Another Life

Buy Words for Sale

Tuesday, August 1, A.D. 2. That day, since morning, Eastern Union headquarters had been under tension.

The reason is that, at this regular meeting, the two countries, the Kingdom of Fresia and the Principality of Nabrich, whose approval is confirmed in the autumn, were also on the agenda for how they might be formed into coalition forces. And because both the generals of Shosei and Kara were also coming this day.

And when Pandora went in, he sat in the seats of each of the knights, and said unto the governor next door.

"Behind the window, a fine elf with a fluttering mustache, next to Count Ram Roy of the Kingdom of Fresia, is Count Bernard Schlester."

"Well, is that it? You seem to have both one and two habits, Jen.

Same goes for that, princess. As for the example, do you really want it? Honestly, in my Knights exercises, I don't think any Knights or troops will like it. "

"Well, if you don't like it, then my Knights name will only increase, and it's not good"

Yes, when Pandora smiled, the governor smiled and said, "That's true, too."

And when the left-hand side came in, the soldiers stood up and saluted and sat down at the same time, and the left-hand side spoke with a serious look.

"Now, today's regular meeting will be about joining the coalition this fall, asking the two countries to express what they said about joining the coalition, about its formation, etc.

I would now like to begin by expressing it to you from the representative of the Kingdom of Fresia "

And when it was said unto him near the left, Bernard stood up and said,

"My name is Count Bernard Schlester, Kingdom of Fresia. First of all, I would like to thank His Excellency the Marshal and everyone who made this occasion and called it.

Now, it is the policy of my Fresian kingdom, like the Ruthai Empire and the Gardian Devil Nation, to join the coalition as a defense force. "

"So who can put together a defense force as a representative?

"It's me, close left."

And Ram, who said so, waved with a leech, and said unto his left hand.

"Was it, Jim... wasn't it... what was it?

"I've been having a rough time lately, too, and like old times, I'm good with the samurai. But like old times, give me a break for the orgy at my house calling whores and stealing my armor."

The moment Ram said the word, everyone's gaze pierced near the left.

Quora, why are you telling me this now?

"Ohon...... Lord Samuro, I want you to refrain from talking about that because some of my daughters do.

If you become a defense force, will the rank of the samuro soldier become general and the others remain the same?

"Oh! You did, I'm sorry. Well, there's nothing wrong with this one.

And, as I was told beforehand, if you're in the defense, I'll pay you here, and if you want, I'll turn it over to the coalition, so let me go. Plus, I'll make sure you provide the maps.

But you, you've really lost your sight. Even if you want to start a revolt, you can't do it because of the terrain. "

... Hey, Osama. That would mean I was thinking about starting a revolt.

"Well, then, even here, there's no problem. Of course, those who are merged into the coalition body will have their ranks and places of service sorted by these rules.

So the next delegate from the Principality of Nabrich... Travis, I guess you "

A dragon man (dragonoid) stood up and smiled in the words of his left hand.

"I will sit at your left.

I was formerly a dedicated mercenary of the Gregor Chamber of Commerce, and I am now a former fastener of soldiers of the Principality of Nabrich, my name is Travis Escorda. See you later.

Quickly, then, with the Principality of Nabrich, I would like to take the form of saying that we will enter the coalition body. The army will be seated at 3,000 by the former Gregor Chamber of Commerce and the former exclusive mercenary of the Baird Chamber of Commerce. "

And it came to pass in the place where he heard the word, and the left hand heard it on his behalf.

"Sorry Travis. The Seventh Confederation, even though its territory was quite large, is that the only number of soldiers, albeit only two chambers of commerce?

"Well, the Sevens Federation, because they have very few specific soldiers and most of them are mercenaries. But let me contribute as a percentage of the contribution."

I see. You mean an army full of mercenaries? But can that dragon man (dragonoid) fly because he has wings?

"I see, I get it. And the last question is, do dragon men (dragonoids) have wings so they can fly in the sky?

Travis shook his head and answered the near-left question.

"Dragon Man (Dragonoid) cannot fly on his own, but he can glide down from high places."

I guess it feels like musty. But then, with the Knights of the Holy Dragon, the Airborne Squad could be formed.

"Very well. So how many dragon men (dragonoids) and how many women are in it?

And when Travis heard the word near left, he understood what the near left was thinking.

"There are roughly a thousand dragon men, and I wonder if there are thirty women among them who can read."

