Another Life

Tenkawa Village Crusade 1


Pandora cried out in the abandoned house, which became three men, Chloe and Pandora, near left.

Near left, after the military council ended, left Pandora talking about the Great Ghost (Auga) that God had said.

"That's right. God did say in Tianchuan Village that the Great Ghost (Auga) might be doing Sabato.

The rationale was that there were no women in the Great Ghost (Auga) of Tianchuan Village and that they were intelligent in eating human flesh. What do you think?

And Pandora, who said so near the left, thought for a while.

"If you say so, that's true...... but there's only one demon that can hold such a savato... no way!

That said, Pandora seemed to notice something.

"What, you know something?

"That silly sister, you missed it"

It was Pandora who said so as if she were talking to herself, but Pandora said it again toward the left and near.

"Only demons above the intermediate level can accumulate power in Sabat. In the Luthai Empire, more than intermediate demons were summoned only once later and earlier... my former subordinate.

The rationale is that he's good at allusions, flames and other skills, and his personality is fucking nasty. He would have preferred Sabato. "

"So, why were the beads named?

"That's when that idiot sister was summoned to crusade for the destruction of the Luthai Empire long ago.

But it's haz my stupid sister killed me, but I guess I felt alive and I was holding Sabato to build up my strength. "

You're Pandora's former subordinate... is it okay to kill him?

"Pandora, the... are you okay?

"Oh, you mean you can kill me? No problem... 'cause losers don't need me"

And Pandora, who said so, was smiling like a devil.

This is the demon part of Pandora... well, I hope you improve that part in the future.

"With that said, I was asking Pandora if God could use the magic that Chloe sends to Purgatory, or get permission. Cain says God will grant permission."

Pandora thought for a while in the words near the left.

"I have no problem... Chloe, did you see the magic of sending me to Purgatory?

"Yes, I saw Master Cain use it..."

"Chloe, if you use that magic by someone other than Reaper or Satan, purgatory and soul will have a connection, and after death soul will go to purgatory unconditionally.

Well, if I die, I'll get you out of purgatory, but purgatory is different in time from this world, and a day here will be a year in purgatory. I'll try to get it out as soon as I can, but if it takes me a while to find out Chloe's dead, that's all I'm gonna get to taste the pain of hell.

Save the details later, but think in a direction you won't use as much as you can. "

"Oh, I see."

That fucking god is about to use his magic on Chloe!

So he grabbed Chloe's shoulder and said with a serious look.

"Look, Chloe. Never use that magic, no matter what."


Chloe, who said so, was turning her face bright red.


Amiria and the others were surrounding the map and discussing the details of the operation in an abandoned house waiting for the Knights of Witches (Night Witches).

"There are five snipers and two gatling cannons. The rest of the division team is 50... less."

That is what Gabriella said to Amelia, thinking with her hands on her chin, pointing to the map with a branch of a tree.

"If we're still going to split up, we're going to have to have this narrow spot. But it is at this point in the mountain at both ends that the brave man is waiting, so a little distance away, but he will make it to the start of the operation"

"Right. Gabriella, I know you do, but the top priority target is expensive... make sure you get it done.

And a bullet would be better... Hih!

At that moment, there was a signal to slap a ton at Amelia's waist.

What is the matter, and Amelia, who is noted, stood up and said,

"Excuse me, I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a little while"

And when Amilia went straight out into the abandoned house, she went into the woods.

And he stopped, and said without looking.

"What, are you there?

"Finally, have you noticed"

And it came to pass from the shadow behind Amiria, saying so, that there was no sound.

"Bullet positive instructions?

"Oh, you're right. Come on. If anything goes wrong, tell the colonel to fix it."

And it came to pass that Amiria looked back, saying, "I am sorry."

A glitch… you're talking about an example plan.

"Fix it... so what's wrong?

"If you burn the body of Lord Takahisa and seal off the information, Musashi will look all the way for Lord Takahisa... but that's not convenient for this one either. Your Excellency must show Musashi that he killed Takahisa and became a complete enemy."

"... so what do you want me to do?

"It's good to snipe, but I usually want you to kill me with bullets. Of course, then I'll collect the evidence and burn the body."

Well, then you can certainly fix it. But how does this guy know about the operation?

"Well, I'll make the arrangements. You were infiltrating the military council?

"Yes, in the shadow of the Colonel, we heard the military."

