Another Life

Left Near and Tea

Long time no see, I had a dream. It's a dream from a previous life. Those days I had fun and happiness with my father at Kofukuji Temple...... I want to see him soon.

Vina woke up early in the morning at Central Castle in Lake City, and as she stepped out of bed and looked out the window at the morning sun, the door was knocked and Bernard came over the door, talking to her.

"Princess, it's Bernard. Are you awake?

"Are you Sir Bernard? What's the matter, sir?

"They're ready for breakfast."

"Okay, let's go."

That's what Vina said, she changed her clothes.

I was surprised when I came to this castle yesterday. I had no idea there was such a brave man.

Yesterday, however, when countries were offered talks, it was accepted that the meeting with the Coalition Marshal for the primary purpose could not be justified on the grounds of ill-health... that's a perfectly healthy no.

But I want to see you somehow.

So Vina went to the dining room to get dressed and have breakfast.


"This morning, a meeting with His Majesty Nina of the Pespard dynasty is scheduled for this afternoon, with His Majesty Gehardt of the Kingdom of Salz."

It was Lune who said so. She was turned around to guard Vina and the others because she was the same elf, but for some reason she did something like a secretary.

Even though Lune was also a deputy commander, he usually worked like Elias' secretary, so Elias was the only one in trouble, so there was no problem.

"Major Ravio, I'm really sorry from what to what. So, to the Marshal..."

That's what Vina said, after breakfast, over tea.

"I'm sorry to bother you. Your Excellency is still in good health…"

"You're in good health... I can use medicine and a little healing magic, so why don't I see you?

"Uh, yes, no, Your Excellency has the best doctors in the Union..."

Obviously, you're lying. She's hiding something… Now the problem is what it is. Yeah, see what I'm worried about?

"Yes, Major Ravio. When we arrived yesterday, the guard soldiers were surprised, do you know why?

"Well, isn't that because it's a high elf?"

"Really? But I was also surprised by the Luthai people. Ruthai people don't know about high elves, do they?

"I'm sorry to bother you. I'm not a Luthai, so I don't know."

Well, that's, well.

"That too, right. But is there any mistake in that condition regarding the accession to the Union that you explained yesterday?

"Sure, I'll sit down."

Yesterday, this Major Lavio explained to me that the terms of accession of the Union require the assent of a majority of the Council to accede, and that, although there was no problem, the problem is that of the Charter, which should also be referred to as the law of the Union.

For the first five years, the new accession countries will not be able to run for the presidency and, if they need their own defence forces, they will not be able to become the presidency. This is well managed, understandable.

The coalition's contribution is proportionate to the size of each country, as well as the abolition of tariffs, which is reasonably convincing.

But on this condition. The Union does not invade other countries. Now peace will not come to our country...... what shall we do?

"Okay. In the meantime, shall we go to the Pespard Hall?"

Having said that, Vina snuck up to Bernard and gave instructions to his country to hear about the charter in a message glass, and went to the house of Pespard.


But there's something weird about this Lake City with all the heads of state here.

That's what Vina decided to ask Lune as she walked.

"Major Ravio. Because there's something today? Or is it normal for heads of state to be gathered in this Lake City?

"This evening, heads of state and dignitaries are gathered as there will be a party inside.

Usually, there are relatives and parliamentarians of the Heads of State. Well, usually if you're a VIP official in the Union, you're free to use the gate, so, ladies and gentlemen, because of the good environment here, a lot of people live in relatives. "

"Well, since we can't be at the party?

"I'm sorry to bother you. Exclusive within the Union."

Anyway, you'll be discussing the Kingdom of Fresia, but if I can get out to that party, I can take it to the accession process at once.

But this Major Ravio, he won't talk to me like that. If so, Her Majesty Queen Nina of Pespard?


Vina, who said so, went to the house of Pespard.

Pespard Dynasty Embassy. This is literally an obscene hall, where Nina lives her own Harlem man and enjoys himself like a day in a row, said Left Near [obscene hall].

At the entrance, Vina and the others who presented the ID card, made when they came to Lake City, left Lüne on the doorstep and, for some reason, were led into the bedroom, and in the eyes of the Vina and the others who went inside, three naked dark elf men, and Nina, who was naked and weaving a kimono on her shoulder, sat down on the bed.

Nina said after the act, pointing to the table and couch in front of the bed.

"I'm Nina from Pespard. Well, sit down."

