Another Life

Family determination

Inside Port City Cathedral, Cecil and Orchid awaited the return of their left-hand neighbors.

The sun had already set, and from the stained glass with the purvel painted, the moonlight was a gentle light, which photographed the indoor, and the man at the reception counter had replaced the woman, and the tool shop had closed.

You're kind of free...

That's what I thought. An orchid, once extended, heard footsteps coming from the end of the basement.

"... Coming"

Cecil, who stood up so that he could go straight to Lugogne, opened his space transfer and waited, coming from the back, the Iris and the others are still dying faces, running, but nowhere near left is seen.

On the contrary, Viola has a spear near the left, and the Hyogo has a mummy-like, hood-wrapped thing.

To Cecil and Orchid, the worst idea crossed my head. In other words, it is a near-left death.

Cecil said to Iris, his hands trembling with fear.

"... a, Iris... no way..."

"Talk to you later! Now, please, even Luogne!

"... ugh, yeah... I'm already ready..."

As Cecil said, Iris and the others entered the space transfer, thinking that the idea had been met by Iris' impending voice.

And the orchid shook Cecil with his trembling hand, and said unto Cecil, Behold, he was unable to move.

"Oh, ma'am! In the meantime, let's go too!

So he was forced to pull Cecil, who nodded, and the orchid moved into space until Rugundy.

"Excuse me, is anyone there!? Doc! Shannon, get out of here!

That being said, the sound of Iris' desperate knocking on the door rings in the dark Doc's clinic.

In response to the noise, the candlelight approached Yurayura and the direction of the door, and Shannon opened the door.

"Thank you for waiting, we are ready...... Master Iris?

That said, Shannon noticed that he couldn't see near left on the way, that the Hyogo had something like a mummy, and he shouted to Doc.

"Doctor! It's an emergency! Ladies and gentlemen, get inside!

Shannon, who said so, opened the door wide, and cried out.

When Iris and the others heard the words, when they entered the clinic and were transported to the hospital room with Shannon's guidance, Doc and Elena entered the hospital room.

"What's all this noise? Are you so badly hurt, Shannon?

And when Doc saw Shannon, he said, Shannon turned bright blue.

"That's the one who was injured and transported, Your Excellency."


And it came to pass, when Doc saw the bed, that a mummy was put to bed.

"What's this all about? Can someone explain the symptoms?

When Doc said so, Viola came forward and said,

"His Excellency was stabbed in the abdomen with a knife from behind and bit by a vampire. Currently, he is injecting holy water and stopping the bleeding in his abdomen with a tourniquet."

"How long has it been since you were bitten, infused with holy water? How much did you get sucked?

"Perhaps not a litre has been smoked. Holy water was injected within five minutes of the vampire leaving."

"Hmm, that's the right thing to do. For now, it's restraints and scissors, Shannon."


Shannon, who said so, took the leather restraint from the shelf and gave the scissors to Doc, and Doc told Hyogo.

"Major Willow, if I cut the cloth with scissors, keep your body in check."

"I understand."

Okay, let's go.

When Doc, who said so, slowly and carefully cut with scissors from under his feet, did he still lose his mind in the left proximity, or did he not even move with Pickle?

The women, holding their mouths by accident and putting up with tears, said Doc as he tied them to the bed with restraints.

"Well...... that's hard. Even if you stop the bleeding like this, you are in the process of being vampired, so the healing magic will not work, but on the contrary it will do damage, and since you have not completely become a vampire, you will not be self-repaired"

"So, with the help of His Majesty Nina?

And when Iris said so, Doc shook his head.

"That, no...... in my current state, if I use that magic, it will only be poison to His Excellency, who is vampirizing me. Instead, if it's so powerful healing magic, it's instant death.

I said, without being a vampire like this, returning to man and doing His Majesty's healing magic, there's probably not enough blood. Even your majesty's healing magic can only regenerate a small amount of blood.

... but let's do something about it. Sister of the demon tribe there, you're the health guard, right? Help me with the wash. Others, wait outside... it might be better to call someone from my family. "

The word of Doc was the same as saying the farewell of this life to those in the family.

"It's my fault. It's my fault... if I don't say that..."