Well, did this guy understand my intentions?

"Ok, then the Principality of Nabrich asks the insider to submit the map and recommend the rank later, as the organization will take place after the official subscription"

That being said, the meeting went well, and it was time to hear the requests of each Knights, the last time Pandora raised her hand.

I kind of have a bad feeling about it.

Though he thought so, he told Pandora.

"The Black Knights at the end... Pandora, say it."

"Now, our Knights, even next month in September, would like to conduct an exercise. So, do you have any other knights or troops who would like to join you in the exercise?

Of course, the rules are in accordance with the rules of the Knights. "

In the words of Pandora, the venue was quiet with scenes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Nobody would want to do an exercise where there are usually dead people out there.

That was what he thought, near left, but Lamb turned around and said.

"Come on, nobody's joining us. Aren't you all freaking out because you're the nearest left daughter?

That's why such a hyocho would be in good shape. "

It was Pandora who stopped and said, when the governor heard the words, too angry, he tried to take his seat.

"Count Roy. If you say so much, will your lord deal with you?

When Bernard heard the word, he struck the ram in the ear.

"Please stop. I would have seen the strength of that one when the left-hand proximity came to greet him.

Besides, I hear those knights have all the monsters. This is too reckless. "

And to Bernard's counsel also said the crane that sat in the front seat.

"This is Brigadier General Tsushima of the Operational Intelligence Agency, but I wonder if it would be a good idea to decline this invitation. The Knights' exercises around here are mostly in action, with the dead out of the ordinary.

I'm not saying anything wrong, stop it. "

Wow, you look cute and you're working out doing some dodgy things inside...... funny.

So said Ram to the crane, licking his lips with his tongue.

"I guess it was Brigadier General Tsushima, I'm a natural twister... if I hear that, I'd like to see it"

And the ram, who said so, stood up and said,

"Well, let's deal with the two thousand red guards I raised."

"He said it was red!

So the Luthaians stood up and vandalized their voices, and Pandora said, as if to hold down the voice of their wrath.

"Then let's deal with this one for two thousand. The rules are simple, fight, win or lose by taking the neck of one general or surrender, anything that says you don't just aim for the health guards.

Even if you die, it's just an accident. "

... How much power do you mean, the damage will come out? But it sounds interesting.

"Nice, simple. Then specify a date, time and place later..."

Ahhh. You're buying into selling words, and you're in a totally evil mood.

But Sergeant Sanro, you weren't supposed to be the one selling a fight to anyone... well, do you actually want to fight and learn how to measure your power and your equipment and tactics? Don't let me ride you, Pandora, I need to hide something.

So he lifted up his hand, and said,

"Oh, I'll have the date, time and place. With that and additional rules, no more magic than a wizard can use, if used, immediate exit.

And the use of artillery is forbidden. We don't have all the numbers yet, and it's not broken.

Finally, the Black Knights (Black Knights) prohibit Major Jack and Major Vishuk from participating. I would have liked to ban the other Ravens, especially since these two don't know what a handicap is and they definitely kill the other guy.

Keep up the above and exercise it with dignity. "

"I'll never mind this one. But now, my lady, it's good to have an excuse for losing."

"No, it would be better to have this much handed. You can wear more handles if you want."

...... Yada these guys already. I want to hide quickly.

I thought so, and it was near left holding my head.


"Ahhh! I'm angry. Wow!

That being said, Pandora, who returned to the Knights' Stuff, sat down and shouted in the chair of the Commander as the Shirleys were doing their summer homework.

"Deputy Head of the Department of Safety. Was it some kind of meeting?

That's what he said to Shirley, who was worried.

"Thanks again, the next time I join the Union, Count Roy of the Kingdom of Fresia sells a fight to the princess, and next time with our Knights and the troops of the Kingdom of Fresia, we are going to conduct an exercise"


So the chief minister said to the four who were astonished.

"Exercises are fine. This knighthood raised by the princess has no enemies on the continent.

If you care, you can dominate the world with only the Knights... but the problem is the number of people. Princess, that was a little bit of a bad word for a sale. "

What worries the Chief Executive is that the Black Knights (Black Knights) are now about a thousand and five hundred new recruits, and there were no two thousand Pandora said.

In addition, there was security at Fort Alum and the weapons factory, and there was not much room for manpower.

Pandora also seemed to understand, and he said softly.

