Another Life

King's Character

The morning after Kofi was hungry. Near left, at Kofu Castle Honmaru Palace, looking at the edge, Sakichi was talking to him, but he discovered an empty iris somewhere above him.

"Yo, what's up?

That's what I said, smiling and sitting next to Iris. Near left, Iris looks at Chirali and nearby left and answers.

"You... about your father's arm, he told me to treat him as usual, but I don't know how to treat him...

Besides, Colonel Ravio said he's kind of taking the lead on a dangerous job, like his father wants to die... really, how do I catch it?

You want to die...... well, my father-in-law, I agree with Lune that you can get into Kofu Castle alone.

Even so, when he took the flue out of his nose and added it without lighting it, he held Iris and said, stroking his head.

"Well, this is all a matter of our own relatives, and it's not a matter of us saying it anyway... but suppose I ask Cecily to quit the army and even be a school teacher if she's good enough?

Classes of warrior warriors, like my stepfather, will want cavalry as well as cavalry. "

"Right... where, why don't you light it?

"You, you hated cigarette smoke before, right?

To that near-left word, Iris was glad, or leaning softly to the near-left, that Saki complained toward the near-left because she had been taken of her mother.

"Dad! Mom, it's mine!

"Bakatare. It's my win at the point where I treat my mother like one. If you regret it, be nice to a woman and be a man who can protect you."

Because he was told with a proud face that he had won near left, Saki was about to regret it, and when he left as if he had stubbornly said, "I'm going to play with Klau," Iris laughed at Couscous and felt happy.


Wednesday, March 24, A.D. 6. The coalition forces launched simultaneous incursions into the remaining Ueno and Musashi.

In the middle of the night of the same day, Kofu Castle was besieged because the Left Kings had also left the Knights of the Holy Order in front of them and were able to march without any resistance.

Hachio Castle. Situated west of Musashi, it is the largest military base protecting Musashi from the west and built in abundance, Mountain Castle.

The territory, surrounded by the North and South shallow rivers, was called a difficult castle, built in a range of about three kilometres from east to west and three kilometres from north to south, and using complex terrain such as mountain ridges and valleys.

Focusing on the main circle at the summit of the mountain, several curved rings were joined, between which the defenses were enhanced by deep moats and moats, and in what should be called the Sanomaru at the foot, curved rings were also built along the river, rare to the eastern countries of the Ruthai Empire, which consolidated their defenses with stone walls.

Near left, he broke up second-hand with the main unit at the main gate and the Knights of the Holy Guide at the temple and besieged them.

Originally, it might have taken a lot of time to attack and fall, but at this time the strength of Hachio Castle was only three hundred, and defending its vast Hachio Castle was low morale because it was clearly not strong enough and was surrounded by more than 20,000 left-handers.

Even closer to the left, without being forced to attack, he rode the blue leaves and shouted that he was single and approached the major gate.

"Eastern Coalition Marshal, it's Kiyoshi Sakura! Give good news to your enemies in the morning.

If you open the castle gate and surrender by tomorrow morning, I'll accept you. Of course, even if the castle owners don't accept it, raise your hands and prove that you have no intention of fighting, and surrender and your life will be saved.

But after tomorrow morning, whoever remains will die here, or be beaten to the head by the Sanjo River Plain in Kyo, by all the clan royalists. Of course, you don't have to tell me what it doesn't matter, whether it's the people or not!

The voices near left echoed the mountains and sounded across the Eighth Prince Castle, or the soldiers in the castle saw the upset, and they felt as if it was a mess as it was, a man like the troop leader at the major gate shouted.

"Don't be ridiculous! Who surrenders? We'll fight here until we're the last soldiers!

That took a while. It's a bad idea to be in a verbal match.

Though he thought so, he smiled unexpectedly, and shouted even louder.

"What is that language, this morning enemy! With that disrespectful language, the deadline will be this evening!

