When Adele and Summer were fighting in the Dragon Gate, around the village of Black Falls, surrounded by darkness, Kojiro and the others arrived, dressed in the costume of the Shinobi, hiding and waiting from the abandoned house for the Shinobi to come.

"But this village is kind of creepy. It's a step ahead of the abandoned village, and after all, Miyagi said it was the influence of the Great Ghost (Auga)."

So Kojiro looked around and said, "Is there something different from Shinobu?"

But Kojiro couldn't help but think so. Upon entering the village of Black Falls, there were only about ten old men, most of them empty houses, and the houses were decaying.

And the villagers, when Kojiro and the others entered the village, the inhabitants went into the house, and the windows were closed, and they were frightened of something.

Everyone knew why the Great Ghost (Auga) said it.

In the meantime, Ensign spoke to Pottori.

"Back in the day, there were a lot of people, and it was busy... and then those big ghosts (Auga) lived in Tianchuan Village ten years ago, and then they became unscrupulous."

"What is it? Are you out of here?

To Kojiro's inquiry, who said so, the Ensign merely nodded.

Phew, is that a personal grievance? Then this Second Lieutenant is unlikely to betray you in this matter.

The problem is, this flying troupe. Among the various ninjas, Toshiaki and the black tibial scarf in the back of the land say they have a high degree of loyalty to the house they serve...... be wary for once.

With that in mind, Kojiro stared at the entrance to the village of darkness, and the moment he thought the direction of the wind had changed, Kojiro's nose drifted with a unique smell of oil.

The moment the three of them accidentally looked at each other and thought it was bad. From the mountain players behind the abandoned house, innumerable fire arrows flew in and pierced Kojiro's hidden abandoned house and the fire burned at once.

Originally, they're supposed to jump out of the abandoned house like this, but the three of them won't try to get out of the burning abandoned house.

Because if you're an Iga, you're already waiting outside, and you're sure to finish off the broiled Kojiro.

Kojiro and the others who understood it asked what was going on outside from the burning abandoned house and calmly checked the position of the Shinobi.

"What do you think, you see?

Instinct, desperate to get out of this abandoned house, suppressed the alarm, Kojiro asked the two of them, and Leunzo shook his head and replied.

"No, I can't see it from here"

And it came to pass, when Legionzo said so, that Ensign noticed a large stone-like object in the grass far away.

Big stone over there...... no, that's a person.

With patience for the joy of finally discovering, Ensign said quietly to both of them.

"I was there. But there's only one person, and I don't see any other ninjas from here."

"Where?... Damn, that's a long way off. But if he's so far away, he might be giving instructions."

Confirmed the Shinobu seen by Ensign, and said so, the readings of the regiment were accurate.

In fact, the commander of Shinobu, who attacked Kojiro and the others, was a Shinobu discovered by Ensign. Shinobu, who commands, predicted when he would come out in order to ensure that Kojiro and his men were not attacked by his opponents.

"Damn, I won't even get an attack from this one, and when I get out, it's the food for the other ninjas. I said, if we keep this up, the three of us are on fire... any good hands, Major?

When Kojiro said so, before Legionzo answered, Ensign said.

"At this distance, no problem"

It was a dozen newest rifles that Ensign said that took out of Magic Buck.

"Hey, isn't that Knights gear?"

And he said unto Kojiro, with a smile.

"Apparently not. We, the Intelligence Unit of the Operational Intelligence Agency, have a job of assassination, so even though there are few weapons deployed that have said this.

Ensign is a sniper, specializing in assassinations, mainly by rifles from afar. "

"Pretty face, wow...... so what are we gonna do with the operation?

Kojiro said, turning his arm and exercising his prep, Legionzo said with a grin.

"The Ensign signals that he has sniped at those who are giving enemy instructions with demon bullets, dumping the roasted ball in this abandoned house and striking it outside.

Ensign, hide yourself somewhere, snipe and cover. Me and the hounds, while protecting Ensign, are fleshshell fights... you like that, you know. "

"That's good. I'm surprisingly fond of maneuvers like that."