"I sit at the Vina Fresias Garcia in the Kingdom of Fresia. I'm sitting here with Count Bernard Schlester, Viscount Kenny Fisher."

Nina told me that the three of them would thank Vina for introducing her and sit on the couch.

"No greetings. As you can see, I'm tired.

Shall we get down to business now? To some extent, I'm asking. The Kingdom of Fresia wants to join the Eastern Union. So, what's in it for us to agree to the accession of the Kingdom of Fresia?

"Right, what about the deal with the kingdom of Fresia?

Nina laughed with her nose when she heard the words.

"Ha! The deal is still enough. Besides, we at Dark Elves are too weak to go out of our way to agree to the Elves' membership. Are you serious?

That's what Vina said, she smiled and told Nina.

"I mean it. From what I've seen, dark elves, like us elves, seem to have a low birth rate.

Then why can only our Fresian kingdom be the country of the largest population of elves while preserving the pure blood of our species… In fact, there are drugs that induce the pregnancy of elves. "


The story was informative enough for Nina to get her hands out of her throat.

All right, I still ate.

"Thanks to that medicine, our kingdom of Fresia is growing in population. Well, the only reason I haven't been on the table before is because the royal family controls the drug and only gave it to couples whose children couldn't make it inside.

If Her Majesty the wise Queen Nina here, you may have noticed that our elves and dark elves are racially close. Therefore, if it works on our elves, it makes sense that it works on dark elves as well.

What about buying and selling that drug between each other's royal families?

"... how much?

"What about five thousand shillings to get one pregnant, not one unit I said?

This medicine only makes the single-digit birth rate 30% or 40%, so it's safer for His Majesty to be alone than one, isn't it?

I'll give it to you with a medicine for dark elves only. "

"Dedicated to dark elves...... how did you formulate that?

Nina, who said so, was clearly wary.

"Unlike the previous Kingdom of Galleria, the Fresian kingdom embraced only a few other species.

Some of them were a couple of dark elves, and the elf medication just seemed tight, and I arranged it a little.

I still have a little bit of knowledge of medicine, and for that couple, it's this drug that I developed. "

So Vina put three vials on the table. In a clear vial, there was a white, small chunk of snow floating in it, a very strange object.

"This is it?

To Nina, who said so and looked closer, Vina says with a smile.

"That's right. In the meantime, I'll give you three, Your Majesty.

But please be careful with this. If you drink it, within a day, you have to do the deed. Once taken, it is forbidden to take the same thing for a period of 120 days.

Let someone take this and see if you get pregnant. If you get pregnant brilliantly there, Your Majesty will believe my words. "

"... is that all? Just talking about accession, giving something like this away for free?

That's where your majesty is. Doubtful.

"And one more thing. Can't we join the party tonight?

In those words, Nina's eyes changed, and when she raised her hand, the naked dark elves walked out of the room, and Nina saw the Bernards.

You mean confidentially?

So Vina told Bernard to leave, and in the room where they were alone, Nina sat next to Vina and whispered.

"It's Vina. That's an impossible story. That's why we're having a party."

"For a reason? Isn't this a party of confidential discussions about the Fresian kingdom?

To Vina, who said so. Nina says even more lowly in Vina's ear.

"Actually, this party is a celebration of the Allied Marshal's return to duty."

"Okay, really!

"Idiot, your voice is big.

Until yesterday, the Marshal was lost. The reason is that vampires stabbed me in the back and bit me even more.

This time, we're celebrating its return. I'm the healing magic, I'm sure because I healed. So, well, it's a party about the consolation of those who helped.

Vina, it's you, so I'll tell you. In the Union, the Sakura family is powerful. The Kingdom of Fresia should also offer someone to enter into a marital relationship.

We also... Well, this is a coincidence, but I have made my niece the wife of the Sakura family, and I have sold a great deal of gratitude so that I can gain independence from the Empire and target the next Speaker. You know what that means?

Nina was telling us to enter into a marital relationship with the left-hand side, cooperate in the next election, and vote for ourselves.

But this invitation was an unexpected one for Vina.

"I originally came here with the intention of marrying the Sakura family. Besides, whoever will be in the next chairmanship, we will not be able to run.

Then something would be more convenient for a racially close dark elf than a stranger. And when I marry you, you will be related to your majesty. "

"I liked it. No one thinks that elves and dark elves, famous for their unfamiliarity, are connected behind them, and for that matter, our words will be convinced by others.