If you don't hurry, it depends on my mood, I'll make the deadline noon of the day! Do you expose the body here, or in Sanjo Kawahara, line its neck? Or the people go home, forgiven as they are, and the samurai live as soldiers in the coalition or not!

Holy shit, we don't have time for this. As always, even if Musashi Shogunate continues to be the lord of Musashi, your lives will not be better.

Rather than that, the Yokose family, the Musashi guardian, will perish here and become the next guardian, with a lower tax rate and a better life! Well, I wouldn't say anything if you guys were to live like bitter livestock like this!

So he said and laughed, and went back near the left, and the next time he heard no objection.

That was supposed to happen, too. In the castle, an exploration had begun as to how to move between the conscripted people and the samurai, whose hearts had been moved by the words near the left.

Knowing that, near left, he made the floors ready for a good view of the great gate, sat doggedly, and when he took out the flue pipe and set it on fire, he commanded Chloe, who was holding back next door.

"Chloe, bring Mr. Oyaji and his mercenary unit here."

"I'm in awe"

Mr. Oyaji, who had been here for a while, with a big axe, spoke to the left hand side, who was grinning when he saw the main gate.

"Near left, your voice would be too big. We could hear you in the back."

"If it weren't for this, you wouldn't even hear Honmaru. More than that, Mr. Oyaji... why don't you go in first, plunder, and warm your nostrils?

Saying so, Oyaji replied with an equally grinning grin on his left hand side, pointing a demonic grin at him.

"... is that good? For us, thank God, but Coalition, isn't that bad?

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, Pandora did the slaughter in the Lower Gross, so by the way, if you don't do it, you'll be nailed.

However, whoever faces the blade may kill him, but whoever surrenders, capture him and give him to us. I have to drop my neck at Sanjo Kawahara in Kyo.

And all the weapons and treasures in the castle can be looted, but only gunpowder and roasted balls are allowed to be recovered by the Allies. Still good?

"Of course. Because the amount of gunpowder is difficult, it's too dangerous for us to use, and we don't need it.

Hey, Jake! Tell everyone what's left and closest. Time for work!

To Mr. Oyaji's words, the morale of the mercenaries rose at once, waiting for the decree of the assault, but tea asked in a whisper in his nearest left ear.

"Dear Mr. Kiyohiro. Are you sure you want to plunder me?

"I'm fine. If we let a few people escape and spread this tragedy to Edo Castle, there will be confusion inside Edo Castle, and if we succeed, we will begin to argue with each other by breaking up with the surrenders and the main warriors.

Chloe, let a few of the soldiers you caught get away on purpose and arrange for Edo Castle to escape. Keep in touch with Pandora. "

That said, the left-hand side was grinning and Jake, who was listening, wondered if the left-hand side was really the devil.

Eventually, beyond the castle gate, which was tightly closed, the anomaly occurred. After noon, he heard a battle.

Near left, the Knights of the Sacred Guidance are not moving when you let the orchids put in a check if the Knights of the Sacred Guidance have moved. On the contrary, even the gladiators of the Knights of the Holy Guidance could hear the sound of battle.

Again... when it comes to the Five Citizens, it's a pretty heavy tax. Besides that, I also went in for military service, I couldn't plant it like this, and the peasants had to starve to death or die.

But if the Musashi guard loses, if he thinks the lord will take his place and the tax rate will change, anyone will eat it that way.

This happens because the Yokose family is not admired by the people, like the Hokujo family in the previous world. But how far a Musashi people unfamiliar with the war will go is a battle.

That's what I thought. The near-left reading had hit me. Initially, he was a samurai of the Yokose family who had been confused and pushed by the popular revolt, but he stood in a group of two circles of curves and consolidated his defense.

And it came to pass after noon, that the gates of the great gate and the temple of the mighty hand were opened, and many soldiers surrendered.

Near left, as if to show him who had surrendered to those who stood caged, and fed him in an open place, and entertained him generously, there came out among the remaining samurai that stood caged in two circles.