"I know... can't you handle it?

And the chief minister, having said so, thought for a while.

"Right, all you need is a soldier of equal strength to our Knights and later a magical barrier for the Kamikaze. I have no idea what their tactics are.

If you're in the Kamikaze band, why don't the princess be asked by Major General Sanhao?

"Kiyoshin... well, let's ask. So, what about the soldiers?

"How about we borrow your tiger boy's troops here?

"... Nassau's defense team?

Pandora, who said so, had a little face.

"Yes. The Nassau Defense Corps hears of those who have long fought alongside you in mercenaries.

Besides, neither the three stations nor the Knights can speak, an independent force, whose strength, with less than a hundred troops, dropped Fort Alm, where three thousand soldiers stood caged? Strength will be fine. "

"The Nassau Guard... Mothers are in charge of the captains of each unit. I'll definitely follow you on the set."

Pandora said so, slightly dissatisfied, slapping the table with her fingers and tongues, with her cheekstick.

"One was in the horseback squad at the time of Nassau's empty castle count, but Iris looked exactly like the goddess of war on this continent.

Iris and his men say that if you pull into the exercise, the morale of the soldiers will rise. "

... Sure, if you say so.

"Okay. The Kamikaze and Nassau's defensemen will be arranged by me."

Pandora, who said so, said it seemed a little harsh.


And a few days later, August 10, A.D. 2. And when the left hand was working, the door was knocked, and the orchid went into the room, saying,

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, the king of the kingdom of Tresso, and the queen and the princess are here."

"Oh well. Let me through."

When the left-hand side smiled, Kurt and Evelina were surprised to see the left-hand side.

"Excuse me...... really, are you a master?

Well... I don't know what to say... aren't you old?

To Kurt, who said so by accident, Chloe quickly raised her glasses.

"Your Majesty, unfortunately, I will sit with you in earnest.

Actually, my lord, around spring, vampires stabbed me more with a knife than behind my back, and bit me. I managed to take my life, but you look like this... "

And when Kurt heard the word, he swallowed up gokuli and spit.

"Well, you've been safe."

"Hey, it's better that my family followers followed up on the army and territory than they were safe and sound, and honestly, it helped.

Shall we go to the mansion, then? I'd like to introduce you to my family. "

So when the left-hand side rose, Chloe offered him a scepter, and the left-hand side moved to the mansion with a scepter.

The left proximate ones were spatial transfers, and when they left the entrance, Busty and Testa were already there waiting for the left proximate ones.

"Welcome home, Master Miyagi. Your Majesty King Kurt Welkins, Queen Evelina, and your lovely son, Princess Tika Welkins.

Nice to meet you. My name is Bastian, Butler from the Sakura family. Next door you will be seated at the testa of the housekeepers of the Sakura family. See you later. "

So Busty and Testa bowed down, aligning themselves with the carts.

"Busty, where is everybody?

"I'm in the living room. Earlier, Master Hyogo and Master Ball came with Master Mira.

Pandora sent her friends to Fort Alum... well, now they're in the living room directly. "

Busty, who said so, said as if he felt something.

Can you possibly feel a sign of Busty or something?

Though he thought so, he called Kurt and the others, "This way," and headed to the living room.

For the first time, when the carts walked down the hallway surrounded by luxurious conditioning, and opened the luxurious doors to the left, the carpet was laid and the sofa was placed, there would be two hundred tatami, a room with a large fireplace, and when the carts could not hide their amazing expressions and followed them to the left, they introduced the carts to the left.

"Everyone here sleeps well in this arms with His Majesty King Kurt Welkins and Queen Evelina Welkins of the Kingdom of Tresso, Princess Tika Welkins."

That being said, Kurt and Evelina bowed lightly.

"Uh, you already know Lana. From here on out, my wife Iris, Cecil and Cecily.

And here's Vina getting married next fall. Vina already lives with me.

And my husband, Yanagi Hyogo, Auxiliary Hard, with his eldest daughter, Yanagi Ball. So, this is my two daughters, Mira. The eldest daughters usually live in Kyoto, the capital of the Luthai Empire.

And to my second daughter, Pandora, this little one is Sachi. And there's a child in Lana and Cecily's belly, and I think she'll be born next winter. "

When he introduced him, he bowed one after the other, but when he heard that Lana had a child, Evelina rejoiced as if she had a child, and took Lana's hand and said, "Congratulations."

