Another Life

The Man Who Says Cain

"Well, good luck with that."

"Good luck, Sz. Please keep the door tight."

"Oh, I'll see you tomorrow"

That said, as usual, when the orchid and viola went bright and home, there was a strange time of silence flowing near left and to Chloe, when they were alone in the office.

Hey, I don't know, I make a weird mistake during the day and then I'm strangely aware of your Excellency... I guess I can hold him with me any longer.

With that in mind, he saw Robin's brought, near-left hindsight sorting samples of minerals, and Chloe said he was suppressing the urge to hold them, while near-left came with minerals.

"Chloe, can I cage in Dr. Corpus's lab next time?

"Huh? What are you gonna do with your job?

"Work, now you sign reports and requests through your eyes, or just the visitor, right?

Except for the important project, I hope you sort it out and bring it, and if the visitors tell me, I'll be traveling on a space transfer. "

"Oh no... do I have such a big part to play..."

"It's okay. If it's Chloe. You're the woman I trust the most."

So he looked back, and smiled, and looked near the left, and said, Chloe turned her face bright red again.

"Yes, I understand."

"Well, I thought Chloe would say that."

Yes, Pandora arrived when the left hand side said that the space transfer opened in the office.

"Pandora, I'm back now. So the example thing, did you get it ready?

"Oh, here it is."

So he put a large cup of silver on the table, and a box near the left.

Pandora checked the contents of the box one by one and said:

"The boulders are robin, you handle good materials"

"Hey Pandora. How do you know Robin's shop handles that stuff?

"Robin thought he was making ecstasy and stuff in hiding anyway, so I thought he would be handling it at the store anyway.

I'm surprised we really handled it. "

I'll have him split up next time.

"I see. Shall I write the Demon Square to summon you quickly?"

"Demon Square? I don't need a demon squad to call Cain, and I don't speak Ur at all.

That place with Cain is going to be a different world from ours. "

Does another world mean the world I was in?

With that in mind, Pandora handily placed the ingredients in a large silver cup.

"First, on the shellfish lightworm larvae, on the fairy bones, on the griffon feathers, the lamb eyeballs...... this is good freshness in it.

Yadrigi sprouts, nigga yomogi flowers, spider fangs...... and finally, red pine powder. Now, we're ready.

I will now make a caveat. Cain is not of this world, because he is king of Reapers.

So the Ur language doesn't just work at all, it doesn't take over the spirit, etc., but you can just touch it and kill the other person.

Never lose your mood, please. If it's damaged, no questions asked, they'll kill you. "

Pandora says so much, so I guess it's true.



"Now put Chloe's blood in this cup."

When Pandora told him so, Chloe tried to slash her palms with a knife, and the nearest left saw the knife trembling, he said.

"Chloe, if you're afraid, shall I kill you?

"Yes, no, it's okay. However, when I heard that I would summon the King of Reapers, now I'm afraid..."

Well, normally, you're afraid. I may have been paralyzed because I've met God.

That's what I thought. Near left, I said, hold Chloe's shoulder and gently attach my hand to the knife that Chloe has.

"Chloe, you may be afraid, but I'll protect you. So, no?

"Yes, no. I can do it."

And Chloe, who turned bright red unto his ear, drew the knife with him, and slashed his palm, and poured blood into the cup.

Really, Father, you're just a natural woman. It's a good battle with Robin.

So Pandora said.

"That's about as good as that. Okay, let's go."

Pandora, who said so, lit the branches of red pine in her hand, and put them in a cup.

Then from the cup, when the blue and white flames burned up with melameras, they entered into the chant.

"Thou art the first sinner, the enemy of light, the companion of darkness and jealousy.

O king, who presides over the spilled blood, over the true darkness, and reigns over the corpse, who sprinkles death upon many men.

I, in the name of the king of hell, come, Cain. "

When Pandora cried out, the flame of the cup disappeared as soon as it grew bigger, in one mourning suit, an old man sat on the couch.

The man looks like a reptile somewhere. There was no anger in his eyes at all, and for some reason he had a bag of burgers and drinks in his hands with many rings.

And the man looked upon Guillaume and Pandora, and said,

"Queen of Hell, long time no see. I would have killed you if you had been summoned before this double barbecue arrived... what are you, human blood in there? You stink of humans."

