Another Life

Zabala family

From the bandit raid, at the entrance to the village of Basqui, helped by the left-hand men, the deceased villagers were gathered and wrapped in the tears of the survivors. And in the central square were gathered the ten bandits who had surrendered, bound behind their backs.

Some of the bandits who had surrendered were still young children, but even though their attitude had surrendered, they had even a spare look on their faces when they were simply enslaved and sold out as slaves, and as the assembled Shirleys turned their gaze of hatred, the left proximity was sitting in a well, opening their heavenly eyes and checking the perimeter, on the other side of the vast forest area extending north of the village, there was a small fort, the fort being attacked by about a hundred bandits.

Bears well. I endure it, but I don't have a lot of troops left, and I think it's a castle drop.

Sure, is it Viscount Felipe Zabala... for a nobleman in the Kingdom of Treso who has no experience of war, I'll do it inside. He may have discovered an interesting stone.

But in the northwest mountainous area, surrounded by cliffs, it's like this little fortress under construction… it's the home of a bandit because of the look of the guys protecting it.

With that in mind, when he looked like he was having fun, Adele and Kojiro came and once they turned their gaze to Joseph, they knelt before him near left.

"Hey, I'm sorry I called you so busy."

"No, this is also my job..."

"Right. Well, give me a minute."

That said, the left-hand proximity gets up, pulls out the colt, and pushes the colt against the back of the head of the bandit of the man who would be the oldest and sits tied up and asks questions.

"Hey, Osama. Where are you guys based?

"Heh! Who answers..."

At that moment, Left Near pulled the trigger relentlessly, and when he blew the bandit's head off, Left Near said that the bandits and Josettes, who did not think they would be killed, were turning bright blue.

"I'll kill you if you get naked. This is how Nassau behaves... Adele, is something wrong?

"No, they've been rounded up lately, and I think it's nice to kill them in an instant."

Now you're being nice!?

With that said, when I went to visit Pandora and Nassau, if I had a red cloth wrapped around my arm, no one would have attacked me. That's right, if someone so fucked up thinks he's in the back, no one's gonna get their hands on him.

But it looks a lot like Pandora when she was pretty. Wow. That's right, father and daughter...... well, in His Majesty's case, it sucks that this is usually better.

With that in mind, in front of Josette, who was donning, the left-hand proximity shouted at the back of the man's head next to him with tears as he pressed the colt against him and silently pulled the trigger.

"Hey, you! Nothing yet..."

When the man, who tried to complain to the left or near, was shot to the left or near as he was, blowing his head off, and falling, the left or near said sighingly.

"Ha ha, you're gonna have an opinion on me. Bye. That's kind of annoying, so it's decided to kill him."

To the unscrupulous theory of the near left, the bandits caught trembled with cataclysms, and if they were young bandits, even incontinent, the near left knelt before the bandit and pressed a colt against his forehead to ask questions.

"What's wrong, are you afraid?

To the left-hand word, he questioned the young bandit, who shuddered and snorted with a sharp eye.

"So you'll tell me where you're based, won't you?

"... of... to the pulse... ru... hih!

At that moment, when the left-hand side blew the head of the neighboring bandit, the left-hand side said again, pointing a colt at the forehead of the young bandit in tears.

"Hey, fuckin 'kid. You killed these villagers like toys and looted them, didn't you?

That's just where the position took its place, Peppy. Don't cry. Well, you'll be reflecting, so let's give it another chance.

What's your base? How many? Are there other raids going on?

It was the young bandit who shouted the moment he lost his sharp left eye or the young bandit tried to open his mouth.

"Hey! Say it...... ghhh!

At that moment, the left-hand side shot through the belly of the young man, and when he grabbed the ear of the young man, he slowly cut it off with his flanks, and said to the young man in tears and stuffiness in the squares where the screams echoed, and the left-hand side smiled like a devil.

"Who allowed me to speak? Yeah, I'll give you an interesting punishment, especially.

