
Qiao killed the last zombie, looked at Lin Jiaxin with reluctant eyes and said: "You., are you leaving?" It's

not that she likes to wander around, it's that she doesn't have a really safe shelter, but with Lin Jiaxin recently, she doesn't feel warm for years.

There are also times when life is sad without everything of oneself.

Although Lin Jiaxin likes to make small movements on her every time, she does not feel uncomfortable.

After all, both are women.

Now that Lin Jiaxin is suddenly leaving, Qiao Li is still a little reluctant.

Lin Jiaxin also saw the reluctance in Qiao Li's eyes, but for the sake of future life, the short separation was for a better reunion.

Then he said: "Don't worry, I won't leave, I'll be back soon."

"Don't walk around, otherwise I'll have trouble when I come back and can't find you."

Then Lin Jiaxin jumped directly out of the window.

Seeing this, Qiao Li quickly ran over to check, but there was no trace.

At this time, Joli had already crossed back.

Joli looked downstairs, her eyes full of reluctance and doubt.

Thinking about how Lin Jiaxin disappeared, so high, and there is no foothold to walk like this?

After thinking for a long time, they didn't think about it, and then turned around and began to clean up the open space they had just vacated.

She found all the food, and finally came to the conclusion that the food would only last for about a week, and she decided to wait for a week, and if she did not return after a week, she would have to leave here.

A bright light flashed on the seashore of the magic capital, and Lin Jiaxin appeared on the seaside.

Lin Jiaxin looked at the seaside and sighed in her heart: "It's really amazing!"

"I don't know how many days of time I lost in this world?"

He wiped the blood off his body, then left the beach and walked towards the city.

When I came to a pawnshop, I looked at the calendar on the wall and was very surprised.

I stayed there for four days, how did I only spend one night here?

"Miss, take the liberty of asking where you got these things?"

The pawnshop owner looked at Lin Jiaxin and the pile of jewelry on the table and asked in surprise.

Things are indeed good things, but they should all be works of art when they look at the style.

Although it is a work of art, please also ask the source.

Lin Jiaxin said: "You don't have to care where it comes from, but you can rest assured that these are ownerless things, and there will be no trouble."

"Don't worry!"

The boss looked at all this and complained in his heart: "You all say so, then these things must not be simple."

"Look at you like this, I'm afraid you're a tomb thief!"

How else would these things be so dirty?

Although he had never seen the items stolen by tomb thieves, he had heard and heard about it somewhat.

But soon he was pulled back to reality, and after the items were cleaned up, they were in good condition, and it seemed that the craftsmanship was not simple, and it should not be a fake.

And these patterns were not unearthed in tombs.

It's just that these are ownerless things, and they can't open up the source of the brand.


The boss looked at Lin Jiaxin and said: "Miss, let me tell you the truth, these things of yours are good goods, good quality, and their value should be several million greater."

"However, the origin of these things of yours is unknown, and there will be a great risk that we accept them, after all, we can't believe your words just by relying on your words."

"So the price we can give you is two million! I don't know what you think? "

Two million!?"

"Hmm..... Okay, too!

Lin Jiaxin was very happy in her heart, she had never touched so much money in her life.

She didn't know the value of these things, she thought it could be worth tens of thousands of yuan at most, but she didn't expect it to be worth two million.

Now I can buy supplies proudly.

The reason why Lin Jiaxin did not show happiness was because she understood that she could not let others see that she did not know how to do it.

So Lin Jiaxin immediately pretended not to care and nodded.

Then the two sides began to trade, and when the transaction was over, Lin Jiaxin said to the boss when she left: "I may come over later."

"This time I should let you take advantage of it and tip you."

"If it's still like this next time, it's going to have to be somewhere else."

The boss's eyes became excited when he heard her words.

This time, as long as you operate it yourself, sell it yourself, and harvest at least five million!