"Well, I'm your father's daughter, so it must be natural to have your father's blood in it. Better than that..."

In the middle of saying so, Cain said, looking closely to the left.

"This again... you have become the father of this queen. Long time no see."

Hmm? Am I seeing you somewhere?

"I'm sorry, I don't remember."

When he said so, Cain seemed a little lonely.

"Well, don't you remember... well, I'll forget about what happened after I died, so it's natural... I miss you a little.

Which reminds me. "

With that said, when Cain stood up, the moment he stood in front of the left proximity and put his index finger against his left proximate forehead, video was shown indoors, as if he were on the spot.

"Where are we?

"Well, watch."

Cain, who answered the nearest left question so leniently sitting on the couch, saw one scratchy old soldier running.

"That, no way!

Near the left, Cain said so with no expression.

"Yes, you are the one running with that scratch here in the formation of Sosuke Ishida, Sept. 15, Keio. 5. Shima-Qing Hing"


Chloe, who was unintentionally surprised, felt like she said she didn't understand.

"Chloe, this is what I looked like in my last life... I think I already know, but I have memories of my last life.

... I'm gonna die in this fight. "

The close-left expression that said so seemed somewhere sad, and Chloe was unable to say anything.

Around, along with the sounds of large cylinders and cannons, he heard an anger, and on the nose of his closest left, he felt the scent of blood, organs and nitrous smoke drifting from the area.

The old left-hand man had received several bullets in his body, but he ran as if nothing had happened and opened a curtain of nostalgic family crests and went inside.

Oh, that, Ishida's hall!

"My lord! With the betrayal of the creek, the prison lord has already lost and your allies will sit in total collapse. You've decided to win or lose this battle!

"Well... after all, if you're listening to my left and near advice... I'll slash your belly here. Near left, due to error"

The moment Mitsune said so, the old left proximity was a spear pattern, knocking down Mitsune's flank.

"Do what, close left!

And he said, and looked up unto Mitsune, and said, The old man's left hand made a smile with his wrinkled face.

"My lord, as long as you live, you may one day take the neck of that hateful inner house.

A real samurai is one who doesn't give up until the end and keeps fighting.

Now, let's make it, fall to Mount Sawayama. That's where you get your relapse.

This is the last measure taken by Sosuke Sansei Ishida, the military teacher. "

"Last...... ok. Near left, don't die."

So when Sansei understood everything, he grabbed his fist and said, as if he had understood everything, he just left before nodding Sansei.

Don't die... my lord says impotence every time.

Before the old left-hand man, who thought so, a decree came running, kneeling, and said:

"Report! Young man... Fujido, Shinko Shinjishima, take over!

"Well, Shinji passed away... before my father, I didn't know he would..."

And he looked up into the sky, and said sadly, A bloody samurai came near to his left, and cried out to his left.

"My Lord Left!

"Oh, Lord Pusheng. Are you still alive?"

"Just like your Lord, some of them die inside, with a sturdy body.

More than that, Lord, are you going to die?

"Going to die? Just go to the rampage, there is. You have to buy some time for your lord."

"Then let's try to hang out with someone too. Because there's not enough violence yet."

Really, you like this man, too.

"Aye, okay. Then let us show the horror of Ishida's samurai to His Holiness Kofi... Ah!

So he said to the left, as he thought he would ride a horse.

"What happened?

"No, I forgot to give you the bow I bought for my daughter's beads"

"That lord's, the last daughter's bead? Until this time, I didn't know you'd be a fool..."

And the dandelion, who said so, beckoned, and said unto the left.

"I'm a child since I was older. That's cute.

... I can't help it, I'll stand on my pillow and tell you "

And he said, Near the left with the poly, and the head, and the dandelion said, Seriously.

"... stop that. I can't cure my sleeping piss."

"Hahaha, I'm sure it is...... now, is it time to go?


The two men who said so said as they looked at the army of Kuroda Kofisho's army, which pushed in front of them.

"Pusheng Hall. You'll have to give it up first."

"At all, the only warriors who are ahead of the battle are the Lord Left and Near."

"See you in hell for a drink. Keep going, Island Squad!

And when he had said so, he lifted up his spear high, and went in.

"Until the very end, you were a warrior or a samurai. Pusheng Squad, don't let the Island Squad take the bait! Follow me!

And the dandelion that cried out, and he went in with a spear.