So it was when he said, Amilia grabbed the breasts of the eight and said:

"Look, stop saying that in the future... no one will notice, right?

And to the question of Amiria, even eight said it a little hard to say.

"That's right, Pandora seems to have noticed... I'll be careful in the future"

"You're finding out! In the future, say so beforehand, you understand!

And when he said that, Amiria took her hand away, and went back.

- - The next day - -

Early in the morning, when the sun appeared on his face and the light plugged into the temporary command post made of the abandoned house in the village of Black Falls, a telecommuter told the crane that was looking at the large map.

"The Knights of Witches have been placed."

"Upstream North Exit, Black Knights, Placement complete"

"Downstream West Gate, Yamato Shima Squad, Configuration Complete"

"Upstream East Exit, Nassau Defense Corps, attached to placement"

"Beyond the Seeker, Reach Over Tenkawa Village"

One by one, at the same time as the reported words, the map in front of the crane was left with figurines indicating the troops.

And the last time Tsuru received a report of Tsuru's troops being placed, he stood up and told the telecommuters.

"All right, let the operation begin!


"My lord, the operation is under way!

"All right. Let's go exorcise the ghosts, everyone."

The proximity to the left, when he said so, smiled under his face and put the spear on his shoulder, he headed towards the village of Tianchuan.

But the look of the Hyogo walking next to the left was somewhere cloudy.

Hyogo, is something wrong? Ever since Willow came over here, Pearl and I have been looking weird.

So he spoke to the Hyogo.

"Hey Hyogo, what happened at Yoo Seong?

"Ha... In fact, it was a willow raw estate, and I tried to teach the people swordsmanship, but the name of the willow raw new yin river was not known, and no one tried to come.

Besides, I was angry at the beads about Yanagi, but in this world too, I was slaughtering them, and I put my name on the shelf... really, I feel sorry for myself. "

I see. Was Willow Shin Yin Liu depressed about the unknown and Tsukuba slaughter?

"Do you want to give me martial arts and give me a name? If you play on the battlefield, there will be more gatekeepers in the Willow Shin Yin Liu.

Besides, when Mira and the little assistants grow up, they'll be active on the battlefield, so leaving them alone will make them famous... come on I see them. Hyogo, let's have some fun now. "

And he said unto the left hand side, looking to the village of Tianchuan, which came in sight.

But the Great Ghost (Auga) is always a little over two meters taller than the Hyogo, and the horns are smaller, and without the horns, he's just a tall, muscular person.

In my image, I feel like I have fangs, a golden rod around my tiger's waist, and a bull-like horn. Well, let's get started.



And the second Sergen lifted up his hand, and the knights of fifty rifles lined up, and set up.

"Well, I'm coming. I trust you, but don't hit me."

"Hahaha. Trust my Knights arms"

"Please. Shall we go, Chloe, Hyogo?"

The left-hand men who said so walked towards the great ghost (Auga) with the knife at the entrance.

"Who are you people? What are you doing here!

So he said to the great ghosts (orgasms) who guarded the left-handed ones, and the left-handed said with a grin.

"It's Sakura Kuen Daigata Kiyohiro. With the life of an emperor, I came to exorcise ghosts."

"There will also be Master Cao of the Cold Springs family here!

Do you use the power of the Regent over the Great Ghost (Orga)... but...

"That's convenient. Then I'll kill you."

"So, enemy attack!

So they gathered them nearby in the voice of the great ghost (Auga) that cried, and drew out their swords, beware of their left proximity.

Fine, you're here to get together. But I'm guessing Chloe's location between me and the Hyogo is in the way of the Sergens shooting.

And he said unto Chloe, drawing him to the left, and holding him from behind.

"Now, Hyogo, let's hear what the bullets make and fly away"

"But now, this is a messed up operation."

So said the Hyogo, the moment they raised the Spirit Sword softly and directly above Chloe, blushing, the Sergens fired simultaneously.

Almost at the same time as the awesome gunfire, a bullet makes a purr noise passing near the left proximity, and when it hits the Great Ghost (Auga), it explodes and falls.

Surprised by the sight, the great ghost (Auga) who survived the primary attack shouted.

"Enemy attack! Reinforcements!"

And it came to pass, in that word, that the left hand side, which saw one preaching run away, said unto Hyogo.

"Now, Hyogo, we're going to slash you in with another simultaneous fire."