It's just Vina, I can't help this party. That's all you need to know. "

"Yeah, I don't mind. Just a marriage between the Fresian royal family and the Sakura family, will you support me?

"Oh, I thought I would. I will write to the Emperor of the Luthai Empire and do it through the story.

If the Emperor of the Luthai Empire decides, the Kingdom of Lucen will follow. The kingdom of Salz will be eaten by the story of the deal, and the Serenity Empire will be able to handle it once the Queen is taken in.

His Majesty the Demon King of the Gard Devil Nation looks horrible with his magic, but, well, if you think of it as a powerful, ordinary girl, you'll be fine. "

Is the Demon King such a person?

To Vina, who thought so, Nina gave her final advice.

"And for my final advice, to Marshal Sakura, talking about status and honor is pointless because I'm not interested at all... rather, it's just poison.

Whoever forgives his heart for what he says, thoroughly protects it, but there is no forgiveness for him who sees it as an enemy. The one you have to be most careful about. "

I see. Master Qing hasn't changed a thing.

"It's okay. I'm used to handling it."

Vina said so, smiling and telling Nina, as if Nina had been poisoned.

"Well, good luck with that. Tell me if anything happens, and I'll help you."

"Thank you. I'll sit down. I don't have such a comforting ally."

Vina, who said so, shook hands with Nina, leaving behind the filthy hall of Pespard.

And out of the hall, Vina gave Bernard information about the kingdom of Salz, and, as she had summed up the story, gave instructions, and herself, without hearing Lune and the others stop, remained single, headed to the headquarters of the coalition.


Around that time, the left-hand side was in his own office at Allied headquarters, and he was sitting on the couch, listening to reports from Pandora, who was sitting in the seat of the left-hand side marshal.

"Firstly, the future development of guns, but we have already given the bullet positive a blueprint for the type of Colt Government. The bullet is a 45-calibre bullet and the development of the bullet is entrusted to Dr. Corpus.

To that and bullet positive, I also ordered the development of alloys and experiments on how demonic stones can be melted and reshaped. Your father's wasted ore was in stock, so maybe we can do something about it. Well, bullet shouting will come in later, please.

And the paving plan for the streets Keith had his head on, but those who had been incarcerated for more than a month for sinners decided to call it forced labor for the same number of years as prison, which resulted in a significant reduction in costs.

At the same time, I ordered Keith to do a survey of each household registry to make an estimate of tax revenues. Now, it'll be tough until we find out, but when it's done, Keith will be happy to weep. I think it would be nice to review the tax system and so on, based on that household registration in the future.

Nassau, of course, has decided to call it an exception. That's because Sonia's in May.

So far, that's it. There were no other disturbing moves... and yes, speaking of disturbing moves, because what happened with Elena?

"Hi, I was sleeping in bed with you when I picked you up."

And Chloe, having said so, lifted up her glasses quickly, and looked near the left.

"No, it wasn't in anything. Besides, I don't think my body's moving much either."

"Phew...... well good. Yes, because we're having a party today to celebrate your father's return. I've already done the stepping. It's easier to explain how unusual you are every time, right?

This guy did this in a few days.

"Well, that's true, but it's better for Pandora to do the marshal or the head of the Sakura family than for me, right? I'm hiding in Nassau."

"Father... I will kill you"

Oh, my eyes are bees.

"Excuse me. Yes, I'm sorry, but don't you want to take a trip to Shinano's Kaizu Castle next time? It's my generation with Alexia and Changheng's congratulations, but after the fireworks in August, from Kyo, if you take it easy and leave, you'll be able to go with pleasure.

The knight is fifty horsemen at a time, and I'll take care of the selection. The Sakura family will have the cost. "

"Travel... go!

Huh, you simple bastard. The truth is, I can't do it in days.

That's what I thought, the door knocked, and the orchid came in and said.

"The receptionist has come to see Her Excellency the Princess of the Fresian Kingdom."

The kingdom of Fresia... you mean Elena?

Chloe told Orchid she thought so.

"I thought you said no because of your illness."

"No, that's it. When the tea came to see me, they said they would know."

Tea! No, that's stupid...... it can't be. The common denominator of those I met who were reincarnated were those who excelled on the battlefield. Why are the teas... maybe about the temple?

It was when Chloe looked at the confused left-hand side with that in mind, and asked the left-hand side.

"Who are the teas? Like I heard somewhere..."

