Another Life

Kingdom of Fresia

Time goes back, about twenty days before the battle with the angels. Kingdom of Fresia. This country, at the southernmost tip of the Almgard continent, was the largest in the Elf-only country, with a population of about 17 million, the second of the three countries of the South, after the first Emburg kingdom.

However, although these three countries were unfamiliar and had always been an area of constant strife, since the coup d 'état took place two years ago and the Fresian kingdom was founded, strife lay low in breath, kept in wonder and equilibrium.

At the southernmost end of it all, right on the bay in the form of a beautiful semi-circle, where Pandora left claw marks on the earth, was Nanteille, king capital of the kingdom of Fresia.

Originally, there was a king's capital elsewhere, but because he said it was ominous when he was founded, he burned down the king's capital and built it anew in the land.

The newly built capital of Wang was somewhere similar to the capital of the Ruthai Empire, beautifully zoned, like the eyes of the Acer board, and more like a beautiful royal palace than a castle.

In its beautiful royal palace, in the large hall, a number of large red cloths hung from the ceiling, so that the walls could not be seen, and the sights were as if they were engulfed in flames.

And in the deepest part of the long, thin table lined up by the heavy ministers, there was a fine chair, where the elf sitting was sitting with a fine mustache on his long blonde hair and a man whose eyes were green and sharp as a tiger, his legs bored and sat.

This man was the king of the kingdom of Fresia, Lakes Fresias Garcia, the man.

And behind it, too, is a large deep red cloth suspended, with four black rhomboid patterns in the center forming one rhomboid, which is the so-called Takeda rhomboid.

The Lakes, listening boringly to the heavy minister, was sitting right around the corner, a young, thin man in the same high elf as Lakes, told Lakes.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Father!

This man was the son and sole successor of Lakes, Lucio Fresias Garcia.

"Oh? Oh, I'm sorry, Lucio. The stories of the heavy ministers were too boring for me to know."

Yes, Lakes said, the heavy ministers laughed as the elf woman, one redhead and wearing a Caribbean pirate-like triangle hat, dodged her legs on the table.

"Ahaha! Sire, if you say so, I'm sitting here, I have no place for you."

He said, "What?

And he said unto the angry ministers, and said unto the woman that Lakes would silently give her hand, and he looked upon her.

"Viscount Bonnie, don't tell him that. But what's so rare about you coming to this seat?

"Correct. That's right, Your Majesty. Can you take a look at this?

Anne, who said so, when she put out one sheet of paper from her nostalgia, the maid of slaves who had refrained had deposited it and took it to Lakes.

And when he had received the paper, he saw it without expression, and gazed upon Ann, and said,

"Private Looting License... What is this?

"Last summer, he said, the Ruthai Empire issued it. Once you take that paper, the Luthai Empire can buck and plunder unauthorized merchant ships and merchants with dignity.

And in the cities of the territory of the Luthai Empire, we can buy and sell the loot, and we can supply it. "

When he heard the word, Lakes said in reaction to Pickle.

"Well, in the war against the Serenity Empire, did you use that system... Viscount Bonnie, is there anything else?

"Come on. After that, you know this crest."

So Ann took his hat, and told him to say hello to Lakes, and Lakes also meditated on his eyes.

"Well, is that what you're saying? Okay, let's hear it later."


"Your Majesty is too sweet for Crest"

"There's no choice. Crest is a secrecy."

The whisper was raised several times, but Lakes had no problem expressing himself.

It is then. A man in a deep red armor, an elf, whose door was wide open and gave rise to a chestnut colour and a beautifully tidy beard, came in and said aloud.

"Lord Oyaji! The red guard, led by my Lamb Roy, is back now, calming down Mittieu, who continued to resist until the end!


In those words, when the ministers cheered together, Lucio stood up and told Lakes.

"Your Majesty, now the territory of the former Kingdom of Galleria is all ours. Congratulations, sit down!

'Congratulations, sit down!

Yes, when the heavy ministers said, the voice of joy rose, but when Lakes glanced at Guillaume and the heavy ministers, the heavy ministers shut up and waited for Lakes' words.

"What are you floating about? It is disgraceful that it took two years to calm down all such countries.

Totally pitiful... in the future, everyone, including the eagle, will have to improve so that nothing like this happens.

Roy Borderline Uncle! Let's hear the report in a separate room, and Viscount Bonnie will follow. Everyone else, prepare for the feast. "

So Lakes, when he rose up, moved straight to another room, and Ram and Ann said, "Oh, man."


