Another Life

Bandit base

The left proximity, which rushed to the rescue of Viscount Felipe Zabala of the Kingdom of Treso, was headed for the hall with the guidance of Viscount Zabala.

The Viscount said with regret that the stone was walking down the stripping corridor, without any of the ingredients.

"Your Majesty. I apologize for this kind of, murderous mansion. Until a few years ago in the kingdom of Tresso, even nobles could not live without farming."

"Never mind. I'm supposed to like the vibe I said. I have no idea how good or bad things are just because my wives have all the condiments to dress the royal palace... Hmm? What's up, Maximilian"

Walking next to the left and near, he noticed Maximilian's gaze staring jitterily at the armor near his left, and when asked with a gentle face, Maximilian answered with a slight glance, wondering if he could not see it.

"Well... Your Majesty's armor looks great."

Because the child had said it, or he felt it was not a compliment, he stroked Maximilian's head and said it, smiling in a good mood.

"Hahaha! Right, look good! I'm really glad you told me. This is the armor of the Ruthai Empire.

Among them, only a limited number of people wear such red armor. Look, your sister with a spear like mine, she wore red armor, but no one else would have worn it, right?

He began to explain to Maximilian, who snorted at his left hand, and to Maximilian, who snorted at his left hand.

"This is the armor worn by the good men of martial arts. Such flashy armor often stands out on the battlefield and is constantly noticed by enemies and allies.

So whoever wears this red guard must never lose, nor be allowed to escape. Well, on the battlefield, it's conspicuous. "

That is what Dahlia said to Chloe in a low voice, looking at the left and walking behind her in an upbeat mood.

"Chief. Your Majesty is in a very good mood today."

"Your Majesty is basically a child lover. Besides, I wasn't toothpicky, but if I could fight twice and the kid praised me for my armor, I'd be in a good mood.

Now, if you have booze, you'll be in an even better mood and the banquet will begin. I called the Knights, so if Colonel Maida comes, you'll be sure. "

"... Sure, Colonel Maida will change his personality if he drinks. Because those two really still feel like bad friends.

But a banquet in another country... No, Your Majesty, you could do it. Instead, for whatever reason, you bring alcohol and ingredients from Lake City and the Royal Palace, and you do it. "

"It is. Because if this adds His Excellency the Orange Admiral, he will surely take off his clothes and start bare dancing. Besides, Private Shimogawara is here, so there's no better chance of tension.

Dahlia, Viola, that's all you have to do to stop it. If you get hit like this, the character of Eastern Union will fall to the point where it falls. "

Is it true that His Majesty Sakura likes alcohol? Here, in His Majesty's mood, he may defeat the other bandits.

Sefina, the wife of the Viscount, gave a signal, with her eyes to the servant, to serve alcohol, looking at the two people who nodded seriously, as she agreed with Chloe's words.


Chloe and the others, approximate to the concern of the female secretary, the left-hand side is guided by a killer landscaped dining room, when seated, the Viscount also sits across the street and asks questions to the left-hand side.

"Your Majesty. Thank you so much for helping us today. As it were, honestly, we would have died.

How could His Majesty have come so far away to such a place?

"Actually, I spoke to His Majesty Kurt, the king of the kingdom of Tresso, inside, before that, he was inspecting the kingdom of Tresso with the utmost secrecy in order to see the unusual.

I just witnessed a village near here called Basqui being attacked by bandits, so I helped them, but I told them that the captured bandits were attacking five villages here and nearby at the same time, so I rushed to rescue them. "

Upon hearing the explanation near the left, the Viscount looked sad, but gave instructions to his servant so that he could reward Kurt, the king, with a message crow, whose hands were trembling with anger, and he said in a small voice near the left.

"Really, there's more here..."

You understand me saying I can't make it now, and I don't have any troops... hot but reason works, you're a good general. Those who say this will stretch from now on.

It was with that in mind that Sefina sat next to the Viscount when a wine cup with metal decorations was placed and a little yellow liquid poured before the pleasant left-hand side.