Now hearing that Lin Jiaxin will come next time, he understands that he can't just covet temporary profits.

He still understands the truth of fine water and long flow.

Especially Lin Jiaxin shipped a lot like this, will he still worry about making money by then?

And you can also take the opportunity to open a new market.

At that time, how much money do you want to sell out, is it not up to you?

The boss sent Lin Jiaxin out and said respectfully: "Miss, you go slowly, I will definitely give you a satisfactory price next time." As

for this deal, he wouldn't be stupid enough to give the other party money again.

If you give it to the other party, the other party will think that they are immoral and unkind in the first place.

Leave the pawnshop.

Lin Jiaxin came and started thinking about what to buy.

"Canned food, instant noodles, instant food, compressed biscuits, meat, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits and, most importantly, water."

There is no refrigerator over there, so you can't bring too many items that you can't store.

So what she brought with her must be preserved for a long time, and who knows how long it will take for her next crossing.

Fruits and vegetables, brought over to simply improve, by the way, also let Joli, who has not eaten fresh vegetables for a long time, improve it.

Then there's daily necessities.

Prepare more clothes, and some clean, deodorizing things.

There is limited water, and you can't bathe often, you can only rely on these cleaning items, and the smell is clear.

There were also bedding, toilet paper

and stuff that decided about the same, and then I started running to the big supermarket.

She was afraid that one person would not be able to get it, so she took the money and hired a few people to buy it for herself.

Then the supermarket saw that she bought too much and directly used the car to help her pull it back.

Now she is in trouble, she doesn't know where she should pull?

In the end, she could only go to the place where her former senior brother and them stayed.

But when she arrived, she found out that they had left.

After taking everything in, she looked at the bracelet on her hand and began to store it.

But two-thirds of it can't fit in.

It seems that something unnecessary must be discarded.

"A bag of flour, a bag of rice, dried fruit, noodles, spices, and some quick food."

After the food is put away, the daily necessities are started.

In the end, I only brought some soap, and some clothes, and a few high-power torches.

Then I cleaned up in the villa myself, went to eat outside, and decided to cross back.

After all, the time of this world and the loss of time in that world are too different.

"From today you will go down the mountain!"

"After so many years, you have not comprehended the true meaning of the Buddha Gate, and it seems that you have no relationship with the Buddha Gate."

The abbot looked at Xiao Yan and said.

When Xiao Yan heard the abbot's words, his heart was excited.

Since I was born into this world again, I have been staying in this Buddha gate.

It's been more than ten years, and I originally sneaked away halfway, but I was all caught by my master.

After more times, he gave up.

No, this time, he actually took the initiative to ask himself to go down the mountain.

A middle-aged monk on the side heard the abbot's words and wanted to intercede.

"You unfilial disciple....

But looking at his apprentice's happy appearance, he remembered the number of times he had escaped privately over the years, so he didn't intercede anymore.

Is that why he doesn't like Buddhism so much?

This is an unscrupulous disciple, it is really abominable! I want to clean up my unfilial apprentice.

The abbot saw the middle-aged monk's movements and said, "Don't do it!"

"He is no longer your apprentice, nor is he a Buddhist person, he is now an ordinary citizen."

"What qualifications do you have to do it?"

The middle-aged monk sighed and said, "The disciple understands!

Then he took Xiao Yan to the room to pack up some things, gave Xiao Yan some money for life, and finally couldn't bear to send Xiao Yan down the mountain.

Coming to the bottom of the mountain, Xiao Yan said to himself happily: "Xiang'er, I'm coming!" As

for the reluctant master, he didn't have much emotion.

The middle-aged monk looked at Xiao Yan's actions and emotions, full of disappointment.

Sighing in disappointment: "Alas, after more than ten years of raising, I didn't expect to be a white-eyed wolf."

"But he is his lifesaver and master, and he doesn't say anything to himself before leaving?"

In the end, I could only return to the mountain disappointed.

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