Another Life

New vessel

A case of Faye happened, late that night, the three of Barris, Sally and Roos, who were supposed to be cautious in the dorm, were getting out and infiltrating the magic lab.

In the dark room, where the curtains were also due, several candlesticks were placed, and Barris, whose swinging lights lit him, was questioned by an anxious roose.

"Dear Barris, what are we going to do now?

If His Lordship beckons you, and the princess does, I, the Baron of Sally's house, as well as Barris's Viscount house, are no match for the Sakura family.

If you find out you're out of this dorm... "

So Loose shook his body with a blurb.

"I know that. The Sakura family seems to be close to His Majesty the Emperor, and worst of all, our parents could be dead."

Then let's apologize to Faye too.

And Barris laughed with his nose, and answered the words of Loose.

"Hung, when I'm a civilian, do you think it's an apology? Idiot, why should I bow my head to the civilian population?

Rather, it is the civilian Faye who is responsible for this situation and must apologize to us.

In this situation, what do you think would happen if Sakura's, Kwon Dae-sen and Pandora died?

"Well, our parents are cheap... that's just not possible!

"That's right. The other guy is Raven to the Marshal.

Assassination is impossible for us. "

Barris' question was opposed not only by Roos, but also by Sally.

But Barris reacted differently. And he took a book out of the magic back, like a dictionary, and said,

"Who said we'd put our hands down? Let the others. In this book."

In the words of Barris, when the two of them did not know what they meant and looked anxiously at each other's faces, Barris was adept at speaking.

"Okay, listen carefully. This book is a family heirloom of the Hill family, sealed in the basement, a magic book that can easily summon demons. When I came here, I stole it from my parents' house.

In this book, you summon the devil, sign with the devil, and let the devil kill Kwon Dae-sen and Pandora.

No matter how strong you are, at the hands of the devil, you'll be able to kill them both. "

"So, but. Surely a demon summons is a price to pay for a contract with a demon, isn't it?

"That's my negotiating technique, I'll figure it out."

Although Barris was so good at it, Sally and Roos had looked anxiously at it before.

In the dark room, Sally spoke anxiously to Barris, who desperately read the book in the candlelight.

"Dear Barris, what do you say?

"It's just a language I've never seen... but Kiribati is written everywhere.

All right, this guy will be good. Wackers are easy to pronounce. "

"Huh. But what about the demon squares?

"I don't need a catalyst or anything because this book of magic itself contains magic and demonic squares. Okay, here we go."

Barris, who said so, went into the chant, opening the book of magic with one hand.

Thou art the sinner, the enemy of light, the master of darkness and death.

Leaked blood, a true keeper of darkness, a hunter of many souls, a sprinkler of death upon many creatures.

Come before me, Wacker. "

And when Barris cried out, as soon as the pages of the book of magic which he had, which wacker had written, stood perpendicular to the pin, a great flame came forth, and only that page burned out beautifully.

You succeeded?

With that in mind, Barris has no one to look around.

You failed...

One man came out of the corner of a room that could not reach the light, which was the moment he thought so.

The man was wearing a long-nosed mask in a mourning suit, like the one used during the witch hunt, and his eyes visible from under the mask were somewhat lifeless.

"Oh, the devil?

Turning to Barris, whom he had overheard, Wacker thought for a while and noticed Barris' book of magic, and smiled niggardly under his mask, and said:

"What, am I the devil? You, you subpoena yourself, and you don't know who I am?

"Well, I know, wacker, right?

"Yes, you're right, Master Wacker. I have to thank you.

The only thing I was concerned about, that magic book, was that you summoned me!

That was the moment, when the wacker moved his fingers quickly, the three Barris floated in the air and were stranded on the wall as they were.

"Who do you think I am..."

"Ha, help me..."

"No, no, no..."

Even though he was put up with it, he moved his index finger to say that he was in a bad mood, and that Wacker approached Barris.

"Here, let me answer your questions.

First, the first. I'm not the devil. So, who is it? I'm Death Wacker.

And the second. I don't know who you are, and I don't care.

Next up, that's your daughter's question there, she's telling you to help, but you can't help her, Ba-Ka.

Come on, lady over there. Just stop the incontinence because of fear. You're important vessels. "

It was when Wacker said so. I heard voices from behind the wackers, and Barris and the others thought someone was here to help.

But the moment the LORDs of his voice were illuminated, the three of them could not speak with fear.