When the three Lakes stood in front of the door, which was at the corner of the royal palace and was guarded by the guards, and was engraved with a large angel, the guards opened the door and went inside.

Inside, it was a large pond, and the three of them walked into it in the middle of the pond, in a place like the Greek temple of Parthenon, made of marble.

Once inside, polished marble reflected the sun's light to capture the light, quite bright, and in the hall, where several large cushions were placed in the center of it, three male elves and one female high elf were free to read books or grind spears, and when the Lakes entered, a woman from the high elf noticed and said:

"Oh, Father. Is the meeting over yet?

"You can't call a gathering like that a meeting. Well, Lucio seems to like it."

And it came to pass, when Lakes said, as he had given up, that the man on the spot laughed with Couscous.

The woman I called this father was Princess Vina Fresias Garcia, Elena's cousin and daughter of Lakes, always Nico, a well-deserved woman.

And the man with chestnut-haired, sleeping in a cushion next to it and reading a book, is Count Bernard Schlester, known as the Wizard.

It is Viscount Kenny Fisher, the exclusive brave man of the kingdom of Fresia, who is grinding the spear as it leads to the walls of the room.

And it was the Chancellor, Nick Stanley, who just sat on the marble and waited for the Lakes.

Lakes and the three of them sat freely on their empty cushions, Lakes said.

"Well, now we can finally have a real meeting. First, Ann got it, look at this letter."

And it came to pass, that when Lakes threw his robbery warrant before Nick, Nick read the script and said,

"Private Looting License...... what is it, this?

"Hmm... if Nick doesn't know, how about the others?

When Lakes looked over, it felt like he didn't know, except for Ann.

"After all, doesn't anyone know? Ann, explain it to me."

"Hi. This is a permit issued by the Luthai Empire to legally attack unauthorized merchants and merchant ships.

Moreover, looted goods can be sold in every city in the Luthai Empire and can be supplied. Exactly for bandits and pirates, it's a dream permit.

But this permit, to the best of my knowledge, was issued by England and France, destroying the routes and cities of the new continent of Spain.

So there's a crest in the Luthai Empire, maybe at my age. "

And the words of Anne were lit with the eyes of Lakes.

"Well, to the Luthai Empire... I do hear that when I say the Luthai Empire, it is a country similar to our home day book. With that said, what is happening now between the Serenity Empire and the Ruthai Empire?

And Bernard rose up to the word of Lakes, saying,

"Whatever's going on, it was over last fall, and the Empire lost. I just got that report from the mess, and I was just reading it."

"So shall we hear the report? So, the empire is doomed?

"No. That's what the Ruthai Empire occupied, he said, the interior, which says the Valchia region, and the port town, which says Port City.

The Serenity Empire seems to have been taken over by the Emperor, made a new Emperor, and made peace with the Ruthai Empire. "

"If it's peace... you didn't destroy it?

The eyes of Lakes, who said so, were astonishing.

"Right. Serenity Empire and Kingdom of Salz. Kingdom of Lucen and the Pespard dynasty. And to the Ruthai Empire, that demon king's Gard demonic kingdom joins together to create a coalition of nations now called the Eastern Union, and internal affairs will be done independently by each country, but diplomacy and the military, where they say the council of that coalition, will decide to discuss it.

And they're leaving policing soldiers from all over the country, and they're organizing nations to share the money and say coalition forces.

They say it's a million, but it's like 300,000 standing armies. "

The words of Bernard were shocking.

Standing Army is not a soldier such as a conscripted peasant, but a complete professional soldier.

Benefits include being able to fight without paying any attention to the time of harvest, etc. because they are not conscripted peasants, etc., and because they are constantly trained in their abilities, their individual abilities are high and their control is achieved.

And no matter how many battles you die, your country's productivity will never fall.

The downside is that in normal times, it is a completely useless long product and only costs maintenance. For this reason, here in the kingdom of Fresia, it was whether there were 10,000 standing armies.

But even if we look at that number alone, it contains the armies of the Ruthai Empire and the Gardian god demon kingdom, said to be even more legendary, with staggering numbers.

I don't think that everyone would want to be an enemy if the average person listened, but this Lakes was different.

For the first time here, that musty expression of sharp glance said with a grin.

"That's funny. Bernard, did you discover anything interesting to report?

"That's right, Master Miyagi... no, you were His Majesty now. This is disrespectful.

In fact, that coalition has an operational intelligence bureau of intelligence and operational planning, culminating in a class called the Marshal. Insider responsible for soldier stations and personnel. We are separated from the outside of the operational forces, and all but the inside of them, the Luthaians are in office. "

"I see. Did the Luthai Empire acquire more military power in those five countries than in its territory? Besides, I don't spend that much money in my own country.