But by the time it was evening here, the left-hand side had made a decision. And it came to pass, that as the line of surrenderers came from the gates of the castle, when they stood before the army, they let the bashes unfold behind them, and cried out.

"Too bad, time's up. If you resent me, resent yourself for not being decisive!

And it came to pass, when the left hand was raised, that the bashes set up their rifles, and the men of the castle gate saw the colour of despair, and their feet were gathered together.

It was the next moment, when the simultaneous firing began, and whoever came out of the great gate, be it a woman or a child, fell flabby, and from behind, the wildfires of the four gates sprayed fire, and shelled the two circles.

Many screams and voices of despair echoed in the mountains, and the left-hand side threw a pocket watch from his pocket to Mr. Oyaji behind him and said:

"Stop the shooting now in three minutes, and in ten minutes, stop the shelling of the two circles. After that, do as you're supposed to do."

In his closest words, Mr. Oyaji, with a grin, raised his axe high and shouted.

"Bastards! Nassau is proud, near the left of the ghost, with ink! Don't do anything halfway and paint Nassau's name with mud! Take it away from me thoroughly!


The eyes of the mercenaries who said so were those of the carnivores who had found their prey entirely, and even Mr. Oyaji had returned to his old mercenary face.

And that's when it came. The moment the shooting stopped, Mr. Oyaji ran first, avalanche into the castle with his axe on his shoulder and roar.

Millia and the others in the Nassau Guard, the horseback riders, watched with envy.

These men, who were originally mercenaries, looked with envy at others from the infantry mercenaries, and the left proximity shouted in the direction of the Nassau Guard.

"What the hell are you doing? I gave Nassau's men permission to loot.

Then it would be a coalition soldier, but that includes you, naturally! Sometimes, come back and have fun as a mercenary!

Everyone was surprised by the exact near-left word, but as Miriam roared and burst into it with pleasure, it was followed by people from horseback riding squads and infantry mercenaries, who went inside. In it, for some reason, the nobleman Theodoro also seemed to enjoy himself, heading towards the Eighth Prince Castle.

"... Your Majesty, was it really a pleasure?

And he answered the bash, bewildered to the left.

"If I hadn't let him go elsewhere, my grievances would have exploded. I don't have a choice.

Truth is, I want to go, too, and I'm wuss... "

With that said, it was the left proximity that trembled the fingers of both hands as wanawanas, but when Iris saw Saki and Claudio, who were donning and felt this was not good for education, said, "Okay, come here," and pulled the left proximity, he began his sermon time a little further away.

In the meantime, the looting of mercenary units was extremely intense and, if expressed in a word, a place worthy of the name [barbarian].

The women and children of the samurai, who stood caged in the castle, feared to be humiliated by the mercenary forces, continued those who had lost their lives themselves, and the men stood in front of the mercenary forces to buy a little time.

But the infamous Nassau mercenary put himself in the midst of fights and killings all over Nassau town on a daily basis, so he only thinks [he was unlucky], whether his companion dies or not, and he doesn't know he's frightened.

Even more extreme were those of the Nassau Guard. The original character of Nassau's mercenaries combined with thorough tactics and strong men who had mastered various ways of fighting, making him the fiercest and worst opponent for the soldiers of Hachio Castle.

There is no way those whose morale has been depressed to the bottom can win the onslaught of such people, and they are relentlessly killed one after the other.

Eventually, the end came to the feast of the barbarians. And a great fire was kindled out of the buildings of the two circles.

"Who is it, who set the fire! The treasure will burn!

Unexpectedly, he was Mr. Oyaji, smiling and screaming with pleasure, but his appearance was bright red with returning blood, the two very names attached to the dancing madman.

"... Oyaji, it's too much"

And when Mr. Oyaji looked back upon the word, there stood Adele with a frightened face.

"Because, oh, the long plunder will also increase the tension. Is that right, and Adele's here to plunder you too?