And the three men that came forth, their faces were melted, and their flesh was rotten from their torn skin.

It was when everyone thought it was a zombie, that the zombie spoke.

"I've been looking for Wacker. All of a sudden, in this place, what are you doing?

"Menuel, I was forced to summon you. It would be terrible if it suddenly disappeared.

Well, good. I just caught three new vessels here. "

"Well, this time the vessel has a good freshness. And he's young, and he's going to endure more than this vessel in our power."

So Menuel grabbed Barris's jaw and peered into his face.

"Did Menuel like that? What will Haspiel and Tossuel do?

"I'm in this vessel."

"When Haspiel is that, I'm the one left."

"So, where it's decided, shall we begin?"

Wacker said that when he put his hand on Barris' chest, Barris' chest was light, and the light was like a ball of baseball, and when he slowly passed his throat out of his mouth, Barris' body collapsed powerless.

"Yes End. Menuel, it's good."

When Wacker said so, Menuel opened the mouth of the fallen Barris and brought his mouth closer.

Then, out of Menuel's mouth, a ball of light exited, as it did when Barris, and the moment he was sucked into Barris's mouth, the man who had taken off his shell fell, and Barris rose up instead.

Menuel, who entered Barris' body, moved and told Wacker, as if to check his body movements.

"Yeah, it's not bad. It's well made, even if it's not a formal vessel"

"That's good"

When Wacker said so, Roos was shouting out of fear, as if he had lost his mind.

"No! Somebody help me!

"Really, let it go. Tossuel, you're next."

Wacker, who said so lazily, laid his hand on Rouse's chest, and a ball of light appeared, as it did when Barris, and Rouse was quiet, and fell apart.

And Tossuel also opened the mouth of Rouse, and went into his body.

"Well, you're the only one left... but it's quiet, isn't it?

When Wacker asked Sally, she looked at Wacker in tears and said:

"Don't think you can do this for free. Curse you, you geez!

"Cursed... too bad I'm already cursed"

Wacker put his hand on Sally's chest and put Haspiel in Sally's body.

Really, I'm cursed. That was in the human age, torturing and killing hundreds of heretics. Me, too, from now on, I think it's bad, but come on.

But I can't forget the taste of the soul I tasted then.

Well, because of that, I got in his truck and got chased, but he and his angels, they're just really dumb.

For years, because I've only listened to God, everything I think about and do is buzzing, there's no common sense in the world, and its pride is only high.

When I ran away from Master Cain, I thought it was insurance... at this rate, I might as well abandon him.

In the meantime, we need to occupy the Caro Chamber of Commerce and Nassau and make the ground.

With that in mind, the wacker caught fire in the corpse's clothes when he laid his hands on the fallen corpse of the shell.

By that procedure, when the wacker was setting fire to the body left behind, the wacker's vision was somehow unnaturally brighter.

I wonder why?

When Wacker, who thought so, raised his gaze, three archangels were beginning to burn the curtains and cloths around him.

"Wait, you guys! Why are you burning the curtains and everything else?

Normally, it would burn from a corpse! Now, the vanquishing of the body would be paramount!

So Wacker was angry, but the three archangels seemed to wonder why Wacker was angry, and Wacker, who saw it, said as if he had given up.

"Oh, that's enough. I told you guys I was stupid.

You guys can move back to where you came from, right?

"Absolutely. The coordinates of the throops are well remembered, no problem."

"So, Menuel, please... hmm? Hold on, hold on."

And the wacker that said so took the book of magic, which was under the table.

Reaper's Magic Book... Well, my share is fine because it was used, but will you take it for once? If I had left it here, I might have found out the disguise.

"It's good enough, go"

On the shoulder of the wacker who said so, when Menuel put his hand down, the four men disappeared.


Around that time, Pandora was in the dorm room, lying in bed, looking at memories of her near left past.

Pandora needs little sleep because she's a demon.

But while the others were asleep, they pretended to be asleep as well, but because they were free, they looked at the memories of the near left past.

But why are all the cartoons your father is watching, not love between humans, but between humans and subhumans... there are also women.

But this Wiki Dia and Youchi Eb thing is my favorite. It teaches me knowledge I don't know.

Besides, Father, I've been looking into all the pretty maniacal stuff.

With that in mind, it was getting a little bright out there, and it was getting noisy, and the neighbor Shirley, with that noise, woke up.

"Pandora, are you awake?

