Another Life

Chloe's mistake.

On the second day of the Cherry Blossom Festival, the male and female reversal cafe and the Riva Cafe (provided by Rondelick), which had come to mind by the left and near left, had shown some buzz, but many of the guests had been taken to the outdoor store and had not shown the buzz that the left and near thought.

"Fine, you're free, my lord."

The male orchid who said so just said that he was free near the left of the maid.

"Right... I wonder what's wrong"

"Because drinks are tea for coffee, meals are just new products such as okonomiyaki, no one has ever seen them, and I can't imagine the flavor.

Instead, I will buy ready-to-view products that are sold in outdoor stores.

Today, the weather is beautiful, and it's better to buy it from an outdoor store and eat it on the lawn. "

Well, you can eat and drink anywhere, so everyone eats outside... garbage, looks awesome.

And if you make something like a food sample, you might see it and come in.

"Well, next year, improve..."

"That's right. Your Excellency also looks too good in a maid, she's a normal girl, so she's not uncomfortable.

My wives, too, are a norm. Brigadier General Sanko is the only one with a bad face. "

Hmm? The last word smelled like dos.

"Oh, so, does it look good on you?

"You look great, dear Lana."

"Really, you look good enough to piss me off. Wow. This isn't cuter than my maid."

"Oh, I wonder"

Hey, I don't know, I don't feel bad for saying this... to my weird taste, but I think I'm going to wake up.

"Oh, Hola, a customer is here. It's your turn to pick up, isn't it?

And it was Lana who said unto the left hand, which was always lit.

"Oh, leave it to me."

So the left side went toward the entrance.

"Really, you have to talk, you're a pretty maid."

"That's right."

So Lana and the orchid said, looking at the back near the left.

"Welcome home, Master...... Huh?

And he said with a full smile, The left and the near have been hardened by accident.

The cause of this was the beads and pandoras that were now solidifying, precisely in front of the near left eye.

From Shirley. Why they were all stiffened up, but they were convinced by the words of the beads.

"Chi, Father? What a disguise... pity"

Akan Yan, my father's majesty...

"Yes, no, this is, that's it... yeah, I needed to talk to the Hyogo. Can we talk for a second?

"Is that something? No, I don't mind, but Mira and Lord Shirley..."

That was the arsenal I tried to say no to, but it was here that the angel of salvation appeared. It is a man dressed, Cecily.

"Mira and Shirley can go because I'll deal with them."

The boulder, Cecily...... hmm? Mira and Shirley?

This kid, he's called Shirley. Not, what about the beads and Pandora?

And he perceived the feeling of the near left, and Pandora clenched his fist, and said unto the near left.

"To your father, let me preach.

What is it really... I've never brought a friend here before, dressed like this... "

"Hi, I get it. Do that in the office."

So Cecily pushed the four of them out of the store.


But it's Cecily. Is this torture?

As the left-hand side thought, the office was silent, and there was an unspeakable air.

This air is so intolerable... do you want to cut the story out of me?

"Actually, speaking to the Hyogo, do you have this pattern mole somewhere in your body?

And when he had said so, the left hand side showed the paper of the inscription of the angel to the Hyogo.

And when he saw the inscription, he said unto him, Trouble for a while.

"I don't think so."

Huh? You're lying. 'Cause it was there for Yuanta and Tokjiro.

And it came to pass, when the bead saw the engraving, that it came to pass, and was ashamed to say,

"With that said, Hyogosuke's... there was a mole like this in the back of the bag below."

"What, it was in Kim? Then you wouldn't know."

And he laughed brightly, saying so.

Was it in Kim ●... Hey! Why, the beads know!

Well, we know because we're a couple. I know, but come on... as a father, I feel complicated.

With that in mind, Pandora said, near left with a complicated face.

"So, what happened to this brother-in-law's mole?

"Well, what do I tell you from... First, I met with a newborn yesterday.

Hyogo, you must have heard the name too. They are Maida Yuanta Nobuna and Maida Tokijiro Changhui. "

"Sure, they say General Takeda XXIV..."

"Yes, those two. Well, it was an old acquaintance of mine, so I figured it out relatively easily.

And what God told me in this world is that we need God's permission to be reincarnated from our original world into this one.

But you and the Maida brothers don't remember God giving you permission. "

"No, but father-in-law. This is how I am reincarnated into this world."

"Yes, Father. Master Hyogo, aren't you here?

Could it be God's mistake, isn't it?

So said Pandora, the Hyogo and the Pearl; but Pandora thought for a while, and groaned.

"No way, isn't this mole, the engraving of an angel?

The boulder is Pandora. Do you already understand?

"Yes, this mole is an engraving that is called an angel's engraving and becomes an angel's vessel.

