February 25, A.D. 2. Near left held a meeting with the head of the external bureau, the inside bureau, the head of each Knights regiment, the deputy head of the regiment, and Colonel Kishima and the crane.

Each of them was wondering why his father Chang-ju was here, even though he could see the attendance of the crane leading the Navy.

Eventually, when the large doors of the floor were opened and the left proximity and the secretaries came in, they all stood up and saluted one another.

And when the left-hand side sat, everyone sat together, and they paid attention to the left-hand side of the word.

"I was asked to gather today for nothing else, the Serenity Empire trial to be held on the 28th, but the guards want personnel out of the SS Knights, in addition to the regular guards.

Colonel Sergen, do you mind?

"The problem is, I won't sit down. Why, because we're the SS Knights?

"I can leave it to the Knights of Witches.

This time, the SS Knights of the Kingdom of Salz want to show inside and out that the war between the two countries is over because of guarding. "

"If that's what you're saying, let's take it."

So Sergen accepted with pleasure.

"Now that we're done talking about security, let's get down to business.

I'm going to start reforming the organization of the coalition. Chloe, hand it out to everyone. "

Copy that, sir.

When Chloe said so, the secretaries gave each of them a piece of paper with the organization chart.

"Everyone wants to create a new Operational Staff where they have been separated from the inside and the outside world, as you will see.

And the person in charge there... Crane, it's you. "

"Me, sir?

So said the crane, pointing to himself.

"That's right. The Operational Staff Department is the department that collects information, prepares operations, etc. It's too shameful to keep that brainchild of yours just for the Navy.

And it is you, Left Horsehead, who leads the Navy in the succession of the Crane.

Left Horsehead has been leading the Navy for a long time, raising his daughter's crane to this point. There will be no problem with that ability. "

Why would His Excellency come here and make an ops staff?

If your Excellency were here, you wouldn't need this department...

Left hand said to the crane thinking so.

"What's up, Crane? You said something, right?

"Yes. I'm very grateful, but if your Excellency is here, isn't there a need for such a department?

Apparently, others thought the same thing, and everyone nodded.

This is a dangerous sign that everyone is counting on me...

Now, in case anything happens to me, it'll collapse.

"Sure, Crane may be right, but what if something happens to me?

If we don't make it an organization that will last not just now, but for the next hundred years and a thousand years, our own descendants will have a hard time.

In order not to do so, we must create an organization where we can all win the war. "

"Was I? As the Allied Coalition forces are founded on this island crane, it is a crushing existence."

Fuhahaha, now I'm almost out of work.

And if you feel like it, you're an adventurer and you're in a dungeon, not every day in the Sake Pond Flesh Forest in Nassau!

When Pandora glanced at Pandora when she thought so but was patient with a smile, she caught a glimpse of Pandora's proximity to the left.

Pandora...... don't tell me. Never say it.

Yes, Chang-yi came to tell Pandora that he was sending a precaution like a curse.

"My lord, it is a great pleasure to lead the Navy. I don't know when or where my illness will recur.

Then to my daughter's crane, someone's son-in-law...... Gah!

Oh, I got a beautiful back fist in there.

"My lord, it's your father's paranoia, forget it. If I have to, I will lead the Navy again."

That said, the crane bowed its head near the left, as if nothing had happened.

"Ooh... please"

But Tsuru usually gave his father a back fist... next time, be careful what you do.

Restore your mind.

"Then Brigadier General Sanhao. Next up is the external bureau, but the formation of artillery squads using artillery and artillery squads using mortars.

And think about the new tactics that come with it. "

"Huh? Think about it. Isn't that quicker for you to think about it?

"You, what were you asking me earlier? Think for yourself.

And in the future, we will prioritize the deployment of new weapons to the Knights of the Witches (Night Witches) and the Knights of the Holy Dragon of the guerrilla forces, so Amelia and Christina will also consider tactics and report. "

"Eh! Why me!

"Wait a minute, please. As for the Knights of Witches (Night Witches), I do want a new weapon, but not until tactics..."

