Another Life

Alliance Negotiations

On June 3, A.D., until the battle with the angels, the next three days and the impending Saturday morning. The leftists had come to the Guild Hall in Port City, as usual, leaving pregnant Lana and Cecily behind.

The reason, of course, was to ask the Alliance to purchase the Demon Stone of the Port City Dungeon, and to get used to the battle a little bit and get used to it on the shoulder.

Early in the morning, inside the lively hall, near left, looking around, Iris spoke to me.

"What's going on?

"No, I don't think Lilith's here either.

He didn't even come to the coast last night, did he? Usually, you don't have to come to the coast, you're in the hall, and you're supposed to be looking for a party to enter the dungeon. "

Apparently, Iris thought the same thing, agreeing with the left-hand word.

"You really are, aren't you? Lily was definitely out at night.

But maybe, deep down in the dungeon, we could have gone on offense, and somebody could have caught a good guy and still be with us. "

"Ahhh, that's a possible story... especially the latter one, coming tighter"

"Right. I'm sure you are."

That's what Iris said, smiling.

"Right. Yes, today, because, hey, I'm at work and I need to talk to the guild leader. Chloe, come with me."

"Yes, sir."

"Until you come back, the others will ask you to do it. Hyogo, don't take too unscrupulous a request."

That said, the left-hand side was headed towards Chloe and the receptionist counter, after an arsenal that was about to argue with something left-hand side.

Surrounded by wooden boundaries, the left proximity toward the reception counter spoke to the receptionist woman, with chestnut hair, who would be one dwarf.

"I'm sorry, but I'd like to ask the Alliance for a job."

And it came to pass, when the left hand said so, that the girl, for a moment, made her face snap, and said,

"I'm sorry, the Adventurer Alliance refuses to work in assassination."

The girl, who said so, kept the centre of gravity of the chair she was sitting in, slightly behind her back.

This was clearly a matter of vigilance on the left and near sides.

In the unlikely event of an attack, by falling behind each chair, the attack is carried out in order to escape.

Attacks can't be slashed because there are counters and wooden frames, so they are limited to poking, falling, poking is easy, and there are frames, so you can't go inside.

Inside, it's been thought out. Well, Nassau, if you don't do this, you'll be robbed normally, so if you think about headquarters in Nassau, is that normal?

But why assassinate... Oh, well! This outfit?

"No, it's not an assassination. Actually, I'd like to ask the Adventurer Guild to do a demon stone mining request... it's also a big mouth."

And when he said so, he took his face and showed his face.

"... Excuse me, may I check your ID card?

For a while the girl thought, and said:

Fine, I'm here for the guild, but I'm still not a face pass.


That said, the left proximity was next to the counter, once placed on the checker, and then submitted to the girl.

As soon as she saw the ID card near the left, the girl wondered, checking inside, as if it were a comic book, she drew blood from her face and blued, and close to the left, she stood her index finger, and said, "Don't tell me."

When the girl snorted like a puppet, she said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, but I'd like to see the guild chief in charge here."

"Okay, wait a minute!

The girl, who said so, rushed out of the chair and went into the back room.

"Dear Hall, it's too much."

Yes, Chloe said in her ear, close to her left.

"Well, if you don't, you're gonna make a scene."

And she said, and laughed and waited, and behold, the girl came running, and smiling.

"This way, this way, please"

So the girl led me up the back stairs to the deepest room on the third floor.

And he knocked on the big door, and when the girl came in, he turned again a few seconds later, and opened the door wide so that it was easy for the left-handers to enter, and bowed his head.

"Go ahead."

Near left, prompted by the words, when he entered the room, it was qualitative inside, but it was impressive that there was a large world map on the wall, and an emerald green Lizardman, on a long table, who said whether he would be two and a half meters long in a room where colorful flowers were grown in a vase, stood in clothes for men.

De, you're big. The Lizardman of the Ruthai Empire is 170th and has a blackish color, and the Bashes, who thought it was big, are about 180 with a white color.

This guy is much bigger than that, and he's more of a dinosaur than a lizard.

And the great Lizardman came near, and knelt, and said unto him, Near and Left.

"Welcome to the Port City Adventurers Guild. I am the Adventurer Guild Leader here, my name is Roan.