In detail, it seems that the angel of the use of God needs a flesh that becomes a vessel in order to materialize into the world in the likeness of a soul without an entity.

But in this world, there is a strong bond between flesh and soul, and there is no room for angels.

So, from our original world, we reincarnated our souls and placed angelic inscriptions on our bodies where they were originally weak. "

"So... what happens to a certain person when that angel enters a certain flesh?

"When an angel enters the flesh, his original soul is cast out, seemingly forever and forever... and he can't go back"

"Oh no..."

And the armory and the beads, which said so, were manifestly dismayed.

But Pandora said it without showing her how to say it.

"Anyway, the purpose would be the annihilation of those who said mankind and subhuman... guessy, angelic thinks so.

Besides, when your father says this, isn't there a solution, and you're saying it?

"Yes, Pandora is right, I received from God the ability to erase that angel's engraving.

Already, the inscriptions of Yuanta and Tokjiro have been erased and experimented with. Can I erase the engraving from now on?

At that point, you seem to lose consciousness for a while. "

"Of course, I don't mind! Thank you very much!

"Thank you, Father, from me."

The two men who said so bowed their heads to the left.

Well, from him and the others, we finally met, but we're going to be forced to leave.

With that in mind, the left-hand side stood up and put his hand on the head of the Hyogo, he said.

"In the name of the Lord"

At that moment, like the Synopsis, the blood vessels of the Hyogo glowed, and light blew out of both eyes.

And the bead that saw the sight said unto the left with an anxious face.

"Chi, Father. Are you sure you're okay?

"It's okay, here's what happened to Yuanta and Tokjiro"

At the same time that it was said, the Hyogo fell and lost consciousness, along with the sound of Dossa saying that the light of the Hyogo was gone.

Worried about the arsenal, the pearl was knee-pillowing the arsenal, gently looking down on her head, stroking her.

You're a good couple.

That's what Pandora came up with, close to the left.

"Father, angels can't do this alone.

Perhaps Reaper is involved in this matter. "

"That's it, Pandora.

From God, are you the Knight of Death? He also asks me to summon him to investigate the matter.

Well, it's very annoying, but in order not to let anyone else like this out, Reaper must stop. What's your point?

"Sure, I'm sorry to bother you, but I think that story is correct.

However, in order to summon, it will be necessary, most of it, to be collected at Robin's, but only the life blood of a fresh virgin elf will be difficult. "

So God said that this world would be easy to get...

"Pandora, do you need that living blood in bulk?

"No, it's only a small amount of blood."

"If so, there's one. Every time, my mom tells me to dump my virgin, an elf woman."

Pandora said, as she thought, in the near-left language.

"With that said, you were close. So, as soon as possible, tomorrow night, but shall we summon?

"Right. If you write me a note about what's in there, I'll get it ready."


And this time, God's downfall is obvious. Does your father put it on properly before this fall?

After all, when it comes to God, there's a hatred caged in Pandora's words.

"Of course I did. Pandora, do you have any weapons you want?

"Essentially, wield a sword with magic included, strength absorption, speed increase,. After that, it's a set of armor that doesn't feel heavy and a caged hand."

Damn, that's unforgiving... but Pandora's armored, that's unusual.

"Okay, I'll tell him."

"And finally, the Knight of Death should say his name is Cain and probably be more than God's man. Don't ever piss me off."

Pandora. You're right to say that.

"Okay, let's keep it in mind"

Thus, while we were talking, the consciousness of the Hyogo returned.

"Hyogo, have you noticed?

"Yes...... yes, what's the engraving?

"That should be gone, but stop checking here. Do it when you get home."

"That's right. But my father-in-law..."

"When you fight an angel, you call me, okay? Yuanta and Tokjiro said the same thing.

Well, I'll call you because you're going to be a fighter... "

"Thank you. I'll sit down. Um, why don't we go back to the cafe downstairs?

What are you talking about, Hyogo? Here, let me kill time till it's over.

"No, that's..."

"Brother-in-law, you've decided no!

Pandora, who said so, slapped his desk and said:

"No, but..."

"But, heck, no. When a friend of mine finds out that your father is like this, I'm ashamed.

And how long has your father been dressed as a woman! Please have some more pride!

And Pandora, who said so, sat on the left and on the left, and preached.

Thus, the two-day cherry blossom festival ended, but the garbage problem and various things emerged, and from the next time, food and beverage outside of the designated place was forbidden.


On that night, near left, again, as usual, stood on the clouds, but the woman in front of her was a chestnut-haired woman in her early twenties, dressed in old Greek-style white.

"So, who is it?

Near left, I really don't know. No, I know, but I don't want to admit it, so I said.