That said, when Iris fell from his knees, his eyes were no longer focused, and large tears were spilling from his eyes.

Cecil couldn't stop trembling because of the fear of losing her left proximity, Chloe, too, was biting her lips and crying, and Elena was weeping and staring at Iris, but only this man was different.

Yes, it's a Hyogo. Suddenly the Hyogo laughed with a roaring voice throughout the room.


"... Hyogo, why are you laughing?

Yes, Cecil grabbed the chest of the arsenal and said, but because of the height difference, it was as if the elementary school child was grasping the adult chest.

And when those who were grieving, all pay attention to the Hyogo, the Hyogo said with a serious face.

"Mother-in-law, if you're grieving here, you won't solve anything. Do what you can now.

My father-in-law is a samurai who was told to be near the left of a ghost, never to cry, never to laugh, not to laugh?

Seeing the eyes of its upright arsenal, Cecil, when he relegated his hand with regret, tilted the witch's hat and said, hiding his face.

"... bring Cecily and Lana"

Cecil, who said so, was on his way to Lake City with a space transfer as it was.

"Okay, Doctor, Viola. My father-in-law asked me to do it."

And it came to pass, that the armory that said so, rose Iris up, and took the others into a separate chamber.


"Iris! Why did this happen when you were with me!

After Lana screams that said so, the sound of Iris' cheeks being slapped rings in the quiet night clinic.

Lana's anger was turning to Iris, not Lilith. I know it's unreasonable, but Lana couldn't help but hit someone with this anger.

Iris also accepted Lana's blunting because he felt it was his responsibility to do so. If I hadn't, I would have pushed myself so far that if someone hadn't told me, I would have harmed myself right now.

And to Iris, who said nothing, the Hyogo took hold of Lana's arm, which was when Lana tried to slap him with another round of flat hands.

"Hyogo, let go!

"If, on Lana's mother-in-law, Iris' mother-in-law calls it sin, then some of the things we were together are the same. Besides, don't get them wrong... it really should be Lilith"

Painfully told by the Hyogo, Lana stared at the Hyogo, but Elena, who had been silent until now, said as if she were royal.

"Be cool! Is this the attitude of the family of Sakura Kuen Daikura Kiyohiro! If you see this, think about what it would look like!

And it came to pass, as if a strange third party had spoken, that Elena bowed down like a nobleman, when she saw that each of them had spoken to her mouth.

"I'm late to say hello. My name is Elena Askley, and I, Sakura Kuen Daikon Kiyohiro, have been appointed as Chairman of the Askley Chamber of Commerce."

When she smiled and raised her head, everyone but Chloe noticed that Elena said hi elf here.

"... why is High Elf the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce?

"Uh... Master Cecil, right? You said that when the chairman had dinner with me before.

"Cecil, who is usually very dear, once he runs wild, can only be stopped by his sister Cecily. But it's fun to be together".

This is my sister Cecily, isn't she?

You said, "He's the calmest, and you can really count on him in your family".

You're Lana, aren't you?

"He's the shortest, the waggiest mom, but he's the easiest to talk to," you said.

Dear Iris, the thing about you is, "Of the four wives, the weakest is him. That's why I have to protect you," you said.

Really, they seemed to enjoy the family as much as I was jealous. Such a prized family member of Kwon Da Nan is in a fight in this situation and what are you going to do! Any more of this will scratch your name!

... and you're not dead yet. Master Kwon Dae-sen is desperately trying to live right now! Can't believe that, what a family! What would be my wife!

In the words of Elena, Lana wept a great deal, and cried.

"'Cause I could die... I don't like that..."

It was then, as Chloe had come up with something, he said:

"Maybe he could help us."

And the words of Chloe murmured, as the Hyogo had found the same thing.

"No way, Lord Cain?

"Yeah, that guy might..."

And Lana cried unto Chloe, saying so.

"Who is it! Who's Kane?

"Oh, ma'am... calm down a little.

The one who says Kain is the king of Reapers… However, if you are very uncomfortable and you are offended, you may not only be killed in an instant, but you as well. But I'm the king of Reapers, so if I'm good, I might be able to change my destiny. "

Everyone except the Hyogo thought there was no such thing as Reaper, but Cecil noticed something.

