a dungeon in the basement of the northern church of the Serenity Empire?

What's this guy trying to say?

"Sure, I do,"

"The IDCU is listening to the divine entrustment, knowing where the dungeon is and making a crusade request.

In fact, in a divine trust, he said, "In the basement of the Northern Church, a dungeon is made. Confirm it." I got your word... "

"Hey, no way..."

"That's not true. The dungeon was also present in the cathedral of the Northern Church in the Kingdom of Wenzer.

Like Viscount Ravio said, there was Ur written on the door, with the same wording as what Viscount Ravio had said.

This has also been confirmed by scholars studying Ur "

Hey, isn't this something you can use in a trial?

"Grand Cleric, I need a favor from you. Could you please appear as a witness at the trial that will take place in this Lake City next time?

Rolf worried about the offer for a while.

"Okay, here are the terms, too. Could you lend me the brave men of the Ruthai Empire as the exclusive brave men of the IDCU?

Is that it?

"That's an impossible story. It's like saying to the Ruthai Empire, put it under the umbrella of IDCU.

The Luthai Empire can't go under anyone. This is a warning, the next time you say the same thing, you will receive a declaration of war... and the only way you can make a compromise is by sharing information.

If we can't do this, we'll have to give it up. "

"Well, let's just say there wasn't one."

That's what Rolf brought to his back.

This guy really wants me to be a witness.

"Okay, that would be good.

This is just insurance, and if you don't get help, it's fine. "

"... Apparently, Lord Kwon Dae-sen is mistaken.

To say that there was no such thing as a story, I'm asking you to lend it to the IDCU's dedicated brave man.

Let's work together on the terms of sharing information. "

Inside, I changed quickly.

"Now, as a witness to the trial..."

"Yeah, I'll join you."

"Thank you. I have a trial in eight days, so until then, you can let me go.

And Lord Lars, of course. "

And it came to pass, when the left hand said so, that Lars came.

"Lord Kwon Dae-sen, in fact, even from the mercenary guild, I have a suggestion... this is just a suggestion. The mercenary guild has no intention of antagonizing the Eastern Union and wants to maintain good relations."

"So, what do you call that suggestion?

"What do you think will happen to Lord Kwon Dae-sen when this thing spreads across the continent?

"Well, the Northern Union (North United) won't admit it, and worst of all, it's going to be war."

"That won't be all.

On this occasion, the Sub-State will pursue the Northern Church (North United) all the way here.

To cut that off, there will be wars all over the continent... even inside the Northern Church (North United), perhaps. That would also increase the demand for mercenaries... except in the Eastern Union...

So, may I request mercenaries from the coalition forces?

I know what this Lars is trying to say.

About this dungeon, about trying to start a civil unrest.

In order to exit four countries, the impact on each country decreased as IDCU funding declined.

The unrest in the kingdom of Wenzer… all the conditions of the war, are in place.

... No, it's too aligned... something makes me uncomfortable.

I feel like someone is dancing... but this offer could be used for a Knights military exercise.

"Personally, okay.

But we'll get back to you by the summer, because the council has accepted the matter. "

"Well, there 'll be a lot of things going on there, so you can.

If you decide, can you contact Walter in Nassau?

"Yeah, that would be good.

Now, we'll have a room in the castle, so rest there today. Tomorrow morning, I'll pick you up. "

When he said that, he shook hands with the two of them as they were.

The next day, in addition to Dutch, Mommy and Chloe were present at the meeting with the Adventurer Guild, and besides sharing the information they had agreed to, they settled on making each branch of IDCU the destination agency for the Adventurer Guild and paying part of the profits to the Adventurer Guild.

This almost took the form of IDCU succumbing to the Adventurer Alliance, and in a report from Chloe to the left and near, Mom explained to the Great Cleric, kindly and politely.

Absolutely. You blackmailed me.

Even so, the left-hand side was making a draft of a new organization.

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