"Thank you so much for helping us today. At any rate, in this condition, I can't afford much hospitality, but at least some alcoholic beverages that are made in our territory."

Chloe and the others, whose left and near eyes shine on the word booze and stand behind them, are surprised with faces that say, "Are you serious?!?", the left and near enjoy the smell in their hands.

When the nose near left feels a slight hint of pear, near left looks at Sefina and asks the question.

"Is this... a pear?

"The boulder is His Majesty Sakura, famous for his drunkenness. This, I said Perry, will sit you down with pear alcohol.

In this region, it's an alcoholic beverage that entertains important guests and drinks on special occasions. I was just wondering if I deserved a day like this. "

"I see, great. Plus, it's palatable, and it's easy for women and those who start drinking."

That said, the left-hand side praised the Perry liquor, and in the dining room, Shirley led the way, and each deputy chief came in and reported.

"I beg your pardon, Sacred Dragon, but every knight except the White Wolf has arrived this way. Troop strength is four hundred as planned.

And Lieutenant General McGregor and Lieutenant General Gudduan say that they can't come because of urban development, and the princess says that her belly hurts. "

... Hey, that's an obvious pseudo. At least think of a reason for that, like Amiria and Sergen.

Nonetheless, all three of them aim for martial arts to the deputy commander, but they are outspoken. Sure, Amelia's thinking about retiring, so I guess Josette's promotion is desperate.

When Left Near thought so, Shinjitsu and Lune came in and bowed their heads to Left Near to report.

Your Majesty, the Knights of the Holy Guides, we are now in formation.

Lavana Knights, we are now in formation.

"Oh, here we come! Viscount Zabala, let me introduce you. To Colonel Lune Lafond, head of the Knights of the Holy Guidance, is Colonel Maidayuanta Nobuna, head of the Knights of Lavana.

This is Viscount Felipe Zabala of the kingdom of Treso, his wife Lord Sefina, and his son Lord Maximilian. "

When we bowed our heads to each other and greeted each other in the introduction, the left-hand side said, urging them to sit down with a smile.

"Well, both of you, sit down and try this Perry sobriety. We can go inside."

In the closest words to the left, Sefina signals to the servant that an iron wine cup is placed before the Lune and the Synod and the Perry liquor is poured. And they enjoyed the scent, and when they put their mouth to it, they nodded as they were convinced, and the Synod said.

"Is this fruit liquor?

"Yes, it's pear liquor. It's not that tight, it's great for a banquet on the battlefield."

"Are you sure all you have in mind is war? Come on, be a king."

"I've lived my whole life with this personality. There's no way I can fix it yesterday.

Besides, you're a pain in the ass for when you say that. If anything, you move... I'm really happy with my best minister. "

"... shall I start a dodgy revolt for once? I'm really angry."

That said, to the musty syllabus, well the usual exchange, when Chloe and the others looked, the Viscount bowed his head to the left and wished for what he thought.

"Um, I don't think it's the right thing to ask His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of César to do, but could you please ask for a bandit crusade?

I thought Chloe and the others would accept the Viscount's offer, but the left-hand side drank Perry and answered in unexpected terms.

"Viscount Zabala, as your lord said, it would be a mystery. I don't suppose I'm the king of the kingdom of Tresso, His Majesty Kurt, and the king of another country?

"Yes... right..."

And it was said unto him near left, Sefina, a discouraging Viscount, and his wife, but near left, when he had taken out the flue, and set it on fire, he spat out smoke, to calm his heart.

"But if the Viscount leads a soldier and says he will be headed for a bandit crusade to maintain law and order, then our Eastern Union will gladly help him with the knife. Is that good?

And when the Viscount lifted up his face, as he was surprised, he answered with a smile.

"It's a boarded ship, I'll help you to the end. Besides, you've already sent my intelligence unit to the bandit's base.

