Friday, May 1, 5th AD. Beginning in the morning, the conference room of the mansion on the left was like a student enjoying a cultural festival, with the laughter of Iris and the others who had changed the colour of their hair and the shape of their faces, making them completely different.

When Iris and the others, who had finished breakfast and listened to the voice, were so obsessed that they said, "Guess who," asked the question, the left-hand side hit without difficulty, putting the unfortunate Pandoras down and heading to Chloe and her own office. And it came to pass, after Orchid had greeted him, that Chloe came into the room with the documents for the day.

"Today, that's all I have for you."

When he saw a pile of documents, such as fewer reports than usual, he said to himself with surprise.

"That's surprisingly little today...... right, it's May already. Is it because the personnel change is largely over?

When I say May, I think it's time to even think about cleaning the pool... this year, who am I going to let. If we don't hurry, Mr. and Mrs. Cold Springs will be back again this year. "

"Right. Mr. and Mrs. Cold Springs are no longer enjoying themselves every year. Summer is fun in the pool, and fall is relaxing in Nassau's hot springs.

With that said, I remembered at Cold Springs that Calicia told me to wait about a month for the example thing, but what did you order?

Near left answered the question with a grin as he read the document.

"It's Halbert. You know what?

"Well, it's a weapon like a spear and an axe combined."

"That's right. I thought I'd give that Hulbert to Cold Springs next time.

He wanted a weapon he'd never seen in the Luthai Empire. Minori disagreed with me and I couldn't seem to buy it all the time, and if it was a gift from me, Minori wouldn't complain either... I might complain to Minori. "

"You're kind to Cold Springs."

"If you're going to be gentle or hide in the way I said, you're going to regret it... I know how you feel. He's taken good care of me, so I don't think that's all."

With that said, close left, trying to take the material at the top of the bookshelf, and smiling at Chloe, who was stretching her back and extending her arm, Chloe replied not with words, but with the sound of a cu! stomach she had just said.

To that unexpected sound, Chloe asked the question, holding her stomach down and blushing in embarrassment, nearby to the left, surprised by the sound.

"... My lord, did you hear that?

"Oh, perfect...... come have breakfast. You don't have an appetite? I wouldn't have eaten much lately.

The work I said is the most important thing about the body. Eat well, this is an order. "

No, the reason why this happened is because of that... but what your Excellency said is also a good story. Change your mood and change your mind?

"Okay. I'll have breakfast."

Chloe, who said so, took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Is that it? Chief, are you going somewhere?

While ignoring Giovanni's words, who immediately felt Chloe's anomaly, Chloe told the orchid without changing her expression.

"Orchid, I'm going to have some breakfast. Later, please."

"Yes... Chloe, take your time."

"Thank you."

It was when Chloe opened the door, smiling and thanking the orchid, who was so worried. There stood a smiling busty in front of him.

"Ba... sti?

That's what Busty replied with a smile to Chloe, who was so tight and still astonished.

"Lieutenant Colonel Meisner. Can I have a word with you? Eating breakfast..."

It's unusual for Busty to bother to talk to me... no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. How do you know what I'm doing? I'm scared!

"... ok. Let's go to the cafeteria."

So Chloe went out into the hallway, and Busty looked out the hallway window, and said,

"It's a beautiful day with no clouds. What about a day like this, outside with bagels and coffee?

"Bagels? What's that?

"Only Claire told me before to start working on something with punishment, so I started a food stall at the gate of the Allied headquarters called Bagel with only Claire and Ekaterina, and today is the opening of that store.

Bagels, they're delicious. We had a tasting, but that was excellent "

I can't imagine, but, well, if that's the only one that made it, is there a mistake?

"Good, but Busty's extravagant"

"Yeah, that's good. Because it's an honor to be a man to feed a beautiful young lady."

With Busty's guidance, Chloe went to Bagel's stall.


Eastern Allied Forces General Command. Commonly known as Allied Forces Headquarters.

At the corner of the mansion near the left, it is a building like the Palazzo Versailles, but five stories larger than the actual Palazzo Versailles. It was originally part of the mansion near the left, but rather than the mansion near the left, it was because of the position that stood immediately at the front gate, or vice versa, that the mansion near the left was felt by some of the Allied headquarters.