"Father-in-law... did a bullet make that noise and fly? Honestly, some of them are pretty much samurai trembling..."

And the face of the armory, which said so, had a tight grin.

"That says you're freaking out, Chloe... Chloe?

"Yes, I'm fine."

Chloe said as she grabbed the near left arm holding her from behind and turned bright red to her ears.

"Right, right. Well, let's go for a second attack."

On that near-left signal, when the Hyogo raised the Spiritual Sword again, a gunshot sounded from the rear, exploding into the great ghosts (orgasms) who were cautiously distancing themselves.

"Let's go, Hyogo! Chloe, please!


That said, the two men near left and in the arsenal slaughtered, and Chloe began covering fire.


"Apparently, we're starting to move."

And Pandora looked at the soldiers of the village with heavenly eyes, and said,

But I wonder why Sonia is just here and the Knights are like the Mafia.

With that in mind, at the end of Pandora's gaze, who saw behind her a chill, she sat on a stone, with a cape with wings on her shoulder, and a figure of a mom smoking a cigar, surrounded by a Knights in black armor, waiting to be dispatched.

This is definitely the mafia before I go punching him in.

That's what Pandora said when she looked at the entrance with her heavenly eyes.

"Now, rather than waiting like this, it would be quicker if the princess took these hiccups and flew down near that lung cave and let them escape on a space transfer, right?

"Major Vishuk, even the commander of the regiment will not be able to fly."

So said Faye, but Pandora's answer was different.

"Oh! Did you have that hand? Okay, everybody, stop by me."

In Pandora's words, the four of them looked like, "Huh!?" but when they stopped nearby as they were told, Pandora and the others floated fuzzily and flew straight in the direction of the stalactites.

"Hey, babysitter. Has the princess ever done an undercover operation?

Blowing a cigar, he looked up at the flying Pandoras, and his mom said, and the governor smiled.

"Definitely not, I guess. No one is farther away from undercover than the princess."

"That's right... you know, Hiccup, I wish you'd come home alive"

Others were convinced by the words of their mother, who had said so by accident.


"Your Excellency and the Knights of the Holy Order are now engaged."

All right, so far so good.

Manipulating Beyond the Seeker, in the words of a dark elf, the pawn on the map was moved and the crane was watching it and figuring out everything on the battlefield.

"Huh?... You're lying!

"What's up?

"Master Pandora and an infiltrator flew into the sky and headed to the mountain with the bell cave"

...... too much bullshit.

Don't think too deeply about the princess.

That said, it was a crane with a head, but in the next report, the temporary command station would move in a hurry.

"Report! Troops upstream are headed downstream, we're on the move! Apparently, it goes through the eastern side of the river.

A person who appears to be the target Cold Springs High Lord has left the building. The number of escorts is fifteen... apparently going west of the river. "

"All right, contact the Knights of Witches. The infiltrators are on the move!

At the signal of the crane, the telecommuters rushed out.


"Captain, the target seems to have moved. There's a route just west of here, surrounded by 15 escorts."

The Knights of the Witch Knights (Night Witches) reported to Amiria, who is second-hand apart in the mountains and hiding.

He's surrounded by escorts?

"Explain the situation to Gabriella and ask her if she can snipe."

That said, at the end of the telescope Amiria was looking at a moving group of great ghosts (orgasms).

Somehow, if this group isn't passing by... that group is coming to us. That's all, we have to avoid it somehow.

And the knight whispered unto Amiria, thinking so.

"It's from the deputy commander.

The only reason we're traveling around 15 people is because we're not sure the sniper will succeed. "

Again, yes... I have no choice, do I use my wife's hand?

"Contact Gabriella. Reduce the number of target escorts over here and temporarily stop moving, so tell them to snipe then."

"Oh, I see."

That's what the knight said when he was contacting him, a nearby knight said to Amilia with an anxious face.

"Captain, I can't do anything about it..."

"Don't worry. What, in my shadow anyway, you're listening to everything, right?

It's your job. Reduce the number of target escorts and temporarily stop the movement... come out or you'll hit the shadows with current. "

And it came to pass, when the others saw Amiria, saying, What are they talking about? And he came out of the shadow of Amiria, and said unto him, Unhappy.

"Colonel, please don't call me when there aren't many other people besides the Colonel. Even if I look like this, I'm familiar."

