Another Life

A certain wife's rampage.

Sunday, May 3, 5th A.D. In the bedroom near the left of the third floor part of Nassau's mansion, the morning sun plunges in, and on the nostrils near the left, something hairy feels like teasing a little bit and near the left.

Unexpectedly opening his eyes to the attack, a naked Chloe next door seemed to have fun pranking him on the nose near left with his own hair.

"Morning... you're waking up fast"

Chloe answered with a happy, slightly unfortunate face, close to the left that she had said so by accident.

"Look, it's Operation Day, right? I will go to His Majesty the Emperor. I will be ready."

In those words, the left and near were returned to the real world at once.

Since Friday night, the left-hand side had been living a self-depraved life, as if to explode what he had endured before, such as eating a meal or holding Chloe, and the left-hand side also replied with a slightly unfortunate face as to whether it was over.

"Right...... I just wanted to enjoy this life a little more"

Chloe answered with a kiss how happy the words were for Chloe.


That evening. In the castle of the Earl of Saltaire came a series of sumptuous aristocratic carriages, and all the aristocrats coming down from the carriage that stopped in the square, men and women, were hiding their identities by wearing masks such as they would wear during the masquerade.

The face of Count Lame, who welcomed his nobles, was always smiling, and the nobles who came were also smiling under his mask.

"Nice to meet you. We still have time for the feast, so please relax."

In the words of the Earl who said so, a woman with a fan that would be from the Ruthai Empire and a concealed mask said with a luscious grin beneath her.

"Count, I heard you had an interesting taste today, and I look forward to it."

"Yes, I'll take care of it. I hope you enjoy Viscount Nelson's desperate face, too."

"Um, is that Viscount Nelson from the countryside... I'm looking forward to that. That would be a good story in the social world (salon).

And today, in Kingsbury, the Imperial capital, there was a sudden call from His Majesty the Emperor, so if we talk about this, my husband will be very sorry. "

A sudden call from His Majesty the Emperor? What can I do for Uncle Chalet Borderline?

With that in mind, the Count led Mrs. Borderline to her room.

Eventually, when the sun fell, an aristocratic carriage in the Earl's castle accompanied a soldier of escorts dressed in luminous armor, and when they entered through the two castle gates, they stopped in front of the front door of the square.

It was when the servants dressed as signals lined it up, and Orville descended from the leading carriage, and opened the door himself to the carriage behind it, that Shirley, dressed as a bride, took down Orville's hand from the inside, and the summer behind it, dressed as a servant, followed.

When Orville escorted Shirley to the front door, a man like the butler bowed his head and said to Orville.

"I've been waiting for you, Viscount Nelson. Congratulations today.

The participants and the clergy will already come and sit down. This way first. "

"Um, I need some guidance."

So when the three men went into the building after the butler, they were led to a room, and the butler bowed his head and said,

"Here, please wait. Originally, I greet the groom's parents here, but the Count's parents and his clan are already in the other world, so I will omit them at this wedding."

"Oh, that's something I can't help. Our clan died in the war between the kingdom and the empire, except for our family."

That said, the room that was guided was a little lonely, with vanities, tables and chairs only. But Orville whispered when the butler left when the three of them entered the room, confirming that there was no one else in the summer.

"I thought they were going to do a body check, but you surprisingly put it through."

"In this day and age, if you assassinate, the Imperial Coalition Bureau of Investigation will enter the investigation, and worst of all, the Coalition forces will avalanche in the name of policing and kill the whole city. I'm relieved."

Shirley, who said so, took the colt and holster from the item box, and the bitterness, and gave it to Summer and Orville.

"Father, you remember how to use it, don't you?

"Oh... but a new weapon of the coalition is such a powerful weapon"

With that said and impressed, as he took off his swallow tail jacket and wore a colt on his nose, Shirley and Summer equipped him with a colt and bitterness under that skirt.


Around that time, in the palace of Kingsbury, the imperial capital of the Serenity Empire, only two people were called, the Arman Chalet Border Uncle, currently the highest of the nobles, and the William Lacan Border Uncle.

But how did you get to Uncle Lacan? We, the highest nobleman in the empire... could be a promotion to the Duke, which has been blank so far.