... It's kind of noisy out there. Is something wrong?

That said, she looked asleep, rubbing her eyes, and Shirley woke up, but her head still seemed to be boggling.

"I don't know. Shirley, you can stay asleep. I'll check it out."

That said, when Pandora rose out of bed, Shirley fell into bed again.

What is it?

With that in mind, Pandora opened the window and when she looked at the noisy one, the school building was burning.

That's a magic school building. Why, in a school building where no one is supposed to be, there's a fire...

That's what Shirley asked Pandora.

"Pandora. What the hell was that?

Shirley seems pretty solid, but you're weak in the morning... hey, let's make him mean.

"Oh my God, fire!


Pandora's thoughtless words also jumped up Shirley.

"We need to evacuate quickly..."

The magic school building.

That's what Pandora said to Shirley, grinning.

"Already! I'm really surprised... it's not, isn't it, it's important!

Usually, the sober Shirley panics... adorable.

Ha! Something about being your father's character. That sucks. This... I guess I'll refrain from seeing my memories next time.

"But he's coming out with a homeroom teacher or something... hmm?

"What's wrong?

So said Shirley, who looked anxious, when he asked Pandora, Pandora stared at something, without saying anything.

For a moment, but I saw my soul in the flames...... someone in a fire, died?

No, that's supposed to get Reaper right away, but no one's coming. Didn't you notice the Reaper?

Therefore, it is possible that an angel or a demon killed him. If those two races kill someone, the soul of that slain has priority over the slayer, so Reaper cannot be reached.

Besides, since it is an event other than that determined by fate, Reaper cannot know.

But I couldn't feel the fluctuations of angels and demons nearby... No, I didn't. God's grace has been removed, except for the story of an angel.

An angel who says so cannot feel the holy fluctuations.

So... you're the angel and Reaper your father and Cain are after?

Then angels would have been removed from grace before God tried to capture them, and fluctuations could not be felt.

If it is the Reaper who has plucked his soul, he can do it in a temporary vessel, and the flesh is still alive, so it is convincing that no other Reaper will notice.

This is bad... I can't defeat angels and Reapers.

I can't, but I'll be able to stop you... in the meantime, if you come to your father, I may be able to call Cain and do something about it.

"Shirley, I need a favor..."

That's what Pandora said as she took off her pajamas and changed into military uniforms.

"What is it?

"It's a space transfer now, and I want you to go to my parents' house and get your father."

"Huh? Now... what happened?

Shirley, who said so, saw the look on Pandora's face sometime seriously and felt something and said it.

"If my reading is hitting, it's very bad.

Tell your father I'm stopping angels and reapers, so come help me quickly. "

"Huh? Angels and Reapers?

"Yeah, that's right. If you take too long, you might just die... hurry up."

When Pandora opened the space transfer, she was initially a Shirley who didn't understand what Pandora was saying, but with Pandora's serious expression, she understood that this was an emergency and went into the space transfer.

Well, magically water it up and put out the fire first.

Pandora thought so, wearing a black winged cape as it was, and flew away from the window.


This... is Pandora's room, isn't it?

Anyway, I have to get out and find His Excellency's bedroom!

Shirley thought so, going straight out into the hallway, looking for an allowance or a room gradually.

Where is it?

As Shirley searched in a hurry, she heard a testa voice from behind her back, and at some point, a large sickle blade was placed on her neck.

"Don't move... you'll lose your neck if you move. Where did you break in from?

When Shirley was trembling with fear, without a voice, a smoke of space transfer appeared in front of her, and Busty came out of it.

"Let me commend you for having broken in so far. But at your place... is that it? You sure..."

"Yes, it's Shirley! I'm Shirley Nelson!

And when he heard the word, Testa put away the sickle, and bowed his head, and said, Standing before Shirley.

"I'm sorry to bother you. What are you doing to the princess's schoolmate..."

"No, it's good. More than that, Pandora is in trouble! Where are you?

The princess? That's stupid... no, but like this Shirley lady panicked, it seems true.

So Busty thought for a while.

"Okay. Here you go, then."

Busty, who said so, led Shirley to the nearest left bedroom.


Around that time, near left, in his own bedroom, he had a delicious Cecil and the two of us slept together.

Around this time, Lana and Cecily slept in their rooms because they had children, and Iris slept with Sachi.

This was Iris' idea. Occasionally, Lana and I agreed to a request to go to bed, alone on the left, and said we would go to bed in order every day of the week.

