Another Life

Near Left and Chloe

Sunday, July 23, 2nd AD.

At Yunoyama Onsen in Tampa for about a week, Left Near and Iris, who spent alone, took off the inn and headed to Park Castle, greeted Tampa Shogunate and went straight to pick up Saheiji and the others.

Crossing the bridge after noon and climbing the mountain, in a small field in front of the house, Saheiji's mother and Chris were close, doing field work, and were they off today, Saheiji and Yahei were doing sword arches.

Hey, what is this sight... too familiar, it's Christina.

Even so, when the left proximates approached, the four noticed the left proximates and bowed their heads.

Near left, he went down from his horse, and deposited his horse with Yahei, and said to Chris:

"Christina, you're totally familiar with this already. Why don't you go back over there and do some field work and see?"

"Hahaha, I'd love to, but my mother would definitely say," The McGregor family is a family of knights for generations, but don't act like a peasant. "

"Afterwards, you can imagine yelling at me... let's stop. What happened to your dream at the place?

"That's what tea houses are getting busy with, so I went to help you...... should I call you?

"Well good. Until now, I'm sure you're grateful to the teahouse you took care of.

Back over there, it's another busy day. This way, it's not bad to relax "

That said, the left proximity, when he sat on the edge and took out the flue pipe and lit the cigarette, Iris naturally sat next to the left proximity, not only saying that he was going to do the knee pillow, but he slapped the pom pom and his own knee and invited the left proximity to the knee pillow.

Near left, not to mention naturally, when I left my head on Iris' lap, I was watching Chris, who smoked and farmed, and two people who were doing sword arches.

Somehow, this sight is like when you were a wanderer and you lived on the outskirts of Kyo.

At that time, there were teas, Shinji, Shinsuke, and the sweeping department. Simeon has come to see me a lot too... now that I think about it, he was newlywed and he was coming to my parents so much, is that good? Well, even more so now.

And so he thought, and Iris stroked his hair near his left, and said,

"What's going on? Earlier, I sniveled."

"Hmm? No, I figured the Ruthai Empire would be good. I remember the old days."

When Iris heard the word, he stopped the hand that had ever caressed his near left hair, perfectly.

Oh, shit. This is a sign of being grumpy.

"Maybe it's not what Iris thinks. Once upon a time, when I was a wanderer, I remembered that my married daughter Simeon, even though she was newlywed, used to come and visit me at home."

"Hmm... so, the two of us were working in the field like that"

... I blew myself up.

"No... yes, oh, Christina. Did the dream take you to Lake City and decide what to do?

"Also deluded..."

That said, Iris was musty, but Chris stood up and said something surprising about Iris.

"Right. It's our house to live in, whether you go to school or suddenly become a housekeeper, Either way, if you don't learn Kiribati, you won't speak, so I think I'll tell Iri."

"Wait a minute. Why mine?

"Fine, I teach at school, too. Besides, I'll help you too.

And Irina can help. "

So said Chris, with a smile and soil on his cheek.

... Hey, Queen. Unexpectedly, Christina has a thick nerve, and she looks just like Amelia.

"Isn't that good? Saheiji and Christina will feel safer leaving it to Iris than leaving it to anyone else."

"... I can't help it. But I won't let you down."

"So, good. Thank you, Iri."

Chris said that with a smile on Iris's face.

Eventually, in the evening, when the dream returned, she apologized for the delay near the left, and when she came out of the house, she was in charge of a large bathroom, totally dressed as a country rounder.

When he saw the big bathroom, Chris took out one small backpack type of magic back and said to his dreams.

"That package is heavy, isn't it? You should put it in this.

This is a magic backpack with capacity limitations, but the luggage should be enough for this backpack type. "

"Thank you. Sit down, sister."

That's what he said, when he packed his stuff into Magic Buck, he looked back and said to his mother, bowing his head.

"Well, you're going for a bit, Mother"

"Oh, don't bother Christina too much."

"I know. My brother's fine."

"You too. I'm asking you to do something about your brother."

The dream that Yahei told him so, smiling and nodding, waved to the two of them and moved to the Coalition headquarters in Lake City in a near-left space transfer, all at once.