His successor, Crown Prince Claudio, is still a young child. In case anything happens to His Majesty the Emperor, he will be the Crown Prince's guardian to either of us and ascend to the Duke, where only the Imperial Family can be.

If so, I might have a minute to incorporate the Valkyrian school system into our territory.

With that in mind, Arman, with an inner grin, said graciously that the servant was coming in while he knocked, letting his chest bounce with anticipation.

"Thank you for waiting, Your Majesty is waiting for you"

"Uhm. Let's go, Lord Lakan Borderline"

To Arman, who said so with a proud face, William rose up a little musty, and left the room.

Walking down the luxurious corridor where the scent of the new building remained, following the servant, it was not between the thrones, but a large hall where parties, etc., were held.

Something's wrong. Why not the throne room, your majesty's office?

With that in mind, when the two frontier uncles opened the door, there was a Knights of Witches (Night Witches) with rifles, and at the end of the road the knights opened, a couch and a table were available.

And beyond that stood Lannis, near left, and behind him Chloe in Amiria and Raven, and the two were astonished by the sight.

That was, indeed, the secretary of the Marshal, Lieutenant Colonel Chloe Meisner. Was it Raven?

And it came to pass as a surprise, that when they went before Lannis and knelt, Lannis said, Before they greeted him.

"Well, aside from saying hello, have a seat first"

When the two frontier uncles sat surprised at each other's faces in the words, Lannis turned to the nearest left and said:

"Marshal, please explain."

"Yes, Your Majesty. First of all, I apologize for calling the two of you, the highest noblemen of the Empire, to such a place... for not defiling the throne room or His Majesty's office with blood."

And William's gaze was sharper in his words, and he said unto his left hand.

"I don't know, are you going to assassinate us, the highest nobleman of the Empire?

And he answered the word with a smile.

"Assassination? No way. If you don't feel bad about yourself, you can go home alive.

As a matter of fact, there was a rebellion in the Luthai Empire, and it was the nobility of the Empire who was helping it. "

It was at that moment, Arman slammed the table and cried out.

"I don't know what you're talking about! I believe we are involved in the rebellion of the Luthai Empire…"

"Count Lame"


So he answered Arman, surprised, calmly.

"We already know that Count Anel Lame is involved. But I discovered there was another thing that didn't go out of style.

As a matter of fact, it was Count Lame who manipulated the kidnapping of a woman who was frequent in Lake City as well. Anything, the Count used to torture and assault the women he kidnapped and hold a banquet to admire them. "

At that moment, Arman's heart pulsed and sweated like it had been eagled, but Arman said to his left as if to delude it.

"Well, what does that have to do with anything!

"Anything. Today, at that Earl's wedding, the Earl, in front of the attendees, said he was the one who had kidnapped the bride and would hold the feast. However, until he was in that kidnapped person and the bride and accompanying servant, he replaced them all with disguised members of our army, and Saltaire has already been besieged by the army in the name of an exercise.

Well, as you can see by coming this far, His Majesty the Emperor has been convicted of the death penalty not only of those who participated in the feast, but of all his clans. So far, you two wise people will know.

This time, I am calling on you to say that the two territories with the largest empire are a little troublesome if assembled, no matter how many policing forces you have. So here's how I said it. "

The aim at this time, near left, was to stop at two frontier ambassadors with the highest rank and the largest territory of the Empire so that the incident could be discovered and not be spearheaded by intelligence work on the people.

But William saith unto the word near the left in a grumpy manner.

"Lord Marshal. That idea would certainly make sense, but isn't this making too much of a fool of us?

"Yes, it was my existence that decided this time, and His Majesty the Emperor, of the Imperial aristocracy… it was also told by the two highest frontier uncles that there was no such one, and thus they were joined together.

Even if His Majesty says so, I honestly don't trust you because I'm suspicious of the Luthai. So if you resent me, please resent me... oh Lord Chalet Borderline. How can I help you?

When he heard the nearest left word, or William saw Arman as well, his face turned bright blue, and he was sweating.

"The Chalet Borderline Lord Bo. Are you okay?"

It was the moment I said so. It was when Arman suddenly stood up and made an odd noise and tried to pull out his lower back sword.