I'm going to that shabby cabin over there, but it's an old favor, you want to come with me? For a long time, the more expensive, the more treasure I've hidden in the shanty hut I've told you. "

That being said, when he saw the hut ahead pointing quickly at the back with his thumb, Adele shook her shoulders and obviously answered with patience for a laugh.

"I'm at work. I tried to get some information from the castle owner here, but he set the building on fire, killed his family, and then he killed himself."

"Seriously... the Ruthai Empire really doesn't make sense"

"Well, I'm going to report... yes, Mr. Oyaji, the cabin there is a toilet. I think there's only shit in there, but, well, good luck with that."

That was Adele, who disappeared after saying so, but the leftover Mr. Oyaji shouted at Jake as he tried to enter the large building, turning his face bright red, whether he was embarrassed for a while, or whether his inexplicable anger had come in.

"Hey, Jake! That's the building I laid eyes on, I'm going in first!

"Huh!? Mr. Oyaji, because the shack is better..."

"Shut up! Oh, shit, pay for the accumulated bumps, then complain!

With that said, Oyaji, who pushed Jake away and went into the building to say whether it would be the residence of the likelihood of a man of high stature, axed and slaughtered the soldier who had come towards him the moment he entered the building like half an eightfold.

In this feast of madness, those who had surrendered near the left, the words that they had been told to capture and hand over to the coalition had already disappeared from the heads of the mercenaries.

Those who begged for their lives, and those who wished to surrender, did not understand Luthai, but the mercenaries piled up many piles of corpses, precisely where they had slaughtered them.

That, among so many tragedies, the men of the Nassau Guard were just about to turn them over to the left by gathering in one place those who had kept their orders and surrendered.

Later, when the looting ended, and the left-hand proximity came, and I was surprised at the number of the dead, but ended with "oh, good," Iris took the left-hand proximity behind the building again, and the sermon began again.

"Kiyohiro, what are you thinking! I'm not a mercenary anymore.

If even the king himself were found out besides the military, who ordered this, the royal majesty would be gone. And it's bad for Sachi and Claudio's education. "

Iris answered with a pinkie finger and a hodgy ear, although it was the best story.

"I think the mess that I said is that on this occasion, there's information going to Edo Castle, and it's going to be a lot of pressure, and it's pretty effective.

In the first place, it would be ideal in this situation, because the purpose is to distract them, lure them out of the castle, or put pressure on them.

Besides, majesty and shit, if you fight us, if this happens, if you're on our side, if prosperity is promised, there won't be any traitors out there.

I have seen more than I can count those who speak of majesty and perish as they are. Without fear and profit, most people don't follow… only a few follow. "

"Still, I'm not convinced. What are you gonna do, if Sakichi turns out to be a bandit in the future!

"Bandits, without thought, plunder, but we have a purpose ahead of us. This is a big difference."

Near left, not listening entirely to his own opinions, Iris said that even if he had entrusted Saki's education near left, he thought it would become a bandit-like thought, became emotional and slapped him on the cheek near left.

"Then you're saying no! Enough, I'm taking Sachi and Claudio home!

With that said, Iris, angry, took Sachi and Claudio home on a space transfer to Lake City, and the left proximity rubbed his cheeks, but watched without saying anything.

"... is that good as it is?

And it came to pass, that he heard in hiding, and Cecily came out, and he answered with a polypoly in his left hand.

"Well, you can't help it. In the empire where Iris was, the emperor had no choice, because he must have been such a man, or a knight's lineage.

Sakichi and Kraw are young, so we can still fix them. Exactly, if I coach you, and you become a brain flower garden, it's bad for your Majesty Lannis. "

"Hmm... I know what you're both saying, and I can't say anything, but if you dare, some of the people, the imperials, are quite here, so why don't you listen to Iris?

… does Cecily's opinion make sense?

"So is that. I'll find a fold somewhere and deal with it."

That said, the left-hand proximity went back to the temper, but Iris' education, which begins here, greatly influenced the thoughts and personalities of young Sakichi, and seemed to create a conflict with the left-hand proximity.

