Another Life

The night before the operation.

The next day, the day before the start of the operation in Nassau. The Shinjitsu was walking down the hallway on the ground floor toward the exterior of the Allied Forces headquarters.

Coalition Foreign Service Headquarters...... here you are.

And it came to pass, when the syllable knocked on the door, that a woman opened the door for a while, and the woman saluted, saying,

"Colonel Maida, welcome to the headquarters of the Coalition External Service. His Excellency Major General Sanhao and His Excellency Major General Kruger and His Excellency Brigadier General Kishima are waiting for you. This way, please."

When the woman in military uniform prompted her to enter the room, she was working without stopping in a room half the floor on the first floor lined up with desks as large as if she had been punched out, and everyone rushed to fill out the paperwork.

To the sight I saw for the first time, the Synod was overwhelmed, but as I followed after the woman, I entered by knocking on the deepest door, and came out for a while and said to the Synod.

"Go ahead, there's three directors inside, waiting for you."

"Okay, thank you"

That said, when the syllabus went inside, it was as wide as the office near the left, and the bookshelf on the wall was lined with books, and the documents, etc. were more neatly organized than the desk near the left office.

And on the long table just in front of it was a sofa lined up, where Kruger and Crane sat down and gracefully drank tea.

Behind it stood those who were probably secretaries, not being slight.

Sanoko Left Guard Superintendent Major General Kiyoshin. Sure, he's from the prestigious Sanho family, son of Lord Kushin. He was the man with the right arm near the left in the previous war with the Empire.

At that time, in martial arts, he became director of the Coalition Foreign Bureau at once.

Major General Kerstin Krueger, originally a dark elf woman, in the Pespard dynasty, who was in charge of supplies for the empire and dynasty.

In anticipation of that arm, he became director of the Coalition Internal Affairs Bureau.

Brigadier General Shimajima Tsuru. He is the only daughter of the Tsushima family who had bound the navy of that Luthai Empire, replacing his father's Left Horsehead in the previous war, leading the navy, and giving him martial arts.

For a while, he was commander-in-chief of the Allied Coalition's Navy, but expected to be near left from his tactics to become director of the Allied Coalition Operations Intelligence Department.

These are the heads of the three stations that are at the core of the Allied Coalition? Well, if we're going to have a lot of fights, thank you for the troublesome gathering.

Though he thought so, Qingxin said with a smile that the syllabus stood.

"Colonel Maida. Please call first. We'll talk about it."

"Excuse me."

So when Shinnoku sat on the couch of Fukafuka, Shinnoku cut out the story.

"The reason Colonel Maida came is about Nassau in the example, right? Quick, but how many people do you need?

"Right. In addition to the alleged number of marshals, eight men and ten women knights and later, a few who can use earthly magic. And there is one who has his own bow and arrow… I want you to lend me the best in the coalition because I cannot fail."

And when the script said so, the secretaries that were on the wall filled out the words of the script in the notebook in unison.

"Got it. This is what the princess tells me, so let's arrange it.

If I may, can you tell me what kind of operation? It's easier if you tell me. "

It was Kruger who said that. The syllabus gives the answer after a while.

"... that's true. Now, let's just briefly tell you where the knight is.

The place is a whorehouse in Nassau, time is noon. Exchange whores and guests inside for knights who look just like them.

So the betrayer of the Caro Chamber of Commerce directs the others of the Caro Chamber of Commerce to his whorehouse for a full screen. "

"Is there any chance that the traitor will betray us?

"You don't. As a precaution, we also have surveillance on hand."

"I see...... hmm? Nassau's whorehouse? Colonel Maida, is that Nassau whorehouse possibly Mom's whorehouse?

"Yes, but something?

The moment he said so, everyone thought that if Major Vishuk were here, he would not need a knight, and Kiyoshin said on behalf of the Synod.

"Colonel Maida... do you really need a knight? If that mom is here, I think she'll be fine..."