I've heard this a long time ago, but the warlords of the Luthai Empire are punishing the Shinobu for targeting themselves. Along the street, he took it out of his neck, buried the rest on the ground, and made those who passed by pull his neck one by one with a bamboo scarecrow.

It's not an iron scarecrow, so I didn't die inside, and I heard it was tragically painful, but I'm wondering if it's true. "

He was a young man who turned bright blue in his explanation, but he smiled and slapped the young man's cheek gently.

"Don't worry, you won't get bamboo here, and you won't be able to do it without the Lord's permission."

Behind his left proximity standing up saying so, he was a young man stroking his breasts down, but Josette and the others stroke his breasts down somewhere. But the left-hand man smiled like a devil and said unto Adele,

"Adele, I'm going to connect the space transfer to Nassau, so somebody let me go and give him the tip that Mr. Oyaji told me to do it that way. Mr. Oyaji would be happy to show off and take the money."

"I'll make sure you do that. Hey, somebody, take him and go to Nassau's Tax Haven."

Adele ordered, and when one of the ninjas came forward, the left proximity connected the spatial metastasis, and when he grabbed the collar of the youth, the youth apologized in tears.

"I'm so sorry! From now on, I will change my mind! I'll tell you all the bases too! So only life! Please only save my life!

So he answered the young man, who apologized in tears, with cold eyes.

"I didn't ask you a question, and who told you to answer?

Besides, you've killed so many innocents, redeem your sins, and the next time you're reborn, change your mind and live for what you really are. "

The left-hand proximity who said so gives the youth to Shinobi as it is, and the youth weeps and goes into the smoke of space transfer, the left-hand proximity kneels before the young bandit to ask questions.

"You kept me waiting. So, can I ask you the answer to my question? Well, if I tell you a lie, there's more to it than that, and if you answer me, I won't kill you.

You don't have to answer anything, someone else will answer anyway, and even if no one answers, I know some things, so if you catch and torture these people who are attacking the Lord now, there will be hundreds of them, and someone will answer. "

The young bandit replied loudly, trembling at the power near his left.

"The base, at the foot of the western mountains, went further north than the streets, surrounded by cliffs. The number was about a thousand, waiting for the harvest season, breaking up and attacking.

There are five other villages and a bunch of guys at the lord's... you know, I think it was really bad! If my life helps, I'll do anything, so help me!

The left-hand side asks questions to other bandits when they hear the words and point their smiles at young bandits.

"Now, is there a lie or a lie in the fucking kid's words right now?

To the nearest left question, when everyone was silent, the nearest left gave Adele a signal.

"Apparently, it's true."

At that moment, when Adele threw her bitterness toward the young bandit's eyebrows and killed her, the remaining bandits said toward the left.

"You! I told you I'd help! Besides, this guy must still be a kid!

"Who said I'd help? I guess I just said I wouldn't kill him. Besides, kid, did you guys save your lives? The fact that the child is dead means that you killed even the child... just like that.

Besides, we're on our way to the Lord's rescue, so the extra prisoners just get out of the way. "

"Well, then... I can't believe you're willing to help me from the start..."

"There's no way. You guys would have done something similar many times if you'd done the bandit business.

Now I think it's come, die clean. "

So the left hand side, in turn, blew the heads of the bandits that were on the spot, and killed the last one, and looked back, and Chloe approached the left side, and whispered.

"Your Majesty, if you put too much into it, the Dahlia and the others will be frightened. Well, Viola and Major Nelson, we're used to it, so we're fine, but I think you should follow up."

When Chloe told him to turn his gaze to Dahlia, Josette, and Eli, he was bluishing his face on the boulder, and he was in Dahlia, holding his rifle tight, and shivering his knee in a crisp manner.

... Have we done too much? Nevertheless, Shirley is flat and the boulder is Hasha's deputy commander, the training ground experienced is different.

With that in mind, the left-hand side nodded at Chloe's prophecy and gave Adele an order.

