Another Life

Island Genealogy

Early the next morning, the Left Kinds traveled with Shige-soo on the Falun Temple, heading to Takatsu Castle and entering the castle town of Takatsu Castle in just about three hours.

To the left-handed men who went under the castle came a samurai from Takatomi Castle, and said that they would lead the left-handed men.

It's not much different here.

With that in mind, when the left hand proximity came to the castle gate of Takatoshi Castle, the samurai were aligned in front of the castle gate, and at its deepest castle gate sat a man in his early forties with a sharp eye like a razor, and a young man whose eyes resembled those of a man, who would have freshly been in his uniform, and an old man of unknown age.

Well, the man in the middle, he'll be Yamato... Grandpa, are you okay?

So when the left-handed men descended from the horse, they lay flat on the left-handed side.

"I'll see you first. I am Shinjiro Shinjiro Kiyosei of Yamato, and this is Shinjiro Shinjiro Kiyosei of Shima.

And this is Yun Qingyun, an island master of the Gojojima family, headed by our kin. "

"A certain person will sit at Sakura Kuen Daihan Kiyohiro, and at the next Vina where she will marry her wife, Sakura Left Kyojin Iris. And the woman behind you, Major Chloe Meissner of the Allied Coalition, will sit down."

So he bowed his head to the left, and Yamato hastily said with his left shoulder.

"Dear Lake Country, raise your head. I've never heard of Masahiro Kuen, the third best man, bowing his head to caretaker in Yamato."

"No, it is only natural that you should be thankful to the Yamato guardian of this family, regardless of your official position."

In his closest words, when Yamato saw Shige-soo, Shige-soo nodded.

"You're right. The Lake Nation is a continental clan that was taught only to the Tubashima family."

"Again... Dear Lake Country, I have something to show you. This way please."

So he climbed up Takatoshi Castle to Honmaru.

After all, is Takatoshi Castle also narrow on the lacquered walls in the stone walls? Even during the Meiji Restoration, Takatoshi Castle did not fall... If it becomes a battle in the Luthai Empire, let's avoid castle attacks.

With that in mind, the left-hand side climbed the giant Takatomi Castle, built on Takatoma Mountain, and when we reached Honmaru, we were guided to the lavish palace, and guided to the large hall with the view of the garden, the Yamato ministers lined up and waited flat for the left-hand side.

Vina, who had no choice but to sit in the upper seat as Yamato guided her to the left, and knew how to do it, sat here and gave Iris and the others a signal, and the chief minister raised his face simultaneously.

And the moment the heavy ministers raised their faces, the left proximity said a word of surprise.

"Yamato Palace. Please, come here."

So he urged Yamato to sit in the same seat as himself.

The official position is above me, but he wanted to talk to Yamato on a reciprocal basis.

"No, Master Lake Country. That's all..."

"Yamato Palace. Come here."

He blocked Yamato's words, which he tried to say no to, and when he said to him, Yamato said, "Then," and when he sat beside him, he turned to each other's bodies and turned to the front.

"Hey, tea. What does that mean?

So Vina whispered to Iris, who asked her next door Vina a whisper.

"That's because Shosho Yamato is more official than Shing, so he tried to put up Shing's face, while Shing says let's talk on a reciprocal basis."

"Huh. The customs of the Ruthai Empire seem kind of annoying."

"In it, you'll get used to it."

Yes, Vina smiled, and the left-hand side cut out the story.

"So what do you want to show me?

"Hey, give me an example."

That is what Yamato said, and Yamato said, when a small surname puts a rectangular object wrapped in a silk decorated cloth, near the left.

"As a matter of fact, the Yamato family was told by the first Toyomae Kiyokuni to show this to anyone who would call it Kiyohiro Ichima, or his clan, anything he inherited from generation to generation. According to Shin Dynasty, the previous name of Mr. Lake Country was Mr. Kiyohiro Shima?

I didn't even think I'd really show up... go ahead, go inside again "

That said, when the wrap was brought closer to the nearest left, when the nearest left, nervously but carefully took the wrap, it was a box of trout inside, and when the lid was opened, there were three letters inside.

