With a wave of the man's hand, all the parts appeared on the ground.

Yaoyao looked at the parts that appeared out of thin air and was surprised.

Looking at it again, she was even more surprised and excited about the parts on the ground.

The tone trembled with excitement and trembling: "Both.... It's all we need, and it's all first-hand. But

then she suddenly realized that something was wrong, who was this man?

How could he be here?

Then she raised her head to look at the man, and was greeted by a tall and handsome man.

Yaoyao subconsciously said: "So handsome!! Then

I saw the woman in the man's arms and sighed again, which is also so beautiful!

Immediately, I thought to myself, it could not be that I had been hallucinating excessively with my brain recently!

All this is imagined by yourself?

Li Yu looked at the stunned Yaoyao stepped forward and touched his little face and said, "Why are you stunned?"

"These things are all you need, take them quickly."

"Let's see how you behave."

Yaoyao felt the man's movements and understood that all this was true, not her own imagination.

Nor did she blame the man for touching her.

Then he picked up the parts on the ground and walked towards the workbench next to him and began to assemble the machine.

As for the next matter, let Sister Lin and Sister Qiao handle it.

Lin Jiaxin looked at the man in front of him and said in a trembling tone: "1 You.... How do you... How did you get to this world? "

That's right, this person is Li Yu.

She originally thought that when she came to this world, she could be regarded as completely getting rid of Li Yu, the great demon king, but she didn't expect that the other party actually followed to this world.

This is really not giving yourself a way to live!

She never dared to do that.

This is a parallel world instead of the city next door to the magic capital.

He actually has the ability to break through the dimension, is he already so powerful now?

Li Yu picked up Lin Jiaxin's chin and said with a smile: "Is it still important to say all this now?" At

this time, although Lin Jiaxin awakened his S-level power, he still sent fear from his heart in the face of Li Yu, and did not dare to stop Li Yu's actions towards himself, which is the instinct of the body.

It can only be said that the fear that Li Yu gave her before was too deep.

Li Yu struck mercilessly: "I didn't expect you to have a good life here alone."

"It's only been long since you developed your own power, not bad!"

"But that's still not enough for me!"

"Bullet is extinguished!"

Looking at Lin Jiaxin's deep affection, Li Yu continued: "You don't think that there are only zombies in this world now.

"I can tell you, the world is not as simple as you think."

"You're only touching a corner of the world."

Lin Jiaxin listened to Li Yu's words and wondered, "What do you mean by this?"

Then looked at Qiao Li, who was about to make a move on Li Yu on the side, and signaled her not to make a move.

She knew Li Yu's ability, Li Yu had escaped the mortal realm before he crossed over, and now he may have already surpassed the mortal realm.

She couldn't see how strong Li Yu's realm was at this time.

If they do it rashly, they may be killed directly.

Li Yu looked at Lin Jiaxin and said with a question: "Haven't you thought about why you crossed into this parallel world?"

"And since you can cross and I can cross it, can't anyone else cross it?"

"And since this is a parallel world, it also means that there will be other parallel worlds, why do you say you crossed into this world?"

Lin Jiaxin heard Li Yu's answer, and suddenly didn't know how to answer.

She hadn't really thought about these questions for so long.

At this time, Yaoyao, who was assembling something on the side, suddenly interjected: "I think it should be because this world is the weakest in this dimensional space, and it is also the easiest to break."

"This also leads to Sister Lin being able to easily cross multiple times in a row."

Lin Jiaxin had already told the two about his crosser.

After all, she basically has to cross once a day during this time.

In order not to cause questions between the two, she chose to tell the two directly.

So there won't be much surprise about what the two are saying now.

Li Yu listened to Yaoyao's words and continued, "That's pretty much what it means.

"This also represents the world, not just us crossers."

"There are other crossers who may not be the same race as us, such as the Zerg."

"Another point is that these zombies did not erupt unintentionally, but intentionally."

"The evolution of zombies is not their own evolution, but there is an invisible big hand behind them."

"As for your awakened powers, he also did it intentionally."

"To put it bluntly, he just wanted to make this drama more interesting."

"He just wants to see you evolve and kill in order to survive."

"I also tell you that in a few days, the zerg I mentioned earlier will come to this world."

"But you don't have to worry, there is a limit to the number of this advent, but the number of their arrivals will continue to increase because of this time, when they will build their own wormholes, and then there will be a steady stream of zergs coming."

"It is also from this time that this planet will also be discovered by other races, and they will also scramble to reach this world."

"Don't underestimate this universe, there are many races in it!"

"Do you know about Reiki?"

"Each planet has its own aura, and these races came to this planet to compete for the aura here."

"At that time, the spiritual energy of this planet will explode, and all species of this planet will benefit a lot!"

"At that time, this planet will become a huge battlefield."

"All races want to take their place on this planet!, or wipe out other species and have it all."

Li Yu said something he knew.

Lin Jiaxin felt too dreamy listening to all this, but then a look of fear appeared on her face.

Joli's face was very gloomy.

Yaoyao listened to Li Yu's words and fell into deep thought.

Lin Jiaxin looked at Li Yu and said, "Although I don't know if all this you said is true or false, I want to know why you said all this?"

She knew that Li Yu would not remind herself so kindly.

Li Yu looked at Lin Jiaxin and said with a smile: "Guess what I want to do?"

"You can go back to our world to escape danger, but what about them?"

"They can't!"

This is Li Yu's bargaining chip to threaten Lin Jiaxin again.

Lin Jiaxin looked at Li Yu and thought for a moment and said, "You just want to use them to force me to comply, right?"

"What are you doing with you?"

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