“Chapter 298: Survivors”

As I moved past the half-digested temple, I was greeted with an unexpected sight.

– A forest!? This thing is growing a forest in its insides!?

The plants were barely reacting to the digestive juices falling from the ceiling. The speed must differ from inorganic to organic materials.

The smell of decay was pushing me away, but there was no point in standing still. I pulled out Nebula and walked forward.

This might look like a dungeon, but it’s still a whale. There’s a stomach, an intestine, and an anus. This isn’t a maze but a straight road.


Far away I could hear a magical beast. Not too surprising considering the whale is literally raising an ecosystem.

– Hm? What was that?

An orange light blinked in front of me.

I was keeping the magic lamp as dim as possible to get my eyes accustomed to the darkness.

– …It…ay…?

– …me…ere…

Human voices!?

I quickly hid in the shadows of the grass.

Did the administrator girl have the whale swallow someone else before me?

Are these people from the border?

The sound of footsteps gradually got closer to me.

A man and a woman.

From the sound of their footsteps I can tell that they’re not combat-trained.

– What do you think, Mira?

– Doesn’t seem like we can use anything.

– Shame. We might have to go check near the entrance.

The two of them walked past me.

They were armed with bows and swords. Their situation didn’t seem much different from mine.

But that name… “Mira”.

A guy and a girl.

There’s no way they have survived this long.

But who else could it be if not Deko and Mira?

It adds up to Ralph’s story. They were eaten by the whale.

I left my hiding spot and slowly started chasing them.

– Hey, can I have a second?

– What!? (D/M)

But I didn’t have the time I wanted.

【G I ! !】

A dark jerk jumped out of the darkness.

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