The next Monday morning, near left, he came to Fort Alm for an inspection and was in the waiting room inside the fort.

Yesterday, as the prospect of the development of penicillin stood, the left-hand side went to Triangle Village and for now took the Adeles as escorts for Elena, leaving the rest of the work to Elena to go back home.

"Honestly, I thought you'd be off today."

That was Chloe, who later changed to a bundled hairstyle.

"Don't say that, Chloe. That's when they were hunted down."

"So, what happened?... in many ways."

"Penicillin development has stood. Well, it was a coincidence.

The lab also told Freya, they built it, and, dare I say, they also asked the Adeles to escort them, and then they just tested to see if the drug would work.

... what the fuck, that face. Elena and I don't have that kind of relationship. "

So he said unto Chloe, who was suspicious as much as he thought, and he hastened to the left.

"What do you say? I went to El and bought you a hat, a piece, etc., I hear."

This guy, this guy, where did you get that information...

"That's for a very deep reason..."

"I know. You feel sorry for yourself every time you say hi elf over your old self, don't you?

Really, this guy... he understands me a lot.

"No, it's really Lord Chloe. You know me better than anyone."

"Really, you're doing well"

"Don't say that... yes, Chloe, have you changed your hair?

"You won't be deluded...... do you look good?

Chloe, who said so, said with a bright red face, and said to Chloe with a smile on her left hand.

"Oh. I was so thrilled."

Chloe, who saw that face near the left, was turning away from the near left, but her elf ear, which was bright red to the ear, was visible near the left.

I kind of adore lighting Chloe up.

With that in mind, he smiled and looked at Chloe, the sound of a knock rang in the waiting room with the left proximity, and the deputy chief of state came in.

"... somehow, that sounds like fun. Yes, I'm ready."

"That's right. Chloe, let's go."

"Huh? Oh, yes!

That said, the two men headed to the testing ground for the new weapon under the guidance of the Chief Executive.

Through the dim hallway and out into the square, there was a place like a simple shooting range, beside which the bullet stood with an uncomfortable grin.

"Hey, mister, it's been a long time. If you say that, Kuheng will retire as soon as possible."

"That son of a bitch, tell me about it in public. That's what I'm saying after I show my grandson's face to him sooner... What?

Bullet said with a smile to the poker left-handed people, and the left-handed people said with a fright.

"No, it's bullets. You don't match your face with your words."

"Oh, yeah? My son was happy to grow up. Shall we start with that soon? Hey, give me an example!

When Bullet said so, a soldier from the warehouse brought a covered tray.

Oh, my God, you're so small.

Before he thought so, when the tray was offered, Bullet Zheng was good at it.

"Kid's developed pod. This is what they said...... Did I rifle?

Well, the technology is the result of a successful development, as said, by a good blacksmith to the Serenities. Hit accuracy and shooting in rainy weather are now available.

So, first, a dark vessel. Fan Clan. "

That said, when the bullet took the cover, the frame was black, and rather than being a fan, something like a large group fan was placed.

What the hell is this?

And when he thought so, he was good at bullet correction, and he said to him, "Close left."

"The kid said, when I tried to miniaturize the new cannon, I figured it out. I don't think anyone would think it was a cannon.

Why don't you give it a shot?

"... before that, you'll be able to use it. This."

"Why not! This is great for assassinations!

Unexpectedly he shouted, and said to the left and near with a fan-shaped cannon.

"Idiot, you are! This is more of a fan than a fan. You can't even fold it, it would be a fan! It's fucking heavy.

Plus, it's unnaturally big, and there's a trigger. And look at that!

That said, when the left proximity pulled the trigger against the wall, a series of bullets were unleashed, with bullet marks on the horizontal row.

"The biggest problem is this. If you shoot something like this, there's a chance that it could hit you if you have an ally in front of you, other than your target!

Besides, assassination would be something you wouldn't find out. At close range, shooting so annoying, anyone realizes it's an assassination. At least make it something you can kill with one shot. "

"Kuh... just tell me the truth. Next, next!

When Bullet Zheng said so, the soldier next came from the warehouse with a number of artillery guns, as if the weapons attached to the carrier appeared in front of the nearest left.