Next to the right on the inside of that front gate, at some point in time, the soldiers were interested in the stall they were made of, but they didn't have the courage to go and buy it, and as they approached each other as they watched in the distance, Ekaterina, who seemed free, stood up unexpectedly and greeted them with a smile.

"Welcome. Mr. Busty, did you bring a customer?

"Yeah, it looks like nobody's here yet, so I thought I'd help out a little bit."

"Thank you. I'll sit down. Bagels are three shillings apiece, coffee and tea are three shillings apiece, and the milk and sugar you put in your drink, will be free.

The cup of coffee is sold here for five shillings at a time, and next time you bring this cup, you won't have to pay for the cup. "

Heh, that's a pretty novel system.

Chloe was unwittingly impressed, and Busty questioned Chloe.

"Would you like some coffee?

"Oh. Coffee only with milk, no sugar, please"

"Ekaterina. Two bagels and two coffee.

One in milk only and the other in black, please. I don't have a cup, so I'd like two of those, please. "

"Thank you. I'll sit down. Two bagels, two coffees, one for milk only, the other for black, right? Your bill will be 22 shillings. I'll be ready in a minute."

Ekaterina, who said so, prepared a bagels and carved cup on the wooden side, with coffee and milk inside, wrapped the bagel in paper and handed it to Chloe.

Chloe had a bite to eat on the spot when she had a still warm bagel, the first time she had seen it.

What's this, bread?

No, but this is a crisp grill on the outside and a soft, dusty, clogged texture on the inside. Besides, what's in the meantime, is it cheese?

With that in mind, it was to Chloe, who stared at the bagel with surprise, who had made the payment and Busty with the cup and bagel smiled and talked.

"What do you think, it's delicious? In the meantime, they say cream cheese, which is also a specialty of the Kingdom of Lucen, but this is delicious again, isn't it?

Chloe answered the words with surprise, never seeing Busty.

"Oh, there's no word for that deliciousness... I can't believe this is just three shillings. I think I'll make this my daily breakfast."

That's when I said it. The soldiers were also paying attention to Chloe's words, and if they were so delicious, they had arrived at the store. After that huge flourishing stall, Chloe and Busty walked up to the lawn garden and talked as they ate.

"Maybe, Busty. Was this what this was all about?

And Busty answered the words with a smile and a cup of coffee.

"This is one of the purposes. Besides, I can't believe this bagel isn't popular. It's blasphemy against bagels."

This is pretty haunting. But, well, I think I know because it's delicious.

"So, what's the other one?

"As a matter of fact, from today on, the wives will participate in the princess's operation and will be absent. In the meantime, we were supposed to leave the young people with the Serenity family next door.

But in the meantime, Iris was worried that there would be an example of your illness, and the princess told me that if she did, she should be placed under house arrest in Nassau's mansion, and she waved it all at me. "

"No, no, no, you can't"

And it came to pass, when Chloe was surprised, that Busty seized his head and said,

"Yes. I'll sit right down.

Sure, your museum has been working too hard here lately, so you need a vacation... But that museum, on its own, acted like Sagi and the others, so where are you going... "

Busty, are you praising that? But, well, I know what Busty's trying to say.

"So you want me to keep an eye on you?

To Chloe, who said so, Busty pleaded with a crying face.

"I will sit at your left. The wives were also told that a military relationship would be good, and that no one else would be allowed into the mansion.

Therefore, I would like Lieutenant Colonel Meisner to stay with you from today until Sunday. Of course, in the meantime, in case of emergency, I will also go, and I will deport all the ninjas... for the Colonel, I don't think that's a bad story. "


That said Chloe was turning her face bright red, but Busty smiled and said why.

"If you're a Nassau mansion, you can go into the hot springs all you want. There are also ingredients, as well as prestigious products, which have been given by each guardian position in the Luthai Empire. Yukata, etc. will also be available.

If it is, let's bring out your collection of secrets. "

Oh, is that you? I don't know... no, no, what are you thinking? I am.

But if that's what you're talking about, you can just give me the feathers.