So Chris and Amelia complained.

Christina is saying it because it's hard to think purely tactical.

Amilia...... definitely writing a report would be because it is so hard.

I can see that. 'Cause I'm one of a kind.

"Don't complain, I'll give you advice.

Oh, you can't have Brigadier General Sancho. You think on your own. "

"Why can't I?

"You can think of tactics on your own, or you can't."

And it was said unto him near the left, and Kiyoshin was dismayed.

"Next, Brigadier General Kruger. You're going to make a medal.

A medal is a medal that recognizes a person's martial arts. Make something like a medal, and increase your retirement pension by a little, depending on the number and type of medals.

And clearly label the military penalties, take control of the inside of the army, form a security force. "

"What is that medal, for example, when you say it?

That's what Kerstin said, taking notes.

"For example, he who defeated many enemies or helped a wounded ally."

"I see. An act based on chivalry, that sounds like what I said."

Well, if you think about it, you do. I knew this guy was smart.

"Yeah, so do me a favor. Find out the samurai of the Luthai Empire and recognize the samurai."


It feels kind of good to go because it's decided to be crisp.

"Next, each Knights. I have a request from His Majesty Freya and a story from me.

First of all, it's a request from His Majesty Freya.

The next time I open Central General School, I divided the knighthood department there into a brave profession, a possible person, and a normal person to form a class.

After graduation, in order to be fair, the Knights of the Brave try to be included in the Knights of Hope and, if biased, relocate them with later personnel changes, but what do you think?

That's what Sergen said when the left-hand side said.

"My lord, may I?


"Where you have become a brave man, when it comes to whether that person will be a force of war in action, it is not.

So what do you say we assign them to the Knights of the Princess, who are training closer in action, for about a year?

If you're from the Black Knights, no one will complain. "

Certainly Sergen's opinion makes sense.

"Pandora, what do we do?

And Pandora, who said so, was troubled for a while.

"Good, but you could die, right? That's all, please accept."

And when he heard the word, the captain of each of the knights moaned.

I mean, it could be... it could be.

"And last but not least, the mercenary guild has offered me, and as a mercenary, he has said he wants to make a request to the coalition forces.

This is in anticipation that outside the Union, the whole continent will start a war.

Of course, the matter requires the approval of the Council, and not immediately.

No, but I think it's a good opportunity to go through a lot in action... What's everyone's opinion?

"You're a teaching unit. Black Knights is where you want to be."

"The Knights of Witches told the story."

"Knights of Kingsguard...... It's a joy to be in battle for a while and my chest is pounding"

"Holy Dragon Knights, why don't we go?"

"Knights of the Holy Guides, it's been a long time since you've been able to break out."

"The SS Knights, you can't beat the other Knights"

All right, each Knights agrees.

Other than Babysitting, the deputy chief looks like he's dying.

"Okay. Then the three bureaux, the inside, the outside and the operational staff, coordinate in the flow of conducting military exercises as mercenaries.

And finally, by elevating the Tsuruo to Brigadier General, this meeting is over. "

And it came to pass that the left-hand side rose up, and when they stood up, they saluted one another, and the left-hand side withdrew.

After this, Kiyoshin and Kerstin and Amilia, Christina and others, who were given homework from near left, were troubled by their heads, but in the midst of that, the Chief of State came to Pandora.

"Princess, was it really a pleasure to talk about keeping a Knights graduate? Surely the princess, too, isn't she supposed to be a chivalry?

Wow, I forgot!

"Hey... what do we do?

"Well by then, I'm graduating, so it'll be okay to find out who I am.

If the princess has difficulty doing it because of her passion, let's train her and her hiyoko. "

"Please, shush."

Pandora, who said so, pounded the chief political officer's chest.


On February 28, the Imperial Court moved the location to Central Castle in Lake City for a dungeon, and in a unique tension, the trial of Jimenez and the others took place.

Lake City had only a small court, so it became a trial in a council in the castle, but those outside the coalition were also in the hearing.

