Another Life

Father's Runaway

Saturday, June 20, 5th AD. Cazzo, a port fortified city near the border with the Kingdom of Salz within the Kingdom of Emburg.

This was also the largest port city in the north in the Kingdom of Emburg and the only city that flies anti-flag and supports the King against Prince Gustav, who controls the north of the Kingdom of Emburg.

When transported here by boat, the Prince's army was sandwiched and sandwiched in the north and south, and it was visible that it would be destroyed, but the Prince's army, which had little or no force to break that far, had only about 3,000 troops to protect Cazzo, but could not help because, as the name suggests for the fortified city, it was an iron-walled fortified city surrounded by large walls and digs.

Bash gave his name to the Katzo attack, which could be described as reckless. And the approximately 3,000 soldiers of the King's Army who stood caged in Cazzo were easily dropped in intent by only two hundred Bash-led teaching units.

The reason is simple. Beyond being a fortified city, there were many people living there, and Bash, who had originally known that his reign had not gone well, summoned the people and invited most of the soldiers in the castle, and in the meantime the nobles of the lords, whom the people had raised, and even chased the bashes, to the ambush point, to ambush where the line had grown elongated, and to take the nobles.

Bash, who had thus obtained Cazzo, looked up to heaven with his hands wide open, without even an umbrella, in the dust as if to conceal the stench of death, just outside the castle gate, where the bodies of so many soldiers killed by the people were exposed.

"... it was done by others from the same tribe, but some sort of ritual?

Bash was astonished, looking in the direction of the castle gate, that Mardi, Chloe's father, who was accompanying him as a deputy, stood with the wall behind him from within the gate.

Was he a little embarrassed by the way he looked, and Bash answered Mardi with a slight blush.

"We were originally desert people. When it rains in the rainy season, it makes me want to feel rain all over my body... is that a habit?"

"Bash, now alias the White Devil, also has a strange habit in the Kingdom of Emburg. If you say so in Nassau, on a rainy day, everyone was doing it.

Well, I got more communications from home than that. We said that when this request was over, we would return to our country.

If we drop this place, Prince Gustav will have won as well. Whatever, the white devil dropped the most troublesome cazzo... Boll will have a high nose too "

Bash answered the words with a slight odor and a polypoly on his nose.

"Please stop. That's surprisingly embarrassing.

But why did you suddenly get a return order? Mr. Muldy, are you listening to something?

Mardi replied to the words as if she were doing well.

"I don't know. It's about your Excellency, I'm sure it has something to do with it.

Besides, even if you leave it alone, rumorer Miriam will be in touch with Nassau's correspondents to get some information... whoa, just rumor. "

At the end of Mardi's gaze, who said so, was the figure of Miriam, who was also accompanying him as a deputy, running in the rain towards the castle gate.

And Miriam, when she came under the gate of the castle, took her wet cape, and sparkled her eyes, and said unto her as if she were a child.

"Hey, did you hear that? We have a return order."

"Oh, that's what I heard earlier, from the telecommuters... isn't that all?

That being said, Mardi, who knows Miriam's character, seemed uninterested, and Miriam spoke as if she had won.

"That's not all there is to it. As a matter of fact, orders were secretly given to the heads of the three stations of the coalition and to the commanders of each Knights... of the invasion operation of the Imperial Ruthai Empire."


And the words of Miriam, when they had eaten heavily, Miriam said with even more sparkling eyes.

"It's been rumored for a long time that the civil unrest in the Luthai Empire may begin. And you sent us back to our country... and your lord is going to ramble with us.

Definitely think of an unscrupulous operation like in Tianchuan Village. Whatever you say, you're the one who thinks about something so ruinous that Major Yoo Seong freaked out, he'll definitely freak me out... Ahhhh now I'm shaking!

... This guy, I've been thinking about this for a long time, do you want to die? Or I just think you have a weird sexuality.

With that in mind, as Bash watched Miriam tremble his hand, Mardi groaned bosomly.

"... did Chloe, too, feel scared?