"Okay, if that's what you're saying, let me help you."

"Thank you. I'll sit down. Thank you so much."

So Busty did the trick of wiping the tears, but there were no tears in his eyes. But Chloe didn't even realize it, and rubbed Busty's back.

"Good, isn't that the same raven? I'll take good care of it.

Have you told His Excellency yet? If you haven't already, why don't we go say it together now? "

"Well, thank you very much."

That said, when they finished eating the bagel, they headed straight to the nearest left office.


Near left was the office, drinking coffee, reading reports of desert warfare relationships from Kiyoshin, and the door was knocked, and Chloe and Busty came in.

"Oh, what's up, Busty? Sometimes it's unusual for you to come here."

That's what he said and greeted him with a smile. Near left, Busty approached him and suggested with a smile.

"Master, I'd like to ask you a few questions. From today until Sunday, your wives will participate in the princess's operation, but what will you do?

"How so. Well, I guess I'll have to deal with Sachi and Fujiro.

Sakichi's been a fucking kid, but he's my son, and I have to watch him... well, the Hyogo and Mira are coming too, so if you leave it to Mira, I hope so. "

"That's what the young ladies said Iris would keep at the Serenity house next door."

Hath he heard the word for the first time, and said it round his eyes?

"Seriously, that was my first ear, too. Well, there's Crowe, too, so maybe that's better, but then I wonder what I'll do. It's been a while since I've helped Dr. Miles with his research or Keith's home affairs business."

That being said, it was unusual, and Busty suggested it with a worrying face near the left, thinking about working.

"Dear Hall, I know this is rude, but haven't you been sitting around working too much lately? Sometimes I wonder if it is necessary to rest my body slowly.

So I have a suggestion from you that your palace has never stayed at Nassau's mansion. I don't think it's a bad idea to call it a holiday in Nassau's mansion by yourself sometimes. "

Sure, if you say so, you do. I have my bedroom, but I've never stayed there before, and it's good to say that I'll be spending time alone.

"Well, as Busty said, from today until Sunday, we'll relax at Nassau's mansion."

"Thank you. Sit down. Now, we won't let anyone go to the mansion until Sunday, so please relax.

Finally, the guardians of the Luthai Empire are giving us specialties, shall we also deliver those ingredients?

"Oh, that's good. What's been given to you?

"For those that can be eaten and fed, from Tampa Shogun, there is the meat of the big pig. Shogun Yamashiro told me about Fushimi's sake. Satsuma shochu and chicken. From Tangokusho, there are rock oysters. From Tosa Shosho, bonito and bonito. From Young Shoguna, there are various fresh fish. From the Maida family, miso. Wasabi has arrived from the Tsuchiya family. Is that about all you can eat?

Yes, I did, I don't know if this is useful information, but I was only brave and experimenting with it before, and once I put it in the item box, I said that I could eat rock oysters and chicken raw and safely. After that, he said he could eat TKG. "

... If you turn only into a brave man, you're giving yourself all you can to eat. TKG would be egg-wrapped rice... well, if I put it in the item box, the creature would disappear and disappear.

When that happens, fungi that cause food poisoning such as salmonella and campylobacter disappear and can be eaten safely. What a great idea.

Excellent...... but I feel quite wrong about the use of the brave man's abilities. He meant it differently, and you're no longer going to get a permanent job here.

But I want to eat, too. For the bird sting, the sashimi, the rock oysters...... this evening, turn it into a pot, the bird sting, the potato roasted with rock oysters on the bonito searing, and the local liquor of Fushimi. Isn't that perfect?

"Busty, only as a reward, give me some of that ingredient. The rest, when you bring me into Nassau's mansion... no, I'll get the ingredients when I'm done with work, I'll go to the kitchen.

But I don't know what a pot is by myself...... Busty. Sometimes with me, how about dinner?

"I'm sorry. Testa's in the operation, so I need to be at the mansion."

"Oh right. I'm sorry.

Bash is a teaching unit, and Adele is in the middle of an operation? Would you even invite me to the arsenal or Mira?

This flow, it sucks!

Chloe, in an unexpected hurry, suggested near left.

