Another Life


The next day, near left, one slept on the lab couch.

Last night, the returning left-hand man and Elena unleashed the magic that was in the Demon Stone outside, fine-finishing the Demon Stone, putting blue mold and Demon Stone in the various Chalets, and waiting for the passage, at some point the left-hand man, fell asleep.

Long time no sleep for one. Slight noises disturbed that comfortable sleep.

"Hmm... is that Elena?

Near left, who said so sleepy, Elena said with a little surprise.

"Oh, excuse me. Did I wake you?

With that word, the left-hand proximity shifted his gaze outside, the sunlight was already in.

"No, I was just about to wake up. What about the demon stone?

"You're bluer just blue mold. The stuff with Staphylococcus is in some cloudy color."

I can only imagine that it's cloudy... but would you like to appraise it?

That's what I thought. The left-hand side went next to Elena and appraised her once she got up off the couch, stretching her body and waking up her body, which was still half asleep.

Name: Absorb [Antibiotic/Poisonous] Type: Demon Stone

Skills: Absorption and Emission

Oh, this is definitely a pattern that Staphylococcus toxins are absorbing together.

Does the fact that there is absorption and emission in the skill mean that it is not less than tan... just in case?

Name: Absorb [Antibiotic] Type: Demon Stone

Skills: Absorption and Emission

Again, the blue mold and the only demon stone I put in with it are not poisoned.

"Apparently, this blue mold alone is more effective. Maybe the color of this demonic stone is proportional to the intensity of the penicillin.

After this, if you make purified water and put cracks in the demon stone in that purified water, it's a test of the drug efficacy.

But I'm free to wait like this, and I'll let him who eats at dinner and who also serves as a servant and escort, live and work here. I can't let one of these people do that. "

"Thank you. I'll sit down. I ask you something weird, why are you doing me so much good?

I slept separately yesterday and one day, and I don't have any hands on me. How so? I hope you're not deluding me. "

"What, you wanted me to get my hands on you?

"Please don't delude me anymore... I'm serious"

And Elena's face, when she had said it, was very serious, and she said it, even though the left and the near were a little illuminated.

"Well... if you borrow a word I know, you've done the obvious."

"... I don't know..."

So Elena said with a face that she did not understand, and the left hand was a little honeycombed.

"That means there's a man out there. In the meantime, let's eat at dinner and put on the servant's steps."

That said, the left hand side opened the space transfer and went to Oyaji's shop in Nassau.

And for some reason, Elena persisted when the left-hand side, while eating, boasted of her family.


"Even today, it didn't seem to work..."

Pandora, at the entrance below through the dorm window, saw Yuantaro being turned down by Allison and depressed.

After Faye's incident, she was off from school, pulled into a room, and tried not to see anyone.

But Yuantaro asked Allison in his room many times to try to meet him, but he refused everything.

"Not yet... well, I guess I can't help it. I'd like to do something for you."

That's what Shirley said, putting the book she was reading on her desk, sadly.

That's a heartbreak...... very painful. It's hard, but in the future, there will be more women in the Knights, and new ones will come.

Until now, I haven't thought about what I said, because it was all the people who were unaffiliated, but in the future, I have to think about what I said. But now the problem is, Faye...

"Hey Shirley. Hey, let's go to Faye's, shall we? If we keep this up, Faye won't make it."

"That too, right...... but how do you get in? Faye doesn't even want to see us..."

"That's just if Pandora went, right?

When Pandora, who said so, saw Chirali and Shirley, Shirley said with a grin whether Pandora understood what she was trying to say.

"Right. Shall we go then?"

The two men who said so headed to Faye's room.

Faye and Allison's room was upstairs, and today was sometimes referred to as Sunday, or few remained in the girls' dorm, and those who remained were relaxed in their own rooms.

For that reason, when he walked down the hallway with few people and went to the front of the room, Shirley never knocked on the door.

