Another Life

A true friend.

It's been about a month since then, Thursday, May 25, Eastern Calendar.

On that day Pandora and the others returned to the dormitory lazily after school was finished at noon after classes outside of physical education, etc. were lost due to heavy rainfall in the morning.

"It's been humid this morning and I didn't like it..."

Shirley and Faye also nodded at the words of Pandora.

"Oh, I'd like to go on a trip somewhere with a nice climate."

"Pandora says she wants to go on a trip, all morning long.

With that said, school, from around the end of July, all August, was a summer vacation, but you're both going home?

Faye, who said so, seemed a little anxious, said.

"My parents are too far away to go home... and I don't really want to go home because they have a father"

"Then Shirley stays just like me. What about Pandora?"

... to be sure, your father's orders to come home will come out.

"I want to stay too...... but I guess I can't"


"My father told me to come home anyway.

When I get home, I can take care of my brother, help my father with his work... worst of all, my sister can come and push my niece... it's depressing. "

So Pandora said, lazily, Faye said with pleasure.

"Pandora usually says very little about her parents, but she had a brother.

I feel like I've suddenly become commonplace. Pandora is the second daughter?

Are you a brother... well, are you okay?

"That's right. But my sister's married and she's not at home, though. My brother and I are in my mother's stomach now."

"I had a sister and a brother too... you're the same second daughter. Well in my case, in the civil war in the Kingdom of Salz..."

"Huh. That's what I said, I don't talk wet anymore. Then your parents and sisters in heaven will grieve."

That's what Shirley said when she headlocked the loud fay.

"Yeah, you're right"

Saying so, Pandora changed the subject as she was chewing on Shirley's warm tenderness.

"Hey. On summer vacation, with Yuantaro and Eli, the five of us are going on a trip, why don't we?

"I, I don't have that much money... and why do you have Gentaro and Eli?

Pandora, having heard that fay word, sneered and grinned and peered into Fay's face and said:

"Faye, you like Gentaro, don't you?

"Well, is it? Faye."

From the sight of the two who said so, Faye just turned down, turned his face bright red, and moved with Mozimoji.

"Then it's settled. Let us support Faye's love."

Pandora said, saying so, while Faye turned his face bright red, he did his best.

"Actually, I have a plan, too. Look, there's a harvest festival in the fall..."

"... what's that? Is there such a thing?

That's what Pandora said, and they got hardened.

"As such, well, Pandora, being a Luthai, doesn't have to know about the harvest festival, but on the continent, every fall, she says it's a harvest festival, and there's a festival."

"So, where I lived, there's a legend that men and women who confess and bond to the harvest festival will be happy forever...

So, Yuantaro is a Luthai, so I don't have gloves, so I thought it would be cold in the winter, so I thought I'd make it for you...

So, Knights and Cadets get paid every month... for my first salary, I bought yarn for Yuantaro. "

So Faye turned his face bright red, and hid his face with both hands.

This kid is really fun to watch. He's the type I want to pet. Wow.

"Young is a good thing, Shirley."

"Pandora, how old are you exactly? Faye, me and Pandora are here for you."

So Shirley said, clenching Faye's hands.

This is my normal life... I don't know, it's good to say this. After all, as your father remembers, it's fun.

Pandora enjoyed such a commonplace conversation, and emotions were sprouting in her.

"Well, I'll go back to my room and make gloves... Pandora, Shirley, thank you"

"Nothing, I'm with you on the way home, the rooms are just different floors, it's huge..."

So Pandora hid the lights, and told Faye, and Faye smiled and said to Pandora.

"I know. Bye."

Faye, who said so, smiled and went into the room.

"Well, if you stay in your room, will you be okay?

"Right. They're a lot of people these days, so I'm sure they'll be okay."


Pandora and Shirley, who said so, went back to their room.

Really, because Pandora is clumsy.

But I know the more painfully well you two and Allison are protecting me...

I'd love to help the three of you one day... but Pandora doesn't seem to want my help.

But you're so beautiful, you're so strong and smart, but you were actually just like me back in the day, taking care of my brother, helping your father with his work... just like me.

So Faye sat gladly in bed, and from under the bed, and threaded out, the door was knocked.

Guess who? Pandora and Shirley, I guess?

When Faye opened the door, Sally and Roos were there.

And when Faye saw their faces, their blood was drawn by accident, and they retreated, they came in, and said unto Faye.

"Faye, you need to lend me some slack."

"Huh? So, but... gohoo!