"Well, I've never had a drink called Satsuma's Yam Shochu."

Well, I hear Chloe is such a drunk, so you want to try it... but it's not good to be alone with Chloe... right.

"Okay. Let's make it a pot today at Nassau's mansion for the secretaries."

Mi, even for everyone!? Let's turn our hands.

"Okay, I'll ask if it's convenient for everyone."

That said Chloe moved to the next room when she lowered her head close to her left.

"Well, then I'll have it for you, too"

"Oh, please."

Busty, who said so, also left, but in the next room, Chloe threatened not to go with Giovanni to ask him to go, and to Orchid and Viola, he was asking him.


That evening. In the castle of Saltaire, Count Lame came and went many times in his own office, uncommonly restless.

It was also an inexorable story. I received a letter from Orville, and when I read it, it said that Queen Irina listened to the marriage and told Orville to attend the wedding herself.

And Orville seems to have escaped the difficulties by telling her that he thinks there is something behind this, that it is not convenient for Queen Irina, that she is going to have a wedding on May 3rd and that she is already ready, so if she changes it here, she will buy the aristocratic objection.

And when the earl heard of it, he hastened to begin preparations, and sent a woman by three days, because as many as were good for the book, and flew a message glass.

You can't have a queen present at an example feast. But if Orville hadn't made it to the third, the Queen would have forced herself to come to the wedding.

If you seem to cancel a wedding for no reason, bad rumors will spread and even scratch the family name of the Lame family, so then you will end up as a nobleman. For to the aristocrats a family name is something so heavy.

And Shirley, Orville's daughter, tells me that as Earl, it was better for me to stay in the Knights like this, even though it was a good excuse to tell them to stop the marriage, but I've quit the Knights for the sake of marriage. Now, completely, there's no reason to cancel the wedding, but then, a woman can't make it to the feast to be held at the three-day ceremony.

Besides, the Count does not have the option to cancel the feast and normally have a wedding, and if we do that, it will also become a future credit issue because it was previously told to some extent by other nobles. The Count was in a hurry because he could not turn back at the earliest.

Shit, that country girl's queen! This is why the ascent of civilians is troubling because they have no idea what nobility is doing. Really, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

But will you be okay with the book? I have Marshal Marshal's Development Department inspection, so I left it to my handler, he wrote in a letter... are you sure you're okay?

Though he thought so, he heard footsteps in the ears of the restless Earl. The Earl, who heard the footsteps, could not be present or standing, but opened the door and cried out.

"Are you here!?"

The servant man replied with surprise to the unexpected action of the Count.

"Yes, the carriage has just arrived."

"How many?

The servant man seemed sorry for the behavior as if the gift the child was waiting for would arrive.

"Sorry, I'm here to reward you as soon as possible, so I'm not counting the official numbers. But I think there were more than ten of them."

He was a count who would normally be furious, but at this time he said with a different smile.

"Never mind, it's important that we manage to make it."

The Earl, who said so and ran out to the square, went out to the square as the soldiers of the guard turned their obvious contemptuous gaze, and went to an invisible place where the carriage was parked, it was Romeo, who was supposed to have been caught in that development department, next to whom sat Adele, red-haired with the colour of her hair.

On Adele's face, which she saw for the first time, the Count spoke to Romeo in doubt.

"This is sergeant. I've been waiting for you."

"Count, it's been a while. This guy was assigned to the development department last month to become one of us, Private Arme. Maybe this guy will come in the future, so stay tuned.

Still, I was surprised by the sudden request, but in a slightly rough way, I managed to collect twelve people. "

"What!? So much? That works better than I expected, I'll reward you later. Eat slowly and eat first, stay and go."

And Romeo said unto the word, I am sorry.

"I'm sorry to bother you. The Marshal seems to be changing the production line of the Development Department because of the new weapon, so we have to go back soon..."

"I don't have a choice. Then let's give the sergeant a special reward. You too, Private Arme.

Hey, give me an example. And get this crate into the dungeon as fast as you can. "

At the behest of the Earl, who said so, the servants began to carry the crate of the carrier simultaneously, and when the Earl was given the bag by the male servant, he gave it to Romeo.