Pan! and the gunshot sounded, and Chloe was shooting through Arman's eyebrows.

"... apparently, my predictions were met"

Near the left, William answered grumpy when he swooped back on the couch.

"Apparently so... but I'm innocent. If this clears your suspicions, let's try to hang out forever."

I was in a hurry... but I didn't know one of the borderline uncles was involved.

So anxious was the left-hand side watching the body of the Chalet Borderline uncle, who had been blown off his head, be cleaned up.


There was darkness outside, and a butler came in and said, as the sound of a knock rang in the room where the three Shirleys waited, who saw the night view of the harbor town and said it was ready.

"Thank you for waiting, then this way please"

Following the butler who said so, the three were led to the room on the fourth floor as they proceeded, and the butler showed a bare gesture of opening the door.

Shirley quickly turned her hand around Orville's arm and Orville whispered with a slightly sad face.

"Shirley, I'm sorry. Forgive me for putting on your bridesmaid costume."

To his first father's apology, Shirley replied quietly as he wiped the tears in his eyes.

"No... don't worry about this one"

With Shirley's words to signal that, when the door opened wide, it was obvious that the atmosphere was different during that moment.

In the dim and wide hall, one step up in the deepest part of the hall, stood the Earl of Lame, several small stages arranged in such a way that each table of the participants surrounded them, all wearing masks as they had at the masquerade.

Shit, I wanted to think it was a lie, but were you still going to show us, Count?

It was Orville who was about to explode his anger, but Shirley's hand grabbed his arm a little more forcefully, and they pressed such emotions to death, and they walked straight to the Count, as they used to do, and in the summer they proceeded with the veil of that long race.

In that unusual air, Shirley and Orville walked up the steps with dignity, and the Earl smiled and said to Orville.

"Viscount, I've tried to get a little taste in today's wedding, what do you say?

"Ha... what about that cleric?

"Don't rush, Viscount. From now on, we're gonna be a family, so how about a funny show here first? Hey, give me the example!

Yes, it was the moment the Count said. The door opened, and the disguised pandoras came in, bound in handcuffs, dressed as they had come to the castle.

Surprised by the sight, Orville hastily told the Count.

"Count Lame. What the hell is this?!?"

"Viscount, these people... hmm?

From the mouth of the Earl who said so, he could see the white breath, and the temperature was dropping so rapidly that the room could see with its skin.

This is, like, weird. I can't believe you're breathing white when you say it's May.

That was the moment when the doors and windows were covered with piki and ice.

"What is this?"

So did the confused Count, but when the attendees bothered to do so, Shirley simply took a colt out of his skirt and shouted at the Count for pointing that muzzle at him.

"Quiet! His Majesty the Emperor already knows about this feast. Your Majesty has therefore given you the death penalty!

At that moment, when the great blurring wrapped itself around the place, the handcuffs connected to one woman dissolved with red drooling and heat, and when she peeled off the skin of her face with those two hands that were free, Cecil's face came out from beneath it.

When everyone was flabbergasted by the sight, a man in the nobility noticed.

"Oh, you! Marshal Sakura's Third Lady!

It was at that moment when the Count looked at Cecil in surprise. A spear made of innumerable flames was floating over Cecil's head.

"... so let's have some fun"

At the same time as he said that, countless flaming spears struck the participants, burning tables and floors, and brightening the room, Iris and the others peeled off the skin of their faces, and the handcuffs of their hands were slashed off and slashed by swords removed from the item box.

In an instant, the venue became a hell of a picture of a snort cry. The aristocratic women flee, and the men pull out the sword of their hips, but they are killed one after the other without any possibility of rivalry to the Iris and the others.

"Why! Why, you won't open it!

"No, why do we have to be killed!

With that screaming, I desperately try to escape, but neither the door nor the window can block and escape with Cecily's ice. Pandora screamed in a setting that was becoming such a unilateral massacre.

"Everybody, try not to attack your faces! Faye, give me a signal to break in! Colonel McGregor, contact HQ with the names of the attendees!

"Okay! Iri, help me, too!

"Copy that! This way, infiltrate the unit. Army entering, please!

After the word, he heard an angelic voice from outside, and heard a battle.