Well, on the face of it, you can tell the Viscount's headed for the bandit crusade and we're here with the Viscount's reinforcements. "

To the nearest left word, the Viscount unwittingly clenched his wife Sefina's hand, and when her expression was brightened, she thanked the nearest left.

"Thank you. Sit down! So, hurry up... Your Majesty?

He answered the Viscount, who was still about to pop up, with a serious face, when his left hand was silent and controlled.

"The battle is tomorrow. In the absence of any information, even if you rush in helplessly, you are likely to fail.

The battle has already begun before the battle. When it moves, it moves like a wind, it acts quietly like a forest, it invades like a fire... and now it's time not to move like a mountain "

To the explanation near left, the Synopsis asks the Viscount, who seems to regret it, when he has put his arms together and nodded again and again, the near left asks.

"Do you have a map around here?

"It's a simple map, but there is one"

"Well, then I'll ask for it. In the future, if you can create a detailed map and go on the spot yourself, you should actually see it with your own eyes and check the terrain."

This can also be said for eagle hunting, which was popular during the Warring States, etc., so that the old warlords thought of formations, etc. based on the terrain if they saw the land immediately in eagle hunting, remembered the terrain, and became a battle.

And it came to pass, that he told his servant to bring him a map, and he said unto the Viscount, and he put his arms together, and nodded again and again.

"Indeed, if you go to various places, look at the terrain, and talk to the people of the land, with eagle hunting, etc., you will see your own internal affairs problems, and they will be useful in times of war. Viscount, Your Majesty is about to teach your lord to fight."

When the Viscount looked to the left and the left and the left and the left and the near said yes, he smiled and smiled.

"Viscount Zabala. Your lord seemed like a very good lord.

Because of what I said, I want to teach all sorts of things to those I admit. Of course, Maximilian, so are you. "

To the left-hand word, Maximilian, who seemed bored, also looked at the Viscount with surprise, the Viscount tried to thank him, but the left-hand man smiled and said to Chloe.

"Chloe, tell Busty to behave like cooking and drinking to the Knights from the royal palace. We're having a light feast today, in preparation for tomorrow's battle."

Chloe, with her head in the left-hand corner, after all, disappeared in a space transfer to prepare, and a servant brought a map before the left-hand corner and spread it out.

"This is where you sit in the Cracks of our territory. The region, across the mountain range with its neighbor, the Kingdom of Bittar, is confronted, a small territory, but it was the richest land in the Kingdom of Treso, with snowmelting water flowing out of the mountain range.

Originally composed of five villages, north of this Morkt forest, and a nearby city, the city of Wrestlers, along the streets south of this Morkt forest, immigrants gathered to build the village of Basqui.

Given the time of harvest and the fact that they targeted this castle without attacking the wrestlers, it is likely that the bandits attacked for grain. "

Well, I guess so. But castle hey...... I guess referring to this as castle is the low level of the kingdom of Treso.

A fort like this is the only bridge that leads to a wide moat and a castle gate, even though it would be over if it were broken through there. Let me tell you something so I can put a little hand on it.

With that in mind, the left proximity, while opening the sky's eye, smoking in the flue pipe, there was a village in the same place as the location of the map, a group headed towards the stronghold of the bandits and a group that remained.

That's weird, putting some soldiers back in base here?

With that in mind, when the left-hand side uploaded the footage, a group of women and children caught by the bandits were being taken to their stronghold.

I see, is this guy going to sell you as a slave? So, based in an occupied village, you mean attacking a wrestler... I don't know, it's not a bandit move. Could this guy be a powerful reconnaissance, disguised as a bandit, by the neighboring kingdom of Bittar?

So thought the left hand, he said to the Viscount with a serious face.

"Now I have confirmed that the other five villages have already been occupied by bandits and the women and children have been taken to their strongholds. And the remaining bandits still occupy the village."

"Really... but how can you be here and understand that?

It was a natural question, but he explained to the Viscount in his face that the problem was not there.