"You can count on it. So, can you do it?

"I'll do it. You have to do it, you're afraid of later anyway, aren't you? Yeah, can I get two roasted balls?


That said, when Amiria threw the roasted ball to V8, V8 began to stretch, roaring his neck, etc. with cockroaches.

What are you doing?

In the eyes of Amiria and the others who thought so, immediately afterwards, something very incredible appeared.

He's doing a stretch, and his very eight cat backs have just straightened, his hands and legs have grown, and he's taller.

That's impossible.

And it came to pass, that everyone thought, that when he had taken the mask, he peeled off the skin of a toad-like face, and from beneath it came a young man with a slit eye.

"Huh - that's so annoying...... hmm? What's wrong with you?

And when he was truly lazy, he said, Amiria pointed to him with her trembling fingers.

"What are you, really?

"That's right... I can't tell you which one is the real face though. Anyway, don't try to kill me."

And when he said so, he went straight to the foot, as if it were the wind, and there was no sound.

Shigehachi... I don't know.

With that in mind, when Amelia turned around, the knights' eyes were full of introductions.

Oh. He's always hungry for men.

"Hola, it's work. Tell Gabriela not to kill that man... and I'll introduce him to the guy who worked the most."

The words of Amiria changed the sight of the knights on the spot.


Not long before that, Pandora and the others were waiting on the entrance of the belly of the mountain, on the entrance of the belly of the belly of the belly cave.

Below you are two human bandits. Killing these two, rescuing them won't be a problem, but the location of this bell cave was a problem.

It was on a steep slope in the middle of the mountain, surrounded by trees and rocks, and overlooking from an upstream village.

Do we have to do this? As quickly as I can, I need to control... the worst is on that ramp, do I prevent it?

With that in mind, Faye slapped Pandora on the shoulder and gave her an ok sign.

Finally, the operation begins.

Pandora, who thought so, raised two fingers, pointed to the watchman, and gave instructions to kill him, Eli and Gentaro gazed at each other and measured the timing, and jumped off the overhead of the watchman, putting their swords against their backs.

The watchmen died instantly, but when Gentaro pulled out his sword, the fallen corpse fell straight to the foot of the mountain.


He was Yuantaro who said that by accident, but Pandora's instructions that followed came down were quick.

"It's okay. It's nice to see here, so I'll find out anyway.

I'll stop the enemy here, so rescue the four of them inside. Never be alarmed... Shirley, take command. "

"Got it. Okay, I'll be there."

And the four men that said so went into the belly cave.

But no matter what you think, we're not. I can't believe your sister's place is in the same mountain, but it's not a good watch, and the trees are thriving... damn it, I was fooled.

With that in mind, Pandora was alert to enemy reinforcements.

Shirley and the others, who entered the belly cave, headed down a spiral stair-like path made of dim rock, Gentaro, and went down quietly, and heard a woman sobbing slightly from behind.

I'm close.

The four of them thought so, putting up with their desire to help them quickly, and as they proceeded, they saw a wide cavity, the leading Yuantaro hid with his hands up, and the remaining three followed.


To Shirley, who thought so, Yuantaro whispered that Eli was close to him instead.

"Two men are sitting in the wide cavity there. Commander Shirley, what do we do?

"Thank you. I just have to go."

Shirley's eyes, who said so, had a strong will, but Gentaro said quietly.

"Well, that's good... but remember what they said at school. If we don't kill him, one of us will."

Saying so, Yuantaro made a gesture that Eli tapped Yuantaro's shoulder and became three when the feeling of killing the entrance watch was still in his indelible hands.

The three of them...

So Shirley said, biting his lips.

"Me and Eli, Yuantaro and I will slaughter you. Faye asks for perimeter alert... because not all three enemies"

In the words of Shirley, the three of them nodded and walked out silently with their weapons in their hands.

From the hole in the ceiling, the outside light plunged in and reflected on the stalactites dripping from the ceiling, and it was relatively bright inside, but when the light reflected on Eli's sword and on the face of the bandit sitting and playing card games, the bandit turned in Eli's direction and shouted.

"Enemy attack!

at that moment. The bandits held the knife that was left undressed on the ground, and the moment they looked back, Shirley and the others were slashed in unison.

And the battle was an instant, and all the swords and swords that were in their possession had their midst: and every sword that the bandits prevented, they slaughtered their bodies.

