Early the next morning, Pandora and the others crossed the Edo River into Musashi, crossed the Nakagawa and marched to Geshi Castle, now located in Aodo, Geji-ku, with the brocade flag.

The Affordable Houses had already heard that Pandora had dropped Gexi Castle by herself last night and assumed that she had dropped it in tune.

But even across the Nakagawa, there are no soldiers to pick you up. This wraps up what's going on and the new cheap houses that are nervous.

And when the city of Castle was seen, every one of the people saw the knights with his eyes filled with fear, and inside he saw the flag of the brocade, and even went out to worshippers.

With no explanation whatsoever, when Anshuang and the others entered Gexi Castle, they immediately knew why.

A large detour, and crossing the moat using the water of Nakagawa, the armor was safe, but the flesh inside was crushed, and there was a small corpse that would have been a gatekeeper.

In that sight, with the look of an unexpected and incredible expression, when the Affordable Houses entered the castle, the prototype, which would have been human everywhere, remained slight, and the object that had become blood and crushed meat chunks rolled into the castle, and in it was crushed meat everywhere, in a great accumulation of blood, as if boiled human meat.

In the tragic scene, Shirley came and said unto the comfort houses, whose legs were stopped and confused, as he came out, who accidentally slammed things in his stomach.

"What are they doing? To Honmaru, proceed!

And it came to pass in Shirley's words, that the mimesis that moved only his eyes, with trembling fingers, pointed to the great blood pond hell, and said,

"Lord Deputy Commander... did this, heavenly punishment or something, fall upon the people of Gexi Castle?

When everyone saw Shirley as if they agreed with the words of proportionality, Shirley answered by looking at the tragedy, as she was convinced, "Ah."

"That's what our captain did. Everyone in this castle is."

"The captain... the vice captain, is our captain a ghost brake?

"The Devil's Brake? No, it's Raven. Each and every one of the Ravens, like this, has the strength to drop one castle.

So no one can control it, so the Eastern Union, as an outlaw, sets Raven up and gives him pride to obey. Well, the truth is, His Majesty Sakura is too strong to obey. "

Everyone loses their words to Shirley's words, but Affordable Housing questioned Shirley.

"Then. How can the princess obey a direct soldier who says the Knights?

If you're strong like this, you can win alone. No, then His Majesty doesn't need an army in the first place either "

"War is... well, it's His Majesty's hobby. To me, I don't know much, but to the Luthaians, you know better because you say so a lot.

Our captain, his son, is also enrolled in school, learning tactics from His Majesty, and taking command of battle in order to cross His Majesty, your father.

Besides, it doesn't kill all of us in one country, so there are only a few things that individuals can do. With that said, there were four other Ravens in this battle, and this is the first time I've fought with as many as four Ravens. "

Shirley said, in that word, Izu, who was weak and unfit for war, threatened Izu because he became a vault number, and with Knights funds, the cheap house, thinking about creating his own ministry again, remembered that Pandora had said to Izu, to introduce him to Raven, and he dropped his shock and shoulder.

Izu was motivated by the lack of anxiety he had felt about the vault number until now when Raven, so strong, was at his back.

And the others understood why the people saw themselves with the intermingled eyes of fear, and even some of them worshipped.

The people think that the Knights came flying the brocade flag because they betrayed the Emperor.

Indeed, from those who knew nothing, it was only natural to think so, but from the cheap houses they knew, a strange sense of security had sprung up that it was really good to surrender.

Thus, Pandora and the others, who occupied Geshi Castle without a single war, were wary of Geshi Castle, but based in Geshi Castle, asked when they would transport the illusionists on a space transfer to besiege Edo Castle, where the Allied occupation was made up of only illusionists.


Around that time, Leaving Shinjitsu and the others ready to move, the left-hand side was heading towards Kofu Castle in Kofi with the Hyogos.

The armor and feathers worn in Sekigahara, in the Battle of Kawanakajima, had bullet wounds, but the scars had already been restored in the Item Box, and the right wrist had a red cloth wrapped around it, indicating the healed magic within a month.

Next to it, he quietly proceeded to the horse, somewhere with a dark expression, and the left hand side spoke.

"Hyogo, maybe the wounds of the battle with Changheng haven't healed yet?

And when Hyogo saw the red cloth, which was also wrapped around his wrist, he answered.