Marty Gregor meeting of the Gregor Chamber of Commerce, seven representatives of the Seventh Confederation.

From the Duran dynasty, Count Leon East Bail.

Representative of IDCU, Grand Cleric Rolf.

He was the mercenary guild commander-in-chief and General Lars.

Everyone understood the seriousness of the matter, but there was a tingling air in the place, but only this woman on the witness stand, in a different sense, was tingling with cigars.

It's my mom.

Why is the Bail family... and the East Bail family here?

Besides, isn't he, like, Nick's kid?

Definitely, there's a shadow left somewhere.

Leon approached his mum and talked to her.

"Excuse me. I didn't think there was such a beautiful woman among the Ravens.

My name is Leon East Bail from Duran Dynasty. If you don't mind, may I ask your name?

What, this guy... well, on second thought, don't you know me?

"... it's Sonia Vishuk"

Here, Mommy named her real name honorably, without hiding it.

And Leon, when he heard the word, said with his eyes round.

"Hey... you're lying... no, there's no such hassle. 'Cause my father said all the Vishuks are dead..."

That's what Mama said to Leon, confused, in a hateful voice.

"Unfortunately, he's alive... your father and mother were killed by you."

"No, wait a minute, Sonia. I..."

"Leon, this is the witness stand.

Anyone who has nothing to do with this, move to the hearings. Hey, Colonel Gudduan?

Behind Mom, who said so, was Sergen standing.

"Major Vishuk's, you're right. Dear Leon East Bail, This place is reserved for interested parties only.

Could you please come back?

"... ok. Sonia, we'll talk later."

"I don't like it. If it's the moment you die, I'll tell you.

And you, Lord Major, call me familiar.


So Sergen was relentless and stared at Leon, who was grieving.

Do we have to go back here?

Nevertheless, Sonia Vishuk... my father told me that both my parents had died in an accident...

With that in mind, Leon went back to the audience.

"Lord Sergen, thank you. I didn't know the Bail family was here..."

That said Mama lit the cigar as if to put up with her anger.

"Mom, not too privately, I don't want to step in, but suppress me now. And here, no smoking."

"... I know."

That's what Mom said, she stepped on the cigar and erased it.

No. If I blow up my emotions here, all the plans near left are water bubbles.

I thought so, clenching my fist, and Attorney General Warran came in to the floor and said,

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have been waiting for a very long time.

Today's trial will be presided over by Padim Warran, my Serenity Empire attorney general, just because the case is a case.

Let me start with this case of forced labour by the Gaston Chamber of Commerce without a slave contract to the children. "

When Warran said so, those who were the lords of the Gaston Chamber of Commerce and the Sisters of the Northern Church in the village of Sixa were brought before the court.

When Warrant read each of the counts, most of them denied their sins.

Can't he always admit that he's clean?

I would have sworn in that I wouldn't say falsehood.

Even so, Lannis talked to the left, looking at it.

"Marshal, it will be completely different from those of the Ruthai Empire"

"Right. But this must be the cultural difference."

And it came to pass, when Jimenez came out to court, that Warran said unto Jimenez.

"Jimenez, meeting of the Gaston Chamber of Commerce. Can you swear to God you believe in and only tell the truth in this courtroom?

"... God, I don't believe you, but let's swear on the honor of our two families and tell the truth"

And Jimenez, who said so, had a face which he had made ready somewhere.

"Okay, that would be good. If you perjure yourself in court, you will be guilty of perjury, and you will be even more guilty, so be careful.

Now, will the Gaston Chamber of Commerce admit to letting us do forced labor without a slave contract to the children?

"Admit it. And that's not all.

Girls are forced into prostitution, boys are assaulted and kicked. When he died, he was dumping it in the woods where demons come out.

You should have known that, too, Herald Gaston, chairman, and Juke Joaquin, priest of the village of Sixa. "

When Jimenez said that, all at once, the sisters, who knew nothing, put their hands on their mouths and, even though they had never known, were crying, regretting their participation in the case.