The idea was natural as a father, but Bash accidentally slipped his mouth.

"Hey Chloe, I thought you'd rather be happy...... ah!

"Hmm? What do you mean, bash?"

"Say it, Bash."

So the bash that was stuffed spoke as if he had given up.

"Hey... I'm not saying this in front of my father, Mr. Muldy, but I hear your Excellency was holding Chloe from behind and defending herself from bullets flying from behind."

When Mardi heard the words, she said only one word, "Ho," and Miriam said to Mardi with a face like she had planned something.

"Then give me one piece of information about Chloe and His Excellency. By the head last month, my lord said you were alone with Chloe at Nassau's mansion. Plus, three days... this definitely caught on."

To Miriam, who said so, Bash looked at what he was going to say, but Mardi reacted differently.

"Here we go, Chloe! I always thought there wasn't a man, but that's what you said!

Now I can report to my dead mother. Your grandson's face is next!

... Mr. Muldy, is that good? The other guy is that lord, he's a sexualizer. Well, my grandson's face, you'll definitely see it, but something will react differently. But did Chloe get the feeling... good for you too?

But Miriam's guy, he was expecting a training ground, too, but you're off the hook. Really, you have a good personality.

And it was with Bash's cold eyes, looking at Mardi and Miriam, that Theodoro, from within the castle to as a student, flaunted by Pandora, came running and saluted the three of them, saying,

Major, I have a report for you.

"Before that, Theodoro. I told you to stop saluting on enemy land.

It is a courteous teaching of who is in command. Think of it as an enemy land, except your own.

Besides, we're just mercenaries now. Stop what you call in the ranks. "

To that bash's point, Theodoro hastily lowered his arms and apologized.

"I'm sorry I didn't sit down. I'll be careful later.

Therefore, as reported by the injured, there were 79 serious injuries and a large number of minor injuries. But there were no fatalities.

It's just... the people have more than a thousand dead, and I think there will be more. And the seriously injured have already been handled by the health guard on this side, would it have been nice?

After all, were the people more devastated? They won't notice, but it's like they fought with the people as bait and shields.

"It doesn't matter, the health guards let him continue his treatment, and the seriously wounded steal the eyes of the military prison cobolts and send them home with a space transfer.

And from my home country, I got a return order. As soon as Prince Gustav's army arrives, we withdraw from this cazzo... until then, we can treat the wounded people as best we can, and at worst, we can leave the medicine behind. "

"Got it... Um, it was an honor to fight with Master Bash. With this number of people, I couldn't even think about dropping a fortified city.

I think Master Bash is a truly wonderful general. "

Theodoro's eyes, who said so, were lit when the three of them could see that he was serious with no lies or false eyes, but Miriam said with a smile, turning her hand on Bash's shoulder.

"The three of us have been under your command since we were mercenaries. It would be natural to be amazing.

Besides, this bash is the man who was your right-hand man. This is what would happen if I watched His Excellency's extraction up close. "

Theodoro smiled in surprise at the words.

"Um! Me, I'm going to write a transfer wish to the Nassau defense team when I get back to my home country. Once the transfer is accomplished, we appreciate your guidance."

That's what he said, bowing his head, and staring at Theodoro running away, Bash shrugged.

"You're a hot man...... you seem to like Mr. Hummel"

To the words, Mardi and Miriam laughed with Couscous, an elf soldier screamed from above the castle gate.

"Mr. Bash! Someone's riding a horse from the other side, coming this way!


The elf man stared and shouted at the bash question for a while.

"Just the two of us! The army doesn't even look rearward!

Who is it?

Though they thought so, when they were pulling out their swords and guarding, the moment the person came to a visible distance, the three accidentally grinned and delivered their swords to their sheaths.

Called Narasinha at its head, the Lion's Beast Man rides a horse that says would be twice as good as a normal horse, and runs through the luxurious clothes and cape that would be royal without even worrying about getting wet in the rain. And when he came near the bash, he jumped, and took Mardi's hand, and said with a smile, drawing him toward himself, and holding him tight.

