"One hundred million... No problem, I'll arrange for someone to help you prepare now.

"But what I'm more curious about is, Master Ye, why do you urgently need 100 million?"

Elder Wei wondered.

Mainly with Ye Chen's means, give some benefits casually, is one hundred million a problem?

"It's that I owe money to others."

"You have also seen this person Wei Lao, it is Brother Li who was discussing the tea ceremony with me by the lake at that time."

"Brother Li, he is a person with great means, and the avenue is also very thorough."

"I know he doesn't pay much attention to this hundred million, but I still have to pay it back after all."

Ye Chen said seriously.

At the mention of Li Yu at this time, Ye Chen's face was full of respect and gratitude.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Old Master Wei nodded.

"It turned out to be Li Dashao!"

The scene of that day made him remember deeply, although he didn't understand anything, but he understood that Li Dashao was even more powerful than this Ye Chen.

After all, most of Li Yu was there alone at that time.

And from Ye Chen's expression and eyes at that time, you can see his admiration for Li Yu.

"Cultivation of the Dao, cultivation of martial arts, very particular about cause and effect."

"So when I am cultivating, I can't let myself be infected with cause and effect."

"Although it is only a hundred million, for ordinary people, it may not be returned if it is not paid, and it does not matter if they feel guilty in their hearts, and it does not affect their lives."

"But for me, that's a big no-no."

Ye Chen said with a relaxed expression.

Old Man Wei's expression suddenly opened when he heard Ye Chen's words.

"Thank you Master Ye for your guidance."

"Don't thank me! This is also what I learned from Brother Li.

"If it weren't for him, I feel that my Dao cultivation might have suffered another loss and made more detours."

Ye Chen said.

Brother Li is really his own nobleman, if there was a confidant like Brother Li in the previous life, he might have directly crossed the robbery and succeeded.

The young man on the side heard the conversation between the two and wondered in his heart: "Is this Young Master Li really as divine as they say?" His

heart was full of curiosity about Li Yu.

The overlord of the Demon Capital Li family, Li Dashao, how could a top rich second generation have a relationship with a cultivation master?

Is the current cultivation master so young?

It's completely different from the master I imagined!

It's so weird!

That's weird!

And the woman on the side was also curious about Li Yu in their mouths.

I thought to myself: "It seems that I want to find an opportunity to visit Li Yu, and if I have the opportunity, I can also try to learn some exercises with Li Yu."

"At that time, when I was pretending to be B in Ye Chen, I came forward to hit him in the face."

The main thing was to see her grandfather's attitude towards Ye Chen, which made her feel too uncomfortable.

And he can't get used to the other party pretending to be the king, and he is so calm and relaxed.

After talking for a while, Ye Chen was ready to leave, and then got up and said: "Elder Wei, if there is nothing to do, I will leave first, I still have things to deal with here."

"You can hit my card with the money."

Old Man Wei looked at Ye Chen, who was leaving, and quickly stopped, "Master Ye, wait a minute."

"I wonder if Master Ye has time later? There is a competition in the cultivation world of the magic capital, I don't know Master Ye, are you interested in participating?

"What competition?" Fight?

"Yes! Fight!

"Forget it, I don't have the leisure to get that." Ye Chen refused.

"There are also martial artists from the Extraordinary Realm in this competition."

"And this is the first place in the test, and it will reward a Blood Yang Stone!"

Elder Wei continued.

"Blood Yang Stone?"

"What breed?"

"I heard that it is about to be transformed into an Extreme Yang Stone!"

Ye Chen instantly became interested at this time, and this stone was just enough to be the formation eye of his own formation.

But Ye Chen was worried that those of them did not recognize the goods, and they might be mistaken, it was actually not a real blood yang stone, in fact, it was just an ordinary yang stone.

Seeing that Ye Chen was still hesitating, Old Master Wei continued: "I heard that that stone will constantly gather the surrounding qi during the day, constantly strengthening itself."

"At night, a powerful aura will burst out."

"Gu said that the sub-stone can also speed up cultivation."

At this moment, Ye Chen's heart moved.

It is also certain that this is the blood yang stone, and it is not yet finalized and is still growing.

You can want to evolve it into an extreme yang stone, and when the time comes, you are using it as a formation eye, and you are looking for the ultimate jade as an aid, with elixir, and your own cultivation is absolutely twice as effective with half the effort.

At that time, it will not be long before he can break through to the late stage of Qi training, and even impact the innate, although it is very slim, but it is not impossible.

"In that case, I participate!"

"I don't know when the competition will take place, but I am ready." Ye Chen said.

"Three days later!"

"At that time, the masters of the whole country will basically return to the magic capital."

"Warriors of the Earth Soul Realm cannot participate."

Elder Wei asked with some hesitation, "So Master Ye, you..."

"Don't worry, I haven't broken through to the Earth Soul Realm yet, and what I cultivate is different from your Dao."

"The current strength is your cultivation from the Extraordinary Realm." Ye Chen said.

"That's good, then Master Ye, you have no problem participating at all."

"At that time, Master Ye, you will go with our Wei family."

Elder Wei said with a sigh of relief.

Old Man Wei advised Ye Chen like this because there was no suitable person in the Wei family to participate in this competition.

Therefore, he could only find Ye Chen to replace their Wei family.

In the end, Ye Chen won the championship, and his Wei family could also follow suit, even if he didn't win the crown, his family had nothing to lose.

Left the Wei family.

Ye Chen was walking home when his mobile phone suddenly rang, and he saw that it was actually a bank card that had arrived at two and a half billion.

Ye Chen showed a satisfied smile.

The next step is to purchase the materials needed for the formation first.

Superb jade!

Then Ye Chen looked for Hu Manli's phone last time and called.

"Hey, hello, the one?"

"Sister-in-law, it's me Ye Chen."

"Last time I heard Brother Li say that you are in the jade business, I need some superb jade now, any type can be, but it must be the best, and the last must be high-grade."

"I don't know, sister-in-law, can you prepare some for me?"

"How much do you want?"

"It doesn't need much, the total value is about 100 million."

Ye Chen thought about it and said.

He can't spend the money at once, and there are still alchemy pills that need medicinal materials later, so he has to keep some.

"Okay, then let's trade at the Blue Island Cafe next to the school."

Hu Manli said.

"Yes, sister-in-law!"

Ye Chen promised.

Then I took a taxi and drove towards the school.

"Sister-in-law? Ye Chen?

"Manly, you have a situation!"

As soon as he hung up the phone, Li Jiaxin's voice sounded behind Hu Manli.

Hu Manli was frightened.

Hurriedly explained: "It's not what you think, in fact...

"I know everything about you! Don't be so nervous. "

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