When Qingxin said so, the syllabus said with a rough voice.

"What are you talking about! There's no way a poor woman like that can do that!

Such a poor, beautiful woman, if it were me, I'd like to protect her... "

What's wrong with this guy?

Major Vishuk is Raven. If you get serious, you're gonna die even to the one you're with... but if you're so hot, you can't tell me... here, let's do what I say.

"No, disrespect. Okay, so we're the outsiders..."

"Wait a minute, please"

With that said, it was the crane that stopped the word of Qingxin.

"What is it, Brigadier General Kishima?"

"This operation. It sounds interesting, so I'd like to be the knight."

"That sounds interesting... why?

So the crane said with a devilish smile to Kiyoshin, who had listened lazily.

"Take this opportunity, Colonel Neumann and Colonel McGregor. After that, let's cut off a few romantic people."


To the word of the crane, no one but the Synopsis spoke, wondering whether the crane was a genius.

But Kiyoshin noticed something and asked the crane.

"Brigadier General Kojima. How do you know how the knights love each other... no way, did you find out?

"Yes, the investigation of those who were Lord of the Army is perfect"

The secretaries were blue at the smile of the crane that said so, and Kiyoshin asked the crane in a hurry.

"Wait, so am I? Did you find out who I like?

Everyone knows who you like.

Those other than the Synopsis say to Qingxin without breaking his expression, so scratching in his heart.

"Yeah, I know."

"Wait! That's all, don't say!

No, so, you know.

"It's okay. I won't tell anyone."

"So, Major General Kruger too?

Obviously, this would want to take you on the road.

"Yeah, of course. Major General Kruger loves your husband."

Kruger said, a little annoyed, when Qingxin brewed tea and upset the secretaries with the words of the crane.

"What is it, you guys? Even if I look like this, I'm 180. That's one or two of my husbands.

Because I don't have any kids yet, and my husband, he's a professional husband. "

Exactly, Kruger said in this statement that everyone but the crane could not hide their surprises, that the crane was trying to say something.

"This is a cultural difference, isn't it? The Pespard dynasty, a country of dark elves, is a country where women have the upper hand.

Women become heads of households, and the top of the country can only be women. Well, life expectancy is longer than people's, and the low birth rate, I guess. "

Oh, you did... what a wide world.

Yes! I didn't have time to do this. I didn't have time to hang out with them.

"Then Brigadier General Kishima. I asked for a candidate. Early tomorrow morning, we will meet at the Fountain Dragon Temple in Nassau.

I'm going to a meeting. Excuse me. "

And it came to pass, that the syllabus rose up, and went out of the exterior, and went toward the office near the left of the top floor.

As he stood in front of the Marshal's office on the top floor, Shinnozu knocked on the door, minding his surroundings as they were.

And it came to pass, when Viola turned to her face, that she called in the letter, and whispered.

"Master Maida, everyone has already gathered."


When the back door was opened, Pandora and Chloe, and Hyogo and Changheng and Cain were in the room, waiting for the return of the Synod.

"Thank you for waiting"

And Cain said unto the syllable that went in, and behold, it was a glimpse.

"That was late...... so, what's the end?

"Perfect. As Lord Cain requested, I asked for a good bowman."

"Then I have an order to leave, too."

Chloe, who said so, said with a calm face.


That said the letter spread the large map to the table.

"It was a little surprising that the Federation insiders had maps of any location within the Union."

"Naturally. Your father values information above all else."

Having said that, I looked at Pandora, who was so adept at the Shindra, and said that the Shindra approached your palace closer to the left, and remembered Shingen Takeda, the owner of the Takeda family, somewhere, and I missed him, and Pandora and the others came together to surround the map.

"Isn't this a map of the new section of Nassau?

"Yes, Lord Chloe is right, this is a map of the new section of Nassau. The battlefield will be this new section of Nassau.

This new section of Nassau has a large river flow to the north and south of the center, the eastern section of the commercial section. It is further divided into six northern, central and southern districts, parted into the western districts of the residential block.