Seeing that unrealistic sight, the Count murmured in confusion, with a trembling voice.

"It's a lie... how could I see this..."

And Shirley said unto the Count, kneeling powerlessly in the sight, as if he had looked down.

"Count, they say there is a word in the teachings of the Luthai Empire called karma. People say if you do good, you do good, and if you do bad, you do bad.

The Count, like the woman you've kidnapped and died before, says you're going to die next. But I have a heart of mercy, unlike the Count... and I will kill you without suffering. "

That said, in the direction of Shirley in tears, between the earl's brows, who looked back slowly, the moment the gunshot sounded, when Pandora burst his back of his head and fell on the spot, screaming with her head in her arms.

"Ah! My battle with Lieutenant Colonel Bonnie!

"What are you talking about, Pandora? I've come so far to pay back Mira's debts! What are you doing here?

Ah... I forgot about you two.

With that in mind, Shirley said, Summer shouted as he protected the Viscount's back as he looked at him saying he had done it.

"Princesses, more than that, Master Cecil is looking weird!

To the words, the moment everyone saw Cecil, the Iris and the others they knew, their blood caught on. Because it had not been in a runaway mode recently, or as if it were a volcanic magma, Cecil was there at the moment when an occasional build-up of objects erupted.


And it came to pass, when Lana shouted unto Cecily, that Cecily also shouted, shaking her face bright blue.

"No! I can never do this! He's a real pretty face!

It was the moment Cecily said so. A spear in the darkness outside, surrounded by countless giant flames, pointed this way, when seen through the window, Iris screamed.

"Evacuate! Everybody, retreat outside the castle, retreat! Chris, tell the army to retreat too! We're all gonna wind up dead!

Hearing Iris' words, Pandora and the others were evacuating him into the space transfer until the nobles, when Cecil's eruption finally began.

"A-hahaha! Burn, break! It's all going to be ashes and rubble!... pleasure"

It was at that moment, with a fierce roar, that countless giant spears of flame poured down on the castle, and debris came down. Pandora and the others, leaving Cecil intact and escaping with Shirley's spatial transfer, were there in the eyes of the aided nobles looking at the castle as it rose with dust and collapsed, as countless rocket cannons were shot into it.

The castle was engulfed in flames, transformed its appearance in the rubble mountains, and when Cecil came out, its momentum poured down into the city without stopping.

That's all, sucks!

Yes, everyone thought, the beads rushed to start a downtown fire extinguishing activity, and Cecily, when she served countless ice birds, hit Cecil's flaming spear and started intercepting, screaming at Pandora.

"Pandora! Stop your sister somehow! Because now I'm a little refreshed, and I can reach the voices of others!

... No, that would be too unscrupulous. Well, somehow, I know how to stop.

"Shirley. After a while, follow me"

To the words, "You're lying, aren't you? Leaving Shirley, who said," Pandora turned to Cecil.

Okay, well, whatever happens to a port town like this, it doesn't matter, but as it is on the boulder, Cecil, Mother could seem like the God of Destruction... well, even if this is all I see, it's the God of Destruction itself. But normal people will get to this level.

Even so, when Pandora arrived at Cecil, she said with a hug to Pandora, who was running wild.

"Mother, come on. There's damage all the way downtown!

"I'm bored, Pandora! If I interrupt..."

"Character settings!


When Cecil reacted to the unexpected words, Pandora said, "Let go of Cecil's body."

"Mother, among Shirley and the others, is considered an intelligent and poor woman. If you get busted like this, do you intend to destroy that image!

To the words Cecil cared for her hair, and when she saw Shirley, who came shyly, fixing it with her hands, she fell into Pandora's arms, as if she had anaemia.

"... the anaemia of the disease"

... When did the anemia get sick? But if your father finds out about this, he'll be furious.

With that in mind, Pandora was in flames and catastrophic when she moved her gaze downtown.

Later, by military personnel and agents of the Joint Bureau of Investigation, the nobles who took part in the feast were beheaded on the spot, exposed outside their ruined castle, and both stroked their ho breasts because there were no parents, Rudy and Josette.

Later, the Saltaire people said. "Suddenly, the castle was engulfed in flames, as if it were the wrath of God, and a meteor poured down, destroying the castle and the city," he said.

