Left and Elena, who stayed overnight in Saint Lucia, first came to El of Elma's shop in the Kingdom of Salz with a spatial transfer.

"Chairman, where are we?

Knowing nothing, Elena, who had been brought to Elle's second floor room, said anxiously.

"This is a shop called El in the Kingdom of Salz. Every time you say hi elf or something, it's gonna be painful.

I sell hats and clothes here. I'll give you the money, so put it on and make it less noticeable. "

"Oh, thank you. I'll sit down! But I have a meeting..."

And when Elena said so, she was in the dark, and the left hand side slapped Elena's head gently, and said:

"Well, I know how depressing it is to be surprised every time. Every time I came to this continent, I was surprised and told I was a Luthai. Don't worry about the money. I'll get you out."

"Thank you. I'll sit down. But the chairman is just like me..."

So he took Elena's hand, which looked a little darker, and said to her left and near, bright.

"Don't look so dark, you ruined my beauty. I'm going to visit His Majesty the Demon King today, so I can finish shopping soon."


Are you sure you're just a work partner to get me this far?

Even yesterday, I stayed in an inn with him and was worried about what I would do if he attacked me, but he didn't come to attack me... and the bandits, don't attack me, they even killed each other.

Those who were in the royal palace all had a lower heart intended for my body and status. Yet this guy just protects me without showing any such bareback... good guy.

With that in mind, Elena went out to the store, like a high-end boutique, when she was taken near the left and down the stairs.

What is this place?

From next to Elena, who thought so, a distracted voice was heard.

"Is that it? Near left."

"Hey, Elma! Why are you in the store today?"

And when he said so, he said to Elma, who was getting angry at the counter.

"Wow, the part-time kids are all off today...... hmm? Hmm?"

And Elma, when she had said so, turned her attention to Elena, and went forth before Elena, as if the left proximity blocked her gaze.

"Hey Elma. This kid says Elena, and she reacts like this, and she's in trouble.

I was wondering if you could take a look at your hat and clothes. If I could, I'd like Elena's beauty to be brought out more, hiding her hair and eyes. "

"Left Kin, that's an unscrupulous order...... so hey, that doesn't burn, Elma. Bye!

That's what Elma said, she picked out her clothes and hats.

Elma? Elma? Could this be, uh, the famous Elma membership boutique, not Elle?

"Chairman, it's expensive here..."

Shit! I did!... I forgot.

"It's okay, don't worry. Elma picks it right away, now enjoy it."


Elena, who said so, had a bright face and seemed to have returned to a normal woman.

That said, the inside of my purse sucks. The balance is 2,260 shillings, 226,000 yen. Enough, please!

Near left, praying with your heart, watching Elena's petite fashion show, a blue sandal on a pure white sleeveless piece. And when Elena came out in a see-through blouse with a white hat featuring a huge blue butterfly accessory, she was unwittingly thrilled.

"This is Left Kin's bump, huh?

And Elma, who said so, laughed with nigga, as if she knew everything.

Don't be silly, Elma! Instead of a bump, it would be decided on a dstrike.

"Ugh, yeah, right. Do you want to do that?

Elena blushed her cheeks and nodded a little embarrassed when she said so.

"Elma, how many?

"The hat is 580 shillings, the blouse is 330 shillings, one piece wow 628 shillings, sandals wow 592 shillings.

A total of 2,130 shillings. "

Huh? Are you serious?

If I pay for this, I'll only have 130 shillings left... I can't help it, ask Busty for help.

"Okay, that's 2,130 shillings."

And when he had said so, he went up again to the second floor of Elma to pay him.

"Oh, thank you. I'll sit down!, this garment will be a treasure for life!

And he said unto Elena, bowing his head with a smile.


Better than that. Now you can walk a little outside without worrying about the eyes "

"Yes, and I'm the happiest because it's Mr. Elma's coordination.

Where are you going next?

Much, much brighter. It was almost worth getting into the adventurer's sales.

"From now on, I'm going to go to Lake City and see His Majesty the Demon King Freia of the Gard Devil Nation"

"Huh? Is it His Majesty the Demon King?