"... With that said, my husband said before," You Cain guy, you failed again, "and he said he was fighting Reapers and Angels"

Everyone said they couldn't believe it, it was when they were expressing themselves. Claire screamed.

"It's not good anymore! If a man named Kain can help the Miyagi, even Reaper and the devil can do anything!

Indeed, Claire is right. Leaving aside whether Reaper is real, Chloe and Hyogo say, That's a sufficiently trustworthy story.

Iris said to Chloe, bowing his head.

"Please, Chloe... call that Kane."

"Okay. I'll take the ring to call, because Your Excellency had it."

"Oh, let's go too"

After Chloe, who said so, Elena went with him to the infirmary near the left.

Chloe said to Elena in the hallway, walking quietly.

"Earlier, thank you for sitting down. Thanks to you, your wives have settled down… that's a high elf"

"Mr. Chloe, stop that high elf. The chairman... Kiyohiro tried to hide me as much as he could because he said it would be tough to say hi elf about me.

The only good thing about me is that it's such a gentle uplift. "

"Ki, Kiyohiro? To summon your lord?

"Yeah, Kiyohiro said feel free to call me that... one step, I'm the lead, Mr. Chloe.

But don't worry, I'm not in that relationship yet... Kiyohiro doesn't seem to really like elves. "

Elena, who said so, had a dark face.

Chloe, for whatever reason, felt that way. Near left is not a good hand for an elf.

"I knew you were..."

"We're in a tough spot together."


It was in Chloe and Elena, who said so, that a strange sense of union had arisen.

And when he approached the hospital room, he heard a voice from inside, as if it were a battlefield.

"Hey Doc! Hold it right there! Shannon, get more clean gauze!

Is this, possibly, Viola treating you?

With that in mind, when Chloe opened the door, everyone was wearing something like a white apron and a white mask. Viola said even though she was bluffing.

"Hey Chloe! During surgery, I can't open the door!

"Oh, I'm sorry... I'm just here to borrow your ring, because"

"Me too, let me help you"

"Okay. Quickly, wash your arms that way... already, it's hard, Shannon, explain!

When Chloe looked at his right hand, close to his left, as if on such a battlefield, his fingernails had already begun to grow like the devil's nails.

My lord...... I just have to believe in Viola.

Chloe thought so, pulling out the middle finger ring and bowing her head to Viola, she could not see from Chloe, but Viola was felt under her mask, smiling and responding to Chloe.

And Chloe, with the ring, hurried back to the room, and everyone was silent and like overnight.

You don't believe anyone... well, naturally, do you?

Even so, Chloe cautioned the others.

"From now on, I'm calling Master Cain. As I said earlier, I'm very uncomfortable with you, so please don't be rude."

That being said, everyone was nodding and giving a serious look.

Is this okay? Even so, Chloe put on the ring and said:

"Okay, here we go... Dear Cain, please come out!

That's what Chloe said, but Cain's not coming out. Again, if it's not near left, can't it? The moment I thought that, at some point, Cain sat on the table that was placed in the middle of the room, sipping Su-Ba's coffee.

And when he stood up a little dally, he said to Chloe, in an unfathomable voice.

"Hmm? Chloe and... surely the Hyogo. What's the matter with the left?

And Chloe knelt under Cain's feet in the words, and Iris, who saw it, also knelt.

And Chloe said to Cain,

"Please, Master Cain. Please help me!

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what that means. Tell me what's going on."

To Cain's words, Chloe introduced Iris and the others to the current situation near the left.

And Cain, who understood why he had been summoned, said as he put up with his anger by gushing the paper cup of coffee he had.

"So... you want me to help you close left?

"Ha, yes...... instead, I give my life!

To Chloe, who said so, Cain sat down and peered into Chloe's face.

"Chloe... have you mistaken me for some evil god? I'm Kane, king of Reapers. Reapers don't need a sacrifice, and if they do, they really seem insulted."

"Also, I'm sorry to sit down!

"Well, that would be good. I'm going to do something that didn't happen this time. In the first place, it would be wrong to ask Reaper to do that. They're really annoying.

... The point is, there's less blood in the left and it's dangerous, right? If you add more blood near your left, you'll have no problem with it, right?

