Another Life

Secret Alliance

Early the next morning, Pandora, Shirley and Faye had come to Sakuraya Kyoya to train in Faye's swordsmanship.

When the three men arrived at the Kyoya Mansion were allowed straight through the hall, they were seated by a garage in kimono with some serious expression and a bead and Mira in kimono with an expression that had not yet been asked why and could not be translated.

Is something wrong?

With that in mind, Pandora and the others greeted them, and when they went inside, they said to Pandora and the others, with a difficult face for the Hyogo.

"Excuse me, Lord Shirley and Lord Faye, will you take your seats off for a while?

Because this is about the Sakura family. "

Wow... could this be about my marriage or a pageant?

Here, letting the two of you go is a fool.

"Isn't it good, brother-in-law? These two are my best friends, and those who will be knights in the future.

You can keep it a secret. "

To Pandora, who said so, Faye said with a sorry face, whispered.

"Hey, Pandora..."

"It's fine. I'd rather have someone on my side."

For a while the Hyogo thought of something and said to Shirley and Faye, exasperating a sharp slaughter.

"If Pandora says so much, I get it. You can stay with me... but if I divulge this story to the outside world, no matter how much Pandora's friends... I'll kill you."

"I knew I'd wait in the back."

"Me too..."

So Pandora grabbed the two collars trying to escape and whispered.

"Hey, why are you betraying me? Anyway, that's up to my brother-in-law.

My brother-in-law needs to talk to you about two of your sisters, so you can talk about my meeting or my marriage.

Anyway, your father pushed your brother-in-law. "

"So, I figured I'd have to take it, instead of being a mess?

To the words of Shirley, Faye also nodded, and Pandora said to them, with a smile whose eyes were not completely laughing.

"It would be my best friend to help... okay, I will definitely crush this story"

In Pandora's words, they gave up and sat next to Pandora, thinking that they would say something unscrupulous again.

But Pandora's predictions are going to go a long way.

"Hey, what the... Um, your father?

Pandora, who had heard from the Hyogo about the nearest left side, accidentally dropped the water drink she had, and the beads weakened and Mira supported her.

But the Hyogo looked straight at Pandora and the beads, and said it was not a lie, but he said it again, saying it was the truth.

"Say it again. Yesterday, whoever my father-in-law says is a vampire was stabbed more than behind my back and bit me.

Viola and Doc can prevent you from becoming a vampire, but they don't know if there's too much bleeding and healing magic can increase the amount of blood as much as they need.

And even if you can increase it, you could get a disease that you say is an infection... and if it does, you'll die the worst "

This is the last word of Cain's words, "In the Reaper's notebook, don't let the nearest left name come out," and the Hyogo hooks up, and if you think about it, there's still a chance that the nearest left will die? Because I thought Cain might have lied to reassure those who were there.

In fact, as the Hyogo reads, the fate of the near left, we still do not know. The reason is the existence of the diary of God, the condition of immortality, given to us by God when the left and near moved into this world.

In that presence, life expectancy was to be determined by the left-hand man himself, and in the unlikely event that the left-hand man died, it was not destiny, and the result of coincidence was that the reaper would not be informed until critical.

In an event that I did not imagine, I said, as Pandora had been wolfed for the first time.

"That, I heard! So I want to know if it helps!

After all, is Pandora also a child of man?

"I don't know that yet. But all we can do is not divulge this to the outside world, but deal with it in the event of rebellion, and protect the place of return on our father-in-law.

Mother-in-law improvement has already moved since last night to root. And from noon today, there will be an emergency meeting of military executives... and of course, Pandora, you're in attendance. At a time like this, you can't tell me what school is like. "

Father... I will not let you die without fulfilling your contract with me. Worst of all, when I die, will I kill and only keep my soul connected?

But to do that, I need permission from His Majesty Freia... for once, let's take a look at your father and think about it.

"Okay, I'll be right there, but let's head to Lake City."

Pandora, who said so, when he saw the chirali and the beads, to much of the event, the beads, initially surprised and about to lose consciousness, had already held back and corrected his spine.

That's right, sister. I thought it was a peaceful mess, but have you brought it back?

But the power here, when something happens, as a backup, is quite usable. With your sister, Dia and Bear, even these three will wipe out half the continent.

If the Ruthai Empire betrays the Sakura family and comes to erase them, hit these three, okay? If so, it would be better to leave it here.

"Mira, your sister is weak even when she looks like this. I asked for your sister."


"Shirley, Faye, can I have your sister?