"What, I told you I'd leave you like you really are. Holla, let me do this. You can sit down.

I'm not gonna let you do it. "

And God, who said so, put his arms together, and looked down near the left.

"I'm not doing anything! I have my pride, too! So, how'd it go?

"Hey, it's confirmed by the angels' rampage. He said he didn't know any other gods, and I can trust this.

So I decided to lock up four of its main culprits in heaven and put them in jail, and there's a problem. "

That's what I said. The younger God told me to worry.

"What's the problem?"

"The first is that the angels may be confused by the disappearance of those who have led the angels before, and that confusion may cause those who choke on the lower realm to appear.

Well, this is between a new angel and growing up. "

Well, that's a possible story.

"What can I do if an angel comes to the lower realm?

Besides, a detained angel might escape and come to the lower realm. In that case?

"This is a test against angels. Do you accept what I say unconditionally?

Contrary to that, angels who come to the lower realm can be killed. "

You're making such a ruthless decision, this guy.

"How can I kill you?

"Before that, I say ruthless, but I'm letting you have so much power, so what are you going to do if you can't protect me as much as this?

As a matter of fact, I've already given you the weapon you can kill… it's your blood.

When you put your blood in an angel, it's purified. For example, yes... I would apply your blood to a blade such as a sword and stab it.

Other than that, no matter how much you scratch, it doesn't make sense because it will heal in a while. "

This guy, you heard his heart. Well, good.

"Okay. So, what's the other problem?

"To not stop the reaper who is helping angels, more and more vessels become flesh-receiving for unlimited amounts.

The reaper's jurisdiction is unique, not how I can talk about it. "

"So you're telling me to convince Cain?

"That's what I said.

And Pandora's sword of hope and armor, this time specially, I'll do something for you. Only this time, I have to help her... "

"Thank God. Except for my reward.

Don't you have to tell Freya about this one?

When he said so, God looked a little complicated and said:

"I think I've done something really bad to her. Let a girl who doesn't know anything feel that horrible for hundreds of years.

So now I want to entertain you. "


"Well, there's something close. Well, for now, I wish Cain a good fight... so he doesn't die."

That being said, the figure of God has faded and disappeared.


The next day, the left-hand side had sent Viola to Robin's store in the morning to purchase the materials to be used for the summons, and she herself glanced over the reports and applications in the office.

What is this? Build a battleship with a lot of artillery, the Left Horsehead of Kojima?

Well, that would be good. Yeah...... Hope budget says four ships for 800 million shillings a ship!

It's 340 billion yen!... I can't. If you sign something like this, Major General Krueger will surely come yelling at you.

If it's an eight-year plan, and one ship in two years, maybe we can figure it out.

"Chloe, this plan for the left horsehead. Show Major General Kruger the budget for one ship in two years, and ask him if he's okay."

"Yes, sir."

Next, you put in Major General Sanhao's artillery squad, is that a tactical proposal?

Arrange the artillery squads, archers, spear squads, and horseback squads in order, changing the attack according to the distance, and storming the horseback squads where the enemy collapsed... this is just arranging the artillery guns before the usual tactics.

No, boss.

Next, Jari's tactical proposal?

Let the artillery squad unfold like a formation of crane wings, and wait for the lowest part, where the horseman squad stands by a formation of sharp arrows, and the artillery squad of both wings strikes, and from the sky the Knights of the Holy Dragon strike from above with artillery, where the formation of the enemy has collapsed.

This could be valid. Plus, if you get attacked, stop the enemy from advancing with a backpacked spear squad and attack with double-wing artillery.

The stuffing is sweet, but it looks like it could be used.

All right, hire.

Next, Amiria?

Destroy anti-aircraft weapons with Shinobi reconnaissance and sabotage operations, contact the Knights of the Holy Dragon for enemy positions, snipe enemy commanders with artillery during bombardment, and dare assault a confused location?

... Did Amiria really think of this? It seems to me like Major Lilseau was thinking about it.

Well, that's hiring.

With that said, it was this evening to summon. Why don't you ask Chloe?

"Chloe, um... can I ask you something weird?

"Ha, what is it?

"Are you still a virgin?

"Huh! Hey, why are you doing that again?

And Chloe, who said so, turned bright red unto his ear, and said,

"No, I was wondering."

"Of course, I keep it pure."

"Well, after work, why don't you stay here with me today?

"Huh! Hey, wait a minute!

After all, that's it, isn't it? That's the only one, isn't it?

Chloe, who thought so, turned bright red to her ears, pressed her chest, and breathed deeply against the wall, looking back and saying:

"Ha, yes... ok... Um, be gentle... do it"

Hmm? Do you already know what you're going to do?