Oh, I knew you'd fit in.

"Yes, His Majesty the Demon King. Well, all the Demons, they're just good guys, so it's okay."

That said, the left hand side opened the space transfer, and the two headed toward the mansion of the Gard Demon kingdom in Lake City.

The mansion in Lake City in the Kingdom of the Gods of Gard was a two-story, white-toned mansion opposite the mansion of the Left Nears and reminiscent of some Mediterranean villa, not like the appearance of the Castle of the Devil.

When the left-handed men left and left moved out in front of the white arched gate on the front door, they were stuck with guns in the goblin in military uniform at the gatekeeper.

"Who! This is the mansion of the Gard Devil Nation... My lord?

"I'm sorry, I was in a hurry. Is His Majesty the Demon King at home?

And when the left-hand side said so, the goblins of the guard said it a little hard to say.

"The only thing I can do is stay... the..."

Oh, is Leezelotte holding Freya to work?

Then Freya will take it generously.

"This is an emergency. I need you there."

When the left-hand side said so, the goblins looked in the direction of Flitchy and Elena.

This is my partner Elena.

"Oh, was it! This was a very rude thing to do to your next wife. Okay, here you go!

Having said that, Goblin, who had misunderstood something, had invited the left-handed men in, and the left-handed men and Elena were both laughing bitterly.

Near left and Elena, as they went upstairs and walked down a bright corridor, unlike the Devil's mansion, into the sun, they heard Freia screaming from the deepest room.

Elena, responding vividly for a moment, took Elena's hand softly in the left proximity and smiled all the time saying it was okay, and Elena was never willing, too, to move on.

And when Goblin came in knocking on the deepest door, he heard Leezelotte roar.

"What!? Why did you bring Marshal Sakura? As it were, Your Majesty wouldn't be doing his job!

Oh, this is Leezelotte's angry Max state. That goblin, you're dead.

With that in mind, the door opened and a maid, Lieselotte, came out.

"My lord, it's been a long time since I've sat down. Suddenly, I'm afraid, as it were today, would you like to pick it up? As it stands, the Kingdom of the Gard Demons leans…"

Oh, this is so giddy... I can't help it.

"Leezelotte, Freya's job is just to sign bills and stuff, right?

"... because what, I want to say?

So said Lieselotte, tilting his neck.

"One, there's a way to get the work going fast, why don't you ask me?

To that end, I'm going to ask Freya to do this project as well... I can't believe it, can you let me talk?

And Rezelotte thought for a while unto the word near the left, and said,

"Okay. And could you give us a little advice on the internal affairs of the Gard Devil Nation?

I can't help it, if it's just advice, will I do something about it?

"Oh, I get it."

"Thank you. I'll sit down. By the way, who's this one?

"Say Elena, she's my work partner"

"Astor Chamber of Commerce, will sit at the meeting Elena Astor"

So when Elena took her hat, Leezelotte picked her skirt, bowed gracefully, and said:

"My name is Lieselotte and I am the exclusive maid of His Majesty the Demon King of Freia, the Kingdom of the Gods of Gard. Here you go, then."

You're a liar, you're a protector.

With such a scratch in his heart, Near Left and Elena walked into the room, there was Freya buried in the paperwork and an elegant, noble, honorable man with blue hair who enjoyed tea gracefully.

"This is Ten, the Grand Chancellor of the Kingdom of the Gard Demons, and I will sit with you.

Dear Ten, This is Lord Valkyrie, and I will be sitting with you at the Allied Marshal, Mr. Sakura Kuen Daihari Hirohito, and Mr. Elena Astor of the Astor Chamber of Commerce and the meeting. "

In Lieselotte's introduction, the three bowed, but Freia only showed a little face, from a pile of documents.

... I knew you were familiar with people.

"So, it's Freya. Is that what you sign every time?

"Oh, of course not..."

The last word, I can't hear you.

"You, if you make that a seal, you can just pump it. And if it's a seal, I don't know who pushed it."