The dream, which I said inadvertently looking up at headquarters, was precisely one in which my open mouth could not be blocked.

In the exotic land I saw for the first time, I smiled and said to Chris and the others, dreaming that I was touched.

"Good luck with the protection. I'm going home."

"Bye, Chris. You want me to come pick up the kids with you?

So Iris and Chris went toward the Serenity Empire mansion.

Well, I have to give you a souvenir, especially Lana.

Even so, walking toward the mansion, as usual, the servants lined up and greeted him near the left.

Welcome home, Master Miyagi.

So he walked among the servants who bowed their heads, and Busty and Testa greeted him at the entrance, near the left.

"Welcome home, Master Miyagi. How was it, the hot springs of the Ruthai Empire?

So he said to Busty with a smile, and the left hand side was astonished.

"What, did you know?

"Yeah. In Lieutenant Colonel McGregor's report. But when I heard it, Cecil was angry."

Seriously... That said, there are no hot springs.

"Well, I can't help it. Get in the mood for a souvenir."

"Right, I think that would be a good idea. With that said, since the day after the Miyagi went out, Major Meisner came every day and asked if the Miyagi would still leave.

Whatever, Shirley's spear is done. "

That was surprisingly quick...... right, why don't you go pick it up. I just bought a souvenir.

"Busty, I'm going to go to Chloe's now. Testa, give this to everyone."

That said, the left-hand side handed the magic buck with the souvenir to the tester and moved it on a spatial transfer.


Lake City Military District. It was halfway between the Lake City general district and the Central district, inhabited by military officials and their families, some of which were busy with dedicated markets and shops.

Well, Chloe is a major, and you live in a house reserved for sarges... that? I don't even know where Chloe lives.

In the meantime, why don't you ask someone?

That's what I thought. When I looked around, I discovered Zonosuke.

Oh! Discover Zanosuke.

"Oh, Zonosuke!

"Oh, brother. Surely you were there to inspect the workshop?

"I came home today. Speaking of which, don't you know what Chloe's house is?

"Major Meisner, is that you? Sure, it's a black roof house on the next street by the corner. What is it, cheating on you?

"Idiot, no."

That said, near left, he tapped Zanosuke's head lightly, and walked away in the direction that he had been told.

Earlier the street was a boulevard, lots of people, but this street has few people and a large mansion.

Is this the Samurai's mansion street? Sure, Zanosuke said it was a black house on the roof... but every house, garden is huge and grounds are huge.

Isn't this more than a hundred tsubos? It's bigger than my Nassau mansion, and it all feels like a house of nobility in Scotland and England.

Does Chloe live alone in a house this big?... Oh, that black roof house... is huge!

In front of the left-hand corner, which surprised me, there was a three-story mansion like a small castle based on white.

... A samurai is positioned on an aristocratic level, and being so vast would be hard to maintain.

With that in mind, the left-hand side opened the lavish gate and proceeded inside, knocking on the large door.

This, if I didn't have a servant, would be tight.

With that in mind, it was the orchid of sleep in everyday clothes that opened the door and came out.

"Huh? My lord?

And he said with a smile unto the orchid that was astonishing.

"Hey, I just got back, so I brought you a Tampa souvenir. If the orchids are coming to see you, I'll give them to you because they're just fine and have the orchids."

And it came to pass that the orchid said so a little awkwardly.

"Actually. Me and Viola are staying at Chloe's house.

Because Chloe is alone and this mansion is too big... you know, can you come in?

"Was it?

No, I know how that Chloe feels, and nothing's wrong... is there something at home?

"No... well, that was pretty messy... and we had a drink yesterday."

Hmm? Well, the girl's scattered, from the guy's me, is the undisturbed category. And I'm interested in a house full of women.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care what you're messing with. You're not gonna let me in?

"Um, only the front door..."

No matter what, you don't want to go in there. No way, there's a guy in there or something? That would be bad.

"What, there's a man? Then I won't bother you, so I'll call you back."

"No, that's not why..."

"Well, let me in."

That being said, the left proximity was half as forceful as entering the mansion, the sight of suspicion of the eyes was widening.

