Li Jiaxin looked at Hu Manli and said, "I know everything about you, and I can still guess his thoughts."

"After all, he's so."

Hu Manli knew that covering up again would no longer help, and in the end she could only say it all.

Including how he hooked up with Li Yu.

Li Jiaxin sighed after listening to it: "I didn't expect my brother to have such means."

"But why didn't he

She knew that Li Yu was very good to her, but how did he not know his feelings for him?

He has so many women, why can't he have one more of himself?

I don't know how long I and my brother will be together.

Li Jiaxin then said: "You didn't want to trade just now, I just don't have anything to do, let's go together." Hu

Manli did not refuse, anyway, it is not a confidential matter.

Then Hu Manli called his subordinates and ordered the jade to be prepared.

In an hour, the two came to the café with the jade.

Ye Chen looked at Li Jiaxin and Hu Manli and got up and greeted, "Hello sister-in-law!"

Looking at Li Jiaxin, who arrived together, he recalled the experience of Li Jiaxin in the previous life.

But the next moment he reacted, Brother Li's previous life was all a trick.

What do you have to feel for yourself?

And when Li Jiaxin heard Ye Chen's words, her heart was very happy and satisfied.

His brother really has an eye.

Hu Manli took out a box from the side, put it on the table and said, "Brother Ye Chen, this is the jade I carefully selected, you can open it and take a look."

"As for the price, I'll give you a discount, eighty-five million."

Li Yu opened the box and looked at it, and said on his mouth: "The color is really good, it is worthy of my best quality jade." A

satisfied smile appeared on his face.

With these jade, your own formation can start the formation.

Then he asked for Hu Manli's account and directly transferred 120 million.

Then he said: "Sister-in-law, you will see me when you give me a discount."

"The discount is not necessary, of which 20 million are owed by me to Brother Li, you are all a family, I will transfer it to you."

"You tell Brother Li about it for me."

Hu Manli looked at the phone arrival prompt and didn't say anything more.

Seeing this, Ye Chen was ready to leave: "I will disturb the two sisters-in-law..."

An arrogant voice came.

"More than 100 million, this money is really a lot!"

"Hu Manli, you have money to supply us with poison."

Xiao Yan came over and said.

Hu Manli looked at Xiao Yan and said warily, "Why are you here?"

At this moment, she was not afraid of something to herself, but she was afraid that something would happen to Li Jiaxin.

After all, she herself had eaten the pill given by Li Yu, and she was basically invincible.

Xiao Yan then said: "You still don't want to pay tribute to this reaction?

"You don't really think that if you meet someone who can detoxify, you can really get rid of the control of our poison gate, right?"

"The poison in your body is not solved yet."

When he wanted to continue to say something, a sandbag-sized fist fell directly on his face and was directly knocked away.

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Yan angrily and said, "The little cub who came here actually threatened my sister-in-law just now.

"Really, Ye Chen doesn't exist, right?"

As for what shit poison door he said.

I don't care so much, I don't care if I'm not there, but I won't look at it since I'm there.

Listening to the name, you can know that it is a person who can only use some inferior means, how powerful can it be?

Brother Li is kind to himself, how can he watch the two sisters-in-law being threatened!

If you don't care, how can you face Brother Li?

No matter what, you have to make a move.

Xiao Yan, who was beaten into the air, looked at Ye Chen and stood up in embarrassment and said, "Who are you?"

"I'm poisonous!"

At this time, the two middle-aged men who came with Xiao Yan blocked in front of Xiao Yan and stared at this Ye Chen deadly.

These two are Condensing Pulse Realm martial artists, and this time they were arranged to protect Xiao Yan.

They didn't know Xiao Yan's strength, so they only arranged two martial artists of the Condensing Pulse Realm, and higher martial artists could not arrange Xiao Yan's side.

Those masters protect the main people of the sect.

Ye Chen looked at a few people and said, "What kind of sect you are is not easy for me to use here.

"Since I just did something to my sister-in-law, I won't let you go."

"There is also a poisoned sect like you, and you can tell at a glance that it is not a good sect."

"I just cleaned you up for Skywalk today."

Then Ye Chen began to exude his cultivation of the Extraordinary Realm.

Several people felt Ye Chen's extraordinary breath, and their hearts trembled.

This kick is to the iron plate, no, it's the steel plate!

At such a young age, he will definitely have a chance to break through to the Earth Soul Realm.

This will definitely not be an ordinary person, I don't know if it is a personal disciple of that gate sect, this is definitely not something that can be provoked by his own poisonous sect.

And he also called Hu Manli his sister-in-law.

It seems that the person who detoxified Hu Manli last time must also have something to do with this person.

Xiao Yan hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, this is a misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding.

"I apologize to you, I apologize to you on behalf of the poison gate, and we promise never to disturb Miss Hu again in the future."

"Disturb the Hu family! , and please open the net. "

The person in front of him is not something he can mess with, his cultivation is higher than himself, and he can only admit it first and be soft.

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Yan and snorted coldly, "What's the use of apologizing now?"

"I already said that you guys must stay here today."

"This will put your sin of offending my sister-in-law."

Then Ye Chen took the scissors on the shelf on the side and shot directly at several people.

The two people in front dodged away, and secretly said in their hearts: "Very decisive, but the technique is too poor." "

They are thirsty to death from the sect that specializes in cultivating dark weapons and poisons, which is so likely that it is not clear.

But they didn't dare to hard connect Ye Chen's attack, after all, the power was too strong.

Ye Chen looked at the two who dodged away, not too surprised, but slowly stepped forward.

The next moment, a dim air pressure around Ye Chen's body directly pressed towards the two.

The two hurriedly resisted, but it didn't have much effect.

At this time, Xiao Yan in the back looked at this scene and said; "Senior, master of the Escape Realm, we can't get rid of it if we fight it."

"Next, I will help you with forbidden drugs, your skills will be greatly increased, but...

"Stop talking, use it quickly."

"Use it quickly, what consequences are better than dying here."

Before Xiao Yan finished speaking, the two directly interrupted Xiao Yan and said.

Xiao Yan took out a porcelain bottle, took out two silver needles and put them in the porcelain bottle, and then luckily picked out the silver needles and squeezed them towards the back of the necks of the two.

The next moment, the breath of the two people exploded, and they directly broke through to the Qi Gathering Realm.

One mid-gas gathering, one late-stage.

Xiao Yan was not very satisfied with the rise in cultivation.

But there should be no problem escaping.

He did this in order to escape by himself, improve the cultivation of the two, and cover his escape.

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