Thanks, I didn't seem very used to saying this, and Lana said "Thank you" and put her cheeks on poly.

Well, was the queen worried that Lana might not be able to have children because she was a dark elf? What, isn't this queen a good man?

That's what I thought. Kurt and his wife liked it.

And when Near Left and Kurt and the Hyogo group of men surrounded the table and talked amicably to the women on their asses and in public discourse, Near Left spoke to Kurt.

"Hey, it's Kurt. Why don't you join the Eastern Union?

The Seventh Confederation south of the Kingdom of Tresso is divided, the Principality of Nabrich is formed, and there is talk of accession to the Union. If the Principality of Nabrich joins the coalition, the kingdom and territory of Tresso will be connected, so it will be easier to defend the land and the coalition will do it instead. "

"Huh!? Did the Sevens Federation split!

To Kurt's surprise, he remembered his anxiety.

What surprises me is that I don't know what happened to my neighbor.

Kurt is a good man, but he has leadership, he is not the type of ruler to pull away from, one way or another, he was like Liu Bang or Liu Bei, where the ministers used to say they would do something to help.

If the distributors are good, there is no problem, but the kingdom of Tresso is now gradually improving because of its dealings with the Eastern Union, but before, it was a poor country where all but the king had trouble eating. It was a story that I had no choice but to tell the people of such a country about politics and intelligence, because they were not educated.

And Kurt thought for a while, and said,

"... even if that's true, the minister probably won't allow it.

The profits of customs duties with the Eastern Union will be lost... so you won't like it. "

Do you think the tariffs I proposed would be harmful in this place?

But I can't force you... Do I have to follow up with you when something happens?

Busty came to the nearest left who thought so.

"Dear Hall, Mr. Kuhei is here alone about the armor of the example. And the Omiya Hall is here."

Alone? It's unusual for Calicia not to come with us. Besides, you're Omiya, not Elma.

"Okay, let me through."

"Yes, sir."

So when Busty left, Kuhei and Omi came in with a large package.

No, I know Kuhei, but why does Omiya have big baggage?

On the left hand side of the thought, they came and bowed their heads, and the left side told Kurt.

"Hey Kurt. Do you understand Ruthai?

"No, that's it, Evelina can talk a little, but I have no idea."

"Well, if you don't understand Luthai, can't you help it?

This Dwarf is a dedicated Kajikan who says he's making Sakura's weapons, etc.

And this guy over here, he said Omi Ya, the garment store. I mean, he runs a clothes store in the Luthai Empire. "

When they bowed their heads to Pecori in the introduction near left, Omieya smiled.

"Today, I came to deliver what was previously said to the Great Lake State Delivery, and I asked the wife if she wanted to wear a kimono, etc.

The example feathers will sit here. "

Oh, this is definitely next time, it's a pattern of coming here and selling kimonos. Omiya, you're after this gathering.

That's what he thinks. Omiya put it in front of the left-hand side from the bath.

Ooh! The color is like a black lamb... Huh?

With that in mind, when I spread the bandanao, which was neatly folded in the left proximity, the bandanao had slightly changed shape from the bandanao in the left proximity.

The waist of the feathers had a belt, and the back part was like the tail of a swallow behind a swallow tail suit.

What the hell! It's like the Dade Sect of the Warring States Baora, isn't it?

Near the left, Omiya said, worried a little.

"That formation of feathers was conceived by Mr. Elma and almost made by himself.

Previous feathers were special things that could not be dyed, so when Elma asked me to try to make them to enclose the previous feathers, I made a new one… Magic Barrier Skills were added. "


Unexpectedly, I checked the left-hand side with my appraisal skills.

Name: Reigning Emperor's Formation Feather Type: Formation Feather

Skills: Ride Up Great Magic Defense Great Luck Up Great Magic Barrier

Really, there's a magic barrier, and the name's changed.

"Hey Omiya. How do you get a magic barrier out?

"I was wondering if it would be better for the witch to ask. Well, it's time for me to give my wives the antimatter..."

"Well, so is that. Okay, I'll pay you back when I get home."

Why don't you ask the orchid next time?

When he thought that he was close to the left, Kuhei gave out the armor he had bought from the box that was stuck on his back.

The armor was not found to be any different from the previous items.

"Hey Kohei, have you changed anything?

