“Chapter 297: Inside the Belly”

The quiet sound of water splashing made my consciousness return.

The first thing I sensed was the putrid smell of rotting meat and fish. As strong as the odor of leaving food out in the sun for weeks during summer.

Someone with “administrator” powers caused the whale to suck me in.

So, am I in its belly?

– Is this my punishment? Am I supposed to enjoy my last moments until I’m digested?

I’m alive, but it’s not looking good.

All of my belongings are safe, including the magic lamp and Nebula.

I can only wait for my inevitable death, but I shouldn’t just sit here and die.

My adventurer friends would be disappointed in me if I didn’t at least try.

– With a whale that size I was expecting the insides to be as big, but this is more than I imagined…

It looked like a dungeon. I couldn’t even tell where the ceiling was.

Ahead of me was part of the temple we were on however long ago that was. It was half digested already.

Out of curiosity, I touched the digestive liquid falling from the ceiling.

It didn’t cause any burns or anything. It just stuck to my gloves and my skin. I wonder if the reaction depends on the amount of liquid.

– Just in case I’ll try using that.

I took out a piece of rubber I found inside the cooler box under the temple.

It might help with my grip in case of an emergency, so I attached it to my gloves.

– …

I can’t believe I’m using materials from my previous world.

If only I could create materials from there in this world…

– No. That would probably be breaking the rules again according to the “administrator”.

Besides, I don’t know if I would be able to pull it off.

…But what if?

What kind of being would I become?

I would be one of the most powerful entities in this world.

– Aah, this isn’t helping. I have to escape.

I might be able to find a way out before I’m digested.

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