"Did you have that hand!... Ah!

Unexpectedly, Freya came out of the pile of documents and said, but the others apparently did not know the existence of the seal.

And Freya, who soon saw Elena's presence, soon entered the pile of documents.

"Freya, it's okay. This Elena is just like you."

"Are you a homo?

Oh, my God, he's a simple guy.

Freya, who said so and looked at Piocco, saw Elena, who was trying to defy her gaze, and liked how Elena looked.

"So, what's the internal affairs problem?

And when the left-hand man said so, Ten said unto Freia.

"Your Majesty, may I ask you something about that?

"Oh, that thing... please"

"Well, I'll talk to you.

Today, in addition to the Demonic Nation, there are humans, subhumans, and beasts among the people of the Kingdom of the Gard God Demons. And to the non-demonic, infectious diseases are spreading, and mortality is low, but the powerless are falling.

The subhuman doctor's story is that the devil is excited, but the devil can't even do this.

Besides, the healing magic of the doctor is temporarily better, but the symptoms will soon come out.

As it stands, with a dwindling population, the tax revenues of the Gard Devil Nation will be rather depressing, and in time the nation will be broken. Can you lend me some wisdom? "

If it's an infectious disease... pesto or something, there's no hitter.

"What are the symptoms?

"You have a fever, you have a cough... yes, we show iron rust sputum in common"

Iron rusty sputum...

"Anything else?

"You have trouble breathing or chest pain."

Well, maybe, but I was sick when I was a kid, too. It would be pneumonia.

Sure, at that time, they said, "Oh, this is pneumonia, right? Dosing penicillin will cure you soon"... penicillin?

"Freya, maybe me and Elena's business will save the Gard Demon Nation, too."

"Oh, my God!...... shall we hear more?

"The business that Elena and I started was developing and selling drugs. What I'm making now is a penicillin to relieve pain, cure morphine and iodine, syphilis, pneumonia, etc.

It's probably a disease called stereotypic pneumonia that's endemic to the Gard god demon kingdom, and all you have to do to cure it is drug this penicillin "

"Hey, hurry up with that pill..."

"Well, wait, Freya. I haven't finished my medicine yet.

We wanted you to build an institute as soon as possible, and we're here to help you. I don't want anyone else to know where I'm going to build, where I'm going to build it, in the forests of Lugonne. "

"Why is that?

It was Ten who said so.

He was wary that the left-hand side would take the matter hostage and demand something from the Divine Demon kingdom.

But the answer to the nearest left was different.

"The answer is, I don't want anyone else to know it because it's a drug ingredient in the ingredients, or to use keshi.

Besides, there are species in this world that say humans, subhumans, and beasts, and I have no idea how much medicine to give them.

So I need... you know what this means?

Near left says human experiments are needed in the dark.

Perhaps, if Freya knew the truth, she would vehemently disagree.

But this Ten was different. I thought about it for a while and said:

"Okay, let's get ready here. But one question, I'm not saying it's more free than calling it the Chamber of Commerce... isn't it expensive?

Sure, the cost, sounds pretty... yeah, why don't you make some insurance?

"Of course, it's costly, and it's costly to develop drugs. So why don't you make insurance, what do you think?

Allow subscribers to pay a little more each month without burdens and pay for treatment and medication from that money when the subscriber becomes ill. I think the poor have access to proper medical care. "

"I see... if you do that on a national basis, you don't have to bear less.

Lieselotte, I'm going back to the goddemonic kingdom to make bills and root for them. Send me on a space transfer.

Your Excellency will save the kingdom of God. Even if your majesty says he doesn't like it, force him to help you, but this is of the utmost importance!

"Yes, sir!

"Lord Sakura. This thank you, I will make sure, then excuse me!

Ten, who said so, went back to the kingdom of the devil in the space transfer of Lieselotte.

... Ten is the Demon King already, isn't it good? I feel that way, but it's the lab anyway.

"Lieselotte, can I take Freya?

"It's Ten's word, so you can't help it"

And Rieseloth, who said so, bemoaned.