"Kah! Him!"

Along with his voice, the left-hand side waved his spear in the front line himself, and with precisely the strength of a god, he cut off Kuroda momentum one after another, and the soldiers of his allies, seeing his left-hand side struggle, were courageous and cut off the enemy soldiers so that they could be followed.

Precisely, the more spoken of in the later worlds, the struggle between the left and the near was awesome, but because of its awesome struggle, the near left was more pronounced than the others.

Oh, the boulder is the left-hand lord. I don't know about that struggle while getting bullets in my body. That worthy soldier is escaping... but to that strength, no one can follow him.

... That's dangerous.

Yes, it was the moment when the left proximity disappeared from sight in order to spear and kill the enemy soldier.

Daddy Pan! said, when he heard the simultaneous shooting of the cannon, and Pusheng looked in the direction near left, he saw a near-left figure, showered with several bullets from the side and collapsed from the horse.

"My Lord Left! Everybody, protect the Left Commander! Never let Kofi take your neck!

I heard the words, the Dandelions aroused and headed for the rescue of the Island Squad, but were held back by soldiers from Shigemitsu Kuroda, unable to move forward as I thought.

"My Lord Left!

It was on the battlefield that the sad cries of Dandelion echoed.

"Dear Hall! Everybody, protect the palace!

Those who said so fought to protect the left-hand side, but they were taken away with one and another, and at last Kuroda was pushed to the left-hand side, and the soldiers swarmed to take the left-hand side of the neck.

With five bullets in his body, he thought everyone was dead, and his left and near eyes opened, and he instantly slaughtered and killed the flock of soldiers, and stood up.

And when he shook the spear with a bun, and shook off the blood on his tip, he cried out.

"What are you doing! Step in here! Still, you're from the island house!

That's it! Him! "

With its blood everywhere, the voice near the left, which lived, cried out with a strange body, sounded to the Blackfield men as if they were the voices of a devil inviting them to hell, and the Blackfield men fled.

Near left, he pretended to see how it was, and then called the two samurai.

"Shinsuke, Rokuro, come here!

"Father, Shinsuke Tomosheng is here. Rokuro's here, too."

Having said that, Tomosheng and Rokuro, kneeling before the left and near, Tomosheng noticed an abnormality in his left and near eyes.

"Father, no way..."

"Ooh, I haven't seen it at all.

Shinsuke is better than that. You're going to put on your helmet and feathers, take command instead, and fall in the right place.

Of all my children, you have the most similar voice. You'll never find out. "


And he said unto his hesitant friend, as if he could see, and gazed at him.

"Sooner or later... this father's, before the flames of life go out."

"Or, yes, I did."

"Rokuro, you buried the body of the eagle so that no one would know, and the left-hand side is still alive, spread the rumor."

"Dear Hall, I will be with you..."

"You bastard! I entrusted this last measure, near the left, to the Lord, and think about it."

"Yes, sir..."

So said Rokuro, in tears.

Near left, when he heard the word, he fell with a grin as it was.

"Oh, what is that? My body's in there! Hey, you guys, you don't see me?

... No way, am I dead?

With that in mind, he instantly understood his own death, and heard his voice from behind near left.

"You're a man inside to understand your own death."


Cain stood behind his left proximity when he said so and looked back.

"My name is Cain. By the life of God, I have sent you to God."

"Ho, right, right"

That said, the left-hand side of Cain's clothes were rare or he started touching them with a stick.

"... what are you doing?

"Hey, these clothes are rare.

More than that, you, you look pale. Are you eating properly?

So Cain saith, bewildered near the left, which poked innocently at Cain's cheek.

"You, I'm a Reaper. Aren't you afraid?

"Afraid? Why?

I fought a lot and died. That would just be it.

There will be a lot of other dead guys, but it's strange that no one sees him like that, but it's none of my business.

Well, I envy the Lord. "

And Cain responded with a little pickiness to the last word near his left, saying,

"He said he was envious. Why is that?

Any man must take his life, even if it is torture.

If you're a bad guy, you can take your life without feeling comfortable, but newborn children, etc., are tight.

Um, it hurts my heart to see my parents' sad faces... "

"Maybe so, but if we meet, as there is a goodbye, a child who grew up with a parent who said so, even if he grows up and dies, is something that makes someone sad.

That happens to be my parents.

