Another Life

Rescue team

Port City, ex-North Church Cathedral.

This was a building in a small high hill, somewhere reminiscent of a modern Christian church, and in the higher hills nearby, the father of a crane and ruling this port city, the commander-in-chief of the Allied naval forces, Colonel Tsushima Left Horsehead Changbai lived in, a building like a noble mansion.

The leftists usually looked at the mansion and talked about what the view was like from elsewhere, but only this time it was different.

Help Lilith. The Left Kings, who were only focused on the matter, left Cecil and the orchid open the door of the great church.

Inside, if it were, it felt like countless benches lined up and from a height, the priest was talking to the faithful, but all the church people had already been evicted, and because the building was under the jurisdiction of the Adventurers Guild, all the benches, etc. had been demolished, and few people were inside, and the man at the reception counter and the Muslim old man, who would be the owner of a small tool shop aimed at the adventurers, were asleep.

And on the front, there was a stained glass depicting Purvel, the door beneath which would have recently been put on, which had become a beautiful iron door.

Is that the entrance to the dungeon? But no other adventurers have come?

So the left hand side was a little annoyed by the stained glass as if they were inviting themselves, but when the left side passed in front of the reception counter, the man at the reception counter rushed to stop them.

"Chop, chop, brother! Certificate of Request and ID Card!

Near left, through the Adventurer Alliance, I had never been in a dungeon before, so I didn't know the system, but instead of trying to get anyone into the dungeon, the Adventurer Alliance managed it and only the person who received the request could get into the dungeon.

For this reason, the person requested in the Guild Hall received a certificate and presented the ID card and certificate here to go inside.

Near left, a man said when he stopped, wanting to hurry.

"Brother. It's a good idea, but show me your certificate and ID card."

Now, it's a waste of time.

With that in mind, the left-hand side said while presenting his ID card to the man.

"I don't have a certificate. Is this okay?

"Brother, if we don't have a certificate, we won't even talk about it. Damn, it's not just an ID card... is it? Different colors."

At the next moment the man said, bowing his head, when he made his mouth pound like a frog.

"This, my lord! In places like this, this, this, this, why!

So he said unto the man that was slightly panicking, and the left and the near said in a quiet voice.

"I came to the dungeon here looking for someone I know who might have been shipwrecked. Of course I've heard about the properties of the dungeons here, so I've got the best people in the military for the versus the dungeons. Can I come in?

"No, but... Your Lordship, you don't have to come yourself... this dungeon is dangerous."

"I, too, specialize in skill and magic free combat, and I brought one Raven. Chloe."

When the left-hand side said so, Chloe understood the left-hand side intent, and when she removed the hood coat, there was Chloe in a black winged cape inside.

And when the man rang his throat, he said as if he had given up.

"Ok...... take care, please go. And this dungeon doesn't seem to be completely unskilled, but weapons skills and magic backs can be used."

Can you use your weapon and Magic Buck skills? Well, if we get into Magic Buck for transporting demon stones here, we'll be able to transport them in bulk.

"Okay, thank you"

So the left-hand man who tried to go stopped as if he remembered Pittari and something, and threw a question at the man.

"Ask two questions. First of all, are there other adventurers in the dungeon?

The man hastily checked the books and said,

"Right now, you have two sets of parties in there. There are five of them both."

"See you at the end. Was there a blonde, red-eyed woman among those adventurers in there?

The man said the words as if he had noticed something.

"Oh, you're Mr. Free Lilith. Speaking of which, you came in four days ago, you were in the party.

Sure... there it is, here it is. You're in there, taking a fourth floor mapping and a demon crusade request. That? But something's wrong. "

"What's weird?

"No, hey... Mr. Lilith is usually only in the dungeon for, like, two days.

He said, "I need to take a light of the moon, I'm going to freak out," so I don't really want to go into the dungeon for long. That's not back yet...... this is no way "

That's definite. But even if it's two days long, you'll have a couple of days of food.

That's why we're going.

And when he said so, he went ahead, and opened the door under the stained glass.

At the end of the door, the stairs were opening their mouths, and from behind them, there was the smell of death, the atmosphere that dragged the left-hand men into the world of death.