"Ha, who are you... that? Pandora on Shirley. I'm sorry, Faye, it's still a little"

That said, it was Allison who showed his face.

"It's a fay day, isn't it? Allison, can you come here for a second?


That's what Allison thought, saying no to Faye in the room, followed them both.

When they took Alison a little further away, Shirley made sure there were no people around her.

"Allison. Excuse me, would you step out of the room a little bit, just for the three of us and Faye, please?

"No, you can't! Faye hates it, but you can't do that."

Chip. After all, Allison, did you say no... so annoying.

So Pandora threw her ID card in a pin and gave it to Allison.

"What, an ID card?

"Yes, an ID card. But that's an I.D. card for intelligence... used by Coalition operatives, I.D. card.

This is my real ID card. "

That said, Pandora gave Allison another ID card.

"What is this... different colors... eh? Pandora Sakura? Huh? Huh?"

So Pandora said to Allison, who was confused, as if he were going after him.

"Yes, my name is Pandora, Sakura Left Guard. Raven... well, you know what happens if you tell someone else about this."

That said, Pandora, awesome to Alison, had to snort, even though she was tight.

"You just have to know. Then you'll let me see Faye, won't you?

Of course, Fey's our friend, so don't worry, he won't do anything terrible. "

When Pandora said so, Allison nodded again and again.

"Then it's settled.... Shirley, what's going on?

At the end of Pandora's gaze was Shirley, who was a poker.

"Yes, no... I heard that ID cards are perfect things that cannot be forged."

"On the face of it. If we don't make a way out, we can't have intelligence. than that, do you want to go"

Having said that, Pandora and Shirley walked in without even knocking in Faye's room, like Pandora and the two of them in the room, and there were two study desks and two beds, one of which had a minotaur wrapped around a futon.

I'd like to pull this off, but Alison's here, so you can't help but pull it off like this.

When Pandora was frightened, he heard Faye in the futon.

"Allison, did you two go?

"Who are you two talking about?

"Sha, Shirley! What about Allison?

"I'm here too."

When Pandora said so, Faye floated in the air with every futon.

"Hih, is the princess too!

And Pandora's brow, when she heard the word, moved for a moment, and said quietly.

"Faye, if you don't get out of the futon, I'll burn every futon with magic like this."

The quiet words did not seem to be a joke or a hatchet, and Pandora dropped Fey as he stepped out of the futon.

Faye's face, which fell on the bed, was in tears, and her hair was crisp, and she was in a pretty terrible condition, but Faye was on the bed, lying flat in awe.

Really, it's the worst part.

"Faye, stop it, you're gonna get mad."

But in Pandora's words Faye said, without raising his head, that the system remained intact.

"Yes, no! You can't do that to a princess!

Really, how far is the civilian gut stained?

"Um, Faye. Are you making fun of me?

Against me, in that way of speaking, against Shirley, normal way of speaking. You don't think I'm your friend?

It was Pandora who said so, but Faye said nothing but lay flat.

Shirley, who saw it, said gently as she sat next to Faye and rubbed her back.

"Hey Faye, look up first, take a good look at Pandora"

When Faye heard Shirley's words, he looked up at Pandora, as he had been told, and there was Pandora, who lay his arms together as usual, and was plucked.

"Look, nothing changes, the usual Pandora, right?

We're your friends... so let's talk a little bit. "

And Sherley said unto him, Faye nodded again and again.

"Faye, before we talk, my thing is Pandora. Treat me the way you always do, okay?

In those words, Faye had no choice but to acknowledge.


"First, I need to ask you something. Are you still willing to be a knight?

If not, I'll introduce you to a new job, but what?

The words of Pandora were heavily troubled by Faye's body.

Pandora, on Faye's body, knows. If you say you want to be a knight for paycheck purposes, quit and just live, Pandora says you'll take care of Faye.

Faye was, at the beginning of school. But the desire to make friends in school, to make people you like, and above all, to protect someone, even yourself like this, to be in someone's role, was getting bigger in her, and in these Pandora words, she realized how she felt in herself.