When Pandora said so, they nodded. Pandora was here to hide two people who knew the truth until they decided what the military's policy would be.

Know what the intention is, the bead said to Pandora.

"Pandora, in the worst case scenario, until Sakichi grows up, you will represent the head of the Sakura family. Willow will support you with all his might."

I see your sister agrees with you. But I didn't know your sister would be so comfortable with you... that's ironic.

"Then let's go, brother-in-law"

Pandora, who said so, stood up and walked down the hallway with the Hyogo towards the front door, stopping pitifully, behind which, at some point, Dia and the bear stood.

"Dia, bear. From now on, under your sister's command... as you know, the enemy of the Sakura family other than the Emperor and His Majesty the Demon King, when your sister's permission is given... kill them."

"Yes, Princess."

That said Dia and the bear disappeared at some point.

But if you're looking at this guy, he really looks just like his stepfather. It seemed empty and fruitful, it seemed real and fictitious... if it wasn't really a woman, I would have been able to aim under the sky.

The Hyogo thought so was headed to Lake City on Pandora's space transfer.


Conference hall at Allied headquarters in Lake City.

Of course, Kiyoshin, Kruger and Tsuru, the directors of the three stations, the commanders and deputy commanders of each Knights regiment, as well as the two generals of Gensei and Karla, who led the defense forces, and Hyogo and Shinnoku, had been gathered in the conference room on an urgent basis.

The reason in this was that Pandora and Hyogo were the only ones who knew yet, so there was an air of tension in the conference room.

The one that was confusing my head the most was the orthodox.

When he entered the conference room, he saw the syllabus where he was for some reason, and was confused.

In that heavy air, the door of the conference room opened, and Cecily and her father, the President of the Beat Council, led the three nearest left secretaries, came in.

The face felt like everyone who came in was sometime serious and had something in mind.

Mr. Cecily? And the chancellor... why is there no uplifting... something wrong?

Cecily, coming next to Massei, who thought so, said the moment the marshal sat in the nearest left seat where he sat, Carla was frightened.

"Whoa, whoever your wife is, that's the Marshal's seat. Your rank is supposed to be Major Secret Service... Your Excellency, what's wrong?

"My husband can't come. I'm here today on behalf of my husband."

To the words, Pandora in the conference room and anyone other than Hyogo, without knowing what they were talking about, Cecily kept talking.

"As a matter of fact, my husband, Sakura Kuen Daikanya Kiyohiro, was stabbed from behind by a vampire the other day and bit him"

Everyone was shocked by the words, but the Luthaians' orthodoxy and the three governors and syllabuses, without knowing what they meant, were asked Cecily by the orthoxy.

"Sorry, I did get stabbed, but we Luthaians don't know what it means to be bitten by that vampire. Why don't you tell me?

"That's right, I'm sorry to sit down.

By vampires I mean vampires… that is, highly intelligent demons who suck life blood. When that vampire bites you, you get sucked of the blood in your body, you die, you get sucked a little bit, you become the same vampire. "

"Hey, wait a minute, did Kiyohiro get all the blood, or did he become the same vampire?

And Cecily stared at Masayasu, and said unto Masayasu,

"General Orange, please calm down. My husband hasn't become a vampire yet.

Three days...... until tomorrow, if you don't mouth someone's blood, you will return to the human race. But you have been stabbed in the stomach, so I don't know what will happen.

So when this is known to the outside world, there could be a rebellion in Valkyria that cannot yet be said to be well governed.

So once again, I want you to review the chain of command of the military and respond to unforeseen circumstances… If you can, I'd like to ask either General Orange or General Carla's second general "

In the words of Cecily, Carla said it lightly to make the place brighter.

"Ah, I can't.

Neighbouring Dwalbuff is showing disturbing moves. I don't think so, but when I got attacked, my absence from the Divine Demon Nation would be just as bad.

How's Massei?

Zhengcheng wanted to say something about the rebellion of the Empire, but when he couldn't say it, the armoured syllabus said it.

"The Left Admiral will not be able to. Whatever, we're expecting another massive civil war in the Luthai Empire."

To the words, all those in the conference room were cut off.

Everyone had the expression that it was impossible, and Kiyoshin questioned and heard in it.

"Sa, Lord Maida... how do you know about that?

"It has been decided. I have joined the rebellion."

It was the moment I said so. Masayasu and Hyogo. And when those other than Pandora stood up, and put their hands on the sword of their hips, the Synod said without even showing a wicked bare gesture.

"Calm down! Some people are dying near the left, but they don't fall off enough to start a rebellion!