"Okay, let's go. The lead is Hyogo. Me behind it. And Chloe, Claire and Viola. Iris asks for rear alert.

Claire, navigate on the map... I need guidance. "

And when the left-hand man said so, he quickly formed himself, and went in.

When he sounded the guillotine, and went down the stairs, the smell of mold wrapped his left proximity, and when he looked at the wall, he did not understand the left proximity, but it was written with arrows and Kiribati.

As always, that's a letter like a mite crawled.

Proceeding cautiously with that in mind, he went out into the aisle, parted into several rooms, and the arrows were guiding him to the deepest room.

The left-hand ones, when guided into the deepest room by the arrow, were waiting for the left-hand ones with their mouths open again in a moldy room with nothing.

However, what made the atmosphere different from the other stairs was that the stairs and walls were translucent, like crystals, yet emitting light.

It's the entrance to the dungeon.

Everyone thought so, and the left-hand side said again, as if to confirm the operation.

"The hood, you can take it off. Then again, confirm the operation.

The formations remain as they are, checking the safety rooms on each level, up to the target fourth floor safety room.

The demons that come out are skeleton on the 1st and 2nd floors, vampire on the 3rd and 4th floors, and Minotaur on the 5th floor, but we're going up to the 4th floor.

The map only says up to the third floor, so the fourth floor, if you think you'll confirm it all "

With that said, everyone took the hood, and Chloe weaved the cloak of Raven, and Viola came, with her hands up.

"May I?

"What's up?

"It's a vampire, but if it bites, unless it sucks all the blood, it could go back to normal.

However, for three days, I said I would not drink anyone's blood, inject holy water into my body, on condition that someone, in case they bit me, could take first aid measures, but I would advise you to withdraw immediately for full treatment. "

Viola is right. If someone is sacrificed, it doesn't make sense.

"Okay. Viola's right, if anyone gets bitten, let's retreat.

What if... If Lilith had been bitten, I would try to catch her alive and decide what to do at Viola's discretion "

In the words, Iris snorted, biting his lips tight.

I don't know what else to do, but it's hard.

Though he thought so, he said the spear with one hand.

"So shall we go? Skills and magic are strictly forbidden from here on out."

In those words, the left-hand men went down the stairs ahead of the Hyogo.

Going down the stairs, he went out into a large room surrounded by translucent crystals.

And there's one staircase behind you. There was an entrance and exit, one on the front and one on the left and one on the right, so that space could pass through it again.

"This is a little different than I thought."

Unexpectedly, when the Hyogo said so, Claire said as she looked at the map.

"Unlike the previous dungeon, this dungeon doesn't have a aisle and it feels like the room is connected.

In the meantime, the safety room on the ground floor, I guess to the right first. "

At a time like this, it would help if Lana were here. I didn't know you were so anxious to have no scouts.

With that in mind, the left-hand men went first in Claire's navigation towards the safety room on the ground floor.

Is this dungeon, your weapon skills, really okay?

With that in mind, he heard the sound of metal and metal bumping into each other, and the anger, as he proceeded.

Someone's fighting nearby.

With that in mind, when the left hand side looked at Claire, Claire said as she looked at the map.

"The safety room, going left, going right, going three rooms, seems to be the same direction as the sound"

"Then we'll have to go"

Having said that, the left-handed men, while vigilant, proceeded to the left room, and looked at the right room, two men with arrows stabbed in their shoulders had already fallen, and, as they defended it, three men with large shields were fighting against five skeletons with shields and one-handed swords.

And the left-handed men entered the blind spot immediately, and the left-handed men whispered unto the Hyogo.

"There were five shields and a one-handed sword skeleton, right?

"I was able to confirm something. But to say that an arrow was stabbed in the shoulder is to say that there is an archer in the blind spot from us... and that he just hit a bow and arrow on the shoulder and couldn't move like that..."

"You have poison on your arrows. All right, Hyogo and I, we fight the shield skeletons, we draw attention.

Chloe, ask for an archer. Iris is on rear alert with Claire. Viola, ask for the treatment of those who are falling "

And when the left-hand man said so, the hypocrites nodded and understood.

Okay, let's go.