"Look, that's not the problem. The problem here is the actions of the bandits.

I also thought when I went to the royal palace in the kingdom of Tresso before, from what I've seen, there doesn't seem to be any slaves in the kingdom of Tresso, does there?

"Yeah, until now the kingdom of Tresso has no financial means, either, to be able to buy very slaves. In other countries, when it comes to servants, they are slaves, but the servants here are only hiring and feeding those who were all hungry and had trouble eating, so there is no demand, so there are no slave traders.

Back in the day, they used to say that they would sell their children to slave traders and buy food from traffickers with that money, but the Tressos got a reputation for losing weight and being useless, and the slave traders stopped coming. "

It's a common story in Japan when you sell your own children to eat and connect with each other… I have no sympathy, but the kingdom of Tresso came to an end, too.

"Then Viscount, even if you think about it, look at it. Bandits are people who deserve to kill lives that are not gold.

That's because, for whatever reason, this is also a mouth seal. Whatever, no matter what they say about their information, it's not a hoard, and if they rush into the king's capital and the Royal Army comes out, it's troublesome.

So normally, killing everyone is a stone... but this bandit is catching a girl and a child and taking them to base. Women and children, as slaves, sell high, so in this case, I guess the purpose is to sell them as slaves.

Here, don't you think that's weird? Earlier the Viscount said that the slave traders were no longer coming... yet the bandits of the kingdom of Treso take their women and children. I mean, there's a connection to a slave trader.

And the bandits, instead of retreating from the plundered village, continue to occupy it. This is also difficult to think of as a bandit's move, and if this move is to say that it is an army somewhere, it is convincing.

I mean, the most likely thing is a powerful reconnaissance by a neighboring kingdom of Bittar, disguised as a bandit. "

The name of the kingdom of Bittar came up, and he was a surprised Viscount, but I ask him a question that I feel sorry for near left.

"Um, what is power reconnaissance?

... Huh? From there?

When everyone is pointing their eyes as well as the left proximity, the left proximity answers by taking a deep breath once.

"Look, a power reconnaissance is a reconnaissance that carries out small attacks and obtains information such as enemy strength. In other words, if you look into the power of the kingdom of Tresso and decide that you can win, the kingdom of Bittar is thinking of waging a war."

To the near-left explanation, the gradually crisis-conscious Viscount asked the near-left in haste.

"Oh, uh, what can I do?

"What can I do... Well, it's up to His Majesty Kurt to judge, but the Viscount is crisis conscious considering that this Klux region is near the border with the Kingdom of Bittar. Keep it up and you'll easily forgive the invasion.

In the meantime, a fence or fence will be erected and another castle gate will be installed so as to surround the castle gate where we dived. That way, you can break your heart by covering up the enemies that came in.

And this fort is deadly with no escape route. You should dig a tunnel in the basement, build a way out, and make sure you can escape when this place falls. "

"But no matter where you run away..."

That is what he said to the anxious face Viscount, and the left proximity slammed the corner of the mountain range of the map with a flue pipe as a concon.

"Surrounded here by mountains, there are natural elements and the bandits are building fortifications. Just in front of you, the woods of Morcto are spreading, so you won't have a problem eating them.

Besides, it's off the street, so it's hard to spot, so it'll be safe. Whatever it is, just bring the food to the fort. "

"I see..."

To the Viscount, who was impressed by that, and wondered whether left-hand proximity would grow a little with this, the Synod asked left-hand proximity.

"So, what's your opponent's strength?

"There are only about twenty of them in each village, but the base of the mountain ranges is more than a thousand... there are others who have been taken. When that happens, it's hard to...

Viscount. As far as I can, I'll take care not to harm the hostages, but if I do, I want you to give up... okay?

When told near left, and the Viscount stared remorsefully at the table, the Viscount replied near left when Sefina took the Viscount's hand and nodded not only saying that she would bear the cross herself.

"I have no choice. But the carelessness of those who have sacrificed must be clear."