If you are going to fight anyway, you want to fight that man who is satisfied with the five bodies, it will be the samurai who thinks so!

Besides, the Orange Admiral is moving a lot to avert a civil war. Lord Left Admiral. "

"Oh yeah......"

What? Maida, what are you trying to say? Make a grand manifestation of rebellion in this place... all kinds of moves? Now, that's certainly what Maida said. Did you know I was going to assassinate Musashi?

If so... well, if we talk about a grand rebellion on this occasion, if Musashi Shogun is assassinated, I'll be the first to suspect.

Against that background, are you willing to wage war? If they push it out completely, the name of the emperor will be scratched, and if it becomes war, morale will be at its worst. Maida Yuanta Nobuna...... If you make enemies, are you going to be such a pain in the ass?

Though he thought so, the syllabus said with a cool face.

"So, when you sort out the problem.

One, hide your absence, and we must remain flat.

2. Think about what happens in the event of a revolt or future operations, and someone must act on your behalf.

3, Consider the safety of your Excellency, you must wear an escort.

I guess I should make up my mind about the three above. If so, even if the story is simple, covering up the absence, there will also be flower deposits to fill in documents, etc.... Can Pandora write a unique flower deposit with the elongated letter of that uplifting near the left?

"I know, but it'll take a while to write"

"No problem.

I don't think it's a good idea if the Second Admiral leaves Pandora with the marshal's deputy now. Looking at the battlefield report, I think Pandora has been tapped into tactics, etc. by His Excellency, and most importantly, as a proxy for the young man, it is Pandora who will be the head of the Sakura family.

What do you say, you disagree?

This was something I could say because it was the letter I always read about the battlefield report.

And it came to pass, that Cecily rose up, and said, that the others were satisfied with the proposal of the letter, saying, I see.

"Then it's settled. Pandora, sit here and represent your father."

"... ok. Okay, before you sit as a proxy. Ladies and gentlemen, can you swear that you will hear my words as the words of my father, Mr. Sakura Kuen Daihan Kiyohiro?

And Sergen stood up to the word of Pandora, and put his hand upon his chest, saying,

"Bet on my sword and pledge your unvarying loyalty!

It was with the words of Sergen that he rose one after the other and swore allegiance to Pandora.

In response to the words, Pandora sat down with only one word when she went to the Marshal's seat.

"Thank you, gentlemen."

So Pandora sat down, and Shinjitsu smiled.

"Now one, that's settled. Come on, give me directions."

I don't care if they say "instruction"...... with that said, what was the operation you were just saying?

Pandora, who thought so, asked the syllabus.

"Uncle... it wasn't, Colonel Maida. What do you mean by the operation you were told earlier?

"Right, let me explain."

The letter explained to Pandora that he would fight the angels and the Reapers in Nassau, as he had said near the left.

Pandora also lay low, but understood that it was about angels and Reapers, and thought for a while, and said:

"Can't Colonel Maida direct that operation? It would be more convenient for Colonel Maida, who knows everything, to direct it than I do all of a sudden."

"I understand. Wise judgment."

And it was with a niggle and a grin that he said,

"Next, your father's escort, though. Chloe, where's your father now?

"Exactly, Ruggogne said it would be both eye-catching and unpleasant, and is now being treated at the residence of the meeting of the Askley Chamber of Commerce. It's just that nobody knows the place, and the only ones who know it are Master Cecil and Busty."

Askley Chamber of Commerce? That was something everyone wondered.

But Pandora thought the procedure was very good. Because to say that you are hidden in a place no one knows is to say that no one knows where you are, whether you are bewitched or tortured, there are few people who can beat Cecil and Busty who know.

"You think about what's good inside. Let's escort the Sakura Shinobi later... Ah!

And, shit... your father's God's diary... if you don't put your hands on that, what happens to immortality. When was the last time your father put his hand on it?

If a week goes by, it's very bad...... can you age rapidly? Or do you die all of a sudden? I have no idea what will happen.

Pandora, who thought so, looked forward and everyone was paying attention to Pandora.

... Is this all I have to say? When I came back, it would be bad if he had changed his appearance.

"Uh... what do you say from... this is the secret of the Sakura family, doesn't your father look very young?

Everyone looked at the words and said they didn't know what they meant, and Amiria said, a little irritated.

"Princess, come on, what the hell are you trying to say? Your Eminence... if you say so, how old are you? Is that it? You look like you're eighteen... but there are princesses... is that it?