With that word the Hyogo jumped into the adjacent room, and the left and near followed it.

Once inside, there were six more skeletons, and at the blind spot there were three archers skeletons.

But the proximity left and the arsenal believed Chloe, and pierced the black nucleus at the heart from behind the skeleton of the shield.

The skeletons suddenly appeared, close to the left and in the arsenal, and when they stood in the direction of the two, the adventurers, who had been oppressed until now, breathed back and went on offense.

When Skeleton, the archer, points the bow and arrow at the two people who have suddenly broken in, he is then nuked by Chloe, who quietly came in, and disappears.

And it was the moment the spear near left hit Skeleton's shield.

And the tip of the spear pierced the shield, and pierced it into the nucleus. This was evidence that the weapon's skills were not absorbed by the Demon Stone.

Near left, he shouted at the Hyogo.

"Hyogo. As information suggests, you can use your weapon skills!

"I understand! Then!

And it came to pass, when the armory had plucked the sheath of the Spirit Sword, that every shield of the skeleton had slashed its nucleus.

The skeletons, caught between the left and the adventurer, were merely hunted when this happened.

And when they had reduced one, and the number thereof, and defeated the last one, the adventurers rushed to the fallen men, not thanking their companions for how worried they were.

"Phil! Ricardo!

"I already know you're worried, so back off!

So a leader spoke to Viola, who had come forward.

"Sister, maybe you're a doctor? But there's no healing magic here."

There's no need for magic.

And when Viola gauged the pulse of the two adventurers, she took the powder and the poison pill out of her magic bag, and said unto the man,

"Take this powder with this poisonous pill because it is a medicine that lowers your blood pressure. Yes, a water bottle… if you drink it, take this."

And it came to pass that when Viola drugged him, and made him swallow the stick of the tree, he drugged him, as did the other.

Then, when he measured his pulse and confirmed that his blood pressure had dropped, Viola told the man to hold the bow and arrow that had been stabbed.

"Well, from now on, you'll pull out the arrow with three."

So the moment the man nodded, and Viola said nothing, and pulled through the arrow that was stabbing him, the return of the arrow was pulled out with the flesh, and the man chewed the tree that was tearing up, and cried out voiceless.

And even Viola said as she wounded the alcohol, blocking the wound with a tourniquet and wrapping the bandage handily.

"The arrow seemed to have reached the bone, so please ask the doctor to watch it as soon as you get out of the dungeon"

"Oh, okay."

"So you're this guy next. Then..."

The moment he said so, Viola suddenly pulled out her bow and arrow. Viola was handily bandaged, ignoring a man screaming without a voice.

... I just don't want to be a mess with Viola.

That's what the leader of the adventurer said.

"Oh, thank God. I'm the leader of this party, Tick.

Sort of. Is that sister a doctor? I've never seen an adventurer a doctor before. "

"I'm near the left of Night Walker. I'm not exactly a doctor... we're actually soldiers, this guy's a health guard"

So Chick said, surprised.

"Seriously. Recently rumored Night Walker was a military gathering... no way, that Elf's sister's cloak..."

"Oh, it's real. It's a real raven."

"That means..."

So the tick that said, seemed to notice the identity of the near left, and the near left glanced at the tick, and said:

"Near left. No more prying."

"Oh, I see."

So Chick said, hastily blocking his mouth, and Chloe came from behind his left hand, whispering.

"My lord, what will you do? Do you want to keep sending them to the ground? Or do you want to go first?

What do you think? The members of this wind barrier, with their heavily armed shields, the three shields, stopped the enemy attack, and the two falling archers attacked from the rear, with bows and arrows, seems to be a pattern.

Well, the fact that the Skeletons attacked two of the attackers is proof of control, is that hard?... It's quicker to ask the person.

"Hey Chick. We're looking for the fourth floor, but are you guys all right?

"It's okay. Even if it looks like this, it was originally done by the three of us.

That's right, when I went to the fourth floor earlier, you said, right? From the third floor, vampires come out, so be careful. If they don't behead, they'll recover. "

Hmm? I can't do it with crosses, holy water, or garlic.

"Got it. Yeah, did you see that red-eyed blonde in the dungeon?