More than that, because the Lord is the Reaper, can he go to all sorts of places in the world?

I'm more jealous of you.

'Cause think about it. Whether we travel or not, the world is vast and dangerous.

But the Lord is the Reaper. There is no danger or anything, go wherever you want, see the scenery, eat good food, and hold a beautiful woman.

I think it's the best life I've ever had. "

When the left-hand side said so, Cain was Kyoton, as if he had been troubled before, which made him ridiculous.

"Huh, I didn't expect humans to solve Reaper's problems.

It's Kyne. You must forgive me for calling you Kane specifically. "

Cain, who said so, offered his hand near the left.

"I'm Shima-kung. Then I'll allow you to call me special, near left... what is this?

That said, when he heard Cain's hand without knowing what it meant, Cain seemed a little awkward, he said.

"Right, different cultures? In times like this, we hold each other's hands."

"That said, I asked Batelen once."

That said, the left-hand side held Cain's hand full of power, where the video was cut off.

"Now, do you remember a little?

Yeah, like the footage Cain showed me, I met Cain, and after that, he told me all kinds of things, and he took me to God.

Why, I don't know what I've ever forgotten.

"Why have I ever forgotten?

"It's when you're supposed to be reincarnated, all your memories are erased, but you reincarnated with your memories.

But after I died, I still lost my memories until I went to God. Well, with a little kick, I can remember. "

"Something's wrong, Cain."

"Nothing good. Is it going to be a long time?

"Right. It's a little nasty."

"... ok, just give me a minute. I'll be right back."

Cain, who said so, disappeared from the front of the left-hand men.

That's what Pandora said to me.

"I didn't know your father and Cain knew each other… I've never seen anyone consult on the life of a reaper before."

"Well, from now on, too, I'm ashamed of what you're doing.

Still, Chloe. How was it, surprised?

"I'm also surprised...... not much has changed, is it?

I don't know what to say, my lord. "

Chloe, who said so, seemed somewhat happy.

In doing so, at some point, Cain returned and had a large bag of Bar-King in his hand.

"Did you wait?

"No, I haven't waited at all, but what's that bag of burgers?

"The rice wasn't there yet. I bought you guys your share. You want some coke?


When the left-hand side said so, Cain lined the table with burgers and potatoes and onion rings to give the left-hand side the coke.

But aren't they pretty big? This coke.

"Hey Cain. Size of this coke, too big for you?

"This is Arizona's Burger Ki G. It's not the same size as in Japan.

Well, eat the queen and the elves. "

Pandora, who told Cain so, said in a slightly grumpy manner.

"Now that I have given your father a wonderful name to say Pandora, please call me Pandora.

Besides, this kid's not an elf, he's Chloe. "

"... that's interesting inside. Queen...... No, I didn't expect Pandora to get that emotional.

Do you think those involved with the left and the near will change?

It's close to the left. What's the story?

"As a matter of fact, there are people in this world, from another world, who have been reincarnated by God without permission.

The purpose seems to be to turn it into an angel vessel, but God says that angels alone cannot do such a thing. If I could, I'd have Reaper involved, he said.

So I want Cain to find out about it and stop Reaper. "

And Cain took out the great black notebook, and said,

"In that tone, you've already found some reincarnated... what's your name? Of course, it's the name of the original world."

"It's still the same now. Yoo Seong Hyogo, Yuantaro Maida Nobuna, Tokijiro Maida, Chang-hye Tsuchiya."

"All Japanese..."

Cain, who said so, turned the page with a pepper and said without changing his expression when he stopped.

"Again... all four of the earlier ones are in charge of one reaper.

The Reaper's name is Wacker... he's moved to Europe for a while. Maybe the Europeans are bringing us here too. "

Europe... Shit, I know very little about world history.

"Right. Can you ask someone to stop that wacker?

"Absolutely. There must be no transgression by Reapers of the rules set by God.

But close to the left. Never fight for yourself, don't.

Reapers can only be killed by God or the same Reaper. You get it?

"Oh, I get it. But what happens to those who are already reincarnated?... Kill him?

"I will not kill you... if you die, your soul will return to its original world. But those who become vessels of angels, and whose flesh and soul have already been separated, are difficult.

If it's just the soul, it's easy to find it, but the reaper can't help it because it's the same thing that's still alive than the flesh exists.