"Bash, you did a great job. I believed you would do it!

...... hmm? Are you a little thin? Besides, it seemed harder... "

And Bash saith unto the man that saith unto him in awe.

"Prince Gustav, this is me. Come on, put your glasses on… it's a near-sighted, well-to-do thing."

Bash told me that Gustav smiled even more when he took out his glasses and looked at Mardi's face.

"What, isn't it Mardi? Miriam would have been better off if she made the same mistake.

Either way, you did a great job. I really appreciate it. "

And it came to pass, that when another man of Kobolt arrived in Gustav, who slapped Mardi's back with a bash, he went down from his horse, and took his hood, and said unto the prince,

"At all, Prince, be a little more vigilant. What would Lord Bash have done if he had failed?"

"Like I said, if it were a bash, it would have been Dagos, who said he would drop the cazzo and wait for the arrival of the eagle at the castle gate. That's my white devil."

This man really looks like your Excellency somewhere.

Even so Bash knelt down and said:

"Prince, I am a mercenary, may I speak from my side?

"We're friends with Bash, I don't care, tell me."

"Thank you, Prince.

This people of Cazzo has been quite abused until now by imposing heavy taxes on the lord's nobility. So if you put your taxes, less than half of what you've been, and protect them generously, you'll give your absolute loyalty to the prince.

Feeling obliged to do so, and reluctant to be abused again by taxes like the one before, the people should go ahead and join the Prince's army. If we do, the Prince's army will grow in numbers and we will likely produce a great deal of wealth even after the war. "

Gustav thought and answered the words for a while, putting his arms together.

"Let's hear what Bash has to say. Plus, we'll set up schools and hospitals here, and all the residents will be free. Dagos, arrange it that way."

And Dagos said unto the word with his head, even though it was a little tight.

"I get it, you just have to do it. If you do it."

Looking at these two somehow, don't remind me of His Excellency and Secretary Keith. The relationship between the two really looks exactly like each other... but what about schools and hospitals, is the Prince looking into Valkia?

Gustav has made an astonishing suggestion when he is wary inside that not only Bash, but Mardi and Miriam thought the same.

"At the place, I have a proposal for the three of you, will you remain under my command?

When the rest of you are king of this country, I'll make you noble, okay?

To the words, the three were astonished, but Bash bowed his head and answered.

"I'm sorry, Prince. We pledge our absolute loyalty to your pavilion, so to speak of mercenaries. So I said there was no such thing.

And the master of the pavilion gave me an order to come back to Nassau, so when the prince's men arrive, I want them to go back to Nassau. "

Gustav said the words with a slightly sad face.

"I can't help it. I'm sorry, forget about this story... but I want to meet Jen, who is called the Miyagi once.

Yeah, you told Mardi you had a daughter and you said you couldn't have a man in there. What do you say we look for the rest of the conversation?

Mardi answered the suggestion with his head down.

"I'm sorry, Prince. Earlier I heard that my daughter was finally bonded with a man who had always wanted to..."

"Can't you do that either... No, I don't mind. What a blessing that is.

Then let me know if you have a child and I'll give you something to celebrate. If a child doesn't have an official, the rest will be happy to welcome him. "

"Thank you so much for your concern for such a mercenary. Our palace will see you when the time comes.

Then it is time for us to prepare for withdrawal. "

The three men, when they bowed their heads to Gustav, vanished into the city in the rain.

Dagos advanced to Gustav, who had been staring at him for a long time, with a slightly unpleasant face.

"Prince, I do think Lord Bash and those three are great generals, but you won't have that far to go. He's just a mercenary."

When Gustav looked around and confirmed that there was no one there, he put his arms around him.

"Dagos, do you really think those people are mercenaries?

"Because when it comes to Nassau, it's a city famous for mercenaries and criminals. The flag I had was certainly that of those who controlled Nassau, called the Four Heads of Nassau, and it was a proper request through the Mercenary Guild.