"Oh, you mean Mr. Lilith. We were upstairs until yesterday, but you didn't see it."

So, you don't seem to be upstairs. Do you suddenly go for the third floor?

"Thanks for the useful information. Well, shall we all go?"

So the left-hand men, at once, went for the third floor.


"Oops, I wonder where I dropped it"

Lilith, who said so, walked normally on the fourth floor of the dungeon by herself, in leather armor and without weapons.

She noticed as she fell asleep and walked inside the dungeon after getting some sleep in the dungeon, even though she didn't have her own rapier on her hips, and hurried back to the safety room where she was sleeping, the rapier had disappeared.

That one, that guy gave it to me, even though it's my favorite... what shall I do?

But the fact that we don't even have to look for this means we don't have it on the fourth floor anymore. Why don't we go to the third floor?

So Lilith walked up the stairs, and the two adventurers walked in Lilith's direction.

One had bandit-style chestnut hair, wrapped around a bandana, a tagger knife, and the other was a small shield and a blonde man with a one-handed sword, but all we could say in common was that his skin was blue and white as if he were a dead man, and his eyes were red as if the heart that hated the living had appeared in the colour of his eyes as it were.

"Also a slave vampire...... no, sacrifice...... ha, it's annoying"

Lilith, who said so, turned her neck, clanging her fingers like a prep movement.

Vampires in this world, too, are separated in ranks, culminating in just one true ancestor, five pure species, and even ordinary vampires, born some generations ago between nobles and humans with human blood, are born innate vampires.

And slaves, many of whom are acquired and serve congenital vampires who have been sucked by vampires to become vampires.

And those who are called sacrifices are the ones who feed the vampires, and their intelligence is gone, and many are insane.

And what appeared before Lilith were those called sacrifices, only to possess the weapon, and the intelligence that could be used was not at the earliest.

"Ah, it's so annoying, already"

It was the moment I said so. The two sacrificial mouths opened as if they were rabid dogs, stripped out their fangs like beasts, abandoned the weapons in their hands, and attacked Lilith.

Lilith threw the stretched nails of a bandit who was attacking herself with a single piece of paper, while releasing a palm-bottom blow to the bandit's jaw at the counter, Pern! Along with the sound I said, the bandit's face blew away and his body crashed into the ground one spin.

Normally, those who saw the sight would stop the attack, flee, etc., but in the head of the man of the sacrificed one-handed sword no longer had but an appetite, the body of a blown bandit, and the moment Lilith's figure disappeared from sight for a moment, Lilith's figure had already disappeared, and she, turning behind the man of the one-handed sword and grabbing his head, slapped him straight to the ground.

There was a tremendous amount of blood on the ground, and because he was not a demon born in a dungeon, as usual, a body without a head remained.

"Hmm, Sacrifice tainted my favorite dungeon...... ahhh! I'm hungry!

That being said, Lilith, who was looking down at the two bodies, crouched and shouted as she was.

You're hungry because you exercised extra... let's go outside.

No, but I don't. That rapier, I don't like it...... okay, let's just go upstairs and think about it there.

Yeah, I'm positive...... close left, it looked delicious. Cecil felt good inside too...... the left proximity is the main dessert, I guess Iri, Lana and Cecil feel like dessert.

Hyogo feels like suji meat, and Chloe is going to eat it. Oh, but that wanker, what did he say?

Yes, it's Claire. She needs a little more maturation, but she's looking forward to the future.

Lilith, thinking so, walked out toward the third floor, singing her nose, whether she was feeling better or not.


The left-hand men were on their way down to the third floor to the safety room. So far, the demons barely came out, and the line was wrapped in a sense of clapping.

That too should be true, this dungeon is relatively well populated by adventurers, which are normal, but the demons inside were considerably less crusaded in order to gather information well and challenge the dungeon in a complete system.

Besides, the few adventurers in the dungeon today were saying that there were many adventurers on holiday because of the calendar enacted by the left-hand side.

And during that adventurer's holiday, the number of demons was back again, and once again the adventurer said crusade to make money, a weird cycle could be made.

"But it's kind of a clap, you sit down."

"Right. Neither did I. I didn't think there'd be any demons.