And Faye's eyes, who looked up at Pandora, were unlike hers before, eyes lit with some flame of faith, and his voice was weak, but he said it in a feel-good voice.

"I... want to be a knight"

And Pandora, having heard the word, put her hand upon Faye's shoulder, and said:

"It's good to hear that word. I'll tell you this as a friend.

Ahead, you may taste harder on the battlefield. But you can't grieve there.

A in the Knights family is a gathering of troop leaders among the knights and those who will be captains and deputy captains in the future...... If they are captured by grief, cloud their judgments and create more tragedies.

So if I may borrow the words of my grandfather Elias Neumann.

Stand up, and walk forward. Because that's the only thing we can do to survive. "

"That's... a word on the battlefield..."

"And anyway! That's what happens, so don't be depressed forever, get up and look forward!

Pandora blushed and desperately misled Faye's sharp scratch.

Seeing the figure, Faye and Shirley had a gap with Pandora, the usual honorary student, and Pandora, who was rumored to have heard, said to be the Black Empress, and the two were unable to bear the laughter and blew it out.

"I made a little mistake, not just. You both don't have to laugh so much!

"No, Pandora is clumsy, after all"

"Hey Shirley. Don't tailor me to a character like that... hey Faye, what's up?

To Pandora, who was twisted with Shirley, Faye said with a hug and tears

"Pandora, I'm sorry"

"I know. See, I don't cry."

Pandora, who said so, gently stroked Faye's head, and said,

"Yeah, yeah... I... want to be strong. I want to be as strong as Pandora!

Well, I know how Faye feels... but yes, I came up with a good thing.

"Faye. To be strong, you have to make a corresponding, dying effort. Are you ready for that?

That being said, Faye nodded again and again in Pandora's chest.

"Well, take your road clothes and go train in swordsmanship. Because it's Sunday, and I just think someone who cleans that hair is going to be free."

Pandora, who said so, opened up the space transfer.


"Pandora... Could this be the Ruthai Empire?

Besides, whose mansion is this splendid gate?

In front of Shirley and Faye, who said so, was the splendid gate of Sakuraya Kyoya.

"This is the Sakura family's Kyoto mansion. Even when I say Sakura family's Kyoto house, it's my sister and his wife who live there.

By the way, this gate depicts the Sakura family crest, the Three Kashiwaki. Well, on the continent, it's like a crest. "

"Hey, hey Pandora. Saying you're looking free could be..."

"Yes, my sister"

And Pandora, who said so, knocked on the gate, and went in.

On the warm, pokapoka edge, the Hyogo was a pearl knee pillow, watching Mira waving barely in the garden as she had her ears cleaned.

In the distance, Dia and Bear were playing hide-and-seek and enjoying picturesque happiness.

In the previous life, such a thing could not be done because of the character of the Yoo Seung Sook family or other people, but in this world such a thing had nothing to do with the phrase "It is common sense on all continents".

I have a loving wife, I have children, and I can behave as I please. The beads have told Hyogo that the Hyogo is looking at Mira, that this world is truly the best.

"Hey, Master Hyogo. You're really happy."

Apparently, Pearl thought the same thing, and Hyogo agreed to Pearl's words from the bottom of his heart.


And it came to pass, that Jas came, and said unto the beads, that the armory and the beads were staring at each other.

"Ma'am. Your sister, Pandora, is here with your schoolmate."

"Pandora did?

Even though people enjoy Hyogosuke and the happiness of this world, does that demon... chase him back in his absence?

The pearl, thinking so, said to Jas, touching the hair of the armory, which lay his head on his lap, seemingly softly.

"Jas. We're out and we don't know what time we're going home today... you know what I mean?

"Yes, ma'am..."

"I don't know, sister."

Pandora, who said so, was behind Jas and had an uncomfortable grin.

And Pandora, who had destroyed his happiness, was relentless, and the beads gazed, and said with a grudging voice.