"Adele, you heard me. Go to where the kid said earlier and ask for reconnaissance."

"Because other villages and lords' places are good?

"The other villages, it will be too late. Lord, we're on our way."

"Got it. I'll be scouting along with the example ninja test."

And Adele, who said so, saith unto Joseph that he would take away the ninjas.

"Sure, you said Joseph. What happened to the village chief?

"That's what the bandits are killing me..."

And Joseph answered and said unto Joseph, looking upon the bodies of the dead bandits.

"Well... then temporarily, as a deputy to the head of the deceased village, you should collect and use this bandit's weapons and protective equipment. Out of that outfit, you'd be a hunter or something, and you'd be able to take care of your weapons."

"Ok...... you know, it really helped. As it was, the village of Basqui had been wiped out.

On behalf of the village of Baski, I would like to thank His Majesty Sakura "

That being said, ask Joseph, who lays flat toward the left proximity, and the left proximity, arms together, eyes softly narrowed.

"... grass?

My real name is Hachisuke.

"... Joseph, stand up and talk normally. Here, that attitude is bad"

To the left-hand word, everyone realizes that Joseph is between the left-handed sent in, and the left-handed asks Joseph a question.

"Joseph. Does the kingdom of Tresso often have bandits?

"Yes, there are a lot of bandits in the kingdom of Tresso because they don't have many armies, and they don't allow adventurer guilds to enter.

But the lord Viscount Zabala here, among the kingdoms of Tresso, is serious about raising soldiers, and security is pretty good, but he's never had such a big bandit offense.

Probably because you're gathering soldiers to work out, you act like you have all that financial resources. The base the bandits taught us earlier seems to be temporary. "

Temporarily... I don't care what you think, it seems to settle.

Even so, the near-left eye seen with the heavenly eye could see the bandit who was building the fence.

"Well, it would be good. Can you get rid of the body?

"Yes, of course… I will tell the villagers that His Majesty tortured and killed them. Because if you don't, the villagers won't be convinced either."

To Joseph's words, Josette and the others understood that if the bandits were handed over to the villagers like this, they would be privately imprisoned and killed, a little convinced.

I see, were you helped by the grass? Even I was going to tell you later...

And he said unto Joseph, with a smile in his eyes.

"From now on, I will regularly send a ninja to this side in disguise as someone from the Askley Chamber of Commerce. If you need anything, you can tell him.

That being so, is there a way out of here to avoid the streets, through the woods and towards the Viscount's fortress?

"I'll sit down. On the north side of this village is the beast path I use to hunt.

But we can only get close. Even if you can get there, you can see the fort… If you like, can I show you to the entrance of the beast path?

"Oh, yes, please. So, everyone, shall we head to the Viscount's reinforcements for now?"

And when he had said so, the left hand side jumped on the green leaf, and left it unto Joseph, and used not the streets, but the beast path which he had taught, and went through the woods toward the fortress of the Viscount.


One row of left-hand men, as they were, proceeded in the direction of the fort, and near the evening they came to a place where the grass grew and the fort looked slight.

In the eyes of the left-hand men connecting the horses and confirming them with a telescope, a small stone fortress was attacked by hundreds of bandits, some moat using the water of the river flowing from the mountains, and there was still a sight of the castle falling.

I guess this is where the forest has remained, among the kingdoms of Treso for a long time.

It was from the growth of the surrounding grass trees that Eli called out with a telescope, near the left where he had thought so.

"Your Majesty... isn't the fort already falling in that state on the boulder?

That Eli's opinion was what everyone else thought, and everyone looked at the left-hand side, but the left-hand side answered with a grin.

"No, still in the fort, the Viscounts have managed to stop. Probably thanks to the bridge that leads to the castle gate, where there is only one over the moat.

Because of that, the bandits can't intrude all at once, so I guess they're still bearable. Well, but there's a lot of impotence... and as it is, it's going to fall in the middle of the night. "

That said, the bandits are wary of the streets, so there are no surprises and surprise attacks from behind, but there are only nine bandits against nearly a hundred. It depends on how much you can scrape.