If this isn't a mercenary, the credibility of the mercenary guild as an act of espionage will fall. "

To Dagos' answer, Gustav said, taking off his glasses and shifting his gaze only to Dagos.

"Dagos, that's sweet. Sure, those three behave as mercenaries, but those under their command can be mercenaries. That's a regular soldier."

"... the Prince already knows where the army is."

"Dagos these days, you're sharp. Oh, I've already checked... the total force is a million, they say, Eastern Coalition."

And the word came as a surprise to Dagos with his eyes wide open.

"Um, there is the Gard Devil Nation or the Ruthai Empire, is it the Eastern Union?!?"

"Oh, yeah. Besides, I thought you were a spy, but apparently, that's just a coaching unit.

Mercenary guilds, regardless of their origin, must commit espionage or treachery. I mean, if that unit didn't divulge the information, I guess it wouldn't be a problem.

Nevertheless, an exercise in action is an unscrupulous story, but if you survive, you will undoubtedly become a formidable soldier. Those three men are referring to Marshal Sakura, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. I can't believe you've come up with this, you crazy bastard. "

Such a good soldier, a million...

And when he heard the word, Dagos swallowed and feared Gokuri. But Gustav said something even more astonishing to Dagos.

"Dagos, have you ever heard of Raven?

"Surely, because they're too strong to control anyone, they're the ones who became extrajudicial in the Eastern Union, aren't they? Rumor has it tens of thousands of troops of the Serenity Empire have been destroyed by their ravens, or several cities in the Kingdom of Salz have disappeared."

"Oh, apparently that's a true story. I don't even know who they are... but there are rumors. I was wondering if Chloe Meisner, Marshal Sakura's secretary, might be one of them.

So when I looked into those three, I found something interesting. Those three had a last name.

Raw pawn bash. Miriam Fisher. And Mardi Meissner "

"I can't believe Meissner!

"Oh, I guess not. Mardi's daughter, who was always foolish that she couldn't have a man inside, would be Chloe Meissner, who would be Raven.

It's Dagos. I'm going to join the Eastern Union when I get the rest of this country.

King Lakes of the kingdom of Fresia, that schemer, after all these years, did not get that Eastern Union... it will also be a pleasure to get the rest "

Has this man thought much further? Exactly, isn't he the king in the king?

With that in mind, Dagos paid tribute to Gustav by merely bowing his head to Gustav, who knew it or put his hand on his chin and was grinning, but the back of his hand contained the engraving of that angel.


On Saturday, July 18, A.D. 5, the Cold Springs couple, who also came to visit from Kyo of the Luthai Empire, were playing with Sagittarius in the pool, and the pool was liberated for the servant and holiday, so Weiya Claire was also playing in the pool.

In that, the left-hand side said to the left-hand side of the bed next to the left-hand side, as the everlasting wealth rose from the pool and dripped its water, as he was gracefully indulgent in the bowl and summer bed.

"Huh. It's been hot this summer. At a time like this, it's best to swim in the pool.

Still, Lake Country, I've been hearing about your work in the courtyard lately from Article IX. Like I said, thank you for your dedication to averting the war peacefully. "

To the words, he answered with a smile, gazing at those who were playing in the pool.

"It's not just for Cold Springs. The Emperor felt the same way, so I just had to move... Lately, though, I suspect that the Emperor looks like Don Cold Springs, and that there is really a little Cold Springs in the Emperor."

And he said unto the unexpected word, Everlasting Wealth was blown out by accident.

"Pup...... Buhahahaha! Then what is it? If the lake country says so, I don't know.

But that one's changed, too. Now there is total majesty as an emperor "

"Well, the emperor lost his skills, too, and now he's desperate. I guess the goal is Kanbai Era Cold Springs...... as far as I'm concerned, I'd like to beg your pardon.

That's right, because I'd like you to book the Nassau Hot Springs Inn from October this year for a month?

"Um... I'm sorry about every year. Minori likes Nassau's hot spring inn in the fall."

