Li Yu came to the entrance of the cave, waved his hand, and the cave directly conjured up the tunnel.

Li Yu took a step and came directly to the world where the Wang family lived.

As soon as he arrived in the underground world, a voice yelled at Li Yu: "Who are you? When

Li Yu came down, he didn't think about hiding his breath, which naturally made these warriors perceive it.

Li Yu looked at a few people, and Li Yu directly released his breath to surround several people.

Then Li Yu said with a smile: "How? Don't know me? Someone

immediately recognized Li Yu, his face was full of horror, and he said angrily: "You... How did you end up here? He

remembered Li Yu very well, after all, Li Yu was the biggest enemy of his Wang family, and if it weren't for what Li Yu did, the Wang family would not have fallen here.

Although Wang Xuan of their Wang family is also responsible for these things, it will not be too much to become like this.

Li Yu smiled and said, "Not bad! You still know me.

"Don't worry about knowing me, there is a reward, that is, I will wait and let you die without pain, soon!" It's all less than a second.

"What do you think of my reward?" Are you satisfied? Li Yu asked.

Several people from the Wang family looked at Li Yu coldly.

Then one said: "Li Yu, you are indeed a rare genius, but no matter how genius you are, you are no more than the Earth Soul Realm now, do you think we will be afraid of you?"

"The three of us, this time has also broken through to the Earth Soul Realm, three to one, are you sure you still have a chance of victory?"

Li Yu smiled and clapped his hands and said, "There is indeed no chance of victory.

"But I think you're a little stupid! You have all broken through to the Earth Soul Realm, why can't I break through to the Heavenly Soul Realm, or innate?

After Li Yu finished speaking, he directly stretched out his hand, and a man was pinched by Li Yu.

Then filaments began to appear in the hand, constantly absorbing the man, and this scene shocked everyone around.

What kind of magic skill is this, how can it be so terrifying, perverted.

After all, they had never seen this trick before.

Soon someone reacted and said loudly: "Go together, don't be bluffed by him." The

three Earth Soul Realms began to attack Li Yu.

The goal of the three is Li Yushou, and their goal is to save this desperate clan.

Li Yu looked at the three people who attacked and said, "It's useless.

"You guys are so anxious to provide me with strength, then let's go together."

The fists of the three hit Li Yu's hands, Li Yu's was not affected at all, but their fists could not leave Li Yu's hands, which also caused the constant tentacles to begin to crawl all over the bodies of the three.

Li Yu looked at the few of them after absorbing them and said disappointedly: "It's really disappointing for me, it's really too little value to me, it seems that this sudden increase in strength and cultivation of this wave of heaven and earth spiritual energy will not help me very much."

Just as Li Yu sighed, a stream of air streaked by.

The next moment, a huge flame filled the entire underground passage.

Such a flame had no effect on Li Yu, after all, the real flame was here.

If it weren't for the fear of ruining this place, Li Yu would have released the Golden Crow Divine Law early in the morning.

Li Yu shook his head while receiving the baptism of flames and said, "I really don't understand, what is the use of them setting this?"

"I can even solve the Earth Soul Realm, will I still be afraid of this flame?"

Then Li Yu began to look for the people of the Wang family.

Li Yu began to perceive, constantly perceiving the surroundings.

The rest of the Wang family was of no use to Li Yu, and it was enough to hand it over to his subordinates and execute them by the way.

Li Yu came only for Wang Luoyi.

After all, how can Wang Luoyi say that she is still a heroine, that is also a reward, can she give up so much?

Half a minute later.

"Found you!!"

Li Yu walked into the deepest part of the ground and saw the Wang family's group.

Each is the main figure of the Wang family.

Li Yu looked at everyone with a playful smile and said, "I will give you two choices now, or take the initiative to send Wang Luoyi to me, and I can let you live for a while longer."

"Either I will go and get Wang Luoyi myself, and you will die immediately."

Li Yu looked at the fearful Wang family, and his heart was very playful.

He is now looking forward to what kind of choice these people will make?

The Wang family looked at Li Yu at this time and said, "This is how you found us, we have already come here." "

These people have naturally seen Li Yu's photo now, know that Li Yu is their enemy, and also know that the Wang family can become like this because of Li Yu.

Li Yu said dissatisfiedly: "Does all this still matter?

"Now that you don't know if your own life can be saved, do you care about other things?"

"Hurry up and choose."

"I don't like to say these things a third time."

Then Li Yu began to release his terrifying aura, and the breath released by Li Yu made the Wang family's heart tremble, if it weren't for each other, there might have been everyone who would have fallen to the ground.

The head of the Wang family looked and felt Li Yu's terrifying aura, and said desperately: "This is the Heavenly Soul Realm!!"

"I didn't expect that in just a few days, our Wang family would have three more Earth Soul Realms, but this will not change my Wang family."

"Now the Wang family has no one to take a shot."

"Knowing this, my Wang family should swallow their anger and should not provoke such a terrifying existence."

This calamity, the Wang family has no way.

I just don't know if the Wang family can keep a trace of incense, I only like Li Yu to be able to open up the net, don't kill them all.

The rest of the Wang family began to urge the Wang family master at this time.

"Master, what are you still thinking! What do you feel? "

Let's hurry up, Luo Yi handed it over to Li Dashao, don't let our Wang family be destroyed today."

At this moment, he looked at the head of the family and didn't understand in his heart, why didn't he hand over Wang Luoyi and sacrifice her to save everyone, isn't this bad?

The other party's such a tough attitude and the supreme cultivation, can you still hope for the appearance of light?

Whether the other party sees us handing over or not is just an attitude, as long as we have a good attitude, nothing will happen.

Perhaps, when the time comes, Luo Yi and Li Dashao will be together, let Luo Yi blow some wind next to Li Dashao's pillow, and they can return to the magic capital again, maybe not.

The head of the Wang family looked at the man who persuaded: "I am when the Wang family had such a spineless person as you, and I already knew that I should have thrown you away at that time." "

Their Wang family has been tough guys in the sky for generations, and they must die with backbone.

Instead of surviving under someone else's hand.

At this time, Wang Luoyi came out and said, "Father, don't talk about all the elders.

"I'll do this myself."

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