"Do you say you've changed, the helmet part has been completely new. Externally, there were no scratches, but for some reason there was wear and tear in the metal inside.

Well, I found that, Calicia. Normal craftsmen and caregivers won't find that inside, usually. "

"Was it? But if there was wear and tear on the metal in there, was something wrong?

And when the left hand said so, he said with a frightened look.

"Normally, I didn't care enough, but I felt something like a curse..."

Curse? In this world, I wonder if there's a curse. Could that * * * have been the curse?

But I'm concerned about the look on Kuhei's face...... change the subject.

"With that said, what happened to Calicia? Usually, at the time of delivery, you would have come with me."

"That's right, Calicia, who discovered the wear and tear, found something in her helmet, fell right after that, and she had a fever… Now at Mr. Kikka's place, she's in the hospital.

Um... this is what came out. Somehow, cleverly, it was hidden in my helmet. "

Having said that, he offered to the table something carefully wrapped from his nostrils.

What is it?

With that in mind, the wrapped, near left eye had a small decapitated ornamental image of his neck.

Ma, seriously... I don't care what you think, Kannon. Maybe this is why you killed all three of them?

That's what I thought. When I looked at Chirali and Hyogo, he was sweating.

"Hyogo, you know something?

Asked the left-hand soldier, he said something astonishing.

"A certain, from a very young age, was raised in the Tumen family… The Tumen family was the house of the Yin Yang Master, but they also did the kind of curse. This is one of the curses in it.

That's why Lord Calicia collapsed... "

In those words, Near Left and Peaceful looked at the Kannon image and looked at each other's faces, and Near Left pointed to the Kannon image and said, Peaceful.

"Kuhei... can you take this to the monk's place and provide for me?

"I don't like it! Earlier, I heard about Mr. Hyogo, and who's going to take it!

"That's why you can't leave me here!

So Pandora came, and looked at the statue of the Buddha, and said, Near left and in peace.

"What is this... Phew, it's not an interesting procedure inside. It's complicated, but if you let me tell you, it's still there."

"Pandora, you see this?

"Yeah. It's a kind of curse that incorporates a surgical ceremony, complicated inside. This curse is always connected to the person who put it on, and it is always supplied with magic.

By analogy, this statue of Buddha and the cursed are connected by something like thread, which is intricately intertwined to eliminate the cursed from someone's share.

Well, the normal de-cursion is to untie that thread, identify who cursed it, and let that person de-curse it.

This has a backstroke, and when you pour a tremendous amount of magic like this, the curse is refluxed, and the cursed one is fed the curse back. "

Pandora said that, when he put his hand on the Buddha statue, the Buddha statue was ashed the moment he saw something like a black demon and was absorbed into the Buddha statue.

"Now the cursed shall have helped, and the curses that have come before, together, descended upon the spellman. After that, I just meant to find out who's dead... so I unzipped it, was that good?

This guy disarmed you with Nori... that would be too awesome.

"No, I'm glad you disarmed me. This will help Calicia too."

"Helpful... Oh, is that what you're saying?

Yes. More than that, I'm going to go to the fort and go to today's security meeting.

Your Majesty Kurt, please take your time. Okay, later. "

Pandora, who said so, moved away in a spatial transfer.

"Surprised... was your daughter a brave man too?

So he answered Curt, surprised, with a smile.

"That's right. I'm a brave man, too, and the Hyogo, my wife Cecil and Cecily are brave men.

In the Union, brave men are the norm. "

"So, what's a security meeting?

"Pandora is the leader of the Knights, in charge of the security of today's feast."

"You're so young..."

Kurt, who said so, was astonished by everything he knew and by the world he lived in, near left, in a completely different dimension.


Fireworks were held at Fushimi Castle that night, and the castle was overflowing with people who heard rumors, and even went out to an outdoor store for popular purposes, where it was in a festive state.

Even Fushimi Castle, built on a mountain, was heard enjoying the people, but the squares called its moon gazebo also sounded the pleasant voices of the invited heads of state and leading nobles, as well as the music that seemed to be enjoyable.

In that way, the left hand side approached when he found the emperor and the empress sitting in the chair, and somehow the emperor looked tired.

"Emperor, what is it?

"Oh, the lake country... well, what is it..."

That is what the Empress said, on behalf of the emperor, who was a little hard to say.

"The lake kingdom, the emperor, is tired of being preached to His Majesty today by extension. Well, I know how His Majesty feels.