"On your left."


So Cain thought a little, and when he wrapped the notebook around it, he eventually opened his heavy mouth.

"Well... I don't know if I can tell you this, but I don't have a nearest left name on my schedule, so maybe this is something I'm told to advise.

It's okay, left-handed is not destined to die... yes, there was a way of replenishing blood, no matter how little blood there was, in the medicine of the time when left-handed was near. "

"I've never heard of such medicine..."

So said Cain, shaking his head.

"No, it's my second life."

When Chloe heard the words, she remembered Pandora.

Yes, the princess inherited all her memories and was born into the world with her lord's blood... maybe the princess can manage.

Chloe, who thought so, opened her eyes wide, and when she looked at Cain, Cain smiled a little and said:

"Apparently, you got it. All I can do is limit myself to this… keep the nearest left name from appearing in the Reaper's notebook.

That's right, Hyogo. Call me with that ring as soon as you decide what to do with the angel and the reaper in Nassau... even if it's not close to your left, it won't make a difference. "

Cain, who said so, disappeared as it was.

Still, with the exception of Hyogo and Claire, who did not understand, Iris and the others seemed to understand as well as Chloe, and there was hope in their eyes.

I don't know, Mother-in-law, but you seem to have recovered. I have good eyes.

"Well, what do you want to do now?

And Cecily said unto the words of the arsenal, which he said could be relied upon the most from the near left.

"I'm going to ask Pandora to do something about my husband, and the problem is with his safety and the military's work... I need to make sure that when he gets back, it doesn't make any difference. And I can't even say that Valkia's rule is just beginning and there will be no revolt. If a political opponent finds out about this...

Hyogo, what Mr. Cain was saying earlier, do you have any idea who could take his place?

"Yes. Besides, it's the same as my father-in-law...... no, more than that. This is Maidayuanta Nobuna Hall."

"Mrs. Yuan..."

So Cecily thought for a while, and said:

"Let's leave what Cain was saying to Mrs. Yuan, then. Chloe, arrange that."

"Yes, sir."

"Next time, it would be a shame for the outside world to know that my husband is in this condition whenever he can. And I want you to be on my side when I say no.

Iris, can you please take care of the nobles who came and the Serenity Empire?

"It's okay."

"Then I'll take care of it. Do as if nothing had happened to you and don't let the outside world know.

Sister, talk to your father. That guy, he's the president of the council, so he helps me when I say I have a problem, because I'm comfortable... no fighting.

After that, can you also ask His Majesty the Demon King Freia of the Kingdom of the Gods of Gard to take measures?

"... ok, I'll try"

"Lana asked Her Royal Highness Kanbai to speak with her. The Emperor of the Ruthai Empire favours the Sakura family, so when he says no, he will be on his side."

Copy that.

"A bead after..."

Cecily, who said so, looked at Hyogo as a flicker, and Hyogo nodded and said:

"If you're a bead, let's say it from a certain point of view. Tomorrow is Sunday, so Pandora will come to the mansion, so I'll tell her with you."


Chloe, gather the army executives tomorrow. If you don't decide on a temporary top, because if there's a revolt, you can't move... because I'll figure it out "

"... What will Lord Maida do?

"Mrs. Yuan, please"

Copy that, sir.

"Claire, stay here and ask for her husband."


All right, now we've got Congress, the Serenity Empire and the Ruthai Empire, and the Gard Demon Nation. I'll be in the military later, but I have to do something about this one.

With Cecily at the centre and assigning their roles, we had a clear purpose, and we all had a strong will to protect the Sakura family, to protect the place of return near left.

Eventually, two footsteps were heard in the waiting room, and when the door was opened, a viola and a doc came in, bathed in blood near the left, wearing an apron with white and red spots.

"Doc. So, is that guy safe?

Doc laughed bitterly at Iris for saying so.

"Hey, honestly, if it was just me, I don't think your Excellency would have helped. This hand of Viola is the hand of God."


And he said unto Iris, Doc took control with his hand, and said unto him,

"This time, you should hear from Viola because this Viola thought about everything and treated me"

Viola, who was introduced to her by Doc, took her mask and said:

"Right, first the stabbing place of His Excellency was on the flank of the right, and the blade orientation when stabbed was down, so the slashed organs were only helpful with the colon and small intestine. Currently, we have stopped the bleeding and blocked it with your hair, sewn wounds and organs.