"No, don't worry about my stepson like that. Besides, I've been too busy to stay with Minori, so it'll be just fine.

And it's a gift from me. I'd like you to be a little adult if you're hidden, because then this one will lose tension, too. Busty. "

When the left-hand side gave the signal, Busty, who had refrained behind him, offered a large cloth-wrapped object from the item box before his eternal wealth.

Eternal wealth seemed strange, and when he took the cloth, it was from inside that Hulbert, shining in silver, showed himself.

Unexpectedly he smiled and answered the Eternal Wealth, which he saw near the left.

"It will sit in Hulbert, produced by Calicia Reinbach of the Development Department. If there's anything you don't want me to do, you can always come and punch me in."

And it came to pass that the word near the left, with an unexpected grin, that Eternal Wealth twirled Hulbert again into the cloth, and offered it to Busty, saying,

"If you say that, you'll come and punch me tomorrow... a man who doesn't know if he's really disciplined."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Busty, don't let Minori know about that Hulbert, put it in a magic bag and give it to the Cold Springs servant."

"I understand. I'll be there soon."

Busty, who said so, once again housed Hulbert in a magic bag, moved to the Ruthai Empire with a space transfer as it was.


Busty's job was to manage Sakura's funds and to represent Sakura's interior, and Busty and Testa, the top servants, had their own room and office in the mansion near the left.

That was when he, as he was told near left, was walking down the corridor to deliver Hulbert to the Cold Springs family and return to his own office, and Iris came out of the corner of the corridor, and put his foot on the wall, and blocked Busty's whereabouts.

You have a bad feeling...... rather, I only have that feeling. Shall I avoid getting involved?

With that in mind, Busty smiled and looked back, as if nothing had happened, behind him was Lana blocking her hand from leaving her hand on the wall.

That's Lady Lana. I didn't know intent would take my back easily...... now shall we go into the room and escape with a space transfer?

I think so, and when I try to turn the door knob in the room in between, the door knob is frozen and doesn't turn.

Is that true, Master Cecily?

With that in mind, when Busty looked in the direction of Iris, Cecil appeared behind Iris in a wizard's hat, quickly raising his hat with his index finger to look at Busty.

Are you completely surrounded… no matter what, you won't let me get away with it.

So Busty said with a smile as he approached Iris.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry to take a seat. I have work to do…"

And Iris answered the words with a smile as if he had concealed his anger.

"Oh, Busty. If you still have work to do, you'll answer our questions quickly, won't you?

Follow me to the living room. "

That being said, it was as if to escort the prisoner, before Iris and Cecil, in the form of Lana and Cecily blocking Busty's escape at the rear, and when they brought him into the living room, there were teas waiting for him inside drinking alone.

Busty was taken inside as if he were a prisoner, but after this he felt as if he had been caught in the heart, forcing him to make the ultimate choice.

"Busty, do you know what they called you today?

So Busty answered Iris, sitting on the carpet, rubbing his chin.

"Well, I don't remember much...... what have you done?

"Actually, I went shopping at Beatrice's and Nassau's Rondelick's the other day, and that's where I met Chloe's father, Mardi. Anything, I said I was here to buy clothes for my daughter's child or something.

And he also said something interesting… "Thank you very much for welcoming my daughter Chloe into the family". At that time, I didn't know what that meant, but I purchased the information I was interested in.

Indeed, in May, my husband spent time at Nassau's mansion. Inside, you said only military officials could get in, right?

There is also the testimony of the guard...... My husband has been with Chloe for three days, pulling. Did you even make it for the kids?

Ugh, is that a lie? How many museum lovers can have children so quickly! In subhumans and humans, what a child can do is an astronomical probability... no, but there is a precedent to say Master Lana, so the possibility is not zero.

But if you admit it now, you'll find out I tried to pull it off with Lieutenant Colonel Meissner. Then they ask whose idea it is and discover the princess's involvement.

That's why, if I tell you, your wives will kill you... make it all my fault? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Take the pavilion or take the princess...