"No, Viscount. You're the one who clears their minds.

The General, you, we're just pawns. "

It was at that moment, in reaction to the word near left, that the eyes of the Synopsis moved pictorially and asked the question near left.

"Hey close left. Are you going back to the battlefield?

Answer the Synopsis question with a smile, as one would expect everyone to answer if they were close to the left.

"It would be obvious. If I'm going to fight for righteousness, if I don't make it through the lead, I don't have a face to match with His Majesty Kurt."

Also, did you get left-hand vices? This guy is certainly a brilliant general, but he wants to be on the front line with his own temper because his martial arts are too strong.

If this is the strength or the superiority of me, then I take command carefully, but if I feel like an underground or a losing battle, I have a habit of coming forward. If you take advantage of this, you may get lost in the realm of life and death, as you did then.

That said, if this guy's personality, if it's to be honest, nobody can struggle, and I feel it myself, so I guess he considered me a minister. If I can't say it, I'll imprison you somewhere... no, no matter what place you imprison him, this guy will come out.

Again, make the perfect shadow fighter, worst of all instead of the left proximity...... but when you say shadow fighter, the left proximity doesn't age, and life expectancy is eternal. If so, the elderly life race and the near-skinned elf is the number one, but the ears are noticeable...... really near left always hurts the head of the eagle.

He asked the unintentionally laughing syllabus whether he was worried about the left or the anxious face.

"Hey, Yuanta. Are you getting drunk already?

"No, I thought you were Sachi's parent."

"What are you talking about?"

"Keep it up! It's the exact same thing you did to Sakichi, and I'm gonna get a headache!

When the syllable said it in a straight balloon and you can't argue with it, and the left proximity moved the licence, for some reason Lune, who made his face bright red, grabbed the two heads gasp and said it with a smile.

"Colonel Maida. Your Majesty's reckless actions have just begun, haven't they?

No more, let's give up! It's best to give up, reopen, and enjoy the fight. Let's have a drink, Holla. "

That said, when he took two shot glasses out of the item box, he also took the bottle out of the item box and put in a light green liquid.

... This is booze, right?

With that in mind, he said, slightly reddening his cheeks, whether he felt the suspicious gaze near his left, or whether Lune was rarely drunk.

"This is an herbal or spiced alcoholic beverage called absinthe. When Jack drank with His Majesty, he gave it to me before."

"Well, herbs and spices of liquor..."

The left-hand proximity who said so, put his mouth on the glass, and the Shinjitsu also put his mouth on the glass, pouring it into it all at once, after the gutsy alcohol, lingers the smell of nigga yomogi and various herbs, hot as a burning throat.

"This guy is so delicious..."

"Washi... I can't do this..."

So he smiled at Shinji, and took the liquor and the drink out of the item box, and put the liquor in it and offered Shirley a drink.

"Shall I decide where I can make my decision before I get drunk? Shirley, just the Hasha Knights, liberating five villages...... you want to try?

Just to the left, Shirley, told to try a general who would lead an army, not to mention a separate team, steps forward and receives a drink and answers.

"Thank you. I'll sit down, I'll make sure you succeed. What about the prisoners?

"The prisoner... this time, please, in the direction of taking it. Viscount, can someone put one on, along with the directions?

"Yeah, of course. Hey, Coono, I need some guidance."

To the Viscount, who gave the order to the man with the blue hair, he said with a smile, with a drink.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, enjoy what you call the Eastern United Feast. Let's act like our kingdom is proud of its cuisine and liquor."

The moment Near Left said so, the royal palace servants in the dining room, with the Viscounts' first dishes to see, come in the lead Busty and arrange them in front. When the Viscounts were astonished at the dish they saw for the first time, the left-hand side offered a drink.

"Viscount, having a feast before the battle involves morale...... in other words, the intention of the soldiers. Fighting is often determined by the morale of soldiers.