"No. More than that, enriching Willow Raw, etc., and anxious to see if we can do something about it... every day, the burden is getting heavier."

"Well. Home affairs has never been done before, so we won't have a choice... yes, why don't we keep Mira and mentor her?

"Mira... So, would you like to sit down?

So he answered the armory round about with a smile.

"Anyway, when Morrie gets back, I'll be the one guiding the internal affairs business, and then I'll be there. Mira, too, is twelve this year, and even a little further away from the beads, she won't be lonely anymore.

Instruction in swordsmanship will be at the dojo in Lake City anyway because of the presence of Sakichi and Kraw, and if Mira gets lonely, she'll go see it on the beaded face with a space transfer.

Now focus on creating your own ministerial corps and figure out how far you can go to rebuild after the war. When it comes to that next stage, if you let Mira join the government, it won't be a problem. "

"... right"

That said the Hyogo answered with an uneasy look somewhere and went straight to Kofu Castle.

In the evening, the Left Kings marched in the town of Kofu, which they had eventually seen, flying the brocade flag in case, and as everyone saw the flag and lay flat at the edge of the road, they came to the great gate, and the Knights of the Holy Guidance, at the castle gate in a clean alignment, waiting for the Left Kings, Elias the Commander and Lune the Deputy Commander.

The sleeve of Elias' lost left arm uniform became so painful that his heart was tightened for a moment in the wind that he immediately told Elias that nothing had happened.

"My father-in-law, my lord. Welcome, thank you."

"No, because I am also responsible for making an agreement with the Kofi Conservatory.

And now I don't know if you're just going to save your life, change your name, and let me serve you at the Hyogo... are you serious?

"Yeah, I mean it. Well, there's also the morning court, and the martial arts of Giovanni and the others, so if those two are the masters, the morning court will pretend not to know, even if they know."

"That would be good...... would it be a little better?

And when he approached Elias, wondering what was the left proximity, Elias struck the left proximity.

"Actually, when I speak to His Majesty, Lieutenant General Kruger and Major General Kishima are here."

... from the ninja of the intelligence bureau, the information on the massacre Pandora committed went into their ears? Too soon than I imagined, but it was moving quickly, and that was helpful.

"Okay. I'll see you in the other room later."

That said, the left-hand side led Elias and Lune toward Honmaru.

When you enter the Honmaru palace for real battle, though qualitatively made, which I think is really worth 230,000 stone castles, you will face the words "face up" in the left vicinity as the ministers lay flat on the rear of the Ashigo and Giovanni, before the left vicinity guided into the hall, before the stark white appearance of the dead, while the left vicinity seats Sagi and Claudio in the upper seat, as if they were small names.

The raised Kofi face, while the castle owner for real battle, was somewhere clear and gentle, so much so that the left proximity was unexpectedly impressed with one of its movements.

And the praise of his gentle face came to his left with a caged voice of power that was not likened to his gentle face.

"This time, despite flipping an anti-flag against the Emperor, with one of these necks, we acknowledge the life of those in the house of the Asakura family, and we truly know with great pleasure!

"I know the ultimate in pleasure!

So when he saw the people of the Asakura family, who bowed their heads simultaneously, and nodded again and again, he gave the testimony that he had taken out of his nostalgia to Kofi to Chloe, who was holding back beside him, and Chloe put it in front of Kofi, and Left and Near said:

"It's worthwhile. That's a statement I wrote that I admitted would help people in the Asakura family.

And, as I'm sure you've heard from Giovanni and Fusei, the Asakura family and the Nagai family will become the great names of Yanagi after this battle, not as an imperial exile. I want you to be Hyogosuke's minister.

However, that's just how inconvenient it would be with your last name so far. So give the Nagai family the last name of Dandelion... right Giovanni, don't be too continental... "

So the left-hand side said as if he had come up with something: when he put his hand on his chin and thought for a while, he saw many palm flowers planted in the garden, which he saw as chillies.

"Kofi is a country surrounded by mountains. What about taking mountains from it and planting many in its gardens, with palms, with mountains and fruit pears, and saying pears?

To the near-left thought proposed in a completely cheap idea, Kofi Shouxi said quietly lying down, not realizing at all, looking at the yamanashi in the garden as a chillary, nearby to the left, who grew up more than childhood, putting this view of Kofi in his last name.