This, of course, was Cecil's place of business, and the fays who watched it swore to their hearts that they would never anger Cecil.

In the territory of the murdered aristocracy, the coalition, which was waiting near all the aristocracies, was contacted and headed for repression, and when the clan was captured, it was read out the guilt in front of the people how it had been captured, and the people who exploded its anger were thrown stones and trash, while they dragged around the territory, and the next morning they were all executed.

When it was all over and William was freed, it was noon the next day, and as he returned to his territory on a space transfer and thought about the future, a servant rushed into William's office.

"Heh, Uncle Borderline, look at this!

That said, on the paper placed on the desk, it says very much extra in Kiribati, that the mastermind behind this kidnapping was Count Lame and some nobles, and that on the orders of His Majesty Emperor Lanis Serenity, all the clan royalists were condemned to death. In the future, it was written that nobles who persecute the said inhabitants would be punished relentlessly, so they wanted the security forces to offer them.

"Hey, what is this... Askley Times? No way, the Askley Chamber of Commerce is doing it!?

Don't do this right now! You can jump your neck if you want!

So said William, slamming his desk, and furious; but the servant said with sorrow,

"That's it." With the permission of His Majesty the Emperor, we distribute these things free of charge as propaganda for the Chamber of Commerce. We can't do anything to get in the way of the Emperor.

Askley Chamber of Commerce... Well, in this context, Marshal Sakura is here. You did it, now the people will take sides with the Emperor's family at once.

On the contrary, the people of the territory that has been held back by force will riot and, in the future, the nobles will be crushed more and more. That's why, even if we start a rebellion, if the coalition leaves, it will soon be suppressed.

The military is well managed by Marshal Sakura... you did it. Were you holding me in a palace to buy this time?

William, thinking so, was slamming his desk with regret and smashing his wrath.

At this time, the left-hand side, in case the lord's nobility disturbed him, left the extras to the ninja of the Intelligence Agency. The nobles who interrupted it or stopped putting it out of the way were either ill-appreciated by the people who saw it or went to Kingsbury to sue it, with the result that it was even more crushed.

Thus, in the empire, the emperor was righteous and the aristocracy was able to construct a structure that said evil, and no one could argue with the emperor, and the emperor's power became stronger, and the newspapers of the Askray Chamber of Commerce were to be sold to fly.


Around that time, in Shinano, in the Luthai Empire, planting songs were heard from everywhere, and the peasants were happy to work in planting. Of course, the same thing happened in the village of Kiyono near Kaizu Castle, and what was different from the other villages was that Alexia was among them.

Like other villagers, its appearance of planting while singing was completely assimilated, rather than being the wife of the castle owner of Haizu, as I said the village daughter of a peasant.

And as the children and the old men scratched in their gaze, a woman of good stature, when she brought a bowl of rice balls, cried out to the group doing the planting.

"Guys, over here, let's have lunch!

Reacting to that voice, everyone put their hands on their hips and stood up, a young woman said to Alexia.

"Ma'am, shall we have lunch?"

"Yeah, right. Yae's, I'm here to enjoy the rice balls, so I need to eat them."

And it came to pass in the words, that those around them smiled, and went up one after the other, and sat on their hands, and all were eating rice balls in their hands.

In it, when the old man, whose hips remained bent, turned to Alexia, he took his hand and thanked him and bowed his head.

"It really helped. If my hips hadn't happened like this, I wouldn't have let my wife imitate me like this. Thank you so much."

"It's okay, Kwon. We're each other in trouble, and if the peasants don't make rice this way, we can't eat it.

Besides, I'm a better planter, aren't I? In the beginning, I was annoying all of you, but now this is how I'm helping you. I'm really glad about that. "

And it came to pass, that a woman called Hachi spoke to the man next door, looking down upon Alexia, who said so in the light of the stench.

"I'm really glad your wife is Alexia.

At first, I heard he was the adopted daughter of your old lady, so I was wondering how scared someone was going to come, but I can't believe he was such a nice guy. "

"Right. Even the wife of the Takeshi family doesn't bring a guard samurai to this place, so she comes alone.