I don't know, I can imagine any further developments... but what bothers me is the elongated box with each on top of that cannon.

That would definitely be a magazine.

That is what Bullet Zheng has said, close to the left.

"With this weapon, we can fire a large number of shots, even with less personnel in the artillery squad. Name it, Peacock Cannon.

As its name suggests, like countless blades like a peacock, these 15-button cannons can be shot, ejected, and loaded by pulling these two levers. Ten rounds loaded. Range is 150 meters. The power is awesome. "

When the bullet said so pulled the lever attached to the side with the rattle, a gun mounted like a beacon blew a fire and slammed a bullet on the wall.

After all, did this happen? But this is close to the organ cannon… I think the bullet is gradually coming like a da binch.

Come on, this guy, I wonder if you could retire.

"… to improve"

"Why not?"

"Why, are there heckles too! With this, it doesn't make sense that you've increased your hitting accuracy with your rifling. Replacing the cartridge also takes time and... no. This is...

But in places that restrict the direction of enemy action, such as siege warfare, depending on how you use it, you can expect results. "

"As, well, there, as I thought. Okay, next time, next time!

"Hey, are you serious..."

I couldn't help but whine to the new weapon that came out, unintentionally left and near. The new weapon that came out was a manually turning gatoring gun.

"This recruit weapon is a new weapon that shoots, drains drugpods, and is named Rapid Fire Cannon by turning this handle with 100 rounds of ammunition.

But the problem is, if you shoot out the bullets in just a minute, and if you spin faster, you get a bullet clog... well, look at that. "

That said, when the elongated magazine was attached to the hole above the fast-fire cannon, it slowly turned the handle.

The serial sound, as its name suggests, echoes inside the fort, leaving one bullet wound after another on the target wall.

This guy is more than I ever imagined.

"Bullet correction. Improve this quick-fire gun so that it can be carried and less bullet clogging."

"Got it. And this is the end of the story."

That said, the bullet was removed from the velcro bag and passed near the left, like a modern Remington M700 with a single bolt action type, made of wood.

And at the end of that rifle, like a folding knife, was mounted with a gunsword.


When the left proximity said so, pulling the trigger against the wall, the sound of bread sounded, and when the bolt was pulled, the finished pod was expelled, and the next bullet loaded.

Sounds good. Exactly, the material is not made of carbon, but this is enough.

When you remove the sword, develop a gun rack, or miniaturize the telescope and install the scope, don't even become a sniper gun.

"Bullet positive, how many bullets are loaded on this gun?

"Six shots. If you make it too big, the weight will be too heavy to use.

Now, I'm putting it in, and I've only finished three cloves, and if that's okay, I'm going to mass produce it. "

"My lord, it's time for you"

Is it that time already?

"Okay, Chloe.

Bullet, good, now mass produce me. And the size of all the bullets, unify them.

That's right, this gun... keep it up, okay?

Oh, I don't mind.

"Thankful. Later, please."

The left-hand men who said so went back to Lake City on a spatial transfer.


Near left, Chloe and the governor returned to their headquarters in Lake City, and approached the conference room, and they heard a voice from the inside, fiercely close to the fury.

"So in that personnel plan, no matter how much you have a budget, you're saying it's not enough!

"It would be an inside job to do something about it though!

"You idiot! The outside world has something to say!

If they take so many men, they'll get in the way of defense everywhere!

"What a defense, if we can stand it until the Knights arrive, we'll figure it out!

Ah, this voice is a battle between Kiyoshin and Kruger vs. Amiria.

Today was definitely... ah, today was the Knights personnel planning meeting... is that what caused it?

With that in mind, the left-hand side saluted the soldier guarding the door, and the three men were guided into the conference room.

Once inside, the room was decorated with conditioning, very spacious, surrounded by a large round table in the center, seated by the head of each Knights regiment and, being the head of the three stations, Kiyoshin and Kruger and Crane, behind which were the vice-presidents and secretaries.

When all rose up and saluted due to the fact that the left proximity came in, the left proximity sat straight in the left proximity seat of the upper seat, and the others also sat.

But even the coalition forces gathered by stopover, they behaved undisturbed. Coalition forces are falling apart.