"That's right. The exact age, I can't tell you, your father is quite old… I mean, your father is immortal."

"Hey Pandora, about that..."

So Pandora said Cecily, controlling.

"Mother, do you know when your father put his hand on God's diary?

The words pierced Cecily's chest deeply.

Cecily had heard of the existence of God's diary from near left, and had been shown it once. At that time, I only thought to the extent that I was envious of immortality, but if I didn't touch it once a week and report it to God, the caveat that it was ineffective would come back to Cecily's memory.

Well, I did...... lately, I don't know because I haven't slept with you, but what if I was touching you a week ago?

Even if it helps, the journal penalties could make you old and dead.

Cecily, who thought so, said with her face bright blue, the beat held Cecily's shoulder tight.

"What's up, Cecily? Your face is bright blue... is there anything about that immortality?

Pandora replied instead, as the worried beat voice did not seem to reach Cecily.

"Grandfather, let me explain.

For starters, your father is obliged to report to God about this world only once a week, through his God's diary. Consideration is immortality… but beyond that week, I don't know what will happen "

"... ridiculous. There can't be a god, it's incredible."

And it came to pass that Pandora said, Ashra hath no ear to hear.

"Really? His Majesty the Demon King of the Kingdom of God is also the use of God. Why do you think the Ruthai Empire and the Gard Devil Nation on the other side of such a continent have made such an alliance?

Normally, there would be little contact. Besides, why did His Majesty suddenly trust your father when all this had happened?

Because it was all instructions from God. "

"Well, sure, at that time, I always wondered why I was able to form an alliance with His Majesty the Demon King, but was that why I said it?

So listen, why did God make an alliance? You got something for me?

So Pandora breathed and said to Sergen's doubt.

"It's another demon king, Purvel's crusade"

And it came to pass in those words that were on the spot, except Elias and Chloe, that they were hardened.

But Amiria questioned and inquired about the motion of Elias.

"Hey, Ellis. You know something, don't you?


To Amiria's question, Elias, who returns silently. Pandora replied instead, thinking everyone knew something.

"Colonel McGregor. Your grandfather won't be able to answer anything... because if you don't have permission from your father or His Majesty the Demon, he will kill you if you speak.

This is the situation, and I'll answer it instead.

As a matter of fact, your grandfather was there when your father and His Majesty the Demon and Purvel made contact.

What we were talking about was a war game, held by Purvel. The subject of the bet is each other's country.

The Demon King, in his own country, has almost invincible abilities, but outside the country, his abilities will be taken quite slowly and easily. I mean, this is a game where demon kings risk each other's lives.

The rule is that the existence of each other's pawns is only known to the demon kings, and it is strictly forbidden for the demon kings to interfere directly with each other and to attack each other's countries. However, we can lend up to five advisors and each other's subordinates.

Winning or losing is winning if either pawn, if it is taken away... survive. Your father refers to the pawn of His Majesty the Demon King of Freia.

Well, this game, if His Majesty the Demon King of Freia loses, you know what happens, don't you? But if you win, you can definitely kill Purvel. It's well worth it.

Well... we've talked this far, so of course you can help us, right? Well, I won't sit down. "

And Pandora smiled like a devil, and let go of the slaughter, saying that if he refused, he would kill him.

What a killer this girl is... and she seems to enjoy the situation. I didn't know it looked so close to the left. You know, the devil's smile sounded just like the Takeda family's strongest, near left when they were the pioneers of the Red Guard.

But close left, you're always big. No way, a battle at the stake of the world...... interesting.

The syllabus that thought so laughed loudly in the confused conference room.

"Hahaha! No, not at all. Excellent. Betting on the world... whoever doesn't get on this won't be here"

Inspired by the language of the syllabus, there was a voice in the conference room endorsing it, but only Massei was different.

Hey, what... Takeda house? Red?

The Takeda family is definitely there, but there is no red guard. No, in the first place, the red guard is among the Kingsguard, an elite unit.

Is there something I don't know?

In heavenly discourse, when Massei, who was peeking into the heart of the Shinji, was astonished, the Shinji asked Massei, with an ill-willed face.

"Lord Orange, what is it?

This guy, did you notice my skills? No, there's no such hassle.

"Yes, no. I'll give you a ride, of course."

"So that's settled. Colonel Maida, please report the personnel required for the operation to Major General Sanhao later.

Major General Sanoko, I need Colonel Maida's utmost help.

Then we'll need surveillance and maneuvering. "

And Pandora, when she stood up, gave thanks to everyone, and went away.