The destination was written "to the principals of the islands" for one copy, and "to the descendants of the upbringing" for the last copy.

This is... one for me and the other for Yamato.

"Apparently, this one is addressed to the Yamato Temple."

Having said that, when he gave Yamato the letter written to the master of the island, he took the letter written to Kiyohiro and read it inside.

However, I do not regret having betrayed the Shirai family and informed the Matsunaga family in order to protect Hirakuraya. Instead, what you say is bad for killing your stepmother and your brothers was written in extensions.

And at the end, it said, "That's you, but I forgive everything," and it said, "In the future, use whatever island house I make."

Um, fucking dad, what do you forgive me for! While you betray the Tarai family!

I thought so, and for a moment I nearly broke the letter in anger, but when I saw the phrase, I took a deep breath and calmed down.

My father did use his hand to survive to protect the people of Heiqun Valley... I was just a young man.

That's right, I was just young. I was too young to betray the Tatsui family.

At this age, I can tell for the first time. That's a common story about betraying your home to protect your people... you're a kid.

With that in mind, when the left-hand man looked at Yamato, Yamato was shuddering with a pull, giving him a look of confusion.

"Yamato, what have you done?

"Yes, no... this letter says that the island family of the Lake Country is the eldest son and true family member, so that the people of the island house follow the Lake Country... If you are a Lake Country, what did it say?

"To quote the sporadic curse, it said," Use the Islanders freely. "

When the left-hand proximity said so, it was clear that some ministers began to emerge upset.

But it was also an impossible story. It is an unscrupulous story to tell you to obey those who suddenly appear, no matter how much authority is above you and what your eldest son muscle is.

There was no choice in the upset of these ministers, but the inner master Yun said with a trembling tingle.

"The will of Kiyokuni, the ancestor of our island family, must be fulfilled.

Besides, my lords, the young men told me that there was a true home on the island, unknown to them. Not surprisingly now. "

"Uncle... Indeed, as your uncle said, the Yamatoshima family also told the story..."

"It was passed on to us too."

So when he saw the face of Shige-soo, who raised his hand, Yamato turned to the nearest left and said, lying flat.

"Lady Lake Country, the ancestors of our island family, as Kiyokuni will, please freely use the clan of this island"

When he heard the word, he said it slightly dizzy, twisting the hole in his ear with his pinkie finger.

"Lord Yamato, why don't you sit down as good as ever? It's not a question of who's the main house, if we get along with the same clan."

"No, that's it, and the will of the original Kiyokuni..."

"Yamato Palace. Here, it says use the island family as you like. Now, use it as you like, and in the future we will say that our clan is equal. Lord Qing Yun, can I call you uncle, too, from now on?

That said, when the left-hand side smiled at the innkeeper Yun, the innkeeper Yun said, shuddering at a position where he did not know if he was laughing or if it was a regular tremor.

"Of course.

My lord, since the Lake Country also says so, wouldn't it be nice? And I said, "Freedom of thought... you can't do it unless you're from the island."

And Yamato, when he heard the words of Yun his inner master, closed his eyes quietly, and said,

"Okay, let's do that."

"Thank you. I'll sit down. By the way, Yamato, are you interested in exorcising ghosts?

And he said unto the abrupt word, Understanding what Yamato meant.

"... is it about Tenkawa Village?

"On your left."

"No, but I have heard that the Kamiyo of Yanagi Castle has informed me in his early horse that there is nothing to do with the Yamatoshima family, considering the morning court, that the Lake Nation will move independently."

"That changed a little bit and actually gave me my life. He wants to visit the village of Tianchuan..."

It was precisely at the moment when the left hand said so that the sight of all who were there changed.

"Except for the story, then. But if that's what the Lake Nation says, of course, you can request reinforcements, right?

Yamato said so with a razor-like face that hurt nothing, but with a smile that the child would show.