And it is in Tatiana, the receptionist of our Adventurer's Guild, who guided your lord so far. Later, get to know each other. "

That, in the monster movie, he said to Roan, taking a look and a hood, even though the left and near were uncomfortable with the sight of him behaving gently, in what seemed to be a monster role, that would surely knock people off in fear.

"It's Sakura Kuen Daigata Kiyohiro. This is my secretary, Major Chloe Meisner."

And Roan, who stood up, said, urging the left men to sit in their chairs.

"You asked the Adventurer Alliance for a favor. First, have a seat.

Tatiana, give your lord and Major Meissner some grates of water. "

The left-hand men said brightly that when they sat as they were prompted, Roan would sit before them, and the grated water would be placed.

"Hey, from HQ, I thought something was up when a top secret order came to the members of Night Walker asking for a convenience... Hmm? What is it?

Roan said with a smile, close to the left, who looked at Roan as serious.

However, even if I said smile, as I said I would eat it now, it was a face that showed fangs, so I answered with a slight dongle in the left proximity.

"No, excuse me. I've never seen a Lizard Man this big because he only saw black or white."

"No, no, lord. That's more unusual.

Lizard men like me are common on the continent and about the same size as average. Well, in the east, not much. "

Oh, my God!

With that said, the scales are growing, but they don't seem as hard as the bashes.

"Was it?

Let's get down to business. I'm working on a new drug right now, and I really need the magic stone in this dungeon on that itinerary.

So I'd like to ask the Adventurer's Guild to do a demon stone mining for the dungeon here. "

And Roan, when he heard the word, looked upon the left hand, and said,

"Does your lord intend to make this Port City dungeon a mining site, like Nariya's dungeon, and crush it?

Roan's question was a natural one as the guild leader who would keep the Adventurer's Guild.

Badly put, the Adventurer Guild is a world of requests and how much money it makes. But the dungeon is a valuable resource, stable and income-generating.

With the income of the Adventurer Guild, the main ones are the escorts of merchants crossing the streets and the crusades of demons that have come out into the streets and people.

However, this is a job with a very low profit margin due to the cost of surveys, etc. for safety, but the dungeons are different.

Adventurers, basically, tend to go into dungeons and aim for a thousand bucks.

For this reason, more adventurers come to cities with dungeons than ordinary cities with nothing. Now Port City was also the northeastern part of the Union, the city where the most adventurers were coming together.

And to the dungeon, out of the Union and IDCU, some subsidies, and if you investigate, the information sells to adventurers, in a profitable job, if you say so, it was a mountain of treasure.

And because the dungeon made in the basement of Nariya Cathedral was a very rare demonic stone that interfered with the space transfer, the left-hand proximity advanced to Emperor Lannis the moment the Empire obtained the information to transition capital, and the received Lannis decided as an empire to mine for anti-space transfer, and as the military managed it, restrictions were made on the movement of the Adventurer Guild in the dungeon.

"That's not it, there isn't. That Nalya demon stone, by its very nature, had to be managed by the army.

For a coalition of brave men, a demonic stone that interferes with space transfer is deadly… this time, I want to coexist. "


Roan didn't understand what I was saying.

The brave man's biggest weapon can store anything without rotting, repair damaged areas, and some item boxes, but the best weapon is space transfer.

If there is no spatial transfer that can be used only for travel, for attacks and defenses, and is easy to apply, only within the Union, the gates will become unusable, the movement of dignitaries will be difficult, the national territory will be too large and it will take time to gather in the Council.

In that case, the Union's diplomacy would stall, it would not be able to make a quick decision, and communication with the country would become a correspondent or a messenger glass or an early horse, which would result in an exceptionally low level of confidentiality and transmission time.

But that's the same thing with the Demon Stone in Port City. From Roan's point of view, I didn't know what the left-hand side meant by coexistence.

From his perspective, the demonic stones of the Port City dungeons here are also dangerous enough.

The demonic stones of the dungeons here, by their very nature, have properties that render them incapable of using skills and magic. Just having this, I was wondering if it was not a problem that magic and skills could not be used in war.

But from the near-left head, anything that says magic or skill, other than spatial transfer, is excluded from the beginning as much as possible.

Sometimes they said that they came from modern times, basically, they were aiming for an army that anyone could use and fight enough without having to rely on skills or magic. To this end, artillery, etc. are being developed in the left vicinity.