And Busty, thinking so, said, ready.

"I will sit with you for the first time about the child, but I know Lieutenant Colonel Meisner went to the mansion. I asked Lieutenant Colonel Meisner to keep an eye out so that your palace wouldn't go anywhere."

"So Busty was on guard and asked Chloe to go to the mansion?

"Yes, I will sit at your left. I thought the lieutenant colonel would be fine. Sorry, it was my lack of thought."

And it was at that moment, a pissy crack went into the hot water that the teas had, and with a smile, but a murderous voice in the words, he said unto Busty.

"Busty, we have eyes here. Bring your husband and Chloe to Nassau's mansion. And of course, I order you to pay all your servants."

"I'm in awe"

Dear Hall, I'm sorry to take a seat. This busty, princess cuteness has done something to sell your museum.

However, there is no earliest credibility for your wives.

Therefore, you must avoid losing the credibility of the trusted Pandora even by selling your museum. Really forgive me.

In his heart, Busty had apologized to the left and near many times.


That night, near left, Busty heard that dinner would be served in a pot at Nassau's mansion, and when he went out to the front door of Nassau's mansion on a space transfer, time after time, Chloe in her personal clothes also came out.

"Chloe, why are you here?

"I came when I heard Busty tell me that Kiyohiro was at Nassau's mansion and if he wanted to come with me at dinner... is it not?

... Something's wrong. Then why aren't the servants on the doorstep? The servants should be greeted when their guests arrive, even in Nassau's mansion.

I have a bad feeling...

With that in mind, they went inside, and when they headed between the enclosures, they were so wrapped up in killing that the left proximity unwittingly retreated the moment they went inside.

It was to the two of them who hesitated to go indoors as they were, that Lana prepared the duvet and smiled and told Chloe.

"Chloe, it's bad for you directly on the floor, so use this futon. Kiyohiro, you're on the floor... No, even at the garden end."

No, that treatment would be weird.

And they sat down, and the teas that were sitting in their seats set down the hot water, and said unto Chloe.

"So, Chloe. When is the due date of birth?


And he said unto Chloe, saying unto the exact word, In the face that Chloe dotted her eyes, And said unto Chloe, Left and Near, Unbelievable.

"You... you were pregnant?

"I didn't. Where is this information?"

So Iris and the others lit a question mark on their heads before Chloe, who waved in denial with all his might, in front of their faces. And Iris, roughly, asked Chloe a question.

"Hey, you're not pregnant with a child of Qing? 'Cause Mardi came to Rondelick's to buy some kids' clothes."

And Chloe answered the words of Kyoton.

"No, I have no idea what that means. Because I'm not pregnant.

I go to Kikka's obstetrician and gynecologist on a regular basis because she is still a woman, but she hasn't told me she's pregnant. I don't mind if you ask Kikka what it is. "

When Iris and the others were given such a mood, Left and Near smiled.

"Hey, it was really good. Who did you think Chloe was pregnant with?"

Chloe was so pretty in that exact statement.

"Those words really suck! Is that what you're saying, even if I'm really pregnant?

If you could, you would be the only one! It's really out of my mind that I'm supposed to have such a relationship with other guys. "

To that exact statement, when those around her opened their mouths with Pokhan, and Chloe understood what she had said herself, she exclaimed to Iris and Iris.

"Really, I'm sorry to sit down! As a matter of fact, without thinking about my identity, I have a relationship with His Excellency that I said so!

I accept any punishment. But my lord is not bad, I am all bad...... so could you please forgive my lord!

No, you're telling me. But, well, you're not the man who can blame Chloe for everything here.

"Chloe, face up. The bad news is, this is all me. If I sin against you here, I'll be the worst man."

That was the nearest left I intended to make a cool decision, but Iris' eyes were cold.

The teas slapped their hands, saying that they could no longer bear that gaze, and that the left proximity was turning away.

"Chloe, marry you, Master Tsing."

"Hey, tea!

So he told Iris, who complained, that the teas should speak calmly.