"Okay, let's go."

When Ensign set the gunsword by replacing the two smiling men with a magazine containing demon bullets, Legionzo took out the roasted ball and gave it to Kojiro.

And when the three of them gave each other signals with their eyes in the burning abandoned house, the Ensign took a deep breath and set up.

Believe it, believe in yourself. Like usual training, the trigger doesn't pull, it feels like squeezing...

With that in mind, the second Ensign pulled the trigger, a demon bullet struck the shoulder of the Shinobu giving instructions, along with a dry firing noise.

And the next moment it hit, the demon bullet exploded violently, tearing the body of the Shinobi apart.

The other sneaks that surrounded the abandoned house were the moment the commanders suddenly distracted them, Kojiro and the others jumped out of the burning abandoned house.

In the explosion of the demon bullet, the late ninjas, when they chased Kojiro, the next moment the abandoned house exploded and blew up.

The shock was tremendous and the ninjas that were around were blown away together, but only one was sure to have died instantly.

Still, three to three, it was a battle, and Kojiro saw hope of victory, but it didn't last long either.

In order to make enough time, when Kojiro and the others were running, there was a sound of people falling behind.


In the words of Legionzo, Kojiro understood who had fallen. Leave the two as they are, retreat once, rebuild their institutions, and carry out their near-left orders.

The result is before or after Shinobu goes to Tenkawa Village. If you kill all the ninjas and secure high security, you won't see the left or near as a problem.

But Kojiro, for some reason, hesitated and stopped.

"Ah, fuck you!

Kojiro, who had said so by accident, said to Kojiro as he went to Kojizo, restraining Shinobu.

"Major, how's the Ensign doing?

"It's poison... you can't run. But it's three on two...... please, hounds"

"Come on, I'm begging you... well, I can't handle this..."

At the end of Kojiro's gaze, five ninjas fled Adele and the others from behind the enemy's ninjas.

"Here, reinforce..."

In the face of Legionzo, who said so by accident, there was a clear colour of despair.

The enemy is eight Igas, and this one can't move under the influence of poison. To Ensign, Major and I... how much, if not Major, is said to be the Flying Regiment Zo, it would be difficult to deal with him in this situation.

Whoa, what are you thinking, me? Doesn't sound like it... It's not a matter of patience.

Yes, this is samurai thinking... but sometimes it's good. Damn, that palace really entertains me.

"Hey Major...... no, Lord Hasegawa Regiment. I'll deal with eight... so take Ensign and run as long as you can."

"You knew... but just how much you, as many as eight Igas, would be tough on them"

"Well. But I don't want to die. I don't want to hurt you."

"Hounds...... Shinobu, it's totally pointless to ask this, but why don't you tell me your name at the end?

When he heard the words, Kojiro said with a grin under his mask.

"Kojiro Kazama. Major, I like the idea of trying to help your people, even if they're not from your same inner circle."

"The head of the Kazama clan… Your Excellency's Shinobi was the Kazama clan? Then don't die, hound. I'll kill you."

So said Legionzo, holding the Ensign.

At the end of the day, you're telling the truth.

"Well, I look forward to that time, Major. Go!"

Kojiro, who said so, went toward the sneakers, and Legionzo took Ensign, and went to the other side, and ran.


"Major! Really, it must be this way"

Mick on the flying dragon (Wyburn), while riding behind him, asked his mom, looking at the map, and she said with pleasure.

"It's okay, because the river just now is called Yoshino River... Kuroshitaki Village is somewhere in this mountain."

"Where is it! This one is flying, not hitting between the mountains or nervous!

Mommy and Hummel aboard the two flying dragons (Wyburn) of the Knights of St. Dragon, flying from the Lunar Observatory, the original role of Fushimi Castle, were on their way to Black Falls Village in the driving of the Micks.

The surroundings, already wrapped in the darkness of the night and only in the moonlight, the mick of manipulating the flying dragon (Wyburn) should have been said just fine.