"Princess. This is where you will sit at Elena's residence at the Askray Chamber of Commerce."

The sun fell, and at dusk of night, with the guidance of Busty, who said so, it was Pandora who came to Elena's mansion with Chloe.

And when Pandora entered the mansion, which was a little more surprising than expected, and Busty knocked on the door of the great doorway, Tome turned to him for a while.

"This, Master Bastian. What did you do today?

"Today, Pandora, the son of your pavilion, wants to see how your pavilion is doing."

"Well, did you...... but can I?

And Tome, who said so, said so, a little hard to say.

With this attitude, I know what your father's like.

"Never mind, let me through."

Thome, confirming Pandora's strong will, said to Busty, urging him to open the door wide and enter.

"Your house is now in Miss Elena's bedroom."

"Okay. Princess, I'll sit here."

Pandora and the others, guided by Busty, went upstairs.

When I go upstairs, from the back room, I hear a voice as if the beast were scratched and suffering. The Lord of that voice understood that everyone was near left, and even though Chloe had a bright blue face, Pandora proceeded with a cool face.

And when Busty knocked on the door in the back room, he heard Elena's slight voice from inside.

"... Yes"

"I'll sit you down in Bastian. Your son and Chloe came to see how your house was doing."

"... go ahead"

That being said, the sights seen by the Pandoras who went inside were Elena's bed in a king size, near left fixed with leather restraints and Elena blocked in a sports seat on a chair.

Elena looked up a little and said to Pandora,

"I'm sorry, dressed like this... but the chairman seems too painful, it's hard to watch..."

"Never mind. I know how that feels."

Pandora, who said so, approached the left proximate, checked the condition of the left proximate body.

The tip of the nail is pointed and it is stretching like a beast... one line that is out on the nail. You mean the second day now?

The teeth... are not yet completely, vampire fangs, and the blood is not attached. If we stay like this, we'll be back to humans the day after tomorrow. The problem is, the wound.

Pandora, who thought so, became a horse rider near the left of the rampage, grabbing his forehead and securing it, rolled the gauze of the bitten wound on his neck muscle to confirm.

There are no vampire fangs left in the neck wound, and are they already blocked? When a vampire bites you, you don't have to be a vampire yet, only the wounds here block.

But if it breaks and stays, the wound won't block, and the toxin will go out forever, so there's no going back to humans... The question is, is this way?

With that in mind, when the gauze wrapped around his left proximal belly, a wound stitched with his left proximal long hair entered Pandora's eyes.

I see. Are you blocking the wound with your hair and keeping the blood from flowing? If this is healing magic, blocking the wound won't give you a rejection, and you've thought about it. After all, is the amount of blood your brother-in-law was talking about and the infection a problem?

Pandora thought so, searching for the memory near her left.

Elena said in tears to Pandora, who moves as if she were operating a smartphone in the air.

"Dominic and I went back to the clinic because we don't have to deal with it anymore... it's terrible."

"Really? It's not terrible. We don't have anything to do right now, and there are other patients at Doc's. That's the rational idea.

Besides, it's all this stupid father's fault that you're suffering. Nothing you care about. "

That being said, Elena, wondering if she cared for herself, was the first time she looked up and saw Pandora.

This child is really beautiful... this child is a child of Qing.

Elena, who thought so, rose up and bowed to Pandora, saying,

"I'll see you first. I'm Elena Askley, the head of the Askley Chamber of Commerce.

Your father and I are taking care of something at work. "

"My name is Pandora, Sakura Left Gate Captain, the second daughter of Sakura Kwon Daikon Kiyohiro. It's a waste of time now, so I'll skip saying hello."

Pandora, who said so, had a light conversation with Pecori and was manipulating something in the air.

"Um. What the hell is the princess doing?

So Pandora answered Elena, fearful to hear, without looking straight at Elena's face.

"... This is my special skill and I am looking for the memory that your father taught me. I think there is a cure.

Shall we talk a little bit to distract you? Elena, what kind of work do you do with your father?

"The chairman and I are in the business of making medicines and selling medical devices. Well, mostly, at the chairman's behest, we're developing it."

At that moment, Pandora looked back and said to Elena,

"On your father's instructions, did you develop it? What does it look like?

"It's a medicine called penicillin that helps relieve pain, morphine, iodine, etc."


Pandora, who said so, manipulated the air, desperately searching for something, and eventually, when her hands stopped, she said with a grin.

"There it is, here it is, penicillin. If I thought I heard it somewhere, was this it?