Clothes are falling off a little bit, following the back door.

Near left, putting the orchid with the head and going ahead, it was the living room, the underwear and so on were confused, and for some reason, on the couch, a bash of Lizardman with a helicopter used the bra like an eye mask and slept.

On the carpet behind it was Viola, who was using many bottles of wine as pillows and futon wrapped, apparently sleeping naked.

What the hell, this chaotic situation. It's after noon and you're still asleep.

Bash... I don't know what it is, but it's killing me. You must be too jealous, you bastard. I'd love to see you drink in this place, too!

So the orchid hastily clarified from behind the near left.

"No, this is it, it just so happens to be a drink, it's usually beautiful"

No, even if you look at it, it'll always be like this. But is this what high school girls look like?

Is Chloe sleeping somewhere, too? Yes, I've come up with something good, do I surprise Chloe? He's a dodgy sleeper.

"Well, let's just say that. Where is Chloe?

If you're still asleep, usually a cool Chloe would like to see you look amazed "

"Your Excellency is Ijiwal, isn't he? We slept here at some point, but no matter how drunk Chloe is, she always sleeps back in her room.

The room goes upstairs, the far left. "


And when he had said so, he went up the stairs, grinning like a child.

Sure, it was the deepest left upstairs... oh, here it is.

Now, I'm gonna open it quietly so I don't wake you up... it's kind of like you're crawling at night, don't feel like it.

With that in mind, the left-hand side quietly opened the door and went inside.

Hey, what are you doing here?

Into the near-left eye that entered the room was a variety of stuffed animals, narrowly placed in a large bedroom, which was also a fully fancy room with stuffed animals on a king-size bed, and the bed had already become a stuffed shell.

Seriously... it's not Chloe's image and it smells good. Not at all! Where did Chloe go?

You think he was an assassin and hid in the closet?

So the left hand side turned off the signs and gently opened the closet-like door.

The closet, it's a hit, but it's not even here. The orchid seemed drunk in the living room downstairs too, so did you go out before you knew it?

So when the left hand side closed the closet, the door opened and Chloe came in naked, wiping her hair with a bath towel.

And isn't the hair down there a tulle! It's not, this is not good!

With that in mind, and unaware of the stiffening left proximity, Chloe sat straight in front of the vanity, the moment she looked in the mirror. Through the mirror came Chloe's eyes, near left.

He said to Chloe, whose blood drew, turning bright blue, his hands trembling up, pretending to be as calm as he could be.


At that moment, Chloe crouched and shouted to hide her important place.

"Hiaaah! Why are you in my room?

"No, I'm here to give you a souvenir... and then I'm going to give you Chloe's sleeping dock..."

"Already! That's a good thing, so please leave!

Chloe, who had said so, glanced near left, turning her face bright red and teary-eyed.

"Ooh. I'm sorry..."

And it came to pass that the left-hand side, when he opened the door, and stopped pitifully, that he turned to Chloe.

"Chloe, you're pretty stylish."

"Get out!!"

And Chloe, who said so, threw the doll, and cast out the left-hand side.

What the hell, Chloe's guy? I tried so hard to follow up.

But this is an animation, it's a pattern of promises, right? Even though it's force majeure, an over-conscious woman snaps the main character.

... but wait. Normally when I took a bath and sat naked on the vanity, my boss was behind me at some point.

This is quite a horror, isn't it? I'm totally like a stalker... you don't quit your job, do you?

Now, if I can quit, what should I say to Mardi... No, when I quit, if the inside tells me about this, Iris and the others will definitely kill me.

All right, let's do our best to apologize.

With that in mind, the left proximity, when he went down to the living room, managed to stay awake with Bash and Viola rubbing their sleepy eyes, Viola was wearing a shirt and the orchid was rushing to clean up.

Welcome home, my lord.

"Good luck. Because they were going somewhere?

And when the left-hand side sat across from the bash, the left-hand side opened the window of the item box and answered.

"A little bit to the Ruthai Empire, to negotiate and inspect the workshop. In good order, I was asked to lend one of the castles of the Ruthai Empire. So, I also brought souvenirs... well, since Chloe arrived.