Finally, when Near Left and Cecil fell asleep, the door of Near Left's bedroom was knocked, and Busty's voice was heard.

"Dear Hall, I apologize for the rest of the day. Can I have a moment, please?

... What is it, Busty?

"Busty, what's up?

And when he arose, Cecil, who slept next to him, woke up.

"That sounds like the princess is in trouble. The princess's schoolmate Shirley is here to see you."

Shirley... Pandora's on a spatial transfer, and she dropped by?

"Okay, I'll get dressed, just give me a minute"

And it came to pass, when the left-hand man said, Beyond the door, that he heard Shirley's desperate voice.

"My lord, it's Shirley. Pandora, Pandora's in trouble!

... me and Cecil are still naked.

"Cecil, do you mind?

"… an emergency"

So Cecil nodded.

Is it good? I can't help it.

"Okay, come on in."

And it came to pass, that Shirley hastened in, and saw him near the left, and blushed unexpectedly.

"Shh, excuse me. I didn't know the teacher was here..."

Hmm? Cecily? Oh, well. Cecil and Cecily are twins, so the only difference is the color of the hair and the size of the chest.

With that in mind, Cecil hid her breasts and magically lit a candle, saying:

"... in Cecily, no.

... I'm my sister Cecil "

"Huh? Ah! Shh, excuse me!

"... good.

... what more than that?

"It was. My lord, this is a message from Pandora.

"I'm stopping angels and reapers, so come and help me quickly"!

The moment Shirley said it, the left proximity and the look on Busty and Testa's face were strong.

"Did the angel and the reaper screw up again, Cain? Or was it a positive move...

Busty! Set Lake City alert level to 3!

"Yes, I did!

"Testa, bring my feet!

"Yes, sir! Dear Hall, may I have one?


"May I accompany you, too? I think giving up this life will buy me some time!

"Han! You take me and Pandora home... and protect your family. I have no objection."

"Yes, sir."

Testa moved in recognition and space transfer, regretting his efforts on his fist.

"Well, Cecil. Will you get my clothes?

"... okay, but what's angels and reapers?

Cecil, who said so, opened his closet while hiding his body with sheets.

"Genuine, angels and reapers... no Pandora or normal person can defeat them.

Any attack will be regenerated. So don't think about coming, Cecil. "

"... how do you defeat it?

"Angels, I'm the only one who can take them down. Their weakness is my blood. The Reaper will summon the King of Reapers to kill him."

"... can you?

Yeah, I'll do it.

After all, did you not make it to the weapons you were asking for in parallel?

By the time the left-hand proximity thought so, Lake City had alert level three activated and was in a rush to move.

Of course, the guards and the soldiers on duty were urgently assembled, and the guns were armed with swords, and the national mansions were heavily guarded and the warcrafters (Beast Tamers) separated the werewolf beasts from their gardens.

And from the Triangle Village, countless boats headed for Lake City, and the Cavaliers stationed in Lake City assembled in their own quarters for the Kazama clan's VIP protection.

And the remaining insiders, as well as the military personnel of the external and operational staff, once they had stopped their work, equipped themselves with weapons, and the directors of the internal, external and operational staff assembled at the command.


Alarm bell... alert level raised? I don't know what to do, this.

Pandora, who extinguished the fire in the magic lab with the magic of Uotr, felt Lake City's alarm level rise and was wearing a poly on her head as she looked at the three bodies, which were black as charcoal in front of her.

"Princess, the alert level in Lake City seems to have risen..."

And he said unto Pandora, anxiously.

"You're up... what's up?

"Huh? No way, the princess?

"It is..."

Having said that, when the space transfer opened over Pandora's head, the left proximity was armored and he jumped.

"My lord..."


So Pandora, and even eight, and the left hand side, which saw the misery of this room, said with dismay.

"Hey, Pandora. Are you kidding me?

"I don't think so... but now I have three souls floating around here..."

"My soul... isn't that the soul of this corpse? Neither is Reaper here?

"Reaper has not come, and this soul is the soul of Barris, Sally and Roos.

And the bodies here, they're black, I don't know the details, but all three of them are probably adult male corpses. "

Barris, Sally and Roos...... how do you know?

"Hey, can you hurry up and check on Barris, Sally and Rouse?

And tell the people downstairs at the service office to do the inspection after we're done. "

"Yes, sir."

And when he said that, it was not the work of a teacher for a long time, because it was an order near the left, or he strained to go.