It's important to know how to demoralize them and raise their own morale. Well, I'm gonna let you go through a real fight, so drink now. "

Saying so, the left-hand side poured the liquor at once with a smile, and when he turned his smile, the banquet began to signal it.

Needless to say, the drunken left-hand man and Shinjitsu began to dance naked because not only the Viscounts but also the servants were behaved like cooks to the dishes and liquors they tasted for the first time, and Heitao was added to the feast.


The next day, the Knights of Hasha set out for the liberation of the village, after which the Left and Neighbours headed to the stronghold of the bandits and left dozens of SS knights behind to defend the fort.

The left-handed men, formed only by the cavalry, did not lead the heavy forces, because their march speed was fast, and on the second night, they came to the base to say a few hours later to camp at night, and when they were holding military meetings in the tent, Adele came into it.

"I've been waiting for you, Adele. So, how'd it go with the bandit base?

When Adele's attention was drawn to Adele, whom she greeted with a smile, Adele expanded the drawing to explain.

"Not really, it's a map, but this is the map of the base."

When the Viscount sees Adele's widened drawings, they are much more accurate than the maps they have created, and the Viscount is a little shy of what they see from the sky, and Adele leans her neck slightly and explains them to the left and near.

"The stronghold of bandits at the foot of the mountain range is a natural factor surrounding the three sides by a cliff, where the slaves are put to work and rapidly consolidating their defenses. However, the fence has just been completed, but its height is about two metres and is made of wood.

Besides, there were still no moats, and baristas and other weapons were not identified. Besides, we don't see anyone in the wizard profession, and it's believed that ranged attacks are only bows and stone-throwing. "

"Well, because I would be disguised as a bandit. A soldier in general or just a mercenary hired for money."

"Correct. That attitude and uniform seem to be mercenaries.

Among them, there was a slave trader, so I assume you intend to enslave those you gather from the surrounding villages on the spot. Besides, whoever leads the bandits and a few of their neighbors seemed like regular soldiers.

Perhaps the aim was the formation of slave soldiers, but the mercenaries ignored them and took home only women and children. And the masters of the slaves, they must be the ones who lead them.

For this reason, there has been no increase in troop strength, which is about 1,200. The prisoners are trapped in jails dug into cliffs. "

A slave... what do you do with the kingdom of Tresso?

"Viscount, what do we do with slaves? If only your lord would take it as a liberating slave in the kingdom of César."

"Right, all slaves, I beseech the kingdom of Ceasel. Badly, when I take it on, it's easy to buy jealousy from other nobles."

Well, it's the same in every country. Besides, the Viscount, among the kingdoms of Tresso, is prone to jealousy because it makes a rich land a territory.

"Okay, let's take the slaves this way. Adele, when we attack, is it possible to secure the captured, the master, the slave trader?

"It's possible. I think His Majesty will say so, and I am already prepared"

"You're a boulder. Okay, we'll attack tomorrow morning, so if we break through the castle gate and we're in a state of engagement, please secure it."

Copy that, sir.

When Adele, who says so and bows her head, leaves as she is, the Synopsis arms up and asks a question close to her left.

"So, how do we attack?

"It will be easy. If I destroy the castle gate by myself, the Knights of the Holy Guide will enter, and with that support, both the Witch and the Knights of the SS will bomb and shoot with the momentum to break the walls.

When the Knights of the Holy Guides are finished entering, Ravana will enter and head towards securing those who are caught. The Knights of the Holy Guides head straight for the annihilation of their enemies, after which they enter with the witch, the SS, and take control promptly.

When we enter the castle, we may be disposed of evidence that the Kingdom of Bittar is involved. Before they dispose of us, we'll take control, seize the evidence, and show it to His Majesty Kurt.

This is a battle against time...... but it would be possible with an elite Knights. Anybody got a problem with that?

... Indeed, in a time when Lake City was an empire, it was recorded that the left-hand side opened the castle gate alone. You have a good time here.

When the syllabus to that effect was silent, there was no objection, and no one spoke, and the left-hand side said with pleasure.

