"You guys are amazing, you only know to come back now?"

"I've made dozens of phone calls and none of you answered?"

"Even if you don't come back, you have to say hello to me when you live outside."

Yang Qi looked at the two and said.

But seeing that the mother and daughter returned safely, they didn't think about anything anymore.

Tang Rui looked at Yang Qi and said, "I can come back as long as I want, do you care about me?"

"I thought about it all night and I decided, let's go separate!"

"You like three wives and four concubines, and I support you, but I don't want to live a life of three wives and four concubines with you."

"And you don't have that qualification in my eyes at all."

"Let's divorce!"

"Don't worry, Xiaoxiao will not become a burden to you, I will take her away, and you are relaxed."

Although this is their own fault, divorcing himself and him is also a relief for each other.

Moreover, he has had enough of his Yang family over the years of marrying into the Yang family.

"What? Divorce?


"Xiaoxiao, you stayed with your mother for one night, so you persuaded me to do this?"

"Are you going to divorce me now?"

Yang Qi was stunned.

It's really surprising that I waited at home all night but got such a result!

He didn't want a divorce.

Then looked at Tang Rui and said: "I will not agree to divorce, Tang Rui, you should also think about it calmly, don't make a whim."

"You left me, what else could you have?"

"You have nothing!"

Tang Rui looked at Yang Qi and mocked, "Without you, what am I?"

"I tell you Yang Qi, your so-called Yang family doesn't have my connections to help you develop like this?"

"Besides you will give gifts, what else will Pan Yan follow?"

"Don't think that I don't know anything when I stay at home all the time, the director of the Land Bureau, in order to please the other party, you still want to give Xiaoxiao to the other party."

"And then exchange it for engineering."

"I don't want to get involved with you about these things, let's get a divorce quickly."

"Even if you don't agree today, I'll move out of here."

Anyway, it has already been proposed, and it is impossible to change.

"You..... If you dare to leave this house today, I will dare to break your leg.

Yang Qi said angrily.

Tang Rui looked at Yang Qi and said coldly: "If you have the ability, you will fight."

"Don't worry, I won't call the police, and I won't look for anyone else."

"Well, your wings are hardened." Yang Qi didn't expect Tang Rui to be so tough.

"I'm telling the truth, I don't need to trouble the police for such a trivial matter, and I don't need outsiders to intervene."

"Don't do it, you will do it as soon as possible."

Tang Rui said flatly.

"You.... You look for death! ...

Hearing Tang Rui's words, Yang Qi's body trembled with anger, and then stepped forward and angrily slapped Tang Rui.

Yang Qi's hand stopped in midair, unable to move.

Because Tang Rui had practiced with Li Yu, his strength had already made a qualitative leap at this time.

Tang Rui looked at Yang Qi and said, "Do you really think I'm the kind of bully woman?

"I tell you, you finally gave me an honest divorce."

"Otherwise, I don't know what will happen next."

"Tomorrow a lawyer will come to negotiate with you and sign a divorce agreement."

Then pushed Yang Qi away with a palm.

At the same time, I feel the strength of the power.

Yang Xiaoxiao, who had been watching all this on the side, was speechless.

Although it was the father who made the first move this time, the mother was also a little ruthless.

But you and she did not intervene to mediate, and it was useless to mediate yourself.

And this is not bad, at least his mother will not be bullied by the Yang family now.

My mother can now live the life she wants.

I can also come with my male god all the time.


Wei family!

"Old sir, as long as you take this pill from me, the dark diseases of your body can be cured."

"If you don't believe it, I can wait for you to take it and make sure that the elixir is useful, and I'll be fine with leaving."

In a classical room, Ye Chen said as if he was comfortably passing a sip of elixir.

At this time, a young man on the side spoke: "Who are you fooling? Just such a pill can make my grandfather's dark illness directly better?

"And how can we be sure that this elixir is not poisonous?" May Day is poisonous, my grandfather took it, so what to do, there is only one human life.

"Don't be unreasonable!"

"This elixir is not poison, and you can smell it from its danxiang that it is not toxic."

"The quality of this elixir is top-grade, and it is definitely enough to treat grandpa's illness."

The girl who was by the lake with Old Master Wei last time spoke.

"Such a pill, even if you use money, you may not be able to buy it, and you are still slandering here."

Old man Wei also chimed in.

When Ye Chen heard the words of the two, he just smiled, his own means were not the means of cultivating the immortal world.

How could it be bought on this mortal planet.

The young man said unconvinced: "Grandpa, in case it is poisonous...

But before he finished speaking, Old Master Wei had already taken the pill into his mouth.

A few seconds later, Old Master Wei's face turned red.

Old man Wei closed his eyes and began to enjoy, and for a moment he let out a long breath of turbid air.

Then he moved his body and hugged his fist to Ye Chen and said gratefully: "Thank you Master Ye!"

"I feel like the dark illness that has been with me for decades has dissipated."

"I feel like I have a chance to impact the Qi Gathering Realm."

"I'm sorry, it's me who is ignorant and short-sighted."

The young man on the side also quickly apologized to Ye Chen when he saw this scene.

Ye Chen said flatly: "It's okay! It's reasonable that you don't trust me, and I didn't help Old Master Wei treat for free.

"I want to borrow your Wei family to help me open the market for this elixir."

"As for the price, what do you order?"

"I still have twenty pills like this here, I only want you a billion, no problem, right?"

"No problem!"

"Master Ye, you can let us help you sell this elixir, this is obviously we taking advantage of you."

"Mr. Ye, our Wei family owes you a great favor."

Old man Wei looked at Ye Chen and said.

Ye Chen looked at Old Master Wei's reaction and felt that he could make a deep friendship.

"Don't worry, as long as this elixir can be sold out this month, I will still provide you with the elixir."

"But can you advance some money from me first, I urgently need it here."

Then Ye Chen spoke.

"Hmm..... I wonder how much money Master Ye wants?

"Do you need something, or do you owe someone money?" Our Wei family can replace you.

Elder Wei said.

"One hundred million!"

Ye Chen looked at Old Master Wei and said.

At the same time, he felt in his heart that this old man Wei was a personal essence.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely say sell it as soon as possible.

But this old man Wei said to help himself cushion first.

In this way, he owes him a favor.

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