Then Ye Chen looked at the two who were terrified and said, "You get up, I believe you for the time being."

"Now tell me everything you know about the poison gate."

He still doesn't know anything about this poisonous gate, so he still needs to understand it.

Seeing that Ye Chen let himself go, the two quickly said: "Senior, I thought that this poisonous sect was a sect that used poison to get some poison or something.

"But I didn't expect that when I joined, I found that this poisonous gate is the scum of the cultivation world, not a person at all, they take...

He said everything he knew, and another person added to the side.

But none of what they said was falsified.

After hearing the words of the two, Ye Chen felt a palpitation in his heart.

Can such a person also start a sect?

Burning, looting, abducting and selling women and children, directly arresting ordinary people for experiments in order to experiment with poison, and enslaved some family members with poison to make money for them.

This is really a bad thing that can be done, and there are many things to do!

Ye Chen also knew that the two of them, because of their low cultivation and extremely poor talent, could only do some miscellaneous work, and they were not qualified to do those bad things.

After all, in this poisonous gate, there is a reward for doing those bad things.

And this also leads to people like them, often bullies who are highly cultivated.

They can only endure and dare not run, because the disciples who escape will eventually be captured and turned into experimental objects.

Unexpectedly, today they encountered high-ranking people attacking the Tang Gate, so they took the opportunity to escape.

Because of Li Yu's carpet attack, many secret passages were destroyed, and only the one they walked on remained.

After Ye Chen listened, his admiration for Li Yu deepened.

"It has to be Brother Li, the means and skills, the depth is not low."

Such a person will definitely be a hegemon when he steps into the world of immortal cultivation in the future.

It seems that he must follow Brother Li closely, and when the time comes, he can also let Brother Li help him.

At that time, the two of them will fly to the immortal realm and can still wander together.

Ye Chen couldn't help but think in his heart.

Then Ye Chen looked at the two and said, "Let's go, I don't need you now."

"Remember not to commit such a thing as poison, if you dare to do it, I will kill you."

"Let your souls go away."

The two quickly kowtowed and said: "Thank you seniors for not killing, we will definitely not commit it." Then

he turned and ran away.

Ye Chen looked at the thunder in the sky and thought thoughtfully.

Li Yu looked at the thunder tribulation and sighed, "There is actually a thunder tribulation in this world? "

It's not that he wants to cross the calamity, but the ghosts.

It is not because the ghosts and gods broke through, but because the ghosts and gods killed too many people and caused thunder calamities.

Ghosts and gods originally caused the annoyance of heaven and earth.

Killing so many people this time will naturally lead to thunder calamity.

Li Yu didn't want the ghosts and gods he had cultivated so hard to cultivate to be ruined.

Directly gather forces to slap a palm against the sky.

The heavenly thunder that was originally going to be brewed disappeared in an instant.

At this time, Li Yu looked at the ghosts and gods who were still chasing and killing the disciples of the Antivirus Sect.

The last person was sucked by the ghosts and gods, and his body turned into something like a dry corpse and fell limply to the ground.

But the ghost god did not move to return to Li Yu's side.

Li Yu looked at the ghost god and said, "Don't force me to do something to you.

"I can break up your thunder calamity, are you sure I can't break you up?"

When the ghost god heard Li Yu's words, he was very unwilling, but he still slowly moved towards Li Yu.

Came to Li Yu.

Li Yu symbolically released a little of his own breath.

The ghost god felt Li Yu's breath and was glad that he did not disobey Li Yu's words.

This human being is too powerful to compete with on its own.

It's better to submit to him, it doesn't hurt anyway.

Li Yu looked at the ghost in front of him and said, "There is a new spiritual intelligence?"

"I really didn't expect that a body could actually give birth to new spiritual intelligence."

Then Li Yu took out the Demon Sealing Tower, and the ghost god obediently entered it.

Li Yu looked at the ghosts in the tower and said with a smile: "I'll take you to other places to play later." "

Maybe you like that place."

"As long as you are greedy enough, you can grow indefinitely."

Then Li Yu's figure instantly disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had already come to Ye Chen's side.

Ye Chen looked at Li Yu and said, "Brother Li, someone really ran from here.

Li Yu said, "It's really troublesome Brother Ye.

"It's okay, such a sect should not have lived in this world for a long time."

"I just came with me to do miscellaneous, and most of the people were contributed by Brother Li."

Ye Chen said.

With a wave of Li Yu's hand, a pile of materials appeared on the ground, Li Yu looked at Ye Chen and said: "Brother Ye, this is some good materials that I just scavenged, I feel that it should be helpful to you, I will put it away and bring it to you."

"I don't know what Brother Ye used?"

Ye Chen looked at the many materials on the ground and was very excited and excited.

These are all good materials and help you a lot!

Brother Li actually gave it all to himself?!

Brother Li is really generous, this is a real brother!

But Ye Chen still held back his desire and looked at Li Yu and said, "Brother Li, don't you need this?" You give it all to me,"

Li Yu said with a smile: "No need, I know you need it recently, you can use it."

"Although these things are precious, I want to talk about them and spend some means to get them."

"After all, the world still values money."

"And money, in the cultivation world, is the first in importance."

Another meaning is that you have money, and these don't matter to you.

And he didn't take it all out, and there may only be one hundredth of what he gave to Ye Chen here.

Ye Chen nodded in agreement.

Indeed, property is also important for cultivating immortals.

It's just that when it comes to the Immortal Cultivation Realm, mortal property is no longer useful.

People who cultivate immortals use things like spirit stones and spirit crystals.

Those can be used as an aid to cultivation, so they don't feel tacky.

But when it comes to it, these items are nothing more than property.

It is no different from using money to buy medicinal materials such as Ganoderma lucidum to cultivate on earth.

"Then brother, I won't be polite with Brother Li."

"These things are too important for me, little brother."

"I, Ye Chen, will definitely remember Brother Li's love deeply, and I will definitely repay it in the future."

Ye Chen said affectionately.

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's okay, you remember that we are Taoist friends and brothers."

"Let's not be so out of touch with each other."

Li Yu wants to say that your return has never stopped.

And today's step can be described as rewarding.

Today's day's rewards are almost catching up with all the rewards of one protagonist.

As for why Li Yu gave Ye Chen medicinal materials, of course, it was for better wool in the future.

You can't keep wool and don't give the sheep grass!

Then Ye Chen packed up the medicinal herbs, and the two of them set off to prepare to return to the magic capital.



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