But why is he here?

At the end of the near-left gaze, which I thought was true, was the appearance of Chris, whose stomach had grown.

"Today, I'm sorry I'm late for the meeting. Hey, I was there to inspect a new weapon.

Lieutenant Colonel McGregor. It's time to give birth, isn't it? Why are you here? "

"It's an important Knights staff planning meeting, so if I don't answer the captain, we won't be talking about it."

Behind Chris, who said so, Saheiji looked at her worryingly.

Hey, if that's the case, Pandora won't be in a position to throw a round like a babysitter.

Besides, Sahei, the next guy is about to cry.

"Okay, but don't push it too hard. So, what was causing the argument to be incandescent?

It was the crane that answered its near-left question in a frightened manner.

"The problem is that even though each Knights..., the SS Knights and the Witch Knights (Night Witches).

Those two knights, that's the number you want. "

When the crane said that, I looked at the paper I had offered to the left and the left hand side was also frightened.

What the hell.

SS Knights, 50,000 people wanted. Knights of Witches (Night Witches), 80,000 people wanted...... idiots or koitsu.

"Sergen, Amiria. Exactly, this would be too much.

In the military code, if the rank is colonel, it leads from a thousand to three thousand. With this number, you'll be in the regiment class, so you're more than a lieutenant general. "

"Yes, Your Excellency is right.

Besides, knights are more than lieutenants so that they can command soldiers on an ad hoc basis, so if you increase the number of people so much, the labor costs will be dramatically higher. Really, even though Knights gear is expensive. "

It was Kruger who said that and said it like he was sick of it.

"Then you can raise your rank!

"There's no way you can raise the ranks so easily!

With that said, the dispute between Amiria and Kruger began again.

Well, I set a limit on the number of people I lead in the class, just to foil the class, I thought.

But that's right, once 130,000 troops are vacant, there's an obstacle to defense, and Krueger's right, if you make all of that more than a lieutenant, there's a labor cost problem. But the problem is that the other Knights have zero answers.

But this situation... what are you going to do with this?

In front of the left-hand side who thinks so, the argument between them seems to have boiled down, and Amilia slammed her desk and screamed.

"So, defense or whatever, we in the improvisation group, the Knights, have crossed the line, hey!

I've been repeating the same thing for a while now... these are the best times.

That's what I said to the left.

"Amiria, Kruger. Stay calm, both of you.

Here, I'd like to ask the captain of each Knights. The current number of Knights is 1,000 for the SS Knights, 600 for the Witch Knights (Night Witches), 3 for the Sacred Guide Knights, 10 for the Sacred Dragon Knights, 800 for the Black Knights, and 800 for the Kingsguard Knights as well.

Knights other than the SS Knights and the Witch Knights (Night Witches) have no request to increase their personnel... what did you say?

First, Colonel Ashra. Give me a reason. "

"We, the Kingsguard Knights, are the named Knights on the Commodore Dragon of His Majesty.

Because the conditions for riding are exclusive to the Demons, there is no point in increasing the number of other humans and sub-humans. "

"I see, that's understandable. So, when the Demons become knights, why don't we give priority to the Kingsguard Knights and turn personnel around and eliminate the cap?

There is also a combination with the commode dragon, so it cannot be increased rapidly. "

"If that's what you mean, the inside world has no objection."

"The outside world, too, has no objection. Originally, God Demon Nation has no problem because both the Defense Corps and the Kingsguard Knights are full of Demons"

"The Operational Staff is not in a position to oppose it."

Do the directors of the three bureaux agree?

"Well, that's settled. So, what about the Knights of the Holy Dragon?

"We, the Knights of the Holy Dragon, are similar reasons to the Knights of Kingsguard. There is a combination with the number of individuals in Feilong (Wyburn), so it cannot be easily increased."

"Sure, you do. So the Knights of the Holy Dragon are also capped off, okay?

Of course, too much is a thought. "

To the near-left proposal, the directors of the three bureaux nodded in favour.

"Well, that's settled. I understand that the Black Knights are reluctant to increase their personnel in order to receive training for each Knights.

The question is, Knights of the Holy Guidance... Father-in-law, may I ask why?

"Yes, hey, that's..."