And Warran looked to Jimenez, and said,

"... why, admit it?

No, in the judge's position, it's weird to say this.

The documents seized from your room were like giving us an overview of the entire incident.

Honestly, this evidence alone makes us all guilty... why? You wanted to charge us with this case and lighten up our sins?

"Nobody thinks that.

I can take all the sins, and I'll be honest with you about anything... and that's my responsibility as a meeting of the Gaston Chamber of Commerce.

I will bear all the sins of the Gaston Chamber of Commerce "

Jimenez...... clean but that's different, wrong.

This is just getting away.

That's what Lannis said, near the left.

"Marshal, don't worry. The verdict will be next time.

But that man who says Jimenez, he did take the lead in the meeting, it must have been last month.

And yet, I don't know if I'm willing to admit to sin... but I don't think there's anything wrong with death here. "

"Right. That man, sure enough, should have been pretty good at gathering information.

Perhaps it's a good idea to say that we're going to use it at Allied headquarters, in a closed house, in an intelligence bureau. "

And when the left-hand man said in half a joke, Lannis sparkled his eyes, saying,

"Marshal. That's funny."

"No, it's bullshit, so please don't be serious"

"No, honestly, this number is too many to be imprisoned.

Besides, because of the transitional capital now, imprisonment is difficult... it's a coalition, why don't you keep it?

Well, I guess I should assign him to the crane deputy. The truth is, I wanted to be Brigadier General Sanko's deputy.

"Okay. Let's arrange something."

"Um, I asked you, Marshal. Killing someone with a strong sense of responsibility like that puts the end of the empire at risk."

Thus, when the proximity left and Lannis were bonding behind them, the trial proceeded solemnly.

Jimenez, the head of the Gaston Chamber of Commerce, once fully admitted the charges, and both the others and those other than Sisters admitted and denied the charges at once.

But some of them were bad predecessors. Yes, he is Archbishop Petru of the Cathedral of Nariya.

He came out and denied the charges.

"So if you don't admit it, you say it?

And it came to pass, when Warren looked upon Petru, that Petru said not.

"Of course I'll sit down. There is no way I can plan a rebellion against the Serenity Empire.

The kids, too, Herald, did it on his own. Mr. Herald is just a believer... and if that's why he's going to be punished, this will be repression of the Northern Church. "

"So how do you explain the presence of the Knights of the Holy Cross, who were in the Cathedral?

I didn't even know the Knights of the Holy Cross were coming.

Well, even if they were here, they'd just come to worship because they're devout followers. "

So Petru said, without evil.

"That's it, cut the whiskers!

The Allied men have already done their research, and we have the message glass that they flew for Salem, and the letter that they captured.

And according to the Allied Shinobi report, we've heard you and Herald Gaston talk, and we can't get away with it at the earliest. "

"So, listen, what evidence do you have to say I put it out?

One letter like that, if you're guilty of treason, you won't sit down. "

That's what Petre showed Warran.

"Come this far and hang up even more... I can't help it.

Major Sonia Vishuk of the Black Knights, would you please come? "

That's what I was told, my mom thought she was finally here and jumped onto the floor.

"Now Archbishop Petre. This Major Sonia Vishuk can use what is called a demonic thread to examine the memory of the person.

Now hold here the neck of the Knights of the Holy Cross!

At that order of Warran, a soldier brought Pandora's slain, the neck of the Knights of the Holy Cross.

Mama said, putting a magic thread through her neck.

"I see. Looks like this Knights of the Holy Cross was the unit that fanned the civil unrest in the Empire... well, yeah.

Hey, Archbishop, can I tell you something?

"Tell me what's right."

Stupid, you can't tell. It's up to me to say so appropriately.

Yes, it was coming, Petre's thoughts were vain, and the next word was shocking.

"You, to the Laboc mine, will be out many times, taking this guy as an escort,

And how are you doing at the Laboc mine, buying boys?

If she's on the witness stand, why don't we ask her right now?

Well, even this, if you don't admit it, I'll hurt your body, check your memory, but what?