It is the policy of the future, no matter how much you stop the bleeding and sew the wound, Your Excellency has become a semi-vampire, so there is no cure, but the battle is when you return to the third day of human life.

I ask His Majesty Nina to perform curative magic immediately and heal organs and wounds, but there are two problems.

The first is the possibility to say that blood is too much and that, when you return to the human race, there is not enough blood and you die as it is.

Exactly, it's impossible to regenerate all that blood, even with His Majesty Nina's healing magic. We need to find a way to deal with it before your Excellency returns to the human race...

The last two are the issue of infections. I washed my wound with water, but I could die of a disease that I say is an infection.

... Well, here they say demons come in, but demons don't do that. But even in the Gardian demonic kingdom, the cause has not yet been elucidated, and the cure is not at your disposal.

It's just a prayer not to get infected. "

Viola, who said so, had said she was sorry.

But Iris and the others thought differently. Cain said he wasn't destined to die, near left.

Then I thought that the left and near sides would not suffer from infection and that the blood would be manageable.

"And at the end of the day, from me...... no, it's exactly what I and Elena have been saying from the meeting, that there are so many people out here that they'll soon find out about that vampire.

So, what do you say we move your Excellency somewhere else?

If it's all right with you, Elena, I'm telling you, I'll hide it in my own home. "

Sure, I know what Doc wants to say. This clinic is a commonly used place by the military, and you can easily tell by looking into it.

I said, the Lake City mansion and the Luthai Empire's Kyoto mansion have a lot of people in and out, and I don't know where the story leaks from.

That's what Iris said when he thought about it.

"How's Nassau's mansion?

And the Hyogo shook his head and said unto him,

"No, Mother-in-law. The operation you said earlier is dangerous because Nassau will be on the battlefield."

"Oh no..."

"... let's leave this place to Elena's meeting"

It was Cecil who said that.

"Why not?

"... Lana, listen carefully.

… Vampires use charm skills. Well, the chances of being able to captivate are low, but I don't even know who will be captivated from there and give him information.

... Chloe knows?

"No, I don't either. He didn't even tell us the secretary that the ingredients of the medicine he was handling were dangerous."

"Then it's settled. Let's move in that direction."

Everyone nodded and agreed to Cecily's words.


Near left is Cabbage, Artemis, in the new section of Nassau, where it thrives as usual, when it was being transported to the clinic in Lugonne.

This was originally a whorehouse building, but with the idea near the left, it was like a modern cabbage, divided into a space with many sofas and tables for the average guest and a private VIP-only room behind it.

And from that VIP-only private room, I could hear my mom laughing.

The private rooms were spacious, furnished with a table on a luxurious conditioner, an L-shaped sofa, a chandelier on the ceiling, as if it were a noble room, even a small bar counter.

There were five of them inside, and they were beautiful women with hard mouths, trusted by their moms, Shinjitsu and Changheng, and their moms.

When Shinnozu and Changheng accidentally met Mama on the side of the road, where they were walking, trying to tap Nassau's geography into their heads, Mama invited them to her shop.

And three common topics. Yes, it was exciting in the near left story.

"Hahaha! So, the guy near left, he just broke into a fight and beat everyone up?

He doesn't really grow. I still have the same personality. "

Mom, who said so, was sitting alone in the counter chair laughing in tears with her booze in one hand.

"Really? He doesn't really grow...... no, should I say he's getting weaker?

The syllabus sitting on the couch had been whisked in by the woman next door, and she took a sip and said:


My mom didn't know what the syllabus meant.

"Yes, I got weaker.

The old man was truly free. But somewhere now, it looks like its freedom is gone.

The essence of his strength is his freedom... what the hell made him do that... "

Hmm. I think the guy near left is so free... is that what it is?

With that in mind, when my mom had a drink, Shinjitsu slapped her knee with bread and said it in Ruthai.

"Hey, if you're talking about him, don't make the liquor taste bad. Let's change the subject.