"Yes, coexistence. I want to coexist with the Adventurer Alliance without blocking the dungeon."

And he said, Near left, but Roan went forth, and said unto him, Near left.

"My lord, I don't have much trouble getting both of us knocked out. The Devil's Stone in the Dungeon here is far more dangerous than the Devil's Stone in the Dungeon in Nariya.

Whatever, Nariya's magic stone is just a space transfer, but this one, not once, is magic and skills in general. That's all I know. "

And he said unto Roan's answer, Rubbing his jaw near his left hand.

"Sure, but... I don't really want to tighten things up. You know what that means, right?

Near left is dark, now I leave it to the guild, but if there is anything else going on, I say put it under Valkyrie's control.

You mean you got a chance.

And Roan, thinking so, bowed his head, and said,

"Okay. Let this request be the exclusive of your lord. I'd like to speak to your lord, Mr. Tsushima, who will rule here, if I may?

Well, if you don't, you won't be able to work with the left horsehead.

"Okay, I'll write you a letter later. Chloe, I need you to talk to the left horsehead."

Chloe nodded when Left Near said so, and Roan bowed his head and said.

"Thank you. So, what's the unit price?

Unit price. Less at first.

"Three centimeters square, how about five shillings?

"... twelve shillings"

"Exactly, that's it, I can't get it out. How about six shillings?

"At the time of mining, it's highly dangerous, so in ten shillings?

And he said unto the word, Left and Near, thinking for a while.

"With eight shillings, let's also give it tax exemption. How about this?

"Then we'll figure it out. Okay, let's make it three centimeters square, eight shillings."

All right, two shillings cheaper than planned.

"Thank you. And I'd like to buy and sell demon stones in the future through the Rocktree Chamber of Commerce, okay?

Near left, the Port City Demon Stone was intended for exclusive sale by the Rocktree Chamber of Commerce.

Roan either understood it or accepted it for a while.

"Yes, I did. Since you can write a letter to Master Tsushima now?

"Oh. Do you have a pen or pen or paper?

"Let's get it ready. Tatiana."

Roan, who said so, sounded his fingers cool with his pussy, and Tatiana took the paper and pen from the back and placed it in front of him near left.

On the left hand side, when inked on the feather pen, the letter said that in future, the Rocktree Chamber of Commerce and Adventurer's Guild would handle the Demon Stone in Port City and that any other demon stone spill would be strictly prohibited in the letter, and that they would meet with Roan, Adventurer's Guild Director, to make it as convenient as possible for Adventurer's Guild.

"Now, good and good"

So, when he had filled in his own flower deposit at the end, Chloe peered in and said, wondering.

"My lord. Now, every time I write, your signature is unique, isn't it?

... Really, now is the time.

"This is a sign of the Ruthai Empire when it comes to flower deposits.

Roan, is this good? Written in Ruthai, he said that future trading of demonic stones would be left to the Adventurer Guild and the Rocktree Chamber of Commerce, otherwise controlled. And I wrote to the Adventurers Guild to make it convenient. "

"For your convenience... thank you."

So Roan prayed to the left.

"I mean good. With that said, is that the map of the world hanging on the wall there?

"Yes, sir."

"Hey, let me take a look"

That said, the left-hand side saw a large map of the world.

The world map painted on a large piece of paper depicts the country name, mountains, etc., and there was a demonic painting at the sea.

And with a relatively new line, it was also written the position of Valchia.

I see, is this the way this world is... Oh, there was the Luthai Empire. I don't know, I can't... But this means there's also Okinawa and Hokkaido.

But the Fresian kingdom that Elena was talking about is a little bit like a small African continent, southeast of the Almgard continent, connected to the continent on thin land.

Now that the deal with the Gard Devil Nation is going through the southernmost (tentative) edge of the continent of Africa here, wouldn't it be good if we went through a big canal on thin land with this continent?

For example... yes, make it feel like the Suez Canal.

But this continent of Africa (tentatively) has only three countries...

That's what Roan talked about, near the left.

"Your lord, he is a Luthai, so the world map will be rare. The princess of Tsushima, who came here before, also looked at the map."

"Cranes, too. Look, Roan, what's this meteorite falling, everywhere, like a hole in the coastline?

So said Roan, tilting his neck, wondering.

"I don't know what a meteorite is. This hole is the nail mark of a demon that used to be called a catastrophe when he killed the creatures of this world and drove them to extinction.

