“Chapter 287: Isle Whale”

Diine used her teleportation magic to take us to her temple.

None of the sages are capable of pinpointing its exact location, since all the temples look the same. The first time Milligan, Rifaiv and I came here, we got separated.

Of course, the owner doesn’t see a problem with it. In her own words, “Just take a second to observe it carefully. How are you unable to tell the difference?”

– Welcome to my residence. That being said, I don’t intend to entertain you.

The temple is safe from intruders thanks to Diine’s magic. It’s like a giant protection bubble.

– So, what do you, great Sage of the Sea, want us to do? I hope you don’t expect us to sit here until things calm down. (Ralph)

– That is exactly what I would love to say. However, the state of affairs shows that the sea is undergoing a massive revolution. Who knows how many days it would take for the waters to be safe again? If that even happens. That is why I have been investigating the matter.

– Has your research pinpointed any reasons for this change? (Takaya)

– I cannot tell you the reason, as I myself am uncertain. I do, however, know that the appearance of a certain magical beast has caused the monsters from the border to leak into the sea. Gentlemen, are you acquaintanced with “The Gigantowhale”?

– Giganto… What? Ralph?

– No clue either. I know many land beasts, but the ocean and the border are unknown territories to me.

– I see. Then perhaps you know it by another name. Does “Isle Whale” ring a bell?

– !?

Ralph’s eyes widened.

– After confirming its existence many years ago, I thought it had returned to the border, deep in slumber. I believe the isle whale is back.

– …How sure are you? (Ralph)

– Very much so… That’s a frightening expression you have there. I take it you have some history with the beast?

– We go way back. I used to play on its back.

Ralph told me the village he was born in was destroyed by a magical beast.

Was it…?

– Hmmm… Hahaha, so it’s called Gigantowhale. Man, I chose a great time to come here.

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