Elias, who said so, was obviously trying to figure out some reason, with a bad tooth cut attitude.

... I don't know what you're talking about.

"Lune, give me a translation instead"

"Ha! Actually, the head of the regiment said," The Knights of Holy Guidance are not knights anyone can be "..."

I knew it... I thought that was the place anyway.

"The Father-in-law, the Knights of the Holy Leadership, imposes a ceiling of two thousand. If you leave it alone, there will be three Knights of the Holy Guides forever."

"My lord!"

It's a decision, my father-in-law.

That said, Elias lost his near-left eye and had no choice but to be dismayed.

I don't know about this guy because if he lets it go, he won't add more knights.

"Well, next, the SS Knights and the Witch Knights.

What about these two knights in the direction of increasing the number of knights according to their ranks, if they increase up to a maximum of 3,000 and develop and promote martial arts?

The opportunity to set up martial arts is that the Union will not aim to expand its territory in the future, but for the purpose of practical exercises, it will have the opportunity to present itself as a mercenary to other countries in the future.

So, why don't you hit me in the hand?

"... I have no choice. The SS Knights, that would be good."

"Chip. If Sergen agrees, I'll have to admit it too, won't I?

Witch Knights, roger that. "

Good. Did Amelia, the most delightful, agree?

Well, when everyone came tired of arguing, the proposal I said was easy to get through is the method that His Highness Tai used to do.

"Well, that's settled."

And it came from behind his left hand, that Viola, who came in quietly, whispered to his left hand.

"My lord, Master Maida is here."

Are you finally here?

"Let me through."

Copy that, sir.

Well, I have to introduce you to everyone.

"Well, there's someone I'd like to introduce you all to.

Well, he's an old friend of mine, and there's something a little weird about him, but he's definitely got arms. I promise. "

"... well. It's unusual for His Excellency to say so. And what's your name?

The chief minister put his arms together and pretended to be indifferent, but from his voice, his curiosity was hidden, but he was not there.

"Shinano, Lord of Ueda. Maidayuanta Nobuna"

It was when he said so, near left. It was in good time that the large door of the meeting room was opened, and there was a syllabus with large baggage.

Hey, this is the best scene I've ever had, Yuanta, why do you have such a big bag like a pedestrian?

That is what he thinks, he noticed the gaze of the left proximity, and the syllabus said, turning silently to the left proximity, slapping the head of the left proximity vigorously.

"You idiot! If this is the place, why did you say it before when you came here looking like a chicken!


And he that saw the sight, he that was not of the Luthai, when he put his hand upon the sword of his hips, he put his hand upon the left hand, and controlled it, and said,

"Everybody's fine. He's always like this. More than that, what kind of baggage like that pedestrian?

"What the Lord wanted, a set of flue tools, a souvenir for his wives."

That said, Yuanta was good at putting it on her desk, and when she opened the bath, she felt calm in the lacquerware making, which was her preferred flue tool.

"The boulder is Yuanta. You know what I like... Quick, can I smoke?

"Oh, you can smoke. Suck as much as you like."

Then said Yuanta, smiling satisfactorily.

"Hey, Dear Sir. What kind of man is that Lord Maida?

Amiria whispered to the chief of state with a delightful left hand on her ass.

"Maidayuanta Nobuna Palace. He is the head of Shinano Takahashi, the guardian of the country of Shinano in the Luthai Empire.

In a long civil war that lasted in the Luthai Empire, there were few martial arts that were erected. The two names given are Shinano's serpent.

Originally, Takahashi was to be entrusted with the protection of Shinano, but Lord Maida refused to do so, wishing only for the relief of Ueda in the territory.

… That said, the personality you said is very similar to your Excellency. "

"I don't care what you think, you're a good friend of childhood, right?

"Right. Your Excellency is from Yamato, and I heard you went to Shinano."

And it came to pass, that when the chief minister was looking at them, his left proximity lit the flue, and he spat out the smoke, saying,

"Well, now you have all the actors. Yuanta, take a seat in the empty seat there.

Actually, I have something to tell you. Here we are, Maida Yuanta Nobuna Temple and his minister Changheng Tsuchiya temporarily joined the coalition as of today.