Bernard, whoever thinks about this, he's a trickster inside.

What did you say the name of the man was Marshal of the summit?

"That's what's funny. My name is Sakura Kuen Daihan Kiyohiro, and I recently received my last name from the Emperor of the Luthai Empire.

His previous name was Admiral Shimazo Konde Kiyohiro. "

When Bernard said so, smiling, it was Vina's book that had fallen sully from her hand and tears in her big eyes.

"Oh, no... I can't believe he was coming to this world..."

When he saw her, he looked nostalgic somewhere but Ann, and he heard her, irritated by an unknown Ann.

"Chop, it's not terrible that I'm the only one who doesn't know! Somebody tell me!

That's what Bernard explained to Ann.

"The marshal may be the princess's previous husband. Well, that close left, I guess."

"How do you know?

"That's what you'll know when you see the child's name. By the way, its marshal...... well, it must be close left.

My youngest child's name is Pandora in Continental style, but my oldest daughter is a pearl and my oldest son is Sakichi. "


And Nick, who said so, murmured with joy.

"To the beads, to this world..."

Bernard rushes to correct Vina for saying so and crying out loud.

"Princess, if you're my oldest daughter, I don't know. However, it is possible that the left-hand side named it on its own."

"Yes, of course I know. But I'm really glad... if you say so, Sir Bernard, you said the child's name?

My husband, I don't know, is he married?


At that moment, everyone noticed it and became hardened.

Bernard was desperate to explain.

"No, look... that's it, because it's not in the report..."

At that moment, Vina's picked up book shivered with a pull and changed its shape, and Vina said with a smile.

"It's okay. This is happening.

He was always free... and even after he left the Shirai family, he went to play... "

With that said, Nick pushed after Vina even more, smiling and pretty.

"With that said, it was a pleasure for me to minister to the left and to have taken my feet three times."

"Lord Jibu!

Bernard, who said so accidentally, said with a little laugh that he was holding his mouth down just to say that it was gone.

"Huh. Bernard, I didn't know you were in a hurry. I saw something funny. Vina, I know how you feel, but just chill out a little bit."

"It's okay, Father. Whether you have one side room (...) or two people or a regular room (...), I don't care about anything, so it's okay."

Vina, who said so, told Nico and Bernard that Bernard saw Chirali and Lakes.

Then Bernard said as if he had given up, nodding all that Lakes had said.

"So... Near left, we have four wives"

The moment I said that, a blood vessel appeared on Vina's forehead, without breaking her smiling expression, I said.

"Ho... as many as four"

And there was blood in his face, and in his surroundings, but Bernard said with courage, bowing his head.

"No, princess! Listen to me till the end!

The nearest left wife is one from the Neumann family in the Serenity Empire and perhaps one from the Pespard dynasty in the Dark Elves and two from the Stark family in the Kingdom of Salz, so this is all about political marriage, sit down!

I see, do the countries of the Eastern Union have connections, mainly near the left?

That's what Lakes said, banging his knee on bread in front of Vina, who was in despair.

"Now, I also found out that my country might be coming to this world that day when the report came in that it was united. I'm really sorry, but I'm going to start by saying what my immediate goals are.

The goal is the Emburg Kingdom offensive. To this end, we will join hands with the Eastern Union and the Principality of Antonym to create a siege net.

In order to do so, the Kingdom of Fresia will proceed with its accession to the Eastern Union. And our country also enters into a marital relationship with the Sakura family of coalition marshals, welcoming the left proximity as part of the crest. Then give my life under my true name over this.

Four people, Yoshihiro Maida, Shimacha, Yoshihiko Koko, and Ann Bonnie, will go to Eastern Union by sea, join the Eastern Union of the Kingdom of Fresia, and marry the Sakura family. "


"The Sanro Weichang Jing, Yamagata Prefecture, went to the Principality of Antonym and signed an alliance. But go hide.

And tell the ghosts that when the time comes, they will destroy the alliance and attack the kingdom of Emburg, which they both guarded against. "

"Exactly, you're a ghost hand"

So said Ram, with a niggardly grin.

What Lakes was saying was that he was about to attack the alarmed kingdom of Emburg by forming an alliance with the Principality of Antonym and, when the time came, asking the Principality of Antonym to destroy the alliance and making it appear that he would march on the Principality of Antonym.

And then we attack the Principality of Antonum on the grounds that it was you who broke up the alliance. It was just a deceptive plan.

"Well, with a ghost head, it would turn your head that far.