Well, since your lord became the castle owner of Haizu Castle, the bandits have come down in sight, so my life has improved, and if anything happens to your wife now, the inhabitants of Kawanakajima will protect you in general. "

"You said you were a Continental at first, and you didn't trust me."

And it came to pass, when he was frightened, that a samurai came to this side of the street by horse.

Apparently, Alexia noticed too, and when she stood up unexpectedly, the samurai came near Alexia and said:

"Due to the requirements of the fire, excuse me more than on horseback. Earlier, Maida Yuanta Nobuna and her brother Tojiro Changhui came to Haijin Castle to talk to his wife."

"My father-in-law and uncle... did you say anything else?

"No, that's just it. Bring your wife in as soon as you can."

And Hachi spake unto Alexia in his words.

"Ma'am, go. I'll take your wife's place."

And Alexia bowed her head, and said unto the word, I am sorry.

"Yes... then Mr. Yae, please"

So Alexia jumped on the horse, and went toward the castle of Haijin.

"I've never heard of a wife bowing her head to a peasant."

Hachi, who said so, smiled, and watched Alexia as the others moaned.


Haizu Castle, a flat castle located in the northern part of Shinano in the Lutai Empire, on the banks of the Chikugawa River, surrounded by total stone walls inside from the inner moat, on the western side of the main circle, the two circles, the three circles, and the three circles, with circles of flowers with tea rooms, gardens, etc., it was such a luxurious castle that Alexia in the depths did not think she was helping to plant it.

In the hall of the Honmaru palace in it stood a silent letter of faith sitting still in his seat, and next to it was Chang Hui, who refrained from doing so, before which Chang Heng and his chief ministers quietly awaited the arrival of Alexia.

Eventually, he heard footsteps running through the patter, and Alexia, dressed in a luxurious kimono, said in the hallway, once he laid his hands down and bowed his head.

"Thank you for waiting. I'll sit in the earthen house, Alexia."

Chang Heng said to the words with a serious face.

"Uhm. Alexia, sit next to me"


And it came to pass, when Alexia stood up, that the chief ministers made their way together, and when Alexia walked through it and sat next to Changheng, Alexia bowed her head and said,

"This is my uncle to my father-in-law. It's been a while since I've sat down."

And he said unto the word, The Syllable smiled kindly.

"Alexia. With the peasants today, I was planting and stuff"

Alexia said with a smile that the eyes of the ministers were not able to say that Alexia was angry with the letter because she had seen it.

"What are you ashamed of? If the peasants can't make rice, we'll starve to death.

To help the peasant is to let the people and their hearts go through and say that they can hear the raw voice. It's not like anyone can do this. "

"Oh, thank you. I'll sit down."

He was Alexia, who said so and accidentally bowed his head, but when he looked up, there was a Shinji sitting there with a serious look on his face.

It was Alexia who shook her body unexpectedly, but the Synod spoke with its expression.

"So let's talk about it because it's all about getting together. We received a letter from the Shogun Yokose Musashi to Nobunami Takahashi, the Miyakan, and decided... it is a battle."

That word says from around you, "Ooh!" And the voice went up, and Alexia looked anxious, but Chang Heng did not realize it, and said with a grin.

"And who are they?

And it came to pass in his words, that the Synod put his arms together, and put them aside for a while.

"This battle will be a battle that will divide the Luthai Empire into two parts. East over Shinano and west over Mino.

The aim is the killing of the western garden temple imperial government of Regent Kanbai. Our general is Mr. Nijo Rightfu, but the essence is Yokose Musashi Shogunate.

The enemy is the guardian and Kingsguardian of the western side of the Luthai Empire… and a coalition led by Sakuranai "

It was a young man at the rear of the heavy minister who said to the word that everyone had ceased to speak and that Alexia was shivering his hand down.

"Whatever this is, you're in luck. If you take your wife hostage and threaten the inner house..."

"You idiot! You just think about that when you're a minister, or you even talk about it! Kitamura, kill your stomach immediately! Belly!"

To Changheng, who said so furiously, Deep Village bowed his head, "I'm sorry I didn't sit down," and Shinjitsu had forgiven Changheng.

"Changheng, why don't you forgive me around there? It is common for young people to lose sight of other things just because they want to win.