For the first time in his memory, Shirley heard Faye scream when his hands were shaking with a clatter.

"Shirley, it's dangerous!

Hearing the words, Shirley, thanks to her daily training, prevented the attack of a bandit whose body moved at will and came out from behind the aisle with a spear.

When Shirley was powerless in front of the killer of the first person to kill himself, Faye took his sword and was slashed by the bandit.


But when a bandit plays his sword without the usual fay sword, because his body cannot move because of fear, but he is forced to move for his friend, the next time Shirley holds the other side of the spear and slaps the bandit with a pattern.

But the attack was also a moment prevented by a knife, with the sound of a kid, and Shirley's spear drew a half-circle, and a spear tip pierced the thief's throat.

Gohoo! He was a bandit bleeding from his mouth all the time, but when he grabbed Shirley's spear, he stared at Shirley.

To the sight, Eli and Gentaro's feet trembled, and when they could not move, Faye, who had fallen with his sword played, protruded his sword crying on the side of the bandit.

The bandit, whose sword stabbed him on the flank, tried to grab Faye's hair and fell down as he stroked Faye's hair.

Eli said that four bandits were unable to move in fear in a fallen blood build-up.

"Is Pandora always in a world like this?

In those words, Shirley left the rescue unit to herself, remembering Pandora.

Yes, Pandora would have been absolutely calm in this situation...

So Shirley stood up and said, slapping herself on the cheek with momentum.

"You seem to be trembling about this, you are disqualified as a knight.

Pandora trusts us to stop enemy reinforcements by herself. Help the prisoners quickly and help Pandora. "

"... right. That little suke, he doesn't have the strength."

"At least, I think there's more to it than Gentaro."

"Right...... but Pandora is still awesome"

And the three men, when they stood up, took their weapons, and Gentaro said unto Shirley.

"Well, captain. What are we gonna do now? There's two passageways to go."

"Right...... we don't have time, let's split up second-hand. Eli breaks up with me, Yuantaro and Faye.

Once you've discovered the woman, you'll be directed to the entrance and transferred to Black Falls Village at once on a Pandora space transfer. "

When the three of them agreed to Shirley's proposal, the four broke up second-hand and went to the back.

Before Shirley and Eli, who went down a dim, gotten rocky road, they looked at the place of that light with vigilance when they saw the light.

There were about twenty women, whose bodies were full of blue bruises and abrasions, all barefoot.

And all were women in their teens and twenties, and some of them were big belly women.


With that in mind, Shirley smiled and spoke in Ruthai, remembering her anger at the bandits and the great ghosts.

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you understand my words?

We are a coalition. I'm here to help you. "

Initially, they were women who did not understand the meaning of the word, but everyone wept when they saw Shirley smile.

"It would have been hard...... but I need to get away from this place now. This way, sir."

In the words of Shirley, who said so, were the women who stood up, but a few of them had broken their legs, or they could not stand.

"Eli, carry that one who can't stand. Others, those who remain in strength, please lend a hand to those who cannot move.

There's a rock, so please be careful. Who else is left?

Shirley herself, who said so, said so by lending her shoulders to those who could not move, a woman in her twentieth generation, supported by Shirley.

"There's still two of us in the back."

"Okay. Okay, just you guys first, I'll take you to the entrance, and I'll pick you up later.

I'm coming, Eli. "

With the ringing, the Shirleys proceeded towards the exit.

And when he went out into the square, Faye and the others had brought out the women, and Shirley had just told Faye.

"Faye, contact the command post in Black Falls Village and tell them to prepare the health guards to protect the women who were being abducted."

"Copy that!"

Faye, who said so, contacted him with his shoulders while he was reading, and went straight ahead, he heard something fighting from near the entrance.

"Who's the little suke, Goraa!

Hearing Pandora's voice, Shirley's legs got faster and when I went outside, there were already a dozen bodies rolling in there and Pandora's appearance fighting alone.


Pandora, responding to the words of Shirley, who shouted by accident, said by slashing and killing the bandits who had come towards him.

"Shirley, I'm going to give you a space transfer, so wait a minute. Ahhh, firewall!

And the moment he said so, a great wall of flames was formed on the way that the bandits came up, and several bandits fell in flames.

And the moment the smoke of space transfer came out in front of Shirley and the others, Faye received something and shouted.

"Pandora! Not, Captain! We have a total attack order!