Because I would like to preach too. "

Also, what have you done with this guy?

"May I ask why?

"Before, when His Majesty Nina came and was examined by the Emperor, he was told that the Emperor's life span was long and five years, and that if His Majesty Freya could manage it, so I asked His Majesty Freya to look inside and out this morning.

Then His Majesty said, "Why did this happen, leave me alone!" And I'm very angry. Your Majesty's skill canceler will treat the symptoms and then preach. "

And the empress, when she had said so, laid on the thigh of the emperor, and said unto her left hand, The emperor said, I am sorry, and behaved barely.

I want to preach, too.

That's what I thought, and when the left-hand side was laughing bitterly, it caught my eye that Pandora was the three Shirley and Eli, talking pleasantly.

Huh? Why did Shirley and Eli bring you here on your own?

That's what Pandora noticed on the left and brought them here.

And Pandora knelt before the emperor.

"This has been a long time, Empress to the Emperor"

"Was Left Guard also a breath disaster? The guard of the day, I heard it was the Knights of God, it's dauntless.

Are those behind them the new Knights?

Pandora said with a smile to the Emperor.

"I'm a friend of the same school, Shirley Nelson and Eli Gudduan. There are people who originally call themselves Maida Yuantaro and Faye, but we place them as security in a sparsely populated area. They like each other, but they don't say how they feel about each other."

In that word, the Empress said, "Well! And he said, Surprised, and said, The emperor smiled.

"Left guard, apparently I went to school and made friends, and it sounds like fun. Well, the lord will be annoyed with my father's novel about the lake country, forget it today and have fun with your friends. I'll forgive you.

Both of you, Left Guard Gatekeeper and I will always be good friends, please. "

"Yes, swear on the Nelson family name"

"I also swear by the Gudduan family name"

"Thank you. I'll sit down. But that's right, I'll sit with the emperor. You've done so much to make some father drink even the dirt of his nails."

In the words of Pandora, the Empress said with a laugh of couscous.

"Really, you're the same father everywhere. Lieutenant Left Guard, if you have any problems with Lake Country, you can count on us for anything. Let me help you."

"Happy to have. I'll talk to you soon."

Damn - haven't you all been on my side lately with my wife and kids?

And when the left-hand side thought so, and the music stopped, and the bullet went up a step high, he prayed and said,

"Thank you very much for coming to this Fushimi Castle today. This brings us to the first fireworks show in Fushimi."

Yes, Bullet said, classical music sounded again, and colorful large fireworks in the night sky launched many shots.

Everyone shouted surprise at the sight, and cheered from the people below.

And the emperor overwhelmingly wept and said to the left and near.

"Lake country, what your lord wanted to show you was this... beautiful"

"On your left. It's time to sit in the basin, so the spirits of our ancestors will return soon to see the beautiful fireworks of this night sky."


The emperor, who said so, was staring straight at the fireworks.




At the corner of the moon gazebo, Faye and Yuantaro looked at the fireworks that were shooting up one after the other and said it by accident.

Pandora's little bitch, why are you guarding an empty place? Besides, Faye and I both feel... malicious.

But the sound of my heart... you can't hear me, can you?

Faye approached Gentaro subtly, thinking so.

Ma, seriously... here, let's get ready.

Yuantaro thought so, looking at the fireworks, he said subtly.

"Faye, I like Faye... I want you to go out with me, assuming you're married"

... That, silent?

Yuantaro thought so, perhaps looking in the direction of Faye, his eyes were moist looking at Yuantaro.

"Oh, no, look, if you don't like it, it's good! Well, forget it!

And Faye said unto Yuntaro, who was a taffeta, waving his face.

"Yeah, no... I want you to wait until Harvest Festival."

Huh? Seriously?... before the harvest festival. What?

"Um, harvest festival what?

"Oh, I didn't even know Pandora, and it's natural that Yuantaro doesn't?

On the continent, there are harvest festivals and festivals every fall. Is that... is that a good time to reply?

So long...... Truth is, I need a response right now, considering how Faye feels.

"Wow, okay. I'll be waiting."

I've decided. I've decided the best...... but Autumn. It's a long time.

Faye held hands softly to Yuntaro, who thought so.

"Thank you, Yuantaro. Because this is the best I can do right now."

This, what do you mean!

Though he thought so, Yuantaro only said one word when he saw the fireworks.


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