If Li Yu said to Ye Chen at this time that he was an Immortal Venerable from the Immortal World, Ye Chen would not have the slightest doubt.

Because at this time, Li Yu's performance for him had really completely exceeded his concept of martial cultivation.

Li Yu's means are really only available to immortal cultivators.

But he knew that Li Yu was not an immortal cultivator.

Li Yu looked at everyone and said, "This is what I want to tell you!"

"The most important thing in the Tao is the Dao heart, and you must remember it."

"And when you cultivate the Dao, the Dao heart is easily contaminated, which is why those people cannot become enlightened."

"Is it clear?"

At this time, these people no longer had doubts about Li Yu's words.

They all showed thoughtful expressions.

For these people, they don't have as much intrigue as there are in the sect here.

After all, these people are all for the country, to protect the country, to kill the enemy.

This also makes their understanding very smooth and easy.

And the original technique that Ye Chen taught, with the cooperation of this Dao, that power really began to integrate into his body, the power that really belonged to him.

Even if they don't have any exercises now, they can easily control and cultivate these powers.

And most importantly, this also led to a two-three or three increase in the combat effectiveness of these people.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Chen said to Li Yu: "Brother Li thanks you for your guidance to them. "

These people are now their own students, and since Brother Li has given them such great help, he will definitely thank Brother Li on their behalf."


" "The host successfully installed a big B in front of Ye Chen, covering the aura of the protagonist Ye Chen, with 300,000 reward points and 100,000 luck."

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's okay, it's normal for me to help your trainees."

At this time, Li Yu clearly understood that if he wanted to get the reward quickly, he could only constantly pretend to be B in front of Ye Chen, and each B was even larger than his, and exaggerated.

This will not only not affect the harmony between himself and Ye Chen, making Ye Chen disgusted with himself, but also have the opportunity to gain Li Yu's trust.

The point is that this method is easier than other methods.

Li Yu said to Ye Chen at this time: "Brother Ye has nothing to do, I will leave first, I have other things to do."

Ye Chen also said respectfully: "Then I won't disturb Brother Li." What

Li Yu said just now was actually very beneficial to Ye Chen.

In the past, he was too much in pursuit of the improvement of cultivation, just to simply obtain powerful power, and did not think about being an invincible person in the same realm.

This also led to his failure to cross the calamity, and his own inner demons did not disappear... This also led him to have too many regrets.

Now that he is reborn, he feels that he can't leave too many regrets, so that his heart demons will not have an opportunity.

Now it seems that these are trifles.

He now understood a larger truth, that is, what you do is not to be too obsessed.

This may be extremely anti-positive.

Of course, this does not mean that it can be changed if it can be changed, after all, who knows how all these things will develop?

Ye Chen sighed in his heart, "Brother Li, what kind of divine are you, you are so powerful.

"Why didn't I meet you in my previous life, if I had help in my previous life, I wouldn't have come again."

"I really don't know how I should repay you in the future if you help me so much now?"

Every time he had a cultivation discussion with Li Yu, he would definitely get great help from Li Yu.

This reborn Immortal Venerable himself is the same as the fake one.

Li Yu led everyone out of the void, and then Li Yu disappeared directly.

Everyone looked at the disappeared Li Yu, their eyes were full of surprise and reluctance, and asked incredulously: "Li Shenxian left like this?"

"I still want to hear more from him."

Li Yu's simple words were more than what Ye Chen had said for half a day just now.

Then there was the divine means, the means that had come and gone without a trace, which also caused these people to directly regard Li Yu as an immortal.

After all, only immortals have such means.

Ye Chen listened to everyone's words and spoke: "Cultivate well, don't you know that greed is not rotten?" "

What Brother Li just said is the most basic and fundamental of the Dao, you can cultivate it first."

"I'll tell you about it later,"

"Brother Li and I are different, and he has reached a very high height in all aspects."

"So if you want to meet him in the future, you can only rely on fate."

When everyone heard Ye Chen's words, they all put away those thoughts and began to cultivate.

Li Yu, who was walking high in the air, looked at this dense primeval forest and his brows furrowed.

This time, he really did not come for Ye Chen, but really for his own affairs.

That's where the family of the previous protagonist came.

Some time ago, the Wang family took advantage of his absence and sent a few people to his Li family to find fault.

Fortunately, Li Yu was there, and Li Yu had just broken through to the Earth Soul Realm at that time, so he easily cleaned up the three Extraordinary Realms sent by the Wang family.

This also made Li Yu decide to deal with the Wang family this time.

According to the information heard, it is only known that their Wang family is hiding in this primeval forest, but the specific location is not known, so Li Yu can only look for it slowly.

But Li Yu searched for a long time and did not find a single footprint, he had lost patience at the moment.

This also has to be said that praising these people is really able to hide.

However, this is not too much of a problem for Li Yu, he doesn't want to find it, let the system help.

Li Yu said to the system: "System! I want the specific location of Xia's house. "


" "Deduct points 5000" "

The location where the Wang family is hiding is already on the surface, please see the system map."

Li Yu opened the system map and looked at it, and found that the Wang family was directly in front of him a kilometer.

However, what surprised Li Yu was that this system only charged 5,000 points, which was a bit unreasonable.

Li Yu stepped into the sky above the marked place, and then his eyes transformed into a layer of mystery.

Looking at the earth vein, I found that there was a gap at a certain point in the earth vein.

This place may not be different from usual, but you Li Yu now look at it through your own spiritual power, where will there be a vacancy.

Seeing this, Li Yu sighed: "I didn't expect that this Wang family was actually hiding underground, which is too cautious!"

"If it weren't for me, Li Yu had a system, I would really plant it today."

Hiding underground, I don't know how big they have dug in this underground, and how deep they are so that they can't even perceive it, a thousand meters?

Or is this just the entrance, and the place to live is actually somewhere else?

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