When Romeo checked in the bag with chirali, he said to the Earl in surprise.

"So much!?"

"Good, good. This time, I said it was quite impossible. Next time, please."

"Thank you. Sit down. The lieutenant will come this way again, so be good then."

And he said unto the two that bowed their heads, Beware, and said unto them.

"Oh, tell the lieutenant I'll arrange the boat and slaves as soon as possible."

"I'm in awe"

So Romeo, who confirmed that all the loads had been unloaded, drove the carriage again and left the castle.

Romeo pleaded with Adele when the carriage left the castle as it was, all over the city, where the sun had fallen, and where there seemed to be a little insecurity.

"Major. Now you really don't have to be punished with alum, do you?

When we get in there, we're military... especially in the development department. We don't know what kind of eyes we have, so we don't want to be anywhere else. "

Well, the military of the development department also acts like guards for sinners who are sent to the village of Alm. Besides, I can't help but treat prisoners like objects and treat the lives of prisoners like scum.

"Leave it to me, I'll send you outside of the alum. Turn around the corner and stop, there's got to be a pick-up coming."


With that said, Romeo, who, as Adele told him, had parked his carriage outside Slam Street, with many homeless people sitting on the side of the road, said to Adele, with a jolt.

"Was it a little too soon? He hasn't picked me up yet..."

Adele smiled uncomfortably at the words.

"No, he's already picked up... the Reaper."

It is the moment I said so. Adele quickly slashed Romeo's throat with a short knife and said, "Why?" And he spat his mouth, and Romeo fell, who could not speak.

And with an obvious look down, Adele blew blood out of her throat, delivering a short knife, and said to the still conscious Romeo.

"As promised, I sent you outside of the alum... to jail to say hell"

Having said that, Adele said that when she tried to get down and walk towards the castle again with the carriage intact, the direct light would come out in front of Adele and bow her head.

"First, welcome, Major. Private Yagami of the Black Knights.

Excellent skill, that's your direct ninja. At the end of the day, we'll take care of it... and if we can, we'll let it go to the water. "

It was the moment I said so. When the homeless people who had been sitting up, they put the body on the carriage and did the carriage somewhere.

That was definitely the Koga crowd... I didn't know they were already surrounded.

Assuming this guy is a Koga crowd, are you referring to the raid in that triangle village? What you know about it is that Shinobu was there, and you found out about the involvement of the Kazama people? And to say that you know about it, and to see from this situation, you're saying that this guy was giving instructions.

"I am Your Excellency's ninja. I don't have the sentiments of resentment.

I'll kill anybody if your Excellency tells me to. This time, I can't help it because it's the princess's favor, but it's the same for other (...) people (...) "

I see. Does Lord Kojiro say he's loyal to His Excellency?

But in one word, Your Excellency, you say that you will come to kill us at any time... what a grudging emotion to be wiped out of the ninja and to say that this is the one that hurts.

Even so, the direct light said, bowing his head again, hiding his agitated face.

"So you're saying you're one of us from now on. We have become faithful dogs to the princess."

You're not loyal...... if you were stupid Lana, you would have trusted me. Well, you don't think I trust this guy either.

Even so, Adele said as she left, hanging on her shoulder when she took off her uniform, with an indifferent look on her face.

"Well, good luck with that"

As Adele disappeared into the dark, the direct light lowered her head forever and dropped her off.


Prison in the basement of Saltaire Castle. In the dim basement were two prisons in which twenty large men would be able to accommodate, and one frightened woman in each room.

When the Count's servants put the crate in front of the cell, they put out weapons and ammunition from inside and one from the bottom of it, they divide it evenly and put it in the chamber in a familiar manner. The Iris and the others who were put in were all bagged from their heads, tied behind their hands, and their feet tied, so that when they were put to sleep in complete inability to move, the man's servants told the frightened women inside before leaving the basement.

"Hey, take the bags and ropes off their faces"

That said, it was the moment when the servant laughed thinly and closed the door. And when Iris, who had grown up before, rose up at the same time as Mukuri, the rope of one of his hands abruptly ignited, and when his hands were free, he turned his hand to ascertain the feeling, and took the bag that was covered from his head.