The rank is: Lord Maida is Special Agent Colonel, and Lord Tsuchiya is Special Agent Major.

The reason is... the other day's alarm is involved.

Actually, there was a real raid that day, and the students at the school, Barris Hill, Sally Cabral, Roose Hacker, and three others, were sacrificed. "

At that moment, a tense air stretched out in the conference room, and the left proximity kept talking.

"They're demons who move on to people and if you think about it. After the three students at that school have been transferred, they are moving out of this Lake City and disappearing.

They're after Nassau with the rest of the Caro Chamber of Commerce. "

"Then quickly, move the army..."

"Well don't be in a hurry, Major General Sanko. Nassau, the military stands out in the Special Autonomous Region, and it's a mess to move.

Besides, the demon doesn't die in a normal attack. The only people I can kill are me and Major Yanagi... and these are Special Agents Colonel Maida and Major Tsuchiya... Later I have Tojiro, Lord Maida's brother, but I'll cut him some slack.

So I want the Knights to place a few knights in Nassau in their personal clothes and guard them. Of course, when it comes to security, you don't have to fight that demon just to protect women and children "

To the closest words on the left, I confirmed that each of the heads of delegation also nodded and agreed, continuing the conversation.

"Then Major General Sanoko. Outside, place Beyond the Seeker scouts in Nassau and put the comms on Special Agent Colonel Maida.

Target is a bunch of bird-like masks with people wearing ties. "

"Yes, sir."

"Next, Major General Kruger. Inside, prepare his uniform and rank chapter, and we'll have the funds for the moment."


"Brigadier General Kojima. Ops, get rid of anyone in the corridor up to Nassau. I don't see any more victims out there."

"Yes... but since the Caro Chamber of Commerce doesn't have to crush it?

"Don't worry about it. I'm hitting my hand here.

So that's it for today's meeting. Okay, please, guys. But don't push it. "


That said, it was the moment when each of them tried to stand up. Chris seized his stomach and fell.


Saheiji hastily held Chris, in a painful voice, and Chris said slightly.

"Ugh... I'm going to be born..."


Everyone was in a hurry, and Amiria said calmly, Is the boulder an experience?

"Ola, Saheiji! Give me a hand. My lord, on a space transfer, to the doctor in Nassau, please! Chris, can you stand up?

"Hey, somehow..."

"Well, we're moving to Nassau, so hang in there. Gabriella, Lieutenant Rayford... I asked you to come back."


Amiria, so to speak, moved to Kikka in Nassau on a near-left spatial transfer.


As the residents of Nassau roamed the hallways of Kikka's clinic in the midst of a silly noise.

From him, it was his first child, and I'm worried, I know, but the left and near felt depressed and said with a little frustration.

"Saheiji, calm down a little."

"No, but it seems so painful, Christina, for the first time... but why is your Excellency still here?

Saheiji, who said so, did not stop walking yet.

"... is what it's all about. Besides, if anyone had someone to talk to, they'd calm down a little bit, wouldn't they?

"Right. Honestly, this is tighter than being tortured."

Well, I know how that feels, too, you know.

"At the place, did you decide the child's name?

"That's right. If it's a man, it's me, if it's a woman, it's Christina."

Well, I don't think so, but if it was my ex-husband's, ex-girlfriend's name, I wouldn't like it to die, and that's the best... so much so, am I the only one who thinks about the twist?

"If you're a man, what's your name?

"To source three, I think I will. Because I want a man like Yuan to protect someone."

... somehow, as much as you want, you're going to be a muddy, painful man.

Near the left, thinking so, came the syllabus, and called out.

"Hey, close left!

"... what is it, Yuanta? You, how, here?

"What is it, there won't be. Lord Chloe brought me here. Well, Lord Chloe went to your parents' house.

This is Captain McGregor. I'm a little quick, but I would like to congratulate you on the birth of your child.

Forgive me for not having a celebration and for not wanting to get over it. "

Then said Sahei, Sahei, when the Synod bowed his head deeply, Sahei hastily said with the shoulder of the Synod.

"Please raise your head. I am a junior samurai of the Aoki family, formerly of Tampa.