Yeah, I knew he was a clan of islands. It's like Shinkichi, Shinsuke, and Sweeping Department, and I smile and say it like I'm going on an excursion.

"Yep. They sold me a fight and the pain I couldn't buy...... let's go sunshine.

Yamato Shrine, how many troops can you get out immediately?

"A thousand castle soldiers. But if you have two days, you can have 10,000."

"Coalition forces are now assembling in Black Falls Village, and if you take too long, you'll have trouble getting away. So can you select from a thousand to an elite hundred and please?

"Okay. Looks like you've got everything you need to know about the day you attack."

"Correct. We'll start tomorrow."

"I see, if we make it by noon, we'll make it."

And when he stood up, Yamato said unto the old man, like Yoda the tall star Wars.

"Yaro! I'll take care of the backpack. Those who go out in battle give priority to those in the first line! We'll be out by noon!

"Yeah, the battle is yeah."

That said, when Yun the inner master rose, Yaro and the other ministers besides Shige-soo rose up and left in a hurry.

Hey. I don't think so, but is your uncle going to be in line, too?

But you're going to mass-produce brave men just because you prioritize those in the first place. You're an inedible man, Yamato.

That's what Yamato said, bowing his head.

"Dear Lake Country, thank you for giving us such an opportunity."

"Yamato Shrine, it's the same clan. Please call me Qing Xing or Left Near."

"So, Lord Kiyohiro. Please call me Kiyosei.

Okay, let's get you a room. We'll call you as soon as we're ready. "

"Thank you, Lord Kiyosei"

"Yaro, show Lord Kiyohiro to his room. What will you do, Lord Shige-soo?

"We root people are under Emperor's command, so it's not easy to move... well, if you come running near Takano Mountain, you won't let one of us go home alive."

This means I'll take care of the escaped.

And when he thought so, he rose up and said,

"Then it's time for me to go...... yes, let's get together next time with relatives and have a feast too. Including what face-to-face means."

That said, when Shige-soo smiled and signaled in the direction near left, he left.

Well, face-to-face, you need it.

"Lord Kiyosei, I'll take care of the feast. Well, it's time for us to... Lord Yaro, let's go"

The left-handed men who said so were guided to the room with the guidance of Hachiro.

When they were led to a large room divided by a pair of tweezers, they separated from the women and were dressed.

I wonder why it's divided by a pair of tweezers... No, Chloe knows. But even Iris and the others.

With that said, are you finishing your first line of tea?

"Hey tea, with that said, in the first place, do you have experience killing?

"I'm ashamed, there's not one yet. Oh, but I have experience commanding troops.

Plus, my father and Count Roy taught me swordsmanship... oh, Viscount Fisher taught me spears, so I'm confident in swords and spear arms. "

You said you had experience fighting, but not killing. If you put them in the rescue unit and the teas become brave, if you haven't even experienced killing in the first line, you'll prove you can be brave.

Nevertheless, to Lord Oyaji and Lord Samuro, to Lord Kodai... is that Kaori Kamikado and the treasure house flow technique?

"The tea is a rescue unit for the kidnapped women. Chloe, later go to Willow Castle on a space transfer and tell Hyogo and Pearl that when we arrive at Black Falls Village this evening, we'll pick you up on a space transfer."

"Yes, sir."

Eventually, before noon, the main circle of Takatomi Castle was crowded with hundreds of soldiers, gathered around those in the first line, and the Yamato guardians waited for the left-hand side to emerge.

Under the three cedars of a finger in the wind, when the first liners were under tension, everyone saw Chloe in a raven when she appeared in the armor bought at the Kyoto-ya, near left in a line-up feather that had been tailored at Omiya, and Iris and Vina in a battle dress.

"Lord Kiyohiro, you can always make your appearance."

After all, is your uncle coming too... are you okay?

So he took his flag out of Magic Buck, and gave it to Chloe, and said,

"This has always been my SS, you deserve to have it"

The flag was written on the white ground on the family crest of the three cedars, in black letters with black lines, [Mother of the Son, Ten Ladies] and [Hachi the Great Bodhisattva].