Last time, I felt more like I was being hunted down. "

"That's because you activated the trap as soon as you allotted it."

And it came to pass, and Claire stopped.

"I don't know, I can hear myself"

"What! Where are you from? What are you talking about?

And when Claire was heard near the left, she said, concentrating on her ear.

"Mm-hmm... I don't want to eat Hyogo with suji meat, Chloe is a virgin and deluded, but I think I'll eat it around. Viola can't have spices working too well.

After all, the main dish is close to the left, and the appetizer is Lana. Aili is a dessert, and the crocodile needs to age for the next ten years... who's the crocodile!

"Who says spices are too effective!

"My lord, if it's just one shot, you'll be forgiven for misfiring, right?

"A... suji meat..."

... Yeah, it's totally Lilith. Even at a time like this, I can't tell you that I know somehow, even if my mouth is torn.

"As it is, well... let's just go. Claire, I need your help."

Claire looked blatantly disgusted when she said so.

And when the left-hand men went forward vigilantly, there was Lilith sitting gracefully on the demon stone in the corner of the room, asleep.


Iris, who said so unexpectedly, was so worried that when he ran over to Lilith, Lilith rubbed Iris' cheek and said, half asleep.

"Is that it? This is where my sweets...... is that, real?

"Yes, it's real! I'm glad you're feeling better."

So Iris came to the scene, but the person at the time did not yet seem to understand, and he said to the left.

"What are you guys doing here?

"Of course, to punch a bow and arrow in your forehead.

"No, Chloe. Let's not do that. Of course, I'm here to help you."

Lilith laughed afterwards as Kyoton, when the left hand said so.

"Ahahahaha! I thought you were stupid, near left, but I never thought you were stupid so far."

Hey, you won't have to laugh that far.

Lilith wiped her tears when she thought so.

"But I don't hate this kind of idiot. You will be promoted from Main Desh to my servant."

Hey, is that what you call a promotion?

But I'm glad you look good.

"This, my lady. Please tell me what this servant is."

And Lilith also said unto the queen, Behold, Lilith knelt gracefully unto her subordinate on the evil side of Lilith.

"Um, the concubine wants a meal. Give it to me quickly."

"Ma'am, I'm sitting on a full course of dried meat and water today."

That said, the left hand side offered dried meat and water bottles as if they were to be offered to a real queen.

"Uhm, don't suffer... how long will you let them do it! It's kind of embarrassing."

Lilith, who said so, took the dried meat and the water bottle, and ate it in shame.

Well, there doesn't seem to be any trauma, and the doctor I had prepared, I guess it's done for nothing.

But what happened to the other adventurers?

Lilith questioned the left-hand side and decided to look.

"Hey Lilith. I went in with you, what happened to the other adventurers?

"Ah, that's right. You're weak, so when I advised you not to go below the second floor, you'd be annoyed. Come on, it's unlikely you've sacrificed vampires on the fourth floor."


"If you say so, you're a vampire livestock. A vampire bites you and leaves little thought behind, it's just a moving feed.

Well, vampires do animal husbandry. "

It's kind of hard to imagine. Well, that livestock is human, so it's disgusting.

So Lilith said with her cheeks, dried meat in her mouth.

How did you know I was in the dungeon?

"I don't know... the guy who picked up your rapier was coming to sell to the guild and was about to quarrel with Iris..."

"Hey, we're not fighting! I was just complaining!

And Iris, who said so, said with his face red.

"Yes...... thank you Iri. You're so cute."

Iris, who was so told, was lit up with his face increasingly red.

Oh, what's this development? That's going to be interesting. But I can't stay here much longer...... time to go.

"Lilith, are you all right?

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm not worried about my servants."

... servant, is it confirmed?

Though he thought so, he pulled out the knife on his hips and gave it to Lilith.

"I'll lend you this. I'm a spear man."

Lilith pulled out her knife and looked at the blade and said,

"That's a good knife inside. And he's using it all the time."

"... give it back"

"I know, I know."

And Lilith, when he had delivered the sword into his sheath, he was put on his staff, and stood up, and said,

"Well, do you want to go to the ground"

Thus the left-hand men moved toward the earth.