Afterwards, the Eighth Prince Castle was looted by Nassau's mercenaries, and only seventy or so survivors became tragic.

And three of those seventy men fled for a slight gap as they were sent to Kyo, and headed for Edo Castle, but the situation was being monitored by the wind people.


Edo Castle, Musashi Country. It was the castle of the Yokose family in the Musashi guardianship position, and it consolidated its protection in a wide water borehole using the Kanda River, placing the town, etc. in the outer circumference, as if it were a castle floating in water, with a plain pseudonym in the total stone wall.

However, unlike Tokyo today, the sea of Edo Bay stretches right in the eye and at the end of the nose of the castle, and the sea has already been sealed off by the navy of the coalition forces and shelled daily, and the knights of Hasha cried out from the land to lower their morale.

The effect was visible, and the morale of the soldiers in the castle had fallen to the point of falling, but there were other factors.

It was not only the soldiers of Musashi who stood in Edo Castle, but also the troops of Ueno, Shimono, and Nagashiriku who stood in cages together, and each guardian was worried about his country, and his dissatisfaction with the formation was growing as if he were protecting only Musashi.

There was an incident in Edo Castle. Near left, the night after the fall of Hachio Castle, the three men who used the darkness to escape Hachio Castle were found swimming from Edo Bay and entering the moat by those in the castle.

Immediately after the report entered the book, the book assassinated the three people who had escaped to seal their mouths, but there was no door in the mouth of any man, and the rumors were in their ears even to the three guardianships.

With that in mind, the troops of Ueno, Shimono, and Nagashiriku, who planned to fight together at Edo Castle, were not known when to betray them, and were very much out of battle.

In the meantime, the next day, Shibuya Gate in Edo Castle showed up, making the castle a slaughtered air at once.

Somehow, the vigilance is weirdly strict.

Even so, the left-hand side saw Edo Castle stretching across the moat with Lana and the others, and a slightly strange viola came.

"Your Majesty, Major Nelson of Hasha and Major Okamoto are here"

Shirley and the Octopus Boy... Pandora are dying to come anyway, so I guess the two of them are just fine.

"Let me through."

Everyone was surprised by the look of Shirley, who came in instead, as Viola went out to the nearest left word.

"Hey Shirley! What's the matter with you?

Well, if Shirley was dressed as a man, everyone would want to put in a scratch.

But I guess I can't answer that because I play the role of a man in a physical relationship with Pandora. Do you want me to give you a little help ship?

Next to Cecily, who accidentally said to Shirley, it was gutsy and the left-hand side that he still misunderstood, but Shirley answered Cecily with a seemingly complicated face.

"As a matter of fact, the deputy head of maternity was killed and I was named the next deputy head of the department. Therefore, in order to abandon the woman and protect Hasha's name, she looks like this."

... Inside, that's a good excuse. Next time, take a peek at what you've done with Pandora... no, no matter how many lives you have, it's not enough.

Well, as a father, it would be nice to keep an eye on him sooo warm.

With that in mind, he said with a smile and delusion that everyone was paying attention to the left and near, who nodded again and again.

"Yes, no, I think that mindset is fantastic. Pandora didn't come to say hi because it was so hard, did she?

Suspected of being deluded as much as he could, Shirley replied with a bitter laugh to the nearest left word he had said.

"Correct. Well, the princess has that personality, so forgive me.

That's right, Your Majesty. As a matter of fact, in the middle of the night yesterday, a sentence like this arrived from Edo Castle. How can I help you?

When I read the text that was offered to me that way, Left Near was caged in Edo Castle, in a letter from Shoguno Sasaki, the content was that he wanted me to save the life of the minister and his clan in exchange for my neck and inner response.

And when he had read the letter, he looked into the left, and said,

"Sure, it was in the left. Have you read this letter?

"No, I didn't read it because he asked me to give it to His Majesty."

"Then read it"

And he said with a smile, as he received the letter, and read it with Shirley, in his left hand.

"Your Majesty. Isn't this exactly a one-of-a-kind opportunity?