Chloe, who remembered in the footage of the Left Near at the time of his death that it was the flag that the Left Near Troop was flying, when he received it from the Left Near, thanked him for the Left Near feelings he had entrusted to him and just said one word.

Thank you. I'll sit down.

And it was in the hand of Chloe, who received him, that he had strength.

And he said with a smile that the left-hand side would jump on the blue leaves under the raised flag.

"Well, shall we go to the ghost exorcism"

Using the word as a signal, the left-handed men went out of Takatomi Castle to the village of Black Falls.

The armies of the nearest left were attracting people's attention.

The reason for this is Iris in pure white armor on a red dress and Vina in silver armor on a blue dress. And the one that was attracting the most attention was Chloe, who weaved a cloak with black feathers from above the armor.

"The wives and Lord Chloe still draw attention. Nevertheless, I had no idea Lord Chloe was the one to be called Raven.

But are you really that strong? It just seems like a normal, beautiful woman to me. "

So he said to Yamato, who was lined up next to him near the left, with a smile on his face.

"Lord Kiyosei, my wives and Chloe, they are certainly beautiful women, but if you are insulting them, you will get hurt.

The coalition is a complete meritocracy of equality between men and women by the nature of the gathering of people of various races and nations. If it's the feeling of the Luthai Empire, you'll shrug your feet on the continent. "

"I see. But fighting on the continent sounds like a lot of fun with novelty."

Yes, Yamato said with a smile on his face.

Well, if it sounds fun, Lord Kiyosei is quite a warrior.

So the left hand side went toward the village of Black Falls.


That evening, in an abandoned house, before the bodies of two great ghosts (Auga), stood Pandora, Kiyoshin and Crane, and Amilia, beside whom Gabriella and Legionza stood with regret.

"I'm sorry. I just fired a demon bullet..."

"No, if Major Lilseau hadn't helped us, we wouldn't have been able to stop this great ghost. The only thing I can really blame is our intelligence unit for not being able to capture the scout ghost."

So they were apologizing.

The reason was that last night's explosion of the roasted ball caused the Great Ghost (Auga) reconnaissance from Tianchuan Village to come to Black Falls Village, so the intelligence unit led by Legionzo tried to capture the Great Ghost (Auga), but Gabriella and the others helped him where swords, hand swords, etc. were likely to return the opposite without any use to their hard muscles.

"Don't both say that, this is something we can't help. Look, Brigadier General Tsushima to Major General Sanoko, right?

So the crane put his hand on his chin, and said to Amelia, who asked them to agree.

"Sure, Colonel McGregor could say the same thing. Anyway, I'll attack Tenkawa Village tomorrow, so it won't be a problem.

More than that, according to Count Roy's information, the muscles were certainly stiff, but the problem is this bone. I didn't know an attack by a bursting demon bullet wasn't scratched... "

And it came to pass in the words of the crane, that the man on the spot saw the body of the great ghost.

They both had large holes in their chests, which represented an explosion after the demon bullet pierced their bodies, but there was not a scratch on their bones.

"But you can't have bones, but you're saying that demon bullets work in the muscles and built-in?

Just so you know, it'll be a harvest. "

"Right, the princess is right. Contact Lake City to transport as many new rifles and demon bullets as possible."

It was when Kiyoshin said so, when the door was knocked, and Shirley came in and said,

"Report. Kiyotaka, Lord of the Shimazu River, is here to bring a hundred soldiers into the war."

"You know what, you should just push it back"

To Amelia, who said so, Shirley said a little.

"I thought the emblem of the flag was the same emblem as your Excellency, the last name was an island, and it might be a relative."

What, relatives? There's no way you're here. But the same family crest on the island...... something hooks me up.

Pandora, who thinks so, gathers the gaze of everyone on the spot.

No, even if it gets that much attention, I don't know... I can't help it.

"Shirley. Contact Faye to see what he can do to your father. I'll take care of this... it's hard."

When Pandora, who said so, went outside, the governors waited on the table.