"Then rest your body slowly today and prepare for tomorrow.

But I don't think so, but don't fail to be alert to night raids. Any opponent is cautious because it leads to death. "

When I was told near left, or no one was in the mood again, near left was nodding satisfactorily.

And early the next morning, the left-hand men were lurking in the woods near the strongholds of the bandits. Was it completely naming the kingdom of Tresso, or so far there had been no scourge of the bandits?

And it came to pass in the land of the enemy, and Dahlia said unto him, Unexpectedly to the left.

"Your Majesty. Intelligence unit, deployment complete."

"Oh, do you want to finish the crunch? Come in with the last Knights of Witches."

And when he had said so, he walked down from the green leaves, with his spear in one hand, toward the castle gate by himself.

When the left-hand side of the forest appeared, it was the bandits who initially numbered them, but they found a large number of people behind them in the forest, rang the alarm bell, and the castle gate was shut, and the bandits on the wall turned their bows and arrows to the left and shouted to the left.

"Who are you!

To the words of the bandit, the left-hand side answered with a grin under his face.

"I'm on the side of justice, you idiot. Adults, get killed."

"Ba, fool me! Fire!"

On the order of the bandits, bows and arrows simultaneously flew towards the left and near, but the left and near were engulfed in black smoke in an instant, and all the flying bows and arrows slid through and pierced the ground.

When the bandits were surprised by the incredible sight, the left-hand side unlocked the black smoke armor.

"Holla, kill me or the castle gate will open."

To the provocation near left, the bandits fire the bow and arrow again, but unfold the black smoke armor, sliding through it all, and piercing it to the ground.

Why, in addition to the voices that I said I didn't understand, the voices that said they were demons also rose, and the proximity left, which I felt would have conveyed enough fear, proceeded to the castle gate as if walking in a deserted plain, as if nothing had happened, sounded out of hell and speared slaughter the castle gate.

The spear near the left, with the skill inside, slaughtered the castle gate without difficulty, and when he made a noise and broke down, he heard many hooves from the woods. It is a Knights of Holy Guidance led by Lune.

The bandits on the walls saw Lune and the others out of the woods, and it was a moment of haste and aim, when they heard many nozzle flashes and gunshots from the woods, and with splashing pieces of wood, they were bullets in their bodies, and fell down and went.

"It's a boulder, Your Majesty! Later, I'll take care of it!

Having said that, Lune leads the Knights into the castle and kicks the surprise bandits. Near left, destroying the castle gate with a spear, surprised and confused bandits, the elite Knights of Saint Guidance came in like the wind, the bandits couldn't deal with it, followed by the Knights of Lavana, led by the Synopsis, avalanche into the castle, at the same time infiltrating intelligence units, guided the Knights of Lavana and took control one after the other.

In less than an hour's time, the Viscount smiled to the astonished Viscount as he entered the castle with the Knights of Witches, marveling at the Allied movement that quickly suppressed him.

"Viscount, the battle is not number. As long as we have the tactics and the information, we can win as easily as I said. Well, there's a lot of gear and stuff later, but you should remember that.

That's right, Viscount, this place is good inside. If you stone the walls high, build an empty moat in front of the walls, and, inside, strike a sharp pile of wood in the opposite, called backwoods, it won't fall so easily.

As long as we keep the food in our last refuge, we'll be able to hold out until reinforcements arrive. "

"I see, I get it. Construction is a people's winter job, and if you pay, you can eat it with that money."

"That's a good idea. I still think you're gonna be a good lord.

Come on, I'm gonna bust out, too. Josette, disarm those who surrender and gather them in the square. "

That said, the left-hand side slashed into the bandits with pleasure, and Chloe looked at the left-hand side as if she was frightened.

Later, the place was renovated many times and became known as Castle Twizer, and even after the demise of the Kingdom of Tresso, Sefina, the wife of Viscount Zabala, became the castle owner, resisting to the end and defending the people of Klux.

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