I didn't know your father was successfully developing penicillin... "

So Pandora said the expression of joy, desperately patient.

"If it's good, could you show me that medical device, too?

"Ah, yes. The medical device is in the research building, so I'll bring it."

"No, I'll go"

Busty said that, instead of Elena, Chloe asked Pandora wonderingly as she headed to the research building to pick up the medical equipment as well.

"Princess, have you discovered anything?

To that Chloe question, Pandora was good at speaking.

"Okay, an infection is a disease caused by an invisible, small organism that enters the body and says a virus to the wound, etc.

All you have to do to treat the infection is kill that virus. The medicine that kills that virus is penicillin "


So Pandora smiled and said to Elena, whose face was brightened.

"That's right. Its penicillin is a special effect that kills only viruses. When your father returns to humans, you can just administer penicillin.

The problem is, less blood, but if I had developed penicillin, I would have also developed medical devices such as infusions. I'll use that medical device to separate my blood from your father. "

"Oh, is that really possible?

Pandora answers Chloe, who says so unexpectedly.

"I'm your father's daughter. This body has the same blood as your father.

Originally, there are different kinds of blood, and if you put other kinds of blood in it, it will die, but my blood will be fine. "

Elena, having heard the words, was delighted to weep when she held her mouth and fell from her knees.

"Good...... really good. You don't have to like me. You don't have to like the elves... if only you could live... if you could show me how well you are again, I would be happy"

So, when Chloe saw Elena crying, she wondered if she was thinking the same thing as herself, and Pandora said, frightened.

"Elena, I don't know where you got the information that you don't like elves, but it's... wrong."

In Pandora's words, they didn't seem to know what Pandora meant, and Elena asked Pandora.

"Huh? Because the chairman, dating or being married to an elf, isn't he?"

"Well, Father, it's a twist. Your father's preference is elves, Elena. Meetings and Chloe are dstrikes...... I mean, I really like them.

Because, I like dark elves, and so do humans. But what I really like is the elves. "

The words of Pandora, to both of us, were so incredible.

"No, but... My lord, until now, he didn't do anything to me... and it felt like he wanted to see me pick someone else..."

That's what I'm upset about. To Chloe, Pandora says, "Are you nuts? I just said."

"Chloe, you're the best, you're with your father, and you still don't get it?

Father really thinks he can't make people happy. Think about your mothers.

Iris' mother, when she met him, was seen by the Empire as a family of traitors and no one was on her side.

Lana's mother lived alone with only her brother Adele's uncle.

Cecil and Cecily's mother, Grandfather Beat, were targeted for their lives because they were fallen nobles and knew too much about the secrets of the Ruthai Empire. Well, your father liked you both and I'll help you.

But Chloe's not. I have my father, Mardi, and in Nassau, my own tribe lives in peace.

I can't help but think that your father is not himself.

Because, Mothers, it seems ok for Chloe to hook up with your father. "

So said Pandora, who said to Chloe in the face like a little devil, when she grabbed Elena's arm and forced her to stand, Chloe grabbed Elena's hand and said to Pandora.

"Princess, we had a bit of a meeting with Elena and a secret job to talk about, so I'm going to take a few seats off."

"Hey, hey, Mr. Chloe!

That said Chloe, when she was forced to take Elena, stared at the roaring left-hand side and groaned.

"Finally, it's quiet... but I've said the right thing, but your father was reading an adorable comic book with a subhuman, so there's no doubt about it, right? Well, if you're not, soot when you're not.

More than that, Father... it's like he's grown up somewhere. This could be a little uneven. "

And Chloe went out into the hallway, and said unto Elena, Face to face.

"Good, we don't run out on each other."

"Mr. Chloe, how old are you?

"This year, I'm 19..."

"Oh, it's a coincidence, you're my age. Okay, Chloe. Want to make a secret alliance with me?


That's what I said, Chloe's ears moved pickly.

"Kiyohiro, it's got elf blood in it, so you have a long life span and you don't get old, do you?

But the three wives of the Qing Dynasty are human... so in the future, the only wife of the Qing Dynasty will be Lana the Dark Elf, right?

How about me and Chloe being second wives there?

I don't know, there's a lot of poking around, but if they do say so, they do.

In the first place, in humans and elves, life expectancy is different, and your Excellency is immortal. Nice......

"Okay. Now, let's form an alliance to marry each other His Excellency."

"Elena's fine, feel free to talk to me."

"Make yourself comfortable with Chloe... you're already calling me"

So Elena shook Chloe's hand, which she offered, and a secret alliance was formed here.

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