It was at that moment that the entrance and exit of the upstream village burst into a blast.

"Mortar! Shirley, hurry up!

"I get it! Yuantaro, Eli, search for whoever's left inside and bring them all. Faye, I'm coming!

"Yeah! Everybody, get in here now!

Shirley said that when he went into the smoke of space transfer, when he went out to the square of Black Falls Village, there was already a facility like a field hospital, where the health guards were waiting.

"I'm Shirley Nelson, a knight science student at Central General School. We rescued the women who were kidnapped, but they're injured and we need treatment!

The health guard man answered Shirley's grieving cry with a smile.

"This is Lieutenant Ascot of the 58th Health Squadron.

Don't worry, I'll help you all. So bring everyone. "

"Thank you. I'll sit down!

Shirley, who said so, saluted the Ascort and went straight back with a space transfer.

When Shirley returned nervously, Pandora had already sat in her spare time, looking in the direction of the village, where the bandits had disappeared.

"Pandora, what happened to the bandits?

"Oh, when I heard the mortar explosion, I went in the direction of the entrance to the village. Look, there, I can see Sonia's buzzing."

That being said, when Pandora looked in the direction she pointed out, she could see that the village buildings would be destroyed one after the other.

"Is that by yourself, Major Vishuk?

"That's right. To the physical abilities of the semi-catten" Half Meerkat "beast man, the magic of the great demon conductor's family line. And I learned how to manipulate magic from a very young age in Pespard... that's against the rules, isn't it? I want one too."

"I think Pandora, too, is irregular enough. If the sky can fly, from us, it's a transgression."

"I can manipulate gravity... yuck!

And it came to pass at the sight of Pandora, that a great dragon of water flew straight in the direction of Pandora.

Pandora stood up, offering her hands forward, and as she pulled one foot, she took the dragon of water with both hands and changed the direction of her flight over the sky.

"Pandora, what's that?

"It's my stupid sister's skill. Anyway, it's in my eyes that I'm sitting around in my spare time, and I guess I went for it... but that normal guy would be dead."

"Oh, not so..."

So Shirley said, Drinking his spit gobbly, Faye said.

"I just went to check to see if there was anyone left of Eli. Hey, Pandora, what are you gonna do?

So Pandora put her cheek cane on for a while and thought to Faye.

With that said, you're gonna have to do a dumb sister's ass wipe. If it's what I expected, it's him who was summoned, and he goes well with his silly sister, but I don't know... but, well, I guess Chloe's going to Purgatory is a little crappy.

Absolutely, Cain will try to make Chloe a reaper, and most importantly, it annoys me that Cain and the others will take my toys.

It's hard, but let that stupid sister stop you, and I'll send you to purgatory.

"I have somewhere to go with that stupid sister, so I'm just gonna go.

Yeah, well, the Fays are supposed to be brave by now, so they can use space transfer. "


So it came to pass that Yuantaro and Eli came, and Yuantaro waved.

"Ooh, this one's over. There's nobody in the bell cave.

Well, Master Chibisuke, what are we going to do now?

When Pandora heard the words, she stood up and stretched out her body, smiling.

"Who's Suke Chibi, Ero Yuantaro? Then everyone go back to Black Falls Village... because I'm an idiot sister and I have some business to do."

The four people who heard the words could imagine where Pandora would go after this. Pandora said he was going to attack the downstream village after taking control of the upstream village.

Pandora said with a full smile that she didn't want us to worry.

Is this really good?

So Shirley said to Pandora, holding down his trembling arm, still feeling that he had taken his life.

"Pandora, I'm coming with you to the battlefield."

"Hey Shirley, what did you say..."

"Faye, I know what you're talking about myself. The feeling that took that bandit's life hasn't disappeared yet.

But if you don't go with Pandora here... no, if you know the real battle, you're going to get caught in the eye of that bandit for the rest of your life "

The three of them who heard the words said with all their strength to the fist that Eli was holding, looking down unexpectedly and remembering the sight.

"Pandora, I beg you, too. I can't even look at my father back here in Black Falls."

"Oh, me too!

"I'm going too!

Well, better than coming on your own.

"Then just protect this. Don't come near me, your sister, or Sonia on the battlefield. Because I will definitely eat the convolutions and die."

To the serious expression of Pandora the four of them nodded, and Pandora and the others went down the mountain.

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