To Faye's stomach, who tried to say no, Rouse punched his fist in and whispered in his ear.

"You don't have to answer to nobles every time you're a civilian. You just have to shut up and come with us.

If I don't come, I'll put pressure on the school and kick you out...... you, aren't you close?

No money, no closeness, nobility. Can you live?

To Louise's words, Faye wept and had no choice but to snort.

The three avoided the eyes, and when they entered the empty room near the dining room, two male students, Barris and the cadet, waited with an uncomfortable grin.

"Look, get in there."

Fey shuddered with fear and as he stopped, when Sally pushed Fey's back and forced him inside, the two closed the door about the watch outside as it was.

In this situation, Barris said with a glance to Faye, who was just afraid.

"Hey Faye. I decided to quit school like this.

Knights are so tall, they're just flirty, they don't fight, but they fight and study every day, they can do it, and they're annoying. "

Faye, for a moment, became a relieved expression in the words, but in the words of the next Barris, he was dropped into despair at once.

"There, until my belly bug subsides, let me see your desperate, grieving face and entertain you"

The moment he said so, a male student beside him pushed Faye down and stripped Faye of his clothes.


Faye's cry was overwhelmed by the sound of heavy rain.


In the evening, Pandora and Shirley were both doing their studies initially, but after a while they were tired and in a straight mode in bed.

"But it was surprising that Faye was the girl I dreamed of. Wow"

That's what Pandora said to Shirley, who was studying, as she fell asleep in bed, to her desk by herself.

"I was more surprised that I liked Gentaro. I thought it was Eli.

Anyone at Pandora's place say that?

"Me? I... you see, the martial woman. Where my parents say, I have to have a daughter-in-law, and my sister did it, so let alone..."

"Did you do it?

Shirley, who said so, seemed interested and looked back and asked Pandora.

"Like I said, a woman in a martial arts family marries someone her parents have decided, but your sister, when your father was out in the war, went out with her brother-in-law and married her on her own."

"Isn't that a big problem for the Luthai?

"Exactly, it's a big problem. It was really hard.

At that time, my brother-in-law slaughtered and killed his great-name minister, who was introduced by his father, and left his great-name family, and married his sister, even though he was an unemployed wanderer.

When I came to say hello to your father with your sister, the captain of each Knights was with you to stop your father when he broke out. "

"So, how often, Your Excellency, have you forgiven me?

"That's a completely ridiculous story, and my brother-in-law has known your father for a long time, and he also knew how to meet his late mother.

In the end, your father also married in love, beat up the famous lord he used to serve, and admitted in haste that he was wandering in front of everyone. "

When Shirley heard the words, she said, blowing out and putting up with the laughter.

"Pup, what is it, that story? Your Excellency used to be impotent, too."

"Even now. Occasionally, if you think that guy's blood is in me too, there are times when you're embarrassed... hmm? Somebody's here."

And when Pandora said so, the door was knocked, and Allison looked up, and said,

"Hey, Faye, are you here?

In Allison's words, they looked at each other, Shirley told Allison.

"Faye should be in the room, right? Making gloves... No way!

Apparently, Pandora and Allison got to the same idea, and when Allison wolfed, Pandora quickly gave instructions.

"Allison, go back to your room and wait. Maybe Faye will come back.

We're gonna go find Faye!

"Wow, okay!

So Alison hurried back to the room, and Pandora looked heavenly, looking for Faye from above.

In the air, Shirley questioned and asked Pandora, who seemed to be operating something.

"Pandora, what are you doing?

"This is Heavenly Eye, you can see it anywhere in the world from above, only me and your father have it, it's a special skill"

"That's... that's a great skill, but can you see it all the way inside the building?

"The building can only be seen through the upper two floors, and not in the woods or in the dirt. But I know people, subhumans, beasts and everything else because they react.

Anyway, it's about them and if they're not popular... what is this?

"What's wrong, Pandora?

"There's a reaction from a crowd near the dining room..."

"In the meantime, I'll go there, Pandora!

So Shirley went toward Pandora and his place.

When Pandora and the others arrived at the location of the problem near the dining room, a hedge had been made and several male teachers were screaming to keep the students from going inside any further.

One of them found a face Pandora had seen.

That was the former Black Knight's very eight...... I should have become a teacher of the Knightly Family B. Is something wrong?

... Oh, it's Eli and Gentaro.

So Pandora picked Eli's clothes and talked.

"Eli, Eli"

"Oh, Pandora. Shirley too."