And Sansei Ishida. You rebuild the confused Mittieu and think about increasing the Standing Army. If the story of the Eastern Union is put together, we will be able to make more deals and make more profits than we are now. You can also use that money. "

"Yes, sir."

"Well, I asked for each one."

Yes, when Lakes said, Vina stood up and smiled.

"Then I'll tell your mother and brother to get ready."

Vina, who said so, gave thanks to Lakes, appeared to have fun and ran away.

Bernard, looking sideways at it, said, confirming that Vina had left.

"Now, let the princess be your daughter-in-law, and the people will be convinced? Especially since your wife is willing to have the Count Ursch's wife."

So said Lakes, sighing, saying,

"That's where I come in. Well, to Lucio's daughter-in-law, if he wasn't from another race, he wouldn't be complaining.

But that pureblood doctrine and angelic teachings, to say Musamania, is a pain in the ass. I want to crush it someday. "

But I can't imagine Lord Oyaji joining the Eastern Union.

That's what Bernard said after the ram.

"That too, right. Yes, I couldn't tell you in front of the princess, but I also have information that former Princess Elena is in a controlled area of the Eastern Union.

Well, that's also the story of being caught by bandits and sold somewhere in the Valchia region. Maybe she's a whore or something. "

When he heard the words, Lakes meditated his eyes and said, rubbing his proud beard.

"The Eastern Union, of course, is determined to make it ours. That's why I use it to my wife, Vina. Standing Army 300,000, get it.

Elena, if you find her, kill her. However, if we are surrounded by nobles and powerful men, we will use it to make the Union ours.

Whatever it takes to bring Vina to the top of the coalition, it doesn't matter. For that reason, this marriage will not fail. "

So Bernards nodded and solidified their resolve to Lakes, who opened his eyes.


And 25 days later, by the time Near Left woke up and returned to the mansion, the Vinas were in a convoy of five ships about ten days south of the southernmost city of Belkheim in the Kingdom of Salz.

All five ships, now known as Carrack-class ships, were travelling north at incredible speeds.

This is a distinctive feature of the Fresian kingdom, where the elves are many who can use magic. And if the wind struck the sail with the magic of the wind system, it would be possible to proceed with the ship without worrying about the wind, such as the wind, in order to achieve speed.

And it was the elf man, who climbed the mast and was on watch using magic, who discovered and shouted something.

"Captain! It's a ship! One o'clock ahead!

Ann, who was looking at the nautical chart, heard the words, and when she went to the tip of the ship, she shouted to the watchman in a severe wave shake.

"How many ships? What about the flag?"

"It's three ships! What the hell is that?

"What's up! What do you see! Pirates!"

I still can't see the shadow of the ship in Anne's sight when she said so. For that reason, he shouted in a frustrating voice.

"It's three ships, but it's a bigger ship than this one! One of them is as big as a mountain!

What? Like a mountain, big guy.

That's what Vina and Bernard came out of the cabin and told Ann.

"Ann, what's wrong?

"They had three ships. Plus, he said it was big. Worst case scenario, pirates might have a fight, so be careful... what happened to Kenny?

"Still in the cabin, gay"

So said Vina, with a little honeycomb.

"Ahaha! I don't have that Kenny. Our brave men are no big deal on the ocean."

That was what the watchman cried out to Ann, who laughed.

"Captain! They found us! The convoy has changed direction! I'm coming straight this way!

I can only hope that I'm not a pirate... but it's also funny that pirates run away from pirates.

And it came to pass in Ann's eyes that when he saw three ships floating on the horizon, the watchman cried out,

"Captain! The flag is six dragons! Allied forces!

Coalition forces... what are you doing here? All right, shall we try to make contact?

"Fly the flag of the kingdom of Fresia!

And it came to pass, when Anne had instructed him to fly the flag, and the distance between them was gradually approaching. When the Allied ships were visible to the naked eye, Ann's blood was drawn.

Hey, that's a frigate ship, isn't it? That one sucks!

"Hey, fly the white flag too, show you don't have the will to fight! Hurry up!"

So Vina said to Ann in haste, with a strange face.

"Ann, what's wrong?

"Princess, that's not bullshit. Where I was, there was the same thing, but if we fought, we'd lose this ship for sure."

"Oh, not so..."

That said, it was a surprising vina.

When the distance of the ship gradually became shorter and the voice was heard, it stopped, and even Vina and Bernard were surprised.

From the Allied deck, what was aimed at this side, it was artillery.

As Vina grabbed Ann's sleeve anxiously, a black seal-like beast man screamed from the deck.