And he took the ape, and took the rope of his feet, and looked around, and said a word.

"... where, here?

The way he spoke and the fact that he put out the flame unchanging, I know it was Cecil, but his hair was black and his face was completely different.

"Sister, get out of the way."

The voice is obviously Cecily, but the Lord of that voice answered in the next room, while Cecil untied the other ropes.

"... I can't do that. Not in the same room as me.

... or I can't believe I can't burn this rope, seriously incompetent "

"People are not good at it. So, there's no Pandora?

"I'm here, but I don't know where your mother is. Wait a minute, please."

It was the moment I said so. The ropes and bags of women with voices like those of Pandora next door burned to ashes at once, and from inside came out a woman with a completely different face than Pandora the redhead.

Pandora looked around and said to Cecily with some understanding.

"For now, Cecil, it looks like your mother and your room are different. I'll be in charge of this one, so Mother Cecil wants you there."

"... ok"

That being said, one red-haired woman spoke to the woman in the same room who was surprised that the woman who had been imprisoned earlier was surprised by the two people who were going ahead with the tequila.

"Were you okay? My name is Iris…"

"Huh!? Was it you, Eiri?

"Huh!? Is that how you call it Chris?

No, this infiltration is hard to do. Changing to the face is a failure, I guess. It's not just Lana's mother and her tea mother.

Well, these two are elves and dark elves, so it's easy to understand, but otherwise it's hard to get used to... so I guess your father figured out about everyone, no matter what the disguise was over?

I have no idea who I am. Shit, I should have heard that.

Even so, Pandora explained to the already imprisoned woman.


"Eh! Can you tell by your shape and skin color?!?"

When Pandora and the others were successfully infiltrated, the work was done, left and near while in military uniform, Chloe was talking about the Iris and the others' disguise this morning in the enclosure of Nassau's mansion, preparing a pot for dinner.

Chloe was surprised by the words on the left hand side, which said, "You can tell that by the shape and the color of the skin." The left hand side replied with the meat of the cut big pig in the pan.

"Oh. I've been through this in my last life, and I've been attacked both nights in two battles at Iga.

In the dark, he relied on a slightly discerning body shape to determine whether he was an enemy or an ally. I don't like it, but I get that skill.

Well, I almost died twice, and the tea helped me get angry. "

Can you tell me who the size of your chest is and who it is right away? Well, that's also because I was the chairman of the All Japan Breast Review Board.

But just so you know, everyone but Chloe has plans... am I actually hated?

With that in mind, while taking the ash juice that was floating in the pan, Chloe took the feathers out of the item box and offered them to the left.

"Oh, uh, my lord. In the meantime, I'm so sorry for your loss. This is an apology from me or a gift."

It was when Chloe became anxious and looked at Chirali and Near Left when she was surprised by that sudden behavior. And when he had received his feathers, he answered with a smile.

"Oh, I didn't care at all... I'm sorry. I just did a bunch of feathers on Pandora, and I didn't have my share, so I'll let you use it."

When the left-hand proximity said so spread out the feathers, the fabric on the table was vermilion, the interior and the temple were golden, and the temple contained the family crest of the left-hand proximity and the letters "Hachibana Dabodhisattva" and "Ghost Mother Goddess Ten Lady", some of which were written with astonishment.

"Isn't this a hand-painted friend Zen? Such a well made formation feather would have been expensive"

"No. If Omi shop made it with a new technique and His Excellency could wear it, he said it would be advertised and gave me a pretty good discount, and I didn't need the money because I was a Yakuza monk who wrote that letter"

Monks, well, I know, Omieya would certainly specialize in western formations. I mean, is this a western organization... even if you said you gave me a discount, it would be a lot of money.

That's what I thought. I bowed my head to Chloe to thank her.

"Thank you so much, I'll take care of it. But I can't make up for it... no, I mean, I get too much."

"Then this pot and alcohol will suffice."

Chloe, who said so, peered into the pan and was about to overflow unexpectedly.

"Well, have a drink first."

So Chloe said to Chloe, Left and Near, when she advanced the liquor and gave it to her, the power of alcohol, or as if it were an old friend, Left and Near and Chloe drank the liquor while she ate the pot.