"What, this crowd?

"Me and Gentaro, we just got here. But it looks like there's been some kind of incident."

What, Eli and Gentaro were just wild horses, too?

But there's a case... Confirm it.

"Shirley, let's go check it out"

"Pandora, I was thinking the same thing."

"Wait, we're going, too. Here we go, Eli."

"No, why me too..."

And Pandoras, when they had said so, scratched men, and came forward, they were stopped by the eight.

"No more, no more. You can't go in there."

The Shirleys retreated unexpectedly to the words of Yasuhachi, who said so.

There was no alternative to this.

This even passed the Knights of Pandora exam, but the man who was wounded in the pursuit of the Civil War of the Kingdom of Saltz and was unable to get out of the battlefield again became a teacher of Central Central School at the mouth of Pandora.

When such a resilient man told me, everyone had no choice but to retreat and be frightened.

But only Pandora was different.

"Excuse me, Doctor, but I might have a friend ahead of me, so can I go?

No, you won't.

Everyone thought so, but the answer to the very eight was different.

"Okay. But let's go with someone."


"It's okay. More than that, we'll ask for the students until the female teacher arrives."

And the teacher nodded at the words of the eight who said so.

A female teacher? This, no way!

With that in mind, Pandora went in front of the room with only one reaction, and Shigehachi went out in front of Yuntaro and said:

"From here, no male students should come in."

"Pandora... Shirley..."

With those words, Yuantaro understood what had happened, and when he looked at the two with all his eyes to tell them that they were different, Pandora nodded understanding Yuantaro's intentions and entered the room.

When Pandora and Shirley opened the door and went inside, in a dim room, in a corner, in a torn, worn uniform, they managed to hide their bodies, and there was a figure of Faye crying, but the figure was chestnut-colored, long and beautiful, and their hair was cut messy, their faces and bodies were bruised and clearly assaulted.

"Hih, that's terrible..."

Shirley, who said so unexpectedly, held him close to Fay gently, and Fay, who held him to Shirley, cried as if the dam had broken down.

Shirley looked at Pandora, gently stroking Faye's head without saying anything, and Pandora's eyes narrowed and Pickle and his eyes moved.

This, no way!

When Shirley thought so, Pandora took her uniform out of the item box and put it gently on Faye's shoulder.

"Pa, Pandora, you can't! That's not all you can do!

"What's up!... Princess"

And Shirley's cry was heard, and Heihachi and Eli entered the room, and there was a pandora with a knife on her hips, and a cape with black wings.

For the first time I saw it, black, as if it were the Queen of the Devils, even Faye, who had cried before, watching to surprise Pandora, Pandora asked Faye as she manipulated her celestial eye.

"Faye, how many opponents?


"Right, five? Eli, where's Gentaro?

Kneel before Pandora who said so, Eli said.

"Yes. The moment I heard Faye's voice, like a bow and arrow, I flew away.

Probably went looking for Barris and the others. "

"That's the guy from the Maida family...... what's up, Hirohiko?

Pandora said to the eight lying flat, manipulating.

"To the princess, I say"

"Forgive, tell."

"Now, when the princess kills the killer, it's in total futility that the princess has been hidden her identity until now.

Even though you are now a teacher, certain minds still sit in the Black Knights.

Please, even more so, give me the life of a murderer. Please, thank the princess. "

"... han"


"I'm glad to hear your loyalty. But this is my problem.

And if you really want to return the favor to me, produce an excellent godson and help me.

My godson's martial arts are your martial arts... and be happy. And that's what I want. "

"Hi... princess..."

And it came to pass that Shigehachi wept.

"I couldn't see."

That said, Pandora, smiling like a demon, moved near where there was a reaction in the spatial transfer.


"Hey, Mr. Barris, you were so good to me as a civilian."

In an unpopular, dim room, a cadet boy told Barris, remembering Faye's body.

"Right. You entertained me more than a slave."

Barris, who said so, also had a nasty grin.

"With that said, there's one cute kid in the chivalry A, right?

Anyway, if you're quitting school, he's gonna do it, too. Well, where I found out, it's not a crime to be a civilian anyway. "

Pandora... he grabbed Sally's neck before and lifted it.

I'm weak, so I take every break from physical education, but I passed the exam, so I think I'm strong... well, if it takes five of us, I'll be fine.

Like this guy said, you want me to do Pandora and quit?

"Right. Next, let's be Pandora."

Yes, it was when Barris said, All of a sudden, the door of the room was kicked, and Pandora came in, wearing a black winged cape.