It's on the eastern side of the Dwarbuff kingdom here, and there's a big lake in the Wolco kingdom, and to the southeast, to the sea in a straight line, the canal is diagonal, right?

... Excuse me. That's what I did. It's our daughter.

"It's true... no way, this too?

Near left, when he said so, Roan nodded and said:

"Yes, that catastrophe used magic, that's a nail mark. Hey, that's really scary."

... many times, I'm so sorry. That's what I did, my daughter...... no, let's change the subject.

"Hey, is a nation on a connected continent, a human nation, sorry to say to you about this continent?

"No, all three are not human states.

To this south lies the kingdom of Fresia, the kingdom of the elves.

And it is the Kingdom of Emburg, the kingdom of the Beasts, which has land routes connected to the continent of the northeast.

Finally, the smallest country in the northwest is the Duchy of Antonym, a country dominated by the Great Ghost (Auga).

Except for the Kingdom of Emburg, which is a country with a persistence of purism, the three countries are not close enough. "

I see. So if we were to assassinate Elena because the land is blocked, would the possibility be an intrusion from the sea?

Across the ocean, the Seventh Confederation to the west, so all you can think about is a detour on the eastern sea route, an intrusion from the Kingdom of Salz.

"Hey Roan. What is this long mountain range that runs from the northern edge of the continent of Pespard to the middle of the kingdom of Tresso?

"It's the famous Fenrill Mountains. Fenrir, the dwelling of a big wolf demon, if you go into the mountains outside the north streets of this pesperd, you will be eaten to death... I don't know why."

Like an old contract or something?

Well, this would be easier and better, because you just need to focus on guarding the streets and the seaways.

That's what Chloe's ears have been pounding near the left that she thinks.

"My lord, it's time to go... because I'm worried about everything"

Well, I do feel like I can tell. The Hyogo said he wanted to fight Ento again.

"Okay. Okay, Roan, it's time to go. I'll send someone from the Rocktree Chamber of Commerce again."

"Got it. Tatiana, drop me off."

"Oh, okay. If they do that, they'll stand out.

This time, I'm sorry for your patience. "

And when he said so, the left hand side followed the room, and went toward Iris and the others.

"Chloe, tell Robin later, from the Adventurer's Guild here, to buy for three centimetres square, eight shillings, and sell for three inches square, ten shillings to the Askley Chamber of Commerce, in the forest of Luogne.

Well for a while, tell him to ask for it too... what's up, Chloe?

So Chloe walking next door had a face that seemed to spit out his stomach.

"No, Robin's got his hands full these days, so he's going to come to me too..."

That fucking gacair.

"... Chloe, if you're going to get your hands on me, you can kill me. Everyone would agree."

"Right. The next time you get sexually harassed, I'll punch a bow and arrow in your forehead."

As they went down to the ground floor, having a conversation that sounded very much like a joke, they heard a noisy voice.

Oh, what, a fight?

So he heard the voice that he had always heard in his near left ear.

"Hey Hyogo, let go! Good, let him hit you!

"Mother-in-law, the boulder says it's a mess!

"Sister, it's a saying. I really, really picked it up!

... headache. It's totally Iris.

That is what Chloe has said, near the left.

"My lord, that..."

"Don't even say it to everyone. I can totally imagine Iris blurring and the Hyogo taking Iris."

"Is it ever just Master Iris?

In the words of Chloe, who said so, the left and near drew blood at once.

Shit. There was Cecil the nuclear warhead.

If Cecil's magic is unleashed in a place like this, we'll all be burned.

The left-hand side who thought so was scratching the gathering wild horse person and when he managed to get out of the visible position, in front of the reception counter of the Adventurer's Guild, as if to a child, Iris, lifted from behind by the Hyogo, shouting in tears at a man with only his face with a jitter and a plate mail in front of him and equipped with a large tower shield on his back.

Cecil, with her hands on her waist sword, is staring at another figure, and Orchid and Viola stand on both sides of Cecil, a formation that prevents Cecil's magic at any time.

And Claire is horny behind it. It was a completely one-touch atmosphere.

Near left, looking ahead of Cecil's gaze, a young swordsman in used armor, like a warrior, and a woman with red hair, in a light leather armor of an archer with a bow and arrow.

And there was a bandit-style chestnut-haired man with his hands on a hip-knife.