"This Asakura Kofi Shosho Hideo. To His Majesty Sakura, I bestow the last name of Yamanashi, and I thank you very much...

Instead, the Asakura family changed their name to Yamanashi. The Nagai family will be renamed Pusheng and crushed for the Yanagi family in order to reward this royal favor!

Two sons of Kofi, Giovanni's brothers, who were surprised by the unexpected reaction when they lay flat in tears, said to Giovanni, whether the feeling of Kofi was conveyed.

"Well, I'm glad you're happy. Hyogo will be in a position to take charge of the future great name of the Luthai Empire, take the lead in the prospect, and therefore not belong to any jurisdiction or exploration, become the great name of the imperial jurisdiction. Making this country a war-torn country again depends on everyone's work, encourage loyalty.

Okay, Giovanni. In Giovanni, your name is Yamanashi, and you have saved my grandson... so let me give you the name of victory. From now on, Seiichi Yamanashi and I need you to change your name and support the Willow House. "

When Giovanni saw Giovanni as surprised Giovanni said to use the name Seiicheng, which Giovanni had faithfully done in his previous life, given to him from the town of Senator Pusheng, he grinned and nodded, and Giovanni, without a word, just lay back and thanked him.

Well, what can I say, this guy admired Lord Pusheng, so he named me Lord Pusheng, I guess I'm glad he got the name of Seung Seong.

Even so, he said unto the others, A gentle face on the left hand side.

"The others, of course, will promise their lives. Well, the stone height of the Hyogo is 10,000 stones, so I can't hire many people, but instead I promise to hire them as military personnel in a certain country, and I promise to make them a unit under a certain direct command.

The strength of you and Shinano people was felt on Kawanakajima with this skin. If you could be my troops, I wouldn't be more comfortable with you. Yes, please. "

When everyone flattens with emotion to the word "direct jurisdiction" of the left-hand person, the left-hand person conveys the punishment with a serious face to Kofi.

"Okay, Kofi. I'll offer to cut you in the garden after noon tomorrow.

The wrong man is Hyogo, you. Don't drop your praiseworthy neck on the ground. "

Interrupt without dropping your neck. This was the greatest act of thanksgiving when the neck was slashed off, so that the fallen neck could roll and the dirt could not touch the face, but it took a lot of skill to drop the neck like that, and the left and near thought that the Hyogo was the most trustworthy in the arm of the sword, so he nominated it.

The Hyogo was also convinced that he was the best samurai, because it was the same thing that was said near left, and Kofi Shouxi was moved by the word near left that prepared the best samurai, and the two responded flat.

As if to confirm their feelings, the left-hand side ordered Chloe as she took Sagitta out of the hall on her way to the room where the Krugers were waiting.

"Chloe, go to Fushimi Castle with Lana at the tea place and ask the Emperor to come to Kofu Castle.

By the coming of the Emperor, the Hyogo ministers, the Yamanashi family and the Pusheng family, feel obliged to the Emperor and tell him that he will work as a Yamanashi family member for the future of eternity and emperor. "

"I'm in awe. Quickly, let the orchids get in touch with Tea Troops and we'll be on our way."

Chloe, who said so, was guided to about twelve tatami rooms with the Hyogo and Sagittarius, with the guidance of Elias and Lune, while confirming that he was leaving.

When they entered the room, Kruger said, slowly sitting near the left, paving the way to sit on the upper seat, near the left, where they came in with a serious face.

"Your Majesty... you know what our business is today"

Answer the words, left and near, with arms together and a serious face.

"Oh... it's about Pandora, isn't it?

Kruger said with a serious face that the Hyogos, who were two people snorting at the left-hand side, but knew nothing, were paying attention to the conversation between the left-hand side.

"Exactly. This massacre committed by the princess, of the surrendered Musashi army, including the conscripted peasants… this constitutes a clear violation of the military code, ignoring the order forbidding genocide of the people.

But the princess is a raven, so you can't punish her. However, if we allow this, we may also interfere with future operational actions.

Therefore, we would like the princess to take some punishment so that nothing like that will happen in the future, and His Majesty will take care of Raven. "

... Well, Kruger's story is through. How much Raven, if you stand in the way of the operation, you'd better not be there.

That said, no one else listens to orders, so let me take care of it... well, what choice do I have? It's just a clear responsibility to me, not much different now.