However, Deep Village... The next time you think of something like that, you can jump your neck next time. Don't mess with Maida too much. "

The eyes of the syllabus that said so contained a very sophisticated killing, and Deep Village just lay silent.

"Now, whatever it is, Alexia is in the near left, and you will feel the benefit of it. You can go back to the Sakura family, or you can reward Tojiro or Chang-heung to the left, whatever you want."

Why did your father-in-law do this to me... If this is the case, I would still appreciate it if you would tell me not to go. It's painful.

I am truly indebted to Your Majesty. Even when we were getting married, you made me really good...... Mr. Busty, Sister Testa, Beatrice...... what can I do...

With that in mind, Changheng softly reached out to Alexia, who was looking down and tearing into her eyes, and grabbed that hand.

Dear Changheng... Yes, it was when Changheng and I went to say goodbye to your pavilion. Indeed, at that time, Miyakan said that he might kill each other in the future... I knew about this.

I knew and I knew this would happen, so he told me to forget everything and go with Master Chang Heng. Dear Miyagi, thank you very much.

Alexia, so determined, wiped her tears with the sleeves of her kimono, turned forward and said to Shinji.

"I am the wife of this Tsuchiya Changheng. From the time of my marriage, I swore to my heart that I would live with Master Chang Heng and die with him. That feeling remains the same.

If Uchi becomes the enemy of Shinano-sensei Takahashi, who is Shinano-sensei's guardian position, I will fight Uchi too. "

...... keep an upright and good eye. Apparently, Tokujiro feels the same way?

And Chirali, and Chang-hui, behold, Shinji smiled, and said:

"That is the daughter of my Maida. So, it's August 4th! From Kaizu Castle, ask them to send out 3,000 soldiers.

And we invade Mino with Kofi Asakura's army. First, attack Miaogi Castle on the border, and attack Iwamura, Akechi Castle.

By then, the Shinto Temple of Hida will invade Mino from the north. Afterwards, we joined forces from Tokaido of the Musashi guardians at Gifu Castle to start the biggest war with the guardian army in Kichinai and the Kingsguardian army.

It will all be our first experience, a battle in large numbers. Keep your head down and hit it!

And it came to pass, that everyone lay flat on the scene, and his face was already a warrior, in the syllabus that stood up.


Friday, June 19, 5th AD. With an unexpected face, Zhengcheng came to the office near his left and went inside with Chloe's guidance.

But when I go inside for some reason, there is only standing next to me, and the left-hand side reads the bill with a difficult face.

Zhengcheng sat on the couch and took a sip of the coffee served and asked the questions near left.

"Hey Kiyoshi. Why is Shinoyama here?

Only he answered the Word with regret.

"I'm sorry to sit down, Master Orange. Your wife tells me that this is your third time."

"... has the third time happened before? You're no longer sick, your cheatiness.

Such a beautiful woman would be enough by herself... I have no idea "

And the proximity left to the word answered the evil appearance of every word.

"You, too, will know when you get married... I love you all equally"

"Master Orange, this guy is so cool, but he's just a shitty guy."

He said it by accident, but Zhengcheng said it while posing as a headache.

"Shinoyama, I know exactly how you feel. I'm not saying anything bad, before they get their hands on you, look for your next job.

Did you really have an affair at the place?

A slightly irritating left-hand man said to the orthodox question.

"Hey, Massei. You didn't come here just to say that. Speak quickly of the requirements.

It's just that Cecil crushed Saltaire's bill, and he's got a headache... so why should I apologize to His Majesty the Emperor so many times? If you're going to apologize, you must be Pandora in charge, usually. "

"Well, that's a lot of trouble. Originally, it would be bad for others to ask, but Shinoyama will be fine.

First of all, the council. It's the Marshal's refusal to use force bill... it's been vetoed. Lucen and the Divine Demon Nation turned to me in favor, but the others didn't shake their heads vertically. Sorry, I don't have enough power. "

Was it vetoed? But not passing this bill could lead to a reckless battle... and that's all we have to do to prevent it.

"Hey Massei. Can't you think of any other mechanism like a safety device to deter Parliament from rampant?