With that in mind, the left proximity asks Chloe a question, staring at the celestial eye.

"Hey, Chloe. Can you do the magic you did in Tenkawa Village, build a wall around the fort, and attack it with spikes like that?

It was when Heitao, who knew the magic well, tried to say, "I can't do it" with a surprised face, and Chloe put her arms together and answered with her hands on her chin, thinking.

"Uh-huh, you can, but that would damage the fort, too. Basically, I think we Ravens are too capable to rescue someone.

But there's only one way, but mostly, it's gonna be a bump job. "

To Chloe's exact words, Heitao said to Chloe with a grin that his common sense had collapsed or that he had already looked poker.

"That's funny. Don't I like it?

Apparently, the bandits aren't already forced to attack either, they're seriously fighting, like, thirty inside, and the only thing left to be around is, like, seventy, they're going to go in once the fort falls. That means the bandit general is still in the outer perimeter.

But even the bandits have no loyalty or anything. If you lose the Admiral, you will escape like Yunxia. I'm asking you to be flashy with Dawn so there's no damage to the fort. "

"Okay, Dawn and I are flashy."

At this time, I completely forgot to mention how immense magic can cause damage because the arsonist (Cecil) was dead.

In the nearest left eye, Chloe had a sword pattern on the ground, and when she dug the hole gently, she took out the gunpowder to be used in it with a fire rope gun and put it in.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?

Chloe took a deep breath and answered the question, curiously close to the left.

"When His Majesty was away for a while, I went for a drink with Master Cecily and heard about the new alchemy magic. Simply put, it's that magic that was used by the Ruthai Empire's Noble Mountain Castle offensive strategy and Master Cecily in Port City.

You can use something as a medium, even the magic of an unusable attribute, a new method... well, I asked Dia and the bear, added a little ancient magic, it's my original. "

Everyone's attention to Chloe's, one by one, who said so, Chloe offered her palm toward the gunpowder she put in the hole, and said:


It was that moment, the moment that the flame came out of Chloe's palm and thought it had ignited the gunpowder, all the flames were absorbed into the ground. And when the proximity left looked in the direction of the fort, it was when a wall of light appeared in the doughnut shape around the fort, a sound sounded with a dawn from the ground, a pillar of fire rising enough to fill the wall of light, and then the ground was like lava, drooling and glowing red.

On that earth, the bandits in the circle of light were screaming and about to enter the fort, the bandits on the bridge, stopping by accident, on a scorching hell, surrounded by flames, watching their companions go extinguishing, their movements stopped.

I thought this was an opportunity. The left-hand side said, slapping Chloe in the head with a pomp.

"Wow, Chloe. Well, it's time to slash it in, so do something about it like that lava."

"I can't."

"... Huh?

So when he saw Pokhan and Chloe, he answered with a little light.

"Because my magic, with the range determination of the circle of light and that flame and heat alone, that lava is a complete by-product... I wasn't planning to"

The by-product… means that it is too hot to walk until it is cold and solidified. Well, sprinkle it with water, you'll figure it out, but we don't have time for that.

"I don't have a choice, this is Plan B."

"Your Majesty... I only have a bad feeling about Plan B..."

So he said to Josette with a smile in his left hand, making her face twitch as much as he wished.

"Tactics using the brave men of the Luthai Empire, out in the middle of the enemy with a space transfer, this will be the only way to punch him in"

Chang Heng stood up and said to Josette and to Dahlia, who became the face of despair as much as he wished.

"We'll have to go. Now there's a chance, but after time, there's no chance.

Bye, Your Grace. Let me go first. "

The moment he said so, Changheng heard a metal noise fighting from the top of the bridge as he opened the space transfer onto the bridge and jumped in.

"He's really too far ahead of us! I'll get ahead of you, we'll make a spatial transfer!