What the heck... are you stressed?

"Well, Pandora. You, can you see your soul?

"Oh, well. Your father, you didn't see. Now, meditate on your eyes and kneel."

I wonder what it is?

With that in mind, the left proximity, like Pandora said, when he meditated on his eyes, Pandora bit his index finger and applied his own blood to the left proximal eye lid.

"Now, that's good. Whatever you see, don't be surprised."


Pandora told me that in front of the slowly opened near left eye there was an object of a glowing sphere of blue and white, in which the face of Barris had a painful expression.

"Oh, hey Pandora. Is this the soul?

"That's right. But they will taste the pain the nerves are stripping away until the flesh dies and the reaper delivers it, because the flesh is alive and only the soul is detached."

Don't be silly... that means the three of you are dead, right?

These three bodies, as Pandora said no matter what you think, are the bodies of adult men... whose bodies?

"That's a pain in the ass, call Cain"

"So is that."

Near left, he said, take out the Ring of the Reaper and put it on his finger.

"Hey, it's Cain. Come out."

And it came to pass, when the left-hand side said so, that a burnt door full of coal opened, and Cain came in with a mysterious pench.

You're coming through the door!

Every time, the way this guy appears, it's predictable... and what's wrong with that pencil?

Near the left, Cain said, as usual, in his uncaring voice.

"What's up? I'm torturing, I'm busy..."

... a lot of scratches, that's loaded.

"It's like an angel and a wacker were here, you know what this corpse means?

When I heard that near-left word, the near-left stared at the guillotine and the body and said:

"... lend me the sidelines"

"On the sidelines... is that it? You don't have to say that."

"If you're on the sidelines, this is it."

Pandora, who said so, took the near left flank from the item box and gave it to Cain.

... Pandora, you were stealing my weapon because it's going to be recovered to school.

In front of the near-left eye who thinks so, Cain stabbed his flank into the body and took out the built-in.

The organ Cain removed from the body, for some reason, was melting from the inside out, as the smell of the organ arose around it.

"I knew it..."

And Cain, when he saw the organ, groaned.

"What is it, after all?

"The surface is burnt, but the body is not affected by heat... they are the vessels in front.

The new vessel is the body of the soul floating there. "

I knew I was... lying. I just found out.

"So, how did you get here?

When the left-hand side said so, Cain looked around and, after a while, found some ash after the paper burned, he smelled cum and odor.

"Is this... is that what you're saying?

This is my guess, too. Looks like the three of these souls used the Reaper's guide to summon Wacker.

And then he was killed and turned into a new vessel. Well, that would be the place.

This fire makes the wackers look like just a fire... well, it's a disguise. Looks like he's already disappeared somewhere.

Just in case, I'll search the area, but it'll be a waste of time. I think the angel transferred with the wacker because he can transfer to those who are in tune, unless he slashes the feathers. "

"Shit, you let him get away with it again!

And he said unto the left, Dew his wrath, and slap him on the wall, saying,

"Not really. I know where we're going."

"How do you know?

"Um, I took the meeting of the Caro Chamber of Commerce and tortured him to ask... exactly, but I'm on my way to asking"

Cain, who said so, rattled his pencil with chatter.

Oh, use that, you were torturing me.

That's what Cain was so adept at talking about.

"Apparently, the wackers are on their way to the city of Nassau with the people of the Caro Chamber of Commerce.

Apparently he's cowing there, crushing the four-headed club, and the Caro Chamber of Commerce is going to take over Nassau.

The city that says Nassau... "

"Oh, that's enough, Cain"

"What? Because I was going to explain the city I heard about Nassau."

Cain, who said so, seemed to regret nothing.

"Nassau is my true base city, and I'm a member of the Quadriceps.

Crushing the quadriceps means hitting on me. "

"... really make it, wackers are guys with no luck.

Well, I'll let you know when I find out more. Maybe I don't know any more. "

"Okay. This is Nassau-style, welcome and welcome."

That said, Cain disappeared.

Thus the left-hand side lowered Lake City's alert level by one step to two, and decided to refer to this corpse as Barris, Sally, and Rouse.

And near left, at the service, five men who tried to rape Pandora were in return, and two were killed.

The rest of Barris, Sally, and Rouse let the matter be dealt with for committing burnt suicide because of the gravity of their sins.

Of course, it was the kindness of the near left not to give Faye's name in this matter.

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