The left-hand men were cautiously proceeding toward the stairs going upstairs.

Of course, in the meantime, everyone hasn't silently failed to be on perimeter alert. Lilith shrugs as if she was impressed.

"Really, you guys are adventurers' mirrors. Normally, it's rare to have such a vigilant party."

We went easier last time, didn't we? Again, in the circumstances I said this, Lana's presence is huge.

Between having an excellent scourge and not being there, the movement changes. In this situation, the sudden flow of lass bosses from Death Room, like the last one, I'd like to beg your pardon.

But next time we go into the dungeon, let's suit Lana's convenience. Exactly every time. Now, not mentally good.

With that in mind, the Hyogo looked at the next room, raised his hand softly, and the left proximates stopped moving perfectly.

And while he was vigilant, the left-handed men came to the Hyogo and whispered:

"What's up?

In the words Hyogo said, with a serious expression, asking for the next room.

"Someone will come. That's more than one too...... but I can't grasp the signs clearly. Probably a demon."

Demons are vampires...

"Claire, is there a route we can bypass?

"Over there, I guess."

So when Claire pointed her finger, the left proximity gave Chloe an eye signal. That's Chloe, who immediately checked the next room by herself, stopped perfectly and shook her head towards the left proximity.

Can't we do this one either... Are we surrounded?

Looking in the direction of Iris with that in mind, Iris just says no, either, shaking his head near left and sending out a signal.

Surrounded by three sides, with no way behind them… completely trapped?

That's what I thought. The near-left decision was quick.

"Okay, we'll intercept here. Back the wall, me in the front, Hyogo on the left, Iris on the right. Chloe shoots backup. Viola asks for Claire."

"What do I do?

Bad, even if they get in, it's hard to get in touch with them. But I can only believe Lilith's arm, which has always been free and in the dungeon.

"Lilith asks me to play. But don't ever push it."

"Roger that... but I'm hungry..."

"Later, I'll make you eat... here we come"

In the sight of those near left who said so, the skin was blue and white like the dead, and three female vampires came, but there was no substitute for a normal human except for the color of the red eyes, like the skin was blue and the color of the eyes was Lilith.

Besides, everyone doesn't have a weapon. No, as far as vampires are concerned, is it unnatural to have them in this case?

However, the strength of the weapon, though not supposed to be present, had been conveyed to the left proximity.

Then, as if there was a commander somewhere, we narrow the jitters and their siege nets. This was a sign that the vampire in front of him was intelligent.

Shit, this is a pain in the ass.

The moment Near Left thought so, it was when the vampire in front of Iris tried to fly to Iris, the moment Chloe's attention moved to Iris, a strong shock ran from behind Near Left, and when he looked at his belly, the blade of the sword was out of his belly.

Why, a knife?

The moment I thought so, I heard a slight "I'll have it" in my ear, and the pain ran on my neck muscle, and I felt something pierced.

Near left, I tried to pull the cause apart, but I couldn't help it and my arm wouldn't go up. At the next moment, the blonde hair entered the near-left vision.

Oh, no way... is that Lilith?

And it was in the consciousness that the left-hand proximity faded, that he heard Chloe's angry voice.

"Lilith! What are you doing!

The moment he said that and set his bow on Lilith, Lilith shielded the left proximity by changing direction, without taking her mouth away from the left proximal neck muscle.

In those words, the moment Hyogo and Iris turned their attention in the near-left direction, the vampires who were in front of Hyogo and Iris attacked them.

As the battle is starting around, Chloe keeps her bow up and keeps an eye on Lilith.

And Chloe asked Lilith.

"Lilith, why the hell!?"

So Lilith's mouth finally moved away from the left proximity, and the red blood of the left proximity was put on his mouth, and Lilith said that it was a perfect fit.

"'Cause I was hungry, and you said you'd be my servant near left..."

As he said and spoke, between Lilith's eyebrows, Chloe's bow and arrow pierced him precisely.

Between the eyebrows, Lilith, who received Chloe's bow and arrow, fell slowly behind her, but one hand did not leave the knife that pierced the left proximity, and the knife fell out of the left proximity body, and a tremendous amount of bleeding began.