"Raven...... what the heck, Pandora"

That's what the boy student said to Barris, who stroked his chest down in a ho.

"Mr. Barris, it's just the right time, so here, let's do this guy."

"Right. Do it."

"Hehe. I've wanted to offend you since I saw you before."

With that said, as the boy student waved his fist down on Pandora, Pandora was easily intentioned and took that fist with her left hand alone.

"Oh, my God, are you willing to defy me? Every civilian...... Ouch! Get off me, you son of a bitch! Gaa!"

That said, the boy student tried to escape from Pandora's hand, but Pandora's hand was not frightened, but, on the contrary, the moment he heard the vacillation and bone crushing and the boy student stayed put, Pandora, with his remaining right hand, pulled out the knife, while at the same time slashing off the boy student's arm.

Pandora, bathed in massive amounts of returning blood, stepped on the head of a male student and poked his sword faceless.

Barris and the others could not speak to Pandora, who killed him without any hesitation, when another cadet boy tried to escape from this room.

As Pandora moved her fingers quickly, the male student was stretched against the wall with an invisible force.

And when Pandora remained silent and approached the boy student, she stroked him.

Screaming in front of him and looking at the hellish paintings that were gradually slashed and engraved, Barris and the others, unable to say anything, came to the room and shouted to Pandora.

"What are you doing, Pandora!

When Pandora heard the words, she stopped Pitali and his hand and put a knife on her shoulder, she slowly looked back at Yuantaro.

The figure was so beautiful and worthy of a black empress, even though she was bathed in returning blood.

But in the words of Gentaro, Barris shouted back to me.

"You think you're going to do this to a civilian?

"Civilians, civilians and, if you open your mouth, that's all. What's wrong with me killing you people?

I, Sakura Kuen Daihan Kiyohiro, am my daughter, Sakura Left Gatekeeper Pandora, and Raven, an extrajudicial person.

No matter how many bugs you kill, you are not guilty.

That's right, you've been prestigious for a long time, but what's your value?

Prestige in parental status, oneself, not entirely worthless...... no, not worthless, but only harmful.

So, Barris, you don't even have the air to breathe, die now... well, it's easy to kill. "

So Pandora spoke from behind Yuantaro to Pandora, when Pandora went to Barris.

Pandora, that's it.

"Oh, Father..."

Pandora looked back, and when she looked near her left, she bit her lips, and repented, and said:

"Father, why are you stopping!

And Barris, and Sally, and Rouse, at the same time shouting, lay flat near their left, saying,

"Oh, please help! Why do I, the son of the Viscount, have to behave like this when I have committed a civilian daughter?

He's... he's rotten.

"Barris... you are hopeless.

The sin of attacking my daughter Pandora as well as Faye is heavy. "

"Oh, wait! I didn't know about the princess. I haven't even done it yet!

Are you really going to do this yet? I camouflaged it, I was going to.

"Barris, Sally, Roos. You three, in your own room, be careful for a while... Whoa, I'll call Shark.

If you want to escape, you can escape. I will kill all of your clans, and I will kill those who hide them.

Pandora, that's what I'm talking about, so why don't you hand me the knife?

"I don't like it..."

For the first time, Pandora refused my orders?

... you mean Pandora is growing too?

That's what I thought. When I went to Pandora, I held Pandora in my arms and said.

"I know how you feel, painfully well.

But, Pandora. They don't deserve to rust your knife... can you leave it to me?

"... Also, I want onion rings"

Pandora said, yes, in the near left chest.

"Oh, okay. Tell Cain again, don't ask him to bring it."

"... made by your father"

"You know my cooking skills...... ok, I'll make you one.

You three go straight to your rooms. If you weren't there, you know what I mean?

And it came to pass, when the left-hand man said unto Barris, that the three of them nodded again and again, and left while they were crawling.

"Well, Yuantaro, too, is that good?

And it came to pass, when he saw Yuantaro, that Yuantaro fell flat in haste, saying,

"Everything, as Your Excellency wishes. But how did you know it was here?

"Ooh, I don't know. If you're working in Nassau, Cecily will change your blood.

Pandora hit me, so I asked her to come, and she flew in on a space transfer. So when I checked with my skills, I figured this place out. "

"So... because Pandora is really Your Excellency's daughter?

"Oh, yeah. She's my daughter, head of the Black Knights and a colonel... don't tell me."