"Hey, what do you say?

"That's what we're talking about. Let's hurry up and gather our troops. So much so that you wanted to attack Tenkawa Village.

I've asked the court many times, and it seems to have been rejected. "

The court? That's a weird story.

To Pandora, who thinks so, Faye came.

"Pandora... it wasn't. Captain.

When I contacted His Excellency, the Islanders of the Tentsu River were a clan, so I asked them to come inside. "

Clan? That's a weird story, too. Your father has moved into this world... but for now, with that being said, do you want me to fit in?

"Got it. So let's go see him."

Pandora, who said so, took the governors towards the entrance of the village on the west side.

When he arrived at the entrance to the village on the west side, his mom was staring at a middle-aged man in a splendid armor with a beard on his horse.

When Pandora and the others approached, Qinglong said.

"Babysitter, do something about this woman. You can keep shooting with disrespect, but I don't want to be a coalition."

"Well, if you can do it, try it. I'll pay you back."

And her mother, who said so, glanced at Qinglong, and said,

This is going to be tough.

With that in mind, when Pandora approached him, bowed his head, and tried to speak, Qinglong said without even having the ear to listen.

"It's not a curtain for little girls to come out. I want to talk to the general of this unit."


"The little girl is the general of the army here. Sakura, my name is Pandora."

So he said, putting up with his anger, and Pandora greeted Qinglung, and Qinglung laughed with his nose and said:

"Hung, it's impossible for a woman to have a position. You lie and I'll kill you."

At that moment Pandora's eyebrows moved and said:

"Alas, since you have been in the mountains of the Tentsu River before, you may not know anything, but this official position was officially given to you by the Emperor, and whoever wears this cape will be an extrajudicial one.

How about some more law studies, Lord Mountain Monkey "

The moment Pandora said so, her mom blew it out and Kiyoro's face was in the shape of anger.

You're ready to be killed, aren't you?

"Oh, didn't you sell me a fight first?

Besides, you don't think it's the same clan that decides to look down on someone because they're a woman, because they're young. Why don't we kill them all on this occasion and get rid of the clan stains?

"What? Are you from the Yamatoshima family?

"No. I'm the second daughter of Kunda Sakura of Kunda Sakura Sakura Sakura Kiyohiro."

The moment he heard the words, Qinglong looked at the chief political officer and he nodded.

"Are you the princess of Lord Kwon Dae-sen? But this will be a battlefield, shouldn't we go home?

It's not a woman's playground. "

"If you have a complaint, come and kill me. I'll kill you with these two fingers."

No, it's totally clean.

Anyone who knew Pandora thought so, and Faye read and reported to Pandora and the others.

"Captain, I hear your Excellency has arrived. They're assembling at the north entrance, ASAP."

"Chip... well, shall we go to your father, nobody. Everybody, let's go!

Pandora, who said so, said his disgust to Qinglung, who had not yet named his name, and went in the direction of the left-hand men.

"My babysitter. That little girl, are you really going to follow the fight?

Unexpectedly asked Ching Lung in a low voice, and the chief said in a slightly angry voice.

"Lord Zao, it is better to refrain from saying that on this occasion. If the princess feels like it, she will kill us all in a million armies by herself, and we won't shut up if we make fun of the captain.

Besides, this time Major Vishuk only faithfully performed his role, and the princess was patient at first with the disrespect of the Zao. In this case, it's obvious that there's either a "no."

In the words of its chief executive, Qinglong remembered that he had not yet named Pandora, and that he had been speaking from the horse all along, and he was unable to say anything.

And when Pandora and the others approached the north entrance, there was a gathering of people there, and they heard the voice that was arguing. The LORD of his voice was a man well known to Pandora and his men, near left.

What's going on?

Pandora and the others thought so, scratching people and looking in the direction of their voices, the left proximity and Yamato were staring at each other.

What, this sinister mood?

So Pandora found Iris and the others and talked to them.

"Mother, Chloe. What the hell is this noise..."

"Don't tell me. I have a headache..."