"We are the sailors of the Eastern Coalition. The fleet of the Kingdom of Fresia and, as you have seen, who is in charge!

And when Anne heard the word, she came forward, and cried out.

"I am the captain of this ship, Viscount Ann Bonnie! This time, he came with a deal with the Kingdom of Salz, as well as a messenger to the Eastern Union on board!

"Okay. From now on, our captain is going to your ship, so we need you to disarm each other!

Disarmed? I don't want to talk about the bullshit.

"This one carries important people from our country on board. If your captain is coming, let him and his escort have just one more!

And disarm first! This one behaves amicably, but what's that attitude! Is this the greeting of the Eastern Union Class!

"That motherfucker, you piece of shit..."

And it was the left horsehead that slapped the shoulder of the man of the beast, who had put his strength into the hand that held the railing of the ship.

"Let's replace it."

So said the left horsehead, showing Anne and the others his face.

"I am the commander-in-chief of the Coalition Navy, Colonel Tsushima Left Horsehead Chang Ko! I apologize for my disrespect to you.

The two of us are gonna be there, I'm gonna go. You can't disarm me, okay?

Oh, come on, you're suddenly my best friend.

"Okay, that would be good. So, you want to throw a rope?

And it came to pass at that time, that in the midst of the ships of Anne, came forth smoke of space transfer, and from the inside came the left horse head in military uniform, and the samurai of the army of the brave men, with their round hips.

"I don't need a rope. Now you can come."

And the left horsehead, when he had said so, beheld the astonished Anne, and said,

"Ann, that's a draw this time. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Left Horsehead, I am the daughter of the King of the Kingdom of Fresia, Lakes Fresias Garcia, and I sit at Princess Vina Fresias Garcia.

And you are here, Count Bernard Schlester. "

So he bowed gracefully, but the left horsehead and the samurai of the escort were astonished. For the vina that came forth was somewhere like a bead.

Without knowing it, Vina looked into the left horsehead and said:

"What have you done?

"Yes, no... I'm sorry I didn't sit down. I apologize for being so rude that I didn't know the royal family was on board."

Why? Why are you so much alike, Mr. Pearl?

Vina replied with a smile to the left horsehead who said so.

"No, this is my sudden visit, and I apologize for the inconvenience. If you'll excuse me, I'd like you to fly the message glass and contact the head of the Eastern Union."

"If that's what you're saying, I'll arrange it immediately. What do you say we come to our mansion until we hear back?

If it's a space transfer, you can go immediately. "

It's true that Kenny is in such a state... but there's also the possibility that he might call it a trap...

So Bernard said with a smile.

"Okay, let me ask you something. Can we have the three of us?

How dare you! If I were normal, I'd be afraid of assassination, and I wouldn't come.

But such audacity is also the preference of the Luthai... no, it's my preference.

"Okay. So, these are the three of you, okay?

"No. Actually, there was a totally useless, dedicated brave man in our country in the cabin, and what about him, me and the three princesses?

"Yeah, yeah. It's okay. We're going to Belkheim too, so let's take the lead. I'll pick you up later."

That's what Vina told Bernard when the left horsehead and samurai disappeared from the space transfer.

"Choppy Bernard. Are you sure this was a good idea?

"It's okay. The type of person I told you is proud, and in this way, you don't have to worry about your life."

The look on Bernard's face when he said that was like seeing something he missed somewhere.

"I see. Now, let's leave it all to Bernard.

"Thank you. I'll sit down. Shall we get ready?"

So Vina and the others began to prepare.

And when the ship was set in motion for a while, black smoke appeared on the deck again, and the left horsehead and the samurai came out from the inside again.

"Princess, are you ready?

That said, in the direction where the left horsehead saw chills, Kenny was flourishing toward the sea, flushing fish bait out of his stomach.

"Well, after that settles down a little, can you please?

And he said unto Vina Hanika, and answered him with a smile.

"That, too, is true.

Yeah, well, with a slight change of plans, the princesses' destination became Central Castle in Lake City, Eastern Union.

As a matter of fact, I was told by Speaker Beat Stark that when I got in touch with him, if he was a princess, if he didn't give me the best hospitality, he would scratch the name of the Eastern Union. But on the other side, I'll keep your weapon, okay?

"So, the guard, what happens?

That was Kenny who managed to bring it back.

"Don't worry about that. I'm putting your immediate report on the Coalition Marshal on guard.

The person will also guide you. "

"Okay. So, fine."

Vina, who said so, entrusted the convoy to Ann and the three of us headed to Lake City.

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