"It would be good, Kruger's story goes through. Let's do that."

And Kruger answered the words with a smile.

"Good. So, can you tell the princess that the summer bonus of 50% off her salary for six months is none, and that Her Majesty has no summer bonus of 30% off her salary for six months?

"Hey, wait a minute! I know Pandora, but why even me... No, my place, Sajita Chibisuke is here, and I just founded the country, and I don't have any money at all. That would be just awful and unreasonable!

That being said, I could not help but cry, but Kruger said as if he were frightened.

"As His Majesty always says, if it is not an unpleasant thing, it will not be punished. Besides, by nature, this is a case that could also be a capital offense by the time of the military law conference.

I know His Majesty beat the princess in front of the Knights the other day. So as the head of the internal bureau that controls the military, I intend to make the most concessions... even if you are unhappy with something?

Also, the money's disappearing... I'm really unlucky for you. I can't help it, why don't you bring the adventurer back to life?

"I have no choice, okay. So let's hit our hands."

"Thank you. I'll sit down. And this is a letter from my Sire Nina to His Majesty Sakura."

That's what I was told. In the letter I was offered, the left hand side reads inside, and inside [you know what I mean? Please] and it was just written in Luthai.

Please... Oh, you mean the next council presidential election. Next, Massei said it would be an empire and a dynasty ride.

Well, to His Majesty Nina, I take care of a lot of things, and it's bad for His Majesty the Emperor, but well, it'll be good. At any rate, the Sage Society will manipulate Congress.

The left hand side of the thought said quietly, placing the letter in the item box.

"Lieutenant General, tell His Majesty Nina I understand."

"Roger that. The Major General will explain later."

When Kruger told him, the crane started explaining by putting out a big map from Magic Bag.

"Ueno is with Maebashi Castle, Numata Castle, Rock Cabinet Castle, Kalin Castle, and Shirai Castle, of which, besides the two castles, Kalin and Rock Cabinet, they have the Demon Stone of Port City. So we attack from the north with witches, the SS and the Totsukawa River, and the Echigoku coalition, and from the east the Army attacks Ueno. Fortunately for the Army, Hasha was putting out reinforcements, so we made it.

Musashi also resides with Edo Castle, Hachio Castle, Narise Castle, Geshi Castle and Ninja Castle, but only the two castles without demonic stones are Geshi and Narise Castle.

Already, Hasha has dropped and occupied Geshi Castle, sending fleets to Edo Bay, and tomorrow the blockade will be completed and Edo Castle will be sealed at that time.

That said, even if you increase the water with illusion soldiers, you can only use it to the critical extent of validity in order to disappear with the effect of demonic stones, and if you discover it is illusion, you risk an enemy attack on the surrounding hasha, because you really want to?

"You won't have a choice. Pandora's done it, that's all I'm ready for."

And the crane looked toward the left and said unto the left.

"Okay. Then, by the day after tomorrow, we will contact the entire army with the march route, but if it stays the same, Your Majesty will be asked to attack Hachio Castle.

The enemy has a demon stone, so you can't use magic or skills, and you will get all the cannons, etc. out of your inventory from the inside… but don't forget that it will take a while until the next battle. "

You mean give out all the shells, etc. Are we going to have less ammunition and attack the next Southern continent in a little while?

Lord Oyaji, you'll be angry... Well, either way, for the hard flesh of the Great Ghost (Auga), the Demon Bullet is effective, but the amount of Demon Bullet is small, so until you accumulate some quantity, you can't move, so you can't help it.

So I thought, and the left hand side answered with a snort.

"Well, you will. Kruger, put some drawings of Hachio Castle in the supply."

"Okay, let's arrange it. Well, we're around here."

So said Kruger and the crane, who once bowed their heads to the left and tried to leave, but the left and near noticed something and asked the crane a question.

"Hey, Crane. Is Musashi a Goku?

Then, to the left and near question, the crane realizes what the left and near wants to say and answers with a smile.

"Yeah, I am. It's like winning already."

After all, did the crane understand?

With that in mind, when the two of them left, next to the grinning left hand, Saki pulled Elias' sleeve, with an anxious face, and asked the question.

"Jizz, jizz... you know, black people are better than your dad?

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. The rank is higher than that of Tsukiji, but Sachi's father is higher.