"... my wife, the mother of the beads"


Chloe and the orchid reacted unexpectedly, but the left-hand side continued to say.

"That can't be right. Besides, maybe the Fresian kingdom that found out about the tea somewhere just sniffed up on Elena's story.

I'm gonna take a little rehab and walk around the garden by myself. Later, please. "

That being said, the left proximity remained and moved to the garden due to a space transfer.


"I'm sorry to bother you. Your Excellency is still unable to see anyone because of his illness. See you later, please."


Vina, told the receptionist, left the Allied headquarters discouraged.

After all, His Majesty Nina has said something, and I wonder if it's difficult.

... Is that it? Take the kids to this place... Huh? Shh!

When he left headquarters, he headed in the direction of Vina, who had stopped, and the man holding hands with the girl who walked in, was not far behind, Vina's know, that arsenal.

Vina, her stiffened legs don't come forward. On the contrary, it was surprising too, without a voice, to just stand up.

And for the first time ever, the happy face of the Hyogo. Finally, Vina's voice came out at a moment when the Hyogo was so different from Vina's.

"... soldier... library..."

To that word, I accidentally stopped walking in the arsenal, and Mira said, "Dad, what's wrong? I said," but it's not in the ears of the Hyogo. The Hyogo shrugged, too.


To cut the word, Vina looked back and said to the Hyogo.

"After all, it's not a Hyogo!

I'm really your sister...

It was about the letters of absolute obedience, the beads, and the near left, planted at the level of the soul at an early age in the brain of the Hyogo that thought so.

And Iris and the others can say things close to the left. If I knew that there were four wives here, I would have thought instantly of coming to me.

And the actions taken by the Hyogo were one.

"Hyogo... now who is it? I'm Major Kondo."

The operation, which could be made into that very other person, ended in complete emptiness. Vina crouched down and smiled at Mira.

"Your daughter is adorable. What do you say your name is?

"Willow Mira! Your sister's beautiful, too."

"Thank you. What's Mira's father's name?

"Liu Sheng Hyogo aided the harsh! I'm so strong! Does your sister know your father?

"I'm Mira's father's, after the mess..."

"Wow! It's been a long time, sister. Wouldn't that be about the old story?

Not to mention the limits, but the arsenal went in between. But Vina, who is accustomed to the treatment of the Hyogo, said even more.

"Right. I wonder if the old story is good enough. Well, marrying your sister..."

"Really, sister? Are you thirsty? Then there's a room here in the mansion, so why don't you take your time there? Let's talk about what we're gonna do."

"... right, shall we go"

Vina, who said so, followed after the Hyogo, and the Hyogo told Mira, Cosoli, "Don't tell my mother," and went toward the mansion near the left.

"Welcome home, Master Hyogo, Master Mira"

He was greeted by many servants who said so, and took Vina by surprise, and the Hyogo came to Busty, who stood in front of the front door.

"Welcome home, Master Hyogo, Master Mira. And..."

So when he saw Vina as a chillary, Vina bowed down as if she were a nobleman and said to Busty:

"I will sit at Vina Fresias Garcia. Feel free to call me Vina."

"Then Master Vina. I'm Butler, Sakura's butler. My name is Bastian. Feel free to call me Busty.

Master Hyogo, may I have a moment?

So Busty whispered to Hyogo, leaving a little.

"Dear Hyogo. I don't mind the thriving, but if this bead finds out, I can't stop you as much as I can.

Whatever it is, it's dangerous. I think it would be better to build a separate mansion like your palace and be surrounded there. "

... Busty, you would totally mistake me for some mistress. And my father-in-law... what are you doing?

"Busty, no. He is the mother of the beads."

"I mean... no way"

"No way. Father-in-law, where are you?

"Today, they haven't returned, so I thought it might be the military's office. Master Pandora is there, too.

Mr. Busty, I'd like to speak to Mr. Hyogo, but if we can talk through this, I think Mr. Cecily, who is still calm, would be okay. "

"After all, do you think so too? I agree with you.

Iris may still manage, but especially dangerous are Lana, who is easily clean, and Cecil, who is catastrophic if clean. Only these two need to be stopped from being known first. "

"Right. It's a weekday, so Dear Cecil is in the lab, and Dear Lana is in the living room.

Iris is in the garden, Cecily is in the school. Mr. Annie is here today and Mr. Pearl has already prepared the venue. "

"All right, then give Mira the beads, and I'll take charge of my stepfather. Can you get a message from Iris and Lana, and Cecily and Cecil?