And the four men, near left, Elena, Freia and Liezelotte, brought blue leaves and a carriage to Lugonne to head toward the forest of Lugonne on the site to be built, confirmed by the nearest left heavenly eye.

In the depressed and lush woods, the left-hand men rode the carriage, and after a while, there came out a vast and open land, which also flowed streams.

This feels like you've just slashed down the trees and pioneered them. But it would be too big... the demon wouldn't come out, would it?

Somehow people were gathered near the tree in the nearby vision of the left.

What is it?

So he spoke to those who were coming down and gathering.

"Excuse me, but the Hansa Chamber of Commerce, are they hired?

The men who looked back at the words were surprised to see the uniform near the left.

"This, my lord. Yes, we were hired by the Hanza Chamber of Commerce. Come on."

"What are you doing?

"Lord, look at this."

And it came to pass, when the men opened their way, that there was a half-naked toddler sitting and weeping.

"Hey Cora, you guys can't be..."

So the men hastily excused themselves to the left, staring.

"Chi, no, Your Lordship. Look closely, this is a dry add-on."

"Dry Adds? What is it?"

So Freya came near the left, wondering, and said,

"Dry Adds. A spirit of trees, a spirit that confuses travellers, etc., takes them into its own trees, and nourishes and lives those who take them in, with intelligence.

By the way, you look like the bait person likes you the most. So, there are a few people with wood dust, and if you see what it looks like, you'll know if it's dry adds right away. Well, it works for us. "

Does that mean I have a Lori attribute?... but I won't deny it.

"Oh, what is it, lady, a wizard or something? Lovely, but familiar."

"Asshole, we're still with the Demon King. If I didn't know that, I'd quit."

The wood dust in the words, when they turned bright blue and looked near the left, the near left merely nodded.

At that moment, the men rushed down and begged for their lives, but Freya ignored it and told Dryad.

"Why are you crying? So much, because they cut trees?

When Freya said so, the dry adds were just snorts.

"Well... I don't know what to say.

I'm not going to cut any more trees, I'm going to plant them somewhere else. Instead, you dry ads in these woods protect the buildings and people we're building from demons and bandits. For that matter, we're gonna move, but what are we gonna do, can we do it?

When Freya said so, Dryad nodded many times, and the woodcutters were desperate for the heavy labor to come, but Freya ignored the woodcutters as if she could not see them, and headed toward the planned construction site.

I see, dry-ad security. I don't sleep 24 hours a day, so maybe it's just fine, but why ignore the dust?

Well, I told you first, but I knew you were scared, and you were trying not to look. Sounds like Freya.

That's what I thought. On the left hand side, Freya crouched down and held her head when she asked the woodcutters to search the area for other dry adds.

"What's up, Freya?

"Akan, I knew I was nervous. Wow... ok, you got your mind back on it, you made a fine house!

Do you have any requests?

And Freya, who said so, rose up slapping on his cheek.

"Um, the mansion that big is a little..."

"What the hell, Elena, I don't know about poverty. But I got a good feeling about it. What about the uplifting?"

I need a clean room or something, but I can't make it. Then you should at least make a bath so everyone can get in.

Besides, Nassau was on my mom's lap, so the craftsmen didn't attack Elena either, but here's a different story... you need an escort too.

"If you can, I want Elena and the craftsmen to separate their places of residence. And I want to clean the fungus, so I want a bath."

"Well, the meeting hall, the craftsman's residence and the lab. The exterior and the interior, we decide. Yeah?

"Oh, do whatever you want"

"Okay, I'll harden your image."

Freya, who said so, had written an interval on the sitting ground.

But even if we build a building, the furniture... bring Busty in, please.

"Elena, hey... I'll bring the butler from the mansion so we can get all the furniture and stuff together. I'll be right back."

Yes, Elena was moved to the Lake City mansion on a space transfer.


Ha... this, against expectations, is a great house.

Three buildings were built in front of the near-left eye that brought Busty back, as requested near the left, all of which were like Dollhouse.

I'm sure Elena would have requested a mansion that big...