But crossing the Yoshino River and flying through the mountains is a rather dangerous act for Fei Long (Wyburn). The flying dragon (Wyburn) can fly at a maximum altitude of about five hundred meters, in the mountainous areas of southern Yamato lined with more mountains, and wrapped in the darkness of night.

Whenever he hit the ground, no wonder, Mick couldn't help but say so.

But Mama told Mick that she could do it without asking.

"Well don't say that... ah, take the mountain there to the left, you're close"

"Yes, yes, you're on the left...... damn!

In front of a left turned mick, the ridge of the mountain blocks.

Mick, hurrying up and turning critical, looked back and confirmed that the Fei Long (Wyburn), on which the Hummels were riding, had also managed to jump over the ridge, when he stroked down his chest howling and tried to complain to his mom.

And the sound of the blasting of the roasting ball rang.

Where did it come from? I echo in the mountains, I don't know the exact location.

To Mick, who thinks so, his mom slapped him on the shoulder and pointed him at his finger.

"Lieutenant, it's over there! Where the fire is lit."

"Huh? Is it somewhere else?

"Yes, come on, lower your altitude. I'm gonna jump like this."

So he slapped Mick on the head, and said, Mick lowered his altitude.

"Major! Is the speed good as it is?

"Oh, keep it up, please."

"Are you serious! I don't know how much altitude you've lowered, but at this rate, you're almost injured. Sorry!

"'Cause it's okay. Don't bullshit Meer Cat."

"Huh!? Because Major was an animal man?

"Oh... only half of it"

That's what she said. She jumped off a flying dragon (Wyburn) so that she could fall behind her.


After all, I guess it was impotent.

Kojiro, who thought so, managed to kill one, but was surrounded by the remaining five, and in front of the woods, the regiment was also surrounded by two, both of whom already had countless slaughter wounds on their bodies.

The Iga sneakers passed through the sky at low altitude (Wyburn) when they packed their time with Jiriziri.

Fei Long (Wyburn)! Knights of the Holy Dragon!

On the arrival of the unexpected reinforcements, the heart of the regiment bounced, and a smile appeared beneath its mask, but the moment he saw the person who had fallen, his expression froze.

Major Vishuk! More so, Major Vishuk!

At the end of Legion Zo's gaze I thought so, there was a look of my mom coming down from the sky like a cat.

The sneakers were surprised by the unexpected way in which they appeared, but when they were alert to Mom, she looked around and said, paying for the dirt and dust on her clothes.

"Yeah, it's a similar outfit, so I don't know... there's a coalition in here, right?

What the hell is wrong with you guys... die "

Again, that's how it came!

And the moment he thought so, he hastened to take the mask, and said,

"Major Vishuk, wait! It's me from Intelligence, Hasegawa Regiment Zo!

Kojiro, get the mask! You're gonna kill me for real!

Raven, for sure, but it would be a big deal. That woman was a woman who had lived in your house for a while, and there would be no force there... but the Major's impending voice. Do I have to be honest with you?

Kojiro thought so, reluctantly but when he took the mask, he said as if his mom had remembered.

"Oh! Aren't you Adele's daughter-in-law's father? And was Major Hasegawa annoying?

Then I'll kill the rest of them quickly, so stay down on the spot for good. "

What's ridiculous.

Kojiro thought so, but even though the enemy was nearby, he lay down on the spot as his mom told him.

Don't be silly!

Kojiro thought so by accident, but the moment he lay down on the ground, Shinobu's neck, which was near Kojiro, was slashed, and he fell to the ground.

... It looks like we should obey adults here.

The moment Kojiro lay down, the sneakers fled in all directions, as if they had scattered the spider child.

Shinobi don't fight without a chance. It was the normal behavior of Shinobu, but this time the opponent was too evil.

Mommy raised her hands and spinning the kurli, she said, not just the sneakers, but otherwise, finely chopped up to the surrounding buildings and trees, and she lit the cigar.

"Whoa. That's enough."

Hearing that voice, Kojiro and Legiozo, when they raised their heads and looked at the situation around them, could not speak much of a surprise, and approached the body of the Shinobi that Mom had killed as it was, saying it with the magic thread in their head and sucking out the information.