"Dear Hyogo, won't that sit for the most part? It's cowardly... Ok, let's use Sakura's servants to do everything in secret. So what will Vina do?

"That sister can't possibly make a big deal of herself... and a certain person is powerless in front of that sister. I've always treated you irrationally. Still, for some reason, I can't resist."

"Not so much..."

So Busty, surprised, said Mira to the troubled arsenal.

"Father, Busty. Mr. Vina's gone."


When the two men who said so looked back, Vina had already disappeared there.


That's sweet, Hyogo. I know more about you than I did when I was a baby, so I can read everything I do.

But it was a marshal's mansion. Wow, why is it so big? It's weird that there's a forest in the garden. Hmm? There's someone here.

I thought so, and the sight Vina saw from the gaps in the trees was the sight of Iris, Irina and Chris, in front of the maids in their usual gazebo in the East Garden, happily taking the children and talking.

Sounds like fun. All three of them are friends... but I think there's a wife in there for Kiyoshi.

That's what Vina thought, her chest was bitter and she left the scene.

"So, Claudio, when Busty hugs you, you're definitely gonna take a leak."

"I have it. When Flodia is also hugged by Busty, she definitely takes a leak. Is Sakichi okay?... Iri?... Iri, what's wrong?

"Hmm? Oh, sorry. Hey, you say you felt a gaze of concern... I'm just gonna take a look alone. Chris, please, Sakichi."

That said, when Iris, who felt Vina's gaze, rose up, Chris said not to his usual expression, but to the look of a knight.

"Thief? I'll go. Maybe the military just got lost over here."

"No, it's okay. Chris, I need Irina just in case. I was wearing a dress, so I don't know if it's okay."

Iris, who said so, took out the Rapier's cartena from Magic Buck and went toward the woods.

But what if the Coalition Marshal isn't Kiyoshi?

I guess I should have purchased some more information and then acted. I haven't really thought about Kiyoshi for a long time, but my body acted first.

That was when I thought, from behind Vina, there were signs of someone approaching me.

Somebody's coming.

That was how Vina disappeared and hid behind the tree.

Shit, I was so alarmed I forgot to erase the signs.

Asking how he was doing with that in mind, it was Iris with the cartena who came.

That kid, he's got a rapier. And you're telling me you noticed me at that distance? Who the hell are you?

Anyway, we're gonna have to get over this and get out of this place.

That's what Vina thought, lurking her breath and waiting for Iris to move.

Eventually Iris, giving up or going straight back toward Gazebo, Vina disappeared and ran through the woods, concentrating in the direction of Iris.

The destination has not been specifically determined. But now it was important to keep your distance from this place.

If we get this far, are you okay...

That was when Vina was watching, kneeling and hiding in the direction in which Iris had left, when a knife was placed on Vina's right shoulder and she heard a powerful voice.

"Don't move, I don't want to kill too many women. Well, shall we start with a name?

The voice of a man. Shit, that woman was distracting me!

It was then that the nose of Vina smelled nostalgic.

The scent of sweat and blood...... No way, Master Kiyoshi! But the voice is different. What do we do here, say the name of a previous life?

But my chest rattles...... let's trust my intuition.

"Daughter of the Fa 'an of Bei 'an in Kofukuji Temple, the teas..."

It was when I said the word, that the sword swayed slightly, and the sentiment came to Vina.

And the man said quietly in a voice with angry emotions that Vina could also understand.

"Who told you that name? Who says you heard it from, answer it!

Wrong!? No, but I'm telling you my soul is like Kiyoshi.

"Who told you that? Why should I fake my name!

When Vina said so and stood up and looked back, there she was, near left.

Your face is different. But that gentle face that doesn't go with the smell of sweat and blood... and that weird beard growing... no doubt, Master Kiyoshi.

Vina could not suppress the emotions that had developed from her chest and could not stop tears from coming from her eyes.

It's tea... it's really tea, though it's becoming an elf and a high elf. Those teas...

And it came to pass from the hand near the left, that the sword fell powerless, and tears overflowed from his eyes, and drew Vina, and he stroked his cuddled head.

Oh, Master Kiyoshi. This head stroke, it's really that Kiyoshi.

That was how Vina accepted it and called each other's names and cried in her breasts.

And there were those who saw the sight from the shade of the tree and hid it. It is Iris.

She was searching from where Vina's signs disappeared, making it look like she was going back to lure her guard off.