And Busty said, when the left hand was near,

"This is a great thing for your museum."

And when he heard the word, on the second floor of the building, he saw Elena, waving from the window toward him.

"Busty, we're not in that relationship... but don't say it because it's a hassle to explain"

Busty posed, to the nearest left word, saying that he understood, and they went inside the mansion.

Upon entering the hall, the exterior was certainly complete, but there was no furniture, etc., and the two people who entered the entrance were greeted by Elena in a murderous indoor.

"Welcome home, Chairman... who's there?

"This is Bastian, the butler who also manages the Sakura family's funds.

"My name is Bastian. Feel free to call me Busty"

"This is Elena Astor of the Astor Chamber of Commerce."

And they greeted him, and Busty put his hand upon his chin, saying,

"Dear Hall. Why don't you bring the furniture into this hall?

"That's Busty. Elena's going to live here today, please.

Elena, if you need anything, just tell Busty. "

"I have nothing in particular..."

Elena said so reluctantly.

And when he saw Elena, Busty smiled and said gently,

"Okay. Now, we will purchase the minimum necessary items here, so please do so with your museum later."

Right, that's good...... hmm? I feel like I'm gonna hook something up... well, that would be good.

Elena blushed and nodded when she thought so.

"So that's settled. Now, I'm going to go."

Busty, who said so, was left with a spatial transfer and disappeared.

"Mr. Busty was a brave man..."

That's what Left Near said to surprise Elena.

"Well. With that said, what happened to Freya?

"His Majesty the Demon King, Mr. Lieselotte, was forced to take him. Yes, His Majesty cried out in tears," Traitor of the uplifting! "

...... I'll follow you next time. I think I'm afraid of the rest.

"You were... well later, I'll follow up. More than that, it's a laboratory move, but well, not that many, and if you look out for mold and fungus, it's just good, so it'll be quick."

Near left and Elena, who said so, went to Nassau's temporary command room on a space transfer and started moving.

You know, it's fun to say this.

With that in mind, we did the moving work and it was, in the end, in the evening.

It's already evening...... after all, I forgot to have lunch. Yes, do you want to go to San Lucia and wait for Lilith for dinner?

The left-hand side thought so, telling Elena that it had transferred space to Saint Lucia in Port City.

Left proximity and Elena, who moved to Saint Lucia, hurried to say with a sales smile when Emily, who seemed free at the counter, noticed the left proximity.

"Welcome. Welcome to Saint Lucia… Was this your lord?

Oh, yeah. Lilith told me to give it to your lord. I'm keeping your bags. "

Lilith, you're working fast. Come on, let's do an appraisal.

With that in mind, when Emily opened the demonic stone wrapped around the cloth, which she placed on the counter, it was a large translucent crystal about thirty centimetres high, and the demonic stone itself was emitting light.

Name: Absorb [Empty] Type: Demon Stone

Skill: Absorption

This is the magic stone of the dungeon...... since this crystal itself emits light, do you have any trouble with the light in the dungeon?

I carry the problem, but can't I use the item box or something?

If I can't even use space transfer, why don't I bring it back... yes, I've come up with something good.

"Elena, can you use magic?

"For once, this is still an elf, so you can use it. Our specialty is the rising status system and wind magic."

"Well, once you're done with this magic stone, why don't you do the magic?"

And Emily, having heard the word near the left, hastened to say it near the left.

"Hey, wait a minute, are they going to use magic here?

... So is that. If I fail, I won't destroy the store.

"Okay, let's do it behind the inn."

That said, when the left proximity lifted the demon stone, it was as light as a blade, unlike the appearance.

Light! This is easy to carry.

With that in mind, Left Near and Elena injected magic into the magic stone behind the inn.

"Okay, here we go."

Elena, who said so, put her hand on the magic stone and went into the chant of the spell.

"Spirit of the rough wind, respond to my call and be a blade. Vacuus!"

When Elena used magic, the wind broke out and she was sucked into the stone, and the translucent crystal gradually turned into a beautiful green.