"Hey, Major Hasegawa. Isn't it the Ensign's Thousand Birds that are falling there, always with you?

"It was!

That said Legionzo hurriedly approached the Ensign's side, and hurriedly gave him a detoxification pill, and began to take care of him.

"But Raven really is a hell of a strength. But thanks... what are you doing?

Kojiro stood up, and when he came closer to his mom, she said, spitting out smoke.

"I'm just checking my memory. Lord Kojiro, if your hand is empty at the place, will you turn the burning tree there and give a signal over the sky?

"Oh, okay"

So Kojiro said, when he had a fragment of a burning tree, he turned toward the sky, and when he gave the signal, a flying dragon (Wyburn) descended from the sky.

Is this Fei Long (Wyburn)?

With that in mind, Kojiro watched, Hummel was throwing up objects in his stomach as he went down and ran into the woods early enough.

"Was he vulnerable to the ride? That's right, Lord Kojiro, isn't Nakashi or Shinobi a profession?

"The Shinobi of the Luthai Empire are separated by the Upper Shinobi, Middle Shinobi, and Lower Shinobi, and I wonder if the Middle Shinobi are like commanders in action.

Besides, they're Igas anyway, right?

"Don't get it. Apparently, he's the Iga... what kind of Iga guy is he?

"Iga people are highly capable of individuals with the sneak of living in Iga. Simply put, they're like the Ninja Mercenaries."

"I see... did this guy blow the middle ninja with a demon bullet? I can't give you any information.

Huh? Right. Apparently, you planned to split the route in two and meet here.

This guy tried to break in from a place called Yoshino over a mountain, and someone got in the way with a roasted ball. Looks like we made it back here. "

Come on, seriously, you're sucking information out of the dead. Raven is a bunch of chemicals, after all.

"Whose orders are they, don't you see?

"... you can't. They don't seem to know anything.

All I know is that it was all Nakanishi, and it looks like they were moving at Nakanishi's behest. Well, anyway, tomorrow, the princess will take the troops, and we'll have to protect them with this number until then.

Hey, Hummel! Don't fall down there, help me carry a thousand birds. Lord Kojiro will ask for perimeter security until the Princess arrives. If you need anything, light it and let the Mick in the air know.

Mick! The Knights of the Sacred Dragon are waiting in the air in turns. If you give me a signal, I'll burn the perimeter. "

At Mom's behest, Hummel and the others moved as instructed, and Mom decided to wait in a nearby abandoned house.

Eventually, Pandora was surprised to see her mom when Pandora and the others came to Black Falls Village on a horseback squad hundred rides at dawn when the sky also came bright.

"Sonia, why?

"From Fushimi, I came all the way here at the Knights of the Holy Dragon in Wyburn."

And he said unto his mother, smiling, Pandora was dismayed.

"Did you have that hand?"

"Well, don't say that, it's a credit to the year."

"In Sonia's case, I also feel like just bad wisdom...... well is that good? So, what's the damage situation?

"Ninja from the Intelligence Agency is injured, she's been hit with poison, but she took a detoxification pill and managed to bring it back together.

Adele and Summer are holding back their enemies in a place called Ryugaku. Ten Shinobi who came here already killed everyone.

There seems to be no enemy reinforcements at the moment. "

Well, if Sonia can check her memory, if that's what you're saying, I guess she is, but if you look at the damage to this building, you used a roasted ball.

In that case, he might come to confirm from the village of Tenkawa with sound. Hurry up and deploy an intelligence unit here.

"Faye, do you have any reading skills?

"Yeah, I have it,"

"Then Faye, as my secretary, stay by my side. And make sure you can talk to Sergeant Edith and tell Iris' mother what's going on.

Send Private Edith and a few men to the deputies in the village of Totsugawa to explain the situation and tell them they don't need any help.

Gentaro, Eli, and Shirley gather the residents of Black Falls Village and bring them to me. Because I will hear about the situation in this village.

Others, be vigilant around them and never let them escape if they see the Great Ghost (Auga). I don't mind picking it up. "

When Pandora gave the order, the knights moved in unison.