"Whoa, leave it to me. I'm not sure, but it might be better to have a tourniquet."

"Oh, so much, because it bleeds?

"No, I'm gonna be as nice as I can be, but if the blood comes out more than I thought, it's gonna be tough."

In this case, I think the men will have it ready... well, if your Excellency goes, there's a chance the wives will find out.

"Oh, right. Go inside later...... no, right now, but you'll get it!

That's what Chloe said, she jumped out of the office and left.

I feel like Chloe was unnatural... well is that good?

With that in mind, when the left-hand side lit the cigar, the door was knocked, and the orchid came in and said,

My lord, Master Bullet is here.

You mean the cannon?

"Okay, let me in."

"Yes, sir."

And it came to pass, when the orchid said so, that a bullet with a long bath came in.

"Bullet positive, what's that?

"Well, look at that."

Bullet put the bath in front of the left, saying so.

Anyway, it must be about the cannon.

With that in mind, when the left proximity opened the bath, it was an iron cannon inside, but somewhere different from before.

Something's different... hmm? This is...

"Oh, apparently you noticed. As the Lord said before, I have tried not to use the fire rope.

This is what I did when I made a new clay at the top of the fire lid.

This pulls the trigger, rubs the steel and hot iron parts over the lid, and at the same time the spark occurs, the lid opens, traps the spark, and ignites the powder.

Loading ammunition and putting gunpowder is no different than before.

The advantage is that the fire lid shoots with it closed, so you can use it even on rainy days, and you don't use fire, so there won't be any accidents, and you can't see the lights on the fire rope from afar.

The downside is that in order to generate a spark, the momentum is rubbing hot iron, and because of the impact, the barrel is shaken, the hit rate drops, and because of the complicated karaki, the unit price is higher than on Seed Island.

Besides, as I said before, I also made something to be a gun sword, but when I put ammunition in it from the muzzle and stiffened it, it could injure my hand, so I tried to make it foldable. "

As Bullet Zheng said, the gun in the near left hand was in the form of a musket gun, and under the gun mouth, like a folding knife, a gun sword was stored.

Sure, Bullet is right, but to the great names of the Luthai Empire, on Seed Island, to the Knights, if it's the latest, even if Musashi guards take military action, we can deal with it.

The question is, how do you make a rifle out of a bullet without telling me about it?

"Okay, bullet shots. At this point, why don't you forget the unit price and pursue the artillery thoroughly?

"... for example?

"For example, if a normal bullet fires round and intact, it can bend and be difficult to predict ballistics.

So, if we add rotation when we fire, the ballistics will stabilize, right?

"Can you say it a little more plainly?

I didn't seem to really understand the bullets that I said.

"By analogy with commas. Don't spin it, just put it down, it won't stand, will it? That's the same principle, and I think if you add rotation when firing a bullet, the ballistics will stabilize.

For example, by creating a rotating wound in the shell and pulling it with a bullet, you add rotation when firing. "

"Sure, it's going to be worth a try, but what about loading?

With the bullets and the shells tight, it's hard to get them in. Besides, normally, if you shoot a couple of shots at a place where you have to clean coal in about seven shots, you won't be able to clog and load it with coal.

How do we solve this problem?

"There, with what I call a shift in ideas. Instead of letting it in from the front, let it in from the back, what do you think?

Then, at the same time as the bullet exits, coal is drained, so cleaning is the other way around, isn't it less?

And if we can improve the premature, attach it to the rear of the barrel, and replace the premature if we shoot... no, at the same time we drain the premature, it loads automatically, what if we think about karakuri?

"I see, did you have that hand? But what about Kalacri, who ignites gunpowder?

That's right. I need thunder kan...... sure, it was made with a combination of trisinate, tetracene, barium nitrate, antimony sulfide, and calcium silicon, but not necessarily in this world.

Do you want to experiment with Dr. Corpus?

"There, I'll develop it. You're the only one who's gonna be famous for developing artillery."

"You're really not greedy. So much for getting fame and still not satisfying."

"I am, by nature, greedy."

"That's why you're my palace.

Now let's make sure we have a new gun for the security stuff and a Seed Island for the army's troops.

Because if you're new, you can shoot without seed fire, and it doesn't matter if it's raining. "

The boulder is bulletproof. Precisely discern the nature and deploy.

"Oh, so please. And keep researching the development of my barrel."


Did you say anything to your lord, Chloe, at the place?

Earlier in the hallway, when I was in the wrong place, my face turned bright red and I couldn't even hear the eagle. "

"... Come on, I don't know"

And when he said so, he said, tilting his neck.

And then Chloe knew the truth about it, and she turned bright red to her ears, and she was shy, needless to say.

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