"Iris...... you all have been saying for a long time that Chloe would be good. Besides, Master Kiyohiro will continue to have a conversation about the friendship. A martial family is what you call it.

Then Chloe becomes my wife, and what's the problem? How much better Chloe than coming in from other weird houses.

Besides, it would be natural for many of you to marry your wives so that your lords and heads of state may leave offspring in your countries of origin. If you think it's good to be in Chloe, then it's a good thing. "

To the words, Iris and the others said that they were unable to say anything, and Chloe said with a little mojo.

"Um... I'm afraid you've defended me so far, but I'm not ready to get married yet."

To that word, everyone says, "Huh?" And Chloe told him why.

"Until now, I have been the one who has protected Your Excellency's back. I can't tell you very much, I'm also the one who's been supporting you in the back job.

And if I marry you and quit my job, I really think you'll have a hard time... and I want to feel like a lover. "

Chloe was turning the face bright red, but Cecily did tell the other four people who were worried because she thought she needed someone credible to know the circumstances behind the assassination.

"Chloe is absolutely right. We need someone we can trust at work. If we get married, we can snort about the house and all sorts of smudges that make us unable to move as we wish.

Except for the story if I can have kids, but until then, I guess it's good as it is now. But it's forbidden for both of us to stay... except Saturday night. "

As early as four had given up the mood on Cecily, who said so, and nodded as he was convinced, Chloe bowed her head many times in tears in her eyes and thanked her.

Whatever, if it's over, does it feel all good?

And he smiled, and said unto Chloe, Tea rose up, and said unto him, Shall we have dinner together?

"Then we're done with Chloe. Chloe, why don't we talk outside for a second?

"Ha ha..."

So Chloe stood up, and the moment the teas went out, he made a bomb statement.

"Later, it's time for Kiyoshi's sermon. Finally, if I apologize for the hidden funds of the Askley Chamber of Commerce"

"No you, what are you talking about... cold!

When he said that, he accidentally looked at his knee, and his left eye was frozen and unable to move.

No, are you serious about this development...

There were four angry demons in front of the nearest left, whose blood caught by accident, and the teas went out to the garden with a smile.

"What are you wearing! How many times have you cheated on me?

"For now, you're ready, aren't you? I was framed, too."

"... turning it into an extinguishing charcoal, but raw"

"No, no, sister. Because it's dead... if you kill it easily, it's boring."

The teas smiled at Chloe when they were silent for a while in the garden where they could hear the screams near their left.

"How's Chloe, you've done well. Well, I didn't think Cecily would agree with you anywhere else, but now you can go out on your own with dignity."

"Don't you hate it?

To Chloe, who asked the question by accident, the teas answered Chloe with a thrilling smile.

"Because I'm not the only wife from a previous life. In my last life, I was so sad and wanted to see you just at first sight, but I saw you again in this world... that's all I need.

Well, all of a sudden, a child, I thought it was in a different order, and it almost creeped me out... but now, it's just Elena. If it's over, it's all good.

Besides, I told you about the Wujia. Apparently, the Emperor of the Ruthai Empire and His Highness Seibei would like to appoint Mr. Tsing as Regent or General Tsubaki.

In that case, I think the offer of marriage from each guardianship position will come quite a bit. No matter how much Iris and the others say they don't want to admit, the connection between the martial arts is strong... it makes sense to tie it together, and no one will lose their lives, it's a peaceful political strategy. How can we not say this?

And another reason is because Pandora wanted you. "


"That's right. No one has noticed, but Pandora is behind Busty's actions.

Pandora... she's drawing some lines from our wives. It's like a subordinate relationship.

Such a child tried to use Busty to attract you and Master Kiyoshi. It's your mother's job to support you. "

This guy's got a really big bowl. I kind of feel like I'm small.

That was how Chloe thanked the tea from the bottom of her heart.

"Dear Tea, thank you so much for this."

"It's fine. This is a really good mother."

And the teas that said so said Chloe with a thrilling smile.

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