And it became an emerald green crystal, like Elena's eyes, and eventually it was full, and cracks entered the surrounding ground.

"Thank you, it'll be good enough"

Well, what happened?

Name: Absorb [Wind] Type: Demon Stone

Skill: Emission

I see, my skills have changed, and the magical lineage that's inside, you know?

"Good day, I think it's okay to put it in the item box now"


"Oh. There's already magic in there, so unless you hurt me, there's nothing else in there."

... maybe. Actually, I don't have any certainty... are you sure you're okay?

Near left, when I put the magic stone in the item box even though I got anxious, it went in really well, according to the theory near left.

Good, you succeeded. Now I was having trouble making excuses as to what I would do if I failed.

Now, if you go back to the lab and hurt anywhere, it should go back to normal... but wait.

If you implanted it in the bullet, and put magic in it before, when it hits you, it will scratch the demon stone inside, and it will produce the magic you put in it?

But if such stones are scattered, I'll tell you later that magic won't be available, it's possible... but it's worth a try.

With that in mind, the left-hand side went to the dining room of Elena and Saint Lucia.


Around that time, in the detachment of the Sakuraya Kyoya site of the Ruthai Empire, the Emperor, Seibei and the Minister of State. And Massei was secretly talking.

"So, General Left. Did you find out about the gods?

The lights on the candlestick shook Yurayura and Kanbai wrinkled between his eyebrows when he heard about the rebellion of the Musashi guards, of course.

And he said unto the word, It seemed a little hard to say.

"That is the first proposal, in the intermediary's story, for His Highness Kanbai to become the flag and take over the Minister of Political Affairs.

The second proposal is to take over the Minister of State with Yongan as his flag and Yongan as his son.

However, Mr. Yongan is still missing and hasn't been found. "

Nagaan Cold Springs. He was the only son of Nagawealthy Cold Springs, Kanbai, but the son of Nagawealthy Kanbai, because of his unthinkable behavior and his too atrocious character.

"Well, that's hateful. Minister of State and Government"

Having said that, in the words of the Emperor, the Minister of State said with perseverance, without changing his expression.

"The centenary of the kingdom of heaven and earth are fools who don't understand."

"I know. I am well aware that the Minister dares to do the dirty work."

"I have received such words from the Emperor, and I know with great pleasure this Minister of State and Government of Nishien Temple."

"Mm-hmm. So, how do you think we can prevent the war?

When everyone was troubled by the words, Sekiko meditated his eyes and spoke quietly.

"After all, there is no other place for me to quit Kanbai's seat.

Now, if the Minister of State resigns, it could be a country where hunger is spreading again, rebuilding an empire that is rebuilding because of it.

If you can crush the Cold Springs family and pull the Cold Springs family out of the Regents... I don't know if I can think of anything else. "

"I'm afraid I disagree with removing the Cold Springs family from the Regents"

It was the Minister of State who said so.

"Minister of State, give me a translation."

When the emperor questioned and asked, the Minister's answer was unexpected.

"One of the depths of the lake country will be the adopted daughter of the Cold Springs family. If we remove the Cold Springs family from the gatekeepers here, the lake country will not be able to become a gatekeeper or regent.

Now that we have turned down the Great General of the Conquest, the only way for the Lake Nation to lead this Luthai Empire is to be Kanbai or Regent.

The lake country is the future of this country. Hope. It is he who leads that the future of the Empire will be brighter. "

The Minister's remarks, which contemplated exactly what was close to the left, were surprising to the three of us on the spot.

From others' point of view, this imperial minister of Nishien Temple has been twice as powerful, has created factions, and has been hostile to other factions.

But it was also the art of moving politics all smoothly, let him tell us.

From his point of view, there is a desire for power, too, just because the others cannot be entrusted with politics, they thought it would be more sensible to go up there and give instructions.

Factions are also reasonably necessary to advance politics, and what they consider hostile to other factions has only made them fight their opinions with hostile factions.

In fact, even in other factions, to a convincing policy, he had endorsed, as well as recruited excellent personnel.

In fact, the story of the inauguration of General Left Kingsguard near the left is also a measure conceived by this Minister of State.