Well, if you kill an angel, you don't talk about it. "

So, if you defeat an angel, your soul will return to its original world and return to its normal circle of circles?

But the only thing that can defeat an angel is my blood... and I need Cain to stop Reaper soon.

"Okay, though. If I could, I'd like you to tell me the name of your soul, the one who said it was the wacker."

And Cain said, When he ate the hamburger, he saw the left hand side as a giraffe, and said,

"Near left, the contents of this notebook are only allowed to be seen by Reapers. I taught you this time, it's special.

You, give up that eternal life and become a reaper?

Does that mean you want me to die right now?

"No, I'll stop... but if you feel like it, can I do it?

... Death can't quit on the way, can it?

"Sure, but you can't quit if you want to.

Well, good, tell me if you feel like it. Anytime, you're welcome. "

Am I that good for Reaper to be scouted by Reaper?

"Well, I'll think about it"

When I said that, I wore it on the hamburger.

In my mouth, the taste of nostalgic junk food spreads.

Nostalgic, long time ago this flavor. I knew it would taste good... can't you reproduce this flavour?

With that in mind, when the left proximity looked in the direction of Pandora and Chloe, they were obsessed with burgers.

Hey, both of you, you're eating too good.

With that in mind, as the left proximity looked frightened, the two stopped perfectly, put the burger down, and seemed a little embarrassed, Chloe tried to drink Coke, but without knowing how to use the straw, it was the moment she managed to take the lid off and drink it as it was.

"Ahhhh! My mouth, my throat! And why the ice!

Oh, you were surprised by the carbonation and the cold.

Pandora said she was a little proud to win.

"Chloe, you're behaving badly. This is how you drink it."

That said Pandora, when she inserted the straw into the container, she drank the coke inside vigorously.

"Ahhhh! My mouth, my throat! It's too cold, and with the pussy!

Seeing the sight, Cain and the left hand side smiled, and Cain said with pleasure.

"Near left. Now I know why you told me to eat properly.

When I eat where I say this, I just see people's joy and sorrow, they talk to me, and it's fun.

Even after watching so many deaths, don't forget who you were... thank you. "

Well, that would be something other than a fancy restaurant.

"That's good to hear. How do I get in touch with you in the future? No way, it would be hard to perform a ritual like this every time"

When the left-hand man said so, Cain thought for a while and then removed one of the rings he had worn and placed it on the table.

"If you want to call me, you can put this ring on and just remember. If I need anything, I'll show up to you.

And when you find a book on the cover with these demons on it, you tell me. "

Cain, who said so, drew a demon cube on the paper and gave it to him near the left.

"What's this?

"This is a book of magic that can call the Reapers individually. With this, you can easily summon wackers.

However, this Demon Square can only be used once against each Reaper. I hope you've already summoned Wacker. "

I see. You mean the disposable type?

"Okay, I'll call you as soon as I find out."


Today was a delightful meal inside. I'll get you something next time. "

Then Cain wiped his mouth, and disappeared.

Hey, take the trash home.

Well, okay, that's the end of the Reaper thing... right, I have to go take it up with the Kingdom of Wenzer.

With that in mind, the left proximity looked at Pandora and the others, and they seemed to fit into the onion ring next.

Pandora, it's Chloe... I know it's delicious, but be a little more nervous.

When he thought so, Chloe noticed his close-left gaze and said shyly.

"Duh, what's up?

No, I thought you were happy.

"That makes me happy.

'Cause this burger, the onion rings and the potatoes are delicious, and this coke is a drink, which was more irritating and startling than ale, but it's going to be sweet and crummy.

... besides, I could see your old self... "

Like the old days? Oh, that one.

"It was more jittery than I thought, wasn't it?

"Yes, no. He was manly, cool, and very nice.

Speaking of which, my lord at that time said, beads... "

"Oh, it's that bead. Pearl was married to the Hyogo even before she was reincarnated."

And when Chloe said so, his eyes sparkled, saying,

"That's a really nice thing. It was Lord Willow who Zhu was looking for the whole time, wasn't it?

That means that even if we were reborn, they loved us so much that we wanted to be together, and Lord Willow felt the same way... really, that's a lovely story. I'm jealous of you two meeting someone I can love so much. "

... softly, let it be.

At the end of Chloe's near left gaze, he put his hand on his cheek and twisted it.

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