Then, using Pandora's spatial transfer, reinforcements came from Lake City to the village of Black Falls, some of which appeared to be Nassau garrisons.

And Shinobu of other intelligence units had also arrived, and when Kojiro went to look for Adele and Summer, he went in the direction of Ryugayue.

This is because Kojiro became worried because of the late arrival of Adele and the others.

And when a temporary command was set up in the village of Black Falls, the crane that came started explaining the Tenkawa village and the operation, spreading the map and inside the abandoned house.

"The village of Tenkawa will be divided into two main areas. It's upstream and downstream of the Cave River.

And to enter the village of Tianchuan, there are three paths from downstream and two from upstream, all but the road that leads here to the village of Black Falls, where we will send the brave men in pairs and deploy troops an hour before the operational decision to carry out simultaneous attacks, and from the mountainous area that separates upstream from downstream, we will place sniping units of the Knights of Witches (Night Witches).

Well, by then, our Intelligence Agency will look into the situation in the village and the placement of security, so based on that information, can we say that we will consider detailed operations?

All those on the spot agreed with the crane proposal and moved.


The next evening, Left Konde left the Kofukuji Temple, passing through the next inn, Farun Temple, and climbing horseback to a small mountain in the south of Yada Hill, opposite Shingui Mountain, when he entered the Heiqun Valley.

Iris and Chloe later climbed the mountain to the ruins of the castle where the grass was mowed and managed, seeing the proximity of the left and Vina, and remembering with jealousy, climbing the path as usual.

Its size was more than 300 meters to the north and south, more than 100 meters to the east and west, and there were no more buildings, but moats, soil bases, dirt bridges, etc. were still there.

"Exactly the same as the castle then..."

So he said unto Vina, who wept, Remembering the time when the old building was built near the left.

"Oh yeah...... nothing changes, as it was then. Oh, the stone pile on the east side is still there.

But no one... go to the north side of the main circle "

So the left-handed men went down from their horses to Honmaru, which was on the north side.

But this castle site is beautifully maintained. Who cares?

With that in mind, when I went to Honmaru, which used to have the mansion of Left Near and Vina, on a lawn with nothing, a man like a samurai sat on his back, drinking.

Is that Lord Tubashi?

With that in mind, the left-hand side gave Iris and the others a signal when he went alone, and when he sat next to the man as he was, he called out.

"Of the uprooted people, is that Lord Tubashi? My name is Kiyohiro Sakura."

And it came to pass, when he had said so, that the man handed him the cup silently to the left, and he poured wine, and said unto the left.

"One of you will be sitting in Takasu Tsuchibashi, the head of the root people."

And it came to pass, in the eyes near the left, that he saw Shige-soo's face, illuminated by the moonlight. The age was a man in his mid-fifties, but his face resembled that of his near left father.

Shigemitsu said with a smile that he was surprised, holding the cup in his hand, and stopping.

"Again, will you be surprised... may I ask you one thing?

"... Oh, no... what is it?

"Does the name of Toyomae Ishima Shokuniku sound familiar to you?

At that moment, a force entered his left hand and stared at Shige-soo.

Seeing the movement, Shige-soo smiled and said something surprising to the left.

"Again, did you...... Shokuniku Shimae will be sitting with some father"


Unexpectedly, he raised his voice and was surprised. Near the left, Shige-soo smiled.

"Well, to my surprise, I can't sit down. At first, I was half-hearted.

There's another question I'd like to ask you. Lady Lake Country was formerly named Shimanaki Kiyohiro or... is that her real name?

Do you want me to tell you the truth and ask you the truth?

"That's right. Toyomae Shimamoto Kiyokuni will be a father."

When Shigemitsu said so, he said that the expression that he thought would surprise him became the expression that he was convinced.

"Again, was it? As a matter of fact, my father also said… My eldest son said that he was a left-handed Kiyohiro"

"No, but something will be wrong. I'm not in a position to say myself, but it's true that in the story of the Divine Age of Willow Castle, my father lived more than 200 years ago."