Using Shimono's insider, I'm sure Ueno and Nakuriku will be on your side. "

Everyone was convinced by the words in the left, but the left hand side said with a devilish grin.

"You're still weak. At the time of entering Edo Castle, we cannot allow ourselves to surrender.

Left inner. Contact the Koga people in the castle, burn the Edo castle's armory, and let this letter, and the letter written by the name of those who said it before, pass to the Musashi guardian. "

"Well, then, Lord Shimono, you will be killed!

And when he said so, he was astonished to the left: but he put his arms together, and looked to Edo Castle, and said,

"Yes, that's what I'm after. If Shoguno Shimono is killed, the next two Uenos, Nagashima, who thought they were will move.

Those under the murdered Shimono guard will also move... the battle begins in the castle. At that time, I suppose I'll just slap it with my current power.

Koga people in the castle are securing musashi guards and books. Never, ever let it go to self-determination. "

... what? His Majesty seems to be tormenting and pushing Musashi Shogun, as if he were going to bump his anger. You got something for me?

Though he thought so, he heard the voice of salvation within the left, which was troubled by the answer.

"Near left, you're not like you... something wrong?

That being said, it was the Synopsis that came into the main unit.

"Oh, Yuanta! You finally made it!

With much joy, the left hand side rejoiced with the Nobunaga and the fists, but the left side saw Edo Castle and asked the Nobunaga questions.

"Doesn't it... So how would you attack?

To the nearest left question, Shinjitsu had a sentence in his left hand, and answered it through his eyes.

"First, accept the conditions of Shimono Shosho, and abbreviate the two remaining Ueno Shosho and Nagasuke. And also abbreviate the disgruntled Musashi Shogun's subordination, attacking Edo Castle in a night raid.

It's in this annoying loudspeaker. It will be delayed to detect the night raid, and it is better to let those who respond to the inner response take the lead. That way, the damage on this side will be held back.

And if they die, if they do the same thing as they did with their stomachs, the three guardians will fight for their lives.

Besides, if you drop this place, the remaining castles will also be opened and surrendered. As a result, this battle will be over soon.

But what are you doing? It's not like you. "

Well, Yuanta is right... maybe I ran too far into personal feelings because of the Cold Springs.

That's what I thought. Once I took a quiet deep breath, I took a flank out of the item box and offered it to Shinjitsu.

"Me, too, not yet. Something happened to His Highness Cold Springs, and he seems to have run a little personal.

Yuanta, would you take command of the Allied forces in my place?

When everyone was flabbergasted by the left-hand suggestion without much thumping, Shinjitsu said to him, stopping perfectly and looking at the left-hand side.

"Near left, if you call it an order, I won't do it... are you sure?

That was what everyone thought, but the left-hand side answered with a little loneliness.

"It doesn't matter. Whatever happens, I'll wipe your ass.

Chloe, give him the support of Yuanta. I'm gonna chill my head a little. "

That said, when the left and near gave the sides to the syllabus, he slapped the shoulder of the syllabus with a pomp and left the main formation as it was.

Everyone was surprised that the left-hand man had given command to someone in the middle of the war, and all of a sudden Shirley stood up and said as if she remembered something.

"Well, I'm going back to the Knights, so for more information on the operation, please contact Major Okamoto here."

So Shirley thanked him, and when he left the main unit, he went straight to the left.

"Your Majesty, may I have a moment?

Left proximity, who was leaving the main formation and about to cool his head a little on the blue leaves, was summoned by Shirley to stop and say with a slightly surprised face.

"Shirley... what's up?

"Um, just for the record, the insider I used to say was Yokose family elder, Yoshise-kutaro Yoshisei... I became an insider on the condition that I would save the lives of my clan and just dispose of the Imperial Exile, would it have been nice?

... Why are you asking me? If Pandora gave you permission, you wouldn't need my permission.

Is that it? That's the name you heard somewhere... Yes, Shirley took it, the famous minister of Musashi Shogunate was definitely called the Red Ghost of Musashi, he was the Hanbei of Musashi.