Isn't that totally another adventurer's party? Don't make any more trouble.

The left-hand proximity of that thought was that gaze went to a swing of rapier, placed on the counter behind the tower shield man.

Well, it's like I saw it somewhere.

That's what I thought. The left-hand vision caught the eye of a large red ruby on the Rapier pattern.

Lilith's Rapier!

At that moment, when the blood vessels near the left boiled hot, and there was a crisp sound in his head, Chloe immediately grabbed the shoulder near the left and said:

"Dear Hall, I will not stop you. But at least put on your face and hide your face. And please be as calm as you can."


That said, the left proximity, when he put on his face, the left proximity took a deep breath, chilled his head, and, as it were, stepped out in front of the tower shield man.



"... chip, in a good place"

... Last, Cecil's words get hooked. But I hear orchids and violas relieved.

Well, in terms of danger, this Cecil (arsonist) sucks the most.

Near the left that thought, the tower shield man said, fed up.

"What the hell, you. Are you with that sister? Then stop it."

"Before you do, let me hear it. What happened to that Rapier?

To the nearest left, the man said, "Not again."

"Hey, we're talking about that again. Look, I picked up that rapier in the dungeon.

So, when I came out and tried to sell this Rapier to my guild, that sister, she came to me with a story.

Do something about it. "

"It's a lie! You took it from Lily or you must have stolen it!

Behind his back, Iris said to the man, left-hand, feeling signs of jitteriness.

"Its Rapier. It's our Rapier I know... you know how it feels, right?

And the man that heard the word, he noticed it thinly, and said it a little evil.

"Well, I know how you feel.

But this is what I picked up. I haven't done any bandit work until now, so you can check my profession.

I would never have killed him and taken him!

"I know that. What I want to hear is where you picked it up. Where'd you pick it up in the dungeon?

It's the safety room on the fourth floor.

"Okay, you bothered me. Come on, there's no more fights we all expect! Holla, disband!

So when the left hand slapped, Iris and Cecil looked at the left hand with resentment.

"Chop, why are you making up your mind? They definitely did something to Lily!

In the words of Iris, the Tower Shield man was being molested by other party members.

He gave a signal and said to Iris, "I'm sorry."

"You, remember the first time I saw Lilith. To the men there, the losers? I'm buying Lilith's arm high."

And Iris and Cecil bowed down a little.

Well, have you settled down a bit?

"Chloe, on the fourth floor of the dungeon, when you realize you dropped your weapon, how would you act?

"Well, go back to the safety room...... no way!

And whosoever was on the spot, in that word, realized something.

Everyone, apparently, noticed.

"Oh, Lilith is absolutely alive. Um, a woman who knows all about the dungeons here, she's gonna die easily.

He's still in the dungeon, alive. "

And the flames of hope were rising in the eyes of the near left, saying so.


In the eyes of Iris, who said so unexpectedly, there is a light of hope.

But near the left, there was no certainty that Lilith was alive.

When I brought the Demon Stone to San Lucia, it would be out, so it would be nearly a week at most...... quite unlikely to be alive, but he would be fine.

"We're going now. Chloe, get me a map."

"Yes, from now on? Wouldn't it be better to bring armor?

"It's a waste of time. At least for nearly a week, they should be in there... we need to go help them soon"

Copy that, sir.

Chloe, who said so, went to the reception counter.

"What about Viola, the health pills, the poisonous pills stock?

"Twenty on each side, you can go"

"Okay. Claire, what about the food?

"I only have a day."

Just one day or... if you can't, do you want to make a quick retreat and go in again soon?

"Enough. So let's go."

With that said, Cecil said with a complicated face.

"... me and the orchid, what do we do?

Well, even if you can't get in the dungeon, there's something you need to do.

"Perhaps even rescuing Lilith is pretty debilitating, and maybe she's seriously injured.

So I want the two of you to prepare for acceptance in Lugonne and tell the Elena meeting of the Askley Chamber of Commerce to prepare for penicillin and morphine.

And Cecil's waiting for you out of the dungeon. Maybe I'll go somewhere else. "

"... Elena, where are you?

"Busty knows"

"... ok"

When Cecil said so, Chloe bought the map and came back.

"Well, shall we go rescue Lilith"

The left-hand men who said so headed straight for the Port City dungeon.

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