"Again, you care..."

That said, Shige-soo explained the situation.

Apparently, his father, based in Tsubaki Castle, gave martial arts in Yamato and became a guardian, and by then, he had already made three men and four women's children.

But kids get older and older, but they don't get old at all. Initially, I wasn't even concerned, but gradually, to the ministers, aren't they really human? And because he suspected, he decided to die and fled to the Tubashi family where his daughter's daughter-in-law was.

There are still some left, but in the Luthai Empire, long-lived subhumans and beasts seemed to be despised.

And after the funeral, he had a leisurely and comfortable hiding life, but he became in love with one of the women of the roots, and Shige-soo was born.

The child was adopted by the Tubashi family, who had no children at the time, and he continued to live in hiding, but a major battle broke out in Kishu, killing him five years ago.

Until he died, his father, the nearest left, was worshipped by the lord of hiding and the roots, and he taught only the truth to the young Shige-soo. Of course, I've come from different worlds.

... That fucking father, the stallion. There will be a lot for women.

Is that supposed to be my niece? Besides, how many relatives are there?

"Lord Shige-soo. How long is the island clan here?

"It was a civil war in the Luthai Empire, though considerably less.

First, the Yamato family. This will be the home muscle. And it will be four houses: the Tentsugawa Island family, the Gojo Island family, and the Tubashima family. "

Hey, isn't Takahito, Gojo, and Totsukawa all near Takano Mountain? Besides, to the roots...... no way, islanders are involved in making money?

That's what Shige-soo said, so as to see through the nearest left mind.

"The Islanders don't know the reason. All I know is root and miscellaneous. The Islanders have a sacred view of Yamato, so it would be convenient for them to protect Yamato, both as a morning court and even if left alone."

"... I see. Somehow you'll see."

That's right. That fucking father was a man who would betray his master if it was for the realm.

"So can we also call those within us, have a drink, and get down to business?

Because I know all my wives and children, and Major Meissner, the secretary. Oh, but to the rest of us, my brother is a weird story, so you mean a distant relative, okay?

"Yeah, sure. Honestly, I think it's dangerous to spread the word about this."

"Thank you. I'll sit down. Ohh! Everybody, come here."

That's what he called the three of them.

With that said, he said he couldn't get old, and if I had to take him down, maybe my dad was still alive.

Is it about God, like me? Next time, let's hear it.

With that in mind, the left-hand side introduced Iris and the others to Shigemitsu.

From the Shinto dynasty of Willow Castle, the three men, whose father near left knew he had come to this world, were easily convinced.

And on the left hand side, when he had trouble with Shige-soo, when the Miscellaneous people told him to go up the Yodo River and create a system for him to enter Fushimi Castle, Shige-soo sipped alcohol and said:

"Well, it's a favor of the same clan, let's talk to the Miscellaneous People somehow"

Left and near thought that he was a trustworthy man, but he bowed his head and said, "Please."

And when the left-hand man returned to the Falun Temple, put his hand on God's diary, and slept in the inn, he stood on the cloud at some point.

Long time no see?

And when the left-hand man thought so, God appeared as he expected, and he said to the left-hand man,

"I didn't know your father was here."

"Hmm? Somehow, you didn't seem to know how to put it. Could it be the work of Reaper?

That being said, it was a worrying left-hand side, but God's answer was different.

"I don't think so. It's not a rebirth, it's the way it is. To come to this world and say you can't be old is a complete metastasis. [Etrunze]"

"Etrunze? What the hell is that?"

"It may have something to do with me and your father being parents and children, but very rarely does this world connect to the Earth.

Well, that's mostly because it can be on the ocean, behind the mountains, where few people are, and it's also on the ocean in this world, leading to mountain backs and dungeons, so there's no problem. Very rarely, people come through. It's a common hiding place.

Features include not being old, life expectancy becoming eternal, and the years coming from Earth falling apart. Well, in the future, if you discover someone like that, if you tell me through Freya, I'll undo it. "


But only if I can help. Exactly, there's nothing I can do with that Etrunze in a hell of a place.

So, that's it? Let's get down to business. "

And when he said so, he said unto God with his face, saying that he knew everything.

Then God said with a face as if he had been somewhat surprised.

"You're not ready to read your mind. Then let's get down to business.

There are many rules in this world. For example, a demon rides over money without a owner, or a small amount of resources only comes out of a determined location, but the reserves are infinite.

Among them, the race that eats men, subhumans, and beasts becomes determined, less intelligent demons. Well, intelligent people can manipulate you.

Besides, this world is bound to give birth to two kinds: men and women. I don't remember ever deciding that only a man would be born... and something was wrong with that big ghost in Tianchuan Village. "

"Well, certainly, in the south of the continent, there seems to be a country with only the Great Ghost (Auga), and that would not make it as a country that only men would be born. When it's just a man like Tenkawa Village, when the population is depopulated and pure blood is protected in that state, one day it will perish.

Do you have any idea what caused this?

And when the left hand said so, God thought for a while and said,

"Maybe it's the devil's work. It's not junior, it's intermediate or above."

"The work of the devil, Pandora and Busty wouldn't do that. Well, the only thing suspicious is Robin.

But even Robin, even if he does, is about as old as he gets to gather women and make a harem. "

"It's not those demons. I know those demons are not interested in saying that at all... they are the strongest category in the devil's world.

Hence, well put, the room for the strong. To put it badly, I'm proud of the strong. But not the other demons... "

And in the word of his God came the left hand, and said, Pin.

"You call it the work of other demons, summoned in the Luthai Empire?

"Not yet, there's no certainty. But that's likely...... you know what Sabato is?

"Looks like it was a witch's feast for sure..."

"Not exactly. It's about eating sacrificial human flesh, bathing in blood, and feasting in the Sake Pond Flesh Forest, sponsored by the Intermediate and Above."

"You think you're doing that savato?

"Yes... the Sabat has the power to strengthen the demons of the main guest, and it takes time, but it can manipulate those who participated in the Sabat.

Even if I say manipulative, of course, fate can manipulate everything. I mean, you can be a god to those who participate. "

"I see. If you kill the demon who would be in that Tianchuan village, it won't end.

All right, let's try to take that demon down too. So, how do you kill him?

"Kill if you leave it to Pandora, who oversees the devil... but you'd rather have the other one with insurance than just one. Tell Cain to give her permission to send someone to Purgatory. You need Pandora's permission.

Because that kid would have seen Cain's magic, and I think he knows the rules. "

"Chloe has no problem, but purgatory, is it okay to send it? No, before you do, why do you need permission from Pandora and Cain?

"Purgatory can't reach the power of God, it's different from the demonic world and hell, where... if you think it's an intense place in hell, it might be easy to understand.

There's a little lord there, but it's Cain and Pandora who really manage it. Well, it's hardly under control, and the deceased there suffers without ever being forgiven.

There, you'll be fine. If they summon me, I won't be able to leave without your permission.

But you're free to send them to Purgatory, but the others can't send them to Purgatory without their permission. "

"Also appropriate. But I get it, I'll talk it through.

That's the reward for this one, but tell me about the resources of this world. Earlier, you said, "Less resources only come out of a certain place, but the reserves are infinite."

And God, when he heard the word, beheld the face that he had done it, and said it as if he had given up.

"I failed...... I can't help it, it would be good.

The resources of this world are, well, very much the same matter as the Earth. But like nitrous stones, there are some things that cannot be created, and they have been changed slightly.

Later, some substances look fantastic, like misrills and orihalcons, which are not on the ground. But it's not going to be mined anywhere. There are only a few places that can be mined, but the reserves are endless. "

"Then, for example, if we mine iron ore, we'll dig holes and we'll be full of holes, right?

"They use earthquakes and so on to crush mining sites and pits and boost and replenish the ground. And again, mining is a cycle."

"Hey, that's pretty dangerous..."

"Well, that earthquake, too, should be less damaging, because I wake it in the middle of the night. Then it's time, so good luck with that."

Saying so and watching God waving, the left and near had lost consciousness.

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