More than that, bash. You, you must be too jealous of this situation. Is this what you do every night?

"No way. Well, Chloe kidnapped me, and you drink here a lot"

"... you, you can be sensible a lot? I don't have a minute."

Near the left, when he said so, Bash said seriously.

"My lord, I ask the other way around. Naked Lizardman woman asleep and His Excellency lusts?

"... senna. I'm sorry, I know you're harmless to these three."

That being said, the left hand side said to the orchid as if he had noticed something by processing cherry stones in the item box.

"Orchids, don't you have chokers or something? It would be nice to have leather strings."

"So now, what do you say?

It was a long string of leather that was said and given to him.


That said, Chloe came in a cutter shirt and shortbread when she was storing the leather strings in the item box and processing something, and looked at the left near as a chill, turning away from Hung.

You're still mad... don't be mad.

So he said to Chloe, as Viola scowled.

"What no Chloe. Did something happen with your Excellency?

"Nothing... really, sucks..."

No, the last word, it would be pretty lizardly. I hope this cures your mood.

The left-hand side thought so, the processing was completed and the souvenirs were removed from the item box.

"Souvenir of the Ruthai Empire, hot spring manju."

And when he opened the box which he had taken out, it was filled with buns.


It was Bash and Viola who said it by accident, but he said it near the left, as the orchid took one bun and stared at the bun in his hand.

"My lord... didn't they go on an inspection?

"Yes, but..."

"But this... Hot Springs Manju, right?

"Right. What's up...... ah!

Shit! What a bummer failure. Souvenirs from Hot Springs Manju are like saying you've obviously come to Hot Springs.

But on second thought, it would be a good story if even the orchids kept quiet.

That's what I thought. Near left took the pendant out of the item box and said, looking through the suspicious orchid gaze.

"This is for Chloe. I always take care of you."

"So that doesn't catch me... Wow, beautiful"

Chloe couldn't help but say so.

Near left was a heart-shaped deep blue gemstone, necklace, about three centimetres in diameter, at the tip of the choker.

The jewel, near left, was processed with cherry stones, beautifully shining with light, and there were impurities, but the impurities were shining as if they were stars in full heaven.

Surprisingly, it's bigger than I expected. But I'm doing great.

With that in mind, Viola and Orchid had also seen that necklace, sparkling their eyes, and Bash was a bare gesture that he said was as if uninterested.

And Chloe took it by accident, and put it upon her neck, and bowed her head near her left hand, and said,

"Thank you. I'll sit down. I'll cherish it for the rest of my life."

"... they're fishing, aren't they? Ada!"

Chloe's merciless knuckle beautifully entered Bash's cheek with an accidental penetration, but Chloe had the jewel and was snuggly.

Operation successful. Again, the market has decided that East and West now, women like gems... well there are exceptions like tea.

"You like that?

It's called a water sapphire, and there are stone words. Sure... well next time you should ask Pandora "

Sure, I feel like it was honesty or something, but well, you can leave it to Pandora.

"Stone words...... ok, I'll listen to you"

Good. If Chloe hates you, I'm done.

Near the left he thought so, while the orchid ate the hot spring manju, he heard.

"So in the end, where did you end up with the exercise area?

"It's around Kanto Yamashiro in Tampa. You know what?

"Oh, so?

I know. Sure, near Yunoyama Onsen, right? Healing tired bodies in hot springs with exercises... Isn't that great? "

"Don't go playing. Well, I think Tampa Shogun used to lend me a castle, too.

Besides, I got one good Home Secretary to scout for, and it's good to be there. "

"Heh, what kind of person are you?

"It's Sahei's next sister. I used to work in a teahouse, but it was quick to calculate and excellent.

So I've been tailed by Shinobu for a long time, so I brought him in in the name of saying that I would work for the Sakura family as a servant and pay more "

When the left-hand side said so, the eyes of the four changed and the atmosphere of cheerfulness so far changed.

And Bash drank the tea that the orchid had served him, and said to him near the left.

"Is it an assassination?

"Maybe... but this time it seemed like it was just a reconnaissance. Fate would be Yamato going from the 11th.