Well, do you want me to help the rest of the clan that I took over? Sounds like Shirley, but Pandora used to forgive you. You surprise me.

With that in mind, the left proximity gave a quick signal with his chin to talk while walking.

"Speaking of inns, you fought Shirley, that Red Ghost kid from Musashi?

Pandora is the General of Affordable Housing. If that Pandora gave you permission, you wouldn't need my permission... is there anything else?

To the near-left question, Shirley said, "Is it a little hard to say?"

"That's what I told you to contact me if you decide what you want to do in the future...... I heard from you last night.

Apparently, your inn admires a samurai like his father's Half Guard, and wants to join the coalition... it's also Hasha's... "

You want to join Hasha? No, that would be Pandora's case... are you saying that the Red Ghost is not that strong?

Well, then, in a knighthood full of such mad warriors (Berserkers), you see them die soon. You want me to do something about it?

"... Could it be pretty weak?

"It's not quite weak, but it's not strong... it's not suitable for action."

Does that mean that spears and knives only work in the dojo? That would be tight in the real-life focus of Pandora.

I wish I could leave you alone, but Shirley must care about your lodging. But it's tight in Hasha...

Though he thought so, he said that he thought a little bit about the left and he came up with something.

"Yes, it would be a good idea to make Shirley's direct unit, leave the captain close to the captain and escort the Askley Chamber of Commerce"

"When you were told you were close, Elena said you were like family?

"That's right. I now belong to the Blue Dragon Squad, Lieutenant Arima Kanji.

Sword arms are good, and most importantly, take good care of them. Now, he's like Elena's brother, but he's a really trustworthy man.

Every time a long distance disappears in a battle, Dr. Miles can't move as much as he thinks, so I was just thinking about making the long distance an exclusive escort for Elena from the Blue Dragon Squad. Among the Knights, as Shirley's direct unit, you should serve as an escort to the Askley Chamber of Commerce.

Besides, if Shirley turns that red ghost into a brave man, it will be an exercise when he makes a brave man, and if there are two brave men, Dr. Miles won't have any trouble. After that, even Pandora snorted. "

I thought Shirley would be okay with that, and I bowed my head deeply.

"I can't, thank you so much for asking. I'll come back soon and talk to the captain."

So he said unto the thankful Shirley, and the left hand side slapped him gently on the head, and said with a gentle voice.

"Shirley, you're not just flesh, you've become me and Elena's child to the soul.

Easier, say anything. I don't care what my family tells me. "

To a gentler left-hand word than his own father, Shirley really wished the left-hand man had been his father, and when he said happily, "I see," what did he think the left-hand man said in Shirley's ear, whispering when he looked around and confirmed that there were no people.

"Hey, Shirley. I was just wondering if you're changing the way you talk to that man costume... in relation to Pandora?

Shirley initially had no idea what it meant to ask the nearest left question, but she gradually figured out what it meant, and she answered with a low voice when she turned her face bright red and leaned down.

"No... I don't mean that at all... does Pandora, too, think so?

Did you just put in the mood to be vice president in a bee?

Though I think so, the left proximity says with an arm together and a smile.

"You'd think so. 'Cause as much as I think I do, I definitely do."

And it was said unto the left hand, and Shirley, whose face was bright red, and mojimoji, but at that time, Iris, whose fist fell upon the head of the left hand, and accidentally came near the left hand with his head, with a spatial metastasis.

"You! What are you doing! To Mr. Nelson, you really suck at taking a moment!

That was just fine. Discuss Sakichi's education policy and what's on your mind full of it!

"Hey, wait a minute! He said I didn't do that!

"You didn't. How many priors do you think you are?

With that said, while Iris caught her collar and looked at the left proximity dragged without question, Shirley held her bright red cheeks with her hands, and if Pandora really thought that, from this evening on, her head was filled with paranoia, and the left proximity thing had disappeared from her head.

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