Yes, Chang Heng. I'm also the reason I'm late for this Valkyrie, but as soon as you came to Valkyrie, Lord Masada died. "

Whoa. Talk to me in Ruthai, and I know you're paying attention, but if this story is more about alcohol, doesn't it taste better?

All three of us here speak Ruthai commercially, so even if we change the language, it doesn't make sense.

With that in mind, as she understood nothing, Changheng said with a slightly lonely face when she put her mouth on the glass, pretending to be flat, holding a cigar in one hand.

"Time-righteousness is fifteen years old, who has certainly just given himself up. To die, you're too young, and you shouldn't have had the disease...... is it an assassination?

Exactly, my mom reacted a little to Changheng's words.

... No way, a left-hand approach?

Mum's idea of thinking so will be denied by the Synopsis.

"That's not true. Apparently, it's rust coming out of you.

At that age, he drowned in booze and women, and there was nothing he could do. So, I served the Maida family for generations, and the old lady, Weijiang Zhijiang, tried to flatter me, but Times was slashed by the old lady's Weijiang, and on the contrary he was killed.

Surviving Weijiang was disgraced by his sins... it hurt to lose his loyalty, but the old man's case seems to have been turned around behind his back. "

"Was it... that Lord Oe... was careless?

With that said, the Maida family, in the battle ahead, had all been killed, and the only survivor should have been the temporal lord.

What will happen to the territory?

To Changheng, who was so worried, Shinjitsu said with a grin, pointing to Changheng in the glass he had.

"Changheng, be the castle owner there. The castle of the Maida family will be the sanctuary of the former Takeda family.

I can't leave it to anyone else. The territory is just around the corner from my Ueda, and I can help you no matter what.

Besides, the left-hand side of the same former Takeda family, to say the least, will give us a boost, and the roots for it are already moved by Tokijiro, who remains in the Luthai Empire. After that, you just snort. "

What a lucky story this is. If I asked the minister to make a pipe to Lord Maida, Lord of Ueda in Shinano's country, would I become Lord of a place called Kawanakajima?

You mean you can pipe with Shinano's two lords at once... do you want to sell this guy a little favor?

That's what my mom said in Ruthai to Changheng, who is still troubled.

"Isn't that a good story, Mr. Chang-heung? If I can help you with anything, even my Hanza Chamber of Commerce, I can help you."

"Mom... did you speak Ruthai?

And she winked, and said unto the syllable, Surprised.

"Ruthai, too, was commercially necessary, I remember.

Mr. Chang Heng, when you heard earlier, you said that the previous lord was not a very good lord.

If you become a lord there and rule, the people and the samurai will be happy, won't you? I think you'll make a good lord. I guarantee it. "

"Right, Changheng. Like my mom said, I'd be a good lord if I were you, too. Besides, there's a reason I can't do it unless it's you.

Around Kanakajima, the land is very fertile and many crops can be harvested. But that neighborhood, when the land samurai hang together, and make the land samurai lords, it becomes a problem.

But if you were said to be the vanguard of Maida's ghost, the martial arts would be better than anyone else's, and you wouldn't be complaining. So, please. "

Then said Shinjitsu, when he bowed his head to Changheng, he hastily said to Shinjitsu.

"Heads up, please, Master Miyagi. If that's what you're saying, I'll take care of Kaizu Castle."

When I heard the word, when I saw Chilari and Mom, I just smiled and said "congratulations" to the letter, and put up a glass.

You owe me one.

He said to Changheng that he would drink up the wine once and for all so as to moisten his throat.

"Changheng, how old are you?

Nasty, that's the story.

Even with that in mind, Changheng answered the Nobunaga.

"On 26, now..."

"Are you that old now? Now it's time to be a new castle owner... Changheng, take your wife."

And when she had heard the words, her mother breathed wine, and Chang Heng said with a bright red face.

"Oh, Master Miyagi, I'm sorry, but there was already a woman that I liked... and I told her how I felt... that... she was in a different capacity... that..."

And when he said that, he said to Changheng, who was moist, with a sharp glance.

"Changheng, the Wujia are not allowed to fall in love and get married, you know that?

"... Yes"

"Then the story is settled. Put your house first, too."

Come on, it's Maida-san. It would be wrong for me to say something about the Luthai Empire, but this won't work.