The tailer seems to have been an Iga, and I don't know who hired him, but Yamato would be next to Iga, so something would be convenient. "

So he said, gazing at the pendant that Chloe had received from the near left.

"My lord... what is an iga or something?

Let's start with that.

That was the nearest left, but the orchid explained it.

"The Shinobi of the Luthai Empire, Iga, who is good at assassinations and individual abilities, and Koga, who is good at the ability of groups such as sabotage activities, are famous among the Luthai Empire for their large number of Shinobi.

This Iga and Koga is a particular home… I mean, if you don't become a minister, if you even get money, you go anywhere, simply put, a group of ninja mercenaries. It seems that the same Igas are hired by the enemy to kill each other and many others, and the great families of the Luthai Empire are hired this way. "

Even in this world, were Iga and Koga the same as in the previous world?

"Well, there will be a raid in Yamato because I swim appropriately. Suddenly, more predictable can deal with it.

Well, for that reason, I thought I'd give you Shirley's spear tomorrow and get my spear back.

Chloe, you have the spear sent by Kuhei, don't you?

"Yeah, I do. Viola, take the magic buck there."

"Come on."

Having said that, Viola gave Chloe a magic buck like a cylinder, and Chloe took the cross spear out of it.

Well, it looks like it's in the middle of something.

The left-hand side who thought so received a spear from Chloe and used her appraisal skills.

Name: Cross Spear Type: Spear

Skill: Essential Health Absorption Magic Absorption

... You're a vampire-like spear. But the cross spear means that if you name it yourself, does it change?

"It's a medium business.

Let's just say I'll give it to you at the dojo tomorrow. Chloe, arrange it that way. "

"I understand, though. Yamato, would you mind if I came with you?

And he said unto Chloe, who was so sorry, and he smiled.

"Oh, that's good. Now, ever, ever, ever, I'll leave you behind me."

Chloe was blushing when the left-hand side said so.


The next morning, the left hand side was in the office, and Chloe had heard a report from Chloe while she was away, and after hearing the report all the way, Chloe said to the left side, as if she remembered.

"Oh, yeah. It was a report from Robin, so I forgot, but it seems that the king and his wife of the Kingdom of Tresso have agreed to join the princess at the fireworks show next month on the 10th.

The schedule says he comes to Lake City on a space transfer on the morning of the 10th, and that night he goes to Fushimi Castle, where he stays overnight.

They say Robin will be responsible for the pick-up and drop-off, so you can leave it to him. "

Robin's handling is cluttered.

"Well, will Kurt come? Now you can live up to that promise."

"Right. So, the princesses are waiting for you at the dojo, so let's go."

When Chloe said so, the left proximity was toward the dojo with a space transfer.

When the left-hand side entered the dojo, there were the usual Pandoras inside, and Shirley and the others were seated in a road attire.

"What, Eli and the others were here?"

So he went in, and said unto Shirley, Left and Near, when none besides Pandora had thanked him.

"Shirley, your spear is done. Practice with this spear from now on."

Shirley received the spear with a trembling hand when the left-hand side said so, putting the cross spear out of the item box.

"That cross spear doesn't have a name yet. I hope you like it, 'cause it makes you more attached.

Because of this, the spear's skill comes with Absorption of Magic and Absorption of Health "

"That's not an epic spear with three skills on it!

"It's a gift from me. This is my first apprentice.

Where are you going with practice? Even in that position, you can move a little easier now?

"Well, I've been realizing what your Excellency said lately about that attitude being easier to move.

And I found out in that field class that spears have a long reach, but if they get nostalgic, there's nothing you can do about it. So to make it up to you, you're usually a spear, and in a riot, you're a duplicant with a sword. "

Shirley's pretty good.

"That's it, you understand? Now, last time, I'll teach you one trick that many people couldn't teach you.

Practice this move with me. Eli, take whatever you want and stand there. "

And Eli, who said so near the left, stood with a wooden knife without understanding the reason; and near the left stood Eli with a wooden spear for practice.

"From now on, I'm gonna wave my spear down at you for real. So guard it."

"Oh, I see."