"Yeah...... that?... well, I'm having a drink with Chloe..."

In a dim room with only the lights behind the furnace, near left woke up. When I woke up, a duvet was placed over the top near the left, and the dishes and the like had already been cleaned up.

The pan is being cleaned up... and this futon... right, Chloe? Chloe... did she go home saying it was like this?

But he was more of an alcoholic than me... No, he wasn't. I guess I've been busy lately and just tired of all my work. But I want to thank you on Monday.

But it's still night... I think I'll take my time in the bathroom and sleep in the bedroom. Sometimes, gobbling on the bed all day isn't bad.

With that in mind, the left-hand side walked through the dark manor toward the bathroom without even holding the light.

When the door was opened, the left proximity entered the dark stripper, and when he took off his clothes in a familiar manner, he went straight to the shower without looking in the direction of the open-air bath and washed out his body.

"Oh... I'll be back"

As he accidentally washed his body and indulged in the showers of the hot springs falling upwards, he heard something moving from the open-air bath behind him, in chapons and hot water.

I didn't think there would be any assassinations in the heavily guarded Hakoma Mountains... but there's nothing more effective than assassinations where I don't think there are.

The left proximity that I thought so, I immediately looked around with the celestial eye and it was dark and not well visible, but I do have only one reaction in the tub.

One thief... That's a lot of people, you'll find out soon enough. Pretend not to notice, come close, and finish with a colt?

Though he thought so, the moment he went out of the shower, put his hand in the item box under the hand wipe, and grabbed the colt and closed it, the moment he went into the tub pretending not to notice, the left-hand side turned to the colt and said:

"Yes, Mr. Tired. Don't move, if you move, I'll shoot you... but if it's an assassination, Chloe?

At the end of the near-left gaze, which was surprising, Chloe, whose clouds were clear and illuminated by the moonlight, was blushing and staring at the near-left.

Why is Chloe here?... Shit, it kills me.

The last time Chloe's room crossed the back of her brain, she immediately stored the colt in the item box and apologized.

"Shh, sorry. I didn't think you were there... so I'm leaving now."

With that said, it was the left proximity that he tried to come up with by accident, but Chloe grabbed that arm in the left proximity, keeping her face down.


Unexpectedly, close to the left, Chloe said without looking.

"It's bad that I was in there on my own... so... let's go in together..."

"Huh?... is that good?

To the words, Chloe nodded quietly, and the proximity left, with a polypoly on his head and a complex face, entered the hot tub again.

... I've gained momentum, but isn't this a bad idea? No, it's a totally shitty situation.

Yeah, it's already warmed up, and you should get out.

While Left Near thought so, anticipating the timing without saying anything, a long silence came between them, and Left Near never spoke of intent.

"My body's warmed up, and I'll be up first. Yeah, thanks for the futon."

So he left Chloe, who had said something, and turned to the stripper.

Shit, I can't see anything in the dark. I don't know if I can open it again now...

With that in mind, when he opened the bathroom door and was troubled by the light of the moon and the inability to let it in, the bathroom door opened, and Chloe magically lit the light at his fingertips, hiding his body with a towel, and came inside.

"Me, I've been in there a long time, so I think I can climb up."

"Oh well..."

That said, he turned around and dressed near left, but he heard strange words from Chloe behind him.

"Oh, my God, these clothes... Busty, I really don't know why I put them down"

... Busty, were you prepared to change Chloe's clothes? What kind of unexplained clothing is that? It bothers me a lot.

Though he was dressed, in the words of "yabba," the moment Chloe hit his left proximal back, the left proximal immediately supported Chloe in a retrospective.

"Hey, it's okay...!?"

At that moment, it was Chloe in nurse clothes who entered the near left eye.

Hey, why are you doing my collection!?... Busty, you do the best you can.

Chloe said with a little bit of light to her left, not surprisingly.

"Excuse me, because I've been in there a long time, I have a standing glare... ah..."

That being said, the distance between Chloe, who turned her face in the direction near left, and the two faces near left, could not have resisted Chloe in hot nurse clothes if taken near left, and the two exchanged kisses as they were.

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