"... this demon"

"Oh, because I've noticed by now?

"Oh, Pandora, well done. Here we are. What's up with you today?...... hmm?

With that said, the armory that rose from the knee pillow of the bead was behind Pandora, uncomfortable with the appearance of Faye, which the bead also understood, and said, smiling as if nothing had happened.

"Pandora, who are you with, Shirley?

That's right, you're my sister. No, in this case, you said Japanese reading air.

"This is my classmate Faye"

"It's Faye. Thank you very much."

Faye, who said so, bowed his head nervously.

"My name is Willow Raw Joo and I'm this stupid sister's sister. This is my husband, Yanagi Hyogo, Suke-rich. It's my daughter, Mira, who's shaking her bare hands over there.

But Lord Faye. Your hair, it's terrible... "

"Oh, no, this is..."

"Anyway, you must have been hit by this stupid sister. Come here, instead of your stupid sister, let me make you beautiful.

Jas, I'm getting ready for the bath. Lord Faye, if you cut your hair, please take a bath. "

So said Pandora, a bead that smiled and spoke to Faye, but when Faye was mozzled, she slapped her back gently and whispered.

"Fine. Leave everything to that stupid sister"

And Faye, having heard the word, followed after the beads.

"Thank you, brother-in-law... don't ask me anything"

"Dear Hyogosuke, thank you from me."

So they sat on the edge, thanking the Hyogo.

"Oh, never mind.

But that's the sisters. I didn't expect you to understand each other's intentions immediately without saying anything. "

"Please stop, with that stupid sister."

And he said unto Pandora, The Hyogo was dismayed.

"I think you'd marry a good house if you didn't have that bad mouth.

So, what's up today? I just came to cut my hair, there's not. "

"I want that fay to teach me swordsmanship..."

"Pandora, I'm sorry..."

"You can't teach the talentless the sword of Willow, can you?

Yes, Pandora said with her face that she knew everything.

"You bend over there and say please?

"No way. I or Mira will be the only one who can follow my brother-in-law's teachings properly.

It's your sister. Even such an idiot sister teaches people excellence. "

"... you, stay away from it, it's the same thing you call me a disqualified mentor."

Saying so, the Hyogo seemed to laugh and have fun when he thought he was hitting it, but Shirley said he had said something to the Hyogo.

"What is it, Lord Shirley?"

"Oh, uh... Master Hyogo. Do I have the gift of a sword?

"... can I say it's clear?

That being said, Hyogo glanced at Shirley with a serious look, and Shirley nodded ready.

"Okay, let's get this straight. Lord Shirley, you have no sword talent."

The language of that arsenal was exactly the same as the death sentence for Shirley, who aspires to be a Raven.

If you're normal, you might break your heart here.

But Shirley wasn't such a woman. And he put his face near the armory, and ate it.

"Master Hyogosuke, where... where shouldn't you be?

If there's anything wrong, I'll fix it, so please tell me how to get stronger!

"Chi, close.

... Then let's say it's clear. Lord Shirley's choice of weapon won't work first.

What Lord Shirley is getting at is a shield on a one-handed sword. Normal warfare would also prevent bows, etc., but the skills of swords and spears in this world have the skills to say it's a must.

Well, if you don't have the same essential skills to prevent a weapon with the same essential skills, you can't prevent them... I mean, shields and other useless lengths. An attack that relies on a shield only interferes with one's own vision or is slashed with every shield.

And I guess it's because I've been fighting with a one-handed sword and a shield for years. muscle imbalance, and fixing this will require considerable effort "

"But if you're not a legendary weapon, aren't you with the skills you need?

"Normally... but in the Luthai Empire, I have almost figured out the terms of my skills.

In a man's mouth, the door cannot stand. When the Empire of Ruthailand is founded, one day the information will flow to other countries "

"Oh no... then my dreams..."