That said, the proximity left opened the space transfer over the bridge and jumped down the spear with one hand.


At the end of the near-left gaze that jumped, Changheng was waving a sword with one hand to make a big stand, and even when attacked, he grabbed the collar of a nearby bandit to prevent it instead of a shield. Obviously to the movement of Changheng, who is accustomed to hand, left proximity admirably moves the Chloes in a spatial transition, left proximity immediately gives the order after looking at the width of the bridge.

"Artillery Squad, Chloe, Josette, Dahlia! Spear Squad, Shirley, Heitao, me! Slash Squad, Viola, Eli, Changheng!

To the boulder, because he had trained many times in the school, Dahlia immediately stood next to Chloe in the front row and set up a rifle, which was trembling with cataclysms and representing Dahlia's emotions.

At the end of that gunpoint, Chang Heng, who was buying time in a riot, told Dahlia that he had changed his aim many times so as not to hit him.

"Dahlia! Your aim, up there! The sound is enough! Chloe, you don't like it, but use your rifle!

When Chloe switched to the rifle and Dahlia pointed the gun toward the wall, Chloe gave the order.

"Shoot him!

When the three rifles blew the fire in unison, the bandits stopped the movement and Changheng returned to roll.

"Well done, Changheng. The enemy's about thirty! Fire as you wish, artillery squad!

Left and near gave orders to the three men as they gently slapped Changheng's back back back back, and Shirley and left and near also shot Colt out of the gap.

For the first time I hear gunshots, invisible bullets knock down bandits one after the other, but when several bandits approach each other using their deceased companions as shields, the left proximity screams!

"Back off!"

At that moment, Dahlia, Chloe, and Josette, as they descended to rear number one, the left proximates put up a spear. Then Heitao asked the question to the left.

"Your Majesty, just the three of us, because we're going to put together a pair?

"Bakatare. How many years have you been on the battlefield with me... Shirley, you know what I mean?

"Yeah, we're giant bows and arrows. A bow or arrow is one that flies to an enemy and attacks."

"Oh, that's a good expression. Let me use it next time."

When he saw the bandit running towards him, he answered with pleasure, and Heitao said with pleasure.

"Honestly, it hasn't changed and I'm horrified. After all, you remain the evil child of Tsubaki."

That said Heitao and Left Near laughed happily at each other, and the three went straight in.

The weapons of this continent of the world were basically one-handed swords and shields, and if they were bandits, most would say only one-handed swords.

For this reason, even if they had a shield, the three spears with the necessary skills could not be pierced and prevented as if they were paper. They defeated one after the other, and the three moved forward and forward.

You thought it was bad for the boulders, and the bandits on the walls, who use bows and arrows to target the left-handed ones, were feeding off Chloe and Josette's rifles.


"Viscount! Enemy attacks are diminishing!

Inside the fort, is it the residence of the Viscount, behind soldiers fighting near the entrance of a large building, with their shoulders slashed and bleeding, a fine blonde man of stature, this man, was the lord of this neighborhood, Viscount Felipe Zabala.

When he heard a report close to the cry of a soldier, he heard gunfire shortly thereafter.

"Hey! This sound... dangerous!

It was the unexpected screaming Viscount Zabala, but because the attention was taken by the Viscount, or when a bandit's sword pierced the soldier's neck, he pulled out the Viscount, and the rest, about five soldiers lay their swords, and let the bandit stare at him.

The bandits said that the soldiers who had stomped at the entrance until earlier had died and had already won, but they laughed uncomfortably and tried to get inside. They heard a scream near the left from the castle gate.

"To the crisis of the kingdom of Tresso, a friendly country, our Eastern Allied forces will help you with righteousness! From those who want to die, call me!

When the bandits heard the left and near voices, looking outside with an unexplained look, the left and near had already arrived in the square, and had been slammed against the bandits.

"Ah, that armor, isn't it the armor of the Ruthai Empire! It's real!"

That being said, the moment one bandit tried to escape, the rifle's gunfire rang and the bandit's head blew up.