Lieutenant General Kruger is a great man, even in the coalition, who says he's an inside man, who controls everyone's salary, weapons and food. Among other things, they say security forces, they catch people in the army who do bad things and punish them.

Sakichi's little sister did it this time. Your father is in a position to take responsibility for your sister. "

In explaining Elias, Sakichi said with a slightly sad face that he could not help but discern the idea that if he did something wrong, he would be punished.

"Sachi... I never told you before, but I was punishing you for all the bad things you've done to Fujiro. So don't jerk off Fujiro any more."

Sachi cried, "I'm sorry" with a hug in his left arm when he turned his gaze away and put his finger on his head to cry, but Kraw was feeling like he had seen an adult dirty spot under it, watching Left Near smile.

Seeing that smiling sight, Lune questioned what he doubted.

"With that said, what are you talking about, the Five People?

"That's what you said earlier about cranes... tax rates. The lord is the lord, the people are the people's share.

So if you're a Five Citizen, the tax rate is 50%. "

Lune, who was unwittingly flabbergasted by the explanation of the absurd tax rate near the left, returned to me.

"If it's such a tax rate, you can't even store it, so if you have a famine or something, you'll have the dead in an instant!

"That's right. That's what the Luthai Empire looks like."

In a blatant and flat answer, Lune was unexpectedly outraged, and Hyogo asked him a left and near question, even as he saw such Lune.

"My father-in-law, because of such a tax rate, I don't think there are any people who take a sincere side in Musashi guardianship, because they say this battle has been won?

"Well, yeah... Hyogo, let me tell you something interesting here. Long pattern spears, now common sense of spear squads in the Luthai Empire. What do you think it was made of?

To the left and near question, even though the left and near said something about the warring age, Hyogo replied, "I don't know," twisting his neck, and the left and near answered with pleasure.

"That is a substitute for the birth of Lord Nobunaga as a result of his being too weak.

It was mainstream at the time, longer distances than short spears. In other words, if you line up and buzz from the top, technology doesn't matter, and even weak Oozhong soldiers can win, so they formed a long spear squad. "

"Ozhang's soldiers are weak? But even though he died of betrayal, Lord Nobunaga is the one who has been with us until now. It's incredibly hard to believe that Ozhang's soldiers, the birthplace, are weak."

Answer with a serious face to Hyogo who says so and does not believe the word near left, and near left to Elias and Lüne, who do not think they will understand.

"Ozhang and Musashi soldiers are undoubtedly vulnerable. The reason for this is, well, generally, we can't say it is, but Ozhang and Musashi, too, can spread the plains and eat their own.

But that mighty Kofi or Satsuma soldier could not live without battle and plunder. Well, Satsuma, even though the stone height is low, was an unexplained tax rate, so if you don't plunder it in battle, you'll die.

After that, you were strong with no complaints, always after the crowd. Traditionally, the crowd was a group of Buddhist fanatics who thought Lord Humble was a real Buddhist fanatic, who said he was still the rebirth of Shishaman Heaven after the passage.

Once upon a time, Lord Kwon Liu said, He, etc. would slash his neck, and if he didn't kill him for sure, he would get up and come towards him. As long as the arrow bullet hits him, he says it's coming towards him inside he can move.

Well, compared to that, Musashi soldiers have no reason to be strong. "

"But in the Odawara attack, we hear quite a few soldiers have gathered. I don't think a weak soldier would be able to gather in battle."

"Right there. I don't know why I'm so sure I won.

When I made my way to attack Odawara, the popularity of the people was slipping out, even though it was a cheap tax rate to be discerned, said Lord Zizheng. So when we attacked Kanto, the people fought us with their lives trying to protect the Hojo family.

But in the reign of Musashi nowadays, there is no such thing. I mean, morale is low without feeling in it, and righteousness is on this side... the result is more obvious than seeing fire "

So he went forward, and said to Hyogo, The left-hand side had a grin as if it were a bad man, and Elias thought that such a grinning left-hand side could surely win.

In fact, the attack on Hachio Castle that will take place after this will cause the castle to fall at an incredible speed, and Left Konda will head to Edo Castle.


The next day, a team of tea men from Vietnam arrived at Kofu Castle in the early morning, using three space transfers: Tea, Iris and Cecily. In the armies of the tea men, who marched at an incredible rate, the left-hand man who greeted them discovered the astonishments. Yes, it was Mr. Oyaji's Nassau mercenary unit.