And it came to pass, when the hand of Eli with the wooden knife, that the left hand side said unto Shirley.

"Shirley, look closely, this is the [pattern return] of the treasure house flow technique."

The spear near left, who said so, swung down momentum toward Eli, and Eli took the wooden knife overhead with both hands, along with the sound of a hard tree bumping into him who said Kang, the spear near left drew a semicircle as its recoil momentum stood, a stone clash. That is, the rearmost part of the spear stopped perfectly in Eli's throat.

"... whoops!

Soon Eli, surprised by the pattern of the spear sticking down his throat, retreated unexpectedly, and said to Shirley, near left.

"What do you say, you get it?

"Yes, you use the recoil that prevented your opponent from spearing and punch it in to draw a semicircle."

"That's right. Well, this is also an application of science. And I have something to tell Shirley.

The treasure house flow technique was originally the boy of the temple...... easy to understand, in continental style, the technique produced by the Buddhist priests of the Ruthai Empire. So I have very little moves to kill for sure.

But we're military. If you don't kill a soldier when you can, you'll regret it.

So I'll teach you treasure house flow technique at first, but if you get to some point, I'll teach you my own moves. But that's where few people are.

Exposing others to their own hands is disqualified, even as military personnel. "

"I understand."

"And Eli and Gentaro, I don't like teaching spears.

Translation is, I'm not good at teaching people. It's Shirley, it's full of hands... and if you want to tell me why, just let me know from Shirley.

Let's just allow Shirley to teach these guys, too. It is forbidden to teach others… the reason is that you will be exposed to what I have just said "

When Left Near said so, Eli and Gentaro seemed sorry, but Shirley nodded and admitted.

"Yes, Pandora. Attend next month's regular meeting.

The kingdom of Fresia and the desert somehow enter the Union, so there is a combination of the formation of its armies. "

"Eh! It's so hard"

With that said, Changheng said that the ball was the next teacher... I guess I don't have to touch the matter. I refuse, and I'm going to interfere with it.

"Don't say that. This, too, is the job of the captain.

Now, start practicing!

In the decree near the left, those other than Pandora began swordsmanship, but Chloe came behind Pandora and struck him in the ear.

"Princess, may I have a moment?

"Hmm? Fine."

Pandora left the dojo after Chloe, wondering what it might be.

Chloe took off her tie and showed Pandora the necklace she had received from the nearest left hand side when she confirmed that there were no people around her while she heard Freya or Sekiko's pleasant voice coming from the next pool.

"Can you take a look at this?

"What's that, you're so cute in the mess. A gift from your father?

And to the word of Pandora Chloe turned his face bright red, and nodded, saying,

"That's right. My lord came back from the Luthai Empire yesterday and told me it was a souvenir.

And there is something called stone language, so the princess asks me to listen.

There was Bash and the other secretaries at the time, so I was wondering if it was difficult to say... "

Chloe, who said so, was mojimoji, and Pandora thought, "You have a good spot, that jerk," Pandora said, looking at the nearest left memory.

"Stone words...... so to speak, what is the jewel of the name?

"Sure, he said water sapphire."

"Water sapphire hey......"

What an expensive name... Oh, there it is.

What? Blue stone, cherry stone as a variant, iolite as a gem, also known as water sapphire.

Oh. Anyway, you said it sounded better.

So, the key stone words are first love, virtue, honesty, heart stability, healing, relief from anxiety, etc... too many!

Anyway, it's about your father, so I guess you think I'll say honesty and healing. Sweet.

"There it is, here it is... I see, I can't tell you this in front of the others"

"What is it? Please tell me."

So Pandora said, remembering Chloe, who could do it.

"Even my first love."

"Huh? What do you mean?

That's what Pandora said to Chloe, who said happily, turning her face completely bright red, with a face like a little devil.

"I've loved you since I first met you... I mean, I fell in love with Chloe at first sight. It's okay, I won't tell anyone about this.

But your father will imitate you too. "

Pandora said, "You loved me," as she touched the necklace jewel when she saw Chirali and Chloe.

Come on, now, that's getting interesting.

Pandora, who thought so, put Chloe, whose feelings were still in another world, and went back to the dojo.

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