This time, it's here that we invite the guys from the Caro Chamber of Commerce. Central East Side, a whorehouse.

At the hands of their traitors, other than those in the example of the Caro Chamber of Commerce, they would go into this whorehouse and aim for Mom's life. And they're supposed to wait outside without going inside the whorehouse.

I'll cross there, and I'll lure you to 7th Street in the West End and South End. This is a narrow trail of roads other than boulevards, so they magically build walls, divide them, and destroy each other.

Here on 7th Avenue, my mom tells me that she pulled people out to redevelop. So you can smash it a little.

Hyogo and Changheng raid angels from the roof of the building here and here. Slash your wings first so you can't get away with it. "

So they nodded at the letter pointing to the raid point.

"And where is Lord Cain's raid site? I haven't heard how Lord Cain is going to catch him, so I can't set a raid point. Why don't you tell me if it's okay?

When Cain saw the letter, he took a silver portable whiskey bottle out of the bag he had on the floor and said,

"In this, I brought it from Jerusalem, holy oil. Contains Holy Oil.

This oil is very flammable, and the fire is hard to extinguish… Above all, the flame from this oil cannot be crossed by Reaper.

Now, make a circle and light it where he's inside, where I'll send the immobile wacker to Purgatory. "

"Purgatory... like hell, I guess. Well, then, stand by in this alley, near the boulevard here.

The sacred oil trap should be made just off the boulevard here. In case Wacker thinks of you here, if Lord Cain comes from behind, he'll be out on the main street.

Lord Chloe's point of attack is here. I want you to light the holy oil with fire arrows from here. "

Copy that.

"I'm in awe"

"The day, the main street here and the main street here will be sealed off by Nassau's garrison, so there's no ordinary people, so do what you want.

At the place, Lord Cain. Do angel wings look like us?

And it came to pass that Cain put three small vials of powder on the table, like purple pigment, out of the sachet.

"Use this. This is a special amethyst that was removed in Mexico and dissolves when it touches human skin.

Apply this to the eye lid and you will see the true figure of an angel for an hour. When you slay a feather, slay it all. "

"I got it. Always report victory to Lord Cain."

And when the two of them had agreed with the letter, they nodded forcefully, and Cain laughed with his nose.

"Huh...... too intentional, don't miss it. Anyway, run when the other Reapers get out. And report to me.

Well, that being said, Pandora will also have treatment tomorrow, near left? Eat this and build your strength. "

Cain, who said so, put the next thing from the bag were the mo burgers, potatoes and onion rings, and vanilla shakes.

"Onion ring!


That said, as Pandora and Changheng ate, Chloe drank her shake and her face was troubled.


That night, after dinner, Changheng sat on the edge, looking alone at the garden of the mansion near the left.

The gardens of dead mountain waters lit by the moonlight were so fantastic that Changheng, when he first came to the mansion, liked them at a glance.

And it came to pass at Changheng, that Alexia came, and set aside her tea.

"Master Changheng really likes this garden, doesn't he? Yes, it's tea."

"Oh, I'm sorry... you know, someday, I want to live in a house with a garden like this"

"Then you will have to be born, like Mr. Miyakan, to Master Kwon or General Left Kingsguard."

Alexia, who said so, leaned against Changheng's shoulder when she sat next to him.

Changheng gently stroked Alexia's head as she leaned against her, without even gazing at her, and turned straight forward and Changheng shrugged.

"Don't be unscrupulous... the day of the operation is set"

Alexia heard the words, unwittingly moving away from Changheng, holding down her right hand trembling with fear with her left hand and listening.



To the blurry words of Changheng, Alexia said to Changheng with a full smile, screaming again and again in her heart, "Don't go."

"Safe, welcome home"

"Thanks...... yes, can you tell me about Alexia's country?

With that said, you managed to change the subject and felt the kindness of Changheng trying to distract you, Alexia threw her legs blah blah blah on the edge and started talking.