Originally, I was going to make Massei from General Right Kingsguard to General Left Kingsguard, but because he came from a low-status samurai, even he became General Right Kingsguard, and I thought about the future of the neglected Massei, and pushed General Left Kingsguard far away from the left to give him a real benefit.

And when the left-hand side arrived, he was stationary without knowing who he was, and the story of General Tsunami depended on crushing him thinking it was premature.

However, the more he grasped with Valkyrie's Home Secretary Heath, the more he learned about left-hand policies, etc. while allowing the debate to be fought, the more he realized that he had become an understander who admitted to left-hand matters.

"It was a little surprising for the Minister of State to say that."

To the word of the emperor that said so, Kanbai and Massei were also snorting.

"Anyone, you'll have to admit it. Soldiers from six fragmented countries were brought together, schools were created and talented, and the Luthai Empire's martial arts were increased.

Furthermore, it saved the food situation of the Empire and began to drop gold on the purchase of volcanic ash in Satsuma, where tax revenues were depressing... No one else can do this. You just have to admit it.

Well, the question is, do you have any appetite for birth? "

With that said, the other three were laughing bitterly, and the emperor had asked Masayasu.

"It's General Left. What is the lake country doing at a time like this? If it's a lake country, you can do something about it."

"No, it looks like they're doing some kind of medication research. One is medicines to relieve pain, such as injuries, and the other is... the poison that a girl suffers from, or medicines to cure people's chest disease... sorry."

That is what Massei said, and when he was sorry, the emperor smiled gently, and said:

"Good. Well, the lake country, first of all from the powerless people, is trying to save... Looks like the lake country.

Kanbai, Minister of State and General Left. If the lake country comes for help, help him unconditionally.

And let the lake country do whatever it wants for a while. Don't tell Lake Country this time as much as you can... if you ask me. "

In the words of his emperor the three men laid down their own will, but Massei said to the emperor without raising his head as it was.

"And I would like to say to the Emperor,"


"As a matter of fact, Mr. Sakura Kwon Daikura is the elder of Nobunami Takahashi. I have information for you, saying that it is connected with Maida Yuanta Nobuna.

And now, Sentence to Nobunaga Takahashi, Maida the old man. He seems to be wishing to let his minister, Changheng Tsuchiya, live in Valchia for a while. "

And the gaze of the two names of Kanbai and the minister of political affairs was sharpened, and they glanced at Massei: but Massei put his forehead on the tatami, and said,

"I have a translation for this. Hi, Master Kwon Dae-sen and Maida said they were friends who learned military law from the same teacher when they were younger, they just seem to miss it and called it.

Therefore, Master Kwon will never betray us. "

"We know that the lake country is not such a man.

But that Maida...... it is true that Maida, too, like that, while setting up martial arts, does not seek to increase his official position or territory, but only wishes Ueda's territorial relief. Don't resemble a lake country somewhere.

Are those two teachers teaching you to lose all your greed? "

Then said the emperor, sighing, bewildered.

"Well, I know that not everyone here says he's a betrayer. As for Maida, it's not a story.

Admiral Left, explore the purpose of that man. Perhaps they will try to reconcile the Allied forces, not the lake country. "

To the words of the minister, Masahei remained flat.

"Yes, I did. Send my hand.

And the matter of Musashi Shogun... if it's going to suck, can I leave it to my hands?

Massei's words ask, at worst, whether it is okay to assassinate Musashi.

The three of us here knew the seriousness of the matter, so we had to snort.

If it comes to war, it's all about samurai and soldiers, and the sacrifice of the people. Then it would be better to take the life of just one Musashi guardian, and the damage would only take the life of one.

To this, the emperor also understood with his head, and nodded, but whether his heart was screaming, he was in a grieving face.

The Minister of State, who understood the will of the emperor, said quietly.

"General Left. If your lord decides that war is inevitable, let him say he gave his life and let it happen."

"Yes, sir."

Having said that, this man also changed the Minister's assessment as to whether he was a loyal minister.

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