Hearing Li Yu's words, Tang Rui's face softened.

She was waiting for this promise.

"Just arrange a villa for me around you, and the living expenses cannot be lower than this amount."

Tang Rui stretched out a hand and said.

Li Yu smiled and said, "Five million? Or fifty million?

Tang Rui looked at him and said, "I'm not greedy, and more money is of no use to me, enough is enough."

"Just half a million."

Yang Xiaoxiao on the side looked at his mother with some doubts on his face, why didn't his mother choose more money?

Just half a million?

Although half a million is also a lot, it is much more than her previous living expenses.

Li Yu looked at the two and said, "You are a smart woman!" "

Who wouldn't like such a sensible, knowledgeable woman?

Then said to Li Yu on the side: "Yu'er, they have handed it over to you to arrange."

Li Yu nodded and agreed: "Yes, master."

Tang Rui did not leave, but looked at Li Yu and said, "You haven't taught us cultivation yet!" When

Li Yu heard Tang Rui's words, he had told her what the meaning of cultivation was before.

Unexpectedly, she actually took the initiative to ask, which was really unexpected.

Li Yu looked at her and said, "You want it, I don't have a reason to refuse."

"But I don't want to move now, it's up to you next, I'm comfortable before I can continue."

Tang Rui agreed, touched Yang Xiaoxiao on the side, and then the two were shy to start.

Two hours later.

After the end of the cultivation, Li Yu was very satisfied.

Then explained Li Yu's affairs, and put his arm around Susu and prepared to go to the zombie world.

Li Yu looked at Susu and said, "Are you ready?" It's time to get up.

"I wonder what Lin Jiaxin's expression will be when she sees her?"


Zombie World.

Lin Jiaxin looked at the list list in his hand and sighed: "It is convenient to have strength, it has only been less than ten days, and I have already gained so many subordinates." "

When she went out to explore during this time, she met a squad of about ten people.

She directly impressed everyone by demonstrating her bilineage ability.

The strongest of this squad is also the B-level ability, and when I saw her S-level ability, I was directly impressed by her strength.

This is the law of survival in the apocalypse, either end or die.

And some people even placed death chips on their bodies for Lin Jiaxin's trust.

This chip connects the brain heart, and Lin Jiaxin wants them to die directly, and the thought of them dying directly.

The end is like this, and no one will believe in you unconditionally unless you surrender your life.

Originally, Lin Jiaxin did not know much about these things, but it was clear after the explanation of the aboriginal Qiao Li.

What Lin Jiaxin didn't expect was that Yaoyao was extremely familiar with this thing, and she was also very proficient.

In this way, Lin Jiaxin used such means to subdue many people.

With such means, she naturally will not give up forming her own forces.

As for materials, she accumulates energy by constantly killing, and constantly carries materials in her own world.

It can be basically once a day.

It also brought a lot of construction tools and food that were not available in the apocalypse.

More and more people are joining in this way.

Whether to install chips or not needs to be selected, but most of them are still installed, as long as a small number of people do not install them.

And her area of influence is not installed by people who come here, and those who come to trade and live here will not install it, because these people do not need her to live through materials.

Those who need to feed themselves have to install chips.

And most people also choose to serve Lin Jiaxin, after all, the world is too dangerous, and food is so difficult to obtain, it is not as easy as serving Lin Jiaxin.

Although following her will be forced to fight, kill zombies, or build walls every day, it is still much easier than before.

In the past, you had to search for supplies during the day, deal with zombies and robbers, and you might not be able to sleep well at night, but now you only need to fight during the day, and you don't need to worry about zombies at night.

Moreover, under Lin Jiaxin, killing zombies is also organized and disciplined to carry out large-scale cleanup, and casualties are even rare.

As for the construction work, it is even more satisfying.

The built-up areas are all safe areas, so there is no fear of death.

It's nothing to work every day. After all, you can also eat enough.

Qiao Li looked at the map and said confidently: "If we develop at this rate, the population will soon be able to surpass the small trading market next to it."

"When the walls and other structures around us are repaired, we can start to continue the large-scale trade transactions."

She did not expect that she would one day become the manager of a survival base.

And it came so fast.

From the beginning, to now, it has only been ten days!

There are many, many people gathered here.

Most people live in casual shacks.

But this also caused a lot of contradictions.

They needed to build neat buildings for merchants and some residents to live in.

In this way, the chaos can also be reduced a lot in an orderly situation.

At that time, it will also bring them a lot of benefits.

Joli continued: "The biggest problem we have now is that there are very few people living here steadily, and although there is a large flow of people, because we don't have too comprehensive protection measures here, we have a high level of crime here.

"It has affected my development a lot."

Yaoyao said at this time: "I think we must speed up the construction of the wall, and when the time comes, I will go to the big trading market to buy an information entry device."

"In this way, we can effectively reduce the number of criminals."

"Now it's because there is no information about the personnel that those criminals are so rampant."

"The information in this information device is public, if a person commits a crime in another city, we will also have a record here, and then we will not let these people in."

These blinded Lin Jiaxin.

Qiao Li on the side heard Yaoyao's words and refused: "I have heard that thing, that thing is used by those big city trade, and that thing is too expensive, we can't buy it at all now."

Yaoyao said: "I don't need to buy it, I can make one myself, but I need some accessories."

"That machine is not as difficult as you think, and it is expensive because the world has precipitated and evolved for so many years, and there are too few people who can know this knowledge."

"After all, eating in this world is a problem, who would have the mind to learn this thing."

Then take a piece of paper and write out the list of materials you need.

"As long as the materials are found, I will assemble them for you in less than a day."

At this time, a mocking voice came: "Then I wonder if these things are what you need?" "

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