“Chapter 288: Intermission: The Story of the Small Fishing Village that Vanished”


(Ralph’s POV)
I wanted to become an adventurer.

I thought that if I was an adventurer there was nothing in this world that could stop me.

I was born in a small fishing village. Scenery was always the same, routine was always the same.

We didn’t have to worry about food, but unlike big cities, there was nothing to do.

– Wait for us, Ralph!

– I can’t… keep up…

– Deko, Mira, is that all you can do?

On a day when we had no fishing to do, I was running around the village with my two friends and a stick in hand.

I was practicing to become an adventurer. Exploring unknown areas of the village and hunting small rabbits.

I dreamed of the day I could change that wooden stick for a holy sword and travel all over the world.

– Ralph, it’s getting dark. Let’s go back. (Deko)

– We were told not to walk too far away. (Mira)

Deko and Mira were nice, but very hesitant. I wanted us three to leave the village to go on adventures, but they would always bluntly reject me.

They had been leaving the village by themselves when the adults weren’t looking. I chased after them one day and saw their lips connected.

If they were lovers, I understood that I had to leave them be and become an adventurer by myself.

That’s just how it is. Geniuses tend to be lonely people.

A tremor interrupted my thoughts.

– Another earthquake… We’ve had a lot lately. (Ralph)

– It’s every day… The adults say we’ll be fine.

According to them, the trembling was caused by undersea volcanic activity.

– …Hey… If the village was destroyed by those earthquakes, what would you do? (Ralph)

– W-What… kind of question is that? That would never happen.

– We would have to look for a new place to live! It would be horrible.

Not being able to fish, we would have had to move somewhere else and hunt or farm.

– Alright. Let’s go back. I don’t want to take away from your kissing time.

– RALPH!? (D/M)

– Adventurer’s intuition.


I wanted to leave as soon as possible, but that doesn’t mean that I disliked the village.

My goal was to go back one day and show everyone how cool I had become.

A few days later, at night.

I ran away from home into the closest forest.

The wooden stick was in my hand, but it was two sticks now. My father had broken it in half.

“I’m tired of your delusions! Focus on your work already!”

Those words snapped something in me.

Delusions? I had been researching medicine and magical beasts in order to become the best adventurer ever.

I was trying my hardest. And the  f̲u̲c̲k̲e̲r̲ told me to cut it out and stop neglecting my obligations.

– First Deko and Mira… And now my parents…

I entered a cave and cowered on my knees.

With different words but the same meaning, everyone was trying to tell me to quit trying to be an adventurer.

– …I have to leave.

I wanted to prove it to them.

The nearest village had a magical paper that showed someone’s powers. That was the key.

But then it happened.


– Huh? Was that… a cry?

I hadn’t run into any beasts on my way there. The adults said to never leave, as the surrounding areas were filled with dangerous animals.


The noise was coming from underground, along with a tremor.

Usually the shaking stopped within a minute or so, but this wasn’t the case.


– What… is that…?

A huge whale-like monster with a mouth the size of the planet.

I couldn’t comprehend what was happening. This giant beast had appeared from underwater and was swallowing my entire village.



– My friends… and family… are there…

Another tremor sent me rolling back into the cave.

Probably because of the earthquake, the ground around the entrance became a steep slope.

I tried to run and somehow help everyone, but a rock fell on my head, causing me to lose consciousness.

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