As it stands, we're going into an invasion operation against the former Sevens Federation. If that happens, the emperor can hurt his will. "

And he said unto the word near his left, With his head.

"I know that. I know, but there's nothing I can do.

Besides, in the ordinary Parliament today, we have managed to have the help of His Excellency the Speaker, and the invasion operation has been vetoed, but if it were put out again in the ordinary Parliament in the autumn, it would no longer be possible. His Majesty King Gehardt is also concerned about the prophecy of Count Bernard of the Kingdom of Fresia.

Who the hell is he? Me and Macolaga are fine, but they easily chop up other countries and go... Plus, understanding my skills or thinking with my head is completely different from what I say.

He takes me by the balls like I'm good, and he directs the debate in the direction he's after. "

And the word of his righteousness, near left, lit the flue, and groaned.

"The Bee Hing of the Front and Back... That's what they called me in my last life."

And Massei, who raised his face by accident to the word, said with amazement.

"Hey, could Count Bernard..."

"Oh, like the others, he who has been reborn into this world. His name in the previous world was Shosho Chang-yuk Maida Yasukata... the younger brother of Yuanta and Tokjiro, the three boys of the Maida family."

It was that moment, when Massei slapped the table and repented, and vomited his grudge.

"Maida again! Why does that Maida get in our way every time?"

... Well, I don't know what to say, this guy's previous life had something to do with the Maida family? I kind of saw the back of the world, and then I really started to think so.

Though Left Near thought so, when he sputtered the smoke puffiness, Zhengcheng, who managed to calm his anger, sent out one letter from his nostalgia and placed it in front of Left Near.

"What's this?

Near the left, when he asked him that question by accident, Massei said, blurring.

"The real purpose I came here today is this... read it"

Near left, when I read the letter as I was told, my face became a phase of anger as I looked at it, so much so that I accidentally retreated only.

And when he had finished reading, he broke the letter, and cried out.

"You fucking grandpa! What's gonorrhoea, we're heading to Kyoto after we've been rehabilitated! You're knocking up the courtyard!

Chloe, who hastily entered the room with the words, was also surprised to see the furious left hand, and Zhengcheng said as he had thought.

"This is why I'm kidding. Kiyohiro, we know what you're doing... This is a declaration of war from Musashi.

The Emperor will never be allowed to move from this direction. "

"Oh, I know. This one has no choice but to wait for them to march.

The problem is someday... if it fits, it's easy to deal with this one too... he's definitely going to make it a lone party. "

So when he was shaking his body with anger, Zhengcheng said as if he had thought for a while and come up with something.

"Hey, when's Princess Liliana's wedding?

"September 15th...... no way!?"

So when he saw Masayasu by accident, Masayasu said, thinking.

"I don't think so. The royal family of the Kingdom of Salz has nominated the Sakura family, the Interior Minister, as a participant in the Ruthai Empire.

This is not a problem. Princess Liliana and Pandora are close, so I guess the princess wanted her friends to join us.

However, I accept that if you do not go, you will paint the face of the Luthai Empire with mud, so the Sakura family must participate. The Coalition, the most troublesome person, is you... you want to settle in the field on that day when you can't move for sure.

But... it's also a very effective hand. Clarify, if you weren't on the battlefield, your fellow Yamato or Yamagata guardians would be fine, but the other guardianships would fall apart.

That's why the coalition alone, if we intervene in civil unrest in the country, we'll buy other guardianship objections too... that's hard. "

That's right. The high pride of all of this is also a good place and a weakness of the Luthai Empire.

With that in mind, Zhengsheng suggested it near the left, which was troubling his head.

"Hey Kiyoshi. Can we organize this place around a guardian army, with the coalition as a hindsight?

So, I think the general would be better off if I went by myself. As long as we know how long we'll be moving, we'll have time to gather our troops. "

Sure, you are. I regret it, but do I have to get on with the orthodox proposal?

"Okay, at least just the formation, let me think about it. And don't kill Musashi... I'll kill you."

"Oh, I get it. I'll leave you what I can."

Zhengcheng replied with a smile.

He then instructed Chloe, the head of the three stations, to prepare for the civil war in the Luthai Empire, and ordered the return of the teaching unit led by Bash.

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