"Mr. Oyaji! I thought you were in Yamato!

"You're close to the left! Haven't you fucked up yet?"

"I said I was more than a cockroach. It's not that easy."

"Hahaha! That's not a compliment!

The left-hand side, who welcomed the teas, when he discovered Mr. Oyaji, he accidentally screamed and approached him, and when Mr. Oyaji also smiled and approached him left, he said, tapping on the bread and each other's hands, smiling and hugging each other, and discovering Jake, Meer Cat, a pheasant pattern, who was fed up next door.

"You must have been Jake. What, you're depressed because Mr. Oyaji's alive and his bump didn't turn into a charade?"

Near left at this time was completely back in the mercenary age, and for that reason Jake also answered casually.

"Admiral, no. Mr. Oyaji, I bought information somewhere that I was accepting the recruitment of mercenaries in Kyo, and it's good that I went to Kanshima Castle to accept it, but Iris told me that I owe this unpaid job, and I'm seriously about to cry.

Really, what is the Ruthai Empire? I don't know what it means to have so many people together for no pay, just to raise your name. "

Well, borrowing, mercenary family business is a far cry, so can't you help it?

"Yes, don't be depressed, Jake. It's a special case, but I'll hang it up with the inside so you can get your daily allowance."

"Admiral! I knew you could count on more than some pub dude."

With that said, Mr. Oyaji's fist falls on Jake's head, who tears unexpectedly because he doesn't have to work for free.

"You idiot! So if I asked you to go near the left, you'd say it was one shot!

... No, Mr. Oyaji. Jake was the one who totally asked for it.

With that in mind, I saw Mr. Oyaji with his raw warm eyes, near left and Jake, but Mr. Oyaji had come to change the subject a little awkward.

"Well, with that being said, I kind of feel like there are a lot of security soldiers out there today, and it's not just about picking them up, is it like this?

"... no. Today, one of you will come, so the security is just tight... well, keep your eyes peeled. If you need anything, I'll arrange it."

That said, the left proximity, as it were, slapped Mr. Oyaji on the shoulder with a pomp, and he went back.


After noon, Kofi showered himself and cleansed himself, then in his own bedroom, alone quietly in a white figure, waiting for that time. Until now, it's been noisy outside, but now it's quiet as a lie, and the tension is transmitted so far.

However, in this situation, I regret why I took Musashi's side, and at the same time, I get an overflow of gratitude from the left hand side that improves the Asakura family.

The first and last, dinner for the whole family, made the new head of the Yamanashi family a triumph for the three men. I have nothing to remember anymore.

Finally, it was when I quietly closed my eyes, prepared to do only the first great amputation, in front of the close left hand of the witness, when I heard the footsteps of someone coming towards me, and this quiet footsteps, thinking that it was Elias, I heard Elias from across the hall, as I expected.

"Lord Kofi... I will sit with you in time"


With that said, when he slowly opened his temple, there sat Elias in his uniform, bowing his head once to Kofi, leading him to the garden.

In the gentle sunshine that rewarded the spring visit, the palm flowers blossomed early for the sunshine and colored the garden as if it were a blessing for merit.

Unexpectedly, Kofi Shouxi stops and wonders if he will die in such a beautiful place, and when he weeps, the wrong Elias asks Kofi Shouxi a question.

"Lord Kofi, what's wrong?

Now it was Elias who thought he was cowardly, but the word of praise was the exact opposite.

"No. I'm really glad you're going to die in such a beautiful place... heaven bless you with such a eagle"

Having said that, when he saw the worthy man walking out again, Elias followed after the worthy man, leaning his neck slightly, having no idea what the thoughts of the Luthaians were.

In the corner of the garden, visible from the hall, lay a double tatami, and behind it stood a bright white screen.

And next to him stood an armory wrapped around a horse, and once he bowed his head to Kofi, Kofi Shou's eyes opened wide the moment he saw that person sitting in the upper seat of the hall as many executives sat in a courtesy dress and Iris and the teas also sat in a courtesy.

It was the emperor of the Ruthai Empire who sat in the upper seat between Claudio of the courtesy and the near left.