That said, when Shirley was clearly in shock, Pandora glanced at Hyogo with her eyes saying, "Do something, Golua," and Hyogo rubbed his jaw and said he would manage to follow up.

"But I can't do swordsmanship. But if you're a spear, you might be able to handle it. It takes three times more skill for a sword to beat a spear.

Well, one can also use the new mainstream technique, so why don't I tell you if it's good?

"Oh, please! I beg you!

That's what Shirley said, he bowed his head to the Hyogo.

Indeed, as my brother-in-law said, there was talk in your father's memory that a sword needed three times more skill to beat a spear.

But I feel like it's a waste of Shirley's skill so far.

For example, if you turn a shield into a spear... yes, your father was a duplicant of spears and swords on the battlefield. Here it is!

So Pandora said, slapping Shirley on the shoulder.

"Shirley, I've come up with a master who can be strong without wasting Shirley's skills."

"So, who is it?

"Well, don't be funny. Pandora, who is it?

"That's my father. When your father fights on the battlefield, he fights only with spears at first, but when it comes to rioting, he pulls out his sword and fights with a duplicity of spears and swords.

This means you can be strong without wasting Shirley's one-handed sword skills. "

That Pandora's proposal, for Shirley, was exactly what could be called a light.

Pandora is right, keep the skill of the one-handed sword, and if you change the shield to a spear, you might be able to do it.

Shirley said, taking Pandora's hand.

"Pandora. So why don't you tell His Excellency?

It is then. One anxiety crossed the back of his brain to Shirley, to Pandora, who tried to admit comfortably.

This... is your father's character, you won't like it.

I wouldn't be good at teaching people swordsmanship or mastery, because your father is the type of person who does things by instinct... I can't back out before and after I've said this.

Yes, would you ask me to grasp some of your father's weakness before you do it?

"Fine, I'll tell you"

"Oh, hey Pandora..."

"It's okay, brother-in-law. Because your father is sweet to me.

Hey, you're going to see how Mira is. Mira, me and the archdeacon!

Pandora, who said so, went to Mira.

"Um, Master Hyogo. Thank you so much for sitting down today about Faye and me."

Shirley said that, bowing his head to the Hyogo, Hyogo said to Shirley, looking at the two men doing the ground audition.

"No, no. That Pandora, not to mention her in-laws, is a certain sister...... if that sister asks, I'd be happy to hear it.

Besides, thank you to Lord Shirley and Lord Faye. "

"Thank you?

"That's right. Pandora was so bright because Shirley and Faye became Pandora's friends.

Thank you so much. Thank you with all my heart. "

So said the Hyogo, who bowed his head to Shirley, was like his real brother, who truly thought of Pandora.

"You're like a real brother. But Pandora was different before?

"Well... the Sakura family told me about Pandora back in the day. But Pandora once told Major General Sanhao before.

From a very young age, because of his power, he hated and hated the devil's son, and raised him hidden by his father-in-law.

Well, if you have the beads to your real sister who saved the Luthai Empire twice, and the ghost's left proximity to your father, there will be many enemies, and the pressure of expectations from others will be tremendous, so you can snort on your father-in-law and hide them.

From here, it is certain speculation, that the father-in-law did not treat him as a daughter, but as a master, he would have slapped all of himself into it.

When I first fought Pandora, I felt like the same beast as my father-in-law who fought on the battlefield. "

"Oh no... So, without knowing my parents' affection, because Pandora grew up?

"Right. But I guess that was necessary to protect Pandora.

If I look at my current father-in-law, I'll drown Pandora... "

That said the Hyogo turned his head toward Shirley.

"Lord Shirley. She's such a sister-in-law, but she'll always be a good friend, so please stay."

"Master Hyogo. Pandora is, and will always be, my dear best friend."

That said, Shirley stared at Pandora meeting with Mira as if she had decided to do something.

From this day on, Faye's hair will be Bob and she will be instructed by the beads every Sunday. Shirley was, as the saying goes, Pandora's best friend for the rest of his life and continued to be close.

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