Poison gate, Hu family.

"Hu Yan, did I ask you to go to the magic capital to find Hu Manli?"

An old man asked Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan looked at the old man and said, "Master! I've already gone looking for it.

"But when I went, the poison on that Hu Manli's body had dissipated, and there was no trace at all."

"But don't worry, master, I have already given her Xindu poison."

"It won't be long before she obediently sends the money to us for the antidote."

Xiao Yan left the Buddhist Gate and traveled in the world for two and a half years, and accidentally discovered the sect of the Poison Gate, so he changed his name and joined the Poison Gate.

The main thing is that he is out alone to cultivate, there are not too many resources, plus he acts low-key, and he has even less access to resources.

Another reason is that the poison gate is similar to his cultivation, and he is also good at using poison and dark weapons, so he joined the poison gate.

With the resources of the sect, the speed of his growth gradually accelerated, which also attracted the attention of the high-level of the sect, directly making him a personal disciple of the elder.

At this time, his cultivation had already reached the realm of transcendence.

However, he used special means to hide his cultivation, which was only manifested in the early stage of the Qi Gathering Realm.

In other aspects, he did not hide too much, after all, it was still impossible to say that he could become a personal disciple of the Great Elder without some ability.

Because the people of the poison gate are very powerful with poison and dark weapons, this also leads to the fact that even if they are in the early stage of the Qi Gathering Realm, they are not afraid of people who are higher than his realm.

After all, poison is such a thing not to be underestimated, and if you are not careful, you will die.

"What!? The poison in her body was solved?

"How did you untie it?" That poison was specially developed by my poison gate, and I haven't seen anyone unravel it for so many years, how can she unravel it?

"Even if someone can untie it, it's not something she can move!"

"So someone else must have accidentally hit and detoxified."

"Hu Yan, what kind of poison did you give this time?"

The Great Elder asked.

"Master, I ordered the seven-color scatter this time!"

"I promise no one can unravel this poison."

"This poison was created by me with a mixture of seven poisons."

"This poison, with seven torture effects, keeps transforming, making her worse than dead!"

Xiao Yan explained.

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, the Great Elder was very pleased, after all, this was his beloved disciple.

Then he said: "Very good, but you have to go to the magic capital again to find out who gave her the poison."

"If it's a mighty one, don't care."

"If you can make friends, you can also make friends, if you can't deal with it, find a way to get rid of it!"

His meaning is very straightforward, and if you can't provoke it, you will make friends.

If you can afford to provoke, you will directly kill him, so that he knows the fate of offending the poisonous door.

Xiao Yan said seriously: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter for you!"

"Okay, stay safe!"

The Great Elder looked at Xiao Yan and nodded.

He is very fond of this disciple of Xiao Yan, with great ability and talent, and he is also at ease to do things.


Xiao Yan nodded and turned to leave.


World of Zombies!

A blue light flashed.

Lin Jiaxin returned to the zombie world and appeared on the roof of this building.

Then Lin Jiaxin took out the things in the space, and then simply packed them into her large travel bag, and then walked downstairs.

Walking to the shelter, Lin Jiaxin said: "Qiao Qiao, I'm back!"

"Come and see what good things I bring you."

Hearing Lin Jiaxin's voice, Qiao Li looked at the big backpack and said: "You are finally back, I will starve to death." She

didn't know what was in that bag, but she could feel that it was delicious food.

Lin Jiaxin looked at the hungry and thirsty Qiao Li, and quickly took out milk and a bread on the side and compressed biscuits.

Qiao Li took the food and gobbled it up, Lin Jiaxin looked at this scene and asked curiously: "I remember when I left, the remaining food was enough for you to last for about a week, how could you be hungry like this?"

Qiao Li said vaguely while eating: "It can last for a week, but the population increases halfway, so it's different." Then

explain what happened earlier.

On the second day of your departure, five people came around here, and they would also come to look for supplies, but accidentally provoked the zombies, and the five people were surrounded by zombies, and finally they were eaten by zombies.

I waited for the zombies to leave and disperse, and then went to the place of death to prepare to search for supplies.

Three days ago, there was-- a car stopped nearby.

But when I got downstairs, I found a fifteen-year-old girl hiding under the rubble of their death.

I tested her and saved her without infection.

Hearing Qiao Li's words, Lin Jiaxin also understood.

A fifteen-year-old girl, this age is when she grows her body, the amount of food is naturally relatively large, in addition to an adult, even if the two of them deliberately eat less at each meal, the little supplies before she left are not enough.

In this way, one person could have supported a week's worth of food.

When the girl arrives, it is basically gone for only three days.

Lin Jiaxin looked at the binge eating Qiao Li and said: "Don't eat these, I still have fresh vegetables and beef here."

"I'll bring you a big meal."

Qiao Li was surprised to hear Lin Jiaxin's words, and asked incredulously: "Fresh vegetables?" Beef? "

At that time, after the zombie virus outbreak, there was no place in the world to avoid it.

At first, some countries began to use nuclear bombs to carry out nuclear bombs on cities, but this did not curb the spread of zombies.

On the contrary, the blue star was seriously polluted, and all animals and plants were extinct.

And those leftover plants are also not edible.

There is also the baptism of nuclear bombs that have also allowed some zombies to evolve, resulting in corpse kings and even more perverted monsters.

As a result, fresh vegetables and beef have become luxuries!

It's okay with meat, and although the animals are contaminated, they don't turn into zombies.

But if you eat this meat, you have a chance of becoming infected and turning into a zombie.

But you heard that as long as the meat is processed layer by special means, it can still be eaten, but the taste is difficult to say.

So many people make it into a nutrient solution to satisfy it.

She remembers the last time she ate fresh meat was more than a decade ago.

It was in an official shelter, but the shelter behind was attacked and she escaped.

She hasn't eaten meat since.

I didn't eat any fresh vegetables, but I picked up canned vegetarian vegetables.

But the taste is hard to say.

Growing vegetables now requires hundreds of meters of soil underground, because the soil is not polluted.

But it's not that you can plant it when you dig up that soil, but you also need to water it with nutrients.

And planting also requires seeds, water, which are very rare.

After the seed, you must not let it be infected with pollution, otherwise it will be wasted.

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