"My lord!"

Chloe, who said so, drew the left-hand proximity of the fall to his own body, and took the intercession, and put it before the viola, and pulled out the sword of his hips, and said:

"Viola, please. Help me at all costs."

"Okay. Claire, hold here and here with this tourniquet."

"Ugh, yeah."

"Chloe, what are you gonna do?

"Me? I'm gonna smash that shithole outer road"

And it was in Chloe's eyes, who said so, that he drew out his sword, as the flames of hatred burned, and gazed at Lilith, who was falling.

"Lilith... pretending to be dead won't fool me"

When Chloe said so, the fallen Lilith said, pulling out the bow and arrow stabbed between her eyebrows as she stood up in that state without any recoil.

"Look, Chloe, after all, eats... normally powerful enough for bows and arrows to penetrate. Plus, I can't believe I hit it between my eyebrows, exactly, the moment I let go of my mouth.

Chloe... who the hell are you? Really, just an adventurer?

Lilith, who said so, beheld Chloe with a ruthless eye.

Originally Chloe wanted to attack Lilith like this, but she calmly captured the difference in power from Lilith and was thinking about extending her time until Hyogo and Iris could join the fight here.

"I'm Major Chloe Meissner, Chief of Staff, Coalition Marshal's Office, Raven."

Heard the word, Lilith said in reaction to Pickle.

"What, you were a soldier? Besides, Raven... that cloak was real too.

As you were... I'm convinced of something. You mean the enemy of him... Chloe, you and I have felt that way since we first met. "

"Bizarre encounter. I felt the same way.

... I only ask one question, why did you do this to your museum?

To Chloe's words Lilith said, licking the blood near the left on the sword, as if to provoke Chloe.

"I don't know what the question means.

You know, from us vampires, you guys, humans and subhumans, they're only food. But this left-hand neighborhood is my favorite, so it's not just food, it's not my kindness to make you my servant.

Besides, you eat meat and fish too, don't you? It's the same thing... chip, too soon. Are we done? "

Lilith's sight, who said so, contained the figure of the Hyogo, who collectively decapitated the vampire, and the figure of Iris, who decapitated the last one.

Shit, did you still find out?

That was when Chloe desperately pushed her mad heart to death and invested in the ascaron she had, behind Lilith, three vampires attacked Hyogo and Iris, and Chloe, at an unlikely rate.

Chloe scratched the vampire knife that struck her and, at the same time, definitively slashed off only her neck, and the Hyogo slashed her neck from arm to arm.

Iris, as it were, spinning magnificently, taking the back of the vampire and slashing her neck, but the moment Lilith disappeared from the three sights for a moment, her figure was not there.

"Chip, did you let him get away"

Behind Chloe, who said so and repented, Iris cried, and drew near to his left.

"You! Viola, is my husband going to help?

No... With such bleeding, if it bites, I can't use healing magic until I endure three days to avoid vampirizing it.

If I used it, I would do damage to my lord on the contrary. That's going to put a hold on it.

Besides, even if I manage to prevent vampirization and endure it for three days, my blood will bleed out and I will die... I have no batter.

Um, my lord is going to die...

Chloe, who thought so, could not see the near left properly, turned her back in tears, and when she delivered her sword, the voice of Viola heard from behind her was not what Chloe thought.

"Ma'am, it's okay! Your Excellency will never die."

That being said, Viola said from her magic bag, when she took out one vial and inhaled the liquid inside with a silver syringe, she stabbed the needle in her left proximal neck and injected the liquid.

"Hurry up, we need to get you to Ruggogne. Before that, if you don't tie your monkeys and your lord's body with a cloth or string... when you realize it, when you get bit and suck blood, your lord becomes a vampire. Ladies and gentlemen, please put out your food coats!

So said Viola, when she took out her own food coat and tore it, she put the cloth in her left proximal mouth, and made another cloth bite from it into her mouth.

And Viola said in the coat of Hyogo and Chloe, wrapped around the body near the left, unable to move.

"Take charge, Mr. Hyogo! I'll get to the ground at once!

In those words, when the Hyogo took charge of the left-hand proximity, a line ran toward the ground.

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