"If there's a hole, I want to go in..."

So he said to Iris, with his head, Vina, whose face was bright red, but he told Pandora, as if Chloe had been frightened.

"We're both idiots. At first, a woman's preference for breast size conflicts, and if you're aware of it, a statement about which one of her own wives is nice… it's a child's fight."

This is stupid... from the bottom of my heart, this is stupid.

So Pandora, bewildered, clapped his hand, and cried out.

"Ha, over! Put it where you belong. Leave the idiot alone, we're about to start a military debate more than a sarge!

"Lord Kiyohiro, they say it's a military conference."

"Right, Lord Kiyosei. This continues slowly next time."

"Right. Next time, I'm sure you'll understand that a little swollen chest is the best."

"Lord Kiyosei. Will you talk about it again?

Big tits are the justice and truth of this world. If you don't know that, it's like you're giving up most of your life. "

"Well, will you talk about it again..."

That said, it was a moment of staring at each other. And it came to pass, when the head of the left hand was slapped as he wished, that Pandora went silently with the collar of the left hand.

And Yamato, who was left behind, saw Pokhan and his sight, and said unto Iris.

"Lord Iris. What about that woman?

"Excuse me. My second daughter's, I'll sit you down in Pandora...... I'm so sorry"

So said Iris, who apologized with all his might, but Yun, an innkeeper who was nearby, laughed.

"Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. It's the same house everywhere.

Look, Master Miyagi. Trying to get to the military conference. "

Yun, the innkeeper who said so, went to the abandoned house in a quarrel.


It was a large abandoned house, with coalition executives other than the left and the Yamato Shoguna and Kiyoro sitting, silent all the time. The reason for this is Qinglong.

He came in and sat silently, looking grumpy all the time as the Yamato guards greeted him.

And it came to pass in such a heavily aired room, when the left hand side brought in the armored armoury and the beads, that the soldiers of the coalition stood up and saluted, and said with a smile, as if to purge the air in the place.

"Hey, did I make you wait...... what's up?

So when the strange left-hand man sat down, the soldiers sat together, and Kiyoshin said,

"No… everyone was saying hello, but you were silent all the time."

It's a pain in the ass again.

That's what Qinglong said, near the left.

"I would like to ask His Highness the Lake Country. Why is there a woman in the coalition?"

"Before that, who is your lord? I can't let anyone in here who doesn't know where the horse bones are."

"This young man..."

The moment he said so, the left proximity stood up and used a time actor to move near the Qinglong in an instant, beating him as much as he could and saying to the fallen Qinglong.

"This, no wonder! Is that what you're saying to Kwon Dae-sen?

You're a kid because there's a woman in the coalition, because you don't care, because you're silent without a name, without a greeting, and so on!

This is a battlefield, kid. Go home!

"How dare you..."

So, when Qinglong laid his hand on the knife of his lower back, Yamato glanced at Qinglong and said:

"Zodiac, this place is better than Lord Kiyohiro, the muscle path you are talking about stands. Here, when the Lord pulls out the knife, as an act of bowing to the Emperor, he will attack you with a knife to return to the village of Tianchuan, and he will take your neck in front of you.

The island family's stains have to be picked up by the island family... well, Kiyohiro is the same island family. "

"... Ku"

So Qinglong said, when he wiped the blood flowing from his lips with the back of his hand when it was cut off, he sat back down and bowed his head.

"I will sit at Kiyotaka, the fifth largest collector on the island, who is the deputy of the Tenzu River. This time, I wanted to join the last seat of the Tenkawa Village attack, and I joined the ranks."

"I will sit with you in Sakura Kuen Daihan Kiyohiro. I came with you to sit with my daughter's son-in-law, Hyuko Yanagi Ritsu, and the eldest daughter of the Sakura family, Yanagi Joo. Well, now, you're all..."

"Wait a minute, please. Lord Lake, as I said earlier, why is a woman here? We're not playing games."

Oh, no. Shit. I can't help it, let me get this straight.