It is with the greatest celebration that you have come all the way to such a place to Master Maida, also known as Shinano's serpent. "

... Saheiji. Wouldn't that ruin my position?

Well, okay, Sahei.

"It's Yuanta at the place. Just to say a word of celebration, have you come this far?

When I looked at Sahei, I saw that the syllabus that was said to be close to the left was fine, and I looked at the syllabus.

Eventually the syllable gave up, and opened the hallway window, looking out, and said to the left and near.

"This is a good place. I have freedom... was this where you said you wanted to make the country?


But freedom comes with consideration and readiness. The readiness and power of it is good for only one person to live in… So, what's the point?

"I want information on angels and reapers. I can't get any information on the table."

Sure, it would be more convenient for him to know.

"As I said in the conference room today, three people, Barris Hill, Sally Cabral and Roose Hacker, are now vessels. These three are familiar with Hyogo and Changheng, so they'll be fine.

If you're a wacker, you can leave it to Cain as planned, but the problem is what he said.

"Angels can move to those who are in tune, unless they slash their wings."

This means... "

"If you don't slash your feathers, there's a chance you'll get away with it."

"That's right. If you do poorly, you could tip off.

Well, that's if you ask Cain and take action. Martial artefacts are made by Kuhei, who is in this Nassau, and will be finished by now.

After that, paint my blood on the armor and you'll be finished with the armor for the angels. "

"I see, now you can kill me"

And it came to pass, that the letter said so, with a niggardly grin.

Yuanta hasn't changed. Think more about your life than just whether you can kill your enemies... you're a rooted warrior.

Oh, yeah. I have to tell you that.

"Yeah, well, that's a different story. Yuanta, you will live in my mansion in Lake City for a while."

"Hmm? You would have had a mansion in Nassau too, wouldn't you?

I'm not going to be a wild copycat at your place for long. "

As it is, well, Iris, because I care because I have a loud voice then.

But there's also Changheng's love road... here, if you don't put up with it, you're not a man.

"No, that's it... Nassau's mansion could be a wilder imitation."

"What? That's, what did you say... no way!

"No way."

That's what I said. Near left, I said it with a face that said there was something.

"Chang Heng, did you do it?

"Oh. Say Alexia, she's my maid of honor.

I feel good, I'm Sakura's maid, so I can do anything at home... I'm just an exotic woman, so my identity is the only problem because I'm not a martial artist "

So when he said to the left and the near left, tell him to do something about it in the dark, he thought for a while.

"... In fact, Shinano's family died the other day of a single illness. Because he died young, there was no one to pick him up, and everyone in the clan was killed.

There, why don't you let Changheng in? I have a voice saying... good opportunity. Let Chang-heung marry the maid as the adopted daughter of the Maida family. "

"The boulder is a syllabus. Then Tojiro will be convinced too... and there is another one..."

Hard to say, I noticed that the syllabus that I saw the left-hand side I was talking about was instantly about my son, Yuanta.

"No way, you mean Yuantaro! I don't think so, but your daughter Pandora and Xu..."

So Yuanta said with all her might to the window frame that she had accidentally gripped.

"No, no. A friend of mine, Faye.

But I'm not a martial artist, so you can marry me as my adopted daughter. "

"Well, who's going to help you..."

And it came to pass, when he heard the crying of a child from the room, and Kikka came out.


Sahei, who said so and stuffed him by accident, said Kikka with a polypoly on his head.

"Earlier than planned, I was in a hurry, but both mother and child are safe. She's a healthy girl."

"Thank you, I'll sit down!

So Saheiji jumped into the room.

"I know how you feel, but are you that happy? Sir, I'll turn the bill over to the military later, okay?

"Oh, that's good."

"Well, stay put, stay in the hospital for a couple of days, and if things go well, you're discharged.

Yes, sir. Next time, you're going to give a briefing in Rugundy on new drugs and new treatments? I'm coming too. Let me use the gate. "

"Oh, I got it. Let's arrange it."

And it came to pass that Kikka left with a polypoly in her head, as she slept, and acquitted.

Born on this day, the children of Saheiji and Chris were named Flodia, who later inherited the name of Thunder Emperor from Amiria and became the thunderous emperor Flodia of the Knights Witches and his name.

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