Soon the two returned to the magic capital!

After Ye Chen thanked Li Yu again, he hurriedly went back.

Now the materials are basically ready.

Although he didn't have that Blood Yang Stone yet, he still had so many materials now, so he could still arrange a simple formation first.

When I got home, I looked at my house, and then at the busy street outside, thinking that it was not suitable for decoration, and it seemed that I had to change places.

Be sure to find a place with few people.

Now that I have these materials, I will not need the money for a while, and then I can buy a villa in the suburbs.

At this time, he remembered the tournament promised to the Wei family.

Now let's get the Blood Yang Stone first.

Then I watched and began to meditate and practice.

In Li Yu's villa!

When he returned home, Li Yu sorted out his day's loot in his mind, and his heart was very satisfied.

This time, it only took one weather luck to have 200,000, and the points were hundreds of thousands, and now they can break through again.

Earlier, in order to break through the Earth Soul Realm, he consumed a lot of points and qi luck, which also caused him to postpone going to the zombie world.

But this time is different, this time I have nothing to consume and use.

The next step is to go to the zombie world with peace of mind.

Li Yu held Susu, who was one and two souls, and said with a happy face: "Are you going with me?"

Seeing that Li Yu was happy, Su Su asked curiously, "Where to go?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "Another world! When

Susu heard Li Yu's words, his face turned pale with direct fright.

I thought in my heart, could it be that Li Yu didn't like himself and wanted to end himself?

But he didn't do anything sorry for him, and he and Chen Yuran served him in different ways these days.

And how long has it been since she came to this body, she is going to die so soon, she doesn't want to die.

Susu hurriedly begged for mercy: "Master! Am I not good enough in my place?

"You said I changed everything, I beg you not to kill me, as long as you don't kill me, I can do anything."

At the same time, I looked at the swing outside.

Seeing this, Li Yu's face turned dark, what is this?

Are you that kind of person?

Li Yu said to Li Yu on the side: "Yu'er, you will remove that swing tomorrow, don't put it anywhere, it will be an eyesore."

"Just throw it, make that piece a fountain!"

Hearing Li Yu's words, Susu's eyes looked at Li Yu even more different.

Seeing this, Li Yu said again: "There is nothing restless there, if you don't put anything, it's empty!" "

How can these things be related to yourself?

Is he that kind of person? Although he said that he had a slight proclivity, he really hadn't tried that swing.

These women are so scared now!

"Good host!" Li Yu promised.

Then he flashed to the swing, and the arm was lifted up hard, and the swing was completely raised from the soil.

Then take it and walk outside.

Li Yu looked at the fearful Susu and said, "You misunderstood me, I didn't mean to kill you just now."

"It's really going to another world, a parallel world."

"That world is almost the same as ours."

Susu was relieved to hear Li Yu's, and then agreed: "Everything is subject to the master's arrangement." "

It doesn't matter where she goes now, as long as it's not dead.

Even if Li Yu let herself die, she herself can only die.

"Then let's go!"

At this time, Li Yu returned.

Li Yu looked at Li Yu and said, "Yu'er, this is why you won't go."

"You can stay and come to see the family, and improve your cultivation at home."

"And I'm not familiar with that world, I don't know if there is too much danger, I'm taking you when I find out."

"Everything is arranged by the owner." Li Yu nodded in agreement.

Then Li Yuyou said: "I won't go today, and when I go later, I decided to take you to practice before leaving."

"Yes, master!" The two nodded in agreement.

Two hours later.

Li Yu looked at Susu, whose breath changed, and showed a hint of a smile.

Then he said: "I didn't expect that you were quite good at playing."

"Chen Yuran, you're right."

Chen Yuran heard Li Yu's words, stroked Li Yu and said: "It is worthy of being the master, and it is really possible to find out if there is a little movement."

Chen Yuran was a little surprised.

Li Yu said: "Don't worry, if you serve me well, I won't be in a hurry to kill you."

"But what if that day...

"The master will not have ifs."

Chen Yuran said.

Li Yu was saying more, but just nodded.

Chen Yuran began to serve very well.


At ten o'clock the next morning, Ye Chen was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone.

Ye Chen had just finished his cultivation.

The call was from Old Man Wei, who said respectfully on the phone: "Master Ye, the martial arts competition is about to begin.

"Got it, I'll clean up and rush over now." Ye Chen promised.

Then wash your face, grab the keys and go out.

Instead of taking a taxi, he used his own body to move quickly through the crowd.

Those who passed by him only felt a wind blowing by.

Ye Chen did not have the ability to fly in the air like Li Yu, so he could only follow his powerful physique and shuttle on the roof.

But the speed is also very fast, and ordinary people can hardly see clearly.

In the jousting arena!

An old man looked at Old Man Wei and said, "Old Wei! Isn't that Master Ye you told me about still not arrived? "

The competition arena at this time is very lively.

Everyone is inextricably linked, which is mainly due to the fact that these people are not very high-ranked.

The technology is also not very bright.

But for these young people, the old people on the stage are also very gratified.

Old Man Wei replied, "It's almost there, he's on his way over."

"He is definitely the first place in this competition, and his means and cultivation are not clear to me."

"We came for first place this time."

This ring competition is not a matching system, but a selection competition.

They are one by one.

The first place is the first place as long as everyone who wins this time.

The second place is to win all but the first place is the second place, followed by the third, fourth, fifth and so on.

There are only ten places in total, and there are only ten rewards.

But the vast majority of people come for the first place and the powerful guidance.

After all, powerful guidance can save them a lot of detours.

Just as Old Man Wei was communicating with his friends, the match in the ring ended, and a man full of muscles yelled at the people in the audience: "In the lower king Fuhu, whoever is still not convinced will come up." Then

the muscle man began to release his momentum.

Many people in the audience felt that his cultivation in the middle of gathering qi surprised everyone in the audience.

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