In the appearance of an unexpected figure, Kofi Shouxi was surprised, but when he managed to sit down and lay flat, he heard a close left voice in Kofi Shouxi's ear.

Raise your face, Lord Kofi.

To his near-left voice, the emperor spoke with a gentle voice, in praise of slowly raising his face.

"Kofi, long time no see. What happened to me was that I was just weak... if you resent me, resent me."

"What do you say? This time, some eyes are cloudy and I can't see the truth of the matter, but I will sit on the sweet words of Musashi Shoguna.

To the Emperor, I will not sit any down. Besides, I am truly delighted that you have just taken me to a place like this, or that you will be able to see a certain end. "

That being said, the emperor answers, with a slightly sad eye, to the merit of bowing his head again.

"I'd really appreciate it if you said that. In witness this time with the witness, in addition to me, His Majesty Sakura of the Kingdom of Ceasel and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Claudio came to me in the name of the Emperor of the Serenity Empire.

Kofi, we'll take care of the rest. Never treat the worthy without them. "

"To me like this... I won't have anything to remember at the earliest."

That said Kofi Shou, when he lay down in tears and gave signals to the Hyogo standing next to him, cups and dishes were placed in front of Kofi Shou's eyes, and Kofi Shou quietly carried them to his mouth.

When the cup was poured with liquor at the temple, and drunk four times, the meal was lowered, and a short knife wrapped around the top of the blade was offered on three sides, Hyogo bowed his head to Kofi and called out.

"This time, I'm going to work for the wrong person, and I'm going to sit down with Hyogo Yoo."

The voice of the armory was somewhere nervous, and Kofi Shosho, who felt the nervousness, met lightly, and said:

"Hyogosuke. Never mind, just do what you always do."

In the words of Kofi, the Hyogo, who thought he was worried, said in small words, "I am sorry," and fell back behind Kofi, and purified the sword with water, and took the eight-phase structure.

Kofisho, as he prayed to the Emperors, looked at the blade of the short knife in front of him and closed his eyes, and took a few deep breaths.

When he dew his chest with his right hand, he held the knife in his hand, turned the three sides behind him, and the moment he put his weight on him so that he could sit, he protruded the knife into his belly at once.

As if flowing, in a motion free of all waste, the left proximity even feels unexpectedly beautiful, it was the moment when Kofi pulled the short knife that pierced his belly at once and tried to slash Kofi's neck, which the Hyogo protruded before, Kofi said to the Hyogo, even though it was attacked by severe pain.

"It's still..."

To the exact words, not only was he surprised by the Hyogo, but also by the proximity of the left, and Kofisho said with a trembling voice, when he stabbed him again.


To signal the word, Hyogo was not lost, because he wanted to make it quick and easy, or he waved down his sword at once, and when he slashed Kofi's neck with a piece of skin connected, he hid the body of Kofi's, which had stopped moving as it was, with a white screen by a Luthai soldier, and temporarily gave it to Lune in front of the three sides with a Kofi's neck.

When he saw Kofi's head, he spoke to Claudio, who was turning bright blue, with a face that seemed to cry even now, trembling with his voice.

"Lord Claudio, keep this man firmly burned in his eyes with his young eyes. This man has gone in the wrong direction, but is a true loyal minister.

Civil war is really terrible. So many loyal ministers who think of their country die… Those who stand above their country are about to be crushed by their responsibilities, but if they do, they have no face to let the dead meet them.

If this happens, it's a real hell of a living... how did Kiyohiro feel about it?

"I sat with a gentle man, thick in righteousness. So let's just say we got on board with Musashi Shogunate's sweet words.

Slashing your belly on the cross is not a big deal. In response to our righteousness, we accomplished it beautifully… we lost a man of regret. "

And the emperor, who nodded again and again unto the word near the left, said unto the left hand, with his hand upon the neck of Sophisticated.

"Kiyoshi, if you can, I hope you will forgive me as much as you can, except for the main culprit, so that this will never happen again. A favor as a friend."

Emperor... how sweet is that?

Though he thought so, he answered the emperor with a gentle face.

"Of course. In this battle, many have shed their blood and disappeared into the battlefield.

Let the Yokose family and Nijo take full responsibility for the cause. Never again will this happen, including the meaning of the show. "

Near left, when he said so, the emperor said, "I am sorry," and prayed for the blessings of prayer as they were, and began to read the scriptures.

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