In those words, at once, everyone on the floor saw Petr with contempt.

Hey, why! How do you know that!

No way, do you really understand?

And Petru, who thought so, was ashamed of anything else, and did his best on the spot, and pleaded guilty.

Thus the trial proceeded, but when it came to the dungeon, Petr denied it with all his might, and denied that the Sisters knew not.

"This is the trap of the Gard Devil Nation!

The voice of Petre, who cried out so, was vain, and in the testimony of IDCU representative Rolf, he heard that the same thing was happening in the underground cathedrals of the northern churches throughout the continent, and Petre had lost his understanding.

And the next day, the verdict was passed.

Forced labour on the children and rebellion against the Empire led Petre individuals to become central figures, abetting the Holy Cross Knights of the Northern Church and the Gaston Chamber of Commerce, and plotting a rebellion, Archbishop Petre was condemned to death.

I didn't know anything, the Sisters were sentenced to five munchings and will be placed under the watchful eye of Priest Mark Mest for at least three years from now.

And those in the Gaston Chamber of Commerce, those in the mining business, went to 200 years of imprisonment and forced labor.

Others, to three years' imprisonment and forced labour.

Those who worked wrongfully were also involved in the rebellion, and those who were lords were condemned to death, and others were sold as slaves.

And because Jimenez was at the Gaston Chamber of Commerce meeting, he was sentenced to 300 years in prison and forced labor.

However, because the prison sentence and forced labor were too large, Jimenez was placed in the custody of the Luthai Empire, parted from those who were punished in the Serenity Empire and those who were punished in the Luthai Empire.

Hearing the verdict, Elias and Amiria wept and thanked Lannis with heartfelt joy.

"But close left. Is this good for you?

If it were all the responsibility of the Northern Church, wouldn't it have been good?

That's what I said, as I avoided Leon from the courtroom, on a space transfer with the left proximity, I came to the left proximity office, Mom.

"No problem. Besides, Mom, think about it.

The continent has 37 countries with the Ruthai Empire, of which the Northern Union (North United) is the largest union of fifteen.

With the exception of the countries of the Eastern Union and the Demon King Purvel, fifteen countries… In addition to this incident of dungeons, plans to fan inside will be found in other countries.

Then there will be a war between the remaining fifteen countries and the Northern Union (North United).

No, it could also be a war inside the Northern Union (North United).

The information will be shared by IDCU with other countries, as will the mercenary guild. That's why you've been in contact with us.

Besides, just in case, I also asked the Gregor Chamber of Commerce to circulate this information.

Eventually there will be wars all over the continent, but where will the firehands rise from?

And let the Exhausted Northern Union (North United) attack the Eastern Union and you will win. "

Perhaps Purvel's country of pawns in that game is the Northern Union.

That northern church's, drawn on stained glass, would be deep into it, so this prediction would be a hit.

"I knew you were a scoundrel... suck it?

"Oh, let's have it"

That said, when I got the cigar from my mom, I lit it and spewed out smoke.

Later, this near-left prediction came true.

It was discovered that the Northern Union (North United) was plotting to cause civil strife and integrate into the Northern Union (North United) in a human country with northern churches in other countries as well.

Moreover, the dungeons were discovered one after the other and pursued, but the Northern Union (North United) and the Northern Church denied their relationship.

Relations with neighbouring countries get worse all at once, and subnational states, just here, incite other human states.

The continent was gradually divided into the Northern Union (North United), the Anti-Northern Union (North United) group of nations, and the Eastern Union.

The Kingdom of Wenzer and IDCU, which are supposed to arbitrate this state, do not have the power to arbitrate at the earliest. I was just watching this situation.

Coincidence or inevitability? The continent, as Purvel had planned, was trying to enter the war.

It was in the midst of such a kina smell that the Countess of Orbin, the wife of Brian, the deceased of the exclusive brave man of the Kingdom of Wenzer, remarried one young man.

The young man, whose name was Dan, was just a bakery, but he changed his name when he married and named him Albrecht von Valenstein.

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