Did you think you could win this? Viscount Zabala stood up and pulled out his hips sword and cried out to hear it near the left outside.

"I am Viscount Felipe Zabala of the Kingdom of Treso! The help of the Eastern Union, it hurts so much! Don't lose to everyone in the Eastern Union, either! Kill all the bandits!


Even though he was wounded, the morale of the remaining soldiers rose to the words of Viscount Zabala, who raised his sword and cried out, and the proximity left fighting in the square, he was smiling unintentionally.

Heh, in the first line, there's no substitute for a warring general. He's funny, Jen.

With that in mind, as the left-hand side kicked the bandits, the strength of the Eastern Union was heard as far as this kingdom of Tresso, the bandits abandoned their weapons and surrendered.

Shit, they're impudent.

With such carelessness in mind, when the bandits were literally kicked out of the entrance of a large building, the soldiers in chainmail, not leather armor like bandits, came out afterwards, and borrowed the shoulders of one soldier and the Viscount showed himself.

And when he saw them near the left, the Viscount said unto them near the left, being wary.

"It is Viscount Felipe Zabala"

Well, this is the first line, but it's grand and it's funny inside.

So the proximity left answered the flue.

"It's General Marshal of the Eastern Coalition, King of the Kingdom of Ceasel, and Kiyoshi Sakura. He's the proof."

That said, the left-hand side took the cage with the royal crest from the item box and threw it over to the Viscount, who, without checking the cage, knelt before the left-hand side, and the soldiers also knelt.

"You don't have to look at the evidence, its unique form of spear and the armor of the Red Luthai Empire. And if you are of Luthai descent who can use the item box, which is a testament to bravery, you are sure to be the master of my Kurt, His Majesty Sakura.

I apologize for being disrespectful earlier. This responsibility lies entirely with me and not with my subordinates, so please be generous. "

"This is war. No disrespect or anything. It's quicker than that, Viscount."


That is what he said to the Viscount, who looked up in wonder, and the left hand side looked around him, and said:

"It's not safe here yet. Can I give you a few orders?

"Yeah, go ahead, be my guest"

"Thank you. Heitao, come back or consolidate the castle gate! Josette's over the castle gate!


"Got it!

"Changheng and Eli, inside the building, check all the rooms with the Viscount's soldiers if there are no bandits left!


Copy that, sir.

The two men who said so, with the Viscount's soldiers, walked into the interior of the building, and the left and near commanded Shirley.

"Shirley, keep an eye on the bandits who have surrendered, and let the space transfer out to every Knights garrison! If you make any weird moves at all, you can kill me!

Copy that, sir.

"Dahlia! Order each of the Knights waiting! Knights Witches, tell them to water the lava at the castle gate when they get here!


To the word near left, he answered the Viscount, leaning slightly on his neck, and near left, laughing bitterly.

"As a matter of fact, it magically makes the perimeter of this fort look like lava, hot and crossable. Instead, I want you to forgive me for killing all the bandits in the area."

You're telling me you killed all of those nearly a hundred bandits you were surrounding with this number!? Eastern Union is still strong... compared to that we...

The Viscount, who deplored the difference in power from the Eastern Union and the difference in mindset over the battle, regrettably said with a smile that he was letting his fist be a pull, and the proximity left sat before the Viscount, as if to see how the Viscount felt.

"Did you think to call it the difference between power and experience?

"... Yes. I deplored how much in the kingdom of Treso, even though there was no war, it was so far different. This will not protect the people."

So he answered the Viscount, who was about to repent, with a smile.

"Something like that, different and obvious. The Eastern Union is a gathering of the empires of Luthai and Serenity, the kingdoms of Salz and Fresia and countries that have fought all these years. To say you have different powers and experiences would be natural.

Besides, when I was in the first place, I thought about the difference in power from my surroundings and regretted it. Besides, the enemy saved my life... that was really insulting and regrettable.