"My birth is the Kingdom of Beltran, on the western side of the Seventh Confederation.

People there said that they had Luthai blood because they all had hair colors like mine and they looked black at night. When you look in the sun, it's blue.

But the crop was rich and fruitful and a truly rich country… But from the desert of the Seventh Confederation, invaded from time to time, and the crop harvested because of it was also stolen, and the people were forced to take it away because of their slavery. I'm one of them... "

Alexia, who said so, said with a dark face, Chang Heng also looked a little dark and apologized.

"I'm sorry... I've heard hard things."

"No... Hate it, have you?

In Alexia's eyes, who said so and saw Changheng, there were tears in her eyes.

"No. The Luthai are not so flirtatious as to change their mind so easily.

But now he's Sakura's maid of honor, and this is how he got to know me. Aren't you happy? "

For a moment Alexia said, with a laugh in her mouth.

"Ahaha! Master Chang Heng, that's quite over-conscious. Chang Heng doesn't look good at all."

"You'd be terrible to say. With that said, how do you propose in Alexia?

In the words of Changheng, Alexia said, looking a little farther away.

"In the Kingdom of Beltran, a man kneels in front of a woman who proposes, kisses the back of a woman's foot, and says words of love.

That's weird, isn't it? But I always laughed when my mother, no matter how great she was, told me that when I got married, it was weird talking about having to kneel down to a woman and kiss her leg.

... I think I should quit the maid of the Sakura family and become the maid of the Tsuchiya family of Master Changheng... "

I said that abruptly, it was Alexia, but when Changheng stood up without saying anything, Alexia, who saw it, was rather depressed.

Yes... right? The Luthai Empire, it just opened last year, and there will be rebellion, because I'm an exotic woman, and Master Chang-heung will annoy you if you take me home, right?

Besides, you told me you loved me, but when the operation was over, Master Chang Heng had to go back to the Luthai Empire... how could I not have been born to the Luthai?

How could I love this guy so much... I knew this would happen.

With that in mind, in Alexia's mind, the feeling of not wanting to leave Chang Heng and the feeling of wanting Chang Heng to come home safely collided, and her chest was getting bitter, Chang Heng naturally said before Alexia, on one knee, holding Alexia's foot gently, kissing the back of her foot.

"Alexia, I love you with all my heart. Marry me."

The words were very chang-heng, not decorated with extra words, and were once simple: but the words that were not decorated penetrated into Alexia's chest softly, and relieved the heartache that had afflicted her until now, and from her eyes a great deal of tears spilled.

"Oh, that, why? Why are you crying?

That is what Chang Heng said, gently holding Alexia, gossiping her eyes, in desperate attempt to stop the tears.

"Are those tears good to say that you have accepted them?

Alexia, aware of Changheng's, in those words, really proposed, nodded many times with Changheng's breasts and said in tears.

"Okay, but... Egg... I'm an exotic... Egg... and I'm a different person, and I was originally... Egg... a slave..."

"Alexia, if I'm not you, I don't like it. I promise, I'll accompany you my whole life, and I won't have a side chamber. If you're here, that's all I need."

"Ho, is that true?

Alexia's face, who said so and looked up at Changheng, was gushing with tears, but Changheng kissed Alexia without saying anything.

It was, in Alexia's tears, a salty kiss, but the two were still happy, and Alexia, who had been held together, also turned her arms around Chang Heng's back and held him to Chang Heng.

Eventually, the two people with their lips apart said to Changheng with a smile, as Alexia wept when they looked at each other's foreheads.

"Dear Chang Heng... If you want to propose, please tell me before. So many tears, my face sucks..."


"But best of all, I'm happy now"

Alexia, who said so, held Changheng again.

But to Alexia at the top of her happiness, anxiety crosses for a moment.

The Luthai Empire, although there was certainly no slavery, had an identity system and the martial family should only be able to marry nobles or the same martial family.