We'll talk about this marriage later, close to the left. Shall we?

In front of my mom, Changheng was so depressed that there was no more, but Shinjitsu said to Changheng, regardless of that.

"Well, you're going to be the castle owner of such a land, so your daughter-in-law has to be a special one, too. There's already a woman on the right terms, and there's one... her name is Alexia."

When he heard the words, Changheng looked up at the syllabus with a face that he did not understand the meaning.

"You, too, will know. I'm looking after you now, Alexia."

"Huh? So, but my identity..."

"That's why. Make that Alexia my adopted daughter and marry you.

That way, behind the Tsuchiya family, they think there is a Maida family, and most importantly, a Continental, who worked for the Sakura family. Behind the truth, the Sakura family... it would be easy to imagine saying that Kwon Dae-sen is there. No one can turn against you.

Of course, I have already agreed to this. Well, I haven't told Alexia yet... but you, you must be in love with Alexia, right?

The eyes of the syllabus that said so were very gentle, as if they were Chang Heng's father.

"Oh, thank you. I'll sit down! I will never forget this favor. Yes, if you can, from my mouth, I'd like to tell Alexia."

"Oh, I don't mind. Me and Near Left, I'm gonna do that."

"Really, thank you. Sit down!

Chang Heng, who said so, bowed his head to the Synopsis many times.

Inside, near left and Lord Maida, they'll do it.

"Come on, let's celebrate Chang Heng's departure and make a toast! To Changheng's happiness!


And when they had all raised their glasses to Changheng, Changheng bowed his head to all of them and thanked them.

When the feast rose, the door was knocked, and a boy man came in.

"Where it's exciting, I'm sorry. Mommy...... can I have a moment?

"I don't care, say it here. You two have a hard mouth and you're fine."

When Mom said so, Shinjitsu tilted the glass to Mom and gave her a sign saying "Thank you".

And when the boy had heard the word, he had no choice but to say it.

"So... now there's one man. I came to visit my mom... and... at the behest of the Caro Chamber of Commerce, I was here to fan the inhabitants of Nassau, but I wanted to go back to the four-headed club."

In the words, her face turned to a serious expression, and she said:

"Okay, I'll see you.

I'm sorry, Lord Maida, Mr. Chang-heung, but I think I've got a little work to do. I'm going to let you leave my seat. "

So said Shinjitsu to his mother, who was about to rise up, with his hands in control.

"Mom, wait. This operation in Nassau, we're in, so can I ask you something together?

"If that's what you mean. Hey, bring him here."

"Yes, sir."

That being said, the boy was the man who was speaking in the square of Nassau.

The man was somewhere behaving suspiciously, and he said to his moms, "Thank you."

"Thank you very much for taking my word for this."

"Say hello, okay. Just the point."


That said, what the man told me was that this man said Ginny, famous for his family business behind the Caro Chamber of Commerce, a man's subordinate who said Sloop, on the orders of Sloop, seemed to serve to fan residents in Nassau.

However, due to a left-hand plan, the former monk persuaded the residents that if it didn't work, it might be killed by the sloop. I told my mom about this because I betrayed her, and she wanted me to hide it.

Well, what do we do...

Mommy thought so, and when she looked at the syllabus with chillari, she said to Mommy, as she had come up with something.

"Mom, can you leave this to me?

Do you have any maneuvers?

"Good, do as you please"

"Well, I guess I said Ginny. I'll vouch for your life. But after we execute this request,

Instead, if it's hard to hide on the continent, you can hide it in the Luthai Empire. "

"Oh, thank you. I'll sit down! So, what do I do, okay?

"Mom, can I rent one of the whorehouses?

"Oh, that would be good"

"Then, when those sloops come to Nassau, you will, the next day, direct the sloops to the whorehouse prepared by that mama to come, and that is all that is good.

Of course, you could betray me, so the military will keep an eye on you, okay?

"Yes, of course I will."

"Well, tomorrow, but come here again. I'll tell you more then."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

Ginny, who said so, walked out graciously, and her mom wondered, and said to the Synopsis.

"Apparently, you've come up with something. Plus, extraordinary operations."

"Oh. It's gonna be fun."

And it was with a niggle and a grin that he said,

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