But hey, if you don't forget that feeling... as long as you have life, you can be strong. Viscount Zabala is no exception.

Viola, heal Viscount Felipe Zabala's wounds!

The Viscount asks questions, told near left, to Viola, as she takes off the chain mails, is shot with anesthesia and sewn on her shoulder wound.

"Um, I know it's thick, but I'll ask you. What can we do to keep the bandits from coming in the future?

Answer the exact question by thinking about it for a while.

"Viscount, is it okay for others to think you're like a demon?

In the closest words to the left, the Viscount was surprised to hear a woman saying "you" from the building, and when the Viscount looked back, the blonde woman and the boy looked anxious and came out with the servants, whom the Viscount introduced in haste.

"Your Majesty, may I introduce you. This is my wife Sefina and my son Maximilian.

His Excellency the Grand Marshal of the Eastern Alliance, His Majesty Kiyoshi Sakura of His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Cesar. "

Upon hearing the Viscount's introduction, Sefina was surprised to bring Maximilian in front of her near left, kneeling, and greeting her.

"This, without knowing His Majesty Sakura, is truly disrespectful... I am Felipe's wife and I will sit in Sefina"

"It's Maximilian!

In a trembling voice, unlike his kneeling mother, he answered Maximilian with a full of energy, and left and near accidentally smiled, taking his helmet and face, showing his face, and questioning Maximilian.

"I'm fine too, but I hope you're well inside too. How old is Maximilian?

"I'm five!

"Well, is he the same age as Sakichi? Maximilian, when you were fighting, I didn't hear you squeal, but weren't you scared?

Maximilian looked anxious when he answered the nearest left question, but he saw Felipe as a chiller.

"I was scared...... but I believed my father would definitely protect me"

To the words of Maximilian, Felipe said, caressing Maximilian's head gently, as he was weeping unexpectedly.

"That's right, Maximilian, your father is a really great father, stronger and gentler than anyone else. You have to push your father, Felipe, hard to chase him, and push him over... you know what I mean?

And to Maximilian his face, who said unto the word near left, he smiled, and said unto Maximilian his left hand.

"Well, someday I'll see. Until then, don't miss your workout."


... yes, I have to protect the smiles of children in this country, like this Max, not just the people. Don't let anyone else think you can torment the people and children for my tiny pride.

So said the Viscount, seeing Maximilian, then solidifying his determination, looking near left.

"Your Majesty! I can be a demon or anything to protect the people and children! So, please lend me your wisdom!

Isn't he a good lord? I suppose the kind say they call friends, or there will be a gathering of men like Kurt who say:

And he said unto the Viscount, Becoming a gentle face.

"Okay, let's give it a little wisdom. Along the streets entering this territory, skewer the bandits alive.

That way, the other bandits will never target this territory, and even if another country breaks in, just look at the sight, and the soldiers under their command will either lose their morale or escape.

Soldiers carved out of such fear, when they say they have to, are completely useless. Just show the Viscount, he'll run away. "

Hearing the explanation near left, the bandits are trembling and the Viscount asks the question, turning bright blue, as to whether they really will.

"Well, why don't you at least...

"That won't make sense. This better be more brutal and impactful.

And a few counts are important, because a couple of them don't have an impact, so thousands have an impact.

Well, there may be a bad reputation for your lord, but I can assure you that the territory will be protected. "

Felipe looked at the ground for a while, but he saw Maximilian and firmly agreed.

"I understand, Your Majesty. I will do as you say."

Later, it was the birth of Viscount Felipe Zabala, known as Lord Treso's Skewer. In the distant future, Viscount Zabala led a small but elite force among the kingdoms of Treso to the demise of the kingdom of Treso, as a loyal minister, fighting on the side of Kurt.

And Maximilian, as Sagi's No. 1 apprentice, learned Yanagi Shin Yin Liu, joined the Royal First Knights, and, with Sagi, ran to revive the kingdom and revive the nascent kingdom of Treso, but it is a story yet to come.

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