Maybe Changheng will be disadvantaged in the future on the path of the samurai for his own sake? If that were the case, I would be happier with Chang Heng if I left.

Alexia, who thought so, tried to ask Changheng, and Changheng told Alexia.

"I have another happy report. When this operation is over, I'll have a castle... which means I'll be a lord.

Alexia, you're going to be Lord's wife. "

That is what Alexia heard in Changheng's arms, which held Alexia tight.

"But... can I marry someone else?

After all, there's a difference in identity... you see, I can be your maid for the rest of my life... "

With Alexia's shoulder, who said so, Chang Heng's face, pulled apart, was very serious and a little angry.

"Alexia, don't be so despised of yourself anymore. Like I said, I want to marry you."

Chang Heng's expression, which he said so, was very serious and that Alexia was perplexed, Chang Heng said with his usual gentle face.

"Besides, there are many ways out, even when it comes to identity. You, Master Miyakan... will be adopted by Master Maida Yuanta Nobuna and will be married to my Tsuchiya family as the princess of the Maida family.

This story seems to have already been discussed and decided by His Excellency Sakura and your palace. I heard about the other day, too.

On the face of it, it is the marriage between the Maida family and the Tsuchiya family, but Kawanakajima, which becomes my territory, because of its abundance of land, there is constant strife among the people of the land known as the land samurai.

So, when I became a lord and my wife told me that you were an exotic and that you worked for the Sakura family, they thought there was a Sakura family behind you and a Maida family, and they couldn't turn against us. I was told it was for that... but it must be a lie.

Thank you, Lord Sakura, for trying to make you happy. "

"Oh, no... I have just asked Miyakan to save me from slavery, even with Chang Heng... what a thank you..."

That being said, Chang Heng said nothing to Alexia, who cried in gratitude to the near left, but just held her softly.


On Monday night, a group showed up in the old town of Nassau.

Walking ahead was a Hispanic man with the same hair colour as Alexia the ship's eye, called Sloop, under the cape, with a sword hanging on his leather armor and hips, seemingly like an adventurer, followed by about fifteen similarly dressed men, at the end of which, taken over by an angel, looked like the same adventurer, in a suit of mourning with three Barris, Sally and Roose.

When he entered the entrance to the Old Town of Nassau, a man came out of the alley in front of the sloops. Yes, it was Ginny who betrayed the Sloops and the Synopsis.

When Ginny took the hat she was wearing and gave a gentle interview to the sloops, she disappeared again into the alley, and the sloops continued after Ginny and disappeared into the alley.

A house in the back of the alley.

It may be strange to say that it is behind the alley, but since Nassau was originally a city where bandits and opposition parties had gathered in the village since the death of his lord during the 100-year war between the Serenity Empire and the Kingdom of Salz, there were many places in the Old Town where he said this because there was nothing planned for the city and it was just randomly built and expanded.

And with the measure of empty castles in the Old Town of Nassau, which the left-hand man had gone to, it was because the inhabitants who had lived there had claimed their rights to the original land that the building was new, but the place where he had said this remained unchanged.

Because of this, the new parcel was originally nicely zoned, but because the residents sold the land on their own, a trail like 7th Street was created, and the four-headed club is where Mom buys up (ground up) the land for redevelopment in order to eliminate it.

Out of the way, in the empty house in that alley, the candle lights swayed loosely, portraying the sloops, and to Ginny sitting at a small table, the sloop sitting across the street, he rode forward and heard.

"So, what's the end?

"The four-headed club originally gathered about 100 people with a bad reputation."

"Well... that's a good report. Has the operation already been decided?

That's what Throop asked in a good mood.

"Tomorrow at noon, even at the four-headed meeting, the presidents of the most militant Hanza Chamber of Commerce purchased information that they would gather at the whorehouse for the meeting.

So I want Mr. Sloop and the others to raid the whorehouse. Elsewhere, residents plan to raid at the same time.