And when they discovered Vina, the left-hand side was poking a knife, and when they wanted to speak, they hugged each other and accidentally hid themselves.

Why did you hide? That guy cheated on me again... that? Something's wrong. The two of us are hugging each other and crying. Maybe an old acquaintance or something?

And it came to pass in Iris' ear, saying, Tea.

Tea... like I heard somewhere... ah! That's the name of Pearl's mother!

Oh, no... so you're saying he was reincarnated too?... Oh no...

Iris, who thought so, went straight back to Fluffy and Gazebo.

"So the tea has been reincarnated into this world for a long time?

"It's just about twenty years. Where's Master Kiyohiro?

"It's me... I'm only a little over a year away"


"Well that's surprising... yes, a few more places, there's a dojo. Why don't you go?

The dojo owner there is a Hyogo. He's coming to this world too. "

"Hyogo, I saw you when you came here. He was trying to get away from me using a pseudonym."

I see, the tea came in here to guide the Hyogo... but why did the Hyogo use a pseudonym, from the Tea... well! I was married!

I completely forgot because I could see the tea and the tension was rising.... Is this going to be cheating?

No wait. The teas were nicotine without saying anything, even when I was wandering... but marriage is different than buying a girl.

With that in mind, Vina said worryingly as she walked out with her left proximity holding a cane and pulling her left leg.

"Master Kiyohiro, what about those legs?

"This. I got stabbed by a vampire from behind, and he sucked my blood. Looks like it sucked, to be honest.

I noticed it the other day, and my legs have been a little hard to move since then. I'm walking here to fix this leg. "

Really, I was ill. Indeed, it seems to me how it is to meet the emissaries of other countries in this body, as the head of the army. Is that why you were avoiding it?

"Shoulders, I'll lend you. Yeah, I've come to this world to learn a lot of herbs and medicine, so why don't we do a little check-up?

"I'm sorry. Were you doing that in this world? They say it smells like herbs."

"I already told you about my childhood like that... did you know that?

"Oh. I guess that was the day before I congratulated you. Lord Kitanabe came to me and we talked.

So he said to me, "The teas, because of my work for a long time, smelled of herbs and were more abusive and annoying than they were when I was a kid. So just make yourself happy with the tea."

When Vina heard the story, she looked straight up and squealed in tears.

"Father...... thank you"


Around that time, when Iris returned to Fluffy and Gazebo as he was, Chris spoke with concern.

"Iri, how'd it go?... Iri?


"How'd it go? You look like you're about to cry. Are you okay?"

"Ugh, yeah I'm fine......"

I... looked like I was gonna cry...

Even so, Iris made a desperate smile and behaved as if there was nothing there.

But Irina, realizing something had happened, held Iris' hand gently and said with a smile.

"Iri, why don't you tell me what happened? It'll be easier if we talk."

"Actually... in the back of the woods, my husband was holding a woman..."



"No, not cheating or anything... we were both crying... I didn't know we could see each other again, we were hugging each other and crying like we didn't think we could. And the woman is the real mother of the beads."

Chris and Irina, who heard the words, looked complicated and couldn't say anything, and the maids around them acted as if they didn't all ask if they thought the matter would be bad if they touched it.

And Chloe came, as if to strike out the air.

"Excuse me, Queen Irina, long time no see...... is that it? Ladies and gentlemen, what is it?

It was Chris who said it so as to mislead the word.

"It's okay, it's okay. What happened to the Major at the place?

"No, my lord told me you were going back to the mansion after rehab, walking around the garden, but you haven't returned yet, so I'm here to find you.

I have a party this evening, so if you don't prepare it early, in that body of yours, it will take a while... Um, are you sure you're okay?

"'Cause it's okay. Are you sure your lord is in the woods? Yeah, we gotta get ready for the party, too."

"Really...? Okay, I'm going. Thank you. Thank you."

So when Chloe bowed her head and left, Irina realized something.

"Chris, is it okay if I let you go to the Major now?

Ah! That's right.

"Yes, it's okay. Look, Major Chloe's a raven, and he said he'd do something about it."

Everyone thought it was irresponsible for Chris to say that, but at the same time they thought it was the only way to leave it to them.


Inside the dojo of the Sakura family, Near Left and Vina sat together. To a nostalgia reminiscent of Yanagi's dojo, Vina told Vina with a smile that she missed the old days.

"With that said, do the teas know the other reborn ones?