So said Gentaro, when he lay down deeply, Pandora went to Gentaro, and softly laid his hand on his shoulder, and said:

"Gentaro, treat me as usual... not as a princess, as a pandora, as a friend please"

"Yes, sir."

I wonder if you're okay, this guy.

"So, Faye, Cecily will be carrying you to the infirmary, and we'll go to the infirmary."

That said, the left proximity opened the space metastasis and headed to the infirmary.


Around that time, on the bed of the infirmary in the school, Faye was squeezing Pandora's hung military uniform and shivering with a clatter.

Because the schooldoctor was a man, Cecily was traveling on a space transfer to Nassau to call Kikka, and only the women of Fay and Shirley were in the room with awkward air.

At this time, when Shirley did not know what words to say to Faye, Pandora, who had arrived in the space transfer, left Near Left and Yuantaro behind and came into the infirmary.

"Ah, Pand..."

Shirley, without her last words, unwittingly solidified.

It should also be, because Pandora was bathed in return blood, and from its long and beautiful dark hair, blood was dripping.

When Pandora went to Faye, she said to Faye, not gazing, but looking down.

"Faye... I've killed two men... but I'm sorry... your father stopped me before he killed Barris..."

Faye also said, not looking at Pandora as he was, clenching his uniform on his shoulder.

"... Hey, Pandora. Who the hell are you? Are you sure it's Raven?

"Yeah, that's right. My real name is Pandora Sakura... I am the leader of the Black Knights, and the rank of the army is Colonel. The two names in Raven are the Black Empress..."

"You knew Shirley, and Eli, didn't you? Weren't we friends?

Anyway, Gentaro knew, and I'm the only one who didn't! You were all laughing in the shadows about me because I'm a civilian!

And it was when Faye said unto Pandora, Shirley slapped Faye's cheek, and said with tears.

"Faye, come on!

I thought Pandora and I were friends with you!

What world are you going to fight for you until you are like this, for someone else's sake, regardless of who you find out!

Even if you call yourself a civilian, you'll be just like Barris and the others!

Pandora rubbed Fey's back when she covered her face in the words and cried.

"Faye, I've been hiding it, and I'm sorry. But all I know, my family, of course, is Shirley and Eli.

Yuantaro and I just found out... Yuantaro came to Barris and the others alone. You know what this means, don't you?

"But... I... already..."

"Ahead, don't say it. Yuantaro is not the man who hates Faye for this.

If you give in to them, it's all over. "

"Pandora...... sorry, sorry, sorry!

Faye, who said so, hugged Pandora and apologized and cried again and again.

"'Cause what about Gentaro?

That said, he was listening from outside the infirmary, near left and Yuantaro.

"One will sit at the martial arts house. Your Excellency will also know that the martial arts cannot marry a man of a different status.

Regrettably, this story… I have no choice but to say no "

Well, my head's stiff... hmm? I'm sorry to hear that, right? No way, this guy.

"Your feelings, then, I won't say anything. But you're in love, too, aren't you?

"Yes, no, a..."

And Yuantaro, who said so, saw Eli with chills, and said,

"Eli, what do you think? Is this guy in love with Faye?

"Ha! Whatever you're in love with, I'll sit you down with Betta Love. My roommate asked me how much I fell in love with Faye every night, every night..."

"Don't say any more, Eli!

'Cause it must be true.

He could not stand Eli's gaze, and Yuantaro looked down, blushing.

It's good, it's youth.

"Isn't that good? Even if we hang out. Even if I were to marry you, I wouldn't disagree with your father Yuanta... Oh, shut up about saying that, Tojiro was there.

Then you can marry Faye if you call her my adopted daughter. I'm married to the Sakura family of Kwon Dae-sen, and I'm sure Tokjiro won't be able to oppose this. "

Near left, Yuantaro, who heard the word, bowed his head to near left, wondering whether it was really good.

"Thank you. I'll sit down. But why, my lord, would you do so much to me?

My father and uncle don't just know each other from time immemorial... "

"Well, you're my daughter's friend. As a father, that's about it, if you don't do it, Pandora will hate you.

... I'm just a parent idiot. "

"Really? Thank you so much. Sit down."

The truth is, I think it feels like a sin to my Maida family.

Hey Kisabei...... No, Lord Shokusashi Yasukata. Now, I don't expect that the sin of losing in Sekigahara will disappear while keeping the measures that made the Maida family like a stone thrower.

The world is different, the Maida family in this world, I'll protect them no matter what.

With that in mind, the left-hand side brought it to the door and lit the cigar.

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