And the four of them don't want us to participate in the raid... "

When Ginny said so, Sloop glanced at Guillaume and Ginny with a murderous eye, and Ginny excused herself in haste.

"It's not. Those four are talking about that (...), right?

If anyone else sees their abilities, it's a chance to crush the quadriceps, but on the contrary, residents could be our enemies. "

I do understand what Ginny is trying to say.

"Well... with that said, what about those called the Crusaders and the Luthaians called the Near Left of the Ghost?

Four-headed militants, that's two of them, isn't it?

"That's right. The person known as the ghost's nearest left disappeared after this neighborhood became the territory of the Luthai Empire.

Maybe there are rumors that you are being targeted by the Ruthai Empire, the Inquisitor. The Crusaders have disappeared as well. "

"... okay, let's go with that operation. All four of you, all right?

So when Sloop told the wackers, the wackers nodded, and the other three had no reaction.

Absolutely, this angel, he doesn't get it. Still, this Reaper makes more sense... not at all.

But I can understand Ginny's words, too, but something hooks me up.

"Okay, that's the plan."

I'll tell the collaborators, too.

So when Ginny tried to stand up, Sloop grabbed the hand he had placed on the table vigorously and said with a sharp glance.

"Wait, that makes the others go. You stay here... just in case."

Obviously, it was an alert procedure for Ginny's betrayal, but Ginny told Sloop as if nothing had happened.

"I get it. Instead, if I get Nassau, can I have one of those whorehouses?

... Is that the usual Ginny? Was it my fault?

"It would be good. So, where can I tell who and what?

"If you take the boulevard just now, heading straight in the direction of the new section, at the corner of the second big intersection, there is a tavern called Tax Haven. So, Yetta says to the waitress," Operation is on schedule, noon tomorrow. "

"... Perhaps directly?

"It's hard if you're wrong, because if you make a weird code, it's a collection."

"That too, right. We'll feel safer about that too... hey, someone for two, go."

Yes, when Sloop ordered, two men left the building and headed to Mr. Oyaji's shop.

And a feathery egg-like object with eyes watched over the sky, monitoring its condition.

Yes, it is Beyond the Seeker, which is also a coalition scout.

Grushku, who manipulates Beyond the Seeker, in a room in the Quanlong Temple, told a waiting correspondent.

"The goal has moved. The number of people is two men. Probably going to Tax Haven like this"

Copy that, sir.

The correspondent woman contacted Mr. Oyaji's shop as she said.

In the usual noisy store, when Mr. Oyaji was drinking at the counter and making a foolish scene with the Yorams, Adele came behind Mr. Oyaji in the clerk's outfit and whispered.

"Two men, I'm coming here. As planned in the example."

"Aye... Yetta, come here!

Saying so, Mr. Oyaji took an icky drink of ale, and called Yetta.

"What is it?

That's what Mr. Oyaji said in his ear to Yetta, who came.

"Two men coming, do as you plan."

Copy that.

Yetta, who said so, cleaned the empty table near the entrance and exit of the store.

Eventually, when the Western doors opened and the two men came in, the men spoke to Yetta.

"Sister, do you want a kid named Yetta to come into this store?

"I am, what's wrong?

"It's a message from Ginny. The operation is on schedule, tomorrow at noon."

Yetta, who heard the word, reacted with Pickle and said to both of them:

"Got it, operation (...) is on schedule, tomorrow at noon,"

"Oh, that's all... is that why you're joining us?

"Yes, of course."

"Right. Don't get hurt."

The two men who said so left the store behind.

"Which one of you is going to get hurt?

Yetta, who shrugged unexpectedly, nodded in Mr. Oyaji's direction and blinked twice, Mr. Oyaji went straight into the kitchen and said to Adele and Summer, who were inside.

"The operation is on schedule. One snort, two blinks... Operation starts at noon."

"Thank you, Mr. Oyaji. Summer"

Copy that.

That said, Summer sent the information to the syllabus in a reading.

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