"Well, that's right... maybe Kiyoshi will be surprised."

"Heh, who is it? There's a few of them over here."

"First of all, my father's previous life was Shingen Takeda, who was said to be a worthy tiger."

"What! Lord Oyaji!

And when he said so, he ate it by accident.

Elena, who saw it, said with pleasure.

"Yeah, I am. That one, listening to my previous life, when I gave him the power to resist destiny, taught me everything from the law of war and trained me.

The couple said it was a prospect. "

Lord Oyaji... I want to see you.

"So, who else is there?

"Dear Chang-jing, Yamagata Prefecture, Masayuki. Dear Mr. Kokiyoshi, I'm Mr. Sansei Ishida."

"What! My lord is here too! Besides, the Samurai Garrison and the Kippo Garrison... Koko Yoshihiro has heard his name before.

Surely the last thing I knew was Lord Fukushima's minister, known as the Spear Talent. "

"Yes, and seven of them, Ann Bonnie and I, were reincarnated, called Crest of the Fresian kingdom."

Fresian kingdom! You would be after that Elena's life, Fresian kingdom!

I'm sure Elena was talking about Crest... No way! No. What if Lord Oyaji is the man Elena was talking about, the Lakes?

Easily a country will make its own. So the tea is Elena and her cousin's princess!

That's what I think. I accidentally gained strength in my near left arm.

And to the left near saying nothing, Vina shrugged.

"With that said, Mr. Kiyoshi is already married in this world and has children..."

Vina said something surprising about the words, which were complicated to the left.

"It's okay, I forgive you. In this world, we can't help but have four people in the side room."

That being said, Vina smiled at Nico and said close left, and the close left was a little tight.

This, this, you would be completely angry...... wait, now the teas said side chamber. Does that mean you're appealing to me that I'm in the right room? No, are you going to marry me in the first place?

Even I want to marry tea. So much, the tea I loved... that feeling still remains the same. But even though Elena's life is being targeted by Lord Oyaji, then Elena's life is in danger.

Elena, I'll protect her. Yes, it's more important to protect your benefactor than your own... family happiness.

When the left-hand side thought so, the entrance to the dojo was knocked and Chloe stood.

"Oh, Chloe, what's up?

Chloe looked at Chirali and Vina for a moment and said to her near left.

"My lord, I will sit with you in time. If it's not time to get ready, for the evening party, because I won't be able to make it.

Where is that woman?

When Chloe said so, Vina stood up and bowed down like a nobleman.

"Hello, my name is Vina Fresias Garcia, Princess of the Kingdom of Fresia"

"Of the kingdom of Fresia... this, excuse me. I am the chief of the department, Major Chloe Meisner, in the exclusive secretarial office of the Allied Coalition Marshals.

My lord, among today's invitees, the princess... "

"You don't have to go in... The princess says you're home"

On the left hand side, when he said as he stood up using his cane, Vina looked at the left side with the expression she had said no way.

And he shouted, toward the left proximity, trying to walk away without saying anything.

"Dear Kiyoshi! This, no way!

"That's right. It's hard, but forget about me. But I'll make sure to meet Pearl... because she's our daughter... and I'll be in touch.

Chloe, the princess is home. Send them to Central Castle. "

And Chloe was speechless, even though the left hand said so. Vina had her back pointed at her and she didn't know, but in the near left eye that Chloe in the front saw, there were tears.

Such an idiot...... I can't believe that His Excellency is crying. Besides, Mr. Pearl is our daughter!

To Chloe, who thought so, the left-hand side spoke in a strong tone.

"What's wrong, Chloe, didn't you hear me?

"Ha! Major Chloe Meisner. We will now send Princess Vina to Central Castle!

On Chloe's shoulder, whom I accidentally saluted, I put my hand on Pong without saying anything, and said, "Is the bead alive? Without even turning to Vina, who shouted," he went back to the mansion on a spatial transfer.

"Come on, Princess, stand up. If you'd like, I can arrange for a brave man to be sent to Central Castle on a space transfer."

That's what Chloe said, just being nice to Vina, who was crying, Vina said in tears to Chloe.

"Is the bead... is she alive?

"Yes, Your Excellency's eldest daughter, now married to Major Willow Raw and named Willow Raw Pearl"

"Well, that Mira is my grandson..."

"Will it... right? Come on, stand up."

Chloe, who said so, let Vina stand, and sent her to Castle Central.

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