"The Caveman Hall. Coalition forces, if they give martial arts to men and women equally, will take it.

They do more martial arts than any of the men there. For example, Colonel McGregor there, in his battle against the Ruthai and Serenity empires, shot down the army of the Ruthai Empire with an army full of women.

Major Vishuk and Major Meisner there, in the Kingdom of Salz, shot down two thousand enemy soldiers in just eight hundred.

This, my daughter Pearl and Pandora, we both shot down 80,000 soldiers. Can you do any one of these?

The Coalition will treasure more powerful women than those who are flirting, just because they are men. If you repent, give me martial arts. "

Qinglong, who was said to be clear near the left, looked down and shut up, and near the left looked around and said:

"Well, shall we begin? Crane, explain the operation."


That said, the crane spread a large map of the village of Tenkawa on the spot and began to explain it while pointing it with a baton.

"The village of Tianchuan, along this river, is divided into two parts, upstream and downstream, with a total of five entrances: two upstream and three downstream.

Intelligence unit research shows that the Great Ghost (Auga) has about 2,000 people and about eighty human bandits, who have already noticed this move, assembled on the western road upstream, closest to Black Falls Village, to set up a thorough anti-war.

Goal's high prize is downstream. The mayor of Tianchuan Village is upstream and commands an interception unit. "

Tenkawa Village... That's bigger than the one I know of. Sure, there must have been Togawa Village and Five Colors Village around there, but it all seemed to fit together.

"So how do we attack?

"There's a kidnapped woman trapped in two bell caves upstream here. Therefore, from the western and southern sides downstream, we will attack the village of Tianchuan, infiltrate rescue units downstream, and rescue the women, entering the village from all the entrances.

Then, the Knights of Witches (Night Witches) who are positioned in the mountains will move in, snipe the Village Chief, and, upon entering, arrange for a split between upstream and downstream.

It's a tactic, but with regular weapons, it doesn't work at all for the Auga muscles, so I suggest a coordinated battle between a slayer squad with a must-have weapon and an artillery squad with a demon bullet.

Later, we will distribute the weapon with the must-have to both the Yamato and Totsukawa armies, but there are not that many, so we would like everyone to use the wounded weapon.

Finally, what would you like to know about the formation?

The brave candidate has to be divided into two places... it's risky, but this is a chance.

"Rescue forces will send Pandora, Shirley, Faye, Gentaro and Eli to the belly cave on this west side. And in the bell cave on the east side, let them go to the pearls with the tea and the first-line men at the place of Lord Kiyosei.

The Black Knights (Black Knights) are on the western side upstream and the Nassau Guards are on the eastern side.

The problem is... can I go west?

"Even if I say no, will they go?

"You know exactly what I mean."

And he said unto the crane that was frightened, and smiled like a child.

"Then let our Knights of Holy Guidance take this southern entrance."

"Well, on the east side, let me go. It's going to be a long time."

So said Sergen, when Elias and Kiyoshin lifted up their hands.

"Then the artillery teams of each unit will be at the disposal of our SS Knights."

Now, he and the others raise their hands crisp, so Lord Kiyosei and the collector are late, right? There is no other way.

"Then Lord Kiyosei, with me. Lord Zao, with my father-in-law, may I ask for your help?


"That's funny. Make sure you let me have it."

In those words near the left, Qinglong nearly exploded his anger, but Yamato accepted it, and he had no choice but to accept it.

"Then one is on the south side..."

"So, what about the Hyogo?

When Near left spoke to Hyogo, Hyogo said as if he had thought of something.

"Is it okay if I say something like my father-in-law?

Hyogo, what's going on?

"Oh, that would be good. So the Hyogo is the same western unit as I am.

The command of Nassau's troops is you, Iris. Hummel is a deputy, and I need Iris' assistant.

And last but not least, if you take over the High Safe Hall, burn everything and destroy its existence. This way, we can buy time.

Then we'll start the operation with the sunrise. "

When